xt7x0k26f00c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26f00c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-04-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1984 1984 1984-04-11 2020 true xt7x0k26f00c section xt7x0k26f00c  


Vol. LXXXVI, No. H9

Established l894

Unwersdv of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky


Proposed grading seal

News Editor

A surx ey conducted at 26 universi
ties indicates the use of a plus-
intnus grading scale is advanta-
geous to students. said Robert Ale
tenkti'cli. chairman ot the commit
tee oit admissions and academic

The Senate t‘ouncil recentl} ap-
proxed a proposal to coiivert to a
plus minus grading scale The pro
posed st't'tlt‘. to tie presentm to the
l'ntxcrsttx N‘llult' on April 25. has i.’
t.i'tt‘gii!'lt'.\ a plus and mtnUs tor
t'.‘tt’ll letter grade \Hlll the exception

UK professors
present show
of the unusual

in \llt KIA \llxlzt la
Var: \\r"e:

“titieitts tiot: need to be vneiaat

’o tippiet‘tale tii‘ttt ttr,

st IN} to the tlep.tt"::.t-rt' it! p”.‘.s1ts

". ‘.\l'lfili.\

lt‘ls'at'ti‘. lltt ‘lt‘ll‘t'llhlrtlllih’b

,. .; ,‘ {ti{_.ti';.
We ‘- \


1 tl'ist‘tilt ‘ll’ttit'jt a

\Ll Twill Ill 14‘ ml.
't.’ 'h'. ~tiI‘
f.s.t‘s )l'llt“\".'
lltt' pl'tlL‘lttt'lt 1‘ t .ttlt‘ii tt
a' :1 l'h'.s:cs A \s'i'v-t1ttttj. ' tr:

ons and s'udents t»! at.

.tLvs 1f,lt'."i'slt-<2 ..". 'ltt' tillfistat --t.
ent es are rtix t'ed \tiate‘. s.t;t:

llle Jlt‘t'itiitislia'ults .tiil lie l
‘oirioirow tr. 13.? the”
limiting \ti‘ale: tilt)

.t.’ .D'Z'WHUllt‘»

._ pi..
” \sit \


.kllt heart 'tii' slit-.x
detroitsti’atioi s


\'I’ti.t". \t I ".'.s
soita-ztlta’ tt ,: 'ranlif‘utt.
it.» .s ‘izt :.:'s‘ '..'tte :'

lillll ‘M‘ttl \

t. . i m. ,t \.
ta rit. ril-t

“II\[‘\ .1
"I ”it! nin‘t

'\\ l..i'

\t'! \M' \t Ln‘ "rifle"

l v

.twai's ‘ltr .tittct..t


:a: d 'litttcs 'litt’ 11:. \h- l':.i\t' .t

‘ ti He'll vi. 'tti,t\ .tl\tt.'\ s..t

"tist Ii'iw TN".


'll,I.Ls "

Varmint .-
i‘lillt‘lli.t' .\2.l :enia t.
lf'oiti.’ Lao
iispitti or

'.‘.l¢‘\ :t‘.'.e'1'v~d to pas' l h. s‘tttteiifs

st'a'ts its \Tl‘ttm‘t titti‘.

stuti‘t'am-oits 'vtil‘i’tlb ~.«
or researchers or 'Jlttil

\ .lactilis .titltii‘i’ ti ilt“~l(t‘ t'i‘tttrtt'
l.i.'2.t|iL\ ’tf. tliii\it'.\ ttlu'
l’t'atikeizsfetit :s one or the tlQ‘lltllli
sirattons sure to spark ttthllt‘llt't‘ at
teiztiolt The ladder is a deuce ’lia'
begins with currents :‘lotitnt: iron,
the bottont t'l‘t'dlltlL’. sparks or. 'ht
oa} tip in a ladder etlecl

\nother attraction 'ha'
shock the audience ts the \ander
graph generator. a deuce that
tzitises hair to stand on eiid while a
current shoots 'hrongh the bod}
The person. oi course, remains tin

The program “as once presented
lt} [K prolessor ltud} Scrtlls who
carried on a great tradition. Troland
said Since his death no one has car
ried on the tradition oi demonstrzt

'l'roland and Strale} took tt .tpon
'lteit‘tsel\'es to start a new tradition

This demonstration is tree and
open to the public




Cheerleaders were selected for the
1984-85 seasons. to find out who
made the squad. turn to SPORTS
page 1.

Spring lever is in the air and to see
how it is affecting the campus turn
to pages 4 and 5.

