xt7wst7dvm71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dvm71/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-04-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 2003 2003 2003-04-10 2020 true xt7wst7dvm71 section xt7wst7dvm71 Student Volunteer Center offers a variety of choices I m s





April 10. 2003

Student charged with assault

Crime: Police reports say suspect identified himself
as a fraternity brother in order to lure victim into woods

Celebrating 31 years of independence http: www.hykernel.com


-. if "1 .3 ERAQ

Iraqis watch, cheer
as Saddam topples

on Tates Creek Road, according to police reports.

“He acted like he was with the fraternity and this was
how you join the fraternity." said Cmdr. Travis Manley with
UK Police‘s Communications and Information Services.

Moore is not a member of the fraternity the victim is

Manley said Moore tied the victim to a tree, took pic-
tures of him and fondled him.

Moore then untied him and told him to run around the
baseball field while he drove away. Manley said.

Manley said the victim was not seriously harmed.

Moore was arrested on April 3 and released the next day
on $5.000 bail.

By Emily Nagedorn


A student has been charged with sex
ual abuse after coercing another student
into his car and claiming to be in his fra-
ternity. UK police said.

On April 2. Jared Keith Moore. 21. of
High Point. NC. called the victim on the
phone and took him to a wooded area

around the Lansdowne Shopping Center See CRIME on 3



Facility brings students
state together



Seeing stars and stripes



Iraqis in Michigan paraded through the streets wav-
ing American and Iraqi flags. while others around the
nation greeted signs that Saddam Hussein's regime is
crumbling with tears of joy

Worries about relatives in their homeland per-
sisted, but a wave of relief washed over many in the
Iraqi-American community Wednesday as they saw
news reports of collapsing opposition to US. troops
in Baghdad.

“This is a day we‘ve been waiting for 35 years,” said
Feisal Amin Al-Istrabadi, a Chicago lawyer who went in
late to work after watching events unfold on television.
“It's a tremendous relief that it seems that this is the be-
ginning of the end. I‘m very. very proud to be an Ameri-
can today. as well as an Iraqi."

Spontaneous celebrations broke out in cities with
large Iraqi-American populations. In Dearborn, Mich.,
about 1,200 people gathered in Hemlock Park, chanting
and waving British, American and Iraqi flags. In El Ca-
jon, Calif, home to about 6,000 Iraqi Kurds, about 150
people rejoiced in the streets. And in Everett, Wash.,
hundreds of jubilant Iraqi immigrants danced and
chanted on Colby Avenue. horns blaring.

Earlier in Dearborn, a largely Arab Detroit sub-
urb. people stood on car roofs while others chanted
slogans in Arabic, including “Hey, Saddam, hey Sad-
dam. where are you going to escape to?” and “Sad-
dam is dead, long live Iraq." At one point, the crowd
used candy to pelt a large cardboard drawing of Sad-

See WAR on 3








Jomt annual xrnnn surr

New and improved
David Near. a research assistant at the College of Health Sciences, uses a marker to make sections on a petrl dish where he's been culturing

UK fellowships sponsor

bacteria to clone genes from rat DNA. The new Health Sciences building houses 50 research

Technology: Students in other parts of Ky. can now
take courses once only offered at Lexington campus

By Sally Oates

A television camera
zooms in on Janice Kuper-
stein. a physical therapy pro-
fessor. as she teaches her af-
ternoon class.

No. she‘s not starring on
a TV show: it's part of a new
way of teaching.

Kuperstein teaches class-
es in both Lexington and
Hazard at the same time.

Television monitors
mounted from the ceiling
make it possible for UK Col-
lege of Health Science stu-
dents to have class discus-
sions with other UK students
in another part of the state.

“The technology in this
classroom and in the Center
for Rural Health (in Hazard)
allows us to offer our physi-
cal therapy program to stu-
dents in Lexington and Haz.

ard in an interactive for-
mat,” Kuperstein said. “Fac‘
ulty and students at both 10-
cations can interact and ben-
efit from the enriched per-
spective gained from the
added diversity.

