xt7x0k26bf4b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26bf4b/data/mets.xml Louisville (Ky). Board of Trade. 1923  books b92-116-28170935 English Dearing; Morton, : [Louisville] : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Economic conditions. Louisville (Ky.) History. Louisville fifty years ago  : a souvenir issued on the occassion of the Louisville Board of Trade luncheon on March 9th, in honor of firms that have been in business fifty years or more, 1873-1923. text Louisville fifty years ago  : a souvenir issued on the occassion of the Louisville Board of Trade luncheon on March 9th, in honor of firms that have been in business fifty years or more, 1873-1923. 1923 2002 true xt7x0k26bf4b section xt7x0k26bf4b 

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       27\ souvenir issued on the occasion
          of the Louisville Board of Trade
          Luncheon on March 9th, in
          honor of firms that have been
          in business fifty years or more.



Louisville   Fifty  Years Ago

                      An old Wood Cut, showing ealy Main Street
                         (From Cohin's History of Kentucky.)

            A Notable Event Perpetuated
L OUISVILLE, foremost city of the South in commerce, finance and industry,
     is a place of exceptional historical associations. Its whirring factory wheels,
     progressive commercial establishments and solid financial institutions are fit-
ting monuments to pioneers who braved the wilderness to establish the foundation
of the city's present greatness.
    It is particularly appropriate that a city with Louisville's traditions should
be the home of so many firms that have been in business continuously for fifty years
or more.
    To honor these pioneer firms, whose progress has paralleled that of the city, and
whose faith in the future of Louisville has been so convincingly justified, the Lou-
isville Board of Trade conceived the idea of a meeting where the representatives
of these firms might come together and recall the events of other years.
    To commemorate this event, as well as to gather into one volume some of the
history of a great city's financial, industrial and commercial development, this
book is published.
                                                 H. C. GRISWOLD,
                                                 W. G. SIMPSON, Jr.,
                                                 THOMAS H. STARK,
                                                 D. B. G. ROSE,
                                                 A. L. HAMILTON,


               Louisville         Fifty      Years      Ago

      Board of Trade Organized in 1862
 FIFTY years ago, the Louisville Board of Trade had reached its eleventh birth-
 F  day. It dates back to the second year of the Civil War, having been organized
    in 1862, according to J. Stoddard Johnston's Memorial History of Louisville,
"by leading merchants, manufacturers and business men of Louisville who had be-
come convinced that it was necessary for their mutual protection."
     The original organizers were Thomas 0. Carter, Charles Buchanan, Henry Burk-
hardt, B. F. Cawthon, Abraham F. Clark, Abner Cooper, B. du Pont, R. H. Cockrill,
B. F. Guthrie, James Kennedy, S. M. Lamont, W. A. Robinson, J. L. Smyser and J. E.
     At the first meeting, held March 25, 1862, the charter granted by the General
Assembly of Kentucky was formally accepted and a number of firms admitted to
membership. A week later, the historian continues, sixty-eight members and firms
were added and the first board of directors and officers elected.
     These members paid a fee of one dollar.
     The first officers elected were George W. Morris, President; Jacob L. Smyser,
B. du Pont and H. Burkhardt, Vice Presidents; James S. Wallace, Secretary, and
B. F. Guthrie, Treasurer. The original purpose of the organization was given as
"dealing primarily with transportation of commodities." First market reports were
obtained in 1863.
                          Survivor of Three Wars.
     The Board of Trade survived three of the nation's wars, the last of which
served to unify its membership more closely into a body working loyally for the
triumph of the Allies. The war between the States, however, seems to have had an
opposite effect.
     "The dissensions naturally incident to the Civil War," the historian relates,
"retarded the growth of the Board of Trade and impaired its usefulness, resulting
in several changes in officers and directors."
     In connection with the Board of Trade, a Merchants' Exchange was organized
in 1864. For a number of years, while keeping up its organization, the Board "was
not as active nor as vigorous as was demanded by its objects," according to the
historian. "However," he adds, "it was reorganized in 1879 and started on a new
career of usefulness."
     John B. Castleman at that time became chairman of a canvassing committee,
which aroused new interest among the business men of Louisville, New Albany and
Jeffersonville, the other Falls Cities having been included in the territory of mem-
    Under the reorganization, F. D. Carley became President, William A. Robinson,
H. Verhoff, Jr., B. du Pont and P. R. Stoy, Vice Presidents; and J. H. Lindenberger,
treasurer. The executive committee was composed of John M. Atherton, W. A. Robin-
son, J. B. Speed, John B. McFerran and John T. Moore. About this time, an amend-
ment was adopted increasing the Board of Directors to twenty-five.
    June, 1879, was marked by the acquisition of the building at Third and Main



