xt7x3f4kq22g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x3f4kq22g/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 200607 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 2006 text GLSO News, July 2006 2006 2019 true xt7x3f4kq22g section xt7x3f4kq22g "were Ga and -‘ ‘iii-i; 3*“ y tr} mm The GLSO NEWS Rig? Services J 1 2006 urganization ll y A Publication of the Lexington gun and L‘esbian Services fll'r-mnization . Volume 21 Number7 Community Forum . , Calling all community members: Do you want to make a difference? We want to 5, i hear your ideas. The GLSO is holding a . ._' x Community Forum on Saturday, July 8 from " . . , 12-2pm at the Maxwell St. Presbyterian ‘ Church located at 180 E. Maxwell St. They Harlem Show .flumafly all“ "us“; have a good sized parking lot. _ This forum is a way for community On Monday,July3at8 pm therewrllbe members to voice their opinions on the a Benefit show at Comedy Off Broadway. services offered by their community Comedian Bernie Lubbers; Cincinnati drag cente(T he Pride CenteronWallerAvenue)r. queen Hurricaln Summers; and Rhythm existing services, ideas for new activities, performing for yourenjoyment. Admissmn and any other thoughts you would like to the Pride Center. Tickets available online at share to improve the safety of our www.ComedyOffBroadway.com or at the community. door. Due to the cancellation of this year's We are interested in building and Volunteer Awards Banquet this evenings' organizing our volunteer base. The GLSO event will also host the presentation of the Newslettercould use volunteer editors (see 2005 Wasson and Rainbow Community page 17). We would also love to have Servuce Awards. Congratulations to volunteers keep the pride Center open WassonAward winner, Jim Dickinson,and between5and7several nights ofthe week. t°_ the men's choral QrOUP Another Note, These are some of the ideas we have, what ”“3 year s RCSAwinner. ““3 '3 sure t? be doyouthinkweshould bedoing? a great evening 0f outstanding The forum will be structured in a entertainment so please come and join the manner that will allow participants to fun. brainstorm together and write down their suggestions. When we had a forum of this type over ten years ago, the local Fairness i shuns”. 0| llll mum“ group was started! A free lunch Will be » - ! sewed! Bring yourideas andafriend! I! LYEN S L Fairness Alliance 5% -. , 51 Look for the Ky Fairness Alliance on , é Gig a Diversity Day, July 1" in front of the a Elan" % E . courthouse and in the 4‘" of July parade. § N ~ R ' You are welcome to walk with us. We will ; L E V I be lining up along Midland Ave. about an 1 hour before the parade is scheduled to , GAY AND [EXIIIQI'OII lvoiit leather/[cw Club "“1‘ L E S B I A N The Lexington Lyons are proud to be this V; SERVICES month's sponsors of the GLSO News. We meet at ORGANIZATION the second Monday of each month at the Pride - Center, 389 WallerAve. at 7 pm. Lexmgton, KentUCky The Lyons are a group of friends that come ‘ ' ‘ ' ' together to celebrate strength, unity, and 0L3" Ail/“A diversity in order to form a bond within a Vol. 21 No.7 communitythatenjoys the Leather/Levi lifestyle. Published Monthly by' Membership has grown steadily over the last ' year and we now have 14 active members. GLSO Lexington Lyons Ninth Anniversary and PO. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 Officer Induction will be taking place in August. wwwlexingtonglso@yahoo.com For more info visit http://wwaenyonsorg. www.glsopc.org News Editors 2006 Pride MOI finals Mary Crone & Jackie Cobern What have you done today to make you feel proud? _ . That was the opening song and question of the day Pr'de Center Office Manager for the 2006 Pride idol Final competition held on B!” Chandler Sunday, June 11 at the 13th Annual Pride Picnic. 