xt7wst7dvk82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dvk82/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 1996 1996 1996-10-22 2020 true xt7wst7dvk82 section xt7wst7dvk82  









8"!” GOUIIBVE UK Athletic: Director CM. Newton said be would
examine the fiJotball program to find its problems.

Fons glad to see Curry fired or bend cone/7

By 0. Jason Staplalon
Senior Staff Writer

and Rob Herbal
Arm-mm Sport: Editor

Coach Bill Curry has class, but he has also over-

stayed his welcome.

That is the overall consensus from students on

the UK campus.

Most students were surprised by the news of

Curry’s firing but not shocked.

“His style is not working here, but I think he is a
good man,” said Scott MacDonald, a finance fresh-
man from Louisville. “He might have a chance to
coach somewhere else where he might be more





BIG Mllll'lll Merrill Bainbridge be:

received a lot of airplay with her single
“1Woutb” Review, Page 3


tonight, low 50. Showers

tomorrow, high 60.


By Chris Easterllng

Sports Editor
Bill Cur has been fired as
head footballcoach at UK, effec-

tive at the end of the this season,
UK Athletics Director C.M.
Newton said yesterday afternoon.

“The reason we’re making this
move is obvious in that our foot-
ball program has not made the
progress, from a competitive
standpoint, that it needed to
make,” Newton said in a prepared

He also said the entire football
program, includin facilities and
support staff, will fie examined to
see if his office can pinpoint the
reason for UK’s struggles on the

One of the mandates placed on
Curry when he was kept on for
the 1996 season was that the team
show “significant improvement”
this season.

This was assumed to mean not
only a winning season, which has
never happen in Curry’s seven
years at UK, but also a bowl berth,
which the Cats have only man-
aged once in the Curry regime.

With the Cats’ 1—6 start and a
bowl game completely out of the

uestion, Newton reached his

ecision after speaking with Curry
both on Sunday night and yester-
day morning.

Newton said he decided to
make the announcement both to
end any speculation about the
coach’s status and in order to
begin the rocess to find a
replacement or the coach.

The University will honor the
contracts of Curry and the assis-
tant coaches, all of whom will be
fired with Curry at the end of the

While most considered Curry to be a good per-
son, his record on the field left something to be
desired. A 1-6 record was not suitable and even a
man with class will have to find employment else—


“I think that being a nice guy is important in

being a good coach, but I’d rather have someone

who was a great coach than a nice guy,” said Robert

Griffiths, a junior in accounting.

Griffiths said he was glad Curry got the boot

because, “I feel like he's done a pitiful job as a


Other students agree that wins are more impor-
tant than being a “nice guy.” Cartwright Stephens, a
pre-joumalism freshman said Curry’s firing was long

overdue. His comments mirrored the general feeling

season. Curry will be paid around
$600,000 for the final two years of
his contract.

Curry, who has posted a 23-51
record at UK, refused to answer
questions yesterday following
practice as the Cats prepare for
Saturday’s Homecoming game
against Geor 'a.

But he dif‘stop long enough to
read from a prepared statement.

“I have been given more than a
fair opportunigr, and have not
gotten the job one,” Curry said.
“I accept total responsibility for

“I also want to oint out that I
love the ame 0 football and I
love the Payers,” he continued.

“My first obligation has been
and will continue to be their well
being. I will give them my
heart and soul for these last four

Newton said he didn’t have a
particular timetable as to when he
wanted to have a new coach in

“As soon as we can et the right
person,” Newton saicfi “It’s obvi-
ously critical that we get the right

Though Newton said he did
not have one articular erson or
list in mind, t ere have een sev-
eral names that have been kicked
around the past few weeks.

“I've given practically no
thought to (a new coach),” New-
ton said.

“I don’t have any preconceived
notions. \Ve just have to get the
right person. Head coaching expe-
rience. non-head coachin experi-
ence, the only thing that Pcan tell
you is that it probably won’t be
someone from the media."

WEATllHl Shower: today,

big}: in the 70:. Mostly cloudy


Auburn offensive coordinator
Tommy Bowden, who held the
same position at UK in 1990;
Tennessee offensive coordinator
David Cutcliffe; former Pitts-
burgh head coach, and current
ESPN analyst Mike Gottfried;
and Ohio State offensive coordi-
natorJoe Hollis.