William Shakespeare‘s play "The
Comedy of Errors" has been up-
dated and opens tomorrow at the
(‘vuignol Theater. for more see FAN-
l‘ARl-l page 8t


Today will be sunny with a high in
the low to mid 605. Tonight will be
clear and cool with lows in the upper
303 to low 40s. Tomorrow will be
mostly sunny with a high in the mid
to upper 60:.





of ":‘t
minus ‘

'l‘he surtej. cttiiipilHl ht Joseph
B Ftigate. a protessor of inathenta'
iCs compares experiences ot
schools currentl} using a plllhrfilllilb
scale :‘tccordtng to the survey on
dergraduate grade point tits-rages
increased at totir schools. stayed the
same at three and decreased at only
one lllli\t'l‘\ll\

Nhools sttrieju-d iiiclttde littu-r
stl} ot l.ott1s\tlit- tihto State l'ntt'ev
sit_\ tiltio l iitu-i‘stt}_ l’ntvers'tt} o:
Missour; liittersit}. ol' Tennessee
\"andcrlitlt t'ntxerstt} l‘ntt'ersitj. or
North tarolina at i'hapel Hill and
Indiana l‘ntterstt}

plus] "la" plus. or



Right lane

”and \aici,
home tront stl1ool \cstctdtn

J liiic ..iits stipltoit


Independent Stnre i°7i Wednesday Apt. i



Undergraduate GPA Student: GPA above/equal B




Record keeping costs Student complaints


5 increases
3 same



il..t.'t;_‘v L‘I‘ttli-s .Kliv',


‘Cascade of thoughts’

Gateways to cities. war/(l artifacts, will he /

H) l.l\l S. K H) \H \
l-Ixecutne Editor
Haunond Belts. director oi the
Honors Program. has longed to
stud} the gtitewap oi cities \e\i
Spring he “ill have an opportunttj.
to spend a semester on research
without the ttmeconsttmtng iililltltt
ttoits oi teaching

Belts. also a professor ot lttstor}
recentl) was named t‘ollege ol .-\rts
& Sciences Distingutshed l’rolessor.
and already he has had a “cascade
of thoughts of subjects" he would
like to investigate

His ideas include the stud) ot
"great artilacts shunted back and
forth across the world" which he
would title "Loot End of Empire".
an examination of the anti-hero and
why historians often are smgled out
as failed individuals. and research
of the gateways of Cities

“I‘m very much interested in the
emblems of empires." said Belts.
who specializes in African colonial

His teaching

abilities and re

as v. ‘ l :- it'l‘-'\‘.t‘:"‘: Ht s ‘tit

zt. atteti
s'tll‘t'.".i_' ittt'.idtlt“ At t
:‘w'vtct../t-t: J.‘ ‘itw ll't\'ll.i..tll\ltt‘\'

l‘iolt'sso' \Liaiil timer} t‘Jt'lt kt... ' 't as t 'itit:.ttia‘1i'
s "w W43" ‘l" *l".\~'il‘ili \&>
this honor 'he highest lllil't" '\tt}otn .ww Tub
s witat‘ retocrii'wtn altered to the: . ‘-. ‘ Io hear htni ttsitirc ~
miss or .it campus oi coin
'iithl it'tilz/i‘ flui’ l’tt‘
l'tll\l.llltllllLZ scliol 1 .t tntlislitd sit'perlv
speaker .rtteresting
and t'lllltllt'tltlllfl,

ittatsed his l“.tt'l‘.lItL


tog" .s 'I‘sltMt-tl li\ \tll" iii ‘w.

'l ‘l’ti‘t‘i' t l'


lltl\.‘ ‘t'l‘ki vivii's
.ti'slnp anti st'l'\l\1' to the l’niterstt'x
and reads the award
panttthlt t sot
lion lielts e\t‘elled in all three
areas sat-t .lohn ('hrislopher. asso
ciatc that". oi .-\&.\‘ and chairman ot
llit‘ \Atlf'l‘ and Honors t'ontnttttee
‘Hes .teil respected and someone
uhtt o-‘et acts well utih students
[tei‘s reaction to the honor \ttis ti
contlttnatton oi thrill and modest)
"it's higlll} noble compam that l nt
in " he said “Hetts' interest iii his
tor) \tas inspired h} Robert H} rites,
.. European histor) professor at
Rutgersl lli\'t'i‘.\il}
Belts stitd lie recentl) C(tliipllr
mented Byrnes. saying. “He's the
person who converted me to histo

tiiiiisiialtj. e:


[it"lli‘wwm stii 1 one

llit' ltt‘ilt‘ltls of this honor \tl!‘ A“
told First there is the honor
ctatetl \tttlt tt' t'hrtstophet'

~\etond the recipient is gtxen ‘he

oppor'ttntt} to hate a semester oi
lt'.i\i- to do research and then pre
sent ti lecture on his research



ln tact. Betts plans to take a toe
week leave ot absence tn Spring 19%
to research iii l-‘rance his let'lut‘t'
topic. which probahl) will focus on
his specialty of imperialism and At
rtcan colonial histor) "I was inter
ested in French histori and encoun-
scc( \\( ADI . I‘thit‘ "


e may increase GPAs

Board of Trustees
approves donation
for endowed chair

tar! o/ professor '5 research while on year-long leat'e




2 - THE KENTUCKY KENNEL Wodnotday, April11,1m

Fun in the sun weekend planned
L ' the siin mix hr inland .it :ht .Scale

‘_ " .i , xii: F l‘\\ *e’ In:
W I i i ii t in ‘ Greek \‘w-g‘iieit' ‘ mu.

