xt7wst7dvh2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dvh2f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1973 1973 1973-04-18 2020 true xt7wst7dvh2f section xt7wst7dvh2f Kentucky

Just window


Vol. LXIV N0. 130

Wednesday, April 18, 1973
Eight pages

senate calls

Linda Stubble-field tries to get in a
tew quick posters on her way to
The Building
an spot

class tlassroom

proi ed arty aiitageous to

i Kernel photo

hang campaign posters tor

w eek's N . elections

in l'hil t.roshoiig i

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506


to reconsider constitution


Night. News Editor
An emergency meeting of the student
senate with tit senators present , was held
Tuesday night to reconsider the proposed
which tahled at the
regular senate meeting last Wednesday

t'oiistitutioi. was
The meeting was called as a result of a
petition sutimitted trom

senators who requested ttie session

l-‘riday tune
The meeting hegan with a \ote in hum

of the ttlttstlttltlttll lt

decided each proposal would he placed

untatiliiig was
hetore the senate tor amendments and the
entire tlltt umeiit would lie \oted upon at
the the

conclusion oi presentation. as

“IT” UNI} ahoiit tour pages of the
constitution being presented. a motion to
recess the meeting until April 25 at the
regular scheduled senate meeting. was

The proposed constitution was tabled
hy Mark
l’aster could

last \‘tediiesday on a motion
l’astcr Ni \ice president
not he reached 'l'uesday night tor comment

0 C
e e ct'on v0 f," O on theeiiieigeni'y iiieetingorthe status of
the ionstitution

to first day slow start

\tter .t slow start t’iiesday iiioi‘mng a

'llrLIl tit '«.iittt\ ii: (in

\ light

plates on iaiiipus was supplemented ll\

iatetei'ias t-roiigtit
~l.i\ at 'he student


tirst toting lit
to a close
turnout at the \araiiis pulling
the dental lt.ill Miles to til'lttL’ 'lie :iiiiiitier
'ii iliolit li.ilt ivl last ‘.t'.lts total at i iililtlig
‘Ii \tltt l, \lwit'i-

l‘llt'i 'liiti\ limitil

tllatt‘tii't'siitl lit the My

and that estimate does

s.tlil lioo is a
ieasoiiatile guess
not on hide the lilirary

Last \ear s i'tillllt was ahout t.:iio while

iii l‘th met‘ MI students (”\t hallots

Miller declares environmentalist

liy all land de\elopers to control

Ih JUSI'ZI'H ('U\\
Kernel Sta“ “riter
l'in eleclediit will

for the

he a

\ictory eniironmental
take." l’am Miller.
candidate the 4th District
I rhan (‘ouncil seat said Miller
addressed a meeting of the
tinyironniental Awareness
Ntt‘lt't) last night in the student

news |

stemmed trom the type of soil in
the lit'\lltgtt|ll area and the use of
inadequate septic tanks
result, when the water leyel rises
raw sewage is teleased

.-\ second pi'ohlem is
runott. she said


iio! satistii-d \Hlll


she added

\liltlll' said she is

.oti-i iesponse t.ttl tit‘\t't lM‘

-.atistii-it until i-\ei_\ student

\liinli‘ tili'ilti ll‘tT i'iilliiit’liiw would he
l-i't'i't ’I'i .iilst‘ llii'ti' .ilt' lltt'tl' sitltlt‘ltls Utl
iaiiipiis It \\i-diiesd.i\s


.i'titetii lei is


iiinning .lltllul .ytl .iii, with a

:etei'enitiiiii on mandatory
~llL1lll I'tltll‘ ill ll‘.“ It‘st's
sioit l

‘l-llt' who l.t\iir the
discontinuance ot taking an athletic lee

.itiolilltlpl to
\‘ieiidelsdort M. president

'yeses” are those

out ot tuition

said the prohlem

tlooding their

As a

another major

storm concerned

dexelopinent has “r don't want

Miller cited transportation as
w hich the urhan council should he

"Los Angeles is the ultimate
.ihsurdlty in relation to the auto

“hen he made the motion at the April )2
meeting l'aster said he did so hecause the
senate might he hindering next year's St}

\tn hael ltyair graduate school senator,
niltl liiesday night he thinks the document
the are
looking at .i diatt prepared hy one per

is 'iiiiwield\ liecause senators

llt' added that in making the transition
tiom the Mail to a draft
eeptahle to the senate as it is heing done is
unwieldy iii that it only allows senators two
.iltl'l’lt.lll\t‘s to make amendments that
w ill not change the {liner ot the draft or to

present 8C-

iote against the entire document
llt. sul) ”F has some ideas he would

dey elopmeiit

Harden. l'ni\ersity

The ettects


of this

roads or major

streets It would also

Lesiiigton to

Miller particularly opposed the
planned estension of ltosemont

making «l lane

arteries out of several residential
ltosemorit (larden across the (K ”I

like to put into the constitution hut they
don't tall under any ot the ('Xlsltttg sec