Fifty  Years Ago

Board of Trade Presidents, 1877 to 1903

  - : rifs,  fI

0 A: S of And, . . t f t-00 t

   1880            1881           1882 to 1885

   1886 to 1888

   1889 to 1890     1891 to 1894

  1895 and 1896



   1901 to 1903

1897 to 1899


Louisville  Fifty  Years Ago

Board of Trade Presidents, 1904 to 1923

        [0   ---X Off : f..S 777a.ib.0-t  _00 : :

      1904          1905 and 1906   1907 to July, 1908

July, 1908 to 19111911 and 1912

  1913 and 1914  1915, 1916 and 1919

January to August, 1917,August 1917 to 19191920 and 1921
    1922 to date


                Louisville         Fifty       Years       Ago

streets which the Board of Trade now occupies. It was purchased at a cost of
100,000. In 1890 it was enlarged and modernized, Exchange Hall at that time being
on the second floor, the quarters now occupied by R. (I. Dun  Co. Exchange Hall
was described by the historian .as "an elegant exchange hall, of sufficient capacity
to meet all demands for current business, as well as for public meetings on matters
of general interest."
                        Factor in Commercial History.
     Major M. Wright was elected superintendent of the Board of Trade in 1879.
"Under his vigorous management," the historian relates, "the Board of Trade be-
came the important factor in the commercial history of Louisville that it has since
continued to be."
     "Through its active exertion," he continues, "the Louisville Southern Exposi-
tion was inaugurated in 1883, with extensive buildings, rivalling in the completeness
of its display the largest held in this country up to that time. The exposition was re-
peated annually for several years. It redounded greatly to the prosperity of Louis-
ville and Kentucky in the advertisement of the resources of the state and the trade
and manufactures of the city."
     Twice during its history the Louisville Board of Trade has been privileged to
mobilize its resources to relieve the suffering caused among citizens of this locality
by great disasters. In the memory of present members, specifically onl March 23,
1917, a cyclone swept New Albany, taking a toll of thirty-eight lives, injuring one
hundred and fifty, rendering twenty-five hundred homeless and causing a property
loss of more than one million dollars.
     "The executive committee of the Board of Trade met at eleven o 'clock that
night," the Board of Trade Journal relates, "when a relief fund was opened and an
appeal issued to citizens of Louisville. A special meeting of the directorate was held
at 9:30 o'clock the following morning. At that session, the Louisville Board of Trade
New Albany Relief Committee was created. Hundreds of contributors swelled the
Board of Trade's relief fund to 52,000, more than the amount fixed as Louisville's
part. Incidentally, Louisville's subscriptions were the largest of any city helping in
the work of relief and in newspapers all over the country one read of the remarkable
assistance given by Louisville, Ky., under the direction of the Louisville Board of
Trade. "
     This was history repeating itself, for Mr. Johnston's narrative of the Louis-
ville tornado had this to say about the Board of Trade's part in the relief work:
    "In 1890, when the city was swept by a destructive tornado, the Board
of Trade came promptly to the relief of the suffering and at a meeting held
the morning after the disaster, headed a subscription with a donation of 3,000, which
was increased in a few minutes to 20,000 by individuals and firms present. Relief
committees were appointed and in a few days 150,000 were raised by subscription,
which enabled the Board to decline the generous proffer of aid from other cities.
Every person entitled to relief was succored from this fund, food and clothing were
furnished to the needy and the work was not suspended until all who had suffered were
again safely housed and restored, as far as possible, to the condition of comfort en-
joyed by them before the storm."