“Without the technology,
none of this would be possi-

This modern way of
teaching is just one of the
advantages brought by the
new College of Health Sci-
ences building, located at the
corner of Rose and Lime-
stone streets. The $33.5 mil-

lion dollar facility opened to
students in January, and
since then. students have
been enjoying everything
from the unique classrooms
right down to the locker

The distance learning
classrooms in the 210,000-
square-foot building help stu-
dents studying at UK branch-
es in areas of the state where

- the particular class or major

is not available.
“We are able to bring

See HEALTH on 3


Nature writing program open for applications

By Katie Foley

Aspiring writers can take
their work into an outdoor
classroom this summer.

The Summer Environ-
mental Writing Program is a
fbur-week pastoral retreat
into Eastern Kentucky‘s
Robinson Forest. Applications
for the new nature writing
program are due Friday

The program encourages
any undergraduate who is in-
terested in writing ~ whether
they are a poet or a science
writer — to spend time im-
mersed in nature while par-
ticipating in both intense
group activities and solitary
writing time. not to mention

rubbing elbows with promi-
nent writers and naturalists.

The program is designed
to bring students into a set-
ting that evokes thought and
reconnects them to the strong
ties that bind writing and
ecology. said Randall Roorda.
an English professor and pro
gram director

Roorda said it is his "con-
viction that reading. writing.
and living shouldn‘t be sepa-
rate.“ that inspired him to
start this program. along with
the success of a similar pro-
gram he was involved with in
New England. He wants this
program to become a tradi~
tion at UK.

The program is also one
way students can show their

support for Robinson Forest.
located an hour and a half
southeast of Lexington in
Breathitt County. The land
was donated to UK by ED.
Robinson. a Cincinnati tim-
ber baron. UK has recently
considered mining and log-
ging the forest, a move that
has been haunting the minds
of nature lovers and environ-
mentalists alike.

Roorda said he hopes stu-
dents will take away a deeper
understanding of the forest
and of themselves ~ and
what direction they want to
take their writing abilities.

“An experience like this
can prove to be transforma-
tional for someone‘s life.“
Roorda said.

Roorda said he hopes this
experience will expose stu-
dents to the many uses of a
wildlife space. especially one
that is in danger of being

He wants students to see
the forest in an environmen-
tal and social context and rec-
ognize the value that the for-
est holds for all disciplines.

The program costs $500.
which includes room, board.
and all other trip expenses.

“It‘s a domestic study
abroad." Roorda said.

The deadline for all appli-
cations is Friday. but late ap»
plications will be accepted if
a quota is not reached. Dr. Rn
orda hopes for 12 to 15 student





activists who research
Appalachian obstacles

Researchers have collaborated with UK professors.
departments and will present their projects soon

By Marti Lee

Angelyn DeBord wants to bring the
Appalachian voice alive through story-

Sanjoy Hazarika. who comes from an
Indian community that. like Appalachia.
has long been stereotyped. wants to help
fight media bias.

And Lynne Faltraco wants to link 10.
cal forestry activists with experts who
support their causes.

These three activists are getting the
time and money to reach these goals
through a new fellowship program creat-
ed by the UK Appalachian (‘enter and
Committee on Social Theory.

DeBord. from Nicklesville. Va. is a
performing artist who has taught story-
telling workshops for more than 25 years.
She has been working on a story-sharing
project during her fellowship and has been
holding workshops at UK. Her work stress-
es the importance of citizens and commu-
nities developing a voice of their own.

“The voice of Appalachia has been
ridiculed historically. and telling your
own story is the first step in communi-
ty’global awareness." DeBord said. 'Go-
ing unheard has huge political and eco-
nomic ramifications."

