xt7wwp9t2866 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wwp9t2866/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1876027 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1876-02-jun7. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1876-02-jun7. 1876 2011 true xt7wwp9t2866 section xt7wwp9t2866 338 Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. June 6th, 1876 Special Committees On Financial condition with instructions to recommend the best mode to meet the exigencies in the embarrassed condition of the University.. R. R. Sloan W. T. Withers J. P. TCrbitt R. C. Ricketts W. L. Tibbs Preservation & Utilization of property James Kinnaird Andrew Steele J.A. J. Lee Obituaries Joseph Wasson Samuel Colema.n Curator Withers reads a, report Request of M4rs. Mary E. Hibler not granted Minutes app rove d Session of June 7, 1876 Minutes of yesterday read & approved Degree of M.A. on J. 0. Hopkins Ten minutes rule Curator Withers read a reoort of the Committee from the Extive. Comtee. showing the securities of Ky. University upon motion it is referred to the Committee on Financial conditions. Curator Woolfolk presented the request of Mrs. Mary Hibler that she be released from oaying the Lawyers fees incurred in the suite for 500 dollars subscription of her husband, but by vote it was refused- On motion Board adjourned to 10 o'clock A.M. tomorrow. No objection being made the minutes stood approved Jos. S. Woolfolk. /339/ The Board met at ten o'clock the session omened by Prayer by President Graham. On calling the roll the following Curators answered their names or came in during the morning.. Prest. B shop, Curators Bowman, Allen, Gratz- Steele- Wasson- Goodloe- Elley_ Woolfolk- Worthington- Givens. Ricketts- Shackelford- Tarbitt- Sloan_ s Withers_ Campbell_ Shirley_ Kinnaird- Barnes, Lee, Price- Tiirs- The Sec. read the minutes of the previous meeting and no objection being made they were considered ap-proved- Regent Bowman recommended John 0. Hopkins for the degree of M. A. and moved that, that degree be coniered - Refered. to Faculty of College of Arts. Curator Withers moved as substitute That the matter be re- fered to the Faculty of the College of Arts with power to act. Adopted. Curator Shackelford moved that in the event of any discus- sion coming up speeches shall be limited to 10 minutes- adopted. 339 Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 7, 1876 Graduates in the Bible College /345/ Degree of .S. Curators Excused Report on Coml1 Col. Graduates Commercial College Com'1 Col lege Report on College of Arts. degrees to be confered. /341/ Graduates in Bible College The following names of students in College of the Bible were recommended by the Faculty of that College for receiving Diplomas - Leslie Newman Early - Petersburg, Ky.. Charles P. Williamson _ Richmonil , Vi..- In the English Course Benj. Cassell Deweese - Robertson Station - Ky.. Jos. Franklin Floyd - Barnard Mo.. Zachariah M. Grunstreet, Crocker Mo. Joseph Leslie Richardson, Mt. Eden.. Ky. Henry Harper Shearer, Parksville, Ky. James Henry Wright, Atlanta Ill. On motion of Curator Bowman the Diplomas are ordered to be confered. On motion of Curator Bowman the Diplomas are ordered to be confered. Curator Bowman moved that the degree of M. -5 be con- fered on T. H Hardin - adop te&. Curators W. L. Williams and Jno. Aug. Williams were excused for non attendance at this meeting of the Board satsifactory excuses being offered- Curator D. L. Goodloe made report on Commercial College. Adopted. The following names in this report on Commercial College were recommended for degrees -Nicaragua C. Am. In Bookkeeping Course Bost. Albert Forning - Morgantown N. C. Carton, Gerard Flynn, Thos. Nicholas - Lexington, Ky. Holton, Jno. B._ Mason Co. Ky. Haskins, Benj. Skinner - Hartford N. C. Newby, Thomas _ Hartford N. C. R~eers, Jas. Constantine - Lexington, Ky. Curator J. B. Bowman moved that the continuance of the Commercial College be refereed to the Executive Committee and Prof. Perrin Adopted. Curator Campbell made leport on College of Arts adopted included the following resolution. At a meeting of the Faculty of the College of Arts held this &ay the following was unanimously adop ted. Resolved that Lexlie Newman Earley of Petersburg Ky., Wallace Fbx, of Strong Point, Ky.e Lewis Yancy Linville, Lancaster Ky. James Grinstead Scroghum, Lexington, Ky. Henry M1. Woodford of Paris, Ky. Charles P. Williamson Richmond Va. be recommended to the Board of Curators admission to the regular degree of Bachelor of Arts. Signed Respectfully Henry H. 'Thite Presiding Officer College Arts. Whith was adopted by the Board of Curators and the degrees ordered to be confered. 