xt7wst7dsp5x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dsp5x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1987 course catalogs English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Bulletin, 1987-1988 text University of Kentucky Bulletin, 1987-1988 1987 1987 2013 true xt7wst7dsp5x section xt7wst7dsp5x ¥
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K 1987 88 Bulletin
V 0 `ll` e i ‘ Official catalog of the University- of Kentucky
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. 0 . l SUMMER I 0 S NUMBER 2
_l `_ g The University of Kentucky Bulletin (USPS 384-610) is published six times a year, once in the Spring,three times in
»` . . the‘Surnmer (Summer l, Summer ll, Summer lll) and twice in the fall (Fall I, Fail Il) bythe University of Kentucky,
_` V ` Q_ Lexington, llji·:<’ V·.V “*·?f V ' V ·(,g·,;€‘$g%§ V,. -V -
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Students should check the Schedule of C/asses for each semester for any calendar
changes which may have been approved after publication of this Bulletin.
l 1987 Fall Semester September 16-Wednesday- Last day to drop a course without
February 15-Sunday-Recommended date for freshmen to ll appaallllg °ll llla sllldalllls llallsallpl _
Submit 1987 Fall Semester application September 16-Wednesday-Last day to change grading op-
March l5—$unday—Deadline for submission of an app|jcat;On l*°*’l ·lP¤$$/fall T0 latter grade er latter grade to nass/iail;
materials, College of Medicine, for Fall 1987 credit to audit or audit to credit) in college dean s office
- June 1- Monday- Undergraduates planning to participate in Sallllalllbal l6_Vlla°lllaslllaY` Last dev l° llla l°l lapaal apllall
the Summer Advising Conferences in preparation for the in college dean s office, rf student is retaking a course in the
1987 Fall Semester, should apply for admission or lgal Fall salllaslal l _ i
rea drnissien September 18- Fnday—Last day for reinstatement of students
_ June 15_ Mendav_ Earliest date to submit application fer cancelled for nonpayment of registration fees and! or hous-
I regular and Early Decision Program admission, College of llla alld dllllllg laaS‘ Raqllllas paylllalll Ol laas alllll may la-
. Medicine for Fall 1988 quire payment of $50 reinstatement fee.
l June 22__lulv 24_Surnrner Advising Conferences for new September 24-Thursday- Last day for filing an application for
freshmen, Community College transfers, advanced standing a D°°°'“l’°l d°9“’° lll collage daall S Ollllla _ _
¥ (transfer) Students, auditors, nondegrgg and rgadmiued O€f0li>€l' l5·Tll¤r$d8V-l}ndSr9raduates planning to participate
Students enrolling for the 1987 Fall Semester in the November Advising Conference for the 1988 Spring
. July 24- Friday- Deadline for applying for admission or read- Salllaslal Slll°llld apply lag adllllsglall lll laadllllssloll
l mission to The Graduate School for the 1987 Fall Semester O°l°l’€l l9`llll°llday_l‘asl av la _l°p a llalllsa h U _
August 1-Saturday-Deadline for application for Early Deci- Oclabal l9‘ll’l°"°l°V‘ Last day la Wllllllllaw lam l a lllVal`
1 sion Program College Of Medicine fer Fall 1988 sity or reduce course load and receive any refund
Q August 5_Wedneeeev_ Last dev Advance R e gist ered students November 5—Thursday- Last day for doctoral candidates for
may pay $50 to confirm their 1987 Fall Semester registration a Dacambalfllaglaa ll? Sllblllll a l`l°l‘ll°al'°“ Ol llllalll lo
l August 12-Wednesday-Deadline for undergraduate and sclladllla a llllal axallllllalloll lll Tha Gladllala Slclllllal
_ graduate students applying for admission or readmission for Nallalllbal 2- Monday! lag: Slplllilg Slsilllasllz Aclvlslllg CO"`
ii the 1987 Fall Semester in order to register August 24 and alalllla Ol llaw all laa lllllla ull algla llala slll allls
· avoid $20 lat e le e November 11-18-Wednesday through Wednesday-Advance
