xt7x0k26f171 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26f171/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-04-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 2000 2000 2000-04-17 2020 true xt7x0k26f171 section xt7x0k26f171 LEFI OF CENTER

Do your share

For cleaner

Ride the bus! LexTran
runs from 6 am. to i
am on weekdays
and Saturdays. and
the cost is only 80
cents per trip.
Discount passes are
also available.
Sharing a ride is also
a good idea.

Slow down! Driving
55mph instead of 65
reduces pollution by
10 percent.

Conserve electricity by
setting your home air
conditioner at a
higher temperature.

Refuel vehicles after

Do not “top off" your
gas tank, and make
sure you tighten the
gas cap securely.

Also, be careful not to
spill fuel when
refueling and use
only approved
containers for

Avoid driving during
peak hours (7-9 am.
and 4-6 pm.)

Combine errands, to
reduce trips. Only
take trips that are

Walk or ride your bike,
whenever possible

Avoid using gasoline-
powered lawn

Don't use starter fluid
when grilling

Besides using
paints and cleaning
products, use
cleaning products
and garden chemicals
to a minimum, to
avoid as much
evaporation as

Keep automobile, lawn
mower, tractor and
boat engines
properly maintained.
as well as keeping
automobile tires
properly inflated.

Avoid idling your vehicle,
and go inside instead
of using the drive
through window

Buy a car that uses
alternative fuel

Stop by any 585 Tire
location in Lexington
and have your gas
cap checked. If yours
is not sealing
properly, it will be
replaced for you.

-Source: ihe Lexington
Bluegrass Mobility

Compiled by. Sarah Weir

THE 411


5.5 4.6

Partly sunny or partly
cloudy - you choose.


VOL. 3105 ISSUE ”139


News tips?

Cali: 2574915 or write:


April 17, 2000


Planet Earth. Home to infinite biological interactions. To many, Earth Day is just a bunch
of ”tree-hugging hippie crap," to use a famous quote. But the fact remains: humans need

a home. Do we want to live in a piqsty, or paradise? Over the next few days, we'll

examine how humans treat their home, and the things we can do to keep it in top shape.

Stay posted. Earth Day is April 22.

By Becky Heisel

.\tr pollution \\'hen students hear that
phl‘ztse thev tltittk of cars spewtn; l’ottl
smelling fumes into the air and ittdusn'tes
billowing \llltlIyt‘ o 'ol' bl

They would be correct to tlttttk of those
examples. because car emissions and pow
er plants tspt-citieally coalburntngt are the
two of the worst air polluters.

"The more cars and factories you hate
the worse Iilt pollution is going to be.“
said llavtd (lore. grants and t'ottll.tt'! ad

|\\;» 't,

(li'IiI‘Ili‘II ‘llll 'l\'

ttttnisn‘ator wtth tlte Kentucky liiyisiott of

.\it‘ (Quality. (lore blames today's high pop
ttlzttion. which l't‘tllill't".\ more atttotttoltiles
and power plants to :enet'ate ntot“' elec

'l‘ouethei'. cars and coal power plants
pttt carbon ntonoside. formaldehyde. ltett
/ette. nitrogen dioside. and sulfur (IIH\IlII‘\
and other pollutants tnto the :lllllti\[)Ilt‘l‘t‘.
There, the cltenttcztls can form .tcttl l‘.’llll
and stttozt til‘ tattse st'l'ltill\ health cotttli

The pollutants also litttit \istbtltty tit

areas that lta\e Ilt‘:l\'_\ conceittrations of


l-Inttssion pollutants l‘totn cars ot‘tgt
nate tn the gasoline. and are either to
leased when the guts evaporates ot‘ [i.l\\t'\
through the ett.‘ine as ttttbttt‘ttetl fuel. ac
cording to the litt\ ll‘til.lllt‘lll.iI Protection
Agency s web site.