859 253-3233 There were to be 10 individuals competing in this final _ portion of the contest but unfortunately only 3 people GLSO BOARD showed. We can only assume in all but two cases Tom Collins, President that the contestants were put off by the chance of Joan Brannon, Vice pres_ rain, and rain it did, but as they say in the business Ben Salyers, Secretary "The show must go on",_and after moving inside the Jackie Cobern tirge Cijridcitordarena, ltt ditd. hCongratulatiejnsdtoour Thomas Collins ree ie- at con es an sw owere awar e prizes Ma Crone for ist, 2nd and 3rd places. Chad Hundley who came W in third, Chase for placing second, and to this year's _Aar°n Hus?" winner, your 2006 Pride Idol, Miss. Lisa Mendoza! Lmdsay Mattingly These three individuals did a wonderful job SOHdra M€ll0tt entertaining the smaller than usual crowd of folks Terry Mullins attending this year's picnic and we appreciate them GLSO Membership all very much: We have had'correspondence With the & Newsletter Cincmnatl Pride Center which sponsors the annual Individuals/CdUpIes King's Island Pride Night, as well as theilsland Idol $20 per year |competition, where indIVIduatfs Win prizes mufch argert an we can presently 0 er, it is our hope or Opinions expressed in the 6930 News ere next year's Pride Idol competition that we will be able those of the authors and dontnecessarily t ff . d d' . . . d represent those ofthe GLSO Board. 0 0 er in a ition to the trophy, gift certificate an submissions received after the deadline, which studio time, our winner an automatic place in the ’slhe 15‘“ 0’9“” "io’itht maybe “”0”“ Island Idol contest and a chance at some of the printed when space is limited. The staff , , , reserves the right to edit or reject submissions bigger prizes. Once 393'“ our thanks and congrats and ads. to this year's winners. GLSO page 2 L'ommunitu News t I a Quirk Cafe and Coffee Kings Island Pride Night 2 Quirk Cafe & Coffee is located on september 29 l Railroad St. in Midway, KY. Itis an easy‘15 The GLSO Pride Center is again l min drive from Lexrngton. We feature live selling tickets to the tenth annual King's - mus"? every TueSdaV from 513° to 8 Pm- Island Pride Night to be held Friday t Wewrllbeclosed on JUIY4th- . evening, September 29, from 6 pm to We are now 093" on Thurs, F" and midnight. The cost ofadmissionthrough us 1 Sat. evening, servrng our full menu. We is $4199. (tickets may be more at the - offer .a variety 0f salads, SOUPS’ door.) Drop by the center between9 am sandw'ches and WFaPS- YOU can select and3 pm -ca|l Bill at 253-3233 to be sure from our 23 different gourmet press pot someoneis here. coffees & teas along With fresh baked This isafundraiser for the Cincinnati ‘ scones. Gay and Lesbian Pride Center. For more The Bats, Lexington's fabulous five information about this year's event visit ’ woman cabaret band, (with 2 brave www.pkipridenight.com. r husbands playing backup) will be performing great listening and dancing - l music at The Thoroughbred Theatre, Dress and Gender Alhance , connectedto QuirkCafe, on Friday,July21 The Lexington Dress and Gender , at7pm.Make yourreservations now! Alliance (also know at the Diversity in Other Firday nightconcerts include: July Gender Alliance) is reorganizing. We are 7 - Bob Stange ~ Guitar & vocals, July 14 - considering a new name and we WOUId " Carla Van Hoose returns with folk & love your input on a variety of ’ Appa|achian songs voca|s & guitar, Ju|y 28 organizational matters. We Stl” meet on ' Roberta Guthrie~Beautifu| cello musicfills the first Saturday of each monthat a ; our café_For upcoming events you can call private location. Call 859 979-0374 or 859 l Quirk at (859) 846-4688. or check online at "288'5143 forinformation. , www.kyga||ery.com/quirk. LexDGA is a peer support group for I anyone that transcends gender norms. ' This includes transsexuals, intersexuals, ’ cross dressers, drag kings, drag queens, ‘ Cignrrratuflafigng TQ gender queers, and people who are I b unsure what their gender identity might 2 Pride hi0] 2006 be. This is not a therapy group. If you | . could use some honest conversation and I ILIISEI Memmdlrozai support, give usacaII- ' First Runner Up ! Chaise The GLSO Web Slte 1 Second Runner Up wwwgls opc.org ; 'Dihllfll‘fll IHlllllllIljlllrfl‘V updated frequently ___—____—__—————— page 3 KY Gog Gomp Tthe Second Annual KY Gay