UK alumnus and former
Louisville head coach Howard
Schnellenberger’s name also sur-
faced after UK’s early season loss-
es to Louisville and Cincinnati.
East Carolina Coach Steve Logan
is yet another person who has
been mentioned as a possible

In an interesting twist, Lo an’s
current team 15 expecte to
replace Cincinnati as the Cats’
second opponent next season,
which brought a wry grin to the
face of Newton and UK Associate
Athletic Director Larry Ivy when
it was mentioned at the press con-

As far as what he is looking for
in the new coach, Newton said the
coach must meet a few require—

“Somebody that understands

the job, thoroughly,” he said.
_ “This is not an easy place to
coach football. I want someone
who understands the totalness of
this program, what we‘re about.
And in understanding that, feels
they can really get it done and
wants an opportunity to do that.”

He said in time, UK President
Charles Wethington will name an
advisory committee who would
screen the applicants, and eventu-
ally, Newton would take one
name to the UK Board of


October 22, I 996



Diversion: 3 Viewpoint


Clarnfiedr 5 Campus 5
Crorrword 5 Sports 2



Bill Curry


Jan. 8. 1990 - Athletic Director CM
Newton hires former Alabama coach Bill
Curry to resurrect the UK football program
Sept. 1. 1990 - Curry gets his first wrn as
UK football coach with a 20-17 victory over
Central Michigan. His team finishes with a 4-
7 record and filth in the Southeastern
Conference. it is the best conference record
for a UK team Since 1964

1991 . 1992 - The Cats make no
improvements as they go 38 and 4-7 under

Nov. 13, 1993 - UK defeats East
Carolina 6-3 which guarantees the Cats of a
winning season and earns them a benh in
the Peach Bowl.

Dec. 31, 1993 - The Cats make their first
bowl appearance under Curry, It is their first
bowl appearance Since the 1984 Hall of
Fame Bowl. UK loses a heartbreaker 14-13
to Clemson in the Peach Bowl.

Sept. 3, 1994 - After 70 years. UK and
Loursvrlle renew their rivalry. The Cats deleat
the Cards 20-14. but ll would take Curry
more than a year to wrn another game,
Sept. 16,1995 ~ UK ends a 12~game
losrng streak with a 17-10 wrn over Indiana
Nov. 18. 1995 - Under speculation that
Curry would be fired. the Cats play an
inspirational game. but come up short
against No 4 Tennessee 34-31.

Nov. 20, 1995 - Newton announces that
Curry wrll remain for another year as head

Oct. 21, 1996 - It is announced that


Among those names include Trustees.

among students on campus.

Because Curry just wasn’t getting the job done,
students thought he should have been shown the
door long before now.

In his seventh season at UK, Curry has compiled
a record of23-51.

“In my three years here, I’ve seen them win four
times and I’ve been to all the home games,” said
communications junior Colleen Burke. “At that
point, something has to be done.”

It remains to be seen who the successor to Curry
will be, but there are those who believe that it won’t

Jeremy Hyatt, a biology senior does not think
there will be any marked improvement.

See FANS on 2

Wethington looks back
[Ill his IBIIIII‘B at "II,
llflllflllll llll‘ the future

By Mal Harron
Stafl Writer

Watching him gaze over age—
old pictures of UK, one begins to
wonder if Charles Wethington

actually bleeds
Overl official

yet of -the-cuff,
is vorce raises in
excitement when
discussing the stu-
dents, the atmo-
sphere and the
opportunities at

e common-
wealth’s benchmark university.

Such excitement is foreign to
some students, whose only
impression of the 10th UK presi-
dent is a signature at the end of a
scholarship letter.

Yet detached as he ma seem,

Wethington said he won dn’t be
here if it weren’t for the students,
whom he calls the “heart and
soul” of the campus.
" yone who hap ned to be
in this ition and didn’t like to
work with students it would be
such a shame,” he said.

Charles Turner Wethin n Jr.
has been involved with in
some capacity since the ’60s, when

he was studyin for his master’s
egress. Prior to



and doctoral
attending UK, he studied at Bres-

cia College, Eastern Kentucky
University and served in the Far
East as a kryptolinguist for the Air
Force. As part of his training,
Wethington studied Russian at

library facility,” Wethington said.
“It clearly signifies, more than any
other building I think, the kind of
academic rogress that we’re mak-
ing. The library is, I think, a pre-
mier academic structure.”

Juanita Fleming, 5 ecial assis-
tant to the president or academic
affairs, has worked directly with
Wethington for five years.

She characterizes her boss as a
“politically astute and very orga—
nized," though some criticize him
as not “outgoing” enough.

