xt7wwp9t4r6z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wwp9t4r6z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1981 1981 1981-10-05 2020 true xt7wwp9t4r6z section xt7wwp9t4r6z . 2.2, v 5:.“ ' _ 2. whammy. " 2 115:. an"; “212'"; 2: 21,23? “'..~.“:.* 2 ,2, ‘.'2 ' . , 2‘ . ‘ f, . 2 . ‘ ' 2 j 2 '5‘ :2’21§;':’“‘;,..;i"2.;g"'?2“2.'22."’ '3'l“..2.’1~ ‘ . fil7vifi,’*c“~’tr’§ff{w§“ ' 2’75“"22w;”,l-"'.;“«.“.:§,'f,}'.f:’i;g~: 2i ,2“ ‘ “ 2 , - 2‘- ttmaéhihat’h “,r“ ““ 2 .' ' ’ I ‘ ‘. .. '. 212Ngi};92‘7,2:'2,‘f223,‘\"2" “, 2"~’"~ , '“ifa‘0?““ii“?,3’i§:§“i figh‘léfi“? 34.334212 2.;'.r,.‘,,...,' '. '. ' ' 2 ~ NNNN 2 N2 flirtiniiii‘liit» - : 2:2" 22:2 22 . 2 2 _. . ‘ y 2 22 . 2 2222‘ 2.2 2‘ .' " . ‘ 2: " mm eds-n... ‘NNNNNMN '2. N 22- .2 ‘ ' 2 2 ft, . i it, . "~71 e ’3? z . t 2 NtNNNNNNNN HM ~ 2 2 .2 . 2 2 - 2 2 22 22 2 2 "ti $th indwr’ 2‘ 2 Aguilar»; J,“ "' ”, ,2, . H 72.;‘5 » 2 , ,2 2,2' ,‘ .~ . ,. ‘ ‘22 why, .’,, 't2 2 —. .22: “j.,l2,5|,,:3,"u:l"i ,3“; 3"” .1232»... 3.2“:2“,{':;;,,“::',22,f2,.‘2i . $.22. ‘2 ' . ,1 , 2 2. --....-..2-. _ _ . ..i.-M.-_: ..e-..m.-. .MW - . ‘ i .. a .1 -3.» ., ' "“"5 .‘ “2 3* 'N’r ‘“' 2:3’fft“;“‘}t£;“ 937ml "“h’tieiaihfisfl. 2"“2-““-‘“““é'.3i2 1" ' . f“"t~:.ii2““’.2.¥ * .. ' 1“.““Z’S“?LI~,““.“4“”,’:' NINE“ I CLOUD DREAMS ”2,; r‘ 22’ 3 “‘2' 2 Partly cloudy skies win dominate the 2.22:2..{2 ’27: skytodayandtomonowmslnuually “2 2, 33“." warm temperatures warm the “,5'.'..2 ’,'.2. Bluegrass areafligtn todayareeit- ’ 2 2 pected to reach the upper 70; to 2 ,{.22.~,,,, ““ “ “ VOI. LXXXIV, No.36 An Wt W W m 1m Uflveflityofxentncky : ‘ , 2“ “ , Monday, October 5. 1981 Lexington, Kentucky 5 ‘ “ - f 2 u i 7 . ’. “ , ,“ “, '§‘ Wit “,.,2 " “k M“: , , ., w , ”f , :g N2, ' 7 '1' - ' . . ‘ N “it N 2‘ N“ - Low student interest cited * 2 “ “ ' ’ “ c “ “ " , “ - “ “ “ “ .. m ““ ' 4’7: .' ' Ski“, ‘4’“th 2. “ “ ,, j . ‘ 22 t. z " , , a; ‘92 ,2, ,2 fit ' V . - . *2 2 N ”N for slo ot tr ti 2 . - _ t , 2 . ,- 2. ,, W V er regls a on h . ., a 2 a . '- ”‘2‘ , ,.2,-- ‘2 -- 3 NANCY E. DAVIS not receptive about comingtocampis of students whohave indicated an in- . 2 3t m 2. 13’ , , y , , 3, , y _ ‘ “it 'N 2* , 4, , , ,, 2 1 4" , , 2 Senior Staff Writer and campaigning for votes,” he said. terest in working with SA," Yeh said. 2 . .. ( ‘ - & ‘ 2. ' 2' 2- ‘ 2 As a result, many students are not “They also could have tapped on a ?$; _ - , 4&3,“ , ‘ 2‘1 _ i't ', ,. j M“ aware that there is a mayoral race. pool of senators. Most of the senatorr i‘ht: , , . , ‘ " ' " 2" 2. “ . 2 . . . letalonewho’srunninginit. who cane into the SA office are {2‘3 2 . “ -~ 2. 5;. 3’ .3: , . l.:-2““““““ ' .. _ aingmwmtiznbem campus J’Bt Also, Dinkle felt that the two-week already overly committed to other I??? N “ .. 2‘ . 5* 2N; The Student Association has been ,blltz, 0‘ reystration wasnt 3“?" rejects. . fig 2. ’ , , , .. ; it.“ 3 ., . . . eient time to attract all the potaltlal Dinkle said there could have been ,. 32,2 x. a»: N2. ,, , 2 sponsormg a voter registration drive .. , . . . . . . oh 2 ' :2. --, ~ ,2. _ 2.. _ , since Se t 1 and on] 250 to 300 voters on campus. its disappomting more peoplemannlngtheregistratlon ah, 2, J? .2 , 2‘ . “fl , ,, students a“; signed uyso far said that more time wasn’t given to tables. “Many students just walked 7: f N ' , ' .. 