Hazarika. from Shilong. India. is an
international activist. journalist. nr-
searcher and documentary filmmaker who
has been examining the stereotypes of Ap
palachia and their effects

Hazarika has spent the past three
months intermewing journalists in An

See FELLOW on 3

The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington A N A





 2 ITHURSDAY, APRIL l0. 2003 | ksnrucrrv kennel“.


The Low-down

We‘ye made it
quite clear in
a nutnlwr of
that we don‘t
should be aid~
ing a dy "ing

Boucher. State
spokesman said
regarding the
accusations of
Syria hiding
some members
of Iraqi President
Hussein's regime
and assisting
others in
additional safe


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U.S. accuses Syria of aiding Bathists

W \SlllNl i'l'i IN Secretary of Defense
liniiaid ll it‘uiiisi'eld accused Syria on
\\t'tIllt‘\tI(I\ of ._'.'.\lllj_1 haven to \lllllt' meni-
IN‘I\ of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein‘s
iegiiiie :iiid issistiiig others to additional
xllt‘ locations t‘itiiig "scraps of intelli»
germ e' at .i I’eiitagoii news conference.
lx‘iiiiist'eld ilso renewed his accusation that
\y i in proyideil li‘aq \yith night-vision gog-
gles .iiid other military technology. Mean
while lighters from Syria and other Arab
countries illll‘yi‘lI into Iraq to join the resis-
tance .ig.iiii~t the I'S led coalition. State
llepai'tiiieiit splikeslllfln Richard Boucher
said. "\le ye made it quite clear in a number
oi statements that We don't think anybody
should he aiding a dying regime." The State
Department has urged Syria to stop any
iiioyemeiit of people or technology across
the border to Iraq. Syria has responded
with assurances the border is closed to
t‘\'t‘l‘_\'llllllg but humanitarian goods. the of-
ficial said on condition of anonymity

House passes gun legislation

Wednesday passed legislation to protect the
firearm industry from lawsuits that allege
links between gun marketing and street vio-
lence. House Republicans said the industry
is being attacked through frivolous suits
blaming gun manufacturers and dealers for
violence by criminals The suits could end
the American gun industry by making com-
panies spend millions in court. said the
chairman of the House Judiciary Commit-
tee. Rep. James Sensenbrenner. R-Wis..
The legislation passed the House by a 285-
140 vote. Democrats. however. said the GOP
legislation banning suits against gun mak-
ers and dealers probably was unconstitu-
tional and was politically motivated. "This
body is considering this bill today because
the National Rifle Association is holding
their annual convention at the end of April
and the majority leadership in this Cham-
ber is compelled to prove to the pro-gun spe-
cial interests that they will do whatever it
takes." said Rep. James McGovern. D—Mass.
The legislation would prohibit lawsuits
from being brought against gun and ammu-
nition manufacturers. distributors. dealers
and importers for damages resulting from
"misuse" of their product.

Famed Nigerian artist dead at 75

SAN FRANCISCO ~— Groundbreaking
Nigerian drummer Babatunde Olatunji,
who helped introduce the power and intri-
cacy of African music in the United States,

Managing money for proplr

for his works exam-
ining the duker
sides of Arrwricon
society, will receive
the prestigious
Jerusalem Prize
this year, the city's


Wednesday. The
prize, awarded
every two years.
singles out literary
achievements in the
field of heedom of
the individual in
society, the prize
committee said in a
statement. Mayor
Uri Lupollanski said
Miller would receive
the award

during the biennial
International Book
Fair, June 23-27.
the chalnnan of the

said Miller was
selected for “his
efforts on behalf of
the common good,
for standing along-
side the small. gray
individual and plac-
ing him In the cen-
ter of society." The
last recipient was
Susan Sontag.
Miller, 87. is best
known for his plays
“All My Sons" in
1941 and “Death of
a Salesman" in
1949. In 1953, his
Play. um
Crucible," was a
thinly veiled cri-
tique of the
McCarthy era. and
Miller himself was
hauled before the
House Un-
Arnerlcan Activities
Committee three


with othr‘r things to think about.

died Sunday at age 75 at Salinas Valley
Memorial Hospital. a nursing supennsor
said. Olatunji was admitted March 25.
but the cause of death was not released
by the hospital. However. the New York
Times quoted a daughter of Olatunji as
saying he died of complications from ad-
vanced diabetes. It introduced a genera-
tion to African music, said world music
critic J. Poet of San Francisco. “He plant»
ed a seed that gave birth to the whole in-
terest in African music in the United
States." Poet said.

