xt7wst7dvq2r_2 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dvq2r/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dvq2r/data/2009ms132.1135.dao.xml Cole, W. R. (Whitefoord R.), 1874-1934 0.46 Cubic Feet 2 items archival material 2009ms132.1135 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Whitefoord R. Cole scrapbooks Whitefoord R. Cole scrapbook text Whitefoord R. Cole scrapbook 2023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wst7dvq2r/data/2009ms132.1135/Item_2/Multipage56.pdf 1897-1926 1926 1897-1926 section false xt7wst7dvq2r_2 xt7wst7dvq2r  


 / New

‘ of ‘New

The _
, "Wharton
, Family,‘



w V"

. To discover the origin of the -Whar-
. ton family one must go to the counties

land, where the , name Wharton is
1given to_ certain townships where the
frace of Whartons originated. It was
1111 lVestmoreland that Richard Whar-
>t0n. the founder of the Philadelphia

‘lfamily of the namerwas born in 1661. -

'lIn 1882, when he was 18 years old. he,
\carne to this country and settled in
Philadelphia, where he married Rachel

. vania and other parts of the countrY-
. The coat-of-arms of the family here
. shown is simply this: Sable, a
Maunch or. That is,
w1th_a sleeve of gold. The crest is
described thus: A bull’s head, erased,
argent, attired or. -
The coat—of—arms 'borne by Walter
Wharton, who was surveyor of the
three lower counties on the Delaware
in 1671, is somewhat different, though
it, too, shows the interesting heraldic
emblem of the maunch, or sleeve. It
Is described thus: Sable a maunch,
argent, on a border, or, eight pairs of
lions gam-bs, saltire ways, erased
gules, The crest for this is a Moor
kneeling in coat of mail, all proper,
ducally crowned, or, stabbing himself
With a sword of the first, hilt and
pompel or.
Just how it came about that the
VVhartons assumed as their heraldic
emblem the maunch, or sleeve, is one
. of the things that is lost in the mist
of the unrecorded past. However, 'it

maunch was originally assumed as an
frmorial bearing because of the cus—
tom of the brave knights of old to
wear a sleeve from a gown of the fair

ried.in this Way on their shield when
they went to battle or into the tourna~
ment, the sleeve was supposed to bring
,, them good luck, or, at least. to be a
constant reminder of the one in whose


of Cheshire and Westmoreland, Eng-El

. Thomas of Wales and founded the fam-}
. fly now well established in Pennsylt


a black shieldI

N Nat-‘31”

The First-Wharton in This country. Chose
Philadelphia as His Home—All of- the”
”Name Bear a Maunch, or Lady’s Sleeve,
asrTheir Heraldic Emblem—Dennis May
Come From An Anglo-Sax


is an interesting fact to 'note that the ,

lady to whom they were pledged. Car- .


honor all battles were fought. . ,

, Answers to Correspondents.

To J. W. 1)., who asks for the origin
of the Dennis family.

Even the novice in genealogy would
be able to tell that the‘surname Den—
nis was derived from the first name
of Dennis, which, becauSe is was early
, borne by the patron saint of France.
‘ has always been popular in that coun-
try. Still that is not the last word
on the origin of the family name of
Dennis. Although one branch of the
family probably does derive the name
in this way,.there'is little doubt of
the fact 'thatAin some cases the name
was derived from the Anglo—Saxon
- word Denisca, which meant Danish, So
these early Dennises were of Danish"
origin and took the name that indi—
cated that fact. -

The family was founded in
country by one Robert Dennis
.Porthmouth and Newport, R, I.


It is
‘ not known from what part of England
- nor when he came, but it is known
, that he bought land in Portsmouth in
1691. By his wife, Sarah, Howland,
daughter of one of the proprietors of
Duxbury, he had the following chi1+
dren: Mary, ,who married one George
Lawton;_Robert, Who married Susan—
nah Briggs: Sarah, who married
Thom Fish; John. who .married Ann
‘ Brayton, and Joseph, Who married
Sarah Durfee. From these children of
. the first settler, Robert, are descended
‘ a large number of those who bear the
name in many states. .‘ -

There was also a Thomas Dennis who
came to.th1s country in the fleet of
John Winthrop. and later removed to
y, Jersey; ‘where he established a
,; distingmshedgfamily of the name. It
‘ is supposed-that this settler,-’.Ro.bert. .of
Portsmouth and NeWport, and Thomas,
. Jersey, awere near of kin;
thoughvthoreN-Nis no proof of this fact.‘

MW", { ,
. . -







on Word.

which the Earls of Eglinton and Win-
ton are descended uses: this motto:
“,Tout bien on rich." The earls _o£
Eglinton and Winton. whose family
name is Montgomery, use as their mot-
to: “Gardez bien.” The Earl of Mount
-Alex,ander, who was also a Montgom—
1other is, “Patriae infelice fldelis.” From
cry, but whose earldom is now extince,
land has been since 1758, had this mot-
among these I feel sure that Mrs. W.
,J. M. will be able to find one that suits
her fancy. '

To W. D.. who asks for information
to, “Honneur sans repos,” and still an-
about the Day family which, says W.