Louisville Fifty Years Ago

Louisville's Half Century Firms

Aufenkamp, Frank
Avery  Sons, B. F.
Bacon  Sons, J.
Baird  Son, David
Bannon Pipe Co., P.
Barbee  Castleman
Bayless Bros.  Co.
Belknap Hdw.  Mfg. Co.
Bensinger Outfitting Co.
Bickel  Co., C. C.
Bittner's Sons, G.
Blatz Co.
Blum Bros.  Florsheim
Bosse  Son, H.
Bourbon Stock Yards Co.
Bradas  Gheens
Bradley  Gilbert Co.
Bradstreet 's Mercantile
Brandeis  Son, A.
Brinly-Hardy Co.
Brocar, Thomas A.
Bryant  Stratton Business
(Caummisar  Sons, T. C.
Callahan  Sons
Caron Directory Co.
Chambers Seed Co.
Christian Observer
Citizens Union National
Cohen  Sons, M.
Courier-Journal Co.
Cowan  Co., Andrew
Crutcher  Starks
Cuscaden Ice Cream Works
Danforth  Co.
Dearing Printing Co., C. T.
Denunzio Fruit Co., Jos.
Dolfinger  Co., J.
Doll  Sons, J.,
Drummond Mfg. Co.
Dun  Co., R. G.
Duncan  Sons, T. B.
Edinger  Co.
Embry Box Co.
Engelhard  Sons Co., A.

Epping Bottling Works
Falls City Buggy Top Co.
Farmers Home Journal
Falls City Tin Tag  Litho-
  graph Co.
Fink  Son, Philip,
Fischer-Leaf Co.
Fritschner  Co., Geo.
Fulton-Conway Co.
First National Bank
Gatchel  Sons, W. D.
Geher  Son
Grainger  Co.
Harbison  Gathright
Hegan-Magruder Co.
Hidden Co., Otis
Hilliard  Son, J. J. B.
Hodapp  Miller
Ilubbueh, Jos.  Sons.
Irion  Sons, Matt
Imorde, B.  W.
Johnston Bros. Co.
Kendrick's Sons, Wm.
Kentucky  Louisville
Mutual Insurance Co.
Knadler  Lucas
Lemon  Son, James K.
Levy Bros.
Liberty Insurance Bank
Louisville  Cincinnati
  Packet Co.
L.  N. Railroad Co.
Louisville Anzeiger
Louisville Cement Co.
Louisville Grocerv Co.
Louisville Gas  Electric
Louisville Herald
Louisville National Bank
Mansfeld  Son, R.
Marcus, Edw. II.
Mathews  Sons, Inc., W. S.
Miller, John H.
Morton  Co., John P.
National Bank of Kentucky.
National Seed Co.

New M1uldoon Monument
-Nock  Snyder
Otter  Co.
Peaslee-Gaulbert Co.
Pearson  Son, L. D.
Pilcher's Sons, H.
I'eter-Neat-Richardson Co.
Price  Lucas
Priest  Co., W. C.
Robinson-Pettet Co.
Rosenheim Co., Chas.
Robert Rowell Electrotype
Rogers Church Goods Co.
Rosenbaum  Son, I.
Sabel  Sons, M.
Schulten  Co., John J.
Schildt  Sons, C.
Schulz Co., Jacob
Security Bank
Smith's Son, Gran W.
Snead Architectural Iron
Standard Sanitary M1anu-
facturing Co.
Stewart Dry Goods Co.
Stier  Son, J. T.
Stratton  Terstegge
Straus  Sons Co., Herman
Stueky-Quest  Co.
Swann-Abram Hat Co.
'rimberlake  Trueheart
Thornton  Co., R. J.
Todd, Olive G.
Verhoeff  Co., H.
Vissman Co., C. F.
Walsh, P. F.
Walton  Son, C. J.
Waters-Garland Co.
Weber's Sons, Jacob
Wedekind  Co., H.
Weir Sheet Metal Works
White  Co., John
Will Co., J. P.
Zoll  Son, J.
Zubrod  Co., Geo.