16 states to reduce air pollution

WASHINGTON -—Praising the advan-
tages of an environmental law it has crit-
icized. the Bush administration an-
nounced agreements Wednesday with
Archer Daniels Midland Co. and Alcoa
Inc. to reduce air pollution in 16 states.
The settlements under the ”new source
review" provisions of the Clean Air Act
will result in nearly $680 million in spend
ing to reduce about 130.000 tons of air pol-
lution a year. Environmental Protection
Agency and Justice Department officials
said.“I'm willing to admit that this has
been a very good tool." EPA Administrae
tor Christie Whitman said of those provi-
sions. which her agency changed last
year. ”But it's not the best we can do."
ADM . of Decatur“. III. the nation‘s biggest
ethanol producer. agreed to spend an esti-
mated $350.9 million to settle charges it
failed to accurately count emissions and
expanded corn and oilseed processing fa-
cilities without installing proper pollu-
tion controls. The settlement filed in U.S.
District Court for the Central District of
Illinois includes $213 million for new pol-
lution controls over the next decade at 52
plants in 16 states. Those states are
Arkansas. Georgia. Indiana. Illinois.
Iowa. Kansas, Minnesota, Mississippi.
Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina.
North Dakota. Ohio. South Carolina. Ten-
nessee and Texas.

Former FBI agent aided Chinese

WASHINGTON ——A former FBI agent
who was involved in Chinese counterin~
telligence work is being charged with al-
lowing a woman alleged to be a Chinese
double agent to have access to classified
information. The charges against James
Smith were to be unsealed Wednesday in
U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. federal
law enforcement officials said. They said
the charges against Smith involved gross
negligence rather than espionage. The of-
ficials. who spoke on condition of
anonymity. said Smith is accused of al-
lowing the information to fall into the
hands of Katrina Leung, a Republican po-
litical activist with connections to the
Chinese government.


Questions of
war still left

What's next?: As war continues, coalition forces
look for U.S. POWs, Iraq's terrorist links, weapons


Where are the IIS. POWs‘.’ Where are the chemical. bi
ological or nuclear weapons? How extensive were Iraq's
ties to terrorists‘.’

As the Iraqi regime crumbles. much more remains
unknown than Saddam Hussein's fate. Even as the battles
continue. coalition forces are seeking answers to these

One grisly clue appeared blood stains and bullet
holes on uniforms found :it an Iraqi prison. believed to be
of recent American prisoners of war.

"They were U.S. uniforms. And there were names on
some." said Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks. deputy director of
operations. But where the POWs are is still unknown. he

Barrels found at an agricultural site south of Bagh»
dad n where preliminary tests indicated the possibility of
chemical weapons ,. have been sent for thorough tests.

Questions about terrorist links to Saddam's regime
have yet to be nailed down. Troops. however. braced for
the possibility of more suicide attacks while the military
seeks to consolidate control over cities with sporadic re-

And a big battlefield question is also worrying U.S. mil-
itary and administration officials: What happened to Sad-
dam's troops? A US. official involved in both iiiilitai’ydopera
tions and intelligence said there are thousands of Iraqi
troops unaccounted for raising ominous questions.

“That's the scary part." said the official. who spoke on
condition of anonymity “We don't know where these guys
went to. Did they just melt into the population? Are they
planning to come back out as paramilitary? Are they lay—
ing in wait?”

Some slowly and some quickly. the answers are com»
ing. said analysts and retired military. “Some of this can
take weeks or months to sort out. depending how well the
regime concealed it." said Anthony Cordesman. a mili-
tary analyst at the Center for Strategic and International

“You have access to the records and access to the peo-
ple." he said. “Whatever is there. sooner or later is going
to come out."