.. “when; iis iestnitiw trgnr iis
, ‘, -.. t. V : n
illLi' ~\ -- .1 Mklu‘tt pd”) JIM. «1.: u Letters that student diilii: ilesel‘u‘ .in 'A' in the
(mu a“ more kieknii ixirtxes .. tieei m tpl ( .
‘s‘ tie-






l‘,.i~: i 'ii.i\‘K lit‘ iilllllt‘l‘ ililil \l‘il‘t't‘ .l'lxi .i


pig: t i 'liethil‘k tl'l‘tdrli‘. .it the Sun Fun t'lnssie Fi'itLi) . H" “'5“ “”d m“ ”mm-r l‘” “mom" a! U , ‘ . . . _
m e"? it sponsored M l'i kiiiip‘i nternmii The Classic is the annual heer teeted "t'gilll‘t‘ll 1-‘ \t'lT- ‘mdl l . l [I WON/(7' he [)(Mslh/Ujul‘ (1_/UL ll/U' "lenlher [0 generate
\.;\t‘.i :i‘.itei‘iiit_\ and Alpha (idliillhl hl.ist held behind the Pike house A ticket ““1““ lm“““” " ““1”" ”1"”) ”I m I“

. P M f, m , m Mend Mimi mi the smile i\ .. mun- accurate and initialed use/ii! grading system (hat did not usea
in 'i s "\ "\ Y‘ix‘e s ‘4 i T‘ii st’m'. s,eut.‘”t i i‘. \,, ‘ ,, ,, ... N I” , . . . .
i t, s t 1 m it 'K'Z'Q‘l" ..i. Y a 'm‘, )2: Pith: Heueiie) “ill be the site «if a ‘lmrlmmm‘ "" 2" "1‘ 1‘" “Mi“ “1‘“ [)lllS-ININUS .L'I‘tldlllk’ \(‘t‘7/(i‘ . . . ()r Ihé’SCU/é’ (I’lllla’ed by

' x !" i‘ii‘ ire ii - Mm at: iiid 'et hi ’hei‘
~"" '3‘“ » '- 'W wees 3-..itix llt dinner and lellCt' nil X.“ it ‘ “ t t 'i t i is is

i“ _ ‘ y g ”(1%; J.“ .W ; 1W”, ..:...\i m. hmmlwlli Wmm grades _/ut'u/{_1'/ may HUI be u) p/‘ec‘lw as H) use I! (plus-minus









‘ ‘ ' H .. \‘WH WW V u. “H” H “and The slll'\ii\ uiiliinres mm the number tll SUI/U} ..
w .. .‘l ii it i. i i t i- t M . ‘.‘ ‘ .
" ' l ‘ ' c M u " t‘i'x '\l\"il\' \klll he held likii‘i ‘mdt'm‘ m In“ 7‘ ““WL'UH ”KH'JSH’ "3
A i'.’ .-.s . . ii a, .i.t.. V , 7’ ‘.
r' ' - ' i v ' ~ ' x ‘ ”(i-i ”-1" i' lilt‘ ll" t'iLst'iiliiie illl‘t't' silliwis 'i‘l' wilt"! ”it \iJlt ill llllm
R '.‘i '. u» KL"‘ -.. b ‘.i Al t. .H .- ‘ ‘ "I." ‘ '
t ' \\ ‘. ’i l’_z'Ti‘!\nZ (“iii t“ .iflii \.il'l\".L\ .li‘ll\‘.l:t*\ \Hl: ll “ndlhkhdfm'ld‘ "’ A N ' "‘\ ‘iil'k 'l\ ‘4ndreu. (lrlmes,
\ "-i me" i' H " t n a”: [his free eieiii is open 1., iiieiizliei‘s h “m 1" “' ,\ “““" " ‘ l" ‘1 ' ‘- ‘ , ‘ ‘_
\ ‘ ‘ i~ . i‘ ~ = \ 'm mummix ”W “'mlh" MW? 1"“ we ~' ii“! L‘W’“ pru/eunro/ management andcoumil member
\,' .n M .ii i v'niexzeii i't. ii_ V , M , .
i“ - - ‘ ' ‘ 't "" i 1314“" ~ ‘ ‘ '~ I?!» is a wry LNbllAt‘liiiiltlt'ti exen' “L‘L‘L‘L‘t”
‘v’ ‘ t “‘t ““3" ,: 7 -"’ 3" 37“}‘1’111 1“ \l‘l't‘dxi fiixki‘nli tit ‘ \1tl:.~ii;;!i '.'i. “in ': iiihw‘il in the >ei'.
A _ ‘ >£ . “N . , . ‘ Hm,,_wn\d1_i ! A” A . N i Whitmwh, it h m
“ I \ , i iii. Y» ‘tr "sum? “ "mi if)" \lhlt‘tltul -'“ number at >‘lil\iill'l|'7'~ .w::- ”i is inn: \\.i.\ till tor tin A plus. it we keep it at a
. v l ~
~ " 7“ ‘ " ”\“\l”\“““ l“ ‘ tile pleted to .»\ltenkireh said "But I lost that argu-
' " -r= . t V . "It \wuld he lil\\llllt‘ z»: .i Lu L.l"~ men. :rient
‘ 4‘ 7‘ \ ‘ e “NW” N “M lX’I‘ [U plt‘ilt‘i'ule iiihl i!111;.i'~' ii imt'lu. L‘i‘iiillliL’ .
iiitis :v' slant :1. iii. mi i th t d ‘ , v v l y I l: .iii .\ plus \ioiild be instituted. the
s 5 (L . t.';1i‘l:« :‘,~ .lm'. > i'. l _ ,
i'i‘l inter“. ‘i'\\ ii! ml '81”, | ‘ a ‘Y' ‘, 3. A, “\ ‘lllilllH points \uiuld need to be raised to 4 3.
' ‘ ‘ ' 1 .‘;i ‘. "i‘es \illli M '..e w i :e :.i.i ‘ __ . H M
i , fill“ ( I ' H V . ' he \(llil .\ltenkireh said ullllfli‘nlll} across
. .-.. - " -' e1. ' i igi ’ '_‘..' s. _
\.l\i.t .\ m. i ties .i‘ i, lIl ii m iii A \t p etisi is ill . 'he ”mm D the ohieetive m retaining, the
hunt tllitj em. .i r. ,i-r: semi he litis .i "It )iiii duiit llii‘.l‘ 1,2. ;"t\ .su '4 write -