I.lI‘.t'\\ tse, pollutants lt'ont potter pl .
cotne ttont tlte luel burnt tl. ltkt toil
least-d item the \ntokeststcks rIlll'lll.i .-.
Il‘lt tt\ production. the pollutants are tltett
Iii I‘ III Ill” tili', «WI II\ IIll' ‘\'\IIIII\ Ill III' .iI
iiittsithei‘t- lite I'll‘Ilt'\ \JlltI

.\t-cot‘iltttr Io tltelllltt't ol \n .tnd It ItIl
:utott III the l”!‘ \. In pt lt‘t ttt ot «llIIlll' :lto\.
:‘ , lttl‘tltlfitlil’tt in unit
lil'tilillt etl lv'. vim it it ll't plants. film It Inn n
Itl\\lI Itlt I ItI’ «lull II III ”I iIl" ‘I‘llt I tit II

. , , ..l

'\t tint Multt , It,.tt
i. . . t 1-,. M.

St‘t‘ AIR HI? 2


Know the facts


Toxic air pehtaets

increased chances of cancer, damage to
the immune system, neurological and repro-
ductive affects such as reduced fertility and
birth defects. Developmental and respiratory
problems. Can disturb the hormonal system.
leading to such problems as breast cancer.

Carbea neaexide

A gas from such pollutants as car exhaust
Reduced oxygen delivery to the body,
affecting the organs and tissues. Especially
hard on people with cardiovascular diseases.
Decreased eyesight, mobility to work and
move, poor learning ability and inability to
Wm hard jobs all can result from exposure
too. .

iliregea ladle

Agaslrorasuchpoliutantsas carsand
pendants .

irritation of the respiratory system and
increased pesslillity of infections such as
influenza. Conthued exposure to it may cause
increased acute respiratory diseases in chil-

earehegeaa from ear exhaust

Sclerdfla know benzene causes cancer in
humans, while formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, 1,
3m and diesel particulate matter are
probable human carcinogens.

In men I KERNEL 5”"

The future is here

, the iionda‘inslght uses cutting-edge technolo-
gy to travel 70 miles on one gallon of gas.


Day at the

Pat Day on
the verge of a

1/ /.kykerel.om


Students protest
in Washington


They are students. activists. college professors. laborers. {in
archists. Itigh scltool teachers. retirees attd legions of young
people learning the pleasures of protest dtscovercxl a generation
ago by tlteir parents.

Their backgrounds. ages and individual causes vary. but
what the demonstrators in Washington this weekend Itave in
conttttott is a sense that global capitalisttt is leaving too many
people behind.

"The one commonality is a feeling of anti-corporate cott-
trol." said one of them. Bill (,‘arey. a 16-year-old member of Unit
ed Steelworkers from Gary. Ind.

A busload of l‘K and 'l‘ransylvania University students travv
eled to Washington for the weekend protest. said Susan Roth. a
chemistry sophomore wlto knows several of UK students who
made the trip.

Roth was one of the 12 students arrested on April 4 alter oc-
cupyittg the .»\dministratlon buildittg iit protest of I'K's mem-
bership iii the Fair Labor Association aitd the sweatshop labor
that they claim the Fair Labor Association allows iii the facto
ries it monitors.

Roth said Luke Boyett, a sociology and history junior and
Stephanie Blessing. a sophomore. who were also arrested after
the occupation. are among the students in Washington. Roth
said the Washington International Monetary Fund protest is re-
lated to the protests by her attd the other l'K students. because
the IMF is an institution that allows for sweatshop conditions to
occur. she said,

'I‘housands roamed the streets through the weekend to
protest world financial policies people front all walks of life.
Matty talked of a growing awareness of financial concepts like
"structural adjustment“ and “transnational corporation '

They cited examples of global capitalism ruit amok in far»off
places like Bolivia. Indonesia attd Lesotho. with the privatiza-
tiott of water resources. buildittg of dams. speculative invest-
ment or harsh debtrepayment schedules.

Brenda Bolling. a i—i-icyt‘lll‘1JId retired teacher from the
Toronto area. said she's been upset about “structttral adjust
ment" ever since she learned about changes the international fi-
itattcial instituttons require of countries to obtain loans. Site
spent several years as a teacher itt lcsotho. a poor. Belgium-sin“
country ofll tttillton pmple that is sutroundtxi by South Africa.

