xt7wwp9t383z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wwp9t383z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1984 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Media Guides (Women) University of Kentucky women's basketball (Lady Kats) facts book, 1983-1984 text University of Kentucky women's basketball (Lady Kats) facts book, 1983-1984 1984 2014 true xt7wwp9t383z section xt7wwp9t383z V 8 V
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        Athletic Office Phones: 1  
Cliff Hagan (Athletics Director)—(6oa)2s7-2881 _ 
H€t€ is YOUF COPY of the l985·84 facts bcoblet OO LOOY Sue Feamster (Assistant Director)—(606)257-8604 t  
Kat baslzetball, which we sincerely hope will aid you in Frank; Ham (Assistant Director)—(aoa)2s7-sari t  
covering and answering questions on the Lady Kats this Larry Ivy (Asst, Dir,/Fin,)—(606)257-4911 . I
season, lf you desire additional il"1fOrm€:1tlOl'1. special Coach Terry Hall-(606)25 7-8046  
stories, pictures or have questions not answered herein, Assistant Qgagh Mtpe rqtttjt€d-(6O6)g57-g85g  
please feel free to contact the Sports Infonnation Office in 5pOtts ttqtOtmattOn..(6o6)g57-6046 ·  
Memorial Coliseum (Telephone A.C. 606-257-5858).  
Information l'
DLLSSLLL DICE , wonxmo rrcxrsrs-Aaaress requests to Sports rarer-  (_
DRCLOL OL SDOLLS mlmmfmon mation Office as far in advance as possible to Sports  
RENA KOIER information Office, University of Kentucky, Memorial Col- _
Asst. Director of Sports information iseum, Lexington, Ky. 40506. Tichets will not be mailed · "
RANDY STACY unless requested and will be held at the Will Call window in l
ASSL Director Of Sports mtmmamn gggtsof Memorial Coliseum for prclaup on game days or
JOYCE Baxlef — PRESS DOOR—Entrance to the area set aside in Memorial _ .
SECLELSVY g»·_V· ·     j ‘»i  K-  g  ‘ I i Coliseum for press, radio and TV is located inside and to l
` ‘‘’` ‘ “ I ‘   the left of the entrance foyer.  
. g,..   . _  ,           SERV/lCES—Worl2ing press. radio and TV will be furnished 8
 __     game sheets, brochures, running play-by-play, halftime 3
  .  :   quiclzie box score and final statistics. jl
ml ¥’: l  
November QQ Cincinnati Away 7:50   ~
November 26-27 LADY KAT DIAL CLASSIC HOME 1:50 and 5:50   .
(Valdosta State, Eastem Kentuclzy, Wisconsin) 8  
December 2 Ohio State Away 7:50 J ·  
December 6 indiana HOME 7:50 .  
December IO South Carolina Away 5:00 ?
December QO Alabama HOME 7:50 ··
December 22 Florida HOME 7:50 I S
December 28 Detroit Away 5:00 =
January 4 Nebraslza HOME 7:50
January 7 Georgia HOME 7:50 S
January 9 Middle Tennessee HOME 7:50
January 17 Rutgers HOME 7 :50
January QO Dayton HOME 7:50 Y
January QQ Vanderbilt Away 2:00
January Q5 Tennessee HOME 7:50
January 98 Old Dominion Away 2:00
January 50 New Orleans HOME 7:50
February 1 Mississippi HOME 7:50
February 5 Florida Away 7:50
February 5 Georgia Away 2:50
February IQ Tennessee Away 5150
February I5 DePaul HOME 7 :50
February l8 Auburn Away 7:50
February 20 Vanderbilt HOME 7:50
February QQ National College HOME 7:50
February Q5 Louisville HOME 7:50
March 1-4 Southeastern Conference
Championship Georgia
March l5-l8 NCAA ist Round TBA ,
March 22-25 NCAA Regionals TBA  
March 50 April 1 NCAA Final Four Los Angeles. CA

   ».,.          . » A I   A  e
*>"i  J    ‘'`   `   I
  A ,_ Dr. Otis Singletary and Athletics Board 6
 Vg  ‘ ` A _ V I Athletics Director Cliff Hagan 7
_   A { p   ·`, A _ V   R I A _`,°‘ ’ A i ATHLETICS srA1=1=
2 ·    A     V A. V Assistant Athletics Directors 40
i.` " ‘    i  A I i .-»i Sports information 41
A I I A V    /;(»j€.I Other Staff V 42
V  ;¢~¤¤.—- AA V   ;.i;‘\ ' ‘ _ _  
I   ‘· V . ~ t K Assistants and Secretary 8 ·
i I  Q ~   \ Trainers and Managers 9
J   ’`‘r      * V A I V COACH runny HALL 4-s
V A  {‘   I ·/ ' . V V ‘ JAPAN rout: so-sz
· g     ' W I · . IV LADY KAT PLAYER PROFILES 12-2s
    J M"]-     I Collins 12. Runge 15, Martin 14. A
i   if  At~~ I A   V_V ii‘‘‘‘’ ` V Lewis 15, Stephens 16. Nichols 17.  
