xt7x0k26dt9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26dt9c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 200804 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 2008 text GLSO News, April 2008 2008 2019 true xt7x0k26dt9c section xt7x0k26dt9c ~ ' 7 Ga and The GLSO NEWS # Lesgian 7‘1; ., ” Services “I? 2©®8 Organization W A Publication of the Lexington Gay Services Organization Volume 23 Niimber4 I 0 Pride Festival 2003 for the Bible Tells Me 80 We Are Family . . Is there any way to bUlld bridges _ between the LGBT community and those The Pride Planning Committee 0f who believe that Christians should stand in GSLO met in March and decided that it was opposition of everything gay? How is our - time for a downtown festival in celebration cultures changing as more and more Of Pride Month. We are planning an families realize they have gay, lesbian, exciting event complete with entertainers, bisexual, intersex or transgender people music, shows and vendors. We Are Family "at their table"? These are the questions at isourtheme. the heart of Daniel Karslake‘s We were thrilled that so many documentary"forthe Bibletells me so" representatives of organizations and The Kentucky Conerence for businesses attended. We also welcome Community and Justice (KCCJ) is hosting individuals to meetings, and we need screenings of this film at the Kentucky volunteers at events. lfyou are interested in Theater on Tuesday, April 29’ at 5:30 and helping, call the Pride Center at 253-3233 7:30 pm. The admission cost will be the and leave your name, phone number and same as that usually charged by the email address. If you have a specific area theater. ofinterest,you can letus knowthatalso. This documentary explores how Organizations and Businesses that were People Of faith handle, or sometimes fail to represented at the first handle, having a gay child.'ltfocuses on the Pride Planning Meeting, 2008 experiences of five Christian American GLSO Bluegrass Fairness families who have. a gay famlly meme" QX.NET Imperial Court including the families of Episcopal Bishop SisterSound AVOL G3 continued on next page Kentucky Stonewall Democrats $5153“ {Earl Organizations that are planning their E“? Sponsor of the month 3‘ own Pride Month event should get us 3* information about date, time, place, and a discription of the event ASAP. We are ERNESTO SCORSONE i building a calendar and weekend days will fillup quickly. The deadline for advertising ”at ATTORNEY AT LAW in our pamphlet is May 1. w Everyone is welcome to the first meeting inApril, on Saturday 12, at 1 pm at (859) 254-5766 2 the Pride Center. We need everyone's help. Pleasejoin us. l C ty N "for the Bible tells me so" Claw Nation Tour E Tuesday, April 29 KY Theater 6‘ continued from page 1 Congratulations to Bill Howard, Mr. ti . . . Kentucky Leather 07, for coordinating and 5 Gene Robinson and House Majority hosting the Claw NationTourat Club Bang on L Leader Richard Gephardt. . February 16, 2008. A total of $1,226.00 was 2 Informed by SUCh respected vorces raised, half of which will be divided between fl as B'Sth Desmond Tutu, Harvard GLSO and Moveable Feast with the balance E Theologian Peter Gomes, Orthodox goingto CLAWfortheir national charities. r Rabb' Steve Greenberg, and Reverend Special guests assisting were: Slade c Jimmy Cre'ech, for the B'ble tells me_so Andrews, Mr. Kentucky Leather 08; Russ offers healing, clarity and-understanding. Coulter, Mr. Kentucky Leather 08 runner-up; V Pieasesupport KCCJinthisendeavor. Crisco Schiefer, Mr. Dixiebelle Leather 07; E Mike Blankenship, Mr. Queen City Leather l: _ runner-up; Brian Plagge, Mr. Best Basket 5 ““55 comm" Becomes M" 07; Roy Smith, Mr. Midwest Bear 03; and E Kentucky Leather 08 Scott Perry, International Mr. Bear 2001. F Slade Andrews, chosen Mr. V 2 Kentucky Leather 2008 last October, Bluegrass Women 5 Network C has resigned the title for personal Bluegrass Women's Network is a t, reasons. His successor is Russ Coulter ' 2 of Louisville, KY who was first runner-up. 322:! 