2. , ' M“ . . p ’. . register students,” he said. “The pro- into the SA office and asked where “3'. z ,2. , N - 2 lke Whitlock, director of Political . . . . «- .3; . . cess of setting up tables only started they go to register to vote. There is f. . 2 . . ‘ Affairs for SA and coordinator of the . . . 2.2.,- J = )1, 2 5: s2. _- - . 2 9 drive. “”0 weeks 3802 and it was poorly obwously a breakdown in com- 22%: “ . .. . § “ o 2. .. V 2 , “There is not nearly as much stu- coordinated. mlimcatims here, (bk; said. I of I; ' ’2 ‘ dent interest this year as there was Whitlock denied rumors that not ti Magupsople, categria “but 3.2 2 ‘ ,2“ it ‘ .; ‘ , {. ,, . last year," Whitlock said. “But that’s enough SA members signed up to sit or“ ( uldn’trgs'mm ve), ,, . ' ' .re ' “ * _ to be expected with the races this at the registration tables. (A sign-up . y co 'd ’ themselves, . g , fl .2 _. , h, ‘2' a year.” list was posted on the doorofthe SA ”files“ 2 dm t t m t . - ‘. '2 ', . 2' j . ‘2 2 Last year, 1,200 students registered office, but remained blank for two . “We“. 9“ ° e W e’ 2 ' 2 - - 2 “" tratlon bill passed by the senate . " i s ‘ ’ . g to vote through SA's drive, said Jim days before anyone signed it. Even- 38315 the ha bee 2 9 ' iii. ; . Dinkle, SA political affairs committee tually, approximately ten SA V“ {Smackfiy "Ye. t." “‘9 g ‘ . ‘ , ‘ N ' chairman. “The numbers are lower members signed the list, said SA reason or pa, m"? "mm“ *2; ’ § 2“ ‘ ' “ (this ear) because there’s not a Chairman Pro Tempore Vincent SA manbers, Yeh said. (Comp- 2' . he , J 4’ a3: . 4- my? ha] M I 2t d Y h troller) Will Dupree amendedthebill at as: ' " Pr.“ " ”c? e as year. a" e " to read political affairs department' 2?: . 2 Ni" ‘t S “3? °“ ye” ‘" me ”"95”“ Dinkle called it a “fine example of rather than ‘political affairs commit- ‘ ' " ' _ . " rageoaa 2 the l t da for vote 9001' coordination" and said “you tee.’ Many SAmembeis took it as a i: . yfls I teasted yde ts r can‘texpecttohavealistsitintheof- signal that the (SA) administratim 3,2 2 r . g $323; :Thwnsffhicest‘:m gutting fice and let it rest there.” wanted tohandle it. Call it respect for 2? ,. . tl ppEd . . . n a, ' .2 Center, 9:30 am. to 5:30 pm. and in They could have ta on a p00] theadministration. 35 . ' ‘N . ' Blazer, Donovan and the Commons i“ . ' . V2 § 2 ' , cafeterias during the lunch and din- - I . “ ' “ “ . -“ \ 2 her hours. 2 , . Dinkle said registration will pro u up w m 2i y , 2. , bably pick up next year because of the ,I f , ,2, ‘ 22‘ congressional elections scheduled, , . - N but as far as this year is concerned, —_____ said was located behind a weldi .2 N, , _ . w, ,' “the races jtlst don’t generate much By PATRICIA CARTER company with potholes in the strenets 22.5 d‘“ El“ .f ‘ excitement.‘ Reporter that“wereusedforbaptism.“ , , , 2,., , Elections this year are limited to Nutt stated that “a pastor- needs a , .. TN" ,, 2,32“ ,, f , the mayoral race and local offices At first glance, it looked like a con- senseofhumortostand beforea con~ . . ‘ . ,/ 2. : $.15 2. , such as counCil members andsheriff, cert hall with Beethoven or Mozart yegation." 2; “ NE “ "Nad ' Dinkle sald‘ “’StUdentS Who live 0“" billed as the main attraction. But it His pess release characta-izes 2:2, : ““f~‘“"’“““ , g ‘ , Slde of Fayette County don‘t ’3?“ a was Calvary Baptist Church on High Nutt as a ‘master of human .53, . ‘22}, EN" §s , _ ,, . ’ e lot of interestin these elections. Street, where the Rev. Grady Nutt, a understanding,“ with which he was Er; _ 2h $332?