xt7x0k26bj0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26bj0n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19280217 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1928 1928 2012 true xt7x0k26bj0n section xt7x0k26bj0n THE KENTUCKY KERNEL YEA, WILDCATS! BEAT CENTRE TOMORROW UNIVERSITY LEXINGTON, VOLUME XVIII Ball R.O.T.C. REGIMENT Annual MilitaryTuesday To Be CO-ED- S Peg AS UNIT SPONSORS NUMBER 18 FEBRUARY 17, 1928 The Ironworker's Sign Held NOMINATE of Assisi x Langon's Orchestra and Kentucky Cardinals Will Furnish Music Election Will Be Held Today The Military ball, one of the fouri and Saturday to Determine ( big dances of the year and sponsored Coveted Position by the military department, will be TUESDAY NIGHT IN GYM KENTUCKY OF KY., MILITARY BALL The Kernel Wins WILDCATS PLAY Leader Cup Award CENTRE IN FINAL Normal and Transyl-avniPublications Win Second and Third Places Western a GAME OF SEASON Will Be Second Encounter With Colonels; Kentucky Victor the Lexington Leader to the best in First Game The cup which is annually awarded by , college paper in the state, was won this year by The Kentucky LEAVE FOR CONERENCE STRUGGLE NEXT WEEK Kernel. The presentaton wais made I at a meeting of the Kentucky InterSeveral of Last Year's Sponsors collegiate Press Association Saturday Squad Recognized As Among Best in Tournament; Fans Are Named Again by afternoon in the Science building. Are Optimistic Companies The College Heights Herald, Western Normal College paper, was awardKentucky's Wildcat basketball quinThe final voting in the R. O. T. C. ed second place, and the Crimson tet will make its final appearance on regiment for the election of the varRambler, Transylvania ollege paper, the home floor this season when it ious sponsors will be held today and was awarded third place. encounters the Centre College ColPreliminary voting for tomorrow. considered in judging the onels tomorrow night in the gymnaPoints the candidates was held Wednesday papers included theC handling of sium. and Thursday in the various military news, features, editorials, headlines, This game, which will be sections and resulted in the followmake-ugeneral appearance, and second of the season with Centre,the ing nominations: is layout. expected to be entered upon the winRegimental sponsor: Misses Lucille in the contest were C. ning side of the Blue and White ledThe judges Short and Lucy Davis. ger. The first game, played at DanG. Dickerson, city editor of the LexFirst Battalion Sponsor: Misses ington Leader, and Thomas A. Un- ville, resulted in a 3 victory for Sara Warwick and Virginia Hadley. derwood, managing editor of The Lex- the 'Cats. Kentucky played rather Second Battalion Sponsor: ' Misses listlessly throughout, and substitutes ington Herald. Frances Robinson, Mary Armstrong performed for a large part of the and Martha Minihan. final half. However, the fans have A Company Sponsor: Misses Ben-ni- e little to worry about in this second Edwards, Evelyn Ford, Elizabeth game. The Wildcats have learned a Robinson, Henrietta Sherwood, Elealesson from the Georgia Tech game nor Swearingen, Virginia Whayne of last week. A team cannot overand Martha Reed. come a large lead in the final minute B Company Sponsor: Misses Lucy of play, and do Davis, Mildred Little, Katherine Fry, Showing ing under this it consistently. SmartFosters last defeat, and Elizabeth Robinson, Julia Marvin, of Prints in Connection With ing the last home game beforeplayMary Louise Robinson, Louise Hill the Study of Italy During Month journey to the Southern conference and Mildred Green. of February. meet at Atlanta, the Blue will he C Company Sponsor: Misses Mary Carnegie Endowment Encourdoubly eager to rend the Colonels into Brown, D'Allis Chapman, M. L. Fosages Study of International As February has been designated small shreds. ter, Dale Smith, Julia Marvin, Lyle Relations Through Student and as the month in which we, as stuWork for Tournament Walters, Henrietta Sherwood Organizations. dents, are to study Italy, a collection Tomorrow's game will end the sea Katherine Friend. of Italian prints, beginning with the son for Kentucky. From then until This is an incomplete list of the The International Relations Club, Italian primitives, extending through the opening of the Conference tourfollowing companies. a student organization recently orthe period of the Renaissance to nament, the latter part of next week, E Company: Misses Mary Rob- ganized by the department of political modern times, is now on display in tne Wildcats will strive to perfect Ellen Minihan, Elizabeth science, has just received a number the