D., was probably originally O’Day and'

came from England to this country.
While I am' unable to find any trace

of the tradition that the Days in this

country were originally O'Days, I find

that several of the Days did come to .
this country from England in the sev—,
,‘enteenth century.

There was a Ralph Day who was
born in England and ‘settled in Wed—
ham. His son, John, lived in Wren-
tham, Mass, and was a soldier in
King Philip’s war. His descendants are


found in parts of New England as well
as in \Vashington,‘ D, C.

»A Robert Day, who was born some?

where in England in 1604, came to this
country with his wife, Mary Stebbins,
.in the Elizabeth and was a pioneer in
the settlement of Hartford, Conn. His
5 name is to be found to—day on a monu-
ment erected in that city in honor of
the first settlers. His descendants are
a to be found in many states, one branch
being as far South as New Orleans.
This Robert Day bore the following

1 coat of arms, which is still used by his

Per chevron, or and
azure, three inullets counterchanged.
The crest is described thus: Two
‘ bands conjoined, proper, fixed to a pair
of wings, the dexter or, sinister azure,
leach charged with a mullet, counter—
, changed. The motto is “Sic itur ad as~
tra N .

. descendants:

Although it seems likely that Day is

one, of the many names taken in honor
of the Scotch patron, Saint David, there
is a tradition that the first of the Eng-
lish family was a follower of the Nor~
man conqueror, who, having been as-
signed large tracts of land in Suffolk,
England, settled in Eye, in that county,
«and thereupon assumed the name of

Nd'Eye, which became Deye and finally ‘
It is hard to tell whetherthis *

‘1 Day.
Itradition is founded on fact or whether

it is si-mplyvone- of the many fabrica< ,1
Jtions built up on the desire to appear '.

1to have had Norman origin.

To a- reader who 'wants to know the

1Ambrose arms, with something of the :

.origin of the family.

-Unfortvun3ateIY_ . _
able data on this small family.
i sonal' name, made. popular, because of
the saint so named, there is no doubt,

audit is first .vfoundin Lancaster, Eng:

' land. In this country a'family of Am-

brose was settled sometimerearly in:
, theyseventeenth century in the neigh- =.

I borhood vof -rSaliS'bury ‘and‘ Amesbury

there is little avail- ‘
7. That ~.
the-surname was derived from the per-.1


. «megaww

_ w T in." " L 06K 0 U


THE LOOKOUT'is printing a series of articles on nota-
These are prepared by authorities
and genealogists and will take up many of the interesting
whose history is welded with that of the South.

ble Southern families.


Families which have been mentioned are Sevier, Dand—
ridge, Blount, McAdoo, Calvert, Pendleton, Calhoun, Tay-
lor, Washington, Harrison, Strother, Clayton, Madison,
Lane, Taliaferro, Chew, Deaderick, Van Dyke, Banning,
Spottswood, Randolph,


Hunter, Key,
Bland, Bolling,



Southern Families

and many others.


Deatherage, Mumford, Kennon, Claiborne, Burwell, Arm-

stead, Carter, Nicklin, Bowie, Davis, Henry, Byrd, Car—
.roll, Leei, Brooke, Phinizy, Shields, Gaines, Pegram, Ball,
Williams, Winston, Cobb, Jackson, Rhea, Brent, Lamar,
Brooke, Howard, Shelby, Polk, Lindsay, Haywood, Preston
McGhee, Brownlow, Borden, Johnson, McMillan, Howard,



1 John R. Grundy, (son of _

Felix Grundy), was born at
Bardstown, Kentucky, December
7, 1803. Died) June 5, 1836, at
Columbus, Mississippi. He was
a lawyer and lived at Paris, Ten—
nessee. lie was married on May
12, 1825', to Jane Eliza Caswell,
daughter of William Ric-hard
Caswe‘ll and Sarah Lytle. She
was a grand-daughter of Brig.—
Genl. William Caswell of
Nortlh Carolina. and his wife
Garat‘ha Mcllween (spelled
several ways). She was a great
grand-daughter of Governor
Richard Caswell of North Caro—
lina and his first wife Mary
Mecllween. Jane E. Caswell was
born at, Sprinighi-ll,Tennessee,
March 16, 1808. She was lmar—
ried to John R. Grundy at
Springhill. She died near Mc—
‘Minnville, Tennessee, June 7,

Jane E. Caswell Grundy,
widow of John R. Grundy,
married second, Stockley Do'n‘el-
son Rowan (lawyer) of Mc—
Minnvillc, at Sprioghill, Ten-
nessee, Nov. 25, 1815, and ’had
issue, first, Sallie McCullough
Rowan, born March 27, 1817, at
Mchlnnvi-lle, Tennessee. She
married Judge M. C. Sauflcy oi"
Stanford, Kentucky, andlha-d nu—
merous. issue. She lives with
:her daughter, Mrs. Thomas
Shepherd Webb at Knoxville,
Tennessee (1921) ; second,
Henry McCullouch Rowan, now

: (1921)T_'0f , (Oaniaria, ”California.

born March 1

(C'opywright Applied For.)