Louisville Fifty Years Ago

    A Brief History of B. F. Avery  Sons

THE story of the progress of civilization is the story of the development of the
plow. One might write the industrial history of America in writing the history
     of the plow. The history of B. F. Avery  Sons is largely a history of the
industrial progress of Louisville.
                        Benjamin Franklin Avery was born in Aurora, New York,
                    in 1801; started a plow factory in Clarksville, Va., with 400.00
                    capital, in 1825. Located in Louisville, Ky., in 1845, at Preston
                     Main Streets, as B. F.  B. H. Avery. Removed to Fifteenth
                     Main Streets about 1850, under style Benjamin F. Avery.
                    Later admitted his three sons into partnership as B. F. Avery
                     Sons. The business was incorporated under the same name
                    in 1877, and has continued under that name ever since as a
                        From 1825 until 1911, when George C. Avery, last surviving
                    son of B. F. Avery, died, the business had been continuously
                    and uninterruptedly under the management of the founder or
one of his sons, a period of 86 years in which the parent, or one of his sons, was at the
head of the business.
    The old plant at Fifteenth  Main Streets, after occupying all available ground
in that vicinity, could not accommodate the growing business, hence in 1909-1910 an
entirely new and greatly enlarged plant was built at Seventh  Mix Avenue. This
plant was recently enlarged to accommodate the expanding business, including the
addition of the Champion Lines of Harvesting and Haying Machinery.
    The Designing Department, along with all other departments of the business,
has always been progressive, so that from the one-horse cast iron plow, on which the
business was founded, there have been added chilled iron and steel plows and com-
plete lines of tillage implements, including harrows, planters, cultivators, and prac-
tically all implements for tilling the soil and harvesting the crop, suited to the varying
demands of every farming district on the globe.
    The factory and grounds occupy 57 acres, and in normal seasons employ nearly
1,000 operatives.
    Branch distributing warehouses are maintained in a number of agricultural sec-
tions in this and foreign countries and the selling and warehouse forces thus em-
ployed represent several hundred additional people.
    The Avery plows, tillage and harvesting implements are well known and popular
with farmers and dealers in every part of the United States and elsewhere over the
globe, and it may truthfully be said that the sun never sets on Avery plows and
other agricultural implements made in Louisville.
    The officers of the Company, and indeed the entire staff of employees, are look-
ing to 1925 with pleasant anticipations of participating in the memorable celebra-
tion of the Centennial Anniversary of B. F. Avery  Sons.


Louisville  Fifty  Years Ago

          Seventy-eight Years in Business
                   Under the Same Name

                                      TITHEN Jerry Bacon, Sr-, the founder
                                      AI Wof the present firm of J. Bacon 
                                      WV      Sons, started upon his career, he
                                      literally carried his business on his should-
                                      ers. His stock of goods was contained in
                                      a pack, while his show counter was any-
                                      where that a customer asked for a display.
           _.,,, A   OS               His first store, a modest building of two
                                      stories and attic was situated on Market,
                       T i rew  byleasand between Preston and Jackson Streets, and
                                      was opened in 1845. From that year, J.
                                      Bacon  Sons date their existence, but
                                      reckoned from the day when the senior
                       rad asoie      member of the firm first ventured forth
                 his smaltoexpnddntalagedrwith his pack, the age of the business might
       a ' gra dprtet tre  t h  dah   ftbe set down as ninety-five years, for Jere-
                                      miah Bacon had been trading for seventeen
                                      years before he became established as a
     The business grew by leaps and bounds; hotest goods, honest trading princi-
pies and honest profits made it grow, while enterprise did the rest. In a quarter of a
century it had become the greatest store in the eastern part of the city. Jeremiah
had associated with him in the firm, John, Edwin and Jerry, Jr., his three sons, as
his small store expanded into a large dry goods business, destined later to become
a great department store. At the death of the senior member, John Bacon, the old-
est of the three brothers, succeeded his father in the assumption of the management
of the firm's affairs. Through his keen judgment and foresight the business in
creased so rapidly that before many years, a larger and more modern building was
demanded, so that in 1901, the present store on Market Street near Fourth Street
was opened. A few years later the Fourth Street Annex was added and in a few
months the front on this main thoroughfa :e will be made almost as imposing as the
main front on Market Street, since the ne 2essary property has been acquired and the
plans for the enlargement have been completed.
     At the head of this establishment now stands
Andrew H. Morris, who was employed in the old east
Market Street store as a cash boy, more than thirty  T
years ago, and who has reached the top by un-
remitting application and unflagging devotion to
duty. The principles and methods of business that
formed the corner stone upon which Jeremiah Ba-
con so solidly built have remained the same to this day.