Carnegie Room in the Romany their smooth working machine. Keninson and Winifred Worton. Louise Dyer, of books from the Carnegie endowG Company: Misses Theater building. This exhibit, part tucky is rated araone the leaders for ment for International Peace, DivisJulia Marvin. Evelyn Ford and of the collection which vas the gift the Southern crown, and is ably capCompany F will hold its prelimi- ion of Intercourse and Education. from the Carnegie fund, is fostered tained by Paul Jenkins, guard par exby a student organiza- cellence, and an nary vote tomorrow,, and the final This endowment encourages the forselection The mation of such clubs in universities tion of the University of Kentucky in 1926. The Blue is working with vote Tuesday, February 21. which assists students to become ac- only one goal in view, and that is the nominations for sponsor of that com- - throughout the country and at various times sends out these books so quainted with the ways and customs winning of the title. Everyone who that the universities having such (Continued on Page Eight) of other people by bringing speakers has been following the 'Cats through clubs may, in time, build up a large from all over the world. the season is solidly behind the team. to and valuable library. In addition This exhibit of about 500 prints. and are fully confident that the Blue- about C. the books the club has received which began Tuesday, will be changed grass boys will show the way for 25 pamphlets. daily throughout the month of Feb- the other teams in Dixieland. The International Relations Club of ruary. About 40 or 50 books on Ital Jenkins Last Game the University meets the second ian Art have been put on reserve in Paul Jenkins, who has gained the Thursday in each month. Mr. Cheng, the Carnegie Room. The library also distinction of being twice chosen to Chinese student of Transylvania, and This replica of an ironworker's sign that has stood the test of time and analysis for hundreds of years in has Italian books on display in the captain Kentucky's quintet, will play Miss Lathan, whose subject was "The J. J. Richardson Assisi, Italy, is the permanent contribution of the College of Engineering to Italian month of the reading room and main library. In his last game for the Blue and White Cadet Colonel of Regiment; Nicaraguan Situation," have been the connection with Italian month on the home floor tomorrow night. program for February at the University. Brown, Moody, Boston, speakers at the former meetings. Daniel, also secured Dr. Bruno Jenkins is a very capable leader, and A future speaker of interest will be Captains. of Vassar College, who has built is the only veteran on the team. His Wilson, Elliott Are Baron Heyking of the University of up at Vassar the largest language de- work this year will go far in placing Dorpot, who will arrive in this coun partment of Italian in the country for him at the head of the list of candiJ. J. Richards, Jr., of Nicholasville, trv March 7. He is scheduled to the convocation speaker on Thursday. dates for the mythical was leappointed cadet coknel of the speak at the Southern Students Con Doctor Rosselli is recognized as an team, an honor which he has gained University it. 0. T. C. ragmen' and ference to be held at Anderson, S. C, authority on Italian art. before. He is the only member of L. M. Caldwell, of Howe 1. was will follow an itiner-- J from there Dean P. P. Boyd, of the Arts and this season's squad who is lost through lieutenant roio io in an and planned for him by the Cargenie Sciences College, in an article pub- graduation this year. from the of- ary order issued yesterday Kentucky is endowment to speak before the In fice of Col. H. P. Hobbs. Heads of the In the August issue of "Architec- Forge Company, Buffalo, New York, gun immediately after his canoniza- lished in the January issue of the blessed with having a team composed clubs. This are: S. S. Good- ternationalhas Relations gift in appreciation of the dis- tion in 1228, and completed in 1253, School and Society Magazine, ex- almost entirely of sophomores, and regimental staff been made with special ture," which is one of the authentic as a itinerary win, captain; W. L. Maschmeyer, cap care in order that the greatest num- journals presenting durable things in tinguished service rendered by the being fine specimens of Gothic archi- plains the aim of this new movement if thi3 aggregation continues together appeared University graduates in his organi- tecture. The crypt was added in 1818 known at the University as "Pan- - the Wildcats will again reach the peak C. W. Jones, second lieutenant, tain; ber of clubs