The Kentucky Kernel


Opera Singer, Hollywood Actor
xxxxxmi Will Be Presented Next Week
In Concert And Lecture Series














Opera star George lx)ndon,
will Ik- featured
in the first concert of the Central
Kentucky Community Concert
and Lecture Series at 8 p.m.
Monday in Memorial Coliseum.
In 1949 London sang roles in the

bass-bariton- e,



Rath bone
To Appear

Will Sing

Vienna State Opera ranging from
Amanasro in "Aida" and Escamillo
in "Carmen" to Prince Galitzki in
"Prince Igor," the title part of
"Boris Godounoff," and four characters in "Tales of Hoffmann."
During the past summer he appeared in music festivals in Wies
baden, Brussels, Bayreuth, Salzburg,
Munich and Vienna. His most recent appearances include the title
role In Mozart's "Don Giovanni", as
the Count in Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro", and as Amfortas
L4 4i i tiiimiT
in "Parsifal."
-- Photo by Belly Bough
Born In Canada
London was born in Montreal and
CANDIDATES FOR KKNTICKIAX QUEEN re, from left to right on the stairs, Lois Wilson, Nancy Campbell, Hildegarde Taylor, Lucille Mills
reared in Hollywood where he atJoan Martin. Jean Hardwick, Doris Morgan, Virginia Preston, Jacqueline Chumbler, Lee Dillon, Palina Warner, Carmen Pigue, and Barbara Baldtended Los Angeles City College.
win. On the front row, Ann Craig and Kay Goldberg; second row. Gay Hamilton and Barbara Leet.
In 1940 the English composer-conductAlbert Coates chose him to
sing in the premier, in concert
form, of his opera "Gainsborough."
The following summer he made his
opera debut at the Hollywood Bowl
in "La Traviata".
Soon afterwards he became a
member of the American Music
Theatre, an organization dedicated
to performances of opera in English.
season he apRaymond Barnhart, assistant art During the 1943-4- 4
professor at the University, is ex- peared with the San Francisco
hibiting 14 paintings at the Art Opera, as Monterone in "Rigoletto."
Center Association Gallery, Louis- The following year he went on a
ville, this month at the invitation cross country tour of "The Desert
of Eugene W. Leake, Jr., director of Song".
Student Government Association budget calling
Tlie 1912-5- 3
The 1953 edition of the KenSang Hindemith's Requiem
the art center.
was approved by the Assembly Monday night. All items tuckian has been put on sale and
Arriving in New York he was enThe exhibition of Mr. Barnhart's
can be purchased from members
were approved except an appropriation for Freshmen Orientation. of the Kentuckian staff, Fred recent paintings opened Oct. 14. A gaged to sing the premier of Hindereception was held in his honor last mith's Requiem on a poem by Walt
Since the Assembly could not conclude what the money for Bradley, editor, said this week.
Whitman at the New York City
Friday at the art center school.
Freshmen Orientation is used for, the item was not brought up for
All students who have not reMost of the paintings in Mr. Center.
In the next two years the
approval. George Lawson, president of SGA, said he did not know turned their proofs for the yearBarnhart's Louisville show were
made two individual condone by him in Guanajuato, Mexico,
where the item originated unless it to talk to Lexington officials about book should do so promptly, Bradlast summer. Ten of the paintings cert tours, toured with the Bel
was copied from last year's budget. diagonal parking on Limestone ley added.
are done in lacquer, three in oil, and Canto Trio, sang opera in New
Appropriations approved at Mon- Street.
one in .yinylite. A Louisville art Orleans and was soloist with major
day's meeting included $488 for the
Members of SGA and their atcritic termed the style in his recent orchestras of the country, among
$375 for the Kentuckian, tendance records for this year's five
works as "a personal blend of ex- them the Boston Symphony under
$150 for Vairue, and $250 for mismeetings are: Ed Berry, attended
and constructivistic Kdussevitzky. In 1950 he appeared
five, missed none; Abdel Nour,
cellaneous for SGA.
in the Verdi Requiem with the
Three other items were approved Pat Moore,
Pat Patterson,
show Oklahoma State Symphony under
Mr. Barnhart's last
at a previous meeting on Oct. 13. Suzanne Swayze,
Jack Early,
in Louisville was held in Feb. 1947 Victor Alessandro and the Mahler
These items were $800 for student 3- - 2; Aliceann Clayton,
at Memorial Auditorium. He has Symphony No. 8 with the New York