902:]: :sgw:::;1e:f agifigg' \Qée 51:5; in Russ will represent Kentucky at the ' International Mr. Leather 2008 contest in restaurants, and gone to the comedy CIUb a Chicago, lL, May22 25,2008. together. To receive emails about events. Contact debbywoman@gmaii.com. '\ v ' " F GAY AND . ’ T \ - f , Prlde Center s *_/ LESBIAN n SERVICES 389 Waller Ave 4? # . s: ORGANIZATION Office Manager: Bill Chandler C Incorporated as d . . . 859 253-3233 , b The Gay Servrces Organization 5 ‘ Publishes the GLSO News Monthly ”-0- B°X 1’ 72, Lax-i KY 40588 , News Editors Iexmgtonglso@yahoo.com fee; ; ‘ Mary Crone - Sarah Phillips www GLSO org e 3 marycrone@insightbb.com a 835', , .~~ 3 , ,j'jfi/a ., ,. .; --i_ ”,3 C Page 2 IMPERIAL COURTAPR/l EVENTS presented throughout the evening. Local entertainer and community activist, LaToya The Imperial Court of Kentucky Bacall, was presented with the Lifetime continues another strong year of AchievementAward for her many years of fundraising with several upcoming April sewice and accomplishments. Empress events.Thefirst event isthe culmination of 26 Lawren and Emperor 26 Brad 3'30 it. the Entertainer of the Year series with made check presentations to Moveable id several contestants from Empress Feast LeXIngton, AiDS Volunteers of 'n Lawren‘s female line vying for the title of Lexmgton, 3“? the GLSO' from .donations IS 2008 Entertainer Of the Year. Throughout given from Reign 26 thus far, Wthh totaled ’“ this year, Naomi VWde, Adrianna Armand, over$6,000. . :e Eve St. Mychal, and Adriana Fuentes have _ Look for other upcoming events and hosted individual shows and have information from the court including a e collectively raised over $3400 already. 35‘/V“; Ii!" lear‘iallrcguhrfkgnttivcekb Solrt e a:d ‘5 The final show will be held on _.p—_~_y._g :5 W136, at 'v'ifé’lt‘fié'étciigfiifi'tghiCi‘tifiifié'ilif; er bggir:nio]t;enatatgzéo ng.WICove(re :70: JuneothattheRadisson PlazaHoteI. 3t suggested $5 donation to the Court. V's't the court's Myspace page at d Entertainer of the Year 2007, Georgia WW , Peach, will step down that evening. Each 531‘ Pictures from all events are on the contestant will have performances that will page, so you can see how much fun the add to their fundraising totals, with the court has raismg funds for its charitable contestant raising the highest cumulative causes. If you would l'ke to become more , total being named Entertainer of the Year involved “"1" the imperial 90“” 0f ‘ 2003 Along with the title and crown, the Kentucky, contact the Board of Directors at winner receives a command performance mm at Coronation 27, on June 8th, The otherAprii eventwillbe the annual - Miss Derby Pride Pageant. Contestants L8H. Fall‘ness ““an legiSIaml‘s Wi” compete in various Derby-themed Lexington Fairness, formerly known categories, including Derby Presentation, as Bluegrass Fairness of Central Kentucky, , Talent and Creative Evening Wear, D-erby- shouts out a loud “THANK YOU,” to the " Sty'e- ,Emry fe‘? 'S$10- Fora” app“°at‘°” or legislators who killed HB112 in committee more information, please 69m?“ Empress in March. The bill would have forbidden Lawren at—@_g_lawrenlamoore ms' htbbcom. public universities from providing domestic The event Will be held at Bluegrass partnerbenefits. Connections on Winchester Road, With UK and UofL already offer such . d°°ls opening at 8:30 pm and pageant benefits under different names such as beginning at 93,0 pm. Cover '5 a “dependent sponsor benefits,” but HB112 suggested $5 donation. would have forced them to discontinue ,. In March, the glitz and glamour Of offering those benefits. This defeat of the HOHVWOOd was present at the Kentucky bill allows the universities to continue ’ Theater as the Imperial COW Of Kentucky offeringtheir benefits and serves as a major hosted its 12th Annual FaISIe Awards. The winforfairness issues. ‘ evening. was a celebration Of the Look forthe latest in developments at accomplishments Of our local drag www.bgfair.org orwww.