might be included. His architectural design, there when the sahcophagus containing his Politikon," as the establishment of in basketballdom, and be the premier band leader; and E. M. Bowling and probable subject will be, "The Rus as the frontpiece an ironworker's zation. The lower peace. The officers of this organiza- team of the South, as in the days of D. B. Forman, color sergeants. Battal remains was discovered. Found In Assisi sian Riddle," "The Question of Ra sign that has stood the test of critics This sign was found in the town of church contains frescoes by Cimabue, tion are: Joe Palmer, president, yore. ion officers are: L. H. Miles, major, cial Nationalities," and "Problems of for centuries. commander of first battalion; W E Minorities." A reproduction of this sign has Assisi, the episcopal seat of Umbria, Giotto and others, the most famous Gayle Mohney, vide president, and Probable Lineup Elizabeth Smith, secretary-treasureUfpham, first lieutenant, adjutant; W. been made in the Forge Shop of the Italy, in the province of Perugia. The of which are those over the high.al It is likely that Centre will bring D. SimDson. major, commanasr oi University by Instructors Stephen T. town occupies a fine position on a tar by Giotto, illustrating the vows a greatly improved five to Lexington, second battalion; L. H. Clark, first CO-ESaunier and J. G. McBee, with the mountain with a view over the val- of the Franciscan order; while the but the 'Cats should be able to take D lieutenant, adjutant. assistance of engineering students, leys of the Tiber and Topino. It is upper church hos frescoes representtheir measure with little trouble. In. Maggard and Deaton, the Colonels and has been placed at the entrance mainly famous in connection with St. ing scenes from the life of St. FranCompany officers and c;nnrl nffipprs follow: Company a: GO CINCINNATI of The Henry W. Wendt Shop which Francis, who was born there in 1182, cis (probably by Giotto and his conhave a great pair of sterling forwards, was built last year by the University. and where he died in 1226. The Fran- temporaries) on the lower portion of and the only two who could register Cantain. H. C. Moody; first lieuten This shop was equipped by Mr. Henry ciscan monastery and the lower and against Kentucky in the first game. ant, John W. Dundon, Jr.; second (Continued on Page Eight) Cup Is Presented to Western They will be well guarded in this sec lieutenants, W. E. Durbeck, Jr., and Thirty Members of University W. Wendt, president of the Buffalo upper church of St. Francis were be X D. C. Carpenter ; first sergeant, Normal For Best Advertising ond meeting. W. A. A. Invited to ParticiStiirall: platoon sergeants, H. C. Cox, pate in Play Day, February Layout; Kernel Wins Cup For The Kentucky line-u- p will probably May. be: Jeffries and Combs, forwards; J. E. McGurk and E. C. Dr. Roselli Opposes 18, at Cincinnati University. Best Paper. Milward or McBrayer, center; Cap Comnanv B: Captain, W. C. Wil- Newlyweds first, lieutenants. W. P. Crouch The University of Cincinnati has At the close of the meeting of The tain Jenkins and McGinnis, guards. and J. E. Slaughter; second lieuten invited 30 members of the Woman's Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Asso- It is very probable that Clair Dees, European Relations Discussed ciation Saturday, James Shropshire, Owens, Gilb and the rest of the squad ant, Sam Manly III; first sergeant, Athletic Association of the University Dean Believes Entertainment of sergeants, of Kentucky to participate in a Play platoon By Well Known Speaker T? W. Fortenberry; Couple Would Encourage of Lexington, a junior in the College will see action in this final game. A D. Fife and J. R. day in their woman's building on Satat Convocation President McVey Welcomes Ken of Agriulture at the University, and large turnout of University students VI. fcj. Student Marriages Dorman. tucky Intercollegiate Associaurday, February 18. business manager of The Kernel, was is expected, and by giving vocal as Comnanv C: Captain, J. C. Boston; Play Day is the result of the WoItalian month at the University elected president of that organization. well as mental support, the student tion Delegates; Theta Sigma When representatives of a Univer- body can show that it is behind the first lieutenants, R. C. Harris and R. men's Division of the National Ama- stiy fraternity applied to C. R. Phi Pledges Two. was inaugurated ihursday morning The other officers elected were: J. team, giving xt fnt- - first, sergeant. A. S. Hen- - teur Athletic Federation efforts in it a fitting send-of- f for R. McCauley, of Georgetown