xt7wwp9t2841 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wwp9t2841/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19140221 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1914-02-apr21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1914-02-apr21-ec. 1914 2011 true xt7wwp9t2841 section xt7wwp9t2841 At a meeting of the Executive committee of State University held in the office of the President Aoril 21st, 1914, there were present C. B. Ni chols, J. Nd Camden, C. B. Terriml and R. :. Stoll. Minutes of the previous meetings were read and adopted. 3E IT RESCI3VED by the Executive Committee of state University as follows: 1. It shall be the duty of every member of the faculty and of the teaching force of the University and Starf of the Experiment Station to be present at the Commencement Exercises of the University, and each member of the -Faculty and teaching force of the University and each member of the staff of the Experiment Station shall. at his own expense, procure a cap, gown and hood suitable to his degree, which shall be worn at the Commencement Exercises. 2. No degree shall be conferred in absentia. Provided, however, that in the year 1914 the University Oouncil may con_sent to the conferring of a degree upon members of the graduating class who may not be present, if, in the opinion of the Council, there be sufficient reason therefor. 3. Subject to the foregoing provisions and to the reg- ulations heretofore adopted by the T'niversety the Council is hereby authorised to prepare from time to time the pro- gram for the conducting of the Commencement Exercises at the University. 4. A copy of this order shall be at once given to the Faculty and teaching force of the University and to the Staff of the Experiment Station. By unanimous vote no graduate will recetve his diploma unless he is present to receive the s-me on commencement day, unless for good cause he may be excused by his dean and the President of the University. by a unanimous vote the Deans of the University were given the full power to make all arrangements for commence- ment exercises. T .n connection with the care of the campus of the University Dr. Eastle appeared and suggested plans for the improvement of the hollow on the northwestern corner of the campus, Mend he was directed to prepare plans for the carry- ing out of such a scheme and report to the next meeting of the Executive Committee. Prof. Miller as iean of the Leillege of Arts and Science appeared before the codmittee and after a conference by unan- imous vote his duties as dean as well as each other dean of the University were made clear, and by unrnimous vote this motion was adopted. The regulation fo the University adopted, _ day of , defining Whe duties of the Dean of each college, is amended so that it ehall read as followss The D-ean of each college shall be the adminietrative head of his collej* and shall h.=ve supervision and control of the various departments constituting the same (subject to the control of the President and the Executive Committee of the University) and all applications for the mailtenance of departments shall be made by the Dean. Each Dean shall be responsible for the general efficiency and unpbuildin4 of the vartous departments under his supervision. Each Dean is re- oaired to recommend t& thi -Preldtent of the iUatwesttv all rersons. who. in his Juftament should be em-loved. retained or removed from the ttaohina. staff of hts colleaae. it stall be the duty of each Dean to formulate courses of study for the various schools and depart;ments In his college and submit the same to the Council, which, If ap-arved by it, shell recomnthd to the faculty for adoption and when approved by the 1Zxzecultive Committe-e shall become a regulation of the University. The part underscored Is an addItion to the rule for- merly adocitedt Following the ado-ptian of the above order, the Dean of the 0*llege of Arts and Science was dIrected to handle the matter concerning the dropping o-:' the narne of Miss Kiakead. Secretary of the Beord wns ordered to furnish each of the members of the teachIng force of the University a copy of the above order. Mr. Stoll reported to the Co5maittee that It was the duty of the 3&ard to formulate a la.n for the carrying out of the election of members of the Alumni-Association of this university as membloers of the Board of Trustees ander a law which was naseQd at the last session of the "Legislature. Unon motion made and unran.:aouely carried tr. Stoll wa diret4- ed to prepare a pl an and report to the next meeting of this Committee. tpon motion mzde seconded and unanimously carried the following rule Was mamde atSa fees to be charged against students, entering the University for the Year 1914-1915. arach student will be required to pay an incidental fee of $15 which will be used in paying for material consumed and to aid In -provlidin for n commons whereby meals will be farn sthed to students a.t actual cost; and each of thbse students will be furnished with free admission to all public lactures given under the anuentes of the Public Lecture Bureau, and to medical advice for the resident physician, to the use of the University hospitnl, and froe admission to all athletic contests and exerctees ;iven der the auspices O.f' the UTrniversity Athletic Association. Non-resident students will pay an additional fee of $5.00. Students entering the second semesoter will ney on, half of tae above fees. The P1resident of the University Was requested to es- amine the rules which were presented by the Secretary of the Board, which rniles have baen heretofore adopted by the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee, and revise the same as he thinks proper an. report at the next meeting of this committee. By unanimous vote the Gommittee than adjourned. (Not signed)