xt7wwp9t4s4b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7wwp9t4s4b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1988 1988 1988-10-19 2020 true xt7wwp9t4s4b section xt7wwp9t4s4b  




Vol. XCIl. NO 50


Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington Kentucky

moor/tender" r

Students sponsor petition for peace and non-violence class

M) .ll'lrll‘I ESSELMAN
Special Projects Writer

More tltatt 3oo UK students and
Lextngton residents have signed a petition
urging l'K to implement a course on peace
and alternatives to \toleiice by the tall 1989

The petition asks t'or a course that
"would explore the use of nonviolent t'orce

its history. methods. and practitioners
and the promotion of peace. "

Interest about the possibility ol such a
class “as sparked by Washington Post col
untitist (‘olemaii .\lc(‘arlhy. who spoke at
the Newman (‘enter last ntontlt as part ol
the Distinguished Speakers Program
.\lc(‘aitli\. who teaches classes in alterna
ll\‘t‘.\ to Violence at high schools in Wash
ington l).(‘ and has taught at American
and Georgetown unnersities. is encourag-

ing universities across the country to start
peace studies programs.

About 7o universities in the t’nited States
ol'l'er degree programs iit peace studies.
and about 2th offer courses in that area

Since .\lc(‘arth_\"s talk, the Newman (‘en
ter has been the main organizational base
tor support of a unit \‘lt)l(‘n('(‘ course He
sides having the petition on a wall tor peo-
ple to sign. people have distributed pt‘llr
tions to classes and around campus

“The petitions) are coming itt every
now and then." said (teorge Hagan. the
Newman ('ertter's student assistant
"'l'here‘s beeit people I didn't know had
them bringing them in it‘s been a big
uroiipetl'ort ‘

He said the proposal ls' still tit its begin
ntng stages. but teedback oit the idea has
been promising

"l'he people l'\'e talked to have been

real open minded." he said "As ~\oii can
tell b_\ the signatures. interest is prett;
high "

A course in peace wouldn't be t’ltllrt'l‘.
next at [K Last _\ear. Lance Bruitner o:
the music department and Richard l..i
Brecque ot the education departittent in
taught a course titled 'l’eace aiiil \Norlil
itrder“ as part of the honors program

:\t‘('0I‘(l|llfl to l.al’.recque. tlte class tlls
cussed the relation l)(‘l‘\\t‘(‘n peace and tits
ttcc. the social costs ot~ itttlitar_\ expend
lures atiil ttiethodologies tor tindiiig the
means to a pear et'iil \iorld

Laltrecriiie and the class attempted .'
tltscchr '~.\ltril is knouit‘ about ways 'I
.it'hl(‘\c peace and athat methods haw
\mrked lt ioiisidered contemplatch van
of thinking. human rights and ediicaton tor
a peaceful global hittire

He said alter hearing .\lc(‘arth}k talk


Parking lot
on Virginia
will hold 480

In \llil. \\ll{ til. \s‘st '0('K
contributing Writer

The new parking lot on the corner ol~
Press attd Virginia avenues was tied
tcated b} l'K (‘hancellor tor the lrextng-
ion i'ampus .\rt liallaher testerday and
\‘tlll be open tor cars “l”! ' It" and ‘t“'
stickers today

Don ‘l‘horntoit, associate director of
parking and transportation said that

'the parking sign indicates it is only a
‘l%“ lot. but t stickers ‘.\lll be per-

ltcali \lct‘aitt. student t‘.o\ertitttent
\ssiti'iritiitti \tce president said “this
iloestt't reall\ lime a direct ellect on
students but that exei‘} space helps ale
le\ iate the campus parking problem "

-\ccording to .lack Applegate. director
ot the Musical l’lant l)l\l\lttll. the new
grincl lot that holds 48o cars \\'lll even
tuallx be extended as tat as mone\ per~

\\(‘ uU‘l't' granted $9.3.itoo tor the
whole lot ltttl t.\lll riot laid out titttil next
month “\actl) him ltlllt'll has been

spent \pplegatesaid

Director ot lliiitiait Resources \Valter
.\'kiba said the land was piicliased in
ittidN-ptembei‘ tor fit _’ million Skiba
said although the lot titll help .illex'iate
the campus parking t)l'ttltlt'lll.s'. there
.it‘esoiiii-satet\ problems