College, dean of men, for permission to with the address of Dr. Bruno Ros- vice president; F. R. Phillips, of sergeants. W. N, this field, and was organized to study nlntonn the Atlanta fracas. give a buffet supper in honor of a Members of The Kernel staff, sev selli of Vassar College, at the first College, secretary, and J. R. Stice, Jr., G. S. Bell and J. H. Grif the situation and discover how girls nevvlywed member of the active chaperal of the faculty, including Dr. and fitli MUST WEAR UNIFORMS and women might get the benefit of ter and his bride, the dean declared Mrs. McVey, and delegates to the convocation of the semester. Doctor Parker, of Centre College, treasurer. Comnanv E: Captain C. W. Daniel; competitive team play without having that he would oppose the fraternity's Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary adKentucky Intercollegiate Press Asso Roselli spoke on the "Danger Zones vertising fraternity, Due to first lieutenant, H. K. Akin; second their teams commercialized. presented a cup The time has come. Saturday, Feb is carried i:n,.tsnonfc A. M. Stacc and E. B .the efforts of this organization thous- request when the matter Council for ciation, met last Friday night at the of Europe," giving an unusually clear to the publication of Western Nor- ruary 18, has been designated by the llCUktiiu'l sereeant, J. L. Salmon before the Men's Student Lafayette hotel for the third annual outlook into the future of European Pnrris: first mal, of Bowling Green, for the best R. O. T. C. officials, as the day on ands of schools throughout the coun- decision, it became known yestrday. Kernel Approximately GO platoon sergeants E. M. Newman, H try have done away with varsity He gave as his reason a belief that persons banquet. among whom were countries. advertising of the year. The Lexing' which all attending military classes attended, smun. S. Hergott ana w. Dr. A. W. Fortune gave the invoca ton Leader awarded The Kernel the are to again wear the full military teams. In a play day the girls are encourage stu- Dean and Mrs. Paul B. Boyd, Profes R. G. Elliott sent from various schools and spend such a function would Company F: Captain uniform and from this date on until paper. dent marriages, and cited the fact sor and Mrs. Enoch Grehan, Profes tion and Pres. Frank L. McVey intro cup for the best first, lieutenant. A. H. Stephenson the day playing with, instead of, duced the speaker. Doctor Roselli di The hosts at the meeting next year June. Those reporting to classes not expel stu nontenants. J. L. Cole and J against each other, and in this way that several universities their under sor and Mrs. Victor R. Portman, and vided Europe into three main sec will be the Western Normal College, in" uniform will have their grade lowmarry Miss Marguerite McLaughlin. p filenn: first sergeant V. Proctor a more friendly feeling is established. dents who careers. during on and after this date. graduate President McVey officially welcom tions, the Mediterranean, the Eastern it was voted at the meeting Saturday ered sergeants, R. N. White, J. C platoon The program for the Cincinnati islanding, dean ot wo ed the K. I. P. A. delegates to the and the Teutonic, saying that the peoMiss Sarah K. iong. Finley and (Continued on Page Eight) NO CLASSES WEDNESDAY men at the university, said that she University, and Charles Walker, of ple in these sections were unlike each Company G: Captain, H. F. Brown be (Continued on Page Eight) would raise no objections to granting Centre College, president of the as leading to misunderstandings lieutenant, V. D. Johnson; sec-- : first In honor of the birthday of George permission for the party, but stated sociation, responded. Others on the tween the countries. However, he adond lieutenants, A. P. Robertson and Washington, Wednesday February 22 that she would ask that the frater program were Miss Martha Connell, ded, "the greatest danger zone lies Will Give V. Fried; first sergeant, E. S. H. To has been declared a holiday at the nity not be permitted to publish in literary editor; Neil Plummer, former in the hearts of men," hoping that Quisenberry; plantoon sergeants, E. University. Practically the entire nasociety columns of the daily or school managing editor; Miss Janet Lalley, the coming years would bring pages Judy, C. K. Nave and V. P. Ropke. L. newspapers the fact that the affair assistant news editor; James Shrop of history including reparation to the Honorary Commercial Frater tion will thus pay homage to the "FaAppointments for guides and squad nity to Hold Initiation and ther of his country," as it is the cus University Philharmonic