|exfair.org. community, With numerous awards Page 3 O BltCh APJT House Movies & The EXCltmg COHCIIASIOH Davina and Kathy have started an Art Bitch will be playing and singing at House Movie and Discussion Group The Dame, 156 West Main, on Friday, through the Unitarian Universalist April 4 at 7 pm. Tickets are $8, call 225- Church. You do not have to be a church 9005. You can check Bitch out on member to join us for an 9“?an 0f www.B|TCHMUSIC.com. independentfilm and discussion. I have seen Bitch perform at Michigan The group meets the first Thursday of over the last several years and she is the month to viewafiim at approximately? great. She use to be part of Bitch and p.m.atthe Lexington Green Movies8orthe Animal and now plays with The Exciting Kentucky Theater- Afterwards the grow Conclusion. She will be at Michigan this discussesthefilm atanearby restaurant. summer playing with Ferron‘ An e-mail listing the movie, theater and meeting time is sent the Monday before the . , group's meeting date. To be added to this lexmelon lvolu leather/[eh Club notification list or for information, contact The Lexington Lyons meet the second Davma atmmme. Monday of each month. Join us on Monday, April 14 at the Pride Center, at 7 LOGO Channel = Gay TV pm. The Lyons are a group offriends who . celebrate strength, unity, and diversity for Logdzh::nheel\peri:?ee§ihhtehzlfifzzftglrjtygfi Epssetyrého Fgruoy “1th: rmL;?;:er lbiesytl knowthatthere is interest in our community http://wwwlexl: :ons.org. for encouraging Insight to add this channel to their line-up. They will be considering Couple Research what channels to add to theirlist in May. 80 , , thls lsthe best timeto make requests. Seeks pEII‘tICIPc’rlntg You can call insight at 859 514—1400 or visit them atwww.insight-com.com. From . Sherry ROStOSKY’. PhD’ and Ellen the homepage go to the HELP tab at thetop R'ggie: PhD' .are '°°k'”9 f°r mum“ to right and click on CONTACT us. If they parthIpate m a ”9‘.” study about receive enough calls, we may gain access relationship challenges/issues related to to thiswon de rful channel being a same—sex couple. You will be If you are not familiar with LOGO asked questions about family of origin, check outwwwlogoonline com ’ work, religion, discrimination, or other ' ' ' external pressures, and how couples respond to those challenges. OUTSOUI'CQ A monetary stipend is offered to compensate couples for participating. All OUTSOUFC? is _forGLBTQQA students information will be confidential. if you and at U; K- The" misswn '5 to prowde an your partner are at least 25 years old, have afggrnengs‘tugghet's :2: fga'lfldemngfé 2231:? been together at least 4 years, and would bender identi y, human sexuality, and mm like to parthIpate, please _90 to related issues. For more information email www____g.Prlstesearch.or for more info. or outsourcequestions@gmai|.com or call the email rostosky@coe.uky.edu. office at 323-33 12. m Page 4 Sponsor of the Month ; ERNESTO SCORSONE ; ATTORNEY AT LAW 9 511 “7. SHORT STREET LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 40507 (859) 254-5766 G LS O P ' d C t 389 Waller Ave. 859 253=3233 @pen ill to 3 M0 ' Fr 112 a 2 Sat. Discussion Group Svt'ms Flms Every Wednesday Night Got your taxes done yet? If so, come on Pride Center 7 t0 9 down to the Pride Center and CELEBRATE April l7"'l!l The GLSO is hosting a Spring All Are Welcome Fling, a mixer for Singles. Pizza and soda will 0 . be provided. BYOB if you so choose. Parry tex'hgi0h 'llSlg'I‘l’ begins at 7 PM. See all you Singles there! Lexington Insight will meet for our , regular potluck on the first Friday, April 4, Emotlonal Abuse support Group at 7 pm at the Pride Center. We will plan A - ~ , _ _ _ , support group IS forming for women annlnsightOut activ1ty forApril 18. For info who have suffered emotional abuse in the ca ana at 859'230'2428 past or in the present. It can be difficult even . . i . . to think of what is happening as abusive. If Michigan Womyn S