“He’s committed to the faculty
and the students of




Syracuse University th‘ - -
. is umversrty, and
11112:: York. f he doesn’t go out
.6? 3 year 0 and makeabig to-do
3011(ng 35 an fidima' about it,” she said.
am ps c o ogy -
instructor, . ethin ‘ Tb: changestbtt maljtzhaatbighdealdgteli
ton moved into C have Md] of, however, is keep-
director’s osition.at would " ' ing an open dialogue
Maysvrlle ““11“th (bu-m“ with the students.
Co lege, and became . . This dialo e SGA
assistant vice resi- MW ' gu ’ '
_ R . . or '. President Alan Aja
dent, Vice resident ' [mm 7 said needs to occur
anltll evri‘rglual chan- 7 ‘V , . ' mof'e often.
°° °F° ‘ °°m' WWW“ “He’s been set-
mumty COIICSC SYS' UKW ting involved more
rem. . ‘ in student activities,
“The b.31c charac- .; . .‘ md he needs to con-


ter of the University
has remained the same,” he said.
“The changes that have occurred I
would characterize as enhanceme-
ments of its mission. I have not
wanted to be somewhere else, and
still don’t.”

The acquisition of Lees Colo
lege, Robinson Forest, the man-
a mom of budget cuts in 1991-
9? and the new W.T. Young
Library all come to mind when

the tspeakaofhisaccom-
p' tainhiatenure.
"We didn’t have a first-rate

tinue that,” Aja said.
“In terms of being social with the
student's, he's improved on that

But Sigma Chi social fraternity
member Mike Moran said he
thinks the president needs to be
more visible to the students, sug-

ting an open forum where
5:" ' can hear student con-

“Unless ’re a bi name on
campus,” oran said, ’s almost

impossible to give him your

E-mail message shocks
UK Computing Services
with child pornography

By Kathy flailing
Assistant New: Editor

If students haven’t checked their electronic
mail account lately, they may find some unwant-
ed mail from an unknown sender.

Jack L. Coffman, security and contingency
planning officer of UK Computing Services, said
about eight or nine UK e-mail account users
have received unsolicited mail from an America
Online user which contained a reference to child
porno phy.

Co fman said he could not disclose the con-
tents of the messa es except to say they referred
to child pornograpliy.

He said the messages offended and scared the
recipients because of their opening content,
which claimed the users’ addresses were on a
mailing list.

“It states, ‘I sent you this letter because your
e-mail address was on a list for this type of
thin ,"' Coffman said.

Cgoffman said the statement is false because
the addresses were not part of any list. He said he
does not know how the addresses were chosen or
obtained, but they would not be difficult for any-
one to access.

h “ltthaeema nghdomézhc said.A"nWe don’t know
ow e t e a resses. ybody can t
«de'80 8’

No more of the messages will be sent by the
America Online user since America Online shut
down the account after UK reported the matter
to than, Cofl'man said.

Cofi'man said he is working with UK Police
and the FBI to attempt to track down the
pornography sender, but it can be hard to track

account users.

man said. “It’s very unlikely (that the sender will

See M1 on I

I s



Curry has been fired. effective at the end of
the season.




llllt VlSltlllfl llllllll Arena

FRANKFORT -— President Clinton and Vice
President Al Gore won’t be coming to Rupp
Arena this weekend after all.

Clinton’s state campaign spokesman, Ernie
Gibble, said the Democratic ticket will likely
make another ap earance in Kentucky before
Nov. 5, but he coulii not say when.

Gibble said the rally, originally scheduled for
Sunday at Rupp, was canceled because of schedul-
ing and other problems.

WUKY lsarla list of AP award winners

UK’s public radio station received 12 Associat-
ed Press Broadcast Awards —-—- more than any
other station yesterda at the Kentucky Broad-
casters Association’s fal meeting.

VVUKY-FM (92.1) assistant news director
Brian Wright attributed the good showing to a
concentrated effort over the last few years to make
news coverage a priority.

“There have been major changes at the station.
Number one, the school of journalism has
increased connections to the station now, so we
have broadcast majors working in our news
department,” Wright said.

One of those students, Suzanne Hartlage,
received first place for use of sound in a piece on
the Red Mile and second place for best reporter.
She and others at WUKY competed against pub-
lie and commercial stations in the state’s largest
markets: Louisville, Lexington and Northern

“This is a case of a student competing with pro-
fessionals. She proved she is competitive with
them,” Wright said.

Fir-s rssasal ts prsssars

WASHINGTON -— American clothing com-
anies are responding to pressure to reduce child
abor in foreign plants, but need to enforce their
re uirements more strictly, Labor Secretary
Rdbert B. Reich said yesterday.