‘·     _‘   A A I é     II Mosley 18. Miller 19, Napier 20.  
IQ  A ‘ J · A. "   ·    `   Duerrin 21. Hardin 22, Warren Q3 l
    II   -4*  ~            l
1    isi A   ¢ A· 1    »    "S‘ ° ‘°"‘ J
  A   _. »'rA   ` A ’, A ~     °~Ao·i’’   MEDIA ouruzrs 41
        _ ,{ {Q Q / _ A _ 1983 NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP BRACKET I0
JQ, T  i I .I   A ‘ _I·   · I
  I  I I VV__       I ‘ OPPONENTS  
  AIVAL _ V   I 1 • V A Cincinnati, Valdosta State, Eastem. Wisconsin 34
  V _I;IVV g     - Ohio State, Indiana, South Carolina. Alabama 55 l A
"     A   ’ , A _ Florida, Detroit. Nebraska, Georgia 36
      *   if A Middle Tennessee. Rutgers, Dayton. Vanderbilt 37
  AV AIVV _ V V _ ` _ I Tennessee, Old Dominion. New Orleans.
’ V II V V, A ‘ <   Mississippi 38
· "   _ DePaul, Auburn. National College, Louisville 39
_A f4·$_L  
‘ »··_k  
. 1 . RECORDS 43-49 i
Photo By David Coyle  
on rmi cover: SALLITE TO SENIORS OF 1983 26
i= c Itr tz·h;sana· ,r1· N'hl,Dbb' M‘1i.c n  
ré?§‘H§iellt§¤‘i1%St;$IEmi; §t€§t§€1§‘§a¤$Sl?Stt€Oiit§II éattiestéé r§?iO Scmvuw t¤s¤der=r¤¤¤
(l§:lgih]nyAr1l[egss;iIN€a5>i;erg;?jogi(§’ia Martin. Melanie Warren. Julie Duerring. Jody Runge TEAM PICTURE 25
University Archives UNIVERSITY INFORMATION 51-56
Margaret i. King Library — Norfbedits:
University of Kentucky Pfdddcdd ddd Edited BY V
__ RENA KOIER. Assistant Sports information Director
L€> ..,   a   _ . 11*1 ·
Leslie Nichols` . ..... . ...ll.4 7.0 ‘ _     { ‘ __ it [ {
1.isacollins‘ .. .... . .... ...7.3 3.7 .* QQ,   T § - L   _ '
~ ~ ·. — — . · lotly Runge .... .. . .... ...4.9 3.0 4   •  ’ C » · _ . td 14 ‘
k‘lm°lln UM Lolhlb (IO) Wm bs Diane Stephens . . .......... 4.5 1.7 ' E _» ‘ .1 c ’" . { . I ,
Ctttlllftjtl 011 to [>fOVl(lC l€d(l€fSlll[) to l1§arettMttsley .. .. ..... 4.3 3 3 · “""“ ' = i . ,
the youth,} Sttkldfl.   .. ·..l.f. ..    K   `
'l2cturning Starters V  `
Incoming Freshmen ·_ ` X _
° Pts. Rbs. ` 1 J ‘ _  
lulie Duerring . . ...... 3 1 .0 3.0   1.  4 e   · if
l)c’l*l7lcTMlllQl' .. . . . .. . 29.0 1-1.0 th I *1**1 `lil   W " .— al  x  2
Sandy Harding . .... . .2a.2 0.0  ~1‘;,_ ¤ge»_~¤ A _,   _ V   " -" \ · ‘ "
Mel1>saNap1er . . ..2ts2 l7.0 ; »-··       { ’°‘ %_
Melan1e\\`arren . . . . . 1¤t.0 1 1.0   g ' ‘ ‘1 311         `7  " -  
gw . _ _ ‘ J    

 "I don't l2now yet if shell be able to mal2e the guard spot. Last year she played 52% Harding averaged 28.2 points, eight assists
the switch but we really need her Outside minutes to Martins 158. Stephens. 5·9. and six rebounds at Auburn High School in
shooting" Hall says of the 50 percent-plus averaged 4.5 points on 40 percent shooting Auburn. N.Y.