Camp ' K99" "’9 ""9 W” ”'7"; will be held on Aug 25-27 at Sloydia, a ' Ge’ "’6 ’0‘“? Y0" "an" private 14 acre retreat on the Little South , ' Fork of the Cumberland River in south Jessica Bollinger LCSW Wayne County, Ky. Activities may include . . . a hike to the top of Eartheart mountain, Imago Relatlonshlp Therap'St workout sessions, swimming in the river, EMDR Trauma Work entertainment ranging from singers and Couples, Family, Individual musicians, to drag and fantasy shows, imagoconnection.com 552-6533 group campfires, and lots more. Some of 3:53:32: :gazeoftr‘hgag m 25.22:: JESSICA BOILINGER CONTINUES TO OFFER GREAT are clothing optional. A donation of $5 per IMAOO WORKSHOPS. UNI/KE OTHER REIATIONSHIP person per day is requested to cover THERAPYAPPROAOHES, THESE WORKSHOPS OFFER expenses WAYS FOR OOI/PIES TO REOONNEOT IN A POSITIVE WAY Camping at Sloydia is true, out-in-the- IMMEDIATELY. IN ADDITION TO OFFERING woods, primitive camping, so come WORKSHOPS, JESS ALSO WORKS WITH OOUPIESAND prepared for a unique experience! INDIVIDUALS GIVE HERA CALL TODAY. Attendees will need to bring their own _ _ _ supplies of food, drinking water, camping DlverSIty DWGCtOW and cooking gear, a limited amount 0f well The Humanitarium Diversity Directory water Wi” be available. There are a few will be available at the Pride Center soon. camping spaces With electricity. This directory lists many organizatons in The facilities include Shady level sites Lexington that work towards a community for tents and a limited number Of small where diversity is not just accepted but trailers or R.Vs sites, outhouses, ans an celebrated. Both GLSO and Fairness, Cid fashioned swimming hole at the river. B|uegrass Chapter are sponsors of the We can 3'30 accomodate boats on the directory. Pick upacopy nexttime you visit river. There is also a stage for the Pride Center. performances with lighting and electricity, ‘ a fully equipped weightlifting gym, and “fibrldied DykeS access to a rustic wood-burning hot tub on the adjacent property. Call for full details The "Gay Games" are in Chicago before you come, as there is no cell phone this year from July 15-22. The Unbridled service available anywhere on or near the Dykes, a Lexington team that has been property. _ _ . _ together for 30 years, will be competing S'°Yd'a '3 _appr°x'_mate'y 2° ”mes in "D League" softball. This is their first south of Montlcello, In south central tri to the G G d . h th Kentucky, just 5 miles north of p ay ames an we WIS em theTennessee state line and 10 miles from IUCk' Pickett State Park in Tennessee. For . . . information, visit the Sloydia web site at Rfllflbow rflmlllel www.sloyd.comthen click overto the "Visit Lexington's GLBT parenting group, Sloydla" page. Interested campers can Rainbow Families of Lexington (RFOL) also call 606’348'0788 bemge,” "0°” and can be contacted by calling Cheryl at 523- 10 pm. The KY Gay Camp lstomtly hosted 3083 or by jolining their Yahoo Group at by the members of Lake Cumberland htt :// rou s ahoo com/ rou /rfo|k Area Pride, and Sloydia. _P_Q_QL__Q__D_)L- ' ' page 4 Sponsor of the Month ANNIIAl YABIJ SALE! THE LEXINGTON LYONS LEATHER/LEVI CLUB Experience Kentucky’s Energy CLICK US! WWW.LEXLYONS.ORG W ’_ )f H t SATURDAY =3 JULY 15TH i3 . st 3473 Cdstleton Hill m Just outside New Circle Road off Totes Creek , New Orleans AIDS TdslcForce; AIDS Volunteers of Lexington; Lexington KentUcRy GLSO; V. ) Pride Centerof the Bluegrass; Kentucky Fairness Alliance; LeatherArchlves and Museum i THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! ‘- Meetings held 2nd Monday of the month — 7PM on the Pride Center, Wdller Avenue ______—_——_———————- GLSO page 5 - O - Pride Lenter News p o O 389 Waller Ave. 859 253-3233 .Mrm. - .tr‘l. til -3 till 10 -2 The Pride Center is also open Pride Center lerary Wed Evenings 5 - 7 Our Library continues to be one of our If you would like to volunteer to keep it mOSt POPU'ar PFOJGCtS- New boom ““05, open one evening a week call the DVD's and CDs come in all the time. lfyou office at 253_3233’ have a book that you think others would ' enjoy, please donate it and write a review . . . . such asthe one below. Prlole Center AcIIvflIes . . . Name All the Animals L tan MOVI N1 ht . . . 