“In order to pay their debts. countries have to cut funding
for tltittgs like education. the environment and health care." she
said. ttotittg tnany people in poor countries are hurt by the lev~
els ofdebt froitt IMF and World Bank loans.

.lessc l.emtsch. tit. a ltistory protes or from New York City.
said this is why he came to the rally: “I really oppose the hor<
rors of international capitalism."

l.emisch was active iit civil rights protests and other causes
iii the 1960s. aitd he's involved again because he wants to notify
the World Bank. the IMF and President (‘linton "that they can-
not get away with tltis monstrous behavior."

A different perspective came front 18-year-old Kim Cook. a
college student front Chicago.

“It‘s been exciting to see this many people pulling together
on one issue.” she said. as she locket] arms iii a street blockade.
“People need to have a say iit decisions that affect their lives."


Fraternities raise
funds, ignore barriers

By Shannon Morehead


The color of money was the only color two fraternities had
iit nttnd during a basketball game last 'l‘hursday.

Pi Kappa Alpha. a Panhcllettic fraternity. and the Kappa Al»
pha Psi. a Nubian fraternity. shot some hoops for the sake of
charity The Mozambique Flood Relief fund saw one dollar for
every point scored by the Kappas. The fraternity also donated
money frottt admissions aitd canned goods that cottld be used iit
place of the admission charge.

The Pikes won the game till-71. yet the real victory was the
money raised and food collected at the door. The Kappas raised
$71 from the points scored. $20 front admission and several cans
of food. said Ilcrek Johnson. a journalism junior and Kappa

This is the first time in a few years that a Nubian fraternity
Itas participated iii an event With a Panhellentc fraternity. mem
bers said. For some. the game was an effort to break dowtt barri-
ers that may have developed between the two associations.

”It is a way to bottd itt ttittty between black attd white fra-
ternities.” said Benjamcn Kasly. a kinesiology junior and Kappa

Breaking dowtt racial barriers between the two organiza
tions was ttot the ultimate goal. said members of Pi Kappa Al
pha. or Pikes They said that the Kappas simply invited them to
play aitd raise money for charity.

"Racism isn‘t an issue tn our fraternity and I don't think
that it is in theirs." said (‘haz Melinercik. an Pike undeclared

Easly echoed {\ielinercik‘s sentiments. agreeing that the is-
sue of race was not a concern to him and fellow Kappas.

The Pikes have attempted to work together wttIt a Nubian
fratemity before Last year they organized a football game with
a Nubian fraternity. but those plans fell by the w aysidc. said ele-
mentary education junior, Bernie Minnis.

The two fraternities see the basketball game as a start. they
said. with more opportunities to build bridges wait in the future.

“I would love to see all fraternitie l sororities participate
in all (lrt-ek functions." said Minnis. l‘ltere shouldn‘t be any

Members of both fraternities said the game was a big step
for Greek life at I'K. Fasly said this event was inst the start of
things to come tn the future.

“We are try mg to open a door We are all In fraternities and
sororities, so we are all brothers and ststers.” he said,





:g'l'he Low-down



I think
I’m going
to try to
do one
more film
as a swan
song and
then et
out. at

. will be it.”

- Paul haw-n
75. to David
Letterman on

. Thursday night’s

“Late Show."

l0,000 tail to stop finance meetings

WASHINGTON ~~ Bearing grievances about
the plight of poor countries and “decadence" of
the rich. thousands of marchers failed to stop
world finance leaders from meeting yesterday.
Police chief Charles Ramsey estimated that as
many as 10.000 demonstrators were on the
streets. Many were nonviolent. but one angry
confrontation occurred a few blocks from the
White House. Officers. some on motorcycles.
charged into the crowd in a park. fired tear gas
and pepper spray. Fellow protesters dragged
their colleagues away and demonstrator medic
teams washed eyes out with jugs of water.