shooter. "Well also rely on her for leader- while Martin, 5·7. averaged 1.6 points after The forward spots will be occupied by
ship. Shes smart and sees everything on the being sidelined with an anlzle injury early in Nichols. Collins. Mosley or freshman Melissa
floor. We need her to communicate to her the season. Napier. Napier. 6-1 averaged 26 points and
teammates during the game." "Both players loolzed good in Japan this 17 rebounds at Knox Central High in
Q Jody Runge, a 6-Q senior. and Karen summer." Hall said. "And they both see this Barbourville, Kentucky. "Melissa is versatile--
I Mosley. a 6-5 sophomore. provide the other as their chance since Lea and Datty Jo have she can be an inside player or a shooting 1
  "experience" for the Lady Kats this season. gone. Ilight now they have the experience. forward." Hall said. l
l Runge has labored in the awesome shadow so the freshmen are going to be faced with Melanie Warren, a 6-6 freshman. and 5
l of Still for three years. and finally has a real talzing the starting jobs from them." Lynnette Lewis. a 5-9 senior. will provide l
  shot to breala into the lineup. She averaged The freshmen are 5-7 Julie Duerring and 5-Q depth along the front line. I
l five points and three rebounds last season Sandy Harding. Duerring averaged 50 points Right now. no position is safe. Hall says.
and hit 56.5 percent of her shots. as an All-State performer at Boone County "lt's going to be lenocle down. drag out."
Mosley should be the chief challenger to High School in Florence. Ky. Harding is a she said with a laugh. "I'm really looleing
j Runge at the center position. Last season. lightning-quiclz whiz hid who is being com- forward to the season. lt's going to be a new
  she split time between the center and for- pared to Hedges and the Kentuclzy \X7ildcats' team and l've got a new staff. Theres not
l ward and averaged 4.5 points and 5.5 Diclzy Beal. going to be any time for complacency. Well
j rebounds while hitting 54 percent of her "Sandy is a real flashy player who will un- all have to worla hard and worle together."
‘ shots. doubtedly be a crowdpleaser." Hall said. j
l "Both Jody and Karen played well off the "Julie is a great shooter. I thinle they are l
bench last year," Hall said. "Karen is a much both outstanding in different ways." ~
better rebounder but Jody is a lot more
V physical. I thinl2 the battle between them
should be exciting." V ;§%*L§VV_.V
The two veterans will be pushed hard by   V
‘ freshman center Debbie Miller. A 6-1 Egg   -·
graduate of Casey County high School in   .·z.·;»;
Liberty. Ky., Miller averaged 99 points and I4 V v_
V rebounds last season and was consensus All-   ` of  
  State. . '   IA  ·’ .
  Equally exciting should be the battle for ,   . 1
  the two guard spots. Senior Donna Martin -   »  
l and junior Diane Stephens will fight it out   ~er‘Q > A V _
I with two freshman candidates and possibly   ` ‘ .