‘It A

'.\|lll|)tll proper
giiaiding.” he


ll‘llx 'llL’.\

i ampus nus scr\iie \lll l'lltl e\er_\ 1.1
to _’o minutes tt‘ottt T to a iii to t pm
on uieekdax s

the new tot orth scratches 'he sur-
lilt‘t‘ at I l\ s parking problems. otlicials
sa). but right trim the tiinds rlottl e\ist
tor tut ther parking structures


., fl/Ifl/I/x/r/wx'xm/r/r/rr
4" Ill/I/t/(I/I/r/Ir/rrr




Will Rensnaw (right) of SGA and Vice Chancellor or the Campus Art (1(llldllf’l
«center i ott'malty open the new parking lot on Viroinia Avenue yesterday

Fate of baby left in dumpster is uncertain

Ii) ( IIICIH l. \\ \l.l)I{ll’
Ntatl “met

The late ot the bab) touiid iii a dumpster
tiear campus \Hll be determined in a hear
atg oit or about Not to. according to He

lt'l‘ll\t' laittes \eai‘le ot the Lexington l’o
[be hearing aill
i’tislort} ot Hebeti'a.
nurses during liet Jorila}

t‘ltaititlct' \lcillt'ai ( 'eittct'

tlt‘lt’lllllltt' \itto
who this tlalttcil lt_\

ti). at the l K


l'tllltt‘ :oiittit ‘lic ball) .t :iitztpsiei

near lxeiitiedi bookstore on \a.; Eiiia

l\ l‘.\.t:s .i l't_\cai’-old t'eiitre t oitiut - a

vlt'lll «as attested and itiaigi-ii

ton i-iiilaiigci‘itieitt ill t‘itltllt'cttiiii i'l: “ii-
\‘Ll “\Rhl‘it

.Ill . tit.

he thought. 'llt iolona
‘tltl'llis. l.i' ltt’l'l”:lts pl i. ' ,ti w


i ’, ll‘t‘ztit'

‘1. ilt‘iti .i-


:i‘ \tne: ti an

vili'tli'i‘ {tint


v: t‘litilt‘ t”-
and (gene ~-
‘i. it
has n! .'t't‘,t1ilv‘!tt e
" r l ifltiv- ls"

Higgins is named
in 2 allegations,
newspaper finds



L’K‘s basketball arogmm
is monitored. "tuition at.»

tt .i

UK program offers free pediatric dental service to children

It} l-.I l/.\l£|nlllt.l I‘ll€\.\l‘j\
i ori: touting \\iili-r
l\lltl l“.tllt.\ alraid ot going to thc
ilt‘lillsl slit“ s .tltaid o1 ltt'lllLl‘lllt'

l '.\as supposed to sit through a ptiitia
r) tooth extraction and l :iearl_\ pa-sed


Htli \lll‘\.tltl

l‘.llll\. a ll\ predental student iii ’ltt
college ol \llied Health, hail her ttrst c\
pei‘ictitc ot the dental piotcssiott tlltl lllL‘ .i
haliirdm dental tlllllt' sponsored hi the
:\lllt‘l't('ttll .\tudent Dental \ssoctalion

the clinic is l t‘Ullllltllllll} serxice acti\
ll} statteil to pi‘oxide tree pediatric dental
care loi' children who otheruise would not

it also gin-s l'l-x' deittal students.
Fallis. hands oit e\perience ill the tield

tittia Sparks. .i lzyeai’old pattettt who
attended the clinic this Saturday learned
the ins and outs ol takmgcare ot her teeth

"they new teaihing ttte him to brush
in) teeth. \\l]lt‘ll I don I like titna said I
eat succts a lot. too


"They were teaching me
how to brush my teeth,

which I don't like."
Gina Sparks,
12-year-old patient

t.tll.i~ ltit\\t‘\i'l~ L‘Jll .i L’Jltttl ('llt‘t‘hlltt fiit

t’ltililriti. Mina. titid otit
progtattt troin total .tgeitties and eleineit
tar) schools.

l“l'.llll\' kendtick. \MH \tce piesiileitt.
c-iiitaits total social sertice agencies and
t‘lt‘ttli‘llliil'} schools The). lll turn. pass lltc
intoriiiatioii students and parents

Nora Sparks. \tltosc tltiee children are ill
the prograiti. said she 's gtatetul tor the