Louisville  Fifty  Years Ago

               An Unusual Record In The

                         Insurance Field
T HE insurance firm of Barbee  Castleman was established fifty-six years ago
      when in 1867 John Barbee, who had been a successful distiller and mayor of
      Louisville, formed a partnership with his son-in-law, the late John Breckin-
ridge Castleman, then just returned from service in the Confederate army after two
years' exile in Europe. The first location of the firm was at No. 504 West Main
     The firm at once became prominent and successful and before the consolidation
of departments in a few sectional centers represented two great British companies as
general agents in the South.
     Mr. Barbee died in 1888 and shortly afterward Arthur GE. Langham, office
manager, was admitted to the firm without changing the title.

                        James B. Smith Enters Firm.
     Without other change the personnel continued fourteen years until 1902 when
James B. Smith, long connected with the firm, and who succeeded Mr. Langham as
office manager, was admitted a member.
     Mr. Langham died from injuries received in a fireworks explosion July 4, 1909,
and Gen. Castleman died May 23, 1918. His interest in the firm was assumed and con-
tinued by Mrs. Castleman and yet remains, Mr. Smith succeeding to the active man-
agement. In the meantime Austin Ballard had been admitted to membership Jan-
uary 1, 1916.

                             Still in the Family.
     The present firm consists, therefore, of Mrs. John B. Castleman, James B. Smith
and Austin Ballard. The element of permanency in family and personal interest is
represented by Mrs. Alice Barbee Castleman who as the daughter of John Barbee
and widow of Gen. Castleman continues the original firm name, and by Mr. Smith
who began his business career as an employe of the firm.
     It is an interesting incident of the Board of Trade history to quote its present sec-
retary, William E. Morrow, who remembers Gen. Castleman telling him that he pre-
sided over the reorganization meeting of the Board of Trade in 1878 when the present
body was placed upon a footing of strength and influence. That meeting was held
in the old Masonic Temple Theatre, Fourth and Jefferson, the site of the present
Marion E. Taylor building.
     Since its first organization at No. 504 West Main Street, the firm had offices
successively at the S. E. Corner of Main and Sixth, at No. 502 West Main, in the Co-
lumbia Building, and at its present location, No. 434 West Main St.


Louisville        Fifty      Years       Ago

               Almost A Hundred Years

                        Selling Crockery

      WAS in the troublous days of John Quincy Adams, when the voice of Henry
      Clay of Kentucky, the Great Pacificator, rang through the halls of Congress,
      that a modest business was opened in Louisville that was destined nearly one
hundred years later to be one of the largest institutions of its kind in the country.
     It was in 1827 that the firm, which is now known as Bayless Bros.  Co., 700-
706 and 800-810 West Main Streets, was founded under the name of Cassedy  Raney,
importers and jobbers of china and glassware. It continued thus until 1871 when
the concern was succeeded by McCarthy and Bayless, and in 1901 the firm was incor-
porated under the name of Bayless Bros.  Co.
     From the date of its incorporation in 1901 with George Bayless as president,
the company has grown by leaps and bounds until it is now one of the largest im-
porting and jobbing houses in the country dealing in chinaware, crockery, glassware.
enamel ware, aluminum ware and holiday goods of every description.