1 Collins for the starting assignments.    ij- ` I l
E Stephens is the most experienced player at D      V
 -   ``‘`   ·     l Leslie Nichols will
i` ` "/ (gi ._ _ shoulder more of the
j ·   “ scoring and rebounding
  I _ » load this season.
i , .1.; ..:~»#S s——`
` V· _ ....     ·t·—    .-   w
t? V   4, .   V
F ag?  .3 t . j.   {   . _
    l iw _ f t         Spirit and enthusiasm will be important on a Lady Kat team that was
° Q gt. Ay » Q I 5,%   ·     g_,—.i E"   · hit hard by graduation.
In • 4 -   §`li\         ill? - _  
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Conference and reaching the final 1 ’.   { · w"‘g'A°°` ° A l
I"d|¤"¤ slam- W66 round of I6 in the AIAW National 4___   _     .,,,. ·
tournament. Hall was named the ··‘·· ’ A
When Terry Hall arrived at ‘ KWIC Coach of the Year that 6, X 4     "
Kentucky in 1980. the Lady Kats season. - f  _ ·i-.    ‘ -
were coming off their most In 1982 and again last season the ~ - t _   A
successful season ever and · lady Kats were considered among      — .     1; _t  .   _
beginning to gain national respect. the top contenders for the NCAA     ‘ `     .».»    
They had been ranked in the Top championship. The 1981-82 squad { ‘   _ 5;      ___    _
20 throughout the 1979-80 season won the Southeastem Conference l J  L    - Qj_  
- and had finished the year with a championship and reached the V  -       z
` 24-5 record and a berth in the quarter-finals of NCAA play before        ‘
AIAW National playoffs. ` losing to eventual national   ` .
but the season was just a hint of champion Louisiana Tech on the °_  E- ·_ 1 -
the great things to come under Lady Techsters' home floor. Last   .
Hall's guidance. The Lady Kats have year's Lady Kats were ranked fourth  
gone far beyond respectability and in the nation but fell to Indiana in -     _ . ‘
into the perennial role of national the first round of the NCAA »    _
contender. They have been ranked toumament. ‘ V s . ‘
in the Top 20 every week and Hall's record at Kentucky is 72-19, career record is 165-79. That mark Y
averaged 24 wins per season since and considering Kentucky's tough includes one season at Eastem
l·lall's arrival. _ . scheduling habits (10 games with Kentucky, five at Louisville and
ln her first year at UK. Hall's Lady ranked opponents last season AND three at Kentucky. - -
Kats went 25-6. winning the _ this season). a .791 winning Hall began her coaching career in
Kentucky Women's Intercollegiate percentage is outstanding. Her the high school ranks. Following `
    T      i--         1 
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HAL MARKS   ---r*      -., .   _ · T     · .7 TfTl`‘   »   iiz   
At Kentucky I   ' f l   1*-  _    ._  ig g   _     ~
_ 1982-83 ................. 23-5 E) T  J S   _ . ‘ g g     .”,‘` `  Q        .
|98|·82 ................. 24-8 l  _ 1    ‘ .- A 6 {J i-  _   ”-   ` » `
°l980·8l ................. 25-6 -   . A ‘  1   ·gg?,._ 1   A ,9 _ .
uKTotaIs .............. 72-19 .191 A 1 4  _  . {   . 5   R  · ai A
1979-80 ................ 17-17 -· 9   ‘ -’ Al ‘ __ "“` .  F  Q ..... . .,._.
. 1918-19 ................ I7-IO 9 ,  — · * 1};; _ *. _ `* "   _ ‘
1977-78 ..........`.......l8·9 .         _ U
- 1916-11 ................. i5-7   ·._... g  `   .   "  . .- E
· 1975-76 ................ I2-ll -   _,gi jr   -5-i   .     1
U of LTotaIs ............ 79-54 .594   {   1 6       1¢ii’ A . ”"‘
At Eastern 6  {     lil?     _  , _g.g     ,
. i .·:   : . —. .=-= g · · Qi c- .·¤-#!·  =¤=  -. .- 1   ..   xg
1974-75 ................. 14-6 i _v». ;       ‘         e     --»
EKU Totals .............. 14-6 .700  ;1 1 L; _ *  _     .  A   _g__ _   -.»g l     _
CareerTotals .......... 165-79 .676 ` ‘ · .