“ .2 €22 . N '0. “The presidential, campaign, last well-known humorist, was guest able to break the solemnness that 3““2“&‘A@ ‘, , ,, % N} ,, year was really pollthized,” Wiutlock speaker before a full house yesterday comes with Sunday worsiu'p service. "N“E , . 2 PbotobyBUR'r LADD/Kerneiaaff ‘2 said. “this yeaf’s-(electimsnrenot 2 at both morning and evening ser- Despite the humorous mature of his I; ' on m heated enough. , Vices. talk, there was a serialsness to his ’2? ‘ a 0:3 “t“apomtmointltie 15 the ngy nature, one is compelled to performance—away to successfully “f? , “un rs tement year" regar- ance at a watch when the speaker geta sincere message across. j“? ' One of Kentucky's bright spots of Saturday's football quarter. Clemson tailback Cliff Austin attempted to cross ding the low numbers of studentswho carries on for more than 10 minutes. Nutt, a Louisville native, joined ,I . game was a goal-line stand by the defense in the second the Somme for the mm mm from the one yard line. registered. said Whitlock. He said in And if the speaker goes longer than 20 the cast of “flee-Haw" in 1979. . . . . an average three-hour period, only minutesmembersof the crowd begin His name obviously brings chuckles R I on f or m tlon Shari” s stem eight or nine people registered. to yawn and others drift outthedoor. and he relays the story of receiving 2 eg I" a Whitlock attributed the low turnout But Nutt hadthewit and experience his ordination paper from Southern 2 2 . - . of registrants to the races to hold his audience, captivating the Baptist Theologcal Seminary in , h I themselves, lack of student interest crowd with humorous delivery and Louisville in 1954, The newspaper “ o e as ’8 e a [fly I r ary and the low-keyed publicity surroun- anecdotes He was able to make his headline read “Nutm is ordained." 2 ding the registration drive, , , tcghgregatiorti1a laugh. From the Nutt says that a minister needs a 2 , --_—-—— ed stren hem Re 11 Li dinating the grant operation, Florida All the blame for the disappomtlng cony, (,me d to Stretch his neCk t0 ‘street’ voice to deal with people in /‘; ‘ ‘ By JOHN LITTLE gt - ng searc brary State Universit the Universit 01 turnout cannot be placed on the get a glimpse of the "The Prime everyday situatiom and he needs a if} . Resources Title If C, covers from Oct. M y . - - .2 2 . ‘ Senior 5'3“ Writer 1, 1931 toDec. 31' 1982. Georgia, the Uhjvemity of Miami, the students,” lack of interest, however. Minister of Humor. ‘pulpit‘ voice to preach. “A preacher Bryant said one of the benefits of University of Tennessee, and Virginia Dinkle Cited two other reasons for low He told of his many church ex- with the right kind of voice can make if. , the program is that they “can readily Polytechnic Institute and State registration numbers. penencesasachildin Amanllo,Tex- you 9V9 “P something you're “0‘ : ., University libraries willbedevelop- tell who holds titles which will University. “Both candidates (for mayor) are 35- The [line ChUI‘Ch he attended, he even doing." if; “ ing a regional sharing 53’5“?”1 With facilitate interlibrary loan activities “3} 22 . eight other libraries in the between institutions." . . 