St} President Scott Wendelsdoi‘l
acknowledged no meetings ot the con
slitiilioii committee were held hecause he
telt the committee membership wasn't
hroad enough to do the ioh Ryan was a
inemher ol the committee

\\endel.sdoi't said the senate will remain
ill session next Wednesday. April 2:3. until
the entire document is covered He said
the constitution will he passed hy the
senate, and it the semester ends without
passage it will have to he w ithheld until the
tall I974 semester hecause most of the
items are implemented during the sumr

mer or fall
“I .3

Peepin' Tom
The gentleman aboi’e seems

engrossed in his own priy ate spectator
sport, Ikernel photo by Phil (iroshong)


this summer and that hus fares


will he :15 cents She urged sup

and port of the hits system as an
alternative to auto tran

\tiller also expressed her
support tor legislation to

i ourage hicy cles


supported the hike or


“The first enyironmental issue
tor Lexington has got to he
sewers." she said "The problem
is especially had in the south end
ot town People have nicknamed
it the ‘Southland ('ess‘pool' "


Bugs and


heen too rapid and hadly con
trolled People who huild should
he tor the water
runott prohlems they create."


she said
Miller that
legislation he enacted to require


construction of retention ponds

hecome like that "

She said the present urhan
transit plan calls for “altogether
\l\ hig. iiias‘siye roads running
through the city liiesels and
ewrythmg This type of planning
is what I'm tighlmg against "

.\g tarm

“Six iieighhorhood
organilations are working to stop
this road it I'm elected all those
people know they can call me
anytime." she said

Miller said 4:3 new huses and
anti hus shelters would he in use

dinance which allows people to
ride on sidewalks." she said,
"The city planning commission is
going along with us on this Every
new main artery which is built
will have hike paths "

The last day to register to vote
in the city primary is April 29

t'nited States condemns Israel and
Palestinian guerillas tor \‘lttlt‘nft‘ in the
Middle East while in tndochina l' S
homhing of Laos draws warning of war
from North Vietnam ‘see page Ti Nixon
announces “major developments” in the
Watergate case ialso on page Ti and l'K's
department of history invents its own form
of hackscratching ipage 4i

Loud and


The (lay promises to he n0isy and wet
with an 80 percent chance of thun-
dei‘showers through tonight The high
temperature w it] probably reach the upper
60's with a low tonight of 40







Established It!"
Mike Wines Editor I" (met


Mile Tierney

Katie McCarthy

Managing Editor
Larry Kietkopt Assoulte Editot

Ron Mitch- It

uan Rma Day News Eu-toi
John Hints Photography Editor
t name DVCIt"\.H' Sports. Editor
.tuet la-em Arts A lot

Steve Switt Night News tailors


iepr t'\-'lll the



uplntott at the Editorial Board not the Unweruty


Abortion: no room at the inn

Medieal taeilities in Kentueky still
impose arbitrary restraints on
women wanting non therapeutie
abortions although this operation is
now legal iii the early iiiontlis ot

The need ot women to obtain
abortions at hospitals close to home
and at a relatiyely low eost is still
untultilled ey en though sentiment is
l‘ttllltlllg in this direction

Dr John (il‘t‘t‘lit‘. eliairman ot the
Department ot ttbstetries and
tiyneeology at the [K _\ledieal
t‘enter. has said that he sympathizes
\y itli the plight ot a woman w tinting an
abortion. but his department ~iust
doesn‘t have the taeilities or the
personnel to handle them

He pointed out that the department
used to employ sey'en lull-time taeulty
members and there are now only
three "It‘s all lean do to keep up the
teaching and the service programs.“
(ireene said

The Med (‘enter also does not have
the facilities at this time to ac-
eomniodate abortion patients (ireen
told of the numerous cancer patients
WlllCh must necessarily take priority
over women wanting abortions

\lthough it's a shame that a
woman in lx'eiitiieky would still laid it
elieaper to tht to .\ew York or

\\.t.slltlttltttll tor aii abortion. the lib
tiyn department eaiit he eritiei/ed
tor It s plaeement ot priorities
.\llllttllL'.ll l.oiiisyilles tienel'al
Hospital has plans to set up an out

elinie to deal with aliertion

no abortions hennay
pertoi'iiied new aeeordiiii; to .lt‘sslt';t



eoordiliator ot “l‘robletii

at the hospital

'l'liis hospital has the same problem
as out” \leiltt'al ( elitel‘ itt tenant to the
pei'torltiitii; ot alioi'tioli there are not
ayailalile taeilities present

\ltlioupli the means to an abortion
are still iitiayailalile loeally we must
applaud the eliaiieiiii; attiliide toward
the tart
yyell respeeted pliysit'iaiis and

this eontrmersial sllltlet't
hospitals i'eeoeni/e the nm'essity tot
litany women to turn to abortion as an
answer to her ’pi'otileiii preenaney
is a bn; step in the right tlll't't'ttiitl