directories, $500 for the House Presi- Redden,
John Robertson,
had other art exhibitions at the Philharmonic-Symphon- y
dent's Council, and $1,750 for the Fred Williams.
Dick Rushing,
Lexington Creative Arts Gallery, by Stokowskl.
SGA secretary.
Henry Maeser,
Jane Truitt,
the Kentucky Historical Society
Strauss "Lieder" Music Included
This year's budget of $4,313 reprePlans to Improve educational ad- Museum at Frankfort, the Evans-villThe program will include
sents a $550 decrease from last
Jane Stockton,
Paul Holle-maKentucky have been
Ind., Public Museum, and two
from Don Giovanni, by
year's budget of $4.8C3.
Jim McCurry,
Jim ministration in
made by the Bureau of School Serv- exhibitions in the University of Mozart; "Traum durch die
George Lawson,
Fred Williams, chairman of the Bradbury,
Kentucky's Art Gallery.
"Heimliche Aufforderung,"
elections committee, said that elec- Marjorie King,
Pete Carter,
Mr. "Ruhe, meine Seele and Zueignung,"
An experimental program, it is
A native of Pennsylvania,
Bob Jones,
tions for ten representatives will be 4- - 1; Elaine Moore,
held Dec. 10. To be eligible, a candiIch T. Vu.
T. I. Glasscock, known also as the Kellogg project. Barnhart received his MA degree all by Richard Strauss; and "MonoRobie Hachworth,
date must file a statement for
Charles The group's work is a part of the from Ohio State University. He has logue" from "Boris Godunov," by
candidacy at the Registrar's Office Negley,
Bill Gatton,
Henry southern states' regional workshop been an instructor in the UK art Moussorgsky.
department since 1936. At present
by Dec. 3, he said.
A. K. Linville,
Zoe for improving educational adminisLondon also will sing a series of
he is the art department's principal classical Spanish Songs, "Grana-dina- ,"
Parker, 0.
One Third To Be Elected
painting and design.
Professors from nine UK depart- teacher of
by Nin; "Tres Morillas," "Del
Zoe Parker, secretary of SGA, exPresident Lawson explained that
Cabello mas sutil," by Obradors,
one third of the SGA representaplained that the first two meeting ments are working with the bureau
and "El Vito," arranged by Obratives are elected in the fall, and of the year were in the afternoon to improve the training of principals
the remaining representatives, the and that some students were unable and superintendents in Kentucky's
public schools.
president, and the vice president, to attend because of classes.
"My Lagen Love" (Irish folk song)
are elected in the spring.
arranged by Harty; "The Boatmen's
In next month's election, students
Dance" (American minstrel song,
1943) arranged by Copland; "Lord
will elect one lower classman, one
lower classwoman, one upper classRandal" (Scottish ballad) arranged
man, and one upper classwoman
by Scott; and "Oh, What a Beautiful City" (Negro spirituali arranged
from the College of Arts and SciTwo-Da- y
ences; one loer classman and one
by Boatner.
Lt. Commander N. R. Williams of
upper classman from the Agriculwill be in
the VS. Naval Reserve
ture College; one lower classman
A two-da- y
educational meeting at are planned for Thursday. They are Room 201-of the Administration
from the Commerce College; one UK next FTiday and Saturday is ex- a luncheon meeting of the Associa9 a.m.
upixr classman from the Engineer- pected to draw approximately 800 tion of Kentucky Registrars set in building next Thursday from
to 5 p.m. to interview interested
ing College; one man at large from
Kentucky educators for the com- the Student Union and a gathering
an appointment to
the Graduate School; and one man bined sessions of the 29th annual of the Kentucky Junior College As- candidates for grade in the U.S.
at large from the Education Col- UK Educational Conference and the sociation at 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
Naval Reserve.
One highlight of the conference
18th annual session of the KeAn applicant must be a male
The Assembly voted to buy three ntucky Association
of Colleges, will be a business meeting of the citizen of the United States, be phynew ballot boxes and locks and keys
For the student
Secondary, and Elementary Schools. KACSES Friday night in Memorial sically qualified, be between the army career, UK interested in an
offers Advanced
for the old ballot boxes.
event will in- Hall. Officers for 1951-5- 2 are Harry ages of 19 and 27, and must attain a ROTC.
The double-headThe purpose of the course
