



Dear Carolyn:

As I forgot to tell you he name: of the two books on Eilke, I am sending this
along right away. It was so good to have you and Victor here today and it was certainlv
as fine a visit as there has ever been. I enjoyefi it SU much. It was good tosoe you
both looking so well.

1h: Pilke books I n92?


/ nd G. 0.110115 ton (eds) R.T‘-T.F.ilke, . _; , his minri and


/ ‘ . K R 457§b /F. .T.Welmore, filke' s Crafts manshin, Oxfofld, lQ:h
”081 2 ‘ . / . . .

,_j4‘A4;? f Also an idea occurred to me, for printing. Tnstead of my trying to do a few mre
\ W¢fa versions from Chuang Tz cu, T thought J might send you ten or fifteen mazes from a
\\NWW /notebook withmato1"ial. about the woods ano the SOTitnfle here. What do you think?

The lines from Coethe:

The True was found already long ago
It bound tie noble swirits into one
Hold to it e anc:Lent m nth

Do not let go!

It really does say everything, doesn't it?
I do not know if Victor wanted that bill back, so T am enclosing it.

”Again, thanks for coming. Then you send the Rilke Jictor could also 50in to them +he boobs
mr he-m mentioned. I Fill be glad to have them.

With all hlessings to you both;
Cordially in Christ,