88b 8 g S Written by Alison Smith lst and 3rd Thur. 7 pm Reviewed by mary crone We vote on a movie to watch- bring Alison Smith's first book, Name All The along your favorite to share with us. Animals, a memoir published in 2003, has received much deserved attention. It was Lexington Insight nominated for a Lambda Literary Award, . _ named one of the ten most notable lesbian Pot Luck and Dlscussmn Group books of the year by The publishing Every Friday night _ open to all Triangle, and was a finalist for a Discover Pr'de Center 7'30 m Award from Barnes & Noble. it was also I ' p nominated for best book of the year by England's Diva magazine. DISCUSSION GROUP in some respects a traditional coming Every Wed. 7 pm Open to all of age/ coming out memoir, this book stands , . out because it is also a beautifully written Jane' ladyraneky@yahoo.com story of a young girl's grief and struggle to , / , , survive emotionally after the death of her 4'0 + WQMEN beloved brother. This group is reorganizing. As children, Alison and her brother Roy Please contact Ginger at were so close that their mother called them ggClr@yahoo.Com for information. by one name, Alroy. But while still in is teens, Roy dies in a car accident. The family becomes immersed in grief and over the . next few years Alison's parents are unable Rent'the Prlde Centel to see that their daughter's grief tis life The GLSO Pride Center is used on threatening. She questions the cathOllC many nights of the week for meetings, faith that sustains her parents, develops discussion groups, fi|m nights, etc. But anorexia, and, finally a stroke ofluck, falls there are also a number of nights a month in IOVe With afemale Classmate. She heals, when no one is scheduled. We are willing to and claims herlife'f'or herself. rentthis space for $25 a hour, with you doing Smith's Willing '3 POWBFfUl and the clean up. It is freshly painted and looks unsentrmental. Her story leaves the reader great. lfyou are looking fora space to have With respect for her survrval and {=1 deeper a party or receptionI contact our office understandlng 0f how human belngs- can manager, Billat253-3233 recover from deep despair. I hrghly recommend this book. Wm ] WEN OFF BROADWAY presents A BENEFIT IN THE NAME OF PRIDE .3 Featuring Ho V q 0 Monday, July 3, 2006 w V ' 8:00 pm. ._ 1 Admission $6.00 A Tickets available at the door :5: '7 LT or on-Iine at wwaomedyOfiBroadwaycom i COMEDIAN =9 Th MWoIMW f; HURRICANE SUMMERS , as i g -\ ‘i- ‘ Is 4.; 7’ ‘1: ' I? m & "£5 BERNIE *LuBBERs ARIISI Iy v a} z " £5? This event will also host the re presentation of this year's {C - Wasson and Rainbow ,5 : Community Service Awards is ' JSS ROBE] ' ' my , . >r a carom? 3 txr.:.:.:,i3.‘xm;.:'n.4.3;. hey-neg}; Proceeds to benefit The GLSO Pride Center of Bluegrass page 7 Kentucky Fairness Alliance take place July 29‘h in Danville and another I . will happen August 19‘h in Lexington. The Develops Strategic Plan ‘ volunteers will not endorse any candidates but instead‘will talk with as many potential Kentucky Fairness Alliance (KFA) held voters as possible in order to discuss its annual strategic planning meeting June 3’d GLBTQ issues to identify those voters who and 4‘“. Lisa Weiner—Mahfuz of the National would vote pro-fairness. Gay and Lesbian Task Force served as a In phase two, volunteers willcall those consultant to moderate the two day affair. voters positively identified as pro-LTQBG With Weiner-Mahfuz's guidance, the approximately one week before the executive director, the staff, and the board elections. The volunteers will educate developed a six-month plan that will direct respondents on the views of the various KFA's immediate goals. candidates and encourage them to get out Throughout the legislative season, KFA and vote. Additionally, KFAers worked on promoting positive GLBTQ have discussed the possibility of legislation and lobbying against defamatory collaborating