Social responsibility

Wli liltltlil) yesterday in
eritiei/ing St; presidential eandidate
ltiane .\aser tor "wasting hundreds ot
dollars in student money " in
ptiblieatioii ot the Phoenix

Actually, \aser graeiously paid St;
Slfio early this April tor photographic
equipment bought by the student

An St; ottieial also says .\a_ser ”1'
tends to pay the printing bill tor last
\lareh‘s Phoenix whenever it arrives

We eommend Naser's bray'e more.
a masterpiece ot‘ soeial i‘esyxinsibility
and apt timing And we'll also be

aii\ioiis to hear her pledge that
president. tlll tutiire propaganda
sheets purporting edueate the
students to radiealisni will be paid tor
troiii soiirees other than stiident tunds



tine thine punles us though why
is \aser piekini: up the tab tor the
paper in the tirst plaee" slte
aeeept I‘lie Kernels original eon
teiition that it was a waste ot money
and energy" Seems like that only
i'oiitirms our questions ot the «an
didate's tiiisplaeed priorities in the
lll‘st plaee





Pikes protest
LKD bike race

The PI Kappa Alpha Fraternity would
like to make a formal protest on the
derision handed down liy the rules eom
niittee regarding' the outcome of the 197:;
Little Kentucky Derby ltat'e We teel that
the incident in was neither one
team's tault more than it was another‘s
Since neither rider went and no
\aluable time was lost. we teel that the
ineident in question had no bearing
whatsoever on the outeome ot the race

We won the race going away and we
know we were by tar the better team To
penalize us on a teehnieality whieh had
absolutely no bearing is unfair and unjust

It has also (-ome to our attention that
ltean Hall was one of the Judges and with
this position. it should hay‘e been his final
dectsion and not that of the students or
may hay'e had a biased
opinion We have worked hard the past
three years in trying to retire the trophy
and if you will look at our past perr
tormanees. you will see we had won by
large margins the prey'ious two years

We demand a meeting ot the rules
eommittee so that we may turther work to
eome to an understandable agreement It



ady'isor w ho

was evident that you were trying to paeily
us by ofterintz 2nd plat-e We expeel lltl'
mediate action on this and will not rest
until a workable agreement has

tireg Weber

Pi Kappa \lpha

Flegle and Pearson

llie eiit't‘eiit state ot attairs in student

t.ii\t-i'iiiiieiit is an iiisiilt to the llllt‘lltL‘t'llt‘t
o' the stiideitt tualy lvo: tlii- pa t flirt-e
tat lyi tt i i,o",:.i "tore the l‘

, r " ""*»_


”war,” .... .,-. "”1.



mature attempts at ly'ory 'l'ower polities
issue trom the Student tioyernnient riftiee
Maybe I‘m seltish but I think it‘s time
student (toyernment did something
praetieal to make university lite easier.
not more ludierous That's why I‘m voting
tor Flegle and Pearson Maybe they'll do
sortiethini,’ ditterent It doesn't look like
anyone else will
\lfred \lary
Junior- \rts and Sciences

Another Flegle
and Pearson tan

tome now what is all this exeitement

alioiit ’ I really i an not see it unless you are
workllti' to t'lt't t the l‘llt'Ltle l’eat‘siilt tleket

in the \ltl'lt'ltl toiyernnient elet'ttons :is

pres-dent and \ltt‘ president \aities are

’lyiiit' lllLIt. and low :or this ‘itittlllftl' new

tlltl tas‘ :adiiiig pa-tiliii taller!

taiididalo 'l»

;t!ti‘tiiii'_‘ t i
,ii . .'

,iiiii orilt


l liaye eyen heard rumors troni


sides trom sonie ot mote

eaiididales slit'li as «on

y ersation

t'liildish eatididate .\ol
my ('tltlltttllfltt posters”

\ oii tipped ott

t'liildish eatididate \o L?
t'hildisli eatididate Not
And so on

“I did iiot'”
”You did too' '

tit eonrse. all \llltlt’tlls know that the
niitiierie.’il number ot yotes is what says
“y“, “me Nli’l‘ the number ot posters

llllt‘l‘lllL‘ the eampus

.\o. it you know that l'leizle and Pearson
are worth gettini! tor a
responsible Student (loiet‘n

exeited about

pi'orlin'tiy e

merit trreat' Tell your neighbor' ll iiol

don't tt\t't't'\t‘l'l \olil'sell blue yotirsell to

help l‘iiolli iii 7t and it you ate siipei

liit'ky iiiaylie \ls \aset \\|ll stii'k aioiitid

tin another iletlioti tim‘

l Isa \lai l\t|ttl' ltiiiin

liesliniaii \t\\

Bad side
of the moon

of rights

lty Itlt ll \llltltHH II It

PM I \ ltll.t.|-It\l \l'l

\ziataa has toizi: been hiltt'Al‘ ..s
\i' trial \\.l'l| lalltl lllt‘ lallil’sialit‘
s'iwai, with fhoiisaiidatie tai tlti‘lltt‘
'l.i»t: .tlztl uat'tIaL‘J title the streets ttll
plas‘iis .llfil 'oiis ot tiaiik ilioke ‘h.

