xt7wwp9t4q6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wwp9t4q6d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-04-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1972 1972 1972-04-24 2020 true xt7wwp9t4q6d section xt7wwp9t4q6d The Kentucky '
listen. my children. and you shall hear ()f .
“ tomorrow‘s weather we‘re having here.lt‘s
partly cloudy and colder today And fair and cool .
on Tuesday. ()K‘.’ The rain won't come to your
socks by then. (‘ause the chances of rain are 10. .
10. and 10.The high today's in the 30‘s we say. '
Which is a good 12 degrees less thasn yesterday. V
VOL. I.Xlll N0. 130 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY Monday. April 24. 1972 .\ml the low tonight will be around 30. y
Estimates 0 f success vary .
R ' d t 'k f 'l t 1 UK ‘ ' ‘
By KATIE Mc(‘ARTllY shouting ‘No More War“ and “It's Your Center [0 plan further action. Rebecca stand on the war and to respond to the” .
Kernel Staff Writer War. Too." Several teachers bodily Westerfield. Student Government vice letltjer “"th'“ 2“? hours. .
Students protesting the escalation of the prevented their class doors from being president, gave a brief rundown on the Br lit??? [£22315 {22:1 .Ufij glint to '
Vietnam War called a boycott of classes opened. while the marchers‘ numbers ““0" students 0" other campuses across ”0:: grildag? aft quar [351:3 ek. 0.6”” '
Friday. and estimates of the rainy-day grew as students left their classes to join the "3‘10" had taken. .. . l: eznoon. I." rec inrtdge
strike vary widely. them in the protest. Bill Lindsey. sociology graduate student “:15. "1?; :1 elre. t, that time he had not '
Steve Snell. who helped organize many The march proceeded to the Ad arrested Thursday in connection with the rc'c‘eiyde t e :iie'i from the peace come“.
of the week‘s protests, estimated 50 ministration Building where the group sat soldering 0i locks in the Office Tower. “(or ing to '5 “a”-
percent of the student body boycotted inthe lobby trying to drawout the officials spoke to the group before his appearance The [BM plant on Harrodsburg Road .
classes. Professors reported varied at- They clapped, stomped and chanted to in Police Court at 1:30p.m..telling them to was picketed by 25 people. including a
tendances. ranging from mere handfuls of Dean of Students Jack Hall and two ”work peacefully for peace.“ l’our-year-old girl who carried a sign
V students to classes of average size. campus police. who were the only officials (Lindsey‘s case was continued until May reading. “Even I know murder is not
Students held rallies to emerge from the offices 10. He is charged with willfully destroying reality." They picketed and leafletted cars
The alternative to going to class was Locks and chains were discovered on the public propertyt in the rain for over an hour.
participation in the mass rallies held doors of Kastle Hall and the Chemistry- Move off campus Snell. chairman of the State Executive .
throughout the morning and early af— Physics Building in an apparent attempt to Mary Dunn and Mary Fell of the Committee of the People's Party. said he
ternoon. A group of 150 students gathered block students and faculty from going to Lexington Peace Council delivered a letter has a responsibility to express his opinions ,
on the steps of the Classroom Building at class Friday. to the home of Sixth District Democratic and began a fast Saturday in protest of the - _
. 11:15 am. and marched through the At noon. some 300 students, faculty and Congressional candidate John war. lie is taking “QUldS 0'11." and Will
’ building. opening the classroom doors and staff met in the Great Hall of the Student Breckinridge Friday. asking him t0 take a continue the l‘aSl {01” an indefinite period. ‘ -
. , c - - d 9 ~ .
This week 3 protests I 18 mam 18 129 r y" S a
‘. .
Here are this week’s activities planned by a coalition of
( Lexington and UK peace groups to protest the escalation of the “V .’\\I‘: BR()“N John Lennon and YOkO OUO led the huge umbrella-
Indochina war. Managing Editor bearing crowd in singing the old “Give peace a
