xt7x0k26f49v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x0k26f49v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Department of Housing Building Officials and Code Administrators International Kentucky Department of Housing Building Officials and Code Administrators International 2002 books English Frankfort, Ky.: Kentucky Dept. of Housing Portions of this publication reproduce text, tables and/or figures from the copyrighted material owned by the International Code Council, Inc., Washington, D.C. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. Building laws -- Kentucky The Kentucky Building Code, Eighth Edition, 2002 text "Substantial portion of this code has been copied from the BOCA basic building code, 1978, 7th ed., c1978. Building Officials and Code Administrators International." About the International Code Council: The International Code Council (ICC), a membership association dedicated to building safety,fire prevention and energy efficiency, develops the codes and standards used to construct residential and commercial buildings, including homes and schools. The mission of ICC is to provide the highest quality codes, standards, products and services for all concerned with the safety and performance of the built environment. Most United States cities, counties and states choose the International Codes, building safety codes developed by the International Code Council. The International Codes also serve as the basis for construction of federal properties around the world, and as a reference for many nations outside the United States. Headquarters: 500 New Jersey Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20001-2070. District Offices: Birmingham, AL, Los Angeles, CA. 1-888-422-7233. www.iccsafe.org The Kentucky Building Code, Eighth Edition, 2002 2002 2002 2021 true xt7x0k26f49v section xt7x0k26f49v . .- . - , _ , i?"~ 5‘ ""- ., Ff: . 2” 11.7 :1, " " F- ' W ’ ‘ - .. ,..~. 1., ‘_ t ,. i .- r. ., ~ . . - 1,; . "fieSRr’rn'V'a . “,2"; . ‘ , , _ m . ”if 5(yuvr ! {kiwi A ‘.,Z,'.c~ ‘- .,‘ ,. A 4 The Kentucky Building Code Eighth Edition Judith G. Walden Editor, Kentucky Edition Jean McCoy, Assistant Editor As Adopted By: KENTUCKY BOARD OF HOUSING, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction Administered by: Dennis Langford, Commissioner The 127 Building — 1047 US. 127 South Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Telephone (502) 564—8044 or 8090 FAX (502) 564—6799 or 3833 First Printing Publication Date: August 2001 COPYRIGHT © 2001 by INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL. INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This 2002 Kentucky Building Code contains substantial copyrighted material from the 2000 Interna- tional Building Code, which is a copyrighted work owned by the International Code Council. Inc. Without advance written permis- sion from the copyright owner, no part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means. including, without limitation, electronic, optical or mechanical means (by way of example and not limitation, photocopying. or re- cording by or in an information storage retrieval system). The Building Officials and Code Administrators International Inc. (”BOCA”) Edition of this copyrighted work is by arrangement with the International Code Council. Inc. For information on permis— sion to copy material exceeding fair use, please contact: President, International Code Council, 5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 600. Falls Church, Virginia 22041-3401. (Phone 703—931-4533). Trademarks: “International Code Council,” the “International Code Council” logo and the “International Building Code" are trade— marks of the International Code Council, Inc. The “BOCA” logo is a trademark of Building Officials and Code Administrators In- ternational, Inc. PRINTED IN THE USA. Kentucky Information on Code Enforcement The Kentucky Building Code, now in its 21 st year, is essentially the 2000 International Building Code published by the International Code Council, lnc., with specific Kentucky amendments. It provides minimum standards to ensure the public safety, health and we]— fare insofar as they are affected by building construction and to secure safety to life and property from all hazards incident to the oc- cupancy of buildings, structures or premises. This edition presents the code with changes approved by the Kentucky Board of Housing, Buildings and Construction through August 200]. The Kentucky Building Code may be amended from time to time by proposals from code enforcement officials, industry and de- sign profcssionals. and other interested persons and organizations. Changes are discussed in an open meeting ofthe board. Changes approved are printed in the Kentucky Administrative Register and forwarded to all those in possession of the Kentucky Building Code for inclusion therein. The Kentucky Building Code is a “mini/maxi” code, meaning that it is a statewide uniform mandatory building code and no local government shall adopt or enforce any other building code; except that the Kentucky Residential Code shall govern single- and two- family dwellings and townhouses. The 2002 edition of the Kentucky Building Code contains, for the benefit and convenience of code users, double vertical lines in the outside margins of some pages. As in previous editions, these double vertical lines in the margin indicate approved Kentucky changes to the text of code requirements. Editorial changes are not so marked. 