with other social justice legislation. Now that the legislative season organizations in an effort to increase pro- has ended, KFA will re-direct its focus: For fairness voter turn out. KFAwill strive to do the next six months, KFAwillcreate initiatives everything possible to insure a high voter to educate the voter as to the upcoming turn out and educate voters as to the Novemberelections. viewpoints of the candidates running for Phase one ofthe strategic plan includes office. To the end, KFA needs a lot of the advent of several Action Saturdays. volunteers who are willing to walk the Volunteers will walk door-to-door during districts, to talk to voters, and to make certain Saturdays. One Action Saturday will phone calls. Only through large numbers continued on page 12 Scott Ackerman Real Estate Service With Pnonassuounusm . '07? Results {if} if INTEGRITY WILLIAMS? ' . R l: 4. l, i r . “EDIGA'I'IOn . ENTIIIISIASM Mobile: 859 338-8483 Fax: 859 269-0065 , , E-mail: SAcker4224@aol.com [E Sen/"'9 Lexmg‘O" & Q mm All of Central Kentucky will". Call me with all your Real Estate Needs GLSO oaae 8 BI“ 18 if. 6580 BAINBHW SPflNSflR i: The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914 A Charity Organization ;e G :e 2006 PRIDE MONTH SPONSOR: e ,3 Scott Ackerman. ut For all your real estate needs......................................................(mobi|e) 338-848 ”S at f GLSO NEWS SPONSORS 2006 i aor SisterSound 806024 le Diverse music for all women Jr of Richardson Vision Center {2 1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201 ls V Ernesto Scorsone Attorney At Law 2545766 Unitarian Universalist Church _ Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448 Kentucky Fairness Alliance Bluegrass Chapter8064114 Windy Knoll Farm Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410 ' Quirk Café and Coffee859 846-4688 ' Railroad Street in Midway Debra Hensley Insurance.............................................................276-3244 1513 Nicholasville Rd. Lexington Lyons 6193650 Levi and Leather Club Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7430 HIV/AIDS Branch GLSO page 9 GLSO Newsletter Calendar To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 W T: . . 5 ED E: : 7 2 @@ <5 Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.oomluserslgisoqxnet ? Smut-v. Nldonuv ,, Tuedsu We , Thursday Friday , “'de . Center Open 10a-2p & tip-9p "e 2p Narcotics Anonymous call for place 278-7103 Wooldy Adlvlllu: 7p LexDGA KFA @ Courthouse Mondays: _ . 8pm — Gay/ Lesbian AA l Dlversfly Day Discussion/Speaker[Ca/l for “27r1“7“eer LOCO’L’Or’1278‘7703 8 AA 0 en Center 0 en 5 -7 _, 7 Lexin ton insi ht . ,y , . ga'and 11a UU Chprch Dp p [S k 7p GSA (call for place p . P p Center Open 103 7p p . g g @ center open lea 29 Tuesdays: 10.30 a St. Mychals iscusaon pea erS 266-5904) 7p GLSO Discusswn 6 Pride Center 12-2p Cormmrlty 7 . . 6p SisterSound Rehearsal (call for place) 278-7103 { Gm Group-PC 330 p Gay/Lesbian AA F 0mm @ Blamed St. pm — GSA [Gay Straight Alliance) 8p Comedy on i 1 8p Gay/Lesbian AA call for place) 278-7103 Presbyterian Church Broadway Pride Cntr V 'j' - Call for place 278-7103 2p Narcotics Anonymous Wednesdays: , Benefit -Bemie. Robbie call for place 278-7103 7pm - GLSO DISCUSSION GFOUD &Hurricene Summers. -lll!l"l91ltl‘lll)9 l. , 8pm - Gov/Lesbian AA (Call for . .. W. ........, .. . ,. ,. - .. W LOCOT/Ofll 278-7l03 10:30 a St. Mychal's BpAAOpen 7p GSA (call for place Center Open 5p-7p Center °Pen1°a'7P 79 Lexington Insight @ u. ’ - . Swim “amt 230-5625 D‘S°”Ssl°"’sl’eakels ta“ 266-5904) 7p GLso Discussion 79 Lesbian Movie Nishtee the Pride Center arti‘ otics in """V‘t . for lace 278-7103 _ _ . :5) , ‘- iace 1 a. . 7pm- LeXington lnSIght 2P Women 40+G10UP P ) Group-PC 7 30 p Gay/Lesbian AA 93% agile» - 4 lnte ri St. Michael's 6 -7 Comm. Forum - I . LY i. N ‘ 8pm ‘ GOV/LeSblon AA p 9 W @ p p 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call for place) 278-7103 = r .M . 6p SisterSound Rehearsal Mtg.PC Call for lace 278-7103 Y 3474i)“ ..; l. ’3 . [Call for Location] 278-7 1 03 6:00p Imperial Court Mtg. 7p Lexington Lyons-PC P 41‘ slit; 7" .