H i , .. . ~._ , .. ,. l,‘ *it‘lllllil
sisteii, ;i, ("LUIM‘ utiiei eiinniil he uiiiiigtnhme it‘.i,\l-\_uh1.’\- i . mu» its,

Lull'k‘ti ii‘! ,~. phi: mantis \(illi‘ Hriiner- .il tied in grunt: those gums \ li'llhlft'l, l'tie questions in him and uhen such a
mus s'uiiems 1w . tun ir‘nin si\ wrk llllll> \dlli \t’iilt‘ \till he iinpleiiientul “Ill be dlSCUSbt‘d
“haeh lire gm led iv A \i'lfldt'llii'j» llllS‘lllN The possible Elli'llbl‘h‘ .~ :7 \ i‘nh‘ it. the .it the Sethilt‘ meeting later this month Al-

iiik'ltll'K imsis ‘i".:xit’\ e .i.\.\lL‘.llt'(i hi the >L‘.llt‘ is still under ilt'lil't‘ ' ".v‘ t'l'lllit'li l ’eiikirehsiiid




Television instruction
offered for the Fall

lh l l\li\|ll’\lil{l( Ks

\Yiiff “'"i'l

\‘i;‘ s' i s s ,r-.« tii.i’ 'he .in-i'iiue person \htlt'ht‘S tele-
“' ' "1' ii,"\ :.\IN'».

I is .rmium ',iv.\e‘.t'l’ .i.ire.ises ior some ['K stu

" . 'li'lii‘llll‘. i'llul'si's iiii‘ t‘IilleL‘ecredii

i -‘: ;i- Hm: 'ni IlZL‘lI ’he [\i‘nl'lfi dull Weekend t‘ol

SWEATERS. sponrcons

I‘ » gkis’ l.... wt: persons .wi'e enrolled in teler
xii \niliett \\illi;inis tili‘t‘t‘ltii’ of

Kim? a l- in. n: Ill s reriet is ‘1 toiiihiiiiitiiin or tradi
,. 'iv e - :i drinker...) students Adults that work
1:: '- "v rim an in classes iii night dild students

. EACH l '. H'- _.:~ses ‘wi'iiitiplele{iieir’st‘llwltllt'>

» , misses Mir eredit :n-rv- tirst nth-red nearl}
.‘.Y"1"»i.y’\ 1b“

2 PC SU'TS T". ».- i. Inl>li ,, the ilM' n; l'\’ euurses il‘kldll in Felll


i J‘ " us: in. ii limited hiisis and not in an or-

‘.l‘.ti‘ th.i: Tilln‘ \H' hin'e added more
R I» t ism: ilulfsow I’v‘tillit‘ Ylt‘t‘llluls “till the instrut
. ». .. L;i: i- -irm'ei iwxiliilit}. he Milli The)
-:i r: i i {l\1Iit'll‘..tliiil.'i&‘i'illl‘\dllll‘llnl('
. EACH : t 1;». w'm the iriiiiiexwrk u: these courses. It ti

i es I.‘ .1: win .\.xf‘\'l‘ill‘.L' tele\is.iin, thei: I would

lit in w HIM-l. :i1 these eldsses himevei‘

SH'RTS ' ‘ wi' swt' s u pith iii) «in \Lstml ques. he should
y PERFECTION. FOLDED it gel 1.. .' - \tliiplt'liit‘llid. E‘t'.itllil}.‘>, extins
OR ON HANGERS ~33 ‘i" ‘1 iif'=':r‘.iiii~ .irr 'he eiiinixinents oi the teler