Volume I, of Notable Southern Families
twenty—one of these family records.
now ready for publication will contain twenty more.
price per Volume is $3.00.

Turley, Armstrong, Houston, Donaldson Vance, Hardwick,
Boone. Beane, Carter, Holliday, Bryan, Wear, Kelton,

These back numbers will be supplied whenever possible
for twenty-five cents per copy.

In connection with this department, genealogists will
make special investigations for family data.
inquiry stamped and addressed envelope.
LOCKOUT, Genealogical Department, Chattanooga, Tenn.

Enclose with
Address THE

Volume II, which is


John R. Grundy and Jane E.
Caswell ‘had one child, Mary
Eliza Grundy. She was born at
Springhill, Tennessee, Sept. 1,
1826; died at. Oak-ham, two
miles from McMinnville, Ten--
nesssee, Nov. 11, 1863. She
married first, Walter Reid Scott
(lawyer), of Nas evil-lo, Tonnes—
see, (son of James Scott and
Margaret Connolly), Dec. 16,
1816, at McMinnville, Tenn. (‘He
was born at Nashville, Tenn,
Dec. 27, 1825). He died
Oct. 27, 1855. She married
second, P. H Marbury of Mo—
Minnvillc at that place Oct. 11,
1858. (He was born at Warm
Springs, North Carolina, April
21, 1810). She had issue by the
first marriage, viz:

Jane Foster Scott, born at

_ Springhill, Tennessee, January

27, 1818; died Feb. 26, 1902;
buried at Mount Olivet Ceme—
tery, Nashville, Tennessee. She
married Captain Arthur Willis
Gloster (Civil Engineer), of La—
Grange, Tennessee (son of Are
thur Brehon Glosier (farmer)
and Mary NH-lycs ‘Nillis of La-
Grange), Sept. 28, 1869, and .had
issue, viz:

1 Mary Grundy Glosier, born
IlaGrangc, Tennessee, Oct. 26,
1870. She married James H.
Graham (Civil Engii’ieer) at
Knoxville, Dec. 23, 1902, and has
issue, viz:

1 Mary Glosicr
born Nov. 7, 1903.

2 Jeannie Scott


‘ N.

3 Martha Graham, born Oct. ‘
11, 1909.

2 Jennie Scott Gloster, born
LaGr‘ange, Tennessee, Jan. 29,
1872. She married William B.
Crenshaw (Civil Engineer),
of Knoxville, Tennessee, April
1919. 3. Sallie Rowan Gloster,
born May 12, 1875, died Feb. 23,
1902.; no issue. ,

1 Arthur Bernard Cloister
(Civil Engineer), born at La—
Grange, Tennessee, Feb. 8, 1878.
Married Feb. 1903, to Alice
Spears of Paris, Kentucky. Is—
suc, viz:

1 Arthur Spears
born March 25, 1901.

2 Alice Keith Cluster,
April 21, 1906.

3 Henry Spears ‘Glosier, born
Nov. 23, 1908.

1 James Kinare Gloslcr, born
May 29, 1910.

5 Mollie Catherine Cluster,
born Oct. 18, 1912.

6 Jeannie Scott Glostcr, born
Sept. 2, 1915.

5 William



Oley Glosier

(Civil Engineer), born at Leba-v

non, Kentucky, Dec 19, 1879;
married Dec. 1908, to Kate Wil—
son, daughter 01‘ J udgc S. F.
Wilson of Nashville, Tennessee.
Issue: Mary Gr'a‘halm Glos-ter,
born Nov. 23, 1909.

6 Lane Hazlelhurstx Gloster,
born at Callailn, Tennessee, Feb.
2, 1883, died April 11, 1881.

7 Flora Nell Cluster, born
Gallatin, Tenn, Aug. 13, 1881;
married Charles Milne: Seymour
(Lawyer), of Knoxville, Tennes-
see, June 5, 1906, and ‘had issue,
Viz: . .,

1 Neil Glioster Seymour, born _
Feb. 1, 1907.
2 Jane Scott Seymour, born
Aug 17, 1908. 1
3 Charles Milne Seymour,
junior, born July 10, 1910.
1 Josephine Douglass
incur, born Dec. 17, 1912.