341 Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 7, 1876 Degree of M.A. for Prof. J.O. Hopkins. Report of the Bible College Curator Worthington' s motion cons cerning ex. Treasurer /343/ The Faculty of the College of Arts to whom was refered the application of tne Faculty of the North Western Christian Univer- sity at Indianapolis for the degree of Master of Arts to be con- ferred on Prof. John 0. Hopkins of that Institution presented the following resort. Ky. University Wednesday June 7th/76 Resolved that in the judgement of the Faculty of the Col- lege of Arts the Law regulating a mission to the degree of Master of Arts and forbidding the confering of Honorary degrees should without exception be strictly complied with. Adopted. Curator Elley Chm. then made report on Bible College. Adopted. Curator Worthington moved that the Ex. Treas- be required to deliver up the Extive Committee all the books and papers connected with the Treasurers office- The Regent explained that the Extive Corinmittee already had such Books and papers. Curator Steele made report as Chairman of the Comtee on A. & M. College which on motion was refered to the Comtee on Finance. Evening Session June 7th 1876 Evening. Re-port of Committee on Obituaries Majority and Minotity reports from Commi ttee on Yinance. Board met at 2 o'clock pursuant to adjournment. The minutes of the morning session were read and no objection being offered they were considered approved. Curator Woolfolk presented the acts. of W. W. George for 20 dollars incured by making change in the Directory of the Com- mercial Bank of Ky- Upon motion of Curator J. G. Allen the amt. is ordered to be paid. The Committee on Obituaries through its Chairman Curator Wasson made the following report- Resolved Thet we hereby pay respectful and affectionate tribute to the memory of our Brother Curator Dr. Joseph Smith and Dr. James Crutcher and express our confidence in their Christian character while living and our confident faith in their eternal salvation through Christ- We rejoice in the hope of a reunion in heaven where all the misunderstandings of earth cleared away in the light of God's presence. Resolved that we tender our sympathy to their bereaved Families - Re solved That copies of these resolutions be forwarded to the fam- ilies of the deceased and to the Apostolic Times. - and Christian Standard. The Committee on Finances made the following reports Majority Report- 344 Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 7th, 1876 Your Committee to whom was referred so much of the Regents report as refers to the financial conditions of the University with instructions to report the best means to meet the present exegencies - beg leave respectfully to report.. That in the present state of our finances there is no need for dispondency but the necessity for retrenchment is inevitable- Therefore your Committee recommend- That the notes now due the Real Estate & Building fund and the other assets of said Fund together with all the saleable property in the Machine shop and the available proceeds from the Farm be converted into a sinking fund for the payment of the interest and the gradual liquidation of the principal due the Endowment Fund by the Reek Estate and building Fund, the A. & M. College and the Mechanical Department. 2. That all the said non prodictive investments together with the unpaid coupons and a-cumlated interest of the University be converted into a sinking Fund for the gradual liquidation of the indebtness of the University on general account _ 3. That in order to economize - labor and money the instruc- tions of both the College of Art & the A. & M. College be at Morrison College as for as practicable. 4. That in said two Colleges we consolidate into our chair as follows - lst. The two chairs of English Literature 2nd. f it tf It Ancient Languages 3d. " " " I Mathematics, Nat. Science and Modern Languages. /345/ It is required that the Professors in the Bible College till take charge of such additional classes in the College of Arts as may be assigned them. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. TD. Withers W. T. Tibbs R. C. Ricketts J. P. T .rbi tt . Read. 5. Also that the two chairs in the Bible College be consoli- after dated into one under the name and character of the Chair of Sacred History as originally constituted at Bacon College. R. R. Sloan . (this who concurs in maj except that the above is a substitute for Res. 4 Provided tne Chair of Comuercial College shall be abolished. Provided that anyone or all of these Chairs & especially in the Bible College be continued if the means can be provided for their support to which the Board hereby invite and pledge and earnest support-/ A motion was made to substitute the minority for the majority report pending which and discussion the Board on motion adjourned to meet at 8 otclock to-morrow morning.