‘ Jr. .-‘=‘e' W‘s? " . e“t Salurdavs: . .. < g g . _ . Newsletter Deadline 2pm Narcotics Anonymous 108 UU Church Service. I8P AA Open 7p GSA (call for place Center Open 5p-7p Center Open 10a-7p 7p Lexington Insight @ Center Open 103-253 10339 a 8" MVCha' 339M” Discussion/Speakers 266-5904) 7p GLSO Discussion the Pride Center 213 Narcotics Anonymous Sundays: 6p SisterSound Rehearsal (can for place) 278-7103 Group-PC 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA call for place 278-7103 . 9:000m & 1 10m _ UU Church 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call for place) 278-7103 Worship Services. Cell for place 278-7103 10:30 — Mass, sr. Mychal The Martyr. 6pm — SisterSound Rehearsal @ Landsdowne Presby. Church. i‘e‘ei’éi‘ffieerxrrer‘Er’ewrv‘eevw‘tete’earner-e.ear‘erre‘5wereer‘re 10:30 a St. Mychal's 8p AA Open Center 0 en 5 -7 - - . .. . . 7p GSA (call for place P _ P 9 Center Open 103-7p 7p Lexmgton insrght @ stgligaflgf 25 Discusaon/Speake 255_5904) 7p GLSO Discussmn the pride Center Il-‘m Ildy: 4p integrity @ Michael's (call for place) 7103 ) Grow-PC , . 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA apm — The Imperial Court 6p SisterSou Rehearsal 7:30P 61-3-08"! Mts- 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call for place) 278-7103 SoulForce -Ca|l Jamie 230-5625 6:00p rm. rial Court Mtg, (N- Date) i Call for place 278—7103 . 7:00pm Lesbian Movie Night i MOII‘I'IIIY ACIM'iOB More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or Mondays. Saturday: Sundays: email the group to confirm the date and time. see the directory on back page. 7pm - GLSO Board Mtg. [4th Mon.) New Date 7pm -LeXDGA 1st Sat. 2pm -Women 40+{2nd Sun] 7pm - Lexingion Lyons [2nd Mon.) 4pm- integrity [2nd Sun] Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call 4pm— Gen Ylntegrity [3rd Sun] 5&6 page is GLSO Page 11 ' . Board of Americans United for the FOImeSS continued from page 8 Separation of Church and State; and the can the QTBGL community make a Jefferson County Teachers' Association. difference toward its own betterment. peop|e can look for a KFA presence at Anyone who has afew hours of time and Diversity Day July 1st in front of the wants to get active toward a fair and equal courthouse and in the 4th of July parade. future for LBGTQs can contact KFA at 866- Finally, KFA would like to thank everyone 205'3239‘ _ _ . , , who visited the KFA booth at this year's In other news, KFA '5 continumg 'n ”5 pride picnic and to everyone who made the Iawswt against Governor Ernie Fletcherfor KFABowl-A—Thon a success. the appropriations made to the UP'Vers'ty For the absolute latest information, ofthe Cumberlands. The sunnowmcludes check out KFA's newly designed website three co—plalntlffs: Rev. Al Pennybacker; at www.kentuck]{fairness.org. Rev. Dr. Paul Slmmons, PreSIdent of the ___________—_——————— Telling Our Stories - another in our series We are printing a series of personal stories that focus on our GLBTQ lives. Stories are one of the original sources out of which “history” will be written. The GLBTQ people that follow us (who no doubt will have new concepts and language to refer to themselves) will be curious about how we identified ourselves, what our struggles were, and how our stories may give new meaning to their lives. We may need to edit so let us know how to contact you. Send to |exingtong|so@yahoo.com or to magcrone@insightbb.com. ' playing "war" or cops and robbers, or The KISS football, nowthere was some games. l was born at 8:14 am on a Friday Those games required a '01 0f morning in 1950 just in time for the paraphernalia. Snub nose .38 shoulder weekend. I always felt sure I would've holster, war toys- military issue, and 0f made medical history by being the first course afootball and pads. Wow! I loved to newborn to be able to raise her head and cinch UP those pads and DBMS. I 3'50 loved cruise the nursery for pink booties and uniforms and planned to go into the service hats. But I guess no one ever saw me do it when [was Old enough. because I'm sure I'd be famous. But hey,l My attraction to little EMS and had other characteristics to cultivate that masculine toys continued for many years. could bring me fame. Ijust ”let go" of the | always had crushes on the females but nurserything. depending at what stage of life I was in, From the beginning I knew I was a changed what I needed to do to impress lesbian. | used to hate that word until I them. 