5 William Rai’idolph Sey—
i’iiour, born May 23, 1915, died
April 7, 1916.

6 Arthur Gloster
born March 30, 1917.

7 Dorothy lorclmi
born May 13. 1919.

8 Richard Caswcll
born May 26, 1921.

8 Barney Scott Glosler, born.
at Gallaiiii, Tenn, Dec. 15,
1888, died July 8, 1889.

3a W’illlam Caswell Scott.
(wholesale groceries), born Sy—
camore Mills, 11781111., Oct. 5, 1850,,
Married to Missie Lucas,
Mounds, Louisiana, Sept. 1 ‘
1881, He died . ,
had issue, viz: (all born at Blr—i‘
iii-ingham, Ala) .

1 Julia Scott, born July 5,1

2 \er‘lllallll Cuswcll
born Oct. 5, 1883.

3 Hugh Lucas Scott, born
Jan. 19, 1886.
N 1 Bernard
July 1, 1891.

. 3b Walter Scott, born Nash—
ville, Teiin., Dec. 27, 1852; died
at Nashville, March 12, 1855.

‘ 3c Bernard Connolly Scott

born Nashville, Tenn, June 17,
I 1855, died Birmingham, Ala,
Jan. 7. 1888. He married June
17, 1879, Alberta Marks Colyar',
daughter of Col. A. S. Colyar, ‘


Scyi’nour,j ' ‘ ‘
S cymoi I r,



Connolly Sco bi,

(Lawyer), of Nashville. They
left issue, viz:
.- 1 Agnes Scott (Actress) born.
Nashvflle, June 6, 1880. She mar—
ried Feb. .22, 1916, Herbert A.
Yosi, Actor, of New York City:
. 2 Wallace Scott, Actor, born.
, Dec. 1N 1883. l
3 Lily Bernard-inc Scott, born?
at Birmingham, Ala. , Feb. 8,? “if
1887. She married- Jamcs Bar-1.,
iielt Robinson (Accoimiant) oi" 5
Now York Cliy, Feb. 15, 1908..
Has issue. first, John Colyarl
Robiusmi, born March 25, 1912..“
Second, .’\lber*ta, Agnes Robin-g,3
son, born Oct. 5, 1916. 1
Mary Eliza Gnundy’s childrci‘r
by her marriage with Col. P. H1 ‘
Mai‘bui'y of Mchiinvillc (No. 2 .
above) Viz: .
3d Ellen (Nellie) T. Mar—‘3'
bury,. born at McMinnvillefi
Tenn, April 13, 1860; married;
William B. Crenshaw (Civil "
Engineer), at McMinnville, Dec. “.1.
5, 1888. She died March —, 1916, 7
Her issue: 1



 V1 'Willianu “MI" Uiiefi'siifi‘afii‘ 7*
"horn and died Sept. 1889.
2 Barney Lee Grenshaw
‘ (livil Engineer), born Sept. 11,
1890. He married Elizabeth.
. Bruce. Oct“. #«, 1920.
8 Florence M. Grenshaw,
thorn March 6. 1893; married
4 James Albert [Gamble Dec. 153,
L 11919. .
,3 ll John Grenslhaw, died in in-
1 fancy.
l 5 Ida Mary Grens‘hvaw, born
‘2 Feb. 16, 1897.
‘ 3e Jo‘hn Grundy Marh‘ury
(Secretary of La'lihrop Lumber
hnnpal’iy, Lat-hrop, Ala), born
at Oakharm. Near M‘C'Mll’lllVlllG.
"l‘enn, May 80, 1862 He married
March 28, 1889 at Riverside,
Ala, Eula Carson, and their is—
sue, viz: ‘
1 Hitchey McGuire Marbury
(cot-ton planter), born Jan «1,
1890, at Riverside, Ala. He
married l'lessie 811th and had
1 Ricliey McGuire, junior.
" Felix Grundy.
. Mary Clare Marhury, born
Oct. 8, 18972, Riverside, Ala. She 1
married James Allen Higgs, ‘
innior, (salesman), and has is“


1.; '= .' «.41...

. ,4, .1, _ H, ._ 'v- .77~ "1. 354.111.; . . W


,‘ ”'1’!“ l .

‘1 wright on' Home? of. i”
me ..e.BPF¥1a1€_OEfLFad?d Letter/93.1





S'Tfllil‘aiTFOi letter writs 3
ing really on .a decline,
or is it only a cry of
“Wolf?” Is it because
the people of to—day
are people of affairs?
The women with parlia-
mentary laws at their

. . ~ finger tips and all end-

less variety of clubs—“a. club for every

4/ emotion”——and men with their well-de-

veloped fondness for brevity can con-
dense a tale of woe, or pleasure, into one
telegraphic sentence? Is it because of .
these conditions that life has grovvn too
complicated for chatty, personal let—
".ters, such as delighted the hearts of our
grandmothers? .