Directories Will Be Out Soon
clude two main general sessions for Sparks, head of the Department of minimum Navy score on the of- -i
is to provide the Organized Reserve
"The student directories will be all teachers and administrators and Education. Murray State College, ficer qualification test.
efficient officers.
out in a couple of weeks," Jane nearly a score of sectional meetings president; Dr. Charles R. Spain,
of with
Applicants must be a graduate
Of the number who enter military
Truitt, chairman of the directories' for groups affiliated with the president of Morehead State Col- an accredited college or university
training as freshmen, approximately
committee, announced. "They are KACSES. Dr. Carsie Hammonds, lege, vice president; and Dr. L. E. with a baccalaureate degree.
15 percent to 20 percent remain to
now bring proofread," she said.
acting dean of the College of Edu- Meece, professor of education, UK,
Selected officer candidates will become commissioned officers. The
President Lawson said that before cation, said yesterday.
secretary treasurer.
years in Class
be enlisted for four
greatest number of men drop out
the next meeting on Nov. 3 he is
Principal speakers at the opening
USNR, in the rate of Officer
of military training between the end
Sectional Meetings Slated
to get forms to write bills on session at 10 a.m. Friday will be
Candidate Seaman Recruit. Officer of
the regular course and the bein duplicate. He explained that a Fred Giesel, business manager of the
Sectional meetings are scheduled candidates will be ordered to report
bill is any motion brought before the Cincinnati Post, and Cloyd S. Stein-met- z, for Saturday in administrative probSchool, Officer Candidate, ginning of advanced training.
to Naval
General requirements for admisAssembly.
director of sales training, lems, business education, foreign Newport, R.I. Classes will be held
has been brought to my at- Reynolds Metals Company, Louis- languages, art education, school li- every month 'and will be of four sion to the advanced training are
tention," Lawson said, "that organi- ville. Dr. Herman L. Donovan, Uni- brary problems and physical edu- months duration for all line candi-- ; that a man must have two years recollege before he rezation have become indiscriminate versity president, will welcome the cation.
dates and two months for staff maining in
ceives a degree, must be in good
in placing signs on the campus. educators to the campus at this sesScheduled meetings of KACSES corps candidates.
The projier place for them is the sion and will preside.
affiliates Saturday include those of
On completing the course, officer standing academically, and must
tulietin board."
C hamberlain To Preside
the Kentucky Academy of Social candidates will be appointed in the have the necessary characteristics
David Coitein, minister plenipo- Sciences, the Kentucky Asociation grade of Ensign, USNR. Restricted of a prospective officer,
Redden Critizes Parking
Open To Juniors
tentiary of the Embassy of Israel, of Deans of Women, the Kentucky line candidates who have had five
John Redden said there is not
This means that advanced ROTC
enough parking places around the will speak at a general session Council of Teachers of English and years of occupational experience in
campus and that SGA should look scheduled for 8 p.m. Friday. UK the Kentucky Vocational
their specialities and who are over training is open to men upon be- -:
27 may be appointed in the grade coming junior students.
into this and try to get more parkVice President Leo M. Chamberlain
they must have proved in the pre-- !
will preside at this meeting.
ing space.
Function of the conference is to of Lieutenant Junior Grade,
Applicants for this program will ceding two years that they will
In addition to the regular events bring together teachers and admini"There's no sense in riding to
school and having to park your car of the conference and the annual strators from all schols and colleges be required to sign an agreement to graduate in the normal four year
They must therefore be
over on the farm," he s:iid.
meeting of the KACSES on Friday of the state for the pur)ose of study- serve on active duty, if commis-- 1 period.
Marjorie King said that she plans and Saturday, two
sioned, for periods up to three years. proficient in scholarship and con
affairs ing current educational problems.