x mu COUIMEIA F‘i(YUHESIN(uisvm£§ lN( \



.; “in...“ \,
























:iw' .\ '.' the-.i Tm’l'llt’i’ll‘ Jppi‘tl\ll!llilf’l'\ NH
.,s grmies .ire t'ttlllpdi‘dldt‘ to
_‘ i‘KlF‘l“ uttered this hill mll lilL‘ludt‘
, I "r Hum _i~'s w... he h'widedst H‘.('Y' lil‘d: televisiiin
' ' '- .Lt'lfl .\'2. he i‘l‘httitdFilll‘ sewn enurs‘es and
a < ‘ "» tr lm-t 'iiivi‘i- u: l,e\.ni:tui. will lt‘l(‘1'd.\l .ill pro
.\ y. ., .
\. ‘ O
. ~ 0 ‘ Zriw- ‘s ll ril'lt’l't‘it'e il‘l‘kt‘t‘ll re isteriii tor these
VIP-MOPS 'SPORTSWEMK CT»... . ,~ * . i i i g g

,. ' - '. sit-r :ni discussion dilli to iisk an}

- l X l 1' ifs. A. .i

m FALD'NF _ :10” EACH Til-isi‘-'i,\1~'i'- W1 in 'Y'dli'11)]1‘11i‘i‘15§(|>
.».- . "i-‘;:.‘.'iti,~‘.' ‘ Classes \Ut'l. in lll> Wit and 109‘
"\H‘li' «it will M seen .ii the learning (‘eiir
ALL NRCHANDlSE ORDERED M! ii 'emiist .lll’i \iislies to make it
Misses .i'i: registering Ilil' traditional Classes The
DAYS ONLY! CASH oncr.’ Mo 04205;:


‘dl'ttlli illt‘lf“is\1gnnuin[_\
9 3”" " 7“? "' ‘r w mine instriit‘tiin ‘m. :idiised m
5 fo r 3 1 . “:>-L H \[lt‘(, ‘1, "Tim" 'vif‘l“1r\Q- ”it k.ld>\ ‘00!“ llkt‘ it
is‘. 'm \tll 1w" 1’»? \g'l 15.1 Ala} l“; -\i.\tl. Uppt‘l' l(’\e‘l
" Z w” " ~“'"’ ‘H‘t'H’nii'tf and stored dl the
A F EAR°SQ9RTING cabs .. .. .
" "' ‘7"'”'"""‘L" ' iYYtti‘i‘s .ii‘e listed ii: the 1984 Hill


,m:_;_i tum»;


E L5

'44.th ”(J

vMES “L34 ‘0‘». 1




‘ Janna “- v-J' wits
EASKI'BAM-m; ~;’,


my“ 1 NA“.

. ~ . e. _ ‘ DOWN TOA SCIENCE
[Jr/“Slit . ”fl“ 3‘ ~   :t f' ._ ,, . 1,

x "‘ . " 1' t 1‘ :il',‘ :‘- .i’ 2w 'LW‘W
\ Human-i ‘


:T .‘i‘t i'kk ‘~_=i «tin




remit e's‘ nix it’ll} styles
V _mu '1. :i(l'llll‘7 mm“. Ml“! fl (We
3 ‘. _ ,i ‘ i -. , t. I t :4; U WA ,‘
Yuk-run ' ‘i ~ ‘ ‘ .

-Ilou.cu”\ .



Mimi yLlil' that!
-' ; ' i' ill'ill’w' l\rtl\ "iitile


o ,


1' itiilflii't'HH‘t Atitltietvtitit


. ' H ‘b' e . ' .. ; V io-i I
“ .~ .' ‘ .n' w. _ ‘ i ‘ : TEX.
W-TImQ-thg- a... m ,. l .l ,t M e» " x . ~ ‘ REDI 57 “ms place hnn tntl'. on

\i\‘l \j«l"

; ”tn

Nicklaus optimistic

A5 Masters up/tmuc'hes. Golden bear Ito/217111 fur \m/z Ill/é”

.\l'(;t SH 1.»:
Mt'klutts {hints 1..


Tllt‘Hlllplt‘ :w -t
the .‘\UL‘.U.“'.1 \..’

"H I dldt‘.’ ‘l.’
pvtltlw. n l 1 i:
chnnw to uh, I
mg." ~\nd \u'klmp
has \‘Olllpllt‘tl a tum-v:
golt's major monk 't'
unmatched, nu: tr.