Not that the military was taking its time. Defense Sec-
retary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Wednesday announced un-
specified rewards for Iraqis who provide information about
government officials and weapons of mass destruction.

“Rewards are available to those who help us prevent
the disappearance of personnel, documentation and mate-
rials." he said at a Pentagon news conference.

The challenges are proliferating rapidly: the need for
order amid looting and lawlessness. the threat of would-
be suicide attackers. the first steps toward civilian gov-


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Continued from page I

The Registrar’s Office
could not be reached to con-
firm if Moore still attends

Tony Blanton. associate

dean of student affairs. said
that to the best of his knowl-

edge, Moore hasn't with-
drawn from UK.

UK will follow the Stu»
dent Judicial Process to de-
termine Moore’s status at
UK. Blanton said. This in—
volves a meeting with the
dean of students. a possible
hearing by the Judicial
Board. an outlet of UK‘s Of-
fice of Legal Council. and a
relaying of the appropriate


could not be

reached to comment,

He is being charged with
lst degree sexual abuse.
which could result in one to
five years in prison. said
Margaret Kannensohn. a
Fayette County attorney.

According to court
records. Moore was also be-
ing held on charges of sec
ond degree assault and first
degree unlawful imprison-
ment from another case.

The assault charge car-




Continued from page I

the program to students who
might not otherwise have
been able to obtain a degree
in physical therapy. enrich-
ing the individuals and the
communities in rural Ken-
tucky in which they eventu-
ally practice." Kuperstein

The communications dis-
orders division of the college
also has new features for

A clinical setting on the
first floor is designed with
state-of-the-art examining
rooms. The rooms have two-

sided mirrors for student
learning and patient obser.
vation. One side of the mir-
ror is a long narrow room
filled with tables. chairs and
headsets. Communication
disorder students can sit in
this room and observe an up-
per division student as that
student examines a patient.
“This gives us an idea of
what we will be doing once
(we are) in graduate school."
said Jessica Edlen. a commu-
nication disorders senior.

Other rooms for the com-
munication disorders students
are completely soundproof.
with two solid doors, one in
front of the other. to assure
that nothing can be heard.
These rooms are also designed
with two-sided mirrors for stu-

dent observations.

Such rooms. along with
the new distance-learning
classrooms. have made stu
dents and faculty excited
about the new building.

Before the building be-
came reality. classes were
spread across campus. with
some in the College of Nurs—
ing building. some in the for-
mer College of Health Sci-
ences building located on
Washington Street and some
in a building near Winn Dixie
off of Virginia Avenue that
students called “Winn Dixie

“We have emerged from a
small school of three pro-
grams to a large school of
nine disciplines," said
Thomas C. Robinson. dean of

ties a penalty of five to 10
years in prison; if convicted
of unlawful imprisonment.
he could serve one to five
years, Kannensohn said.

Further details were not
available last night.

"These cases will be tak-
en very seriously." Kannen
solin said.

Moore's hearing is 8:30
am. April 16 at the Fayette
County District Court.

the college.

Among the majors stu-
dents can study in the College
of Health Sciences are athlet-
ic training. clinical nutrition.
communication disorders.
physician assistant studies.
physical therapy and radia-
tion sciences.

Several students said one
of the best characteristics of
the building is the locker
room. They said they never
before had a place where they
could store all of their be-
longings between classes. Stu-
dents also can shower in the
locker rooms.

“The new building makes
our program stand out." said
Ryan McGuire. a second year
physical therapy student.




Continued from paqel

palachia. He said that experi-
ence with media stereotypes
in North East India provide
some context for his research.

“I can relate to Ap
palachians, coming from a
community in India that has
long been stereotyped," Haz-
arika said. “For years I have
been battling the stereotype of
North East India through my
writing and the films I make.”

Faltraco is best known
for her activism for sustain-
able forestry practices in rur-
al North Carolina, where she
founded and organized the

Concerned Citizens of
Rutherford County. This
group’s opposition to wood
chip mill construction and op
eration in the county became
a model for networking and
community organization.