as ll; streams and ioatiiii: t|\'t'.tlls
li. a


ration .ttieit lllt‘lt‘ is so llltll li ttia‘

‘u lN' lt‘ \ilt'il ‘3 s


lt'.t\\lll‘tlti.f 'o

lt.i!t. a tew thiniis lit‘\t'l tail to i1e'

lttlst‘il l‘ltttt'\ itietoiit is itiiet ani-ina

l'ist al

lll‘lllll'ittll‘ aioiitid


toiiliti‘y .ttt-

t ii't-i ilii.‘. season ot l‘dlltltlt ial

l Iillies \lll’l.‘L‘tNtll\.|[l(1II]”'!NDH\H]H\I'YH
.:.-1 .ilitmlil 'ltt‘ ttltll\ wagon and iiisiiie
'hat the tin: ii:oney troiii lll'IW the

lteteiisr ltepaitinriit the \atioiial N ll'llt r‘
l oiiiidatioii


keeps poiirim: into the lttL'
l l\ s pli'sldell' will ttot lie iitlltliilte
titis \

.ta't liiiil eyes .tlt' upon hiiii

That is knows some
lll a l'et'elii‘
l‘tt'tlllllalttllltlt addressed to the iiiiiyi-rsity
tttlllll.1ttltl\ lie tot
employees .tlltl .lpplit'allts with legal’d to
ability 'ltiis
ltit‘atts lit» tillt‘ ts ‘tltiptist'tl to ”utter tat t‘
lll.ilt' W \\l' s
liittlyltltl ttil

pleads department

lll‘.ttl\ and test iil Us to t'yalllait'

'tieii and not othei lat-tots

__,.\ o: ettiiiii In a

iil iL'ttts

nest we need 'o no l.tt'i‘.tl

maioiities and t'thlllt
liti' 'ltt' ltkt'ltlttitttl 1s


woiia'ti tliyi-rsily

that as tit-toil

.yill lie tltlalile to lixatt'



and women to till

t l\ s
pioy ltll ial


piotessoiial sliident body

tt'it'till\t.lllt'tl willpi'obably


ioiitiriie 'o be neat l\ as pure as l‘.ttl \

that powvitiil ‘sllL’L‘t'sillill tioni

.iltltttltiis to about a tlllltt‘\ worth iii in

tt‘li'Ht‘ 'o attiyi-ly i'ei'tiiit \iid lll these

days of \iyonoiniis a dim: aiiit worth

ll-ltt h

when there is

t l'\ s


ltiiiiiii'. the toniini: year
lllllt' hike“
to equal

more than

tlianize iii
ioiiiiiiiftiietit opportunity
take a

lllt‘ltit'lt al llllt' ltiit the penalty tor tailitie

adiiiiiiisti‘ation llt.t\
to toinpty \\llll the piesident‘s pleadings
w ill protiatily lw no more than a
the wiist

slap on

It t.lll only be suggested that the leadiliLV
at tots rewrite the seript a little when they
meet tomorrow to lay the groundwork lol‘
the establishment ot departmental hiring
.2oals \otlie stilt guidelines tor depart
might add
routiai' to tlils (’ottt'e i'llp

Instead ot the


merit treads to tollow some


oiitis on

no demand.


ministration should

someaetiyei’eeriiitine 'l'hey eonld appoint
some and blaeks
positions tlieniselyes
the high
designed to

women to high leyel
'l'liey eould ltltn‘t'
lllto st‘ltools \Htll
ottset the
that makes women and
minorities less likely to go on to eollege
'l‘liey t‘ttlllti pi'oy ide assistanee in terretiny:

oiit tinaiit'ial aid

tiegatiye en


l l\ w itli its raeist image. ('annot hope to
.ltlt'.‘lt'l qualified iioti white protessors atid
students .\or are qualitied women likely
to enter this bastion ot iiiale ehain'inisiii
‘ytiieti there are other .‘lltt‘l‘llilll\'t‘,\

It will require hard work and

lI'liite i-(tllal

it ality on the t l\ t .itiipns

opportunity is a
'ait it‘s worth

i'ttiii‘ tt '.\1 ayoid .i tt'


(tlt‘ in
it ittntiiatroi ot
lt lltlyl'-


toiiiii.it:iieiit yrat

'ttilt' i‘t t.\tii;|,it tn tlllllt' li tlll








opinion from inside and outside the university community

Odd doings at the Paper

In .IUII\ t tt'l”l't|\ upon the \eallold uouldn't haIe appeared
llltll‘l‘ pItilIil How did the Kernel know"
The onl_\ explanation that eomes to mind is
that the} are leagued \\ itli ()ld Serateh and
tlatiee tII/lare rituals around their photo
t'tiplt'l'\ wearing sti'aVI dhotis and shaking