Tilt‘ (itlltlt‘ll lint! Hm."
tn‘e \lttslt‘h \n-tu-rzw
collection at 17 .".l.t';'-' i" w
tltlos Hts lmt \Im‘v:
came m 1973 In to Man
however hos lbw-t: smut:
third on another tunqm
missed a plnwtt m ‘: ”two

He came (low .1. WW
very close to .utdmg <21} A,
major title But lu‘ "Hr-wt!
harel) Hl> lust onnmt ‘.‘t"”‘.
came m the Mt: (‘uiunmi \nn h'l‘l

[OH Hill“ 'I 1‘»?
\l’lt li\l \Kll l \

ml H’\H \ I

le’l RH \(l

fin") \u hl.1;l>
' :2 the WH.’ I ,\ ”pm. '.:j~
”w: front llh artist» !_\ l'wtt.
'~ t'.~ mummy ('i‘dprll‘t tltr‘dn- v
W I"?‘. mile at l’t'hltle‘ Btuxt‘l‘t
'..1<_l it «tmnu- In \Hl‘t twill "~-
‘ezi Honda and BA} Hall t‘l.l\>n~
w: tnmhwf wound and tnth "r
h-lt unt- ~trnk¢~ short or ginnnu to
.- Axum? tor the 19m ('nnudmn Hg»:
yanmpnrnshxp the one lug nth- tl1.x'
vth'd htn‘.
tn‘mtm'ed u lustrround chullenu
' ‘.\tx\ Ullt‘ stroke short nt t‘dltl’
ltd Sutton tor the IBM i‘l.\
nah second 1n the 198.1. “mud N-
." m .11 (Ml!
“d5 1n position to out the 184M
1 m \nm-lcs Upon hut t'nnshvd thmi
uxht-r‘ thud lidxmrds shot a clown;
«1 .Ind
»\.x\ the Ht‘llnl ot Tom Ktuw
Juan: rush and tnnshod M‘t'tmd ;:‘
"1.» 11m Dom] t men

1:: short. he‘s done eventhlng hut

"that's the one thing lacking :11

he preparatlons. \K‘klalb said tx-
torn- n pretence session at the Angus

(.xlv \qun’w'nil temp“
"th'H! '.t- . :‘m '

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Cheerleading squad selected:
five new members for ”84-85

I'.- [minl \\l Vi!!! v t it

\~,' . W.



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Carry out Sm Coke


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4 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEI. Wodnoodny,April11,1m










LKD offers campus alternative to the Derby

B)P\l'l\tilt\\1t :
NLHY \\ Y‘th'

l‘hUSt‘ w "2- 2 -
l‘ct‘tiy “ms

.‘ie 'ie\i tics

The .‘Stl‘

Lh'i‘tiy y"22

- a sis \ .

.2 ‘.2‘. puff t'> ' " "



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Cramming is not the best answer to finals

lh ll\\ ll‘ly‘ 'i"\"‘

* MISS \l’ltlL

'.‘l 7')








"w J", i‘oiiiiizons 2

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iii’t22i,2.2 i
2 .- .upil‘nk m ‘l'\9‘rllll"( ‘hr :- "twirling ‘ m‘pr‘vx I I h l -.
rum”... 2:22... in HIIt-t. In“ «in \.tHI \. “|.\|H". Hi‘vt‘t\\!-
l'tttiiiif‘HM wisiHH ~Ith tall lttlili. ”HUI HHWHt‘. ltl\\ii
\\ll llll tll‘l‘l't\‘v\l \l l” ”l' Kl\ll"\\ li-titi tiitlny fur flu- “I \l'l" '
(mum .2 2' ' i’l‘ol\lt\s liini'il ¢\ilii~iu-l\ .it 2'20 p.1ll.. MIN. 2 J” I’
“I \l‘ l ‘l It
l'iv l/"ll «lillo'r’tinn til line-Inn“.
'-————__3 -.-
455 EASTERN l .. s9
.ev PASS l v a
SHOPPE 9% l “DI '0- ,, M m
O ‘Q I
FttCHMONr i’v'
KEN’UC" ‘l‘l‘l‘jfi

' The (‘nllege Shop
A nausea or me “armour





-Tod-ynndtomonow, suidonnmny yum-tomomfovtho
"Milt" of their choice in the LKD roydty w

°Todny1romahoui103m ioZp.m., “UKMMW-w
film-QTWO Park downtown.

'Tonigh!at8,tho LKD Sptmhwillbohddnllnlvonflyl’oolwhon
am my "um um watch the undomm W, ”Th. Deep."

‘ Tomorrow the Conn-Ono, Donovm .Id In. Mm W. m
M Mother: to SDOIJHI dinners ya! lo I). W

' Friday night nvovmgoars can no ”Th0 Oman” it 7:” M iii. WM

Theater for the special price 0101.25.

0 Competition begins Saturday at 9 un. with tho LKD him no... fol-
lowed by the imtrace iugo war, frisboo throw and tho buloon moo.
-Bandpartiaa iobeptmmuionuormcum,8anhmnndu

as. Goodbarn on Saturday

\K'll'slldll. lkl-i .. ' ’ ' ' s

\(‘tlii‘ls _ i‘ r" '-; 's


m [it l ,- '2. e

Name "25:. ‘7/¢14.;'/ 41¢ ’
eigft5’-v‘v>? ;"‘

BiMcate IL ”4 5 ' 2r“.