August 22-24—Saturday through Monday- Fall Orientation for '€9'sllal'°" l°l llla 1988 Spllllg Salllaslal _
all new undergraduate students November 15-Sunday-Deadline for application, College of
_ August 24- Monday- Registration for new students who have Malll°llla' lOl Fall l988 d f d_d r
been cleared for admission but did not advance register llllallalllllal l9"Tlll‘ll$llay"l‘aSl ay_ Ol call, l alas, Ol a
August 25_Tuesdav_Centralized add/dren fer Advance December degree to schedule a final examination in The
_ Registered students Gladllala S°ll°°l h h S d Th k _ _
August 25—Tuesday-Last day a student may officially drop Navalllbal 2l‘l'28_-llllllsllaxal mug allll ay- all sglvlllg
a course or cancel registration with the University Registrar lll°llllaY°`Acadlllllll° H0 l ay _ _ _ _
fer a full refund ef fees December 1-Tuesday-Deadline for submission of application
. August 26__Wednesdav_Claes work begins and receipt of all materials for admission, readmission or
_ August 26_September 1_WedneSdav through 1-uesdav__ Late transfer to the College of Law for the 1988 Spring Semester
l'€9lStl’8’fl0r1 for returning students who did ngt advance December 3—`l`h¤rSdav—l-ast day fl0l’ ;a¤il|Cl8t6S· fer 8
register and new applicants cleared late for admission. A $20 Daaambal gilllélata céazlai ll: all lll a llla axallllllalloll
late fee is assessed students who register late. laacalllllal l _ ll ay" ll adill as? Wal i _ f d _ _
September 1-Tuesday- Last day to enter an organized class Dacalllllal lllTM°llaay_ Daa llle Ol app ylllg °l a llllsslall
lor the 1987 Fall semester or readmission to The Graduate School for the 1988 Spring
Set b 1-T u -L iu t rr"u `thd rl S°l“°sl°' _ _
ghinalrgzersitvugirgrlueeiimrggl lgag afglarglelellre arralio gal: December 14-18-Monday through Friday- Final Examinations
Cent refund December 16-Wednesday- Deadline for undergraduate and
September 7_ Mendav_ Labor Dav_ Academic Helidav graduate students applying for admission or readmission for
September9_Wednesdav_l_ast dav fer pavrnenr ef registra_ the 1988 Spring Sernester in order to register January 11
tion fees and/ or housing and dining fees in order to avoid allll allald $20_ ala ee _
cancellation ef registration and/er meal Card December 18-Friday-Last day for candidates for a December
degree to submit a thesis/dissertation to The Graduate ir March l5—Tuesday—Undergraduates planning to participate
School in the April Advising Conference for the 1988 Summer Ses-
December 18-Friday- Lastdayto requesta refund terthe 1987 sions should aoolv for admission or readmission
Fall Semester March 15-Tuesday-Deadline for submission of all applica-
December 18-Fri¤ay- End ofthe 1987 Fen Semester ~ tion materials. College of Medicine. for Fall 1988
December 21 -Mehday..Fine| deediine fer Submission ef March 24-Thursday-Last day for doctoral candidates for a
grades to the Registrar'-s Office by 4 p.m. May.degree to submit a Notification of Intent to schedule
December 22-Tuesday-Last day Advance Registered a final eXamll1all0ll lll The Graduate School
students may pay $50 to confirm their iggg Spring Semester March 31 —Thursday—Last day for receipt of all supporting
registration y credentials for admission to College of Law for 1988 Fall (
· Semester
April 4- Monday- 1988 Summer Session Advising Conference 1
1988 Spring Semester for new freshmen, new advanced standing (transfer)
December 16, 1987-Wednesday-Deadline for undergraduate ggigiiziisisiiitiiluéigriigisr irzariiigfigjidiigxisgoirgdrérgiee stiid€3ti’ A
arid graduate studehts applying for admission or readmis— rage appiicams cgared for the 1988 Faiii Sgiigzrigrigiity Oi j
sion for the 192 §;i•r1ngrSemester in order to register January Aprii 6_i3__W€dh€Sday through Wirdmrsdrii/_AdVancir r
11 and avoid ate ee . . ~
January 11-Monday-Registration for new students who have :2;sg;;;i;r;)i the 1988 Faii Semester and both *988 Sum-
been cleared for admission but did not advance register A . 1 - .