\\ell llll‘tltl\ I ma} he mat a
toritixeatetl old iie ei do uell who likes
nothing better than to gn/lle at the Met
iiiaitl 'l'a\ein and \l/llI‘ lelltm roisterei‘\

t\llll toldeiol and liadiiiage til the eoves .
gourd rattle> l lia\'ent aetuallI wen

ll1l\ ltlll Ion eonldn't drag ine h) the
Kernel otlites at midnight. either

\’that tuithei‘s me most l.\ the Kernel
mlitnr~ eomplete laek «it eii'etiinspeetion

\‘llllt' lioine ltatitlelaire halt} ain't got
llllllltll on me \oti t‘tttlltlll t \liake ine ll‘tiltt
iiix iatled apatli) nitli a >tiek lfliit no“ and
again I ll '.tl\t'.1 peek and \Iliat the other

i‘.iii;t..itto\aietipto aiiilthiltlren llll\ tinie
iegardiiig their moral daeoits What I

mean i~ ll l \H't‘e Fit Manehu's ghost hent
ttttttlti‘.til\1ttL‘.i\pll'lttlult‘tWHul l'dpla} it
iat'iei tllt\(‘ to the \‘exl But in Wed
lll‘\tl.i_‘. \ editorial the} tlaiiiit ~e\eral

l t.ttli,'_lil .iii t'\t‘llli l'li’ \lanehti lti \U.
azal l':.t:e* ~|tl \lttlliil'll) lia\e all ’akeii tip
'I til'lltt i‘ 'lie helm-l ttllltl‘ a'al att-
, :tmii’ ‘u ttiioiI/e ll‘ lIIl oni \ttt\ like \o

iuaii. \lniie'. \ llea\en hitti\\\ the_\ \e
Iti~tatitex til the inoxt pi‘etet‘tttitttt‘al

:I u latiom \Hi). the} ask kntming grin>
-piea.liiig like l‘otm ti‘oiids did the

; :‘ttatt‘t 'tatt'nl ':.I into a teiiiiuiliitit

in '« Ht 1' .tlltl latl‘t iu‘juiti tutlititi the t [in

Itta I tia .tlltl it» ‘lie Ni”)!
it: -.,«t .iii - ,. 1i. in. mi til, ii”, “Hm ‘eleplioiie «It 'l'nin lttinean lie tintended ott
HI. u p [_ ”Hr, I. U ”Wm H ”X ”llllll“ the hook tor the tioiiix" \on and l hotli
t I ,. "' !\ w In | i ,

.i‘la.‘ \i‘ N“ palm A,“ l‘thel kimu '.Ili\ a general pai'e~i>ot lear \‘tlio

lay titltl‘t.’ train? t'et lt.tll the pittilit ll)

- )

r.tio\\~ \Itiat llitixe \ti‘aiths are hep to
l N .U H_. mi N” l “Mum hm MM ,H \\II\ t.tlltt' the next message in the tlUH.
tlltl Itr l'mliran‘x M‘t't‘t'litl‘) turn haek 18
tdll‘ in It: llttllt‘.\" ltetter to ask limit the
pooi twnian \iithstood hearing the mund
ot the Last 'l'rtiinp tor .\o long St Jerome
kept a death‘.\ head tor a paperweight. to
he \tll't‘, tint you ean bet it neVer gave him
aii\ liaek talk

the inai‘eh ot lteVelation goes on and on
'ltiit there are still many unanswered
«inextions' ' sounds the battle er) M;i_\t)e
\o. hut [in \llll punled at him man)
t'oinintiimts \H‘l‘t' In the State Department
haek In the Met‘arth) era l'm rattler slow.
a~ a rule But like I Mild l'm bound for the
inoiia~tei') tor a little spiritual l{&l{. and l
\nggmt _\oii get \Ihile the gettings good,
ltiit helore _\oIi go Just drop your alms in
the tIn eiip h_\ in) feet l‘m shaking too
hard to keep a hold on things

: T.:\t ltt.tltl \lthii) \ ll‘llitt’lltttl oi ltt>


vti .'.ta‘. that he l..itl t"~t’l lirat't‘i til the tilting

' mix ttt; tit EtitL‘ltl ll.i\t'\.l|tl l\\|\llltt_' a

t 'v'I it) 'lit tlii? \Itll ttit‘at‘i \l \t‘} (lltltgt’\"