Elian's fate in the hand of judges

MIAMI With Elian Gonzalez‘s fate before
federal judges. protesters prayed for divine help
yesterday as Easter week began. waving palm
fronds and posters of the Cuban boy and Jesus.
Rosaries and other tokens of religious devotion
draped the fence at the home where the 6-year-
old shipwreck survivor has been living with his
Miami relatives. The wait continued yesterday
for a response from a federal appeals court in At-
lanta. which issued a temporary injunction
Thursday blocking Elian from leaving the country.

Report: dead harvested for products

SANTA ANA. Calif. M Donated human re-
mains are processed into medical products that
generate hundreds of millions of dollars for U.S.
companies despite laws barring profit from body
parts. The Orange County Register reported yes-
terday. Although families are told the donations
are a gift of life. the paper found material har-
vested from the dead. fuels an industry that is ex-
pected to have $1 billion in revenues by 2003. The
National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 bans prof-
its from tissue sales. but companies are allowed
to charge reasonable fees to process the parts.
Many products derived from the dead are far
from lifesaving: cadaver skin may be used to puff
up lips or smooth out wrinkles. the paper said.

Buchanan blasts Bush's leadership

WASHINGTON w Under George W. Bush‘s
leadership. the Republican Party has surren-
dered the cultural soul of the nation and aban-
doned the American family. Pat Buchanan. the
party‘s most prominent deserter. said yesterday.
By refusing to rule out abortion advocates as po-
tential running mates. and by meeting with Re-


IIILE: It chil-
dren ruled the
world. Adam
Sandler and his
comedy movie
um. My"
would win the
top Oscars, and
rap artist/actor
Mill Smith
would add more
Grammys to his
collection. Both
won at the 13th
annual Kids'
Choice Awards
organized by
the Nickelodeon
cable channel.

Former Playboy
playmate and
MTV personality
McCarthy is
taking another
crack at net-
work television,
tapped to star
in an untitled
Fox comedy

publican homosexuals. Buchanan said, the pre-
sumed GOP presidential nominee is telling the
party not to stand on the principle that family is
all-important. Buchanan abandoned his quest for
the 2000 GOP presidential nomination in October
afier repeated poor showings in opinion polls.

Portugal nightclub stampede kills 7

LISBON. Portugal ‘— Two canisters believed
to contain pepper gas were set ofi‘ inside a crowd-
ed Lisbon nightclub yesterday just as the lights
were cut. causing a panicked stampede by hun-
dreds of people that left seven dead. Sixty others
were treated at a hospital for bruising and
breathing difficulties after the crush to escape
the fumes. No one claimed responsibility for
what appeared to be a planned attack. The attack
on the Luanda club came at about 4:30 am. local
time. Witness Carmo Paiva said the club had
four emergency exits but everyone bolted for the
narrow front entrance.

Report: PlayStation 2 could be weapon

TOKYO --— Japan‘s Trade Ministry will re
quire special permits to export Sony‘s PlaySta-
tion2 after labeling it as a device that can be
adapted for military use, the Mainichi newspa-
per reported yesterday. Parts of the machine re-
semble a small super computer in their ability to
process high quality images quickly — a charac-
teristic of missile guidance systems. according to
another newspaper. Asahi. Sony Spokesman
Kenichi Fukunaga confirmed that special export
regulations had been imposed on the game,
which is due to hit U.S. markets this fall.

Military drama tops box office

LOS ANGELES —— The military drama
“Rules of Engagement“ showed few signs of bat-
tle fatigue in its second weekend. remaining the
No. 1 movie with $10.9 million, according to stu-
dio estimates yesterday. The movie fended ofl“
newcomer “28 Days." starring Sandra Bullock as
a party girl ordered into rehab. which debuted in
second place with $10.4 million. Another new
film. “Keeping the Faith," premiered at No. 3
with $8.2 million.

Ballesteros leads Europe to victory

SUNNINGDALE. England — Seve Balles-
teros upset rival captain Colin Montgomerie yes-
terday to lead Europe past Britain-Ireland in the
new team golf event that bears his name. Europe
won 13 1/2 to 12 1/2 to capture the Seve Balles-
teros Trophy. Ballesteros beat the world’s No. 3
player in the first singles. Tied 8-8 entering the
singles. Europe won the tournament when Jose
Maria Olazabal of Spain beat Gary Orr of Scot-
land 2 and 1 in the ninth of the 10 matches.