Group was being given in honor of newly- - shire, business manager; John R. Bul- mailer countries unjustly treated af leaders (sergeants and corporals) tom annually to set aside this day as weds. She agreed with the dean of lock, Jr., former and ter the war. Banquet February 18 Will Present Program Feb. were also announced. a national holiday. Doctor Roselli spoke also at 4 o'men in the belief that student mar Professor Grehan, of the lournalism 19 at Men's Gymnasium clock on "Pacifism," and he will talk riages should be discouraged. Alpha of Kentucky chapter of Beta The fraternity's request will be re at the same time this afternoon, all Gamma Sigma, honorary commercial M. (Continued on Page Eight.) Course The Philharmonic orchestra of the L. McVey, pres of the programs being held in the fraternity, will be installed Saturday, University will give the third of its ferred to Dr. Frank To Civil University, for his opin Will Be Men's gymnasium. February 18, at 4 p. m. at Dean O series of concerts February 19 in the ident of the O Herald. K. Men's gymnasium at 3:30 o'clock. ion. Lexington Wiest's home on Fontaine Road. U. On Road Conditions Girls ? ? Professor J. W. Jenkins from the The public is cordially invited to GRADUATE CLUB ELECTS University of Georgia, will install the The workings of federal aid and o- o A training course for leadership attend this concert. No admission E. Z. PALMER WILL RECEIVE GEORGE BRYSON PRESIDENT chapter. The requirement for Beta how it is applied was the theme of among girl scouts will be instituted will be charged. Before long the front campus will DOCTORS DEGREE IN JUNE Gamma Sigma is a standing of 2. The program is as follows: an address delivered before the Uni at the University this semester, De again take on its beautiful coating George Wayman Bryson, of Les Following the installation of the versity student branch of the AmeriSibe "Filinandia Overture" 1. ginning February 23 and continuing Mr. E. Z. Palmer, instructor in the of Kentucky's own blue grass. Will ter, W. Va., was elected president of chapter a banquet will be given at 6:30 can Society of Civil Engineers Wedibly. through March 8. passed the final the military drills be held here as the Graduate Club of the University p. m. at the Chimney Corner. Doctor nesday morning in the Civil Engi2. A trio consisting of violin, cello College of Commerce, The class will deal with fundamen examination for a doctor's degree in usual this spring, leaving ugly Saturday at a meeting of the gradu Frank L. McVey will give an address neering building, by Mack Galbreath, tals in regard to outdoor activities and niano. brown patches there by early sumate students. Miss Neola Frances at the banquet. 3. "Hungarian Rhapsody Number Economics which he took on January federal engineer. and the members of the class will be The following will be initiated Roberts, of Lexington, was elected mer? Is it necessary? eligible to positions as summer camp Two" Liszt. "The Economic Location of Roads," Wisconsin. He vice president, and Miss Lydia Ken Faculty members, Edward Wiest was Mr. Galbreath's subject, and apfrom "Bohemian 20 at the University of "Fantasv" 4. leaders. Last year the students were will receive his degree in June. football squad failing nedy Fremd, of Eminence, was nam Walter W. Jennings, and Robson Dun proximately 50 students were present. on the Woods" Friml. With the cruise entitled to a can; seniors, Philip Glenn, LeRoy ed secretary. Mr. Palmer's thesis subject is "The to turn out in the numbers which 5. A piano solo by Mrs. D. E. Kentucky river. D. V. Terrell, professor of civil enDr. W. D. Funkhauser, dean of Miles, and Glenn Roberts; alumni gineering, presided over the meeting Definition of Income and the Com this University should furnish, can interested in the South. All girls who. are G. Paraphrase, "Long, Long Ago" parison of Class Incomes." His thesis the student body afford to gripe the graduate school, made announce Burton F. Hensley, Robert G. Hous and introduced the speaker, whose requested to report to project are includes an effort to get rid of partial ments concerning theses and the an- man, Ishmael Planch, Wilburn B, home is in Frankfort, and who has next fall if the season isn't a howlVaigt. Miss Ray Mitchell in the recreation ing success, other than the howls nual banquet which will probably be Walker, David R. Hickey; on honor been in federal work for a number 7. "March of the Toys" from ity in comparing the income of prop room of Patterson hall at 3:30 o'clock, ary member, Ben R. Sha.ver. erty and human service. held some time in May. we give? "Babes in