lrtigef lain in t Iiiiai'tei'liat‘k lollh The

t hm l\ ~~toiie tleat tiit a\ l \aid. l \Iasiit

theie tint the Kernel \\.t\ ~la\ei‘ing mer

~\ei \ \\ll.tlllt' ltlu‘ a lliixltt .ittei' a too inIle


Had the \henn.‘inigan~ \topped there I

uoIilIliit llu\l' lit‘t‘ll the lea\l \tispieiotis

l ll'tkU'H'l wine \Htl'tll) _\oiith happened to

‘.\Illt‘ a letter .i\l-(lll;_’ uh} \ll.\\ ttldtgex

\[tilll‘tl the liean~ to the Kernel rather than

t the In an ot \Itidenh “llll elnlling

ai‘iogante the t'llllltl'\ replied that Their

ieportei' prolialilt l‘ii Mattt‘ltll had gone

attei the \lltl} tioiii .\l|,\\ ttldigex rather
I than the othei Ita) around

tan \oii \leett at night utth that hit ot ~ 2.53%

tllltt tt'llhltl' around \oiii‘ lleart ot .
‘ L , .Iolin Cotton. is a pen name for 0 Uk
l).tt'kttt'_\\ ’ Imagine Mar} ttldiges reaction

student who dubs ltinisel “ ublishor
“hen the iniitlled Nlt‘ttkt‘ ot midnight f p

l ‘. t t.
lii‘ottL‘ltl the eall ‘l xau \\ hat _\ou did and l “mm”: portfolio.

kiion who )on are " Arthur lti Mesdale


Flegle contests Kernel editorial


‘ lh .ll\l I [InI-l I- \\lttl,\l' :niulitieatioiis todo the lot) areas We l'eel there 15 no
I ‘ lt'llltllli llllt‘llélllt‘llflt‘tl In \htll‘l. l Ilhtlllt'iltlttll lUl~ illllll‘llCS lH‘lng

t \h “NWT ”Hm the “I“ \\ lll ha\e hoth the time and desire the onl_\ Mtlll't't' tor tutoring tor a
1 Ilt‘i'llllll lttl~tltll\ \\.l,\ due to m do ”W Hill “Ml litt'tlt‘ student population Th”

ttlltl\ll.‘tl t‘tt't'llttt\l.lttt'|’_\ 'l‘he
'l'oiirnanieiit in .\laI')land" l lthaslx-enlii‘onght tom}
1 attended “ax the national lltt.tl.\ attention that m.- gimp-m
that l (itialiltetl tot' \\t't‘k.\ lieloi‘e N.“ “1.5. lltt‘ name [mg
\ll‘itt‘ thin tournament \\.l.\ the twp” lii‘otight ”m, the
national tiiial~ and Mltt‘t‘ it \\as «ainpatgti \m \tlttpttl'l tor
the elinia\ ot t\\o seinesteiV ”m. ot nu» nyki-ig littll‘t‘t‘
\Wth It“ ”l'lttl-tltttlt> ‘0 lltt’ that the \ltltlt‘ltl \tttt't' ”1th
lttIIH‘I‘HlI l-I} tltt‘t'l' he eontnined and must lie
ptihliei/etl to the >ltltlt‘ttl
lIoIl_\ ltiit the \lttl'l‘\l1(ttlltl
in taet. it must not

l i l‘liei'e I\ no Iaetiial lt.l,\l.\ to the
l l\ernel editorial il\\t't‘tltin tltiit l
\\tll lIa\e little Illlt‘t‘t‘\l In \llltlt‘lll "“l


‘ emeriinient .\iinpl_\ lieeatiw | ltt‘t'ottte a \oiee ot the
ainaIlehatei‘doesnotinean l \Iill l’”l‘llt‘l|l lttt‘ttons on
l ha\e little Iiitere>t in t§o\ern "It'llltll‘ Th“ *ll’l“ ‘5 3‘
inent. neither doex It mean I In” "“‘Vhillll‘m ”Ml “l" “ml"
1 ”pulpit! the ”Hm. gm”. l ”m \tiitleiitr~eeoiioinieall_\~ hut
ietiirinng tor a titth ~\ear and ‘l‘m'l‘l ”l" l" “M“ ”" ‘l
' \lttt't‘ l ha\e liiltilled ttt\ degree ‘l""”' tor lml‘l‘C‘H "d
l H"l”"“"""”l~‘- 'l “l” "“"mml‘ h“ \ei‘tixeittt‘ttt llt‘“ [)t).\ltl(tt] is a ltt‘“ addition to
. Imxfllilt‘ toat‘t‘nngt‘lll) aeadeinie ’l‘he prawn” Flegle tieket our platform “lllt‘ll ‘5 the most
1 and \HII‘k \eltt'dule to maxtinI/e ‘mmmmag a ne“ plank to ”g ‘ Htttpt‘ehensn e platform

”l.‘ "”1" l” ”“' other H ””Ylhmfl platlorm In aeadeinie atlairs We

prewnterl in aeadeinies
”U ““l‘k '” ‘l“l“'l" “”“l‘l ”‘ adIoeatetlIetorination ot an all


,. at‘
t t't't‘JM' t”) l‘l"“l“('l"'”.‘ “”‘l m) eainptis tutoring program lhis
t I'ltt‘t'lt\t‘t1t‘\\ ”1 'llt‘ l”"‘»"(l"”l.~‘ program \\ttllltl he \trnetui‘ed in Jim l-‘legle is G’edndidate for
“ll“‘t‘ iniieli the Nlltlt‘ nay as the St Ii d e It! (i o \' e r n in en t

lalw ltttllt't‘ that in the same .illtll‘llt‘ tutoring program. mth ptesnlent.
Itlitoi'Ial l ain the onl) eaiididate Itttll\ltlll.’ll help in \e\eral topie


twat: we


Pagelll r



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Dr. Peter Graham,

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will speak on:

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music starts at 8:00.