'It s a reall) good prograiti.

like about the

till ltl

sltc said

\\iliioi.‘ 'ic piogiaiti i i ital.
’itl ilt'trlaiiaii'iitt.iltiilllli-tti

\‘ ‘l\ lllt

l\\l I\' .ritcititi-i: \a at
cliitii~ \llll t.
Sparks -.liti t‘ial t'iitt’c tuitt'ttls stritiiiit'
.idxatttagt-oi the Vet iti-iitat i at I‘

ll \oii hate 'l;i- oppoi'ttiitit}. like ..vt
Katitagc rt " \ttalhs stint \o writ
.\ait:s totaki- the llllll Iogo. 'tioiigti
1s pio\iilcil l‘_\ l l\ ”-

tii'st one heat. ~ t\



l'he Iteittal rate

tal students :hcsi itittics tnltt‘lll ‘ii.

ilctils .is .u‘li .is ‘lti- l‘llltllt t.t'.r\c:
l'ltc sttidctits th'l‘litt‘tti iletttai c\atiitttattotts.
\ l'tt_\>

o1 ttl'tlllal') ti-cth

'illlllL iatita-s ,tllil ‘hi it‘iat'or.

‘\lo.st \oltititecrs ate ill the Mud or i iiath

\t‘dl ot ileiital stliooi. although ~t\: .itid
sciotiil )cai students art on latia 'o assist


l’rcileiital students ait- .llltt'\\t'tl 3o
ticipati- illltl learn b} ‘.\.iii'lllll;.‘ ’lti
rate .is it is pro\ided lot
this is the ttrst oppoitiitiitx to

stlllH 'ttvti"tl.s

sci ‘l..i


"NO'WRV T‘"N V"N"T‘ ~

Terry Wright t,e'i"iitéi'
.tiililit,’ l’oam: t‘ett. t' a mu Fans





Today. Sunny
Tomorrow. Sunny








ol‘t‘crs more than just an album.

Jeff Healy

Alfred Rauls iaccs a challenge
like the otlcs back home.





 2 — Kontuckv Kernel. Wednesday. October 19. 1 988

Charges against mother dropped

continued tnoin Page 1

incident Monday. a Fayette (‘ounr
ty grand jury dropped the charges
against Byars

t'ntnl the custody hearing. which
\Alll be held in juvenile court, the
baby will remain in temporary cus
tony ot the state. The state has
placed her in a foster home

According to Brad Hughes.
spokesman for the state Cabinet
for Human Resources. the court
“I“ ask social workers to study the
case and give the judge a
"i‘t‘t)llllllt‘lldallfln about who should

gain permanent

He would not speculate about the
probability of any particular out
come. saying that different Judges
can receive the same information
but hand down dntt'erent

“It's the Judge's decision. pure
and snmple." he sand “It‘s not it
matter of the mom or dad going iii
and saying ‘I want my child
back ' ”

It a parent

custody til the

stepped tom-:nrd.

Hughes said. the judge could order
the child returned to that parent or
could order that the parental rights
be terminated and the child be put
up for adoption,

Hughes said the Judge would try
to determine if “the mother could
be a fit parent, (if she) could care
for and protect the child and see
that the child was nn a stable
home "

He sand there are hundreds of
families wanting to adopt a child it
custody is not awarded to a parent

Man charged with threatening Bush

\,\\t‘(‘lillt‘ti Press

OWENSBURU Ky A 21 year
old man accused iii threatening the
life «it Republican presidential
nominee George Bush was advised
on Ill\ rights in a hearing here yes

liatnd Allen Russell ot (twensbo-
ro appeared inetore L h Magistrate

Stewart Elliott saidl \ tilt-inm

Joseph M Whittle

Whittle sand Russell lt~ charged
with two counts threatening to
take the life 01 Vice l’resndi-lit
George Bush or inflict hodnly inarn:
on hnm. and sending a threatening
letter through the mail

lltl\ Miss

Following the
was taken

back ti| the






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And pick up on
what’s happening


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(‘ounty Jail, where he was being
held without bond. Whittle sand

A hearing has been scheduled tor
it am Thursday before Magns
trate Elliott to determine whether
bond should be set for Russell

A preliminary hearing also will
he held at that time to determini-
whether the case should be bound
over to a federal grand turn.
Whittle said


Continued from Page 1

"I'm not going to let Higgins
talk to the media," Frieder
said. “He talked to the NCAA
and Kentucky talked to him in
August We encouraged Higgins
to talk

“This would have been much
easier if Sean had just said
there was nothing irregular With
his record, but Sean knew that
things were not right.