Wherever the fault may lie the cry
has gone forth that the art of letter- .
writing is on the wane. If this is true . f, 1
lthsnfuture generations will miss many "
delectable bits of gossip concerning this
day. One may look to history for events,
but anyone must look to letters for
episodes. The life of the average per—
son hinges upon incidents and not upon
events, so letters become history in a
small way. ' 7’ .

1 While we understand how the feats

. I EgrgrO-iitaiys 12111 become :1. matter of his- ‘1 '1

. 7. M . l , , ~ . , 7 , . us a ‘ i ' '- . ‘

Silt, VlA. | DO you remember away-back.\\'heii toginake room for the Cole Building, a MRS. E. “7. COLE, nthat the years tgeecréll‘ffiig 13180251331123; ’

1 . ,
















1 James i'lllcn HiO‘O‘s the '1 the ole 1; ill' .. . . <. ‘. ' -. 3- . . quaint a. flavor to ~ . - -

"I‘l’lird no ’ g . 1m, 5,900.1 0111 11,1:°’,,0;1:§::;t 12111:: 12051013 sir-11011119, then.‘,_by 3111091118 Prominent Nashv1lle_ woman, who was hostess at ' the interesting ' 'date life, as the “3111s iiiiie’iieugoii’e , "
, ) . 7V V I , ,- ‘ ‘ 1of Union street mm m; t; f "I‘ _; itll‘ethmO-S’tt-p1‘7i§lentlfc‘n-ISL igfflce -1H,111dl.11g archaeological lecture given yesterday by Dr. Mitchell GaI‘POIl Of Wash- have given to our ancestors. We are “51
V basn ell Grundy Higgs. ' 3 ' 3 IS 11°“ ‘Omnh ‘3 U 3- ‘9 ”St 100” “as 00““ ington, D. 0., at Centennial Club. art {071001; dOWn the length of a cen—

W —-—Aft.e.r Portrait by Willie Betty Newman.

,A .1, .. , . avonu '3 Ti . . -. . - .. A. pied by a large clothin stor with
N019 N0, 2 JOJhII GPLlIldV c . 18 cornci ls ‘1 historic. one entrances on Union Sailor 1:1
, . 3 . and those whose memories travel back ‘ i ‘ ‘ ~ ' ‘ ‘(- on
M‘arhury, Of Lathrop, Ala, (313‘ 1 f’i’tv years 01 I‘lOIL H ll , ,lfi Fourttll 1Slivenue, ailfd. the upper liloors
. r 1 . .11 - . .- .. I. _ x i... ' . .. lay reca iv ien. were . :1 'en up by c fices until the build-
‘clbUVB>, ‘hdS tht} family bible '01 [the corner was occupied 1,3,“,1 bani; ing was torn away to make‘room; for

. his grandfather, John R. Grun— limlialng, wlilcn'ms used mime (hrs ”‘1, 11’1““? building“ OE- the F011“
‘1‘ ' ‘ v' z ' 'rn T " l )L i. , ' i
‘ .dV (NO-1 abOVB1. .11'ollowing' the war between the states $21 ,3” stflitational ,LQ‘B‘ “\Vhlcn‘now
..7~~-~ .' ’bv the. Nashville Libr‘lrv ” ' “1183 la LOI'llei. “Us" hOWQYQY"
53- B.——Can you give any info ' anon LTlio library builduw Lilils tel 1' down ls notlong enough ago to be ailment
I . . 1.3 .- ‘l ' :l 7 . ~

we get back to Greece and its livllllf1‘A'thena, ‘the "glorious deify'"whose na—
center. ‘What iS‘ good and fa” ts mtol ture comprised the supreme develop— ’ 3 77~7777
be our care.’ strikes the yl’reyno e 1, . merit of the intellect and the esthetic.” ~ 7'
the music of Greek genius. aht Drl Dr. Carroll spoke of the subject
Continuing this line 0f thoug ’ ac: of the sculpture, both in the frieze,
Carroll said: “There are two 01h?“t1 and the pediments, as being planned
teFiStiCS that stand out pre-em nennyl to honor Athena, in showing the
as Greek—the obedience to reascgln 31s struggle of civilization with barbarity,
, the love of the beautlful. 'lhe drsvor and then told of the marvelous
"' “""""‘ " Al-_,-,._, ,.n_...eflm_w_,__ w 77 "7‘77 ‘ . the backbone 9f SClentifiC. en leilnent’ statue of the deity wrought in gold
1' Carroll Lectures on Afl’fens and Which banding house-d
' . in art. From these two ChaTaCtells 1 In closing Dr. Carroll stated that the
' 7H “ 7.“ 77* 77-s'7“'~"“‘* '* ' " Earthenonwwas dthe epitogne hot tlhe‘
‘ ' ' ‘t Which makes our lives reer spiri , an then ma e .18 1) ea‘
gfbllifién“%aé Americans need an in—' for a. marPle replica of.this high ex-
qui-on- of the Greek spirit. We are DI‘GSSIOH ,0 artthm 1our city. 1 t'
essentially idealistic and we can learn Followmg h e ecture a itrecep gin
much fromthe Greeks.” was held in t e reception suN? on -e
. M . , . hundred first floor of the club house, . rs. Cole
.. Dr. Carroll showed several and Mrs Waller being the hostesses.
beautiful slides 0t Athens, ._conc.en.trat—~ Delicious afternoon refreshments were
”13‘0“ the acropolis. NOt only were served in the dining room. the tea
pictures ot ill-(:1 run? fihrownt fartiotlkll: table being presided over by Misses
screen, but '5“ es 0 t e res 0 ’ Eunice Jackson, Emma Morrow An-
derson, Evelyn Douglas and Ellen