'" M



UK Artist

SGA Approves $4,313 Budget

Has Exhibit
In Louisville

School Year

1952-5- 3

Ten Representatives
To Be Chosen Dec. 10



bass-barito- ne

Bureau Seeks
To Improve
School Heads

2-- 3;

4-- 1;

5-- 0;

3-- 2;

5-- 0;

4-- 1;

5-- 0;

4-- 1;

0-- 5;

3-- 2;


5-- 0.

3-- 2;



5-- 0;


4-- 1;

5-- 0;


5-- 0;

5-- 0;

3-- 2;

5-- 0;

4-- 1;

4-- 1;


5-- 0;

0-- 5;

3-- 2;

3-- 2;


Naval Officer
To Interview
For Reserve

Educators Will Unite



well-traine- d,

V-- 6.


Operatic Tenor

LA j&


Hollywood Actor

Six Make Requests
On 'Fraternity Row'

Six fraternities have applied for
houses on the proposed "fraternity
row" to be built by the University,
Frank D. Peterson, UK comptroller,
said this week.
School officials are investigating
the financial status of the fraternities to determine if they are qualified to enter into the arrangement,
Mr. Peterson said. The investigation will take about a month, he
The six fraternities listed by the
comptroller are Lambda Chi Alpha.
Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi
Kappa Alha, Sigma Chi. and Phi
Delta Theta.
"The University probably will build
the houses for those that manage to
work out the final arrangements, but
it appears now that the project cannot be enlarged later to include fraternities which may decide to ask
for a structure after the others are
completed," Mr. Peterson said.
Houses To Cost $110,000 Each
Construction of from one to eight
fraternity houses was authorized by
the University Board of Trustees at
its September meeting. Under a
plan announced at that time the
cost of the buildings, approximately
$110,000 each, would be defrayed by
revenue bonds to be amortized over
a period of 30 years.
The new fraternity houses would
be leased to individual fraternities
after their completion. Rent paid
by the fraternities would be sufficient to pay interest on the bonds,
liquidate the debt, pay insurance
and maintain the buildings.
After the bonds are paid off, the
plan provides that the same fraternities would continue to operate the
houses at a greatly reduced cost.
Each house would accommodate 48
Mr. Peterson said that the University launched the fraternity row
project "because both fraternities
and sororities have aided materially
in the overall UK housing program."
The comptroller, who serves also
as secretary of the Board of Trustees, emphasized that the fraternity
row plan was not proposed until
after a $1,900,000 dormitory to house
365 men was planned and money
secured for its construction.
The Scott Street barracks, which

now house more than 300 men, were
described by Mr. Peterson as "antiquated, dilapidated, and disgrace
to the campus." He explained that
the barracks will be abandoned for
housing after construction of the
new men's residence hall.
Mr. Peterson also recalled that the
fraternity housing proposal was not
suggested until after plans were
completed and accepted for a new
dormitory to house 304 women students. Application has been made
to the federal government for a loan
with which to construct this women's hall, he said.
Location of the new fraternity
houses will be cast of Rose Street
and south of the west wing of

Are Offered
To Oxford

duct. A 1.0 standing is a prerequisite. Integrity, honesty, and
initiative are the general characteristics required of prospective officers.
An attempt is being made to dapot
a completely uniform standard for
accepting men into the advanced

Actor of stage, screen, and
radio, Basil Rathbone, will give
dramatic interpretations and excerpts from classics at S p.m.
Thursday in Memorial Coliseum
at the second program of the
week in the Central Kentucky
Concert and Lecture Series.
The program is based on Rath-bone- 's
presentation at the Library
of Congress on March 23. It in
cludes "The Ballad of a Barber." by
Beardsley; "To Olivia and IMisy,"
by Thompson; "The Unforgotten"
and "In Memoriam" by Stevenson;
"Sonnet" (Oh! Death Will Find Mo
and "The Call," by Brooke: "Ode
To a Grecian Urn," by Keats: "The
Nightingale and the Rose." bv
Wilde: and "Ode to the West Wind."
by Shelly.
"Loveliest of Trees." "Oh See How
Thick the Goldcup Flowers." "When
I Was One and Twenty," and "Brc-do- n
Hill," (from "A Shropshire
Lad"), by Housman, "Love's Philosophy." by Shelley; "How Do I Love
Thee" (from "Sonnets from the
Portuguese"), by E. B. Browning;
"Only a Woman's Last Word," by
R. Browning.
me not to
"Sonnet 116"
of true minds). "The
Death Speech of Romeo," "The
Murder Speech of Macbeth" and
"The Soliloquy of Hamlet." by
Shakespeare; and "For Future Reference leading to The Ressurretiort
according to The Gospel of St.
John." by Bent.