During her fellowship.
Faltraco. from Union Mills.
N.C.. has been collaborating
with professors and scientists
at UK. particularly the
forestry department. as well
as academia in Appalachia.
Her goal is to create a manual
to help connect people and
make sure they can access the
information and experts that
other activist groups need to
support their cases.

Herbert Reid. director of
the Appalachian Center and
a political science professor.

said Appalachia have been
the target of industry prac-
tices which may or may not
be good for the community.
He said that local activists
can help people have a say in
what happens in their com-

“We are concerned with
how community-based ac-
tivist groups in Appalachia
and around the world are re-
sponding to economic global-
ization." he said. “These
groups offer a more democ-
ratic approach for communi-
ties. and we are looking at
what is necessary for them to
be more effective and coordi-
nated in their efforts.“

The program received a
grant for close to $325000 from
the Rockefeller Foundation

and close to 381.000 from the
UK Arts and Sciences Depart-
ment and Graduate School.
The goal is to help ac-
tivists create roadmaps for
other grassroots groups to
follow. so that they also influ-
ence long-term planning.
Each fall. Reid and Wolf-
gang Natter offer a seminar
through UK Graduate School.
giving students a chance to
talk with the fellows and
learn from their projects.
“I‘m here as an ambas-
sador. My goal is collabora-
tion." Faltraco said. “The
academics here have the in-
formation. and have ex-
pressed an interest in shar-
ing it. so that communities
can fix what is in bad shape
and think about the future."




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 ITHURSDAY, APRIL 10. zoos I KENTUCKY listing?“

Student Center houses UK Habitat display

Awareness: Cardboard shacks erected to educate
students about need for quality, low-cost housing

By Elizabeth Dorsett


Many people in Lexnig-
Von live in homes with dirt
floors and no running water.

That's the reality that
students learned Wednesday
during the "Shacka-Thon."
sponsored by the LR (‘hap-
ter of Habitat for Humanity.

Student organizations
niade nine cardboard shacks
decorated with such things
as flowers and satellite dish-
es and displayed them in
tront of the Student Center,
The goal of this activity was
to educate UK students
about Habitat and its mis-
sion to eliminate substan-


dard housing.

The display w as part of
the second annual Habil’es‘t.
a nationwide stiident-initiar
ed day of advocacy for at-
fordable housing. Over 150
schools across the nation
promote Habitat for Human-
ity's Day of Action and
Awareness Raising.

"People don‘t realize
that there is substandard
living here in Lexington."
said Joanna Folz. an execu-
tive board member of the
UK Habitat Chapter.

According to Habitat
statistics. 5.3 million US.
households qualify as sub-
standard housing. This in-

formation suggests that one
out every four people will
live in poverty housing

Bonnie Little. president
of the UK Habitat chapter.
wants the university to take

‘UK is the biggest busi
ness in Lexington so we
should take responsibility
and help our community." she
said. Little hoped that the
“Sliack-a-Thon” would high
light the need for quality. low
cost housing and promote in»
volvement on campus.

“Students across the na-
tion are demanding the hu»
man right to decent. afford—
able housing for all people."
Jenny Whitehei‘. president
of the New York University
Habitat for Humanity Cam-
pus (‘liapteii said. noting the

number of students who are
involved. "It takes more
than a hammer and it takes
more than one voice. All stu-
dents need to believe ab-
solutely that together they
can make a difference."

The campus chapters
and youth programs direc-
tor for mid-America. Kathi
McPherson. helped to imple-
ment the “Shacka-Thon."

l\'lcPherson helps stu~
dents in Kentucky. Ten-
nessee. Ohio and Indiana
fundraise for Habitat and
other non-profit coalitions
for housing.

“Education is key." she

To become involved with
the UK Habitat chapter. con-
tact Bonnie Little at
Bonnbonneul aolcom.


U.S. Marines with lndla Co., 3rd Batt., 7th Marines, lst Marines Division, race toward a vehicle that came under fi