. pril 7-Thursday-Last day for candidates for a May degree .
`iaiiiiriaiy i2;T;i€;day_C8niiaiiZBd add/drop for Advance to schedule a final examination in TherGraduate School i
Jrrrruzgxiigirissdzvi Last day ri Student may Orriciaiiy drop Aprilr8-Friday-Deadline for applying for admission or read-
. . . . . . mission to The Graduate School for the 1988 Summer
aocourserozrgrngegriiigration with the University Registrar Sessions _ V
r a u . .
January _i3_Wrrdrr€Sday_ Crass Work begins , April 21 -Ti1urs;lay—Last ciay for canriidates for a May graduate
January 13-19-Wednesday through Tuesday-Late registra- A rifiggisygbngidz i;aD;;;i;iriiia ion d d r d i ·
tion for returning students who did not advance register and P S V . 9 iii .im Bigia uiii ii an Q
. . . . graduate students applying for admission or readmission for r
new applicants cleared late for admission. A $20 late fee is the 1988 FOur_W€Gk iritersessiorr in Order rorrrrgisrrrr May 5
assessed students who register late. . V
January 19-Tuesday-Last dar *0 me an Oramad Class *¤* Ap?.Ziéiiiriiéiiyiiiiiiiidiiiirerdem. earraauareerere May r
the i988 Spring Semestei degree who wish to receive a diploma at Commencement i
January 19-Tuesday- Last day to officially withdraw from the . . . ri
. . . to submit dissertation to The Graduate School .
University or reduce course load and receive an 80 percent Aprii 29__rrriday_ End Or crass Work ~
refund . . . . i
January 26-Tuesday-Last day for payment of registration mg; gfEizirgtigargiagigiaiilgiioi:;g;;Q£;i;L§:i;ni;;i;aiiQ);iSrr8 ro (
fees and/Oi housing and diiigig fees in Order to avoid submit a thesis/dissertation to The Graduate S/chogol 5
cancellation of registration an or meal card . . ,
February 1- Monday- Deadline for submitting application for Mag§;€i:;;?y_mSi day to request a refund for the 1988 Spring
admission to College of Dentistry for Fall 1988 May 6__Friday_Erid Or 1988 Spring Semester ‘,
_ February 2—Tuesday— Last day to drop a course without it ap- May 8_ Suhday_ Commencement Day ~
peaiiiig On the studemis transcript May 9-Monday-Final deadline for submission of grades to
February 2-Tuesday-Last day to change grading option the riegistrrihs Orrrce by 4 rr rrr r
(pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/fail; credit May 9_AuguSt 20_ Coiirrge Or rihrrrmacy isrwrrek Summer i
to audit or audit to credit) in coilege dean's office Term
February 2_:iiuesfiayT Last day to file For repeat Opiicn in coil May 25—Wednesday— Deadline for undergraduate and grad- Y
;ig§rii;aéie?“;i;;;$' if Student is iatakiiig 8 course in the i988 uate students applying for admission or readmission for the i
February 4-Thursday- Last day for reinstatement of students gggrifgiriigirz/igriziok gzriiiiigisi Session in Order to register June
cancelled for nonpayment of registration fees and/ or hous— June r_W6dn€sdayrrUndergraduates piarmiri to arrrci are
ing and dining ie€S' Requires payment of fees and may ie- in Summer Advising Conferences in preparatibn fgr the $988
quiia payment of $50 reinstatement fee' Fall Semester should apply foriadmission or readmission
February 11 -Thursday-Last day for filing an application for . ’ . . . .