Toyland" Herbert February 23. of years. COMPETITION IS KEEN AMONG CONTESTANTS given Tuesday night, February 21, in the Men's gymnasium. The festivi- ties are scheduled to begin at 9 o'clock and last until 1. Tradition has decreed that this dance should always be on the night before Washington's birthday and in accordance with the usual custom the men of the advanced corps will be in full uniform. Scabbard and Blade, honorary military fraternity, will hold its annual pledging which will be preceded by the grand march. One of the features of the dance will be for the Scabbard and Blade men and pledges. Peg Longon's orchestra, of the Phoenix hotel and the Kentucky Car dinals, of Louisville, are the orchestras that have been secured for the occasion. Doctor and Mrs. McVey, and the deans of the colleges and their wives will chaperone the affair. The committee in charge of arrangements consist of J. J. Richardson and Harold Fried. j j p, 36-2- ITALY IS SUBJECT OF ART EXHIBIT ENDOWMENT FUND FURNISHES Pan-Politik- BOOKS Arm-tsron- g, n, 0. T. STAFF OFFICERS APPOINT R. Ros-sel- li, College of Engineering Contributes Replica of Famoiis Sign in Recognition of Italian Month r. ATHLETES ELECT SHROPSHIRE K.I.P.A.PRESIDENT TO Fraternity Party for SIXTY ATTEND THE KERNEL BANQUET of Vassar Speaks to Students Mel-che- r, xL-- Tran-slivan- ia Beta Gamma Sigma Install Chapter Orchestra Third Concert Sunday editor-in-chie- f, Leadership at For Galbreath Speaks Engineers Instituted of Just Thoughts ! two-wee- ii TT H iflliBiiiliiriiii * PAGE TWO THE KENTUCKY KERNEL ALUMNI PAGE Subscribe for THE KERNEL And Help the Association Published By And For University Alumni ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ALUMNUS IS CHIEF OF RESERVE STAFF Col. Clarence R. Day, 1893, PRESIDENT-Jam- Mrs. Rodes Estill, '21 Raymond SECRETARY-TREASURE- R Is Named Chief of Staff of 103rd Division of Reserves; Stationed at Denver. Park, 'IS es L. Kirk, '24 Col. Clarence R. Day, who was at one time a student at the University of Kentucky and a member of the class of 1893, recently has been appointed chief of the One Hundred and Third Division of the organized re- ANNOUNCEMENTS University of Kentucky Club of Greater Cincinnati: Luncheon at noon on first Saturday in each month at Industrial Club, Pike Madison avenue, Covington, Ky. NoteWill the officers of other Alumni Clubs please send us the dates and places of their regular meetings. ALL MAKES Edited by TYPEWRITERS RAYMOND KIRK Secy.-Trea- s. Alumni Assn. Special Rental Rates to Students serves, according to word that has come to the many Lexington friends of Colonel Day. After leaving the University of Kentucky Colonel Day received an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. He was graduated from the Academy with the class of 1897. He immediately entered the United States Army and is just now rounding out 30 years of service. He has been stationed in various Army posts in the West. After the n War he was assigned to duty with the Army of Occupation in Cuba. He later was transferred to Hawaii. During the World War hi was in charge of the American aviation activities overseas. For the past two years he has been stationed at San Antonio, Texas. Ilis new headquarters will be located in Denver, Colo., where he will make his home. Colonel Day is related to a large number of Kentucky people and many of them, like himself, are graduates or former students of the University of Kentucky. He is one of several alumni of the university who have chosen the Army as careers and who .have attained important posts and high commissions in this branch of the service. Colonel Day already has assumed his new duties and is now located in Denver. a HELP FOR THE Opp Courthouse Progress of Intercollegiate Sport at State College Up to 1915 As Told by First Coach Will Be Run As Serial. Editor's Note BIRTHS John B. Nelson III. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Nelson, of Princeton, N. J., have announced the birth of a son who was born January 25, 1928. He has been named John PCEER WEST SHORT ST. Phone 17f2 When you need a car for business or social affairs RENT A By PROF A. M. MILLER. A. M. CHRYSLER Professor Miller has to depend upon his memory, the files of the local papers and a few other records for data for this history. The records are often found incorrect and no doubt inaccuracies have crept in. Dr. George H. Wilson, '04 Walter Hillenmeyer, '11 In order to make the history as correct and complete as possible, ProfesWayland Rhodes, '15 Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02 sor Miller and the editors of the Win. H. Townsend, 