4 .

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her graduation from Indiana State first Metro Conference starred in basketball, field hockey
· in 1966, she was named head coach championship. Hall also coached and volleyball. She was honored
at Butler High School in Louisville. tennis and softball at Il of L. with the "l" Woman Award in 1965. I
In five seasons at Butler. Hall A native of Salem. Ind., Hall and received the prestigious
coached her teams to two Jefferson eamed both her undergraduate and Hillman Award in 1966 as the most
County titles and an overall record graduate degrees in Health and P_.E. outstanding female athlete at ISU.
of 6955. While attending Indiana State. she L
` Then it was on to Eastern .   I
Kentucky University, where Hall _ l
I eamed her Master's Degree in 1974 Coach Hall on Working With the Coach Hall on Kentuchy's Style  
and was immediately named head Players: "I place a high premium of Play: "Our style of play. `or  
` · basketball coach. The Lady Colonels on hard work and dedication to the trademark, is the fast break. We I
went 14-6 that season and won the task at hand. I want my players to believe that applying immediate j
KWIC title over Kentucky. g feel the same way. I try to teach pressure on the defensive team is  
Louisville, Westem. Morehead, them that "doors of opportunity" one of the best ways to win a I
Murray and Northem Kentucky. open and close very quickly in life basketball game. Kentucky is one of I
Hall then accepted the coaching as well as on the basketball court. few teams in the country totally _ _
I job at Louisville, where she was So always be prepared. In the span dedicated to fast break basketball.  
` faced with rebuilding a program. of a lifetime. their 4 years of college Defensively. we play whatever I
She succeeded. guiding the Lady ‘ basketball is short, therefore they defense we feel will exploit our . .
Cards to a 79-54 record over five should work hard. be dedicated. opponents' weaknesses. Our main
years. In 1979-80, her last season at excel. and enjoy the opportunity concems are controlling the tempo
. Ll of L. the Lady Cards won their that exists." of the game. teamwork. and shot
selection by our players." [
.-.·   ` 1
. l   - .      5 j
.    L :».=.     .       ·~··     ·           V—yy__.       7h 70ny Wérll Slow .   .
. · I » » ‘ -   ·»»~       § ’   7         . rne reny nan snow begins ns
· __,.   ``‘f` X   ·     F gi .   g second season on WTVQ this fall.
_ - _ A A  - "     V,  ‘   T · with Sports Director Kenny Rice
' · ` - I   I     production. lt is scheduled to air
.   _d:{V   ’,V.     _   on Sundays ats p.m.. with the time
     ” ",   i slot subject to change after the first
      ..7. ..  I   of the year. I ~
I ` »* r.·.* 1  sw f. ';I"' 94%-; , .;...,,.~< . ~;. .-p_ _,,...;.-»¥y          
` ' e A  ( **.2;  ‘ A   Show was believed to have been I
      gg.   ’1:i one of two women's coaches shows l
I i *41   _ ‘ _ t‘’· t in the nation last year. Once again  
i` ‘··~` r gl ’      ~· —»   " _ ’ “ the program will feature player I
    _ i  _  profiles. game highlights. upcoming l
 · I ‘  ’‘   " opponents. and women's basketball l
_ in general. Q
. I
. . I ·

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  , _.        ROBIN BOARD
B · i ”_  `J   _   N ,..  E ’•  att Graduate Assistant
 N     A it Louisville, was
 X A former player for Coach Terry Hall at Louisville, Robin t
i  _»» joined the Lady Kat staff in September. While at Louisville.