2002 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE Farewell from the Editor For more than 23 years I have been involved in code development. From the establishment of the Department by the Kentucky Gen— eral Assembly in March 1978, I have been involved in the promulgation of Kentucky’s uniform statewide mandatory building codes and in editing the book’s publication in conjunction with BOCA professionals. This is our eighth edition of the Kentucky Building Code and this year we have produced the first edition of the Kentucky Residential Code. Coincidentally with the publication of this code, I am retiring from public service in the employment of the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction. I want to express my appreciation to the staff of BOCA and the staff of the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction, and most particularly to Margi Leddin, BOCA’s Publications Manager, and Jean McCoy, my assistant editor for these many years. Without their involvement and dedication, we could not have had the quality product that we are all so proud of for so long. To the local building officials and governments who have cooperated with me and accepted my advice and counsel in code en— forcement, I thank you for your trust and confidence. Wish me luck as I enter into a new legal career in the private sector. Please continue the valuable efforts to make Kentucky a safer place to live through quality building construction! Thanks for the memories. Wdfl/flv Attorney at Law email: j gwaldenlaw@aol.com Fax: (502) 223-3840 2002 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE ‘ ADOPTION INFORMATION The 2002 Kentucky Building Code applies to all buildings to be constructed, altered or remodeled with the exception of farm structure and manu- factured houses. The following sample adoption ordinance addresses several key elements ofa code adoption ordinance, including the information required for insertion into the code text. SAMPLE ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION OF THE UNIFORM STATEWIDE MANDATORY BUILDING CODE (CITY/COUNTY) ORDINANCE Ordinance Number AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ADOPTION OF THE UNIFORM STATEWIDE BUILDING CODE AS PROMULGATED IN 815 KAR 7:120 AND 125 BY THE BOARD OF HOUSING, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF KEN~ TUCKY Be it ordained by the [Governing Board] of the [Name of Jurisdictionl as follows: WHEREAS. KRS 1988.060“ ). requires that all buildings constructed in lCig/Coungl shall be built in compliance with the uniform state building code as adopted by the Board of Housing, Buildings and Construction; and WHEREAS. KRS 198B.060(1 ) authorizes any city, county or urban county government to require, by ordinance, permits, inspections and cer- tificates of occupancy for single-family dwellings; and WHEREAS, KRS 1988.060(1 ] ) requires the local government to employ or contract for or with electrical inspection services; and WHEREAS, KRS 1988.060(18) authorizes each local govemment to establish a schedule of fees which are designed to cover the cost of the service performed but not to exceed it; Now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the Fiscal County and/or legislative body ofICig/Coungl, COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY: SECTION I. ADOPTION OF THE KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE. THAT. the KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE, promulgated in 815 KAR 7:120 and THE KENTUCKY RESIDENTIAL CODE promulgated in 815 KAR 7: 125 by the Board of Housing, Buildings and Construction. Commonwealth of Kentucky, are hereby adopted in full as an Ordinance of lCig/Coungl of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as if set out at length herein; THAT. a copy of said Kentucky Building Code is on file in the Office of the County Clerk, and the Clerk shall at all times keep a copy of said building code for reference: THAT. an attested copy of this Ordinance shall be transmitted to the Department of Housing. Buildings and Construction of