Monday. April 24; NEW YORK—“What's this here parade about?" chance.“ Actor ()ssie Davis. led the crowd in a loud
Noon—“Honor the dead" rally on the Administration thelittle man in the gray suitasked me. “Out Now” chant after an angry speech con- ' '
Building lawn. “It's against theincreased bombing in Vietnam demning Nixon's policy in Vietnam. John Kerry ' '
7:30 p.m.— Slide show “The Automated Battlefield" in the and the general reaction against Nixon and also spoke. representing the Vietnam Veterans
Medical Center. Room 363. American DOIiCieS in foreign countries.“ I an- Against the War, SMC leaders. Puerto Rican
swered. representatives. Andrew Pulley of the Socialist '
Tuesday. April 25: He nodded. looking very serious. and said. “I hope Workers Party and others also addressed the
10:30 p.m.—March from Lexington Cemetary to the Medical it does some good. Vietnam is very sad.“ He walked throng.
Center. sponsored by the Medical Committee for Human Rights. away. Many other diverse groups were represented in :
Noon —Rally at the Medical Center fountain with speakers Somewhere between 30 and 60,000 people mar- the march. ranging from the Abe Lincoln Brigade of
and music. ched Saturday. soaking wet. shivering in the 40 the Spanish Civil War to a high school band from ‘
Wednesday. April 25; degree weather.sometimes chanting the traditional New Jersey. ‘ .
2:30 p.m.~~Meet at Student Government office to picket and “peace “OW 0" out "OW‘" bUl more often simply
leaflet at iBM plant on Newtown Pike. walking along in the shadow or impersonal grey Vietnamese corpse
7:30 p.m.—Mee’ting in Student Center Room 251 to plan for New York buildings knowing they could never be A single file of white robed. masked marchers '
May4 Moratorium in honor of KentState dead. called l‘airweather freaks again. (depicting Vietnamese corpses) provided an eerie
Thursday.Apri127: They marched past the long line waiting to see interlude. There were red flags waving near the .
Leafletting and picketing at Keeneland Race Track. Cars “The Godfather" in Times Square. They stood and Mayday Tribe (organizers of last May's .
leaving SG office atnoon. l.2.3p.m. read a moving electric news sign that read Washington demonstrations! marching beside _
Sunday, April :10; “Thousands march to protest Vietnam war despite women's and gay lib groups near college
Noon*Peace picnic for Lexington and student community at bad wather" and cheered—they had media delegations from Michigan to Maine.
Woodland Park. coverage on their side. Somehow the cold was worth They bought buttons (proceeds contributed to the
it just for that. After all. they were marching again next demonstration) by dropping their spare '
after ”'0 years Of silence ‘0 tell the PUbllC 10 change in a large tub. And tried not to think of their
W h d 9 rememberthe war. and forthat you needthe media. wet clothes and the long trips home.
as 3 up .
Not the Beach Boys— v
9 we»? . fig? .,. ‘
they ve found a new wave V ... .
s...“ , .\
By JOEL ZAKEM !__ «a ' - ’ ,2 .j " .
AND a ‘ \ g:
MIKE TIERNEY 3"" ' .. ,.
... ._ I ) -. l s... '-
Dennis Wilson sat calmly in the corner of a dressing room , m “ . I “ ' .
under Memorial Coliseum. I " ‘- " - !
“When I was 16. l was thinking about driving a fast car and " Q in. .. ’ “ /./
going surfing.“ he said. “Now we sing about other things. We .» "° ‘ I f4; .-
sing about what we‘re into." ‘ Es \ .
The Beach Boys took a crowd of 5.000 on a memorable trip into . Q, . g ' . at“ ' C if);
their past and gave them a glimpse of their future in one of UK's " ‘ “33:“ ta; ’ t a ! - j y
' most exciting ever. R ./ ’ K . . .
\ The group has changed personnel~wise and in appearance. ' N ~' " "’ j s ‘ f .
South Africans Ricky and Blondie add instrumental talent to
their unsurpassed vocal sound. . /
And. although a few of the varied fans left disappointed at the . . ' / " ¥
“new-look" Beach Boys. it appears from the majority‘s reaction " » - ‘ ‘ t.
that the Boys may be around another 10 years. The lleach Boys came to Lexington Friday. belts out a song. (Kernel photo by Dave
Continued on p“, 3, Col. 4 and met a mixed reception. llere. .\| .lardine ltobertsonJ