MUSIC Festival you are questioning what is happening or The Michigan Womyn's Music has happened to you and want to know Festival will be August 5-10. To see the more, calIC.W. at 539'4229- _ performance schedule, ticket costs, etc. go Th's group may .be appropriate for to www.michfest.com. This festival can women who experienced abuse '” change yourlife. childhood. Please give me a call. It can be You can actually get on to the land on healingtotalkwith otherwomen. Monday, Aug. 4 at 1 pm. The line on Monday will be long; we get in line at 6 am WdflSKe/Ifl/C’ky and get through the gate at 3:30 or 4. . , Some people get in line at 3 am. On TransKentucky '5 8,1 support, somal, Tuesday, gate opens at 8 am and there will and resource group servmg Lexmgton and not be much ofa line Kentucky. Our mission is to provide a safe Why do people want to wait in line place for transgender individuals and rather than go on Tuesday? They want to others who do not fit the standard gender sign up for workshifts before the best ones norms. At meetings'we wrll support each i they fill up, they want to get their tent or 9th?“ offering adVicei resources and their collective of many tents including insights from our own unique experiences. living room set up, ortheyjust yearn to be Th's '5 notatherapygroup. . "home"as soon as possible. Family, friends, and supportive One thing that I will not miss this year community members are invited to attend is a production of the Vagina Monologues to 93”? understanding ,Of issues , with Alix Olson directing. Marga Gomez, concerning gender presentation, identity, Staceyann Chin, Elvira Kurt and Alex and (ii/arianfce. Yive meet 0;. the first Olson will perform. Musicians that will be at?" 33’ 0 ea? ”‘0'“ at 3’0 pm '” 1 performaing include Ferron and Bitch, Lexmgton. Meetings are free and you may BETTY Ubaka Hill Laura Love Holly dress however you feel comfortable. For Near,ChixLixFlix,andmanymore. info and meeting place email i TransKentucky@gmail.com I ——___—____— Page 6 ii, , Scott Ackei’mom Real Estate Service With .. LPnonsssnnlnusm on ' r «3.3“ EE % 2‘ 44; ESIIIJ'S Willi”) ~g ,, " ~~~ .. 'lll . . l ill/Hiditlttliilg‘v rty if? t NTEGIIITY 531wa u l i l ‘ \ i l Illanlcn'rlou :“ ENTHuSInsm 8: Mobile: 859 338-8483 E . If Fax: 859 269—0065 Serving Lexington & or E-mail: Ackermanteam@ao1.00m All of Central Kentucky Q 3W we fer Call 1116 with all your Real Estate Needs In . : , > - . ,1 . be " 1“: , “,"f . , v. 13-74;“!— . Spring Fling “'1'” Join Us for “its for sin les 4 if; u ._ - :53 '3 _, , g . ’ mile Month Planning RE I —- ' ‘ l ,— . - . ' .d Pribc Center gs; SaturdaygiAprll 12 1 Pm 3% 3r JEZZ': Eiii‘l 33,12, ‘ _ i 11!: 3:43 ”: 32.12; :h 5:” . A ‘ _E «’5 - ,. *2 ”'"-":=.~.. 389 Waller Ave. -. ld L", . ._. . ._ U. . .-. e L‘ Keep the love you find. "T*W’@rfi :- r‘ .,.i.,;_ d - ' Get the love you want!” ' 7 fl . , . s L; v 31.5.; _- £65007 Liqfist Prmung E y 5+5 . - "‘5’" . « Alli 1P 'd C Si _ Jessma BollingerLCSW . . ‘ a“ ¢~J=e 51331 e enter i n Imago Relationship Therapist g ' Black and Willie 3-05 ' Y _ EMDRTraumaWork » " llw 79) ° ' ’1 5, Couples, Family,lndividual i CCGJLW L ranting $.50) ' imagoconnection.com 552-6533 fi; . Call 25 3-3233 . ‘ .s "" . .fi' ;_. 55"" ' -._ ~ . "A.-~ it" ', ~~Pafig;e7 . Recoverlng our History ,-. “”1 1;; :g; .Mg Dr. Frankltn E. Kameny w . "55%;; Dr. Franklin E. Kameny, born May 21, {43% g g_ ”qty 3.; 1925, has beenagay rights activistsforthe h'fl: ‘ ' ,7 lastfiftyyears. Hiswork hasimpacted howl * up?" if" " have lived mylife and howyou liveyour's. 2- 1. .~ ' |n1957,Kameny was dismissed from a ‘53," . . —— his position as an astronomer in the Army J. . as)! -- .g Map Service in Washington, DC. because . - - he was gay and therefore a security risk. . ..