about "Mrs. Grundy." ’Who is so history. ,
often referred to as a most censorious , _

_ person? , -
V “ Mrs. Grundy ” is I mythical person Y . r “UNA . 7 mi?
whose opinions on social topics are deemed 1 f’Sterday afternoon an appredatlve " Dr. _Carroll expressed great pleasure;
of such importance that when anything un- : audience 0f 0V6? 200 representative at being in Nashvnle again and also

, , _ 7 lme - in the fact that there are in this city‘
usual happens in societyihc question that is 1 t n_axlldcliv0;nen assembled in the Con. so many ardent friends of archaeology.
asked' at once, “What will Mrs. Grundy . ennia u 2waltOl‘mm to hear Dr. He went on to say that it gave him

(”7, ,n Thomas Morton’s popular com- 1 Mitchell Carroll of \Vashington, D. 0., peculiar pleasure to talk on "Violet—
say. ‘ ‘ ,, 7. . -1 reneral = Mcret f h ,0 Crowned Athens" in. the “Athens 01‘
edy, ,uspeecl the Plough. which was 0118 g ‘3 . be a” O t e Amhaeomeical the South.” the only city in the world
inally produced Feb. 8, 1798,tat Covent Gar- 1 Insist“? 0f Aimerica, deliver a. corn- that boasts a replica of the Parthenon.
(1 London there is a reterence to Mrs. . like ensue an ., interesting lecture on Then, by interesting steps, he led upl.
en, ’ '_ 1 h is not one of the 1. T; thyens, th? Clty 0f the V101“ Crown.” to the suggestion that a splendid field1
Grundy. .Sflthoug‘ ‘8 e 1 .5 _?iuf,1,1,9}‘9§._were Wmany WthflQ; of activity for Tennesseans interested.



both accomplished and imaginary,


dramaiis pcrsonae. In the play there is a iiii "J 1 . in archaeology Was to perpetuate the! were also shown, the audience gaining , . 7
farmer's wife and near neighbor to Dame- halal thfi’ pllelasure °.f' meetms Dr. Car- Parthenon in Tennessee marble. . ' from them an idea of the beauty and Stokes. gfl‘ggzy flV-VI" IV ',
Ashfield also a farmer’s wife who is jealous 1 yzargvagg e was in Nashv1lle several «‘13,, 1sjtar’gng ill pgogeégantrllla of tth the perfection of the arehiteCtulle or V. ’7!" fiaéfiiVAfiV/A‘ .
7 3‘ ' ‘ ‘ 1 5 . . - . . kin J} .r. arro s a e . “ is socie y this ancient civic center, The 3‘ cures r , ” gli- .7 . ,
0f the 3‘00“ ‘Oi't‘me 0‘ the G'f“?f3ys' In fhle ‘7 DThéS mtfiresfing °p§°r§“n‘ty 1° he“, would link itself with the great move~ or the age of Pericles were briefly but ,/ "~\~\ ., ' I% If.” ’
Play she'says to her husband: If our he - r. t aé‘FOt.’ W. Oh ran 5 '15 one.of 11.13 ’ment and mission of the organization graphically described, and likenesses J' \\\\ /.
mos ‘5 lnguls ed alchaeologists» 1" 1which is to stimulate the love of art or many of‘ the great figures of that ;

lie were to marry a treat Baronet I wonder America. had been arranged by Mrs ' '

, . , . , , o contribut to the his.r 1—
what Mrs. Grundy would say? ' T0 Whid‘ .. E..W. Cole, a member 0f the ,‘National @339, tof the cougtry as wellhears 0the
her husband replies; “ Why don‘t thee letten ,Arohaeologlcal Institute and a charter lmore obvious purpose of promoting

time, philosophers, poets and orators.’ .4,

'i. .-A 5%.” .
W . wpngmzp , 7 ,
7 Mi Mahala . 7
were shown. '4 . '

Dr. Carroll spoke of the Athenians



a, .t
s MM.