Compiled tram wire reports.



Continued from page i

The good old days

This picture oi The Great Smog ol London in December I952 shows
downtown London at noon. Four thousand deaths were attributed to the
poisonous air with 4,000 additional fatalities due to related causes.

“Twenty or 30 years ago people living around power plants
were complaining about the ash coming out of the smoke
stacks,” said Marc Violette. spokesman for the New York At-
torney General‘s office, which is lobbying for cleaner air. “So
companies built massive smokestacks to put pollution farther
up in to the atmosphere instead of falling straight down."

But that hasn‘t really solved the problem — it just moved it
elsewhere. While in the atmosphere. emitted chemicals can re-
act with dangerous effects, the EPA said. Acid rain is one re-
sult of this combination. when sulfur dioxides and nitrogen.
oxides react with water. oxygen, and oxidants.

Acid rain causes many problems to humans and nature. It
can affect the respiratory system in the body and cause prema-
ture death. It also erodes statues and buildings.

In nature. acid rain raises the acidity level in bodies of wa-
ter. making them unlivable for fish and wildlife. It can also
damage trees at high elevations.

The main culprit form car exhaust is carbon monoxide. a
crlilorless odorless gas formed when the fuel is not burned com-
p etely.

The EPA Air and Radiation Office estimates that 60 per-
cent of all carbon monoxide nationwide comes from car ex-
haust emissions.

Unless the use of fossil fuels can be reduced, Gore said.
threats to air quality will always exist.


Lectune notes . exam PreparAtion . noveL notes

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Where to go when you need to know?”





xnruciiinn. I MONDAY. mun. 2000 l a


Midwest exporting

pollution downwind

Northeast states suing to protect against double punches of dirty air

BLBecky lieisel

The old saying "what goes
up must come down" has a
twist for Kentucky and 11 other
Midwest states , and the state
of New York is taking them to
court over it.

The Attorney General of
New York is suing 17 power
plants in the Midwest for pol-
luting their air. saying pollu-
tants emitted in the Midwest
are being carried right out of
that region by winds and de—
posited in the Northeast. where
New York lies.

“Even if we turned off
every power plant in New York.
did not run any cars, and
turned off all the lights. we
would still have a very serious
acid rain problem. This is be-
cause of the pollution from be-
yond our state lines." said Marc
Violette, spokesman for the
New York Attorney General.

Kentucky Power Company
plant Big Sandy. in Paintsville.
is one of the targets.

According to the New York
Times. this is the first time a
state has taken action against
individual companies with
power plants that send pollu-
tion across state lines.

Soon after New York‘s an-
nouncement of the suit. the En»
vironmental Protection Agency
issued an order to make 392

Midwest power plants curb
emissions. hoping to ease the
concentration of air pollution
in the Northeast.

The specific pollutant the
EPA wants reduced is nitrogen
oxide. one of the ingredients for
smog and acid rain.

Four states in the North-
east New York. Massachu-
setts. Connecticut. and Pennsyl-
vania are the main reasons
that the EPA has made this
regulatory move.

These states are complain-
ing that they are not able to
comply with federal smog stan—
dards because of the pollution
coming in from the Midwest

The states have targeted
the coal-fired power plants be-
cause they believe that the com
panies have made illegal im-
provements to the facilities that
increase their output of pollu-

“It‘s our belief that these 17
power plants violated the Clean
Air Act by undergoing exten-
sive renovation projects with-
out installing the proper clean
air technology." Violette said.

The Clean Air Act allows
utility companies to make
maintenance changes to a
plant. but not make changes
that would allow it to burn
more coal and produce more
electricity without adding the
proper pollution controls.

Kenbioky's pollution

Kentucky‘s power plants
ranked fourth in the nation last
year in emissions of nitrogen
oxides and eighth in sulfur diox-
ide. key contributors to smog and
acid rain. according to a report by
the US. Public Interest Research

Carmen Lopez. co-author of
the report released Thursday, said
most of the state's power plants
are older and don't have to meet
the same emission standards as
modern plants.