~' ’ At that time there was not a gay rights ' ' movement, only a few individuals that ' _ n; -® published under pseudonyms and rarely 3‘ a ' took public positions. Many GLBT people In 1971 Dr. Kameny became accepted what they were told by the h f' 1 d'd "expert": that they were sick. sinful and/or t C “St open y gay can 1 ate criminal. for the U.S. Congress. Meek acceptance was not Frank . . _ Kameny's response. This World War II Mattachine Socrety launched a campaign combat veteran did notwalk away from the to overturn Sqdomy laws and toremove injustice. In 1961, he petitioned the the classrficatlon of homosexuality as a Supreme Court describing his firing as "a mental disorder from the American persecution and discrimination not one PSYCh‘af‘r'C Assocrations manual 0f whit more warranted orjustified than those mental disorders. . against . . . other minority groups." The Kameny and N'ChOIS launched'the Supreme Court declined to hearthe case, first PUbl'C protests by gays and lesbians That same year Kameny and Jack with a picket line at the White House on Nichols co—founded the a chapter of the AP“! 17‘ 1965- New York's Mattachme Mattachine Society in Washington, DC. Socnety and the Daughters 0f B'l't'sv Under Kameny and Nichols, this group headed by Barbara Gittmgs,expandedthe launched numerous campaigns in picketing to the Pentagon, the US. CIVII oppositionofzz Service Commission, and to Denial of government security clearances Philadelphia's Independence Hall for what to homosexuals became an annual event Removal of homosexuals from the Dr. _Kameny was a panel member military, along With Barbara Glttings and John E. Denial of employment by the federal Civil Fryer _(Dr. Anonymous) at ”19.1973 Service Commission. American Psychiatric Assocuation Criminalization of homosexuality and symposrum on homosexuality and homosexual practices, psychiatry, _a key. event In getting Entrapment and harassment by police ”Izzstnssexuallty de‘IISted as a mental and other civil authorities, and It took nearl a decade to chan e the Classification of homosexuality as a . . y . 9 psychiatric disorder in the American Psychiatric conception of GLBT people as Ps chiatricAssociation's DSM 2 mentally ill. Dr. Kameny has written about y ’ this struggle. Part of his first hand account In 1963, Dr. Kameny and the ison page12. _______——._—— Page 8 . a :1 Elf/11¢?” f a...” Fmancéial Plannlng for a Dome stlc Partners ‘ y n Similar Goals. Dgfcrcnt Challenges. ‘ . a a ' ' .. .. f . . r; / Va” A... e f e Domestic partners may share similar goals with married individuals, yet they 5 face unique challenges when it comes to financial planning. We will help you 2 develop a plan that’s appropriate to your needs—one that takes into account 3, not only where you want to go, but also how you want to get there. e 'i' For information, call 3 Mohua “Mou” Das Financial Advisor er 859-335-8118 888-390-6900 33- mohua.das@ubs.com 3 307 South Ashland Avenue, Lexington, KY 40502 g www.ubs.com/fo/mohuodos al e is 1: You & Us 315% UBS _ ©2007 UBS Finmclol Services Inc. All Rights Reserved. Member SIPC. Page 9 GLSO New Iel-I' To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ._. e a n I ~_,’ AP RI L 2 on 8 Vl5lt us on the web at: lammfikfiiflergl Sund - Monday Tuesdq Wednesdu Thursday Friday Salurday \ l Our Thanks to This Month's Newsletter Sponsor 7p GSA (call for place gigschiscussion 7p Art House Movie 7p Pot-Luck .. Center 7:;rtaerrsgfizruckyn- p .. - 266-5904) e,» ' EEXENIET77” contact for - ' l a e‘ -‘ u ~.~ Place- Weekl A : , fie Ernesto scorsone “$3 4 ewe“: "flflfiéflff. TransKentucky@gmail.com y cllviiies g‘, if,“ 5'" ,a‘i '_ -‘ ‘4‘? (.5317’,\I'7_J:‘A DIMWIIbEMJomh-mhl‘llvz‘atzfilflni ' ‘ 1"“- Ki" Afiomey AT LOW 63 6%}? :53: 7p BlTCH @ The Dame _, ,, M°flduvs= ”m e" ‘ a ale/2%“ 7:30p-8:30p 8F? - 9F) GOW Lesbian AA E); “ Q15 7: 859 254-5766 Hi PKaraokeQThe Bang J Gay/Lesbian AA ,0 7?, " Discussion/Speaker[Co/l for .- ~»- , - afund-ralserforThe PC Callforplace 948-3434 "" ’ "" “”"“” Location] 278-7403 10:30aSt.M chal's 89-99 7 GSA call for lace 7p GLSO Discussion e ,e 7:30 43:30 ' CenterO en 12n-2 . 