                          The American Doll Co.
     In 1917, under the name of the American Doll Company, Bayless Bros.  Co.
opened up one of the largest doll factories in the United States, doing a national
business in dolls which are of unbreakable construction, of all sizes and styles and
complete in every respect. The lines include the famous "Mamma" talking doll.
In 1922 the doll output was the largest since the oranization of the company.
    The present officers are: President, J. L. Bayless; Secretary-Treasurer, J. M.
Owen, and General Manager S. H. Brinton.



Louisville Fifty Years Ago

Pipe Company Grows From

    Local Man's Invention

               HE P. Bannon Pipe Company, one of the oldest
               vitrified clay manufacturers in the United States,
               still bears the name of its founder. Seventy-oneyears
           ago the originator of P. Bannon Pipe Company, then in
           the ornamental plastering business, discovered that
           something more durable than plaster was needed in the
           manufacture of exterior window caps and cornices. By
           the proper mixing of various clays this was accomplished.
           It has led to the manufacture of sewer pipe which was
           an ancient material and to hollow building tile, the mod-
           ern building material-together with development of its
           uses-have increased our capacity until it has two of
           the largest plants located in this section of the country.
           The sewer pipe plant located at Thirteenth and Breckin-
NON,       ridge Streets stands on the same site where it was
en  '      founded which at that time was the outskirts of the city.

Present pi" Plant.




Louisville  Fifty  Years

              Three Belknap Executives in

                      Eighty-three Years

       B. BELKNAP, 1840 to 1860; W. B. Belknap  Company, 1860 to 1880; W. B.
 lWl]    Belknap  Company, Incorporated, 1880 to 1904 and the Belknap Hardware
         Manufacturing Company, 1904 to 1923, has had three executives.
    The first of these, Mr. Wm. Burke Belknap, was the son of Dr. Belknap of Pitts-
burgh and started in business under his own name in 1840 as a very young man. He
was also interested in blast furnaces on the Tennessee River at about the time that
he started this business.
    The business was organized as a corporation in 1880 and its first President was
William Richardson Belknap, who continued to act as its President until 1910.
    Since 1910 the President and chief executive has been William Heyburn, who
came to the Company from Pittsburgh as Managing Buyer in 1886.
    The business was originally started in a building at the northeast corner of
Third and Main. This building was demolished and replaced by a new structure-
now an old building-many years ago.
    During the period of the Civil War, William Burke Belknap owned and resided
in the house now occupied by the Pendennis Club.
    During the early history of the business a large proportion of the incoming and
outgoing shipments were by river.
    There was associated with William Burke Belknap for many years his brother,
Morris Belknap and for many years during the administration of William R. Belknap,
his brother-in-law, Major C. J. F. Allen and Colonel Morris B. Belknap were officers
of the Company.
    The present Officers and Directors are largely men who have grown up with the
business and have been with it for many years.
    The business originally was done along the inland waterways, including the Mis-
sissippi River, Kentucky River, Salt River, Green River, Cumberland River, Ten-
nessee River, White River, Arkansas and other river connections in the South.
    Since the development of the railroads and the establishment of Louisville as a
great railroad and industrial and commercial center, the business has extended East
as far as Delaware Bay, North to the Takes, West to the Rio Grande and over the
entire South.
    The present traveling force consists of 215 men and the total number of em-
ployees is between 1,500 and 2,000.
    The lines originally carried consisted largely of heavy products, such as bar
iron, plates, horse shoes and goods of this general character, but the present lines
of the Company have been enlarged to include supplies for agriculture, manufactur-
ing, mining, transportation and household purposes, except wearing apparel and food