“Sean never accepted any-
thing and his dad encouraged
him not to do anything illegal,"
Frieder said.

When reached by the Kernel
last night. Higgins's father,
Earle, declined to comment.

Frneder could not be reached
for comment by the Kernel last

['K spokesman Bernie Von-

Higgins is linked to allegations

derheide said last night that
under advice from UK's legal
counsel. James Park, “we're
not able to confirm any names.“

Park could not be reached for
comment last night.

UK faculty representative
Robert G. Lawson said last
night he could neither confirm
nor deny the report.


Sutton defends program

( ontinued tronn Page |

David Berst, the NCAA's director
of enforcement. sand yesterday in a
telephone interview that such a
charge shows up fairly frequently
in official inquiries

“It's not unusual at all to have
one of those," Beist said. "It‘s an
issue that has to be revnewed by
the committee on infractions."
which will ultimately determine
l'K‘s punishment next spring

Attention: UK Residents of
Lakeshore Apartments

UK Commuter Student Series

“lilanaging Timid/or a Personal
Relationship. Job and Study"

Discussion led by Prof. Mary Ellen
Edmonson. Dept. ot‘ Family Studies

Tonight at 7:00
Lakeshorc Apartments #12
ale-E Call 257—6598 lor more info Email



Write for the Kernel ——

Write Your Own Ticket




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Advertnsnng Director
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Production Manager

The Kentucky Kernel

Jav Biantcn
Thomas J Snrimr
Jim ‘y‘i’t‘ is

C A Duane Bcnter
R:b Selig

Tom SDalOil’lg
Randal Williamson
Mike Ann

Linda Comns

Jail KuerZI

Scott Ward


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Berst said that if an institution
made positive changes ~ increased
monitoring or personnel switches.
for example . those steps would be
looked on as a “mitigating factor"
by the infractions committee.

Bernie Vonderheide. UK‘s direc-
tor ot public relations, said yester»
day that he didn't know if the alle—
gation would spur L'K to make any
changes nn its basketball programi

"No decision has been made by
the University on any of the allega-
tions. including this one," Vonder-
heide said.

Athletics Director Cliff Hagan
has declined to comment on wheth-
er such an allegation jeopardizes
his job.

Sutton would not comment sper
cifically on other allegations.


306 8. Lime
of Maxwell




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Arax Davtian Soprano
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Thursday Oct 20 and FridayOct 21 1988
STUDENT CENTER 10 a.m,-4 pm. Box Office
204 Dean's Office 1 p.m.-4:30 pm



The Kentucw Kernel is published on class days during me acaoem .3
year and weekly during the summer sesscn

Tn.rd-class postage paid at Lexington. KY AOSt 1. Manled suosa ;:: on
rates are $30 per year

The Kernel is printed at Standard PubiiSl‘ rig and Pili‘i cg 5a.: Bum
man St , Shepherdsvniie. KY 40t65

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel. Room
035 Jotirnaiism Bonding, Unnversnty of Kentucky. Lexrrigtan. KY


4053060042 Phone i606) 257-287"




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entucky Kernel, Wednesday.0ctober19, 1988 — 3



tom Spaldirig

‘iziw' , 1‘


UK’s battle with Georgia will be extra special for Rawls

\‘tatt Writer

\t least one
person from
Georgia will
lie rooting for
the ('ats on
Saturday UK
tailhaek Al-
lred ltawls is
a natiie of
l'itts, (la. and
is looking lor
ii l'K \ ietoi'y RAWLS
‘I hope it \\'lll he a big Wlll for
its." ltauls‘ said
_\ltl‘t‘tl ltawls is not the typical

Georgia athlete who went north to
play football ltawls was originally
signed by the University ol
Georgia, hut was a Proposition 48

Georgia directed ltawls to a in
nior college. Northeast ()klahoma
A&M, Georgia sends all ot their
Proposition 48 casualties to North
east Oklahoma A&.\l