11a uu Churcyh Gay/Lesbian“ p . ( p Group-PC a” ‘3 l Ga FiLeeblgn AA ' p - p he‘duys' e . C I” l 4 266 5904) y y ”e. l» mgifikwl y 1p Prlde Festival 7 m _ GSA Ga STra hi All 6:00p SisterSound Rehearsal 3 °’ F’ ace 948343 ‘@ ’ ‘_1E;">hiy‘7‘ij\/ i Call for place 948-3434 Committee Mtg @ PC p [ V '9 'Once] A i I Tet—fewer ‘ 9pm - Karaoke Tunesday @ V fleece-.24" 33$: if .1‘, i he! i The Bar Complex , L 8p Line-Dancing 6%}?3 t; i 'V - ‘ ;, ' @ The Bang 214 ' 7:00p GLSO Board Magi l “he—7,.” ,. I“ .\ Wednesdays: . , , _,_V , _ .. ,. , , _ , 4- i 7pm - GLSO Discusaon Group _ , . _ ' ‘ ‘ 10:30 a St. Mychals “1"; 7p GSA call for lace 7p GLSO Discusswn ;‘ . _ , 3 Center Open 12n-2p , . W Iii 266.5908 . 6:00p Imperial Court ill, _ - ~~ '«Pv 8:30p Imperial Court‘s i Camorplaceg4803434 7-309 - 8.309 Gov/LesblonAA Mtg.PC A We Lexrngton Lyons—PC i a .; Entertainer ofThe i [Call for Location} 278-7103 6p Sister'Sound Rehearsal 8p _ 9p % ’ 234,3?” Year @ Main St. Live i Ii“!§".’5i".l,l Km... LL galyf/Lesrian $8 3434 Karaoke @The Bang ékge‘iegfié i l Sulurduys: XXV a ”pace ' afund-raiserforThe PC T W” 33 i 0 7 . Newsletter Dead-L..- “@‘th0 I , e, I, I ., e e, __ ,, . _ . . ‘ Sundays: 10:30 aSt. Mychal‘sv 8p- 9p- 7p GSA (call for place :5” GLSSCD'SCUSS'” i 7:30pv8z30p Cemer 0P8" 12n-2P 10:00 am . 00 Church Worship 11a UU Church Gay/Lesbian AA 255.5904) roup- Gay/Lesbian AA Services. 6:00p SisteiSound’Rehearsal Call forplace 948—3434 472%: egg: Ca" for Place 948-3434 l0:30 — Mass, sr. Mychal The Mart ,5. 7;; g§% ‘l 1‘ 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal @ 8 Line-D‘ailcih" Q ,‘r’affi‘ef' Landsdowne Presby. Church. 5 ,V P Th 9 “/th 3 1 _ “@ eBang ~ ' 1 . i Iii-weekly: " ' 6pm - The Imperial Court 1o:3o,a_3l. Mychals _ 819-9,) 7p GSA (call for place 5230 & 7=30 l E Center Open 12n-2p SoulForce -Call Jamie 230-5625 113 UU Church e Gay/Lesbian AA 266-5904) “em- I; "For The Bible Tells | i 6:00p Imperial Court Call for place 948-3434 ‘1; ‘ " Me 30"- @ The i Mtg.PC . .. \‘J‘ : Kentucky Theater I fix 6p SisterSound Rehearsal ‘ ' . {1% 9p- 1st 8: 3rd Tuesday t LEfifSCD'S°§§§;°" , :53 Karaoke @ The Bang XXV ' Effie i lie" A fund-raiser forThe PC "dear,- MOII‘I'IIIY Adlvilies: More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or Mondays: 7pm _ Lexington Lyons (2nd Mon.) Thursday: 7:00pm _ GLSO Board Mtg (2nd Thu“) email the groupto confirm the date and time, please see the directory for phone listings. Friday: 7pm ' Lexrngton InSlght “St Fr") Sulurduy: 7:00p ' TanSKenTUCky [1 ST SOT'] Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- CFP GLSO Page lo GLSO Page ll MIS-PAGINATION . There was a seminar on the "sickness Dr.Frank11nE.Kameny theory" at the 1973 APA meeting in N! The fight to change the Honolulu. Bob Spitzer, Ron Gold, and l, DSM 11 in his own words. sitting in a nearby gay bar surrounded by Q: ; frightened, closeted gay psychiatrists, can, drafted two resolutions... both of which poo] "After the Mattachine Society of were adopted by the Board of Trustees and Washington (MSW) was organized in that December. November, 1961, and we began to assess Those who remained sickness the issues facing us, we realized at once proponents, were able to keep the [W that we had to deal with the "sickness category "Ego-dystonic Homosexuality". cam theory" of homosexuality, as formalized in It made a disorder out of discontent with long the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual being gay. This category was finally ,7”, (DSM ll) of the American Psychiatric deleted around 1987, closing out the ofg Association (AMA). entire issue in a formal sense. 