Louisville   Fifty  Years  Ago

              Making Cigars In Louisville

                       Fifty Years Ago

    HIS company, having been established in 1868, is now in its 55th year of continu-
T    ous service to the cigar and tobacco trade of Louisville and vicinity.
          The concern is the outgrowth of the life work of the late Mr. C. C. Bickel,
who was recognized as one of the best judges of tobacco in this section and who de-
veloped and perfected brands of cigars which have given the C. C. Bickel Company
its standing throughout the country as dealers in high-grade goods.
                           For a number of years Mr. Bickel and his associates
                      spent their energies in developing fine cigars, and the re-
                      sults of their work are to-day recognized in the famous
                      brands of FILSON CLUB, HENRY WATTERSON, CHES-
                      TERFIELD and DANIEL BOONE. The fact that the Dan-
                      iel Boone cigar has been on the market for 54 years, Filson
                      Club and Chesterfield, 32 years, and Henry Watterson 14
                      years, proves the quality of the goods. All of these brands
                      are still being manufactured by this company and enjoy a
                      distribution to all parts of the United States.

                                 Also in the Jobbing Business.
                           In later years the company entered the jobbing busi-
                      ness as wholesale distributors not only of its own product,
                      but also supplying the demand for all brands of cigarettes
      C. O. BICKEL    and tobaccos required in this section.
   The company is a Louisville institution in every respect, employing approxi-
mately 120 people, all living here and spending their money on the Louisville market.
     The foreman of the Bickel factory, Mr. Al. Burger spent 22 years under the in-
struction of Mr. Bickel, and has since remained in charge of this department with
27 years' experience. Mr. Burger is looked upon as an expert in the selection of high
grade tobaccos.
     Many of the employees of this firm heave been with them from 30 to 40 years.

                            Still in the Family.
    Two members of Mr. Bickel's family remain actively connected with the busi-
ness as now operated, viz.: Mr. Virgil R. Bickel, Vice President of the Company and
Mr. B. Everest Nofsinger, Head of the City Sales Department.
   Present officers of the Company-L. M. Render, President, V. R. Bickel, Vice
President and J. P. Coleman, Secretary-Treasurer.

A go.


Louisville Fifty Years Ago

       Cabinetmakers to Three Generations

                             ii      whi h GustaA
                             Bittner estahlshed the bust
                             ness wtich bears his namoe,
                             just l it appeared siy-ninoe
                             years ago, and still part of the
                             plant of Gt. Bittuer's Sons

     GUSTAV BITTN                                       WILLIAM C. BTR,
   'who fonded the busnes                                 Now Presdent axd
     Sxty-n e years ago                                    General Manager.
H    ALF a century ago saw Gustav Bittner well established as foremost among
H     the cabinet makers of Louisville. At the head of a commodious and well-
      manned shop, he was doing a flourishing business in the prosperous period
which came to Louisville after the war between the States. Nineteen years before,
he had hung out his "shingle," still to be seen in its original position on the old
building at 415 Brook Street, formerly known as "East."
    From the very outset, Mr. Bittner insisted on the very highest quality of ma-
terials and workmanship-standards whieh have been made part and parcel of the
operations of the firm and which account for its steady growth and the pre-emi-
nence of Bittner Furniture today.
    Old ledgers in possession of the company read like a "Blue Book" of the days
before the war, for the private customers of the house were the first families of
the city and section. Their children and their children's children continue to rely on
Bittner's for their home furnishings and interior decorations.
    The large new work shop of G. Bittner's Sons was completed and occupied
nearly fifteen years ago, offices at 427 First Street. Hand work, as always, is the
rule. William C. Bittner succeeded his father, after the latter's death in 1895, to
the office of President and General Manager. John Berghaus, who entered the busi-
ness in 1872, is vice-president; Joseph 73ittner, nephew of the founder, secretary.



Louisville   Fifty  Years   Ago

           Blatz Company, 57 Years Old

THE Blatz Company's business was started in 1868 by Valentine Blatz, father of
Herman and Charles A. Blatz.
        In the year 1870 he formed a partnership with John H. Bates. They
bought out Carl