, - - , f the local branch. The lec— or - - . KM '7 -. ~ . f. r "' 3‘ ‘ '
-. d ' alone? I do \erlly think when member 0 , archaeological research and lncl‘eas1ng’ . - . _ 1, -. , , g , ., . , ,1
311g: EGrun 2y . 1 _ 1 th- t thee’ll ture was ,held at Centennial Club and diffusing- archaeological kilowl- as being lovers of the beautitul, lov_ ”I,” \\ \ % $.fi'gfl/ /Z :1 . , , —
/ , ‘zoest to t other “’01de e “”5 1 through the courtesy 0f the art de-7 edge ers Of the Slmpl‘? life, end ‘13 being .m: f , - , \ \ IW %' a; * a
n be .. Mere. Martment. M chM M CMMM WM— , M-cMssM MMe than?aliens”:regain-array: /M , , .\ \ Mu/ M 3 M 3 ~

/‘ It has also been She‘d that the use of the ‘ler is chairman. « to me to be 0’reat .. . ,. . .7. - . -
" phrase followed the appearamttn 1 Washing— Dean H' C" Tolman 0f 'Vanderbilt E33111? than in any othei? sec’fibnigf (tail? Pericles, “he said, did not establlsh
, ‘ ' ‘ f“ J: _ University. a charter member of the countrY.” Dr. Carroll continued “and the Athenian polltlcal empire of Whlch
. ton of Felix Grundy and his wite>~ Grundy . 10031 archaeological society and a per— a marble replica of the Parthenon in he dreamed; but he did establish an



/' .1. .

wflj MM: ,
Mgr fm .1 ,

.7 was first a member of the House of Repre~ son‘al friend of. Dr. Carroll, introduced, Nashville would be an inspiration to empire Of the 8009’. the true and the A M
. ; r - - q 3n the distinguished visitor in a few a - ’ - 1beautiful; this is livmg to~day and we . I}
sentatives and subsequentls a United state. . propriate words. p the entire world and would strengthen must do what We can to perpetuate /

%an€% 0813 those will?i gelieve that
ni e tates shou 'e as teat
.Norton, the founder of the American ialong lines of culture as she isgnow

Dr. Carroll then gave a brief his-1

Senator. He was a loyal supporter of Presi- 1 “During the lecture Charles Elliott 11%:
dent Jackson. andopponcnt of Henry Clay. 1



his wife became a leader of the social set, Archaeological Institute. was termed along commercial lines. tory 0f the Parthenon, from the time ,.

. .. n . Wan apostle of the beautiful,” and Dr.‘ “Ancient [Gr the so it was ordered bu11t by Pericles up to‘ \U
and her opinions naturally carried, great Carroll’s hearers were impressed with1 artistic influeffgétfizt surrohlxrifi: $115113? the time it was destroyed, andafter‘ ‘
weight. Hence arose the comment on any .the fact that he himself could be day.” said the speaker. “The symbol this vividly described the details of M;
particular occurrence of “What will Mrs. placed in the same category. His love of the life of Greece is the acropolis 1architectui-e which worked into the
Grundy say?" ,, 1 ,, 7 :of the beautiful in art is intense and and the crown of the acropolis is the 1wonderfu1 Who}? 'qu— over one 1 1
.. , _____ 3 sympathetic. and he imparts his Parthenon... If we trace the elements gthousand years. .he sald,_ “the Par— 1 .1,
I knowledge and philosophy AWith , a of higher life. irreSpectivo of religion, ithenon retained its prlstlne beauty, .

1It embodied the noble simplicity aiid’.
.placid grandeur whiclrare the chief‘

1Characteristics of. Greek architecture, COIVZMODORE JOHN BARRY“

‘ splendid simflinitv.,. ._


i .. V I . and filled in the. minds of the Greeks:
. . 7» 7 ,-_\ the idea for which it was intended, a‘

_. i“. . m, .’ ‘ , .1 , , , g . . 3 , . ‘ jPLAN on THE STONE RESIDENCE. _ : ’
- .r ; . 4 7‘ , {From the original drawing-i


 coon-skin cap; who" is always :ready to
Ial’bltxgate his difference of opinion with
fills fllntslock ‘rifle. His wife is not less
I ,chturesque in skimp skirts and short’
»I WaIISted gowns, topped off by“ a p0ke
bonnet, Such is the indifference born
of historical familiarity; an indifference
”that Straightway vanishes at the sight
013 QldIletters, faded and yellowed by
the dust of a hundred years. These old
idOCllments. bridge over the‘ chasm Of

upon the lives of these folk of long ago.
. >'.< :2: ,* I

I I. History tells of the first surveying trip

‘dOWI‘: the Ohio made by Col. George




'3 tsaCl‘oghan in 1765, who is perhaps the first

‘ . _ l Iiuth-entic Kentucky Colonel, as Well as

, :he first surveyor. Later a party of five
Demons followed him. In 1769 Daniel
Boone came from North Carolin-aI Still
later‘ James Harrod and his Comp‘ai‘l"

ions founded the first permanent settle--‘

ment and ’named it Harrodsburg in
honor of their leader; but it is only from
Igld letters ..that. we know that one’John
, Katrine, came .from Virginia in 1768—one
liyeI'aII‘ before Boone—and pre-empted “ye
Sgoodly acres of land by ye “waters of
KSimps-On; creek. [in yo district. of Ken—
tucky.” . That he cast his eyes long-
v Iingly upon numerous other acres ad—v
joining his goodly acres is certain from

iithe fact 'that he hied himself back-«to.

