JO I N * * THE AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE * NE W DEAL The American Liberty League is organized to defend i and uphold the Constitution of the United States and to gather and disseminate information that (1) will teach § the necessity of respect for the rights of persons and property as fundamental to every successful form of gov- i ernment and (2) will teach the duty of government to j encourage and protect individual and group initiative and enterprise, to foster the right to work, earn, save, and acquire property, and to preserve the ownership and lawful use of property when acquired. § * * * The League believes in the doctrine expressed by · George Washington in his Farewell Address that while the people may amend the Constitution to meet condi- Z tions arising in a changing world, there must "be no change by usurpation; for this * * * is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed." § Since the League is wholly dependent upon the con- § A Review ef the Huge EXP€udituI`€S tributions of its members for financial support it hopes § under the Roosevelt Administration that you will become a contributing member. However, E and ~th€ Alarming Inerease in the if you cannot contribute it will welcome your support as E National Debt Despite the Most a non-contributing member. E . g Burdensome Peace-time — —--————————————--—-—--— - Taxes Ever Leviecl ENROLLMENT BLANK AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE NATIONAL PREss BUILDING WAsH1NeToN, D. C. Q QRIC · . . . . . . . . . . . E Img I desire to be enrolled as a member of the l-3:6 5 Ameiican Liberty League. ary Ley Signature .......................................... l/Name ............................................ +7 g .9. < Q: Street ............................................ § AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE E4 Town ............................................ National Headquarters NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING ( I County .......................... State ......,.., WASHINGTON, D. G. L Enclosed find my contribution of $3 .......... * ” * to help support the activities of the League. _ g t _ _ _ E Document No. 130 (130) July, 1926