the Common- wealth of Kentucky. SECTION 2. DESIGNATED ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. THAT. lOfficerl. shall be designated as the local enforcement agent/agency for said Kennieh Building Code. All building code inspections shall be performed by persons certified by the Kentucky Department of Housing. Buildings and Construction. All electrical inspections shall be performed by a certified electrical inspector specifically approved by this jurisdiction. SECTION 3. BUILDING INSPECTION PROGRAM. THAT. pursuant to KRS l988.060(8). a building inspection program is hereby established in lCig/Coung] for application to all buidings. in cluding single-family dwellings as provided in the adopted codes. SECTION 4. PERMITS AND FEES. THAT. the fees for permits and inspections shall be as provided for in the attached schedule. SECTION 5. INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES REPEALED. THAT. all ordinances or pans of ordinances in conflict herewith are. to the extent of such conflict. hereby repealed. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. THAT. this resolution shall take effect and be in full force when passed. published and recorded according to law. COUNTY JUDGE/EXECUTIVE 0R MAYOR ATTEST: CITY/COUNTY CLERK DATE PASSED 2002 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE . 2002 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Commonwealth of Kentucky gratefully acknowledges the contribution of time, expertise and diligent effort generously given by members of the Kentucky Board of Housing, Buildings and Construction in the continuing development of the Kentucky Build- ing Code. As of the date of this publication, the membership of the Board is as follows: Dennis J. Langford. Chairman of the Board Frankfort, Kentucky Rick 0. Baumgardner Glendale. Kentucky KY Association of Realtors J. David Carter Lexington. Kentucky KY Society of Architects Ben Chandler Frankfort. Kentucky Attorney General Gay Dwyer Frankfort. Kentucky KY Retail Federation. lnc. Barry Edwards Glasgow. Kentucky KY Association of Plumbing. Heating. Cooling Contractors Leonard M. Heuser Louisville. Kentucky Mechanical Contractors Association of KY Katheryn D. Higgins Louisville. Kentucky Citizen—at-large member Robert Kee Argillite. Kentucky Associated General Contractors of KY Rice Leach Frankfort. Kentucky Department for Health Services F. Lynn Luallen Frankfort. Kentucky KY Housing Corporation Gary F. McComas Lexington. Kentucky KY Firefighter Association 2002 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE Timothy E. Morris Lexington, Kentucky KY Society of Professional Engineers Doug Muse Somerset, Kentucky National Electrical Contractors Association Tracy Puckett Winchester. Kentucky Code Administrators Association of KY Anna Dale Pyles Maysville, Kentucky KY Society of Professional Engineers Murray Riffe Georgetown, Kentucky Home Builders Association of KY Pat Smith Elizabethtown. Kentucky KY State Building and Construction Trades Council Floyd Taylor Louisville. Kentucky Citizen-at-large member Charles Wade Hopkinsville. Kentucky KY Society of Professional Engineers 2002 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE CHAPTER 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ADMINISTRATION ............... l Secdon 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 CHAPTER 2 General ................................... 1 Applicability ............................... 2 Department of Building Inspection ............. 2 Jurisdiction for Plan Review and Inspection ..... 3 Permits ................................... 4 Construction Documents ..................... 6 Temporary Structures and Uses ............... 7 Fees ...................................... 8 Inspections ................................ 8 Certificate of Occupancy ..................... 9 Service Utilities ............................ 9 Violations ................................ 10 Stop Work Order .......................... 10 Unsafe Structures and Equipment ............. 10 Cabinet for Families and Children and Cabinet for Health Services Regulated Buildings .............................. 1 1 Proof of Insurance ......................... l 1 Local Board of Appeal ..................... 11 State Board of Appeals ..................... 11 Posting Structures ......................... 12 Effecive Dates ............................ 12 Plan Review and Inspection Fees for the Department of Housing. Buildings and Construction ............................ 12 Design Professionals ....................... 14 DEFINITIONS ................... 1 Section 201 202 CHAPTER 3 General .................................. 15 Definitions ............................... 15 USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ............... 