"All plants should be held to
the same standards," Lopez said.

The Tennessee Valley
Authority's Paradise plant in
Muhlenberg County ranked first in
the nation in nitrogen-oxide emis-
sions last year. It also pumped out
the second-largest amount of sul-
fur dioxides.

One LGSIE Energy Corp. facili-
ty. Kentucky Utilities’ Ghent plant
in Carroll County, ranked mm and
12th for emissions of nitrogen
oxides and carbon dioxide.

The report is the first to ana-
lyze t999 preliminary data the
industry provides to the federal
Environmental Protection Agency.
It looked at numbers for 594
power plants, including 22 in
Kentucky, Lopez said.

Source: Associated Press



Lexington's plan to combat ozone

By Becky Heisel

Stuck in traffic.

One of the fringe benefits of
modern urban living.

The massive amount of
cars on the road isn’t just a
menace to the sanity of drivers
though. It‘s a menace to the air
we breathe and the atmosphere
that protects us.

That's why Lexington has
an Ozone Alert Plan.

According to the Lexington
Bluegrass Mobility Office, the
Lexington area had 20 ozone in—
fractions of federal ozone stan-
dards in 1999.

While ozone is a naturally-
occuring gas that, high in the
atmosphere. filters the harmful
effects of the sun‘s ultraviolet
radiation, there is also bad
ozone that is harming us. ac-
cording to the Environmental
Protection Agency.

The EPA says bad ozone
causes a long list of health prob—

lems and environmental dam-
age. and Kentucky is suffering
from this problem. The state
meets every EPA federal air
quality standard. except for
one: ozone. which comes from
car exhaust pollutants. nitro-
gen oxides and volatile organic

David Gore. grants and con-
tract administrator with the
Kentucky’s Division of Air
Quality. said ozone. is not a
problem in sparsely populated

“If you take away internal
combustion engines in cars.
you will take away ozone.“
Gore said.

The Ozone Alert Program
has many parts to it to address
the problems of gas engines.

Citizens may have their
car's gas caps tested at 8&8
Tire to see if fumes are leaking
from it. said Bob Kennedy.
transportation planning man-
ager for Lexington. Faulty caps
will be replaced with leak-proof

caps for free.

On days when ozone levels
exceed federal standards. an
“ozone alert" is issued. a long-
range transportation plan to
cut down on automobile use
would be implemented.

”The first thing we will do
during an alert is release infor-
mation about what people can
do to promote clean air."
Kennedy said.

During the alert. public
transportation will be free to
promote bus use instead of cars.
Carpooling will also be encour-

People will be encouraged
to hold off on ozone-producing
activities until after dark. since
sunlight powers the chemical
reaction that forms bad ozone.

Since lawnmowers don't
have emission control equip-
ment. mowing grass around
dusk can help. Refueling cars
after 6 pm. will also curb the
chance that fumes will escape
and interact with the sunlight.





Save the planet- and lots of cash

By Becky Helsel

What if you could reduce
air pollution and drive 700
miles without a fill-up at the
same time? Not only is this
technology possible. it is avail—
able right here in Lexington.

Honda‘s Insight incorpo-
rates battery power with a gas

“Honda has been at the cut-
ting edge of environmental
technology for a long time."
said Tony Brusate. salesman at
Don Jacobs Honda.

The Insights engine. called
a gasoline-electric hybrid. will
run for 700 miles on a 10.6-gal—
lon gas tank.

But that's not the only
thing unconventional about
this car.

The main duty performed
by the electric engine is assist
ing the gas engine. for example.
during acceleration. While the
driver is braking. the energy
generated goes back to recharge
the battery, so that the battery
never needs an outside source
of power.

It also has an idle stop fea-

llonda's Insight more Earth friendly


ture. The engine stops when the
car. which only comes with a
manual transmission. idles in
neutral. The engine starts back
up when the driver pushes in
the clutch and puts the car into

“This car is the only one
completely embraced by the en-
vironmental agencies. It is the
first vehicle to ever win the
Sierra Club‘s ‘Award for Excel-
lence in Environmental Engi-
neering‘." Brusate said.