3- Southeastern Library Network He added that the system could I I became 0‘ a ‘71395 grant from the have collection implications in the l ” ;2i U.S. inartment of Education. future, y. ;‘ John Bryant, assistant director for A university may not have to pur- ‘ é, W031 “WES for M212 King chase a joumal if they know that a a u a a a u _ library, said thegrant will go toward anotheruniversity has it and the can m lmn'ls liflll alll “uln'nlllu'. m ”m [HS - Iagitating a datf haze betwettzn g obtain the needed information “from fun . m M fr “ ' 2 1 times consts m8 compu eri that library, Bryant said, —______________ . . ,. . . . . ' 2 listin of current . als and two three-man teams, standing 15 Iwouldcome out andtryit, shesald. Rutgers UmverSity in New Jersey . magazines J $32213,de Jigffgacfm' aficgguNE PIKE yards apart. The object is tothrow the Most of the other teams have “quite a started the first frisbee team. . .. t ttem in todo is to . ‘ , frisbee to the other team in such a few"women tossers. _ _ v“; 312:” 2588,53; Emma, as take the ““35 we had W0?" “ems _________“_____.____ way that they cannot catch it. Success Neal said he had little experience l‘hc campus frisbee team was , . ha e y . ho . , t (SOLINET) and putting It into the depends m the force with WhiCh the before joimng an team “I tried it a stag-M five years 880- In 19782 they ”f'b‘egfiw‘i‘he 33353;: “at.” b?“ "(“3 Nymb‘?” (we .‘e‘te’s lt'sabird it'saplane2 it‘safrlsbee frisbee can be thrown. Club member few times before and really aijoyed placed second in the Resimials at inhine N t ork known as which identifies the library With the Frisbee fanatics can be found Erich Neal, a political science myself, so I thought I would join the Erlanger‘ Ind., and last year ranked Sblflgé’l‘) " fiewsaid“ “We also want jotimal) on them. - everywhere 0“ campus having fun freshman, said 811‘s is used mostly as team. it took a lot of work. I‘ve been fourth at the regional competition to increase“ the quality of cataloging dwe canhnow 80 into 916,33“ '“l“l“'“se and frolic with their favorite pastime. a practice tool. practicing for weeks." held the-e. , , , , an searc seven or eig mi ion f t ho bers ofth . . . , . , , in the data base by 9‘“th specific m' titles and find holdings we can't have But or hose w are mem 8 Electrical engineering freshman Curtis likes the competitive aspect. Pe . . . f tion on the holdings and . ,, . UK Frisbee Club, It can alsobeavery Jenmfer Beauchamp, presently the “W havea ood time we la hard TSODS interested in becoming a m th 0 hard co or "‘0‘" 0893108,, hesaid. competitive sport. only female on the team, found out e g ‘ p y ' member of the Frisbee Club are . :figomm ,Fy are n W {'13: ggfnt :“Idfaltsl: help 61:8; 8:21? Rather than just flinging a frisbee about the club in Crossroads, a came The harder you play, the more you welcome. - ' 0 cc recen e though the air, club members test pus informational booklet published win,andthemore fun you have.“ ’ f u - . their skill in several challenging by the Deahofstudehts office andthe The frisbee was first marketed by Frisbee tournament . ‘ggat ‘ge arrcehafitggpitéggatso dgsslfiilto gavgtgg games Daryl Sever, a graduate Stu- University Informatim Services. the Whammo Co. in the 5th, and then . meiry Bofifbgs into an onfilne data $858 dent in Agriculture who has been u] just threwffisheeoccasiomuyat died out like the Hula Hoop, Sever In a four-team Ultimate Frisbee ‘ (system) i _ John Bryant “fn‘sbeeinfi” for eight years. dean picnics and really liked it,solthought said. It made a comeback when See“l~‘risbee.