 2—1‘III'I' KENTUCKY Kl-IRNI-ZL Monday. .-\pri| 21. I972
~ . 0n campus man by mike board
. C H A R L I E S . i
. . . - , " s. r‘ , ,' he
' _ “()Uld you believe you can call hilSlS and ”Oi Oi d bUblnebS th band “I” feature SQICC‘ .. '
AMERICAN STATION a friend in Ecuador. (‘osta Rica nature. . tions by Vaughn-Williams. Sousa, '1';
. ‘ I~ Foreign Car Specialists in or Nicaragua free? The calls are prOVIdeId at no McBeth. Robert Jager, and . I
" ' vIw‘ _ BMC Motors _ Mercedes Benz llK‘s~ Amateur Radio Club is cost because the Radio Club music from the NBC Television ‘3;
I . . . . now handling telephone and operates as a public serVIce production “Victory at Sea,"
‘ _ -. ' PHONE 269-3804 800 East Main Street telegram message' to ap- according to Jim Bruce. club composed by Richard Rogers. 1
1‘ .i . I ‘- Corner of Main and Ashland proximately 20 foreign countries Pl’t‘Slde- The concert is open to the public hd‘
‘ . . ' O . b which have a treaties with the Students interested in placing and is free of charge. lur
' . I. . ' lo /0 DISCOUflt OI'I Parts Ol‘ld LG OI’ l'nited States. calls or sending telegrams can Handicapped recreation crr
. ‘ ' Students and Staff only! (‘alls must be on a personal contact Jim Bruce at 258-5162 or The UK Recreation and Parks
. I' ,' i - . , leave a message at the Radio Resources Unit has developed a
.' , . I ’ Club located on the fifth floor in reference booklet for han-
’_ I ~, ‘ NEED A REALLY GOOD PHOTOGRAPH? Anderson Hall. dicapped persons confined to
' . '3 _ . Music time wheelchairs. The booklet
s t A -F t .
’ a 5 I Then the place to 90 ls ; r;:::°2cs:':ap::r?asnd gpaTatietLT: The University Concert Band, Curriculum in Recreation and 2,.
- ' - . - . Spengler Studio 3:143:12... 23:33:. €1.22: under the direction ,or Steve parks a: the University or 3’
' . . . . . . Baxter. Is presenting Its annual Kentucky, is available in limited FUI
. , . ' 222 $0. Limestone 3;fl"::;"g:‘r'.‘fr'33.???"'" ' concert tonight at 8:15 pm. in supply. 3::
, . V T —Engagemenf Special Package—— “7’” . Memorial Hall. The booklet contains in- SK
. . The Concert Band iS composed formation about recreational Am
' . . . ' 3-3x5 GIOSSIes 6 Wallets Portrait Paper UNITED FREIGHT SALES of students from all colleges and facilities in Lexington and :3;
~ 4 P f 2123 0‘50"] Circle departments 0f ”19 university Fayette County and discusses
1 I I, i i i i r00 S to 0” [Y I 2 00 I"ours' Manda -Saturda 9-9 ' Who. even thOUgh not majoring m accessibility, including park and 5:1:
. II I . -I . . Choose from . ' y y’ music. want to continue playing recreational areas and a selected Stuc
- 7 '4 - ' , ,__ —« ~~ , ——._ ._ H ._._.._,_-. ,- _,A, m a large cnsembel. sample of church, school and E:
. . . . commerical facilities. including '
I, ' I . - bowling lanes. billiard parlors. ,. 3‘:
~ - I ' and movie theaters. . Che
, " ' . Interested individuals may '3,"
' ’ . : ' II’. . . obtain the booklet by contacting
l f . Mr. Jacob Karnes. Director of :3
'. I' . ' - Handicapped Students, in Room .‘ Aug
. . . 120 of the Student Center.
, 2 . I . 5 API
. . I . 6V6
' ‘ ' ' . y y so:
I . . , ., - , 52%?
I ,' i. ’ tOmOrraw " 1m
. “ L « ' ..Tne deadline for announcements iS ll a.m. [“99
. -‘ - - tho weekdays prior to publication at items in .i FOI
, .' ,I I I this column. All announcements wull berun .'
I . _ . I three times; twice before the day at the , run:
- I ‘ .' III ‘ event and on the day of the event. $2:
. . MARTIN LUTHER KING Scholarship , M0
. '_ » ' ’ ~ Committee meeting 3:30p.m.Tuesday April , EX‘
- , ‘ 25 in room 245, Student Center. Interested ,. 277.
. I I II, students, staff and taculty are invited. 1
. . y -. POETRY IN MOTION 3:30 p.m. at the Lab ‘ 5,:
. I I Theatre, Fine Arts Building. ”Peril Of - ”c,
. ~. ' ' ; Hope” is the reader's theater program of ’ ..
.I ~, . . _ , Robert Frost’s poetry. i MO
'. , ' . = , I P BAG SESSION at noon in the Maggie Room, ~ 8;}
i i i l' Journalism Building. Topic: "Cybernation ‘
« . . . . nt "CI" the Hostel '3" and the Nation or Job Cybernation Read A, s,"
. V I , ' - B,etc.” All communications people invited. w
~. .' I . f t I COMING UP I. i:
. ’ i l or s u en 5 w 0 y mencan. ORAL EXAM on "Model Calculation oi the :12:
i 5: . . "V ' Effective Hamiltonian foraCrystal Electron ' .‘
.' .. , in 3 Magnetic Field,“ 10 am. Thursday in ,
. ' . . . , 00 320, Chemistry-Physics Building. ,_ o.
. » Go European Without leavrng San Diego, and New York City. Lulmo sruoem A . I. I. I r
' ' I . ssocna ion mee In
. . . the country. Fly With us. And stay You ll get fresh linens when you 73°91“.- Thursdavi".'°9"‘ WM“ “m“? if;
I , . - With us too. For only $4 to $8 a night. check in. A comfortable double A" "”5"” mm" '"”"°°' LOU
, ‘ ' . In student kinds of places. At student room. And, depending on the school, M"“”“"‘°”‘ :93;
i . . ' I kinds of prices. With your kind of air conditioning, pools, tennis courts, itfifcilucfifim 23:3,;253333333 '
4'. , . . people: students. The kids in Europe lounges. Mowes, concerts, theater, 3532?;2'mEminfi'g‘nieu'ilfm'fie,d§°Lf,f.I
, ‘. . _ -. _ have been doing it for years. whatever's happening on campus. g?;;,§f""” C'e'k" °"“‘-’ '° ""° °"' V°"'
I ’ ‘ OPERATION VENUS needs summer help
I . ' ' , . Now you can do it here on the To help you get around we'll fly Lil."§§3‘"ec;°i'§??3"£i 05%;???“ and
III. .I ., American Airlines Hostel Plan. For yourbike wheneveryouflyforjust vsusaen 0.5m; WWW and
- ,' _ , students who fly (naturally) American $7. Ortell you where to rent a Ford 22“?" ca" °"$'a"°" ““5 8' 255.3434
I .. I . . . . , . on ays through hursda s from I .m. to
, I . . Airlines.IIfyou re headed to any of Pinto for only $5aday, 5C amile (it “°»'“-a"”"°av5"°m‘L-mr'ms"
. I . _. ‘ our srx biggest east and west coast you’re over 21). {02233 ”55°33; 322,;3'222
' - cities, ou'llfind clean convenientl Thursdays from 7 0-m- to 9 pm and
. Il I I I y l y Thursdays from 1 pm. to 3 pm. Ex
. ., . . , '. , ' . , ’ FOR ANY FORMAT ON so i r
: ' I . ,I- COSt that Won thang YOU Up' Card if yOU re Under 22 and fly for less Referral Servi‘ce at 2583.531 wegzga;'s1efrom p”
I t .I' I I i. - - . . l0 a.m.t 89.7". I
. . I I - I I . wrth American Airlines. To go allthe o 353‘
. . _ The fun IS that you ll find them at way and stay for less too, call an
.~ 3' ‘ some of the largest universities in American Airlines reservations , '
.- , . II . I America. In Boston, Washington, office. And ask about the universities
I. . -I I .I 0.0, San Francrsco, Los Angeles. on the Hostel Plan. , ff;
" ' - . - 2inch PEACE symbol on 24 85.
I inch chain only 25c post-
' ' , I paid -other offers included. IIII
' V . ,5 u n . s’roco. 629 Highland. . ‘a,
. Amencan AIfl'nes Salina. Kansas 674m
g. . Our passengers get the best of everything. 5;

 ~ I I . . I . -. I ' . I .
. ~ ' .- l t . I I >
'I'III‘I KPIN'I‘l (‘KY KENNEL. Honda}. .\pril 21. MHZ—3 I‘ ' ' ’I _
.. I. I. ' "PERSONS at various occupations I ‘I (I L _.
orm surve revea s itt 6 interest 111 o 0 ...... 2 .. : a .
d seas Opportunities, up to $2,600.00 . ' , I. ‘ . ,-
monthly For complete intormation . ,. . ’ .
If there was jubilation in the and that interest quickly died yards away, a student reported --I guess that‘s a little more W“'°'°’°BIRE;EI“EC”I‘“2:7?" - "3" .5 i‘
- v . . . . , n "C 0 e . - ‘, . ' .
lec- hearts 0' Americans over man 5 down when the suspense 0f the ”"3 teleVismn m the lounge W35 than a normal crowd. but it Sta A! Tom" 0 s 0 ~ ' . “'

isa, lilth landing on the moon descent was over. oil by about ll p.m. depends on what you call a “V“ “5'“ . /. .‘ . .

ind lhursday night. little of it was “They were watching the TV. A1 Donovan Hall. about 15 normal “.0de said the clerk at W . ' l‘ '. 3' ‘I 'I '

Lion apparent among residents of but the last time I looked it was gathered in front of a head the llaggin dQ5kI --p really g BLACK E ‘ . I f . 3
a. Ulis doimitories. I . tuned on Dean Martin. said a; resident s tcleyision to watch the depends on whether there 5 a .3 STUDENT UNION . . .- .-

zrs. h: qu1c survey of Six reSidence clerk at the inlormation desk 0 landing. while the slightly good movie on lenight,” 5 Frazee Hall 258-4837 I . III. '-.

alic alls on campus revealed that the Boyd Hall. which houses some 150 plusher lounge ol 525—student s . -. ' . ,

lunar landing drew only small men. llaggin llall drew some 50 «......ccaanmccgo JI. "
crowds in the dorm TV lounges, At Holmes Hall. only a few moongazers. I‘ ..- 4' . ..'

rks . . . , , j;_ .- ~'-_; a
d a Don tget ripped oil on termpapers. \‘l eguarantee 10-12 day I. .- . I . . , ;
an 4551 16 5 ’fl " -- - z . . SCFV'lUV N0 01h“? company (1095 that, “'0 charge 335“ P9r .V f; '

a e under raduate and $4.50 er a e raduate. ()ther E‘ ‘

to p . p p l s - : ' . .
let companies prices begin at SlSll per page undergraduate and I. . ‘IW
and v..... .m, mm W go up sharply l'rom there. We don’t charge for tootnotes or . . I

f "W'i'" M'SCELL‘NEOUS IWUIID bibliography like other companies. Hut writers, are all F -' '

0 W W FOUND: “mam puppy on Ros, La". . . . ‘ . . . .. I . . . . . . . ' ‘ . -. _.
ted FURNlSHED r I a" “mm” paid. :z’f‘tjflvfufg‘ls gelxgrcumlt day Apr“ ”I PM” “II 25“,“ dcgiccd. Althoughiio company tanIguarantce grades. “It ;' I-I _ .

kitcien priveleoes. close campus, 299-5012 “Mango".m mmouu mum“? . 91pm must identity. 21A25 _ have produced a high number ol "B grades or better \\ e . 'I. . .. g u . _

. after 5. M24 Call In, ”Nnmm anemia" “and”. WW couldn't say that it it \xeren‘t true With us Ixou can be sure x ,‘ ’~:
mi “CK! 5M0" SORRY”! 0"" "WSW,” l:mcfitff’figfi,mch7 W that all papers are original because we don‘t sell Used ones . l, 3 ' '.
na Apply for Summer, Fall terms. Act N-OW" u WANTED: Two roommates to share . .. _. . . _ . , . - , , . — . .. j . '
ind 2~floccupancy.CloseUK. Nice. 2534515455 Clgisestsatety recoratnuieus. 255-7130. We, bedroom MIMI l0min.trom “mpusI- .\ll ol our tiansactions arc coiiIlidc ntial “t ottt r a .t daI» - . . . . .' .IIII.I

5339. ulna &~-_ -_ 273.4374 late. 20A24 -_ rush M‘I‘Vlt't‘ tor an additional 51 per page ( all Illll-Shlt-lllllttt i -. . ~' ‘ 'I_

‘.Ses WW' . . .. . a . ~. ‘

lor iiiloriiialioii. lo place all order \t‘llll details at approach . . l. .A l_

and SufinserrMoErthlsl‘, ”Segsuistgz mooeroLér W Ifafigrfiiewnfiygfx: 43C3()7mazfl'o::::ehrvc::: and scope to : 'I‘eriiipaper Research. l’.o\ lztil. Silu-r Spring. . 5 .
ited swam'owned am 099mm“ $5 '99 253 ‘546- ‘L-OST: N Wallace s. yellow, red. NU. 9°“ N M 87l06. "Our 26th year " Bonded and a “an I‘Illll "littttl \loiie\ order oiil\ )Ie'ise. - j I ' - "i " i i
-. Krai ’5 Rent I - tumbrella, metal handle. 710 reward. Cal ‘ - ‘ ' ‘ . ~ ‘ I ‘ » ' . . * ‘

and 9 a “”9““ Se'V'Cer 705 . member of N A T A 241x24 - . .

l. . Lumestone. 24A28 272-6053. ”A25 ’ _ -.. _.. . , I ’ . '- ' . . '
ing ——-————-——————-_______——___._______—_____ f t .

AVAILABLE SUMMER AND on 1972-73 I .' . _ I.

DI‘S. " school year—large 2 bedroom apartments in 5 , . * j . ‘

Chevy Chase. Furnished tor 4 students; wal gjjI . . '. -'. i .

- . ‘ '0 W3” carpeting, cen'ral heat afid air .. 5,..,-..;:.'..‘.'::t;:.'..I.-», . ' = t " -Z\ W .
la) conditioning. 266-2306. 2iA25 . War: . » 5. . '
.ln E_,.:i; :: 7:5. ' a .. .. . -. :- :' worm/*2- l. I " " ‘ l. - - '-

, gf FOR RENT: 2-bedroom Apt. in Idle Hour §35'5;.I‘I-:E:E'f.?" _ “fin” ' ' l . 7

0 5m plus utilities. Take over lease until “829% II . I '- - ~ . . -
om M... can 269-2690 ms «Ht l . .- »

APARTMENT: furnished, 2 bedrooms, I' . ‘ - . l " ' . .. .

available summer,close to campus. Call 253- :; ' * . m . -- 3:?E I - . K ' ‘ ’
2288. 21A25 3‘ , ~ . _ I . . i"??? y . .. l. . .
i . ‘33“: . 231;;3 .' ‘ " ._ . .- I I I . '1 i L. e I 7'
WW " ' ” . ’i-vkiaszz' ' ' , - . -
FOR SALE: Men’s 3-speed 25 inch bike. I =% '- {II "..II o “)7; are I "j - g . x

» Basket and lock included. $40.00 phone 278» ‘ I. IEEEIII\I "'='1:-::;:.II M . " . ’ - - . . ' '

s. 7297. HMS .sfgigigggigggngI‘IA " W 0'25“ II ‘ . - ' . '

t . “econ \ org/.- ' -' . " 7 ~ " '

‘I 1968 HONDA o5 cc, includes helmet a. 2 V. “‘1" " . ' ' v -\ I’
a.m. ... luggage raCk 3150' C6“ 26670503. 24A26 ' ’ .,:-:'.‘ ' ‘\ g 39:2;- . L" ' i ". ~ 1
”:3: 2 FOR SALE: Philco lullsaze refrigerator, .' . . t e 6' I i “"2"” IIII.’ IIIIII;.I:5-" '.‘ . II - . .‘

the , runs perfectly, S25. Sealy Queen size firm ‘ ' ~ . w " . . <‘-‘-.-"97""*" :33’§325223:5:::..... é/ .-=:" - ‘ ' Z 7 . ‘

.5. mattress and box springs, like~new con- . . . ' _r‘fif-i'" '-:::§?E::::.‘E§§:§3§5§3§:312321§§51.1:-.-;-i5:-.3i'53.:':"f :A H ‘. p ‘ .-. ' - '

dition, $25. Call Mike Thomas, 2663027. .. , . ‘- ._ ‘ > ‘ -I"1-“ié'gi§é§§§3§§§é§§E§§§é§§E§5§2:EEEilisE:§i:2§§:3§ii5:235:25.§?§2i:§2§.:{1i:?:.:1...-. ‘ ‘ a ' ' - ‘ 4' .1 -

; 24m. : . . . . . I Ian *\-‘ ' . . . . . _

' . .--. .5 , -a;::r_ -*--=-:"’22::-.::r=:~.::=:s:::;::e¢.’-~ » _ 1 ' , . : .‘
ship j MOTORCYCLE—1967 Suzuki 250x 6 Hustler. : ' - .. . . . II - ' ”fr-ea...” " ' ' " ‘ , ~I~I . . '.
ipril 1 Excellent condition, with helmet $300. Call ' . I‘ . ' . .. I1: .. f - . " J:55"7*:5I:1:itiz::::z.--:-z-:-;-:v;-..,...ccmoooa°.'-e¢?.~‘.<‘?"~‘"z1'"I.“ . ; . . I . . I
sled mm at... 530- 24m , . “ 2' O ‘ ” - ~ .. :. ..

"L' ._ 5 g 3 3 1.;.: g]. 2-915; 55‘ ‘ . E“*1Iizéz§f§giag=§=§fig;§2;f:;;;s§.;:::ggI... ' ' . . -. II .- .

