‘ w - , ` e si ‘‘·X‘~‘‘ * * e yields to the productive efforts of man, they allow themselves to be governed by their emo- * * tions and espouse exactly the same doctrines ‘ as do those who are avowedly seeking the overthrow of both our Church and our Civiliza- tion. If they succeed, the fact that their inten- tions were good won’t serve to mitiigate the ené suing disaster, or excuse the part t ey have ha in bringing it about. h C h h What, then, is the duty of t e hurc to t e Social Order? V For some years past a considerable part of R the members of the ministry, a considerable part of the publications of the Church, have devoted _ O D their time to the preaching, not of Christian E love, but of class hatred. Instead of pointing ` BY out the forward march of the race under the S. WELLS UTLEY teachings of the Christian religion, they have President and General Mana er magnined its denciencies, have emphasized its The Detrdt Steel Castin Comg an shortcomings and its lack of perfection, in such 1 g P y a way as to arouse animosity and retard that Chairmen Beard ef Trustees progress which is admittedly all too slow. Obvi- First Cengresetienel Chureh ously, they should cease such tactics, should D¢tr<>it,Mi¢his¤¤ discontinue proclaiming the identical doctrines Member Neriimei Advisory Ceimeii Eponlwhich thfz gommunist relies to bring about Amerieeii Liberty League is c ass revo u ion. It is impossible for the Church, through its A physical manifestations, to affect directly the * * * action of its people. No pastor can be present to guide any single one of his hundreds of parishioners in making those decisions which An Address before the must be made every day of our lives. They _ _ _ _ come in the home, in the midst of a business M1¤h1s¤¤ASS¤¢1¤t1¤¤¤fo¤¤sre- conference, at the end of a telephone wire, or g;;_1;iOnal(]hu;·;;hes more often than not in the silent hours of the night, when the conscious mind seeks rest in jackson, Michigan slumber, and the subconscious mind so rear- ranges the brain cells that with the coming of — May ZL 1935 consciousness the solution of the problem is apparent. But the Spiritual Church can control these things! It can, and it does, so build charac- emo ter that when these cells are rearranged they are ,,9 rearranged in patterns which conform to the _ teachings of Jesus Christ. This, then, is the duty C {Pi Sl of the Church and its ministers, to cease wasting '°"`iw time on the superficial, and devote its energy to 4,* Y L?) the great fundamental problem of building Christian character. The duty of the Church is to make men and women of better and finer character, and only as it accomplishes this ob- · jective will it build a better and a finer Social AMERICAN LIBERTY LEAGUE ()i~d€i·_ National Headquarters NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C. , ir ir 24 Document N0. 43 June, ross