But the Bulldogs made one hie
mistake \\'llll ltawls they thought
they had him in the hat; The) in:
ured after ltawls finished at North
east (tklahoma :\&f\l. he'd head to
Georgia terrilor} and sllll up tor
the home team

But it wasn‘t that simple He

wasn't Signed, sealed and delivered
as the Bulldogs thought he “as

UK kept reermtmg ltauils hard
and eventually signed him

“l didn‘t have as good a eliattee
ot playinpY as iiiueh at (ieoi‘aiaf‘ he

When the Dogs take on the ears
Saturday at l'oninionwealth Stadi
run. it won‘t he just another game
to the 1K tailhaek lx’awls said that
he has something to [)l‘l)\t‘ lllls
weekend to the Georgia statt and to
the Georgia fans.

"This is not just another :Zilllil l
have to shim llieiii the ‘if’lll'fill
statl'i what they llll\sl‘il til." on
the [K tumor said

Cats break out offense early,
shuffle the Cards at home

Stall Writer

The l'l\ volleyhall team ran its
season record to 113 last night.
\\\(‘('[)lllL{ the l'niiei‘sity ol liouis
MW in three games at Memorial

But the \lt‘lltt‘} did not eoni easy
tor [K as the Wildcats had to
struggle tor a Birth \'l('ll)r)‘ in the

l'l\' eoasteil to a lS-Z “lit in the
first game. hut fell behind the ('ar
dinals ltlri’. in the second game he
cause of” attaek errors.

‘ We just started the game With
too man} unforced errors." l'K
r'oaeh Kath} DeBoer said "I was
real!) pleased \\'llh the way that \H‘
i'anie liaek "

'l‘he (‘ardinals eould not handle
tumor \"eroniea (‘ohh's ser\e which
started the l 'K eomehaek

'l knew it was a very ditt‘ieult
short serve to handle that I thought
the} uould have problems making
the transition. \\hi('h they did."
ltel’ioet said

(‘olili ran all seven consecutive
points on her serve to tie the game

Pro football lovelier for

\ssoeiated l’ress

l\.\.\‘8.~\8 (‘l'l'\'. \li For Bo
.laekson. toothall in Kansas t'it;
\Hls iiiueh Imelier the seeonrl time

last year. llfb‘lllll} and Illlllll}
greeted the Kansas t'it_\ Royals
outtielder turned runningrhaek
“lien he shim ed up at .»\rro\\'head
\‘tadiuni in the hated uniform ot
the his Angeli-s Raiders he was
\ltimet'etl \iith ahuse He gained


“I was really pleased
with the way that we
came back. "
Kathy DeBoer.
UK volleyball coach

at to tietore the t ill‘tlllt.il\ ioiilil ztii'

"I better Jet tlii liiil iti till
said “When 1 fllrlhl‘tl .liltt'i-lb'
Tt‘Vr‘l‘. .\'t' lli'lll .i Iii' til i'l'l'iit‘x
“eye lieen i'ittti't'llll'.l'lllL’ on tri. iii:
to get our serm- in la; ii .iin'oi'. .
should lie ahle iv an iiiit .ill'l hit the
hall and pla) l'hat ‘ thi' l .ms
thinking when l “(is aerial} I had
toget it iii

The Wildeats ‘\l'lll ahead 14 ill.
hut eould not linish ott t «it l The
(‘ai'idnals stlH‘fl tour :anii-iiiiiiitx
before l) Hit: the name .it it

l'K sii‘ierl ~i\ natur- point» Lwith-i-

'lti’: not pleased with the tilt"
that it took us ,\I\' tunes to d!!! the
flame hill the far" that \{lltlt‘llllll\

only one net gun! on line 1‘.tl'l'3t’\
tielore an ankle .iiiur'. flit‘i'erf i’llll.
truth the name \iiiii li\ 'llt‘ t‘:.lli\.i\
t‘iti t‘hiels. tilrllt

Rut \‘iindax lielore l ii'oiid ..i
more than 77,000. .laeksoii till't“t‘ll
11 times tor TH xiir'ls and caught
lxw passes tor ‘iii tarrls .lt his 1981‘,
\l’l. dehut lle .ilsri \(‘Itt'i‘tl ‘he
tttial “meltdown «in ii I x int lttllIlL’t'
.is the liiiivtei's iii-ii? "tie i'liiets


.. r i

"This ter‘ls t \Illt;t lit: w-‘ti-r

i'an sei'\e six Liam»- point:- against
us iinil haxe our sideou‘ tiolrl wit

nil-ans we got somethmrt 3min" ‘ ,
ll“ ltelliiersairl

.\tlei' ii 'ip li_\ lK ~r'
ltokouw .‘.lllt h sated
lat! las‘ aanie point
\tv-phanii- lireen lllll‘tit‘f
‘lietlit‘rliii:ils with ltt't'sl'l“."