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These two talented musicians play
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History course
offers 'backscratch'

Ih “\l l- .s mu so
kt‘l'llt‘l Skill “Illi'r
l\t'lllll\'l\\ lll\l\l(In n1
.llltl lllt‘

\l’i‘lll\i'\ .Illll lll't'lll (l,\

tlt‘lml'llllt'ill wt lll\llll} .ll'l' ill

h-lxm; .t (ltlll'w‘ lll .in'llnal .lllll

[words lil.ll).lL’t‘lll(‘lll lill lll'\l
llI llulu'l‘! .\l ll't'lJlltl Hi lllt‘

llt'lhtlllllt‘lll nt llt\lni'_\ (lt'\i l‘lll'll
llll ll'l'lpi'in'dl
lult'hv'ln'illzllu llnlll lllt‘

\llllll'lll .mit lllt' M’Jlt‘ max llt'llt‘lll

llllll\t' ‘1‘

Hum 'ln .nmx.‘ llt' \.ll(l

l'lii' iilllt’w' l\ Hllt'l‘i'il l‘\ illl'

llt'lttlltl \lltl that lln- lIlI'd to!
”W 1hr
llnmun wt \lk'lll\t‘\ .lilll lil't‘nill\
in l‘l.Illl\IHtl

ltllll \r I.IHH' ll'tllll
‘l'lir HILLuIIl/dllllll 1\
lllltlt'l\l.tllt'll .lllll lll'l'tl‘ lli'lli H;
lt'lll pun/mg: \ln’t' illlll lmnvl lllt“

(mu-i mnvnlx on till lt'\t'l\ .m-
.H't lillllil.ll|llp.{ ”1;:wi and
mill lllt'ill .tllll

llti\ 3n ln- tlunr

.tnm- ill .in I'lllt ll‘lll ‘-\.I_\ lrvl‘mvl

l'lir \Zmlrnls linuluwl In lllt'
llll't't‘ liIIlH\

plum .tll: uill \Ullk

I... l: llltilMl‘H .i' 'ln» lintmmp



, t . . i, l,\ _ , ,. .. ‘
lll\tlll\ 'ttl’.” rmr, . i . "l" l' 'I . tum ltllll'l llt --ii;-ri\:wri.
l‘Dl I t v_ l t
llillll;\i.- ’nlth‘ l' rlv“ "ti'v' ttllllllvl‘l‘ llll'\ .K'll

.v\ ‘ ‘ . - t' ,t . .

Milli i .'.1i3‘.t. ' .ll!. 1'. VJ ‘ h, . \ _ I” a” ti
lll'lLllAtlllilll '.tuv,'~ til\ I" a: dam,“ gum

m. .|lllll‘t m: p'rrtv Ilium“

imlviu‘ntt- " r,

\lll|l\l\ l\lilllllll “ -- ~\ 'min 'i« i .v
llll‘ wun a: ' ’ ’. ‘HJ , ' ”u l' .‘ l .t \\
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\huili‘u Wi’ '. .\,1‘ 'l l" l’l‘H'lJl "l"

13.: 9,, ‘ , l 'lth tl"lh\ ' \ l l i

It} l\- t, ' ",ln l lit'll lt l \\v
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h.“ w » 'v _ t \.; w 1 'ln l.l
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Cl -f. d ,
Apartmmw, m umx- - i t
l“ M ' "V Apartmvm \mau houh ' w ' ‘- ' .
JA‘ . .. v, '14. ‘3',
‘urmshrd huts-t
ta ‘t < .. . ,"‘ 4- t ,u
a \‘p . thank-d ‘ w n m ,u
I LX-‘I‘
Sublet ‘ I .
. , . , , , u. . , .I"‘y.|‘ \'
‘5 ..4 . "-w ‘5‘ MopNu-difl .i t
‘ it , .. . _ ‘ . v i. a
Room; IL Apartments v- wt 4
m cm .t t .s w/l- . n-v J. l - [M
“A was. 4 ‘ Vounq man». " pm: -.«-' .i! ‘. m; V '
I . v‘V‘uH ill , ‘.‘,‘.' fl“ Q'AI'I‘V‘ .n",.. l
(006(0 op vvvi' ~‘v 4 H 'v- Aw:
... ...u '4‘ wit '1. l" .1. Mm»:
m...“ lotts ilvstauun' ’v‘: «l l ‘
Now ”hm, Groom's .. . ,, _._,.‘. ,,,. .t N ha ..- a” . pvtxiw mint
.w” n ,_ J, _.,. .,. .. t,, A .V,
-' ,4 1! tn m». w-1 , , AM N. 7;