27 Section 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 General .................................. 27 Classification ............................. 27 Assembly Group A ........................ 28 BusinessGroupB 30 Educational Group E . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Factory Group F ............................ s 0 High—HazardGroupH......................3l 2002 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE 308 309 310 311 312 CHAPTER 4 Institutional Group I ....................... 36 Mercantile Group M ....................... 39 Residential Group R ....................... 39 Storage Group S ........................... 40 Utility and Miscellaneous Group U ........... 41 SPECIAL DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BASED ON USE AND OCCUPANCY .......... 43 Section 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 CHAPTER 5 Scope .................................... 43 Covered Mall Buildings ..................... 43 High-Rise Buildings ....................... 45 Atriums .................................. 46 Underground Buildings ..................... 47 Motor-Vehicle-Related Occupancies .......... 48 Group 1-2 ................................ 51 Group I-3 ................................ 52 Motion Picture Projection Rooms ............. 54 Stages and Platforms ....................... 55 Special Amusement Buildings ............... 57 Aircraft-Related Occupancies ................ 57 Combustible Storage ....................... 59 Hazardous Materials ....................... 59 Groups H-1. H-2. H—3. H-4 and H—5 ........... 63 Application of Flammable Finishes ........... 75 Drying Rooms ............................ 75 Organic Coatings .......................... 76 Swimming Pools .......................... 76 Day Care Centers .......................... 78 Bed and Breakfast Establishments ............ 80 GENERAL BUILDING HEIGHTS AND AREAS .......... 81 Secfion 501 General .................................. 81 Definitions ............................... 81 General Height and Area Limitations .......... 81 Height Modifications ....................... 82 Mezzanines ............................... 82 Area Modifications ........................ S4 Unlimited Area Buildings ................... 84 Special Provisions ......................... 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 6 TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION ..... 87 Section 601 602 603 CHAPTER 7 General .................................. 87 Construction Classification .................. 87 Combustible Material in Types I and 11 Construction ............................ 88 FIRE-RESISTANCE-RATED CONSTRUCTION ................ 91 Section 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 71 1 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 CHAPTER 8 General .................................. 91 Definitions ............................... 91 Fire-Resistance Ratings and Fire Tests ......... 92 Exterior Walls ............................. 93 Fire Walls ................................ 96 Fire Barriers .............................. 98 Shaft Enclosures ........................... 99 Fire Partitions ............................ 101 Smoke Barriers ........................... 102 Horizontal Assemblies ..................... 102 Penetrations ............................. 103 Fire-Resistant Joint Systems ................ 104 Fire-Resistance Rating of Structural Members ..................... 105 Opening Protectives ....................... 106 Ducts and Air Transfer Openings ............ 108 Concealed Spaces ......................... 1 1 1 Fire-Resistance Requirements For Plaster ..... 1 13 Thermal- and Sound-Insulating Materials ..... 113 Deleted ................................. 1 13 Deleted ................................. 1 13 INTERIOR FINISHES ........... 115 Section 801 802 803 804 805 CHAPTER 9 General ................................. 1 15 Definitions .............................. 115 Wall and Ceiling Finishes .................. 115 Interior Floor Finish ....................... 1 18 Decorations and Trim ..................... 1 18 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS . . 121 Section 901 902 903 General ................................. 121 Definitions .............................. 121 Automatic Sprinkler Systems ............... 123 904 Alternative Automatic Fire—Extinguishing Systems .............. 128 905 Standpipe Systems 906 Portable Fire Extinguishers ................. 131 907 Fire Alarm and Detection Systems ........... 131 908 Emergency Alarm Systems ................. 138 909 Smoke Control Systems .................... 139 910 Smoke and Heat Vents ..................... 147 91 1 Fire Command Center ..................... 148 CHAPTER 10 MEANS OF EGRESS ............ 