7‘th I had no idea of the scientific basis for The APA now has a recognized Gay ope; the sickness theory, but, as a scientist by and Lesbian Caucus, consisting of very 779/6 training and background, who knows good “out" gay psychiatrists, who will be ‘ science and bad science when he sees presenting an award this October szl them, I commenced to explore not knowing (2006)jontly to Barbara Gittings and me, in hair where lwould come out. recognition of our past contributions to the 31:13 lwas appalled by what I found: shabby, cause. Much of that enormous progress gm shoddy, sloppy, sleazy pseudo—science. and the advances which the gay Moral, cultural, and theological value community has enjoyed over the past judgements, cloaked and camouflaged in three decadesjust simply would not have ”’9 the language of science without any of the occurred had we remained a bunch of 701 substance of science. Abominable "Ioonies". rW sampling techniques. As psychiatrists, . , par they only saw patients who, of course, Bfil'nltt Nominated ope were troubled people or they would not , 77/» have been coming to a psychiatrist, so the The 20th annual Lambda Literary 3”; psychiatrists never saw happy, well— Awards, honoring the best In LGBT em adjusted homosexuals and assumed that literature, has released the names of more W0 wewere allemotionallydisturbed. than 100 finalists. Dan Bernitt of Lexington Be Therefore l drafted the MSW statement is nominated in the LGBT Drama/T heater #7’ which included this statement: "In the category for "Dose: Plays Monologues", a]: absence ofvalid evidencetothe contrary". Many 0f us that have seen h's work '” What that did was to shift __ to reverse __ the Lexington are not surprised at his success. W” burden of proof from us to the sickness Dan has JUSt finished a series 0f 7“ theorists, to provide valid evidence. Inthe performances 'n New York Citys Fringe 6‘. entire ensuing decade they never did Festival where he received excellent 40 provide evidence. reviews. He returns to Lexrngton soon to Q: That (now) famous panel discussion fin'Sh hissentoryearatUK. .. .. m with the masked Dr. Fryer at the 1972 AMA . The Award Cefemm‘Y: the Lammys; a]; meeting in Dallas had quite an impact. (We Will 'be held May 29 In Los Angeles. Dan wrll jus also had a) "Gay, Proud, and Healthy" be In competition With three other people booth created by Barbara Gittings, a nominated In his category. Qongratulatlon leaflet of the same title, and I danced with on the nomination Dan and Will be rottng for ,4” another gay man attheAPA banquet. you '” May. 5’0 Page 14 ess . '1 d'? NEED ADI/ICE? 60 To HELENA HANDBASKET if j. by Q: Dear Helena, Mg bogiriend sags that n i ‘TiJ’agA‘ :% "‘1“??? ”Isis, carrging a man purse in Lexington is in I 3 . ' (“1'4 " “Ch poor taste and is just asking for ridicule ' V '1 z ‘ees and discrimination. Your thoughts? ;‘ - / E3” . 3 ”Man With A Bag" y f . .. -.. .. Q e s s lath it . . the Hf/ W/m‘.p /Vo Purse? Wed, / know f/Iof/jusf k itll'I- couldn’f/I'Ve. 0/1 u"n/un" purse. Honey, us yenerof/on, 7%” 8f or e log/no mznyoffbose wbo With long us /be Sboes n/ofc/I, /Suyoo for d. Weur ”“7"” ”W e bee” fie men ofo mofi1re”ooe i” tally #proud [ex/nylon is o cofleoe fown and/073' 0” r c” ”I” 3' ”all”? 7%” #59,“. WWW” the ofouys curry S/m u/de r buys. fl W u re 1:9 fu r bus becorne more flied commodny f/Iun Ifused fl fr/In/ned or mode of /uce bowel/er, you ”liq/77‘ f0 56' ”If” educuf/on undowureness we say open yourse/f up 7‘0 neyuf/i/e colon/en 735’. How {fret/Mm? MS come 4 new yeneruf/on of Iery ”we is WW SH”? mofure ouypeop/e w/Io ore reuobmo new be neg/77‘s ondredefim’ny w/m‘sexy and lber Q2: Dear Helena, Mg bogfriend insists that des/rob/e ready/”ems. Honey, WV? ”,3 usexy e, in being 30 to 45 minutes late {or a partg is ”7”,, M77, 4 ”ff/e yrgyl’” /;,;5- fid/rdfldsome ’ the Stgligh in the gag Gomm‘mit‘fl- What ’10 experience under /7/29 be/I‘ond fb/ls old girl 115' in '633 ‘30‘1 think? guy bent/en. You do your bu/r undoefouf fbere 9:83; "Missing Matthew” buby. 777e r/de bus/usibeoun. #8 for from Ipave fih’: Al/bouo/z fisee/ns 7’o be common proof/be ”V er ' q of 7‘0 //Ve on “guy fill/e /ufe is lofe and four/ls- Q; Dear Helena, Recenfig I inherited a rude. IVof 7‘0 soy fbufs/zow/ny up 7‘0 on open sizable sum of moneg from an old lover, puny offer Me Sfurf fin/e is u bud f/I/ny. An This was a pleasant surprise. Should I be open ,oorij/ men/15' fbuffi‘ST/lRTS ufn cerfu/n truthful and let mg current partner 0f 3 fine bu?