A Labor Department survey showed that child
labor remains pervasive, Iparticularly in Asia, but is
“not now revalent” in e Latin American coun-
tries chec ed.With more than 200 million chil-
dren being exploited, Reich said, there is no easy
way to eliminate the problem miners work-
ing in dismal conditions at an wages.

“We can keep the pressure on (companies) in a
variety of ways and simply alerting the public to
ate they are takin is important,” Reich said.

e good news is at companies are respond-
1 .”
n8Concern over child labor has mounted after a
spate of bad publicity over conditions of foreign
workers who roduce the mounting in of
ap rel.The taaidmorethan alfthe
Si 8billionworthofgarmentaaoldintheUnitcd
States in 1995 were imported, compared with 30
percent in 1990.

. Carri-4h- n-m in m
' a

. 9
. i.







,:=:first:'re‘aeremeaewwm »........

s- H'.



2 Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday, October


22, I996

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no ualms with that.
oach Bill Curry is

Neyland Stadium on Nov.
2 3.

The thin
problem wit
proves that nice ys really
do finish last. here are
not too many people in all
of college football, no,
make that all of college
athletics, that are as kind-

I do have a
is that this







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Ask about OUlPCAT rogram

birthday. It turned a day

that should be a celebration for

him into a personal hell.


Curry folks would like it to be.

one, as
soon as Tennessee finishes its
three-hour passmg scrimmage at


But that’s just how all the anti-




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rpm 1 mum FEM Olluflfl -


Personally, I knew the decision
was inevitable, and I support it. I
just wish that Newton would have
waited until after the game in
Knoxville to make it.

There is no way possible to
make a case for him to be wander-
ing the sidelines as the UK head
coach next season, but there’s no
reason either for people to hate
the man the way some UK fans

I completely agree that he is

Birthday present
to be forgotten

ell, the decision has been
handed down. UK Athlet-
ics Director CM. Newton
did what he had to do, and I have

not a very good football coach, at
least here at UK, but if people
could only see the real Bill Curry,
maybe a few opinions about him
would be changed. I mean, we are
talkin about someone who won
at Ala ama, and even recruited
several layers on the Tide’s last
. championship team.

As he began to address
the thron s of media who
awaited im like sharks
around a bloody carcass, a
few raindrops began to fall
from the sky. How poetic,
it was almost as if some of
the angels above were
sheddin a tear over the

hearted as the soon-to-be BIN! dismissa _

ex-coach of the Wildcats. ElStCI'IlII But enough with the
And to add insult to Sports sap melodramatiCS-

injury, the announcement Editor fie truth of the matter

comes on Curry’s 54th V is that he simply isn’t as

bad as people make him out to be.
Talking to some of the players
after ractice, there wasn’t a sense
of “ ew, thank God he’s gone,
ma be now we can win a game.”

nstead, they seemed somewhat
disappointed he was leaving,
almost like a father-figure to some
of them.

Defensive tackle Chris Ward
seemed to be among the most dis-
appointed of the layers.

“The record oesn’t show how
hard he works,” Ward said. “The
thin he gives to us, the things he
teachses us. I look up to him a lot.
The five years that I have been
here, I’ve learned so much.”

And there are probably others




mm: count: wing

Bill of "IE HIM” Bill Curry addresses the media afier practice yesterday
concerning his firing as headfltotball coach at UK

who share Ward’s opinion, but
just weren’t asked:

So now, he goes off into the
world of former coaches who will
be remembered only for losing,
which is simply unfair. But then
again, who said life was suppose to

be fair.

Well, happy birthday Coach. I
just wish you could have enjoyed
it as much as your detractors
probably did.

Sports Editor Chris Easterling is a

journalism sophomore.


Comments by 6M. Newton and Bill Curr

“The reason
} we’re making this
move is obvious
in that our foot-
ball program has
not made the
progress, from a
standpoint, that it
needed to make.
We have studied and evaluated
the football program, looking for
reasons it has not worked. Every-
one associated with the program
—— the coaching staff, the support
staff and the administrative staff
-— has worked hard to build this
program. The fact is, it has not

About Bill Cur :

“I recruited Bill Curry to be
the Kentucky football coach. For
seven years, I have watched him
put his heart and soul into the
project and try to build the model
program that we want at Ken-
tucky. Before he came to Ken-
tucky, I admired and respected



Football will always
be second at UK

From PAGE 1

“I don’t think it’ll make any
difference ifthey fire him and hire
Jimmyjohnson," Hyatt said. “Our

“1 think he’s a
classy guy and he’s a
top-quality man ——
just maybe not the
best coach for the
SEC. ”


Bob Brown,
mathematics senior




Bill Curry from a distance. After
working with him for these seven
years, I truly admire and respect

im and all the things he stands
for. But football must succeed at
Kentucky. It is one of two rev-
enue-producing sports that sup-
ports the 22 athletics programs
we have here at UK.”