151 Section 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 Administration ........................... 151 Definitions .............................. 15 | General Means of Egress ................... 152 Exit Access .............................. 167 Exits ................................... 172 Exit Discharge ........................... 176 Miscellaneous Means of Egress Requirements .................... 177 Assembly ............................... 177 Emergency Escape and Rescue .............. 181 1008 1009 CHAPTER 11 ACCESSIBILITY ............... 183 Section 1 101 General ................................. 183 1102 Definitions .............................. 183 1103 Scoping Requirements ..................... 183 1 104 Accessible Route ......................... 184 1105 Accessible Entrances ...................... 184 1 106 1 107 1 108 1109 Parking and Passenger Loading Facilities ..... 185 Special Occupancies ...................... 185 Other Features and Facilities ................ 187 Signage ................................. 190 CHAPTER 12 INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT . . .. 191 Secfion 1201 General ................................. 191 1202 Ventilation .............................. 191 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 Temperature Control ...................... 192 Lighting ................................ 192 Yards or Courts .......................... 192 Sound Transmission ....................... 193 Interior Space Dimensions ................. 193 Access to Unoccupied Spaces ............... 194 Surrounding Materials ..................... 194 2002 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE CHAPTER 13 ENERGY EFFICIENCY ......... 195 Section 1301 1302 General ................................. 195 Definitions .............................. 195 CHAPTER 14 EXTERIOR WALLS ............ 197 Section 1401 General ................................. 197 1402 Definitions .............................. 197 1403 I404 I405 1406 Performance Requirements ................. 197 Materials ................................ 198 Installation of Wall Coverings .............. 198 Combustible Materials on the Exterior Side of Exterior Walls ............ 202 Aluminum Composite Materials (ACM) ....................... 203 1407 CHAPTER 15 ROOF ASSEMBLIES AND ROOFTOP STRUCTURES ....... 205 Section 1501 General ................................. 205 1502 Definitions .............................. 205 1503 Weather Protection ........................ 205 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 Performance Requirements ................. 206 Fire Classification ........................ 206 Materials ................................ 207 Requirements for Roof Coverings ........... 207 Roof Insulation ........................... 216 Rooftop Structures ........................ 216 Reroofing ............................... 217 CHAPTER 16 STRUCTURAL DESIGN ......... 219 Section 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 161 1 1612 1613 General ................................. Definitions .............................. Construction Documents General Design Requirements .................. LoadCombinations..,....................225 Dead Loads .............................. 226 Live Loads ................................ Snow Loads WindLoads 236 Soil Lateral Load ......................... 239 Rain Loads .............................. 239 Flood Loads ............................. 239 Earthquake Loads Definitions ............... 249 2002 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE TABLE OF CONTENTS Earthquake Loads—General ................ 250 Earthquake Loads—Site Ground Motion ...... 251 Earthquake Loads—Criteria Selection ........ 255 Earthquake Loads—Minimum Design Lateral Force and Related Effects .......... 259 Dynamic Analysis Procedure for the Seismic Design of Buildings .............. 269 Earthquake Loads Soil-Structure Interaction Effects ...................... 271 Earthquake Loads—Design, Detailing Requirements and Structural Component Load Effects ........................... 271 Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical Component Seismic Design Requirements .................... 274 1622 Nonbuilding Structures Seismic Design Requirements .......................... 285 1623 1624 Seismically Isolated Structures .............. 290 Ice Loads ............................... 300 CHAPTER 17 STRUCTURAL TESTS AND SPECIAL INSPECTIONS ........ 301 Section 1701 General ................................. 301 1702 Definitions .............................. 301 1703 Approvals ............................... 302 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 Special Inspections ....................... 302 Quality Assurance for Seismic Resistance ..... 