Share Roomy House (1",! it, H'mipr'x vm h
"' “an!” 3', N \i1"\

M vw M

Anyam‘lo share m ,. .mm- M ~ 14 n.
. ,, ,HI JV 1343 .n.” ,_ t. V,”
”‘4“... I“ . "URI-t

Apt to \ubli‘" , ., v , v-H mi v ‘ w»:

“Ht ., t. , $\4\ ~ .‘..,‘ wl' ' \‘Jv
Autos roe SALE
:97. Triumph an A I“ .t _. a. ,,'

[hpvnnamv Tianspoitatum -.» .x' U

Vl w 1.. 'V.“l m , ~'... t, ,.
0st ,va A . ’l' ,,.,E a”. ’i"
1 >- a h! it
\ nut | .
t I v: .3 l

v z 1 9,, it.
lost Glass-w .h t , ,.
m, . _-.‘ t

r__~.v,_k_A, ._r_h AV-“ ,A _ A


Inside sales, evenlng shift
and Saturday, salary plus
bonus. Apply daileronday
thru Thursday between 2
and 4 aim. or Saturday
between to a.m. 12 Noon.

180 Market Street
Mr. Tennison


Typing ' Marx an M; A (.wti Em mm
AFTERSMPM t“ vwm' ,‘1'1‘
Ix Thu the Summm ' ‘A ' 1.
l up. .w 1.. u ,,. ."t .
on 4 t 5 1’4» ;‘ at ,M ‘3»:

Ml)btll' Hmyrlr‘ Hv‘pau

. .. , A.\‘ ,~.-.
Job Huntinq‘ l '
u. ,.

.« I r

t ,

,mwhn glam.
N;nn‘with‘d._u . ,,,.,.
. .“r. w.

Hizovrt», ' ~'- 3 v» in" t‘ l ‘
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Ak( th- n. tn...“ , ,r
" iv -.' ‘t‘ V“ ~t,:..'i‘,
' wt ml» aw
Sony MS'IWA ‘A t. l ‘
,. L4 l‘I LN». 4‘, ui'w, ‘trvppt ‘lrll

tennis taunts amt ham. «1 sum!" I" «"‘~‘
nix: [momma mm: ta. hr" antnumu (m I"
'lOl MAM


Sylwa Gatlin "c , Ile-4 (r .H‘twoud 'v
ilr‘mi'y mm Nrw (In Iv- 5411 (NH "
mm \m» I"! swam 15'» Anon HAW




Foitov Emmunl Farm,
Managing tntlo', News Desk




 a ltil’
ll“ 1\
lp lli
s are








Kentucky golf team heading
to Chris Schenkel tournament

The ltll\t'l‘\ll) of Kentucky
golf team embarks on its most
.iinhitious trip to date Wed
nesda) when it leayes for the
t‘hi‘is Schenkel Intercollegiate
liixitational 'l"ourn.'iinent at
htateshoro. (la

The .34 hole iiiedal play which
will be pl;i}etl Friday Saturday
.iziif Sunday l\ uenerall)
lt‘t omit/ed .I\ one of the toughest
iiillc-L‘e totiriminents in the


:oi: 'l‘weiitj» two teams “I“
lntllll ttmlt'

l l\ t'l'll roach lLin McQueen.
who has wen lil.\ linksinen lllll\ll
\t'titll‘l n. two of tour Your
littllil‘lll\ llll“ _\i-.ir feels l'loi'ida
,c the lt'dlfl to lN'Jl .it \ltil¢‘\l>tlt'tl

l loi id.i l: l\ .i l't‘tll tough team

this year and the) seem solid at
ever) position." he said “But. if
the) falter, Wake Forest and
Georgia should be right on their
heels '

The Wildcats finished second to
Tennessee last weekend at
Knmyille in the seven team
Milltll‘ ('ollege lnyitational
TUlll'llHlllt‘lll. and were paced h)
freshman Mike .\‘elnis of t‘liat
t.inooi.:a who finished second

“\like is the iiiost consistent
shooter we h.‘i\e now and he also
i.ii‘i’ies the lowest meiotic."
.\lt ()liei-t; mild

llt is followed by freshman
.\'e\i.irt “heeler of ltusselhille,
.ind \ophoiiiiire \orinan liar

Lead Carolina, 2-]
Colonels get ready for fourth game

lttl l5\ H l l. ‘\l'v “There
wtii' A fee. \.l\\.'l\ and thumb
Inesda} when the Kentuck)
toloiicls turned out to practice
for lllt‘ll ;.t\ot.il game with
Karolina til the .\nieric.'in
'i.t\ht‘llt.ill \\silt'l.iilllll l‘liiste