“paize6 , . ._ edonesuc game, timateF‘i-is . ,,_, , , .. _. :22 , _,_ , _ . .. . , , , Themain information center, the cuts,according t0 Bryant.This Will [R f “:glatlllln?teldfilszee IS pliyegf ORV: 2:331... , . ., ,.;;, . ». , ,:.;_,,.. , , ,, ’,, , ,.,: ,, ‘ ‘ . ' 0n-line Computer Library Center, is donein twoways. 00 n letea an mcomlsis “t .s to et 'j; ., 2 ,. ,5 '5 :5 ' , ’ :13 2' based in Columbus, Ohio. SOLINET First, it will help pay for putting in- 23:"; Ed “the f. M ”will, 3 , , _ . .giz' ,.~3:2‘;,; 2;; 5:.2 . "U“ ’ contracts with OCLC to use its data formation into the data bank and . ”3 own .‘e “n nin- : '2 , , _,"j;“;';;,_ 2' '53:. :=,, i; . '13:. , . base. keeping it up to date. Money which hinngou meta gain yank by p855- 0 . , 7",":‘51 223.13.“ .2 ,5: {“3: .2, a‘ ,2. .2, , now gee to pay for this can be used "'3 efris '. . . 22" i . . . : .' ’ fr; .-;2“,,5....,, . 2;-iz;ii-‘2fgfji2.22 22,2,,,','2,___,2'j:f=§,w _ , f‘j , ,:;,2,,. 3 2 Bryant said students and faculty for other projects; and second, the Although Ultimate Frisbee is sup. :_:3: .. E 233;, 52; , ,§;,,_5,2::,,,;,;.: ,, . 2.;,.‘.,,,_.: ,,,, ,,,,2.,_,_,,,,,,. .2; I:"' , . , ,_ members will benefit from the pro- collection FOCGSS will eventually help posetlll tobe a non-contact agorth, there 2.; , ,_ :55 if, .,. 2, {jig-.2 .. M2‘52f::i*5"* _. 2:2\.,3,,: l _- _ ' pm by “vim more accm ‘0 m “ha "E cost of b i ex nsive “Sm y IS Sme amwnt p ySICa ,, , , ,.::E, “f: ,2 “"1: , , publicatim they need which are not journils. uy ng pe contact. “It can be petty rough com- ,' _ ~ ..-::-,':;;.~'2 , ,2 ; $532 ’ ' , ‘2 I /' 14:3; t ,2 , availableattheM.l.Kingllbrary. “We are delightedto have (the 5:323:20 “111:: yeafsseigigasigmeone .2 2. , , ,2; \ :2; '2 1],? g, ,, . , The first incrementof thegrant is grant)when money istlght, hesald. Bill ,bmf'e' h “h't , . ,. - 2 22 --.2--2;:§E_:32,:2:,:;,:22 , 239, _ . . scheduled to arrive sometime this Seven other libraries in 80le t tudecnl‘tlSJ 0:11 -year arc lath; , , , ,;;,,,-2,j§gf_2;3":.,2: ', : 2 _ “f 4 , 25,2,,,:,;h,,,?. 2 ‘_ _ month. Bryant said approximately have been awarded mills to W2 m sbec "" if? he ”We" ‘ ' ' s, - .. .' . = .. 2. N‘ 2“ .. .; ' ' 2. 323,”) will be given to the library ticipate in this program. They are: 3:1” lot 359! '33 800d team 53Wrt . . :2 .,,2.. 2 ,.;,:;.:2-2,;._2 _2,223,§;e,,5§2§'3,3553: :2;- 2- t ,3 , ,igagfggggggg, : , L, 2 m. .naciam will receive quarter- Emory University Miami. the ”3,: ”Siemens during ma, .. 2 ..2 2, .2, \ . ll ' ' - ’ Fl 'da, hich is C00?- ‘ " \ ;:?2.;?‘f‘fi3if":'1§‘: f’??§?§2i??:?€§3§2 ' 2.“ . ‘4 , ,. ly paymentsof 8i6.m0.1‘hegrant. titl .Unlversity of. on w ches.“ he said. "It‘s played on the .. , . /‘ '32:,.,,,,,,,,E,,,,,,_,,_,,,,,,,§§,,,, r2. ,, , 2 2 . Honor System. We usuaiiy have no ‘ 22 2' ‘ 2? '9 "22% / . -' ““ 1 SI “Wb'ew‘u‘ “mm"‘isw‘m- 2' ' ‘ .-: its" r it 7“ 7275:4515 2 ‘2, "me only problem occurs on the 2 . ,, 2 1,27; L. “MW“- cdln bee-me the ver- . - :3 ; ’2 4" \\ MUN. fl; . ” Receiver Rick Mannie made astray slittleless painful. Seepage 5. son catchim the disk is the one who . .;,'1_2I,;,“ '2 ,2.