‘ you con con/e undoo wben you wont gears know the true identitg of where the 283?. But I'f dis- un eveni‘w/f/I nS/orf fin/e undun moneg came from? nore end f/‘Ine, fry remembering f/Ie n/unners 7’bu7‘ ”More Dollars Than Sense” lg ton your grand/nu fried fo feuc/I you. Be on 77771.2. #19 1,372,, fl”, ifW" but/e been wi/b 759,3. eater Be/ng lufe 1:9 d/Lsrespec/fu/ and on insu/f 7‘0 ”5.0,, for 3 yeurs o/reooy undwonf f0 ues", f/Iose biofS/furound wad/no for you. An con 77,,” f0 Sfuy foye/fier, W” be/fer fell. rk in BMWde/W’wW' WV 0’ ”rd/W77" 7'uke if from me, you know f/quw/‘ib some of ass. ”def-97‘de 777/3 concepf.‘ FEW/WM”, SEW”? 7’be bio mounts in f/I/iS' fown I'l‘wd/ come oul‘ »s of M” 7/73 ”477777? ’3’ ”5'0 r ”49' ””355 WW9 sooner or lufer onywoyond #w/I/ be be/fer ringe gee” ”'5'“de ””57 ””7"”de “”fie’fldnl’ com/no d/recf/y from you. /f flieyover-reoof 3”th ”WV/W35 obou/nf be robs-sunny 7994M deoder/oyer /;s' )n to Q: Dear Helena, I just turned 30 and feel burd/yu fireut fiopef u/ly W”? e ”0f ’7’,” #Jf- nys .. mg life is over. With gag culture being Mommy fb/nks fidf/k/l’sfS/Zk- n will about gouth and Adonis bodies should I m Do you have a question for Helena or a aople just end if? I don"t 996 mUCh 01‘ a future- comment about one of her answers? Email her at ation "Hopeless In Harrodsburg" AdvicetromHelena@aol.com and maybe she will 19 for fly,- Sweeflleurif [Gm/5],,” ”We. gem/$8 ()me use it In next moonth‘s column. We all love to be 80's ll/DS epide/n/c we losfu /urge porz‘ofu used, don t we ' _ ________________———————— Page 13 £uer Wonder....7 , . 3 By Rune . o .zmi‘“: ' ,. W You know when you see a herd of 1:3,”, , I d horses racing madly across a field, a fieaw a seemingly for no reason. Ever wonder , , my 7, " 4 W , s what makes them act that way? The w , a W obvious reason is that they are frightened .flfih’ .{l P . . hut:2-2.1:»2'»thithztteitt =z:hr.t’-~ih't—:‘»zsr ””4 ofsomethlng. Somethln' spooked 'em. ' ' n Makes sense. They are, after all, Whfle Buffalo Woman S categorized as prey animals and the fight . s or flight instinct is highly developed in herd Humans have often level-ed while d animals. Butstill,there reallyisn’tanything - . - - to be scared of on these quiet Kentucky animals, even seeing them as spiritual. p farms around here. stare endlessly at a bird perched in a bush 0 What about those amazing border outside in the yard? Maybe there is it collie dOQS? They Will herd almost something in the "collective unconscious" b anything from sheep to ducks without from a million years ago that has fr much training, all on their 0W”- They don't mysteriously survived that we don't really e dOltbecausetheyare predators, ormaybe need today, but still it is present and d they do and it is directed i.“ a more somehow is an natural as our genetic or n productive fashion by their human learned attributes or capabilities. Maybe counterparts._ They_sti|l really seem to that is whywe feel comfortable orfamiliarin P enjoy chasmg things JUSt as our certain situations or settings. Sixth sense, fC aforementioned horsesenjoyrunningfrom ESP, deja vu, or maybe it's just human b things. nature. Sl lSit instinct? Would they act this way Who really knows and why iS it 0 in the Wild? Sure they WOUld. bUt WHY? important now? Maybe we are not so far a Why does a cat. who has never been removed from the dictates of the animal outside, sit in a window and chatter and continued on next page w (E Buying or Selling a Home? Sl It PAMELA R. DAVENPORT, REALTOR kl a o ' M l LES'I‘()N F, c. . , Rralh'Cnnsullnnls if 1304 Paris Pike le GMKY‘waz‘ "um-:1 . y C' ' ,- . t -. . ,' '. ..-. at “311,“; Si . . . ,, .2.» 7:9?GLQKK/ ' Pamela R. Davenport .. != :L ,* REALTOR® ti Takmg‘ Care of all our Family Needs ' Page 14 kingdom as we would like to think. Ever Getting The Love You Want wonder why that white horse is standing all by her self in one corner of the field? The Couples Workshops other horses (bay, brown, and black) don't Jessica C. Bollinger, LCSW, MSW, want to ha