82"”: au— 1‘45;

Goes ”yawn: WV”,

Tarn {Jr‘s 4;;
Tulr“ (M’s q :11“?(I'1“'

Favciite Mama» rr -'-r‘§l;1
Favov te 32ch
3; ~Crc "
Favorite TV 3" ,w
2111/ Arr/((107.2 /:
Secret Drearr :
4:44.725 .‘ , . '2:

‘ n
2611.27 2415.?

l'hnim in
II“ ~hnli r










at 9 am with the LKD bike
"aces The women‘s Debutante
Stakes. six miles. will start things
on followed by the men's Bluegrass


peatedly until he reached the door
o: the examination room

Baker said the student then "tore
ii' the 2aid threw it in the waste»
hasket . walked right Ill. picked up a
2opy ot the main. sat down and co-
pied all the iorniulas he d menr
2il‘1/t‘tlt‘lillll down iii the margins ‘

'l‘li' ilttltlt cheat. Baker said
‘l‘hat's 2i pertectly tair way to do

ltakei‘ said taking the test can be
as challenging as learning the infor
:iiatioii itselt lle ottered advice on

head over the whole damn test.
fie said \iste!‘ the easy ones
mist liont change your answer.
iirst hunch is your best one
:in1ess you re penalized always
it you dottt know

\I' 2‘2
Lllt'ss ttlt’ tit suit

ll“ reading inu tipie choice ques-
he said you 2an almost at
ways he sure that tne e\!renie an
thrown out
.iilto natically


swet's can he
\iiytiine you t'tll2 across a
‘ttll‘n’lll‘ig‘ alternatiye.
"Jim 22211:!

Watch out tor the true stateiiieizt

Stakes 12 miles. and the Marathon
Stakes. 15 miles

Team members will dmde laps in
the each race. excluding the Mar
athon Stakes. All races will be held
at Commonwealth Stadium

Deadline for entry is tomorrow at
-t pm. Entry fees of $10 per team
and $5 per entrant in the Marathon
Stakes must be paid to 303 Student
Center or Farmllouse fraternity
First~ through third-place tinishers
and winning teams will receiye tro

The LKI) toot race. tive kilome»
ters. will be run Saturday at t: .to
p m. at the same location .-\n entry
fee of $5 must he paid to NAB by to-
morrow and trophies will be
awarded to the top three tinishers ot
each age division. male and teiiiale

Each contestant will recene a T
The ES t‘amdharn held will he

the location of seyeral eients begin-
ning at 9 a m . including a tlea mar
ket, tugo-w'ar, l-‘rishw contest and

announcement of the Royalty win-
iier A rugby tournament also will
be going on thrOughout the af-
ternoon along with an arts show that
will feature color photographs for

Lush Pile and the Carpets. and
the Breedings Bunch will provide
music from 2 to 5 p m and 16 to 30
hot air balloons will lift off at 5 p m
for the Hound and Hare race

This is the eighth year for the bal-
loon race which has “always been
one of the highlights." said Nancy
Froning, hot air balloon race chaira
woman The winner receives a CH”
culating trophy

Band parties also will be held on
North and South c mpus court-
yards Nervous Melvin and the Mis-
takes will perform on North (‘ampus
while the l'sual Suspects rock South
campus Food will also be served in
a luau-type atmosphere

it weather does not permit events
not completed Saturday will be post
poned until Sunday V Ellegood said

rush, expert says

autoiiiatii 2tll\
Baker cautioned

and the one word that
makes it false."

lt these types ot iiies'. ons an
troublesome he suggestml eliisznat
ing the negatiye the -n det l' t::'._ which


{hit 3' 's 'ta'

ot the three statements is '2-
statement that
correct answer

l-‘or example It 22 'lt2t‘\'lli' states
"The t‘ivil war ‘ '




“21‘ ,.

l‘). H change ‘ ‘2 ”it i '.\
\Kar w as influenced 2’!) lit“
select the three 'i‘tt2s "1.2' '

t'luenced the (‘iyil 'y‘iai' 22:;2: ".r .21:
alternatiye is the .tll>'2\v"‘

While oliiectne
words and phrases to 'i ggei' 'ti2
memory essay t'\22tits re} 2i: 2,
recall Again Baker
students read oier tn. t'l 7.:2v 'est
make sure they look 22' 'l‘a
the page tor addit;2i:;22
and w rite thi- easiest

‘Portioii you: tirixw .2:: 2.; 2".»-
questions and allow ';::22- t2: .2 pi.-
iiniinary suryey 22.";2l .i :e‘ i ‘2‘ 2'2-

Ii'si‘s 2"! 1.1.




end And that reyiev .s i2 l‘. iipo

tatitf he said "lloif' eyei tint, 2t‘.
an essay e\2'it‘2‘.it‘22it2ot'i _it‘:2i-s~ ‘2; ye
s‘oiie t‘\i‘t‘ ,._ to Ztlaki \zii wfa