- - . .1’55::2,;15‘1‘313iii;it:5“:,I“:2’§:,;§ff§§f;323,5;if:“ 2: , , ‘i 9 ",f.?:;§5;3*‘/ ,, // 2"; 33“,, ,, . makes thecall. When you‘re trying to #2 2 . t2==;:::; 2 '1 .: 22.122: // / . r / ”gin-fit . mum-pity getsasecond shot.Fordetalls.seepage a. catch. you “fly don't notice if : = ,. . ’ _. . gisigiségeggggg:gsgégajigégigigigg..33?:§::.j";f". ‘i'ii"/ / ' .: /’ N . N‘N'xt you'reinboundaormt" 2 r - 2::22 2 . '2 = 2.4%? // “ ‘7 // “i2 .22 !;N , Angther game. Guts. is played with £3,552; .1 . . "a; _ .2 :2:;:2:Esiie-siizisiei:sisizéiiaiezzisI-i;;51233::i;iz:2izfsi=EsEsE:iaE2:2532$:2 " 2 ///////, // 9 N2 . , ‘,‘ ,.:,:; N *3?“ “W2 a . ‘2 " 7“ """' "W " ""“W" " 2 «2 Fiat ‘ awn. N .2a.geha.,,,§ ‘2 9‘22": ‘ 2" ,. ., _ . , 2 a “ ,, ' 2,.-.2 22"“ gt,,ln‘a“ " I. 2 , 2 ' ' ..: - §,§?WE €!N.;~:”:W,; We fifth: ,1»: 22 “h“ , {figg’hfl’}. ,3?» {Ag 2 , ' \%$ 13,} A, «i! , . .' i 2 a ‘ ‘ . ' ,2 2“, ,2, ' “r“: ’2' ’2 ,5; 5,2,“:5; 2, ’-'i“’“2:“‘.:“3"’_’“2i“““'§“ é" fi'!“""-e.’“:“.§“::§r":}r"“ EN“ w T) ,2. , , w , N. A ~ 22 Natasha. its“ , e . - ' . ‘ , . 2p 2. .. 73232. ,1. fl’dfifdfie“ ~ 2 “‘2 ." ti“ 2 . ‘ ei'.fi.<“ii .2 .N 2‘1:N .2 if? 222:; 3‘2? 22* Nh‘éfint; 2 2.:.=i,:“1diitv‘.2't} ‘ . ‘ - 2 .‘ 2 ‘ '” .‘ . Leaflet sari-Need i N ‘2 2." 2th,..,.,,2p;t .- 2t j - .3 .‘ . . .. « ‘ 2 ‘ t2 2 at pvt 'aa- , 2 _ - . 2 -. 22 .2 =- 222 data .2 2 2. ~ .. 2 . . 2. 2 2 2. , - , ,_ - - .-.-—._.~. on , o 9 ”Form . "Eh W . 33336423351in “‘ i .3" 353‘ {33.3} 3o”«3 $3233.33" 33 33.53%: (“#3:wa @333 . “’Jli‘i’i31'33353‘333’rfi}, M3 351* If»; 3 ' .- , 3 git? ‘“ ~' heir/5’33“:‘*:3“""3=§'§’-1”‘=. ’15 ”stile? '«.af’iiiiaof‘*‘;‘i‘:?§i‘3‘fia‘ . ~i,3‘,"i.; ”‘Z’J'h.'~‘.’3itoavoid collapse. at hand and those dreams, for the Today, however, the American The inevitable bankruptcies of . most part, were realized. Business realityus surVival. The American many other savings institutions in- ‘ thrived, inflation hovered around 3 to dream 333’. unchanged, but it is enjoyed sured by the government lies in the ‘ z 5%, and the government operated in by adiminshing minority. government itself. The myopic . , ,/ the black. Interest and mortgage Wlth “federal dehcilrapidly ap~ bureaucracy of federal financial eX- rates were merely a formality, in ef- proachmg the $1. trillion mark, per-ts has set a low, maximum yield , feet a percentage added on a loan to government borrowmg {3 at an all- that financial institutions are allowed if; cover the costs of the paperwork in- time high. Inflation, running rampant to pay on 58th5- This maximum has volved. at 12% last year. is quickly eroding fallen far belowtherateofinflatiai in. § . the purchasing power of all recentyears. f ' u ' Americans Consequently, people are taking; ‘ 1: Writers of letters to the editor should address their comments typed and triple-spaced to the ditch] editor at Ill .Iour- _ their Morley (lit 0‘ banks and “Vim: . I - nalisinBuilding. tilt-105060002. Bu: one Of the mm! pressmg and loans. The money is then put In~ I e& — oux Students.Universityemployeesandotherinterested persons mutlnclldethelrn-mes.addressee.telephonenumben and economic perils facing the United fishyidd investments suchasmoneyi 3 ”:ft; theirmajon. cluslflcalionsorconncction with UK. utters shouldhelillltedtozflwords. Stats my IS the [Palm-a] Reserve mket funds Asa mun HEIDI!) III-T . ":3 1hrKernelreservestherighttoedlt forgnrninarmlarity andlenglh.udtoellmlnntellbelom material. 