309 Quality Assurance for Wind Requirements . . . . 310 . 311 Structural Testing for Seismic Resistance ..... 312 Special Inspections for Seismic Resistance. . . Structural Observations .................... 313 Design Strengths of Materials ............... 313 Alternative Test Procedure ................. 314 Test Safe Load ........................... 314 In-Situ Load Tests ........................ 314 Preconstruction Load Tests ................. 314 Material and Test Standards ................ 315 CHAPTER 18 SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS ..... 317 Section 1801 General ................................. 317 1802 Foundation and Soils Investigations .......... 317 1803 Excavation. Grading and Fill ............... 318 1804 Allowable Load-Bearing Values of Soils. . . . . . 319 1805 Footings and Foundations 1806 Dampproofing and Waterproofing TABLE OF CONTENTS 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 Pier and Pile Foundations .................. 329 Driven Pile Foundations ................... 333 Cast-in-Place Concrete Pile Foundations ...... 336 Composite Piles .......................... 339 PierFoundations 339 CHAPTER 19 CONCRETE .................... 341 Section 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 General ................................. 341 Definitions .............................. 341 Specifications for Tests and Materials .......................... 342 Durability Requirements Concrete Quality, Mixing and Placing ........ 345 Formwork, Embedded Pipes and Construction Joints ..................... 347 Details of Reinforcement ................... 348 Modifications to AC1 318 .................. 350 Structural Plain Concrete .................. 352 Seismic Design Provisions ................. 353 Minimum Slab Provisions .................. 354 Anchorage to Concrete—Allowable Stress Design .......................... 354 Anchorage to Concrete—Strength Design ..... 355 Shotcrete ................................ 362 Reinforced Gypsum Concrete ............... 363 Concrete-Filled Pipe Columns .............. 363 CHAPTER 20 ALUMINUM ................... 365 Section 2001 2002 CHAPTER 21 General ................................. 365 Materials ................................ 365 MASONRY ..................... 367 Section 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 General ................................. 367 Definitions and Notations .................. 367 Masonry Construction Materials ............. 372 Construction ............................. 374 Quality Assurance ........................ 376 Seismic Design ........................... 377 Working Stress Design .................... 380 Strength Design of Masonry ................ 381 Empirical Design of Masonry ............... 394 Glass Unit Masonry ....................... 400 Masonry Fireplaces ....................... 401 2112 Masonry Heaters ......................... 405 2113 Masonry Chimneys ....................... 405 CHAPTER 22 STEEL ........................ 411 Section 2201 General ................................. 411 2202 2203 Definitions and Nomenclature .............. 41 1 Identification and Protection of Steel for Structures .......................... 41 l 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 Structural Steel Construction ............... 411 Cold-Formed Steel ........................ 41 1 Steel Joists .............................. 411 Steel Cable Structures ..................... 41 1 Welding ................................. 412 Bolting ................................. 412 Steel Storage Racks ....................... 412 Wind and Seismic Requirements for Light- Framed Cold-Formed Steel Walls .......... 412 Seismic Requirements for Structural Steel Construction ...................... 415 2212 2213 Seismic Requirements for Composite Construction ........................... 415 CHAPTER 23 WOOD ........................ 417 Section 2301 General ................................. 417 2302 Definitions .............................. 417 2303 Minimum Standards and Quality ............ 418 2304 2305 General Construction Requirements .......... 420 General Design Requirements for Lateral-Force—Resisting Systems .......... 428 Allowable Stress Design ................... 433 Load and Resistance Factor Design .......... 439 2306 2307 2308 Conventional Light—Frame Construction ...... 441 CHAPTER 24 GLASS AND GLAZING ......... 481 Section 2401 General ................................. 481 2402 Definitions .............................. 481 2403 General Requirements for Glass ............. 481 2404 Wind, Snow and Dead Loads on Glass ........ 481 2405 Sloped Glazing and Skylights ............... 482 2406 Safety Glazing ........................... 490 2407 Glass in Handrails and Guards .............. 