_\tlll \ t‘ \\ l'ltlt’ll lll.tl\t’\ \t‘ll‘t

He also suggested using an outline
tor essay tests and copying it down

trozii memory. ot course in the
’i‘sl lllal‘flllb
t'ross-references, such as "see

question three are
\ ieteran ot grading essays.
Baker recommended that "it you
.‘122‘.t' to (“.‘ltltldlt' a point of view
state that point ot \‘lt‘\\ so that the
:i2structor tan see you really know
"12 suhiect lton't just write some
and try to hlutt the iii-

permitted if

.il.ld “UT

lie chastised students who use ”117
croscopic or sloppy handwriting that
2r2- hard to read He warned stu-
dent s to Use appropriate words and
'22 watch spelling It either is incor
i‘ect he said those mistakes cast
ton!” on the crediliility ot the rest of

'tie 'es’

Finally Baker suggested getting a
good izigii‘ s sleep hetore an exam
so ’hat The be mentally
\ylien handed the test. he ini-

liont panic And tor tlod's
l' s {do end ti! on

nind will

\2zhi ."t‘..i‘. Yllll


Several campus departments assist
seniors enroute to graduation day

Byt \\ l l- BUDNER

You re going to be a senior next
l'all You have your graduation gifts
lined up. your senior trip planned.
and Job interviews loom on the ht‘l‘l'
[on with brilliant promise

Not to rum your dreams ot a
bright tuture. but remember that

statistics course you thought you
cool d by pass because you had high
school calculus" \yrong Many stu-
dents dritt through their college
years more concerned with the date
oi the next beer blast than with t'ul

titling all ot their college and mayor
requirements only to tind their
walk toward the diploma hindered
by a semester or two

Donald Sands. yice chancellor of
academic affairs. said it is easy for
students to overlook a college or de-
partment requtre tent. such as the



- HUauER‘E)
40% 0??


You trEiJEs/E rr. 9 Wait,
HERE AT THE FKO 551‘ mm \y/E



”’1! 5 really a shame
that 1'! takes slur/ems
fouryears Io red/1w
[her he neglected a
course . .

4nnelle (imi‘tin
~orrect numbti ot hours oi 2 speczai
course they need
' 2-\d\isers otten il\k't'2t~‘l\
qmrements also so a student
read the catalog to he stll'i' 'liex
completing these l't‘qtltt't .‘t‘.i't"~ 322.
Annelle (loodin an adnzi': st'
assistant in the (‘ollege 2‘: \its a
Sciences dean s ot'tice goes ttiioug'i
seniors‘ tiles to 2'Ti2th'

’fa‘sr {i




ll‘it \


have tultilled all in.
to graduate





THiNa You Ni t 0
‘CJTIZAh/ le)


it s ieahy a shame that it takes

s’iidents tour years to realize
iey ye iie g'2e2 ted a tourse and that
:22 2 may not be able to graduate as
scneduled. shesaid

tioodiii said A&> requires to hours
22' oi ahoie juttlttl‘ teyel for a bache
at: of arts degree. but most students
do not realize this She recommends
222: plan sheets during the tumor
ye ai ‘ iegardless ot what an advis-
2" might tell you. ' so that if some»
thing is missing it can be made up
oetore graduation Physical educa
'zor. service courses one hour
do not apply toward a stu-

dent ‘s mayor. she said
"the most practical advice I
mold git e to a student would be for
that student to read and reread the
catalog. ' Goodin said "It a student
dis2-oyers that he or she has missed
\‘c l NR()l IL. pagc ‘

The Kentucky K ornol,
2 10 Journalism
Building, University of
Kentucky, Lexington,
Ky. 40506-0042, 600-
25 7-287 1, is published
class days during the
academic your and
weekly during the
summer session. Third
class postage paid at
Lexington, Ky. 4051 1.
Subscription min: $30
per your, $15 per
semester mailed. 7710
Kentucky Kernel is
printed by Scrim-
Howard Web
Company, 413
Louisvillo Air Park,
Louisville, Kentucky

2" 'lil‘st‘.s








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THF kiNflJCflV KERNEL Wedneedey,“ 11, 1m.§





0 En ro u te
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Al'lli‘fl 'r'lt‘r , t"'v.’ 11.”, If ai/lt— '4, “Ply all?
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them gradmm a ,.u. ~. In '. lv‘" ' .'~' “Hy .'. Vnh hunting Wk
can 718‘" "t A'.r Au'rt“ "I ’rt‘lp a \ludt‘lfl
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’l‘ho- Ht». «JV-run! .34. .3 ;; x '- . AA ' r' ‘r ,wnr go in in»
urmw your rer‘urgrmh 3:12, .640 [u ' r’ ' f wwLL In!» Alu'tr'd H?
help should m ‘ H g .m ’i'Ut‘L) J!
U all 1: )4n'r- ,,f: 'x‘ ’12 um. I H r ' ,l . ' w-rm-VH Dunn“
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