Other car companies plan
to follow suit. Toyota. for in-
stance, is currently testing the
Prius. also a hybrid car.

Other clean fuels are also
competing as new energy
sources. They include alcohols.
electricity. natural gas. and
propane and emit less pollu-
tants in the exhaust then gaso-
line does.

Unfortunately. the fuels are
currently expensive and not
well publicized. said Debbie
Adler, an environmental

For some. the benefits out-
weigh the expenses.

“I think that the price you
might pay for them is worth the
environment. since it is the fu-
ture." said Sara Kinney. chemv
istry sophomore.

The ozone layer

The ozone layer is made up ol Ionized oxygen
atoms These atoms serve to shield the Earth from
the sun 5 harmful rays. while allowrng those that are
beneticial to pass through The destruction of the
ozone layers by the burning of lossrl tuels and the
release ot chlorolluorocarbons Is thought to allow
harmtul radiation to pass through. resulting In a grad-
ual warming of the global climate.


. . 3.3m. =3". .
The flow
Winds that sweep
across the planet pick
up pollutants (bot-
tom) in the Midwest
and disperse them
across the world.
States in the North-
east are finding it dif-
ficult to meet clean
air standards when
their air is being
fouled from remote


Campus Ca en r ar

April 17 April 23 2000

The (ompus (alendar Is produced by the Office of Student Attivities. Registered Student 0r 5. and UK Depts (on submit Information for FREE

onlino ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY information Is to appear at http: Hm I!


(all 257- em for more information.

'Fienrh 6 9pm Blazer lounge 3 4- -8pm
Eng IOI 6 9 l5 Holmes Lounge 8 (ommons
'Math 69 HolmesElussroom

'Amnesty International, 7 30pm. Rm 278 Strident (tr
'Giote Bible Study, 7 30pm "3 Stud (ti
'SAB (onrert (omm 4pm, 703 Stud (tr

'Arrhiterture 530 Penre Hall


‘Kenipo Sell defense (Iub. 6 30pm. Alumni Gym loll
‘UK Water Slrl Team. Bpm. S( downstairs lobby

'Exhibrl Paintings by Ellis Wilson. UK Art Museum
"Spirit Dante at Metro 6 30pm, roll 25479790
'Voue Retrial A Jones 8pm SETA
'Trombone llerutol W kite 8pm MemorIalHall



‘MaxImIie Your Test Stores WoIlrshop.7 Ines

7 50pm fraiee Hall

‘OrientotIon for Internships and Shadowing IY-lpm III S(

Moth IOR 3 3 50 8 I23 4 4 50. 203 home Hall

'Eng IOI 6 9 ISpm. Holmes lounge 8. (ommons Ballroom
'SpanIsh. 57, Holmes lounge 8. 4B, Noggin (omputer lob
‘Histoiy IOB BIO? 2-4, Holmes lounge

'Histoiy I04 BIOS 6'Bpm, 306 (ommons
‘Physirs 7 9pm, Holmes Lounge
'Math 6 IOpm, (ommons 308A

‘Alpho Phi Omega 7 30pm 359 Student (ti
'TNT 730pm BoptIst Stud Union

'Rugby Prortire 5-7. (Iub Sports held
‘UK Baseball vs ll(, 6pm. Hogan field
‘Toe Kwoo do (Iub 6 JO-Bpm, Alum Gym loll
‘Mowes Prinress Mona Holt: 7 30 pm, Worshom Th
'Ull Symphony Bond, 8pm, SETA

"The Wounds of Words The Plight of Women In Emotionally Destrurtive
Relationships " 7pm. Ell SE


‘lEAP. II 50 Frazee Noll w.“

Orientation for Internship and Shadowing
2-3 pm III sr

History 108 BIOB 6 8pm Holmes lounge

Eng IOI, 6- 9 I5pm Holmes (lossroom 8 (ommons Ballroom
S nish, 5 7 Holmes (Iossroom & 4 3O 7 30 306 (ommons