[)imn .t prim! (nu-en
Ill“~l \t‘t‘\e to ’l" the Lillllte
\plkt‘ t»). I til I ll't'sllll‘f'!
\lanwll went :tii‘u .ir‘i‘
\t’l'\.“tl illl'llllf'l'Jl‘t‘lill ._i;,,..,.i .-

ln ‘he past i‘ltllltlt‘ -t
:Ii~‘ Jai‘ted to get iltttI= .‘
'ti_'. set“ e and utter“ l\:i"“
'he si‘l":ll‘i-J ».ii1iiiil 5 -ii~-'
It"lll‘(tltll‘.‘ on hitting i' W 'l-«
(it‘let‘. said she it"tlillll
‘ilii-re'heii .ii-al‘ itii-xsei i.

lvlll‘ ("ls ‘ti‘ltl iii: 'ii , H'i
.‘iltttl‘ E'iti .inli Iron ‘ttr '

t‘i-i‘iit‘rl tit fl l'

IK 'ii p 3lt1-\iit}lhp:i\t‘»i
lt'l"'lll'(‘ till mime ~
i:l"i’i)lt 'titiiiyi‘i'ri'ii :‘i'L‘Il' iridiviu l
\issipiii \tnlw it \trmmw


ten Ninth l-iaiils’a l'trttlllllirtlt‘ at
\oi'llieasl trklaliuliia .\&.\l i- he
tartan; let' ioi iiei’hai h tor
tieoiuia Ninth l'l‘lt‘t".(‘ll iiiosi til
'tie allelitiiii. ti'iii-. ’tw tie'ti'r.

\ltttitst all Hi [tit tit”\ tt‘titt;

*Jghi ‘.\i-l't' I'll lfieti. lama,

"-“IW t-l 'lli"' ‘3."H' ‘

it ’iti- tit'eli il .i-t'. Illkt' add
i ilv" [K tiiii'nl‘t‘lll Hugh
iiu‘ Ill‘ tilLilll'l Sl.:i'. 'l: id or: 'lir
t. .5 ldli Llotl‘ls :1 lliii Iiil‘ ti Alter
:iiurj. that «leiinezl lii'ii 'ttz'
i' ,ls ieiiirded l l\' ~ Lirgest w
,- .'Lilllt‘ rushing lllls \l‘dsttll when


NFL star Jackson the second time around

Ilill‘. lil».l zeal" :iiil ,l leper
showed stein“. ’llltltt‘.".’"l"'
mist lfrl.\(‘lt,ii: ~ixisiit! "" t‘.‘
tiiiiiie rims ,iiid nittitizt .it' .n
Kaltsiist‘ih li'it_\iils

The i l'tt‘.\‘l. ‘lie riiitues'
<':‘\ stllt‘i' ‘tlTZ‘, tiviuxeit
giort for 'ltl'tl iilltrrm
illlt ‘iti‘ t{.ittlel'- It‘ll' 'iiv -‘

\Hien l lather! u r.
ltr‘l for *‘he just null t!" ' i

l was 'Illllklllil itioii'






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 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday,0ctobor19.1968


Supreme Court
should not review
civil rights case

\botit to people

many of them t'K students


ttitli‘tl ill a rally last week protesting the Supreme Court‘s

tlt‘t‘l:slill't to reconsider of


1971; case. Runyon v

\lct ‘i'eat'y. which said a private schools refusal to admit a
ttlack stttileiit violated his civil rights

the Stitit'eiiie t‘ourt decided to reconsider the deCIsion
.tttet reviewing the \prtl ttttttt case of l‘atterson v McLean

«'redtt t'nion

\\e applaud tfte t'K students. primarily law students,
who took tfie time to make their feelings known on this

wry important topic

l itl tlte supreme t‘ourt to even think about reconsider—
t-a liltl‘Uttt is a travesty 'l‘he ltunyon case has been a sig-
:.;iit;tttt ally for people seeking cty tl rights.