Timing of the announcement:

“I wanted to end s eculation
about, and any discor related to
our football coaching situation.
And I also wanted to be 'n the
process of hiring a new ootball

Goals for the rest of the sea-

“Coach Curry told the team
after its LSU loss that its goal ofa
winning season and a potential
bowl game are no longer possi-
ble. But their challen e is to fin-
ish the season with ignity and
class. I know that our team and
coaches will give 110 percent to
see that this is accomplished. I
am asking all of us do the same.”

football team just sucks plain and
sim le.”
ne reason Hyatt thinks the

football team “sucks,” is because
of basketball. It’s a fact that has»
ketball is looked upon as the to
dog in Lexington and that will
may never change.

“Football is always goin to be
second fiddle to the basketball
program,” Hyatt said.

“You could have Deion

“He seems to
be a really nice
guy but we need
a new football

coach. ”
Amy Hotlman
integrated strategic
communications junior




7:00 PM iii \1).\\ (Mirror It .1:

(TINII It'liimii lt

Sil‘mxl (fix'iilz






“Please accept
this as my entire
. statement on the
subject of my fir-
ing. I want to
thank all of the
people who have
supported me in
this endeavor
I continually get
notes and calls from former play—
ers, teammates, classmates and
loyal fans. I sincerely appreciate
you all.

“I also want to point out that I
love the game of football and I
love the players. My first obliga-
tion has always been and will
continued to be their well being.
I have always taught them to
never give in. I will continue to
do that and I will never quit. I
will give them my heart and soul
for these last four games.

“I have given my all to this
project. I am human and I have
made mistakes, but they have




Sanders, Moe Williams and Joe
Montana on our team and no one
would care, but if UK plays bas-
ketball tonight against Eastern
Ohio State University Technical
School they would care more
about that.”

Still, some students think that’s
an excuse for Curry and whoever
becomes the new coach.

“Florida’s a football state and

l/Vbat is your reaction to the firing of Bill Curry?

“He’s graduat-
ing so many people
and I think it’s sad
that winning is
. more important
than an education. ”

Keith Shaplro

electrical en 'neerin
freshnigxan g


never been intentional. C.M.
always insisted on absolute
adherence to the rules. We have
done that to the best of our abili-

“We have always worked
within the NCAA rules. We have
stressed that to our coaches and
athletes. No major violation
exist. we leave this program in
good shape in term of compli-
ance. There are some excellent
young athletes here — some of
the best I have ever recruited. I
look forward to seeing what they

“I want it to be understood
what has happened here. I have
been given more than a fair
opportunity, and have not gotten
the job done. I accept total
responsibility for that. The entire
administration and athletic
department have gone about
these matters with dignity and
compassion. That comes as no
surprise, and I am grateful for it.”

they pulled off a good year or two
in basketball,” said civil engineer-
ing seniorJohn Eckler.

“So I don’t see why we can’t
have a big year or two with (Tim)

Overall students are happy
about Curry’s ouster at the end of
the season, but virtually all stu-
dents wish him the best of luck in
any future ventures.

“I don’t think
:,. they should’ve kept
. him but] still kind
of feel sorry fbr
i v
Stephanlo Balm

science senior








The University of Kentucky
College of Law
and the
Kentucky Bar Association

Present the 10th Biennial
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The Honorable Abner J. Milwa

Former White House Counsel, Judge for the US. Court _of Appeals, U.S.
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Why Do People Think So Poorly of
Government That Works So We”?
Tuesday, October 22, 1996
7:00 pm.
UK College of Law Courtroom
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”an“. 55.1: .thi

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New Releases in the Music World

Merril Bainbridge INXS (my personal favorite band in junior

The Garden high). She has a knack for happy, upbeat songs.

Universal Records Unfortunately, she only recorded two such
with songs on the album.

“Reasons Why” is reminiscent of the Car-

” ge'nfifsggg’gglz’on penters’ “Close to You." Bainbridge does it in

such a way that you are automatically made to
think of a hap y, sprin -like scene complete
with bright yel ow sunflg wers, chirping birds,
and a cool breeze.