“Virginia, rented out his own land and
'Jiegroes‘, Ihenfi engaged as agent” with
- Mr. Richard Chichester, so great was :his
”determination to gather enough'ready
. ‘fcurrenoyof Virginia” to invest in those
tempting acres! His long—headed shrewtlé
mess evidently impressed his employer,
. ‘iwho I“causedwit to be known tha.t‘he.hath
Itno bargain. but at the hand of“ John
Stone; Also he hath management of my
plantation affairs.” , , .

It required a versatile man to manage
these varied and complex affairs. That
they were conducted upon a therough
.lbusiness basis is shown by various mem-
orandums and receipts, all
‘:are written as plain as print, describing
":minutely all do ails'connected Withveach

transaction; Tnesestatements are care»
"fully foldedIandJabeleId as to the con?”

1 tents, though: the phrasing is sometimes
IoraiI-IIqun “respecting Martin» Pickett,
fmerc ant at Fauquier Court House” is
a lengthy account of a wheat deal—vbar-
lgain it was then: ‘ I
I “Herein Martin Pickett hath this day.
' prurchased of Ricch Chichester, Esq., ’all
‘ the wheat he hath on hand at his quar-
ters in Fauquier. Supposed to be ab‘out
seven hundred bushels agreeable to his

proposals by'letter dated'No'v. 2d. That I

is ‘Ifour shillings and sixpence for each
Ilbu'shel, to weigh fifty-eight pounds to a
bushel. If wheat exceeds sixty
to a bushel, to-vallow one penny for each
“pound over, if: under fifty-eight pounds

to make that weight good at one penny .

deducted. ~ I ' .
“As witness my hand this day, Nov. 3,
1785.. ‘ ‘ . ‘ MARTIN PICKETT.


.Reg'arding a sale of twenty—four and

fourteen‘bushels of wheat, the order
sis to “try and make a little heavy, as
it falls Short‘of expectations.”

‘ v * a: *

There were no sljpshod methods in

ithose day's, and apparently no great I
= fffaith in writing, for always. the third .
' person must testify, even in the Small~ ,
, est matter. Another paper of Stone-and ‘
L“ Robinson, respecting a watch, certi—

,‘ fies: '

“That 1, Dixon Robinson, of the county
’I of Fauquier, hath this day bargained and
golId‘ unto John Stone, of the aforesaid

thus, 'fL.‘ABennington, London,’ for.
sum of £4 1 shillings, which said
'Wa/f’,‘ I do hereby defend and war—
maul; from the claim of any other, person
’ " soeveIr. Signed Dixon Robins-On. Test
el Fisher an Bienj. Hollyolam,” '
I. honest horse trader in 1785 Wham
a med an ‘

' ;ith_ white star in the fore—

‘timefso completely that one instinctive- ‘
1y feels like apologizing for intrudingi

of; which ' 1

Thus the label of a meme-II


My, one Silver watch marked on the .

d 5.015, to John Stone for the ‘ I
11d one black horse fifteen -'

, . i V

‘0 miles .‘ *below Fauquier
life his Io'wner, Henry, Peyton, “‘Respec

; 'jlng amoInth’s-..I-work by his blacks,” W

‘fim‘mfcfih Stone received eight shillings

H‘Jfrom'l'John ‘ChurchillmA modest “Arti-
. gal of Agreement” is headed a “Kind of
8111 of Sale” stating. “:the slaves
IShadrach, CainyJoshUa and Solomon
were sold toIIRich Chichestcr, Of Fair- 1
fax county, Vat, from Dixon Robinson :
of Fauquier County; also‘the said Rob:
inson would sell one negro boy, Moses .-
unto Jchn Stone; agent for said Ch‘iches: ‘
ter. Signed in the year one thousand’
seven hundred and eighty—two. Test;
galmmond, John Stone, Dixon Robin-t
. I ' II I . wk =l< -‘i~' I ‘f
IuIstrict contrast is another-I memo-t
randum dated September, 1782, whichi

POWDOUSU asserts that ‘51, Gervaiseé“

Hammond, Sr., of Fairfax county, Va,
for andabove the consideration of the;

delivered bv John Stone of F ' ‘
I . _ , . au u