(   Robin lettered in baslzetball four consecutive years. two of
  those seasons with Coach Hall at the helm. She was a
J " ·~ member of the Lady Card teams that won Metro Conference
titles in 1979 and 1981 and is in the record boolz for best free
Mih€ KiI1dI'€Cl throw percentage in a season, which she set in 1979. Robin
Assistant Coach washalgel airtqotitstiagding high sclrtqoogptayer at Llouisville Butler
. . Hig . e e pe er team to t e ir s` tate ournament in
Eastern Kentucky university 1980 1976 and 1978. She was All-State honorable mention for three
straight years and played in the East-West All-Star game in
1978. She also played tennis for three seasons and ran tracla
Milae was hired as a part-time assistant at UK in July. and One year at Butler.
lh€l'l WGS elevated to fLlll·[lI'l'°l€ GSSlS[GYlf ll'] late S€p[€l'T`lb€Y 120bin is pursuing 3 Masters Degree in QeCreatjOr]al Therapy
following the Y€SlQn3[lOIhl of H$Sl$talrlt COHCIAI   BQITY. A at   She has 3 great irltere5t in YOUUQ peOple and has par.
igao graduate of Eastern Kentucky. Mike served for two tiqtpatea as avolunteer for Special Olympics for five straight
$e¤$O*"*$ @5 OSSJSJGUJ WIS b•3$f?€Jb6“ eeeeh at ESUH Ceumv years. She also is credited with starting two Youth Baslzetball
Heli Seheel ¤¤ Irvine. Km befere eemima te UK camps in tgtrt aaa me at the st. Matthews yivicz-x in
A native of Winchester, Ky., Mil2e graduated from Clarh LOuiSVille·
County High School in 1975. He then attended Morehead A {Ormer Cetleeiate Sertbatr prayer at U Or L_ ]QObjrr has um-
Smfe U“fVef$lJY fer One Veal belme U3R$feTYlm2 te E€’$l€m· pired softball and officiated baslzetball and volleyball. She is
He received a degree in Industrial Education, and then gy, yeam Ord and Smgte,
taught at Claris County for one year before accepting a job
at Estill County.
ln his first season at Estill, Mibe helped direct the varsity  
squad to its first-ever winning season in 1989. The following   J
year. the Lady Engineers won their first district champion- I    .  _
ship. Mil2e's junior varsity squad, meanwhile. was doing even  fm  
better, finishing with a 15-4 record in 1989 and a 19-4 record ?°tj5s it   j
in toes.  $¢**“' _..‘ g *
Milee is very active in the Big Brothers-Big Sisters program,   J _
and currently sits on the organizations Advisory Board in t ” f, ,3/ joan Fry
Winchester. He is also an active member of the Fellowship it (/»' ,
of Christian Athletes, and was the FCA's 10th Region   f` ,j Staff Asslstam
representative last year while coaching at Estill County. f Southwest Texas State *977
t Joining the coaching staff at UK fulfills a life—time dream jean jOin€d the Led? Kats efeerem in September 1981. Her
ter   d e6`Ye‘" ele eeeheler whe hee efWeY$ been e Bl? primary responsibility is handling all correspondence for the
Blue mmf coaching staff and acting as a receptionist for the
department. A native of Burnet, Tx., she graduated from
Southwest Texas State University and worlzed for the Texas
Department of Human Resources for three years. She is
marreid to Jason Fry, a senior at Asbury Theological
Seminary. They are expecting their first child in December.

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Trainer Student Trainer  
Ohio State 1979 r
A native of Lexington. Mary Beth was a baslzetball trainer T
Sue joined the UK training staff in 1982 after serving for for three years at Tates Creela High School before coming to  
one year as Co—Ordinator of Sports Medicine for the Depart- UK. She is an 18-year-old freshman majoring in Physical [
IHGUL of fI'TlUdIl'lLll`iil/l2€CI`€6IlO1'lEll S€I`VlC€S HI East C6ll'OllI']él Therapy She has been Wgdqjhg Wj[h [he Lady Kgtg Sjhee QC-
University. Sue graduated from Ohio State University. where [Obey- 1
she earned a degree in Physical Education in 1979 after serv-
ing for four years as a student trainer. She was a graduate
assistant at Purdue University, where she earned her Masters ;\_ _
Degree in Physical Fitness and Exercise Physiology in 1981.   ‘ ;1—¢ M
A native of Smithville, Ohio, Sue is a member of the Na- ‘    Q?