xt7x0k26bg62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26bg62/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19110530 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-05-may30-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-05-may30-ec. 1911 2011 true xt7x0k26bg62 section xt7x0k26bg62 Irregularities At a meeting of the Executive Committee of State University held in the President's office on the morning of May 30th, 1911, there were present Messrs. Davies, Stoll Nichols and President Barker. Also the Secfetary, Judge Lafferty. On motion made and seconded, it was recommended T. J. Barr be elected to succeed himself as Chief Assistant Inspector of Mines, election to take effect at the expiration of his present term of office, June 30th, 1911. The President of the University submitted to the Executive Committee the following plan for the reorganization of the Academy; Present cost of maintaining the Academy:- Principal W. K. Patterson . . . .. .. . . 41200. Prof. McGregor .................. 1100. Prof. Jameson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 Prof. !..ilson.. . . . . . . . . . 750 Prof. Schnaitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . . . 750 Prof. Wallace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .750 $5550 Cost of maintianing the Sub-Freshman School as recommended by the Council: Principal MIcHenry Rhoads. . . , . . . . . . . . . . .$0000 Assistant Principal J. '. C. Noe . . . . ... .. . . 0000 Prof. Jones, 2nd. Latin one hour a week . . . . . . * 0000 Prof. Terrell, 1st. amd 2nd. Greek, 2 hours . . . . . 0000 Prof. Zeftbrod, 2nd German, one hour 0000 Prof. Melcher, lot. German, one hour ... . . . . . e 0000 Dean 1amilton, 2nd. English, one hour 0000 Prof. Mackenzie or Prof. Farquhar, 3rd. English one hourOOO Prof. Tuthill or assistant in History,lst.History,one hovrO0 Prof. Miller, Phys Geo. one hour, find and 3rd terms . . . 0000 Prof. Mathews or 7rof.Gilbert, Borany one hour 3 times, two te rmS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0000 Assist. In physics Dept, Phisics a hours (in 2 sections) 0000 A teacher in Mathematics, (Algebra,Plane and Solid Gem- etry) four hours . . . . . . . . ........ .1 A teacher in Latin and History, or Latin and German, or Latin and English, Latin 2 hours and 2 hours in other subjects . ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200 Total cost of the Sub-Freshauan School . .. . 2400 This saving will ena;hle the Board to establish tw@ new Professor2hips, one in Philosophy, initial salary $15006 or $2000.; and one in Zoolo&y, initial salary $1500i Total $3000. $3500. This sarving can be accomplished without any sacrifice of efficiency or work done in the Academy. In fact the experience fo the University of Illinois and the University of Chicago, proves that there is an increase of efficiency, where the work is done by competent men under the supervision of the heads of Departments. Seniors in the College or School of Education may be assigned to instruction in Sub-Freshman School(Usually one term in a single subject) and they work directly under the supervision of the re- gular teacher and have the benefit of his counsel and direction. The result has proved that the teacher, spurred on by the know- ledge that his work; is on trial and that he is to be given credit for the success he reaches, puts forth his utmost effort to do a high elass of work, and this added stimulus of the teacher is imparted to the students, resulting in an increased efficiencyr of work done in the school. As may be seen from the schedule of Studies, showing the apportionment of classes to the Professors in charge, all the in., struction now given in the Academy can be given under the reorgan- ization with the employment of only two men devoting all their time to the Sub-Freshman School instruction or supervision. The new plan puts the instruction under the direct supervision of the head of the departments in the college having charge of that line of work, and permits of additional subjects being offered in Science not now offered in the school. As successor of Dr. Snow, Professor Noe, who will also be the Assistant Principal of the Academy, should be designated by the appropriate title of PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION, in CHARGE of the SCHOOL OF EDUCATION? and his salary should be the same as that received by Dr. Snow, viz.$2000. The plan of apportioning the work of the present Adad- emy to the teaching force now in the college, has been carefully considered and it is certain that with only two additional teachQ ers the whole work can be handled without placing any undue burdens upon the college professors. If the plan here presented of reor- ganizing theAcademy into a Model Preparatory School be authorized, you should at the same time direct that the President of the Uni- versity, in co-operation with the Principal and Assiatant Principal of the Sub-Freshman School, be empowered to assign the various Professors in the College to the charge of the classes in the Academy, which, according to their present college schedule, it is evident they can take without conflict". Upon motion made, seconded and carried the above was adopted. The Executive Committee recommends the above plan to the Board of Trustees for its adoption and upon its approval by the Board that it Whall1 become operative and the Executive Committee shall be empowered to carry such plan into execution, and that the office of princip al of the present Adddemy and that the offices now held by the present teaching staff be abolished, and that qaid principal and teaching staff be no longer employed by the University