't seems dancing always made them found out what it meant. The first "gay smile at me and ifI swivelled my hips a little women" were on an island named thatwas 3V9“ better. Lesbos, thusthe name oflesbian. lsurely I“ junior high I had a CVUSh 0” i wanted to be known as awoman fromthat Geraldine. She was kinda weird. Always island. Butl'm gettingahead Ofmyself. had older boy friends and class rings with When I was a little lesbian I fell for all angera on them- Geraldine waS cramping the little neighborhood girls. I just hated my style BU“ did find outitwescooito give playing girl games. The doll thing wasjust yourgirlfriend something special. too much, I mean how many times can Afterjuniorhigh schoollhadto move in you undress, dress, feed and rock Tiny With my aunt because my mother died. Tears. I saw absolutely no future in it. But (Thatis an extremely condensed version) continued on page 14 GLSO page 12 GAYand m Vassar: ‘7’ SERVICES Gay Independence by Marke Biesche ‘ It's one thing to be patriotic. It's quite another to be "gay-triotic" -- loyal to the country you consider home as well as to the community you consider fabulous. With the recent Supreme Court decision that struck down sodomy laws in states that used them mostly to persecute us, many LGBTs finally feel we have the opportunity to openly celebrate life, liberty and, at last, the pursuit of happiness (among other things). A giant American flag flew over the Castro. Gay veterans became the heroes of many Pride celebrations. Recent GLBT immigrants feel safer. Even 'r queer revelers around the world seemed to share in our shackle- ,f shedding. The feeling, for a lot of us, was exhilaration. er ’f We're not exactly out of the woods yet. There are struggles still to come. 3 Pundits predict gay marriage will be next, but watch out for those "lewd e conduct" bills being put before many state legislatures or the current d Administration's recent endorsement of faith-based workplace discrimination. And who among us in the past few weeks hasn't ever-so- n briefly entertained thoughts of high-tailing it to Ontario to hitch our star to ‘1 an eligible, well-saddled Mountie or a high-sticking puck monkey. But, ,5, hey.-- right now we've got Wal-Mart in our pockets, "sodomy" on e everyone's lips and change in the air for once. This past Pride season has reaffirmed our sense of ourselves and what we can accomplish. ; That's enough to frost your cupcakes red, white and rainbow, or perhaps 1 even fly "Ol' Glory" next to "Ol' Mary" over your mesquite-scented 3: verandathisweekend. 1 Happy Independence! |. (Re-printed from PlanetOut. com 6/23/06) Page 13 The Kiss ...continued from page 12 One night after supper we were in the lwonthejerk dance contestin 10th grade. gym shooting baskets. Our school had a . basketball team and | Just had to make the I never stopped wanting to run and play . . team. Peggy was on the team. She was sports With the boys. The girls I thought . .. . .. , . 59 and l was 54 but I thought maybe I were the cutest couldn t throw a ball or kick could be a greatguard. a football, or get tackled. That really . . . At any rate, we were shooting baskets bummed me out. l was getting Just too old . . . . . ., ,, one night, I think it was a Friday. I asked to want to hang out With those boys. . . ,, ,, . Peggy if I could give her a dooboo. She Things got even more troubled at . . . said yes and I thought I would die right home and l asked to go away to school. . . . there. My heart started racmg and I could Those were the magic words. it seemed in . . . . . . feel it. I was standing way over on the Side nothing flatl had a scholarship to Pinkerton . . . of the gym. If I