. , . July 22- Friday- Deadline for applying for admission or read-
ii May degree in coiiege dean S Office mission to The Graduate School for the 1988 Fall Semester (
February 15-Monday-Recommended date for freshmen to .
submit 1988 Fall Semester application ‘ Four-Week Intersession
February 15- Monday- Last day for submission of application _ _ _
for admission to the College of Law for the 1988 Fall MarclrihiSgpgii;Sg\z;ir;gUg:§;g:;::;;?)i giiniiggg é?ir'::;°rig;;€ i
r · in e -
Maijimgiiii-ihursday_Lasr day to drop ri course sions should apply for admission or readmission
March 3-Thursday- Last day to withdraw from the Universi- Ap") 4—M°"daY" 1988 Summer S°Ss'°" AdV'S'{)g C°"f€r€"°°
ty Or reduce course ioad and rgcerye any refund ( for new freshmen, newradvanced standing (transfer)
March i4_i9_MOhday through Saturday_Spririg VacatiOh__ students,r auditors, readmitted and nondegree students, _ r _
Academic Hoiidays Community College transfer students and Community Col- ;·_
lege applicants cleared for 1988 Fall Semester .
April 8—Friday—DeadIine for applying for admission or read- 1988 Eighpyveek Summer Session
mission to The Graduate School for the 1988 Summer
Sessions March 15—Tuesday—Undergraduates planning to participate
April 2-]__Wednesday; Deadline for undergraduate and in the April Advising Conferenoe for the 1988 Summer Ses-
graduate students applying for admission or readmission for slnns shdnld appl)! tpl admlssldn pl F€¤dl11lSSl0¤
the 1988 Four—Week lntersession in order to register May Aprll 4- lVl°ndaY-l988 Summer $65900 AdVl$l¤9 Conference
9 and avoid $20 late fee for new freshmen, new advanced standing (transfer)
May 9_M0nday__Beginning of College of pnarmaoy 15_Week students, auditors, nondegree and readmitted students,
Summer -l-erm Community College transfer students and Community Col-
May 9- ivienaey-negietretien for new students yyne have been lege ei>¤l·eerrte eleered fdr {988 Fell Semester
cleared for admission but did not advance register Mev 25-WsdnssdaV-Dsadllns t0F Undergraduate and
· May 10_Tuesday__Last day a student may Officially drop a graduate students applying for admission or readmission for
course or cancel registration with the University Registrar the 1988 E'9nt‘Week Sulnrnsr Seeeiert ln drdsr tp register
for a full refund of fees June 8 and avoid $20 late fee .
.l May 10_-l-uesday__Class work begins June 1—Wednesday— Undergraduates planning to participate
= May i0_13_i-uesday through l:riday__ l_ate registration for in the Summer Advising Conferences, in preparation for the
l returning students who did not advance register and new 1988 Fall Sernestert should applV rnr edreieeierr dr
3 applicants cleared late for admission. A $20 late fee is as- readmlssldn
sessed students who reoister late. June 8—Wednesday— Registration for new students who have
_ May 13__Friday,__Last day to enter an organized elass for the been cleared for admission but did not advance register
l 1988 l:our_Week lntersession June 9—Thursday—Last day a student may officially drop a
_1 May 13__i:riday_Last day to offieially withdraw from the course or cancel registration with the University Registrar
l University or reduce course load and receive an 80 percent rpr a full rerund dt tees
. refund ‘ June 9—Thursday-Class work begins
May 10_Monday_ l_ast day to drop a eourse without it ap_ June 9-13—Thursday through Monday—Late registration for
, pearlng on the student’s transcript . l'€tUF¤l¤9 students Who did not advance register and new
May18_Monday_Last dayto onanoe oradino option (pass/fail applicants cleared late forradmission. A $20 late fee is
to letter grade or letter grade to pass/fail; credit to audit or assessed students whe redreter lete-
i audit to oreditl in college dean’s offiee June 13—·Monday—Last day to enter an organized class for
May 16- Monday- Last day to file for repeat option in college the l988 El9nt‘Wsal< Summer Sssslnn _
f dean’s office, if student is retaking a course in the 1988 Four- June l3-lVl°ndaY- l-ast daY td elfrerellv wrthdrew tfdm thd
r Week lntersession I University or reduce course load and receive an 80 percent
May 23—Monday—Last day to drop a course refund _ _
» May 23—Monday—Last day to withdraw from