Born In Africa
Rathbone was born in Johannesburg. South Africa. His father, a
mining engineer, was of English and
Scottish heritage, and his mother
was Irish. He was educated in England.
Among Rathbone's Broadway performances, the most recent include
those in "The Heiress." "The
Smile." and "Jane."
He was the first star to introto
duce "Shakespeare-in-the-rounBroadway audiences with his performance of Cassius in "Julius Caesar" two seasons ago. His only
other Shakespearean role in this
county was opposite Katherine Cornell in her 1934 rendition of
"Romeo and Juliet."



Applications for Rhodes Scholarships to Oxford are now available
in Room 128 of McVey 'Hall. Dr.
Martin M. White, dean of the Arts
and Sciences College, announced
this week.
Scholars-ele- ct
will enter Oxford in
October, 1953. The scholarship is for
two years in the first instance with
a possible third year if the scholar's
record at Oxford and plan of study
warrant such an award.
To be eligible, a candidate must
be a male citizen of the United
States and unmarried, be between
the ages of 19 and 25 on Oct. 1. 1953,
have completed at least his sophomore year by the time of application, and receive official endorsement of his college.
A candidate may apply either in
the state in which he resides or in
the state in which he has received
at least two years of his college education. Applications mast be in by
Nov. 1. Preliminary' selections will
be made by state committees on
Dec. 10 and final selections by district committees on Dec. 13.

Advanced ROTC Training Open
To Juniors With Qualifications








the advanced military program


Actor Appears In Movies
The actor has been in several
movies, including "Anna Karen ia."
opposite Greta Garbo, "David
Copperfield." "Tovarich." "Captain
Blood" and playing the title role in
"Sherlock Holmes," which he alr-played on radio for seven years.
He narrated Oscar Wilde's fairy
tale. "The Nightingale and the
Rose," with music by Alexander
Steinart. as guest soloi-s- t with the
Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra,
under the direction of Eugene
at Carnegie Hall in December. 1950.
Rathbone says of his tour. "I
hope to bring the magic of the
theatre to the people who hav little opportunity to know its fascination."
Students are admitted to all
Community Scries upon presentation of ID cards.

Radio WBKY
Begins Series
On Jefferson

vides deferment from the draft until the completion of a college education. Men already accepted into
advanced training are allowed to
A new radio series. "The JefTer-sonistudy until they receive their colHeritage." becan last Tueslege degree, even if an extended day on WBKY. the Univer Dy 3 FM
ROTC course.
period is required.
station. The programs can be heard
When entering regular training,
each Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
New Uniform System Adopted
profreshmen are offered a deferment
The series of 13 half-hoA new system concerning uniforms grams is based on the life and writagreement. The agreement requires
students to complete the basic has recently been adopted here. A ings of Thomas Jefferson. Claude



course, complete the
course, if they are selected for it,
accept a commission if it is offered,
and serve two years on active duty
and serve in the reserves until the
eighth anniversary of when the

was received.

Subject To Draft
Upon completion of the basic
training, men are subject to draft
if they are not eligible for the advanced course or deferred because of
academic or other reasons, depending upon the local draft regulations.
Members of the advanced ROTC
receive payment of 90 cents per
day, not to exceed 595 days in the
two-yeperiod. Acceptance into

civilian manufacturer takes measurements of each man accepted in
the advanced training course, and a
tailor-mad- e
uniform is made for
This uniform includes the
standard blouse, pants, two shirts,
and a trench coat. At the end of
the advanced course and on receipt
of a commission this uniform becomes the property of each individual.
For those considering the army as
a career, the advanced training program offers an opportunity to prove
themselves as outstanding military
students or outstanding graduates.
This is also an excellent opportunity
td become an officer.

Rains, motion picture star, portrays
Jefferson on the program.
The transcribed series is biLrd on
the research, writing, and advue of
Prof. Dumas Malone of the History
Department of Columbia University.
It was written by Morton
and Milton Gciger and produced by Frank Papp. The niu.-iwas composed and conducted by
Vladimir Selinsky.
The programs are distributed by
the National Association of Educational Broadcasters. They are
made possible by a $300,000 grant
from the fund for adult education,
an independent organization established by the Ford Foundation.