12 Wilsem, '13 W. Brockway Nelson III. Mrs. Nelson Alumnus would appreciate any corbefore her marriage was Miss Mary rections that can be made by those Marshall Graves, of Lexington, Ky. into whose hands this may come. Organized athletics had its beginShe was graduated from the University of Kentucky with the class of ning in the old A. and M. College of ALUMNI 1921, with the degree of B. S. in in- Kentucky during the fall of 1892. Previous to that year occasional dustrial chemistry. She was married We are reproducing below a new form of information blank October 5, 1925. She and her hus- games of baseball had been played of the Unifor the use of members of the Alumni Association band live at Princeton, N. J., where between teams of the various colversity. leges in the state, but there was no This blank we hope will aid us in obtaining complete their address is 16 Pelham avenue. Intercollegiate Association and no information from every member of the Alumni Association. rules governing eligibility, etc. This information is most needed at this time when we are trying of Tulsa, Okla. He has offices at 704 No games of college football had In this new directory we to issue a new Alumni Directory. Building, Tulsa. He been played in the state previous to want to have every address and all the information as correct was married to Miss Ruth Croft in the fall of '91. In that year Centre For this reason we are asking as we possibly can make it. 1919, and they have one daughter, College employed a gymnasium and every one of you to fill out this new blank and mail it in to us. Helen, who is nine years old. one W. Durant athletic director Do this regardless of any previous information blank that you Berry whose previous training had We know that there are a may have sent in even recently. William Charles Rudd, B. M. E. been in Y. M. C. A. gymnasium work. 1913, M. E. 191C, Is assistant engineer He was in fact one of "Stagg's Christlot of you who are married, still others who are the proud parwith the Water Supply Department of ian Workers" squa'd. ents of children and neither of these facts have been noted on Detroit, Mich. His residence address He taught Centre College students Keeping the your record as an Alumnus of the University. is 8100 Warren avenue, Detroit. He to play the modern game of modified records in this office, which includes four different cards for has been an active member of the Rugby football. Toward the latter each one of more than 5,000 graduates and former students, is Alumni Association every year since part of the season, after he had no small job in itself. If we keep these cards up to date at he was graduated and has a place on "licked" a team into shape, a chalIn handall times there is enough work for several persons. our Roll of Honor. lenge was sent to the A. and M. Colling this many times we are very liable to make mistakes and lege (or State College as it was beto get behind, especially from those allow some of the records Daniel Shearer Stafford, LL. B. ginning to be called) for a game. We want to have a full, 1913, this year sent in his check for This was accepted by the students who are inactive in the Association. to the Association for the first even before any of them had any dues complete and correct record of every member of the Association time since 1920. He is Judge of the idea how the game was played. who is a paid up member, and for this reason 'we are asking you Municipal Court of Los Angeles, Cal., S. M. Potter, '92, and I. P. Shelby, to fill out the blank below and mail it right back to us. a court of record. His address is '92, were elected managers and J. I. Hall of Justice, Los Angeles, Cal. Bryan captain. The game was played at the01d her graduation, she now has a promiHal Farnsworth Bryant, B. S. 1914, Baseball Park, out 'near the race nent place on our Roll of Honor. is a statistican with the United States track,, and resulted in a score (if I IS Department of Agriculture and is lo- have been informed correctly) of 10 .William Ewing Hobson, B. M. E. cated at 520 Customs House, Louis- to 0 in favor of Centre. The State 1913, is a mining superintendent and ville, Ky. His residence address is College team had no suits, other than When we first announced that we were going to publish the is located in Pond, W. Va., where he 14 Spring Drive. He was married what they had made for themselves history of athletics at the University on this page we did not is superintendent of one of the largMiss realize what a popular move it was going to be. We knew, of est mining operations in that district. to 1926. Elizabeth Claypool Hilleary by