491 2408 Glazing in Athletic Facilities ............... 491 2409 Glass in Floors and Sidewalks .............. 492 2002 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE , 4 x. ‘. CHAPTER 25 GYPSUM BOARD AND PLASTER ...................... 493 Section 2501 General ................................. 493 2502 Definitions .............................. 493 2503 Inspection ............................... 493 2504 Vertical and Horizontal Assemblies .......... 493 2505 Shear Wall Construction ................... 493 2506 Gypsum Board Materials ................... 493 2507 Lathing and Plastering ..................... 494 2508 Gypsum Construction ..................... 494 Gypsum Board in Showers and Water Closets .......................... 495 Lathing and Furring for Cement Plaster (Stucco) ........................ 495 Interior Plaster ........................... 496 2512 Exterior Plaster ........................... 496 2513 Exposed Aggregate Plaster ................. 497 CHAPTER 26 PLASTIC ...................... 499 Section 2601 General ................................. 499 2602 Definitions .............................. 499 2603 Foam Plastic Insulation .................... 499 2604 Interior Finish and Trim ................... 501 2605 Plastic Veneer ............................ 502 2606 Light-Transmitting Plastics ................. 502 2607 Light-Transmitting Plastic Wall Panels ....... 503 2608 Light-Transmitting Plastic Glazing .......... 503 2609 Light«Transmitting Plastic Roof Panels ....... 504 2610 Light—Transmitting Plastic Skylight Glazing. . .505 2611 Light-Transmitting Plastic Interior Signs ...... 505 CHAPTER 27 ELECTRICAL .................. 507 Section 2701 General ................................. 507 2702 Emergency and Standby Power Systems ...... 507 2703 Permits and Certificate of Inspection. . . . . . . . .508 2704 Inspections and Tests ...................... 508 2705 Temporary Use ........................... 508 CHAPTER28 Section 2801 General............,...............t....509 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS ....... 509 2002 KENTUCKY BUILDING CODE TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 29 PLUMBING SYSTEMS .......... 511 Section 2901 General ................................. 511 2902 Minimum Plumbing Facilities ............... 511 CHAPTER 30 ELEVATORS AND CONVEYING SYSTEMS ...................... 513 Section 3001 General ................................. 513 3002 Hoistway Enclosures ...................... 513 3003 Emergency Operations ..................... 513 3004 Hoistway Venting ......................... 514 3005 Conveying Systems ....................... 514 3006 Machine Rooms .......................... 515 3007 Construction Documents and Permits ........ 515 3008 Certificate of Compliance .................. 515 3009 Power Elevator Operation .................. 516 3010 Stairway Chair-Lifts and Wheelchair Lifts . . . . 516 3011 Maintenance and Accidents ................ 516 CHAPTER 31 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ..... 517 Section 3101 General ................................. 517 3102 Membrane Structures ...................... 517 3103 Temporary Structures ...................... 518 3104 Pedestrian Walkways and Tunnels ........... 518 3105 Awnings and Canopies .................... 519 3106 Marquees ............................... 519 3107 Deleted ................................. 520 3108 Radio and Television Towers ............... 520 3109 Radio and Antennas on Buildings ........... 520 31 10 Window-Cleaning Safeguards ............... 520 CHAPTER 32 ENCROACHMENTS INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ....... 521 Section 3201 General......‘..........................521 3202 Encroachments ........................... 521 CHAPTER 33 SAFEGUARDS DURING CONSTR3CTION ............... 523 Section 3301 General ................................. 2 3302 Construction Safeguards ................... '2 3303 Demolition .............................. '2 3304 Site Work ............................... 2 xiii TABLE OF CONTENTS 3305 Sanitary ................................. 523 3306 Protection of Pedestrians ................... 523 3307 Protection of Adjoining Property ............ 525 3308 Temporary Use of Streets, Alleys and Public Property ......................... 525 3309 Fire Extinguishers ........................ 525 3310 Exits ................................... 525 3311 Standpipes .............................. 525 3312 Automatic Sprinkler System ................ 525 CHAPTER 34 EXISTING STRUCTURES ....... 527 Section 3401 General ................................. 527 3402 Additions, Alterations or Repairs ............ 527 3403 Fire Escapes ............................. 527 3404 Glass Replacement ........................ 528 3405 Change of Occupancy ......