'e( emIstiy 7I0prri. Hoggin(omputeilab

'Moth 6‘9pm.Hdg?Intounge
'Physus. B‘IOpm ominous Ballroom

'Dinner at the Dorms with the Hillel/Jewish Strident 0
’Table Tronrais 3 5pm Mogir Beans (ole (SH Station
'UKNOW. 7pm Rm ITS Student (tr
'Tellowshi of (hiistion Athletes 9pm (Sf Bldg
'(ats for (Enrol 7pm NOS
'Pre-Physirol Therapy Assor(. 7pm 205 S(
‘RHA, 7pm. 745 S(

'lempo Self- delenseUub 830pm Alumni Gym loft
'-Toe Boxing 5pm. Baptist Stud Union
'UK Boseba I vs Tenn Terh 4pm Hagan field

'WlFl LIve Remote & Bonds 6 30-9pm. S( Gameroom

'Molte Movies B in, 205 Studenttenter
"Afriron Oonte pm 568 Bolton Pl. (all 296 0478

'Ileiitol R lorlrey Bl Prother. 12pm. SlEA President sRoom

'UK Wind Ensemble, Bprn SETA, his 257 4979
'Tortulle. Bpm, Briggs Theatre, (all 7574929 for tirlrets

’Art at [Mill “least; of Burden. Steed; of Glory.” I? 30 ran. UK Art Museun

.6I5 Bloier Ho

'Malhl09rr33508. I23 4450 “IIII'S
703 Fraiee Hall

'(hemiitiy 7~IOpm Holmes lounge &7 9pm. Noggin
'Math 6 IO Holmes (lussroom &6 9pm (ommons

'History T04 BIOS 4'5 45, Holmes (lassroom 8. 6 8
pm 306 (ommons

'Spomsh 6'Bpm, Noggin (omputei lab 8 4 B (ommons 308B
"History IOB 8I09. 7 4. (ommons Ballroom

'frenrh, 4 7 Ileeiielond

'Ihursdoy Night live Bpm. (hristian Student Fellowship
' Freshman lotus 7 30pm, Baptist Stud Union
'OevotIon ondlunrh IZprii Baptist Stud UriIoiI SI
'(ampus (rusode For (hmt. 7 30, Worshom Th
'Ull lambda 730pni 73IS(

'lempo Self defense (Tub 6 30pm Alumni Gym loft
'Iae Itwon Do (Iub 5 6 10pm. Alum Gym Buserneni le‘l
'Rugby Piottire 57 (Iub Sports field

‘Arrhitetture 530 Penre Hall

'Koraolre Night 7 lOpm SludenttenterGomeroam
'ODK leadershIp Reception 5pm KIng AlumnI House


'Arrhiterture 1271 30pm. TIBE Main St

'Ul Baseball HS (aiolina.6pni Hoganfield
‘Toe [won 00 (Iub 5-6 30 pm. Alum Gym loft

‘Saxaphona lertiol T Turlrer Bprn, S(fA
'Iortuffe. Bprn, Iriggs Theatre, roll 757 4929 for tirlrets
'llK Symphony Orchestra, Bprii, S(FA


'G'MLIIVEJ 7-9pm“. Nolmeslounge
Holmes (lossroom
“:IGEIMHIB 5 pm (omriionslollroom
tIr-lIOprn, (ommonsJOBA

ay Morninghv'lp orship IIom (hrIstIoii
entfe'l ows
'NawmanlanterMass 9am IlJOaIii. Spin ondBJOpm
PhISIgmo PI 7pm. Rm 136 Stud (tr

'0! Baseball HS (oroIIno. 2pm. Hogan field



'(thol-t Moss 6pm Hewmontlr


‘Taituffe Bpm Briggs Theatre ro||757 4979Ioitirtets

'Ul Baseball vsS (arolina 2pm HoganTIeId


Next Week!

league Big Band
8 pan.






By Will lesser

sun mm

Dusty Bonner could have
been angry.

[n his first year as a starter
he merely led the SEC in five
passing categories and total of
fense. He also led the Cats to a
second consecutive bowl game

yet head coach Hal Mumme
still gave redshirt freshman
Jared Lorenzen a shot at his

“That’s just