Bainbrid e also does an acoustic version of
The Pet S op Boys’ “Being Borin ." While
it is one of the more subtle trac on the
CD, I find myself drawn to it more than I
do others.

Not all of Bainbrid e’s songs are vacu-
ous, happy love son , owever. In “Under

Merril Bainbrid c has the face of an angel
and a voice to match

In her American
debut, Bainbridge has
put out a really great
CD. However, this
will not come as a
surprise to her fel-
low Australians.


weihe doGSQdem the Water” Bainbri ge deals with the loss of
platinum a lover. You sense that Bainbridge herself is
down under drowning under her current of emotions.
and has the Overall, The Garden is a really good lis-
potential to ‘ ten. Bainbridge’s voice is so soothing, you
do the same don’t notice anything else.
thing in the With a few more really u beat songs
I States. 331'“. like “Sleepin Dogs,” this cou d be one of
bri d e’s first my favorite D5 of the year.
sin e Bainbrid e should enjoy the same suc-
“Mgou’th” has cess in the nited States that she is used
already to in Australia.

In my humble opinion, it’s going to

received quite a . . .
take some pre stiff competition to

bit of ai lay in

the nited keep the “Best ew Artist of the Year”
States, including Grammy out of her hands.
fight here m Lex- Corrosion of Conformity


- Wiseblood
Listen to 104.5— .
FM, WLKT, “The Epic Records
Cat,” long enou h ***
and you’ll eventuale By Kelly Armstrong
hear Bainbridge’s lilt- Sufi Critic

ing vocals telling you
she wants to “taste
your salty lips.”
Bainbridge is the
best thing to come
out of Australia since

Corrosion of Conforrnity’s latest
CD, Wiseblood, is a pleasant surprise
for those who a proach a cup
with a name like orrosion 0 Con-
formity with a little apprehension.

With the exce tion of the ninth track, “Man
or Ash,” which I found to be nothing more
than an annoyin , five—minute tangle of
screams and sense essly repeated phrases, I
found Wisebloodfio be a pretty respectable

Fans of hard, guitar-saturated music will
appreciate the heavily electric-laden sound
paesent throughout the album, especially in the

al Hack, “Bottom Feeder.” The nearly eight-
minute long, completely instrumental song is a
good mix of fluctuating guitar riffs and an
occasional drum solo popping up here or there,
which combine for an interesting and enter-
tainin son .

Al ough the album could have done with—
out tracks like “Man or Ash” that rely heavily
on the screaming abilities of lead singer Simon
Bob, the band makes up for it with clever songs
like “Goodbye Windows,” resenting a some-
what slower, more intelli 'b e side of the band.

“Drowning in a DaydT'leam” is another plus
for the band, with more of a funky twist that
causes it to stand out from the rest of the

Overall, the band sounds really good play—
ing together on this album.

The band was apparently quite conscious of
changing rhythms, and they were quite suc-
cessful in avoiding a sin le, overriding beat, a

roblem that plagues al too many hard rock
ands. .

Although the lyrics are far from being
exce tional works of literature, they are tolera-
ble. esides, Simon Bob has a powerful, deep
voice and his vocals come through nicely on
the tracks on which he’s not smining his voice
too much by screaming. This talent effectively
conceals most of the lyrical downfalls.

On the whole, the CD is a respectable one.
It is obvious that the band has matured and the
members are playin together well. W'isehlood
is a decent musical e ort and one that any Cor-
rosion fan should check out, but one that only
hard rock or metal fans should invest in if they

have not been previously introduced to the

.«.~.~-“m.‘.... ,_ . .. -. A


Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, October 22, 1996 I



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several mus

By Kat Gulnn
Contributing Writer



The members of Moonshine
Willy were preparing to eat some
pre-jam dinner when I got to
Lynagh’s Saturday night. Wel-
. comed with opened arms, I joined
-, them for a chat.

The controversial quintet has
been together now for almost four
years; they will celebrate their
anniversary this January.

The electrified acoustic make-
up of this band would conjure up
pictures of a hometown hootenan-
ny, with Rachel Ferro on fiddle

... . and mandolin; Nancy Rideout on


btz- ‘

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George lilllllllll
lllllll8 IIII Heresy

Halloween is coming over a
week earl in Lexington. Dr.
Funkenstem himself, George
Clinton, brings his self-branded p-
funk sounds to House of Heres
tonight. Full entourage and al ,
ex ct Clinton and his P-Funk