white by tto means does it ensure that discrimination iii
heels or the work place will tto longer take place, it does
an» effect some legal recourse for those people who
tray .- tteelt discriminated iii private

~kt't‘Htl‘l11l1L’. this decision could set a dangerous prece-
ttt t3 other t‘;\tl rights cases ltunyon is a fundamental
~ tltititt’dlttlltL! and progressing civil rights in this

people contend that programs such as Afftrmav
\.cttott and legislation such as the t‘ivtl Rights .Act en
.‘t. to ii rights 'l‘hat's tust not thecase

t1a1iitatntttg and progressing civil rights is something

:iittst constantly strive for Even reconsidering Runyon

serious setback because it represents an arrogant attie

ittttt' about t‘t\'tl rights

fart what is even more troubling about the Supreme

the" s decision to reconsider

‘ Runyon is the trend toward

vorsI-ryattstii on the court it points to

the tdeology in the nearly ctghtyear administration of
President Ronald Reagan had grown decidedly more con-
si't‘\ ative in its views toward civil rights

‘otd with at least two of the more liberal justices on the
supreme t‘oui't contemplating rettreiiient. coupled with the

:_:roi.\tng certainty

of a George Bush administration at

haiiii the possibility ot an eyen more conservative court is

illt l‘t‘tts'lllt;

While the Supreme (‘ourt cannot be legislated into dect
stun making it must pay attention to the tenor and mood

.,t t‘tc country

one way students make sure


Expressing our feelings and convictions ts

the s‘upreiite (‘oui‘t pays at~


I Letters

UK students,
stand up!

\eyt r 2!: ii‘:\ si\ years at this
'ttsltltt'wttt ham 1 been more ap
palled .ir thoroughly disgusted
urn the attitude of an article l
.tiit "eterriiie to the one \\'t“.'tt‘!'
\ticbaei i, Jones in the
tic: .tKernei

\l!‘ .l”llt‘> obvioiisl‘.
nothing ot school s'ptri'
b.» Unit-s 'ti t‘\htlt|l ttl‘o\
tint xylitb I

l‘ is atstt it sllaltte that lie dtt‘.
take. out of his busy
scnedtta 'o go to [Rs home
referred “1
making ltaxi:
Lr‘tetntu s top to .\lost liorttii;
l‘t‘.::. ‘s 't llii iit1.t ~\iilllll'tl.i\ \l

know \
w htt‘
‘ tmti


ottltf't.‘ gato-

:".t:‘ is

’ t~ kt'i

‘ll’ll/t‘tl in a

llatti' ftt't‘
wot'tlt‘. of tin

"1‘1"“ far:
tititvI-E'll’I's ‘it wtttiess it ltttt‘
't.t', works \i‘!: hatd
ittrittg the spring ill":
.t'; sinison l'itll ‘llll'tl‘t‘;
itiazttlaitzir. tlictt
st.iitti:.t \ca:

tli‘iltitt liti itc

tl‘ t

s.“ it
'oiift out Ii“"t‘t' attf
but also out support

. .Jatite Nipport does not
it. ~.1 presence .\lt .loties
bowing spirit through

. rants applause and


\ot only was the article dis-
respecttul and arrogant. it was
also incorrect lt stated that the
two ' idiots were the only two
standing in the entire stadium
The student Athletic (owed. a
very fine student organization.
ts at exert. tootball game in the
first sei en rows of Section 112
\‘ot only do these students stand
at every game. they exhibit true
school spirit that should be an
example for every t'K student if
not every tan in the stands

You should have taken notes.
\1r .lones you obviously haye
ninth t-t leart‘ By the way. 1
tar: only speculate bttt l sug
gest the reason the two "fans
standing was due to the
lat: t l\ was playing an excep
tional gaint- and winning the
whole .titernoon

‘.\ t‘l’c

need to
need to
tootba ll

lt\ students do not
sttaigbten up they
stand up Support the
teatii which dedicates itself to
ltt'lllL’ the can “It! or
l|l\('. lllt‘N‘ .ll‘t‘ \i‘t'\ ltltt‘ student
athletes and | tor one am very
proud o: their; and their

best ll

lb. ll'llt tans including the
n: ttotit of you at the home
cotttttit. Latin do not wtsli to be
surrounded iw