I. Pt‘rll MAX style posters. One covers ' * . ; ' ;:'. II::.-;.'.;:3€:;5§55:f . ' W " ‘ f ' ' " ~
In; ' WM" '°°m- Actually 7-UP billboards! no _ , . I; :'_ ' ‘ ,IgSaffffgggfi'gEESfI 7:33... '1; . I ‘. I . '.

each.Watarproot. 257.1243. mas . . . . " ' : ;- v, ,. - - , - - -, . . , . , '

l .. - - , - - - - 00 . et mto .

n o I Immune I," mm 7”“ Com I. ,, ., _ I I I Sunshmm Feelm g d So klck off your shoes and g '. -, II II

tom. 3:962:27 2500mlles. Priced to sell. 155 yOur SChOB ExerCXSB Sandals. II; - I. .I *’ . ' I.

aim ' : .» ' - . :5». '- - I 54-31-12“: -':I" .. ' .I . I‘ I. .. . I. ‘I

33’ "aggnnglgglrgm 03%":- 5 Experienceé‘omfart Wiggle your toes under the cushloned leather straps. ; r . -

' "“30 = c Cl C :_._{:;s,?:‘.- * ' . , . ' - .- .- ' ,-

' no mo an... maul). ass-anal. song ;::;;;;g.g;IzI.;; Move your bare feet over the pollshed beechwood. Feel the hollows where . . _I i : ; _ :,

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El . 9 h
ection 72. a mandate for c ange
. .It was billed as a mandate and Last year‘s vote total was higher year. common interests and goals. The U.K
.V With over 60 percent of the total but there were a variety of fac- The Wendelsdorf ad- re-election of Wendesdorf Elyg
.. V vote SG President Scott Wen- tors that eXisted then that have ministration will not have t0 should give the UK ad- his
, _ . delsdorf got it. UK students Since disappeared i.e. the Student relearn how to deal with the UK ministration a good idea what tha
V _ showed that the past two years Coalition. administration and the Board of those goals and interest are. ,P
__ -. were no fluke; that they wanted a The election could very well Trustees. This experience should I iiiisd
. . .' continuation of responSible ac- Spell the end of the old Greek- mean that more progress in all abo
, . tiVism.V . . independent dichotomy that has areas 0t student concern Will be e er“: ”h”
' - . . . Considering the relatively short dominated campus politics in the made. The stalling tactics by H
. V ,_ . . campaign and the confusion past. The student voting populace administrators, often used this smmum n94 Lexmcrou, KENruch teri
, , . . V . ueated by candidates With- is too smart to ever vote for a year, ShOUId StOP- “pl
V, . -. ,V VV drawmg and reentering the race, candidate in the future just- We feel that at least UK A" “99:73,"; Bifféii'fiuilimfiy "we“ “0
, a .v , the vote total was impresswe. because he is a Greek or an in- Students have broken with the .dlsc
. i - n l I , I I lnno
. , , . . , dependent. past. In future years elections Will iymkganfiimiiiizinsgciiiir con
,- Wenttlhelsdorf's re-election be dEClded 0" issues and t10t on JerJrc’thi/Gfgvyv'es,liliLL'iLiEed's'zim bid.
- ~ ‘ '* means -'
V . at most of the programs the _ Old Greek independent pumm by m: Kernel Press, Inc,
V .' begun ”“3 year “/1” COHtmue. lelSlon. a non protitcorporation composed of
. , . students,tac Ityanctaa l I tr '
. Many of the same people who ably Yesterday 8 election showed a'mwmuve's'wo' 3335‘“
. . ‘ _ _ soon E
" served the students this year in that many UK students regar- ° ° "7'
., . . _ » Student Govermment will be back dless of previous affiliation E°"°""‘"“9““"‘°°”‘"‘°"‘°”"”""°" c
_ V I. I t _ not the Umversuty
. . V , _ 0 continue those efforts next realize that they have many
. i l '1‘
’ ' ' KERNEL F OR Ufll’ h d °
. . t e rea ers write :5;
e , . Jeni/is! ( e t 3 o‘ - . - ' ‘
‘ . ,: _ t I fut/1‘. nViaiiitcsted by the detacmg ot buildings at l'ln\‘ironmentalist Freaks, 'l‘hose Sierra of students didn't vote. They may have M“
N, 2 ' ' , The campus New Left. intellectual l l\. Alihost net'dless to say. the student- (‘lub types who claim appreciation for an lavored Wendelsdorf. or perhaps Maury. Rol
'. - , \ aneuard (,i The Movement and never proletariat coalition waxes stronger with unspoiled landscape could not fail to glory 0" maybe 0”“ “l the 0th" candidatese~or ()‘rg
. V want my innovation. has devised a brand eachstroke ot the brush. Radical leaders in the stunning green paint used to perhapsthey HN‘ concerned about issues ‘0 hid
‘ . . - ' spanking new way to End The War. It‘s \\ ell know-that bonds of solidarity between broadcast the Movemcnt‘s sincerity, A which none of the candidates addressed M“
. ' _ ‘I = I called detaclng property. Why our those working-class defacers of restroom hearty thanks is deserved for furthering him-‘9”- (AI:
V . _ , spiritualleaders have bided patiently their walls and the Revolutionary Painters the "Greening of America". if our new student Ott‘lClalS are ”“1." k
_ . . ‘ time. holding in reserve this "secret plan (adre “'1“ instantly be enhanced once Years from now. when reflecting back St‘l‘lOllS~ 85 i believe they 3F9~ about last
. . . in end ”M. war” ,5 beyond the scope (,1 word spreads Vthrough Lexington . that on ’l‘hel’eoples' Struggle, let us remember wanting 10 represent Student views in the J“
’ . V' , ' understanding shared by us loyal “l“dt’hts share 101"th the thUhreCtIOhlSt well this high water mark of escalating ti‘CUh." senate andonthe board OttY‘UStC‘ES‘ in”?
. .' '_ > ‘ " tollowei's Such insight', [00' 0i delacemcnt. revolutionary awarenesswthe defacing of they should be earnestly considering hOW 't't
. , . “H. mm“. correlation between In addition. we would be oafish to miss l'K buildings with green paint. 10 find UUt what StUdt‘htS really do think: lh Id
. .' _ ' rtnmmm what little beauty inheres to an thieVeducthive value ot'the painted polemic. (‘arl u. "mm. order to become vigorous spokesmen for m
' " ' . ' unscathed building and removing [TS [klswormilg Pmlethriitt.{Oil'ed(no doubt :\&S .lunior Silldt‘ht interests. '
» - V‘ ,- -. . troops trom \‘ietnam could have been “whilst theli‘ Will) to remove the slogans I suggest that Student Government H
‘ ‘V . , grasped and t'\'plt)llt‘(l only by the most {Hid calls to action. Will Uh(lU€‘5tl0hhhl.\' he ‘ begin to debate some concrete plan for this lav
mmgmmlu, “(.Wimmmst \Ve. 'rhp lllt(’(l . to the proverbial brim with [‘UI‘ student surrey purpose. For example. SG funds could be ,hu
. _ . A , l’eople. “d” m ”pump.” anticipation for revolutionary ardor. and their respect for ‘ appropriated for intensive. campus-wide “m
- . ‘ . . . 1m. (.U,N.(“u.m rapid (pupsciumm (,i the and attinity ‘with the student population There are more than 19.000 students on surveys on important issues. with student pos
. ' ,- ' “up “Mum to Mp,“ such a brilliant “m logically will soar to unprecedented this campus; 2.200 of them think Scott labor and perhaps professional advice. W0
’ i ‘ accompli \iliat other choice does Nixon llt‘lt-{hts- . \t‘endelsdort' should be Student Govern- These surveys would be useful if they it!”
. ,- V . ~ “a“. mm. 5“Ch bold “553““in Lastly. again lest we be ignorant of the ment president. The student senators were covered a large portion of the campus- 7}
. ~ V . . . ”I“. need only draw the ready parallel tull subtleties. may we please applaud the elected by minority votes of similar say. 75 to 80 percent. 01
- , . . between scrawliiig "Portland (‘hristian symbolic colors wisely chosen and proportions ll isapparcnt that students will not take can
. . High 8mm] classot "$9” on the sidewalk prominently evoked when splashing our During their campaigns, several of the the time to become involved in campus pH.)
: . . and the subsequent dramatic im- walls with paint. new student officers trumpeted the politics. Responsible officials will “h"
V . , . wmmmm M ”u, basketball team to u”. lhe color green. It comes as no surprise desirability of student input and student recognizethis and try to solve the problem
V1 . , ' . . . V (””de Hill} the salience of [im- to us students of the Forthcoming power. But talk about student input is silly by going directly to the students. A
. ~ , '. llcyolutionai‘y “Wm. :\lll('l‘l('£m Revolution that this color was when .WU face the fact that our new TomBowden
. . . . V l“urthertnore. k.” m, be oblivious to