30.811138 policy of pmpping up the sfimfim m- bonmng.more from: I ’ prime interest rate. the Fed toreplace that loss of capital. :, - - . . Recent l ‘ lation to hel bolster" .; m m complex work of Frank ond‘Vl/right plaint! .When the people say enough this upcoming session is “a little bit The Federal Reserve Board is an the ailing 538083 and Impis but lip: ; with whatyou saw intheexhibition. and their representativesdonothear out ofproportion in its Significance.” independent branch of the govern- service to those savings and loam? The Septunber ethibltim 0‘ stu- them. those representatives should Perhaps the rest of the bureaucratic ment whose principal duties are to titreatctted with merger or bankrupt-:3 dent architecture displayed an “at- Martin Fretty buyahearing aidorget out of office. jargon should then be translated, regulate the amount of money cy. A more equitable financial policyl‘ .- titude ll} architecture, although Fifth year architecure We havetoface facts: ournational “These are only proposed ideas. available for circulatimandwdeta_ would entail raising the maidmum 3 whether lt lS “WIVES as Jere Exhibition participant debt will reach 1 trillion dollars bythe Don’t bother us until we can turn minethediscount interest rate a ben- rateofreturn toa rate similar to that33 . Plank’s Sept. 29 letter “Architects m . end (1 this year, the NEW RIGHT is them into better developed pIans, or chmark used in determining bank ofinflation. :3 KEI _ mgr-engine states, or not is ques- My 0 here, and you (Sir Common Sense) betteryet,concreterealities.” corporate and consumer interest Another pillar of our economy: sw tionable. . McGovern should clean up his own rates which b an account is going’ loI Josef Pfauntsch, “Exhibition Your writer F106“ know a damn yard before bitching about someone Thesimplefact is, wewould likethe 3 ha y theyfeder l to. Fri: Misleading" (Sept. 28).feltmuchour tluns about politics. Who the hell did else’s. Itisthroughthe policies ofpeo- plum to. saneliow hear the Y '"udwmmdd u , mvemmg' ';’ work is stagnant — that it doesn't ad- you sleep with to set your job ple like McGovern that got us where message. “NOT NOW. NOT THE The *Ven'membe’ Wm he‘d“ .e" “c e ' 3mg“? . . dress current problems facing our anyway? we are today. YEAR 2000, NOT EVER!” To even by Chairman Paul Volcker, has “my check beforehecan get '3’ M": ' 2,313 - society such as a poor economy, . Tragedy my ass! The real tragedy There is a 1W tough row to hoe, comider upsetting the cycles of establishedagoalofstotm monetary mzeflhglnltheblmwmetmdz ‘ M‘ declining fossil fuel supplies, increas- isyou bleeding-heart liberals who are and it is going to take more than one nature that are continually at work in M ‘0’ “31- I“ "my, when The t F to“ tel ( rha m -_' 0n ins risks of atomic disasters and stilllickins your woundsayear later- day to see results. Those who are this Wildlife Preserve for another “mm?“ 5mm“ “”95 hel" ““5 t if)”, ’3 flamed “d 3:, °T perhaps other social, political, The Republican victory proved that already criticizing should keep their road verifies the statement, “If life Wet '“m‘ ”at“ “m- The" b‘i’f any to: $33 1°" “" e. . T' V" cultural and environmental pm- you can’tbuythevotesof thepoorand mouths shut if they don’t have a bet- doesn't exist on other planets. it will FM“ ”m "w.”‘l' "“5 c""‘"' t h; 320, I 7'53" ”cm" mm,“ .°“ . blems. Quite pram ohservatiom expect to win. The best way to help terplan. This is jmtthebegjnnjngofa only be because their civilizations These men“, ”we“ ”it“ lifter ll the a”; 83th:” won . for, person recently characterizedas those on minimum welfare is to show seven-year battleso tighten your belt were a little more advanced than have devastated various sectors 0‘ . a ’ m. . . ‘5 m I an ignorant layman! them what real poverty is. By trying and let us show on hat r ours ” the mm" mm“ “m" make ”any 333 333”" 333333333” 33333“ "3 the "3°: ‘ As for our school ranking fifth na- toforcethepoorintothemiddle C1835, spending can acluyeveiTathe: £33112: 3 up the backbone 0‘ the American 03333933339353 rate problem. . . 7: 3 tionally, I can’t factually confirm or you not only weaken the middle class. handing out the dough to every poten- I would encourage those who have labor force, such 3:18 CODStNCtleh and The “'39-th federal detlc‘ti: contradict Mr. Planck's statement. I! but you sum to erode away the entire tial voter “ever walked " °r 3°88ed “ "mush “w ”mam“? ”I" “elm“ "‘ “meted at ”:62 “um um um3’: this is true. I’m inclined to believe social structure. 3 Joe Paul the trails 0‘ the We ‘0 d0 30- "emeeammme ”mm“ yea" ‘8 the ”ma” 9‘3“” ‘33 "-“ny‘ . that this feet was achieved by pro We live in a threeolass society. By Undecided freshman True it" "0‘ actually Paradise, but The hm“! ”Tm.” ““3 ”mu“ ”WC "'3‘ mm" ”"3339"? {cam and past generation Sudan‘s eliminatirg any one of thug sets you may it never become Hell, for that is 36% Since the beginmru 0f theyear. lnteat rats and the m1: 1; doing mm m". tosethcr. not just run the risk of throwing off the whole Fdn am" hi merely truthseentoolate. The hm ”shock waves" of new unemployment that they bring are: 3 . . ._ tern. _, . ~ . . butafewoftheseewlslnanefforttw ,- working hard. Gluing to fictional 35’s . Sound decisims are hammered out sian are rippling into other segments dampen the fires of inflation by M: ‘ i forms of security such as national F" to010ml the middle class has lwwldliketothankthemorethan ontheanviloflogic, and logic (in my of the economy as well. Due to the - Mimmm “Wm '. . rating or other ego boosters could hadtoumpomhemselvesoswellasa 400people who as of Sept. so have ’umble (pinion) mien out proposed decrease in dermal for raw and "338-“? - - - ' - . , ood ma‘ . of the lower l . All , .. i , . , . . admuustration is caning the deficit. easily leedufarthcastray. 3 ”my C ”e Signal petitions opposiig the propng. concrete slabs and instead calls for hhlehe‘l materials, the lumber and toclimb ”mm -- As i walked tll'oudl tlieexhibition, of unremyths about those handicap ed Roeemont Garden extemion. trails, yellow-am night heats, steel industries are entering the ' :; * ' 3 ' [felt I was in a toy store whee thee ped MWM who are 8W3 t° in These will be delivered, along with rabbits, kids in thewoods playing (oc- recession that their benefactors are Since the government must pay thg I ' was little diffemtiauon between toys cut Wt ml “I" 0‘ "m I?” old ladies the ones still being signed, to the co. casionally squabbling), and, oh yes, well into. going interest rate on its outstanding: r5, dramas "Hwy“; NW mheh whoaregoiiu tostarve if their checks toberGUrban County Council session. even the squirrel who keeps sneaking Bilim also are feeling the ef- debts, the deficit swells. As thedeflcit— 3. , ‘w d the work daplayed a limited '9} cut are pm WSW. and [would like to respond to the lug- uptomydoor. fectsofhighlnterest rite!- lnorderto grows, lrflation rises. As inflation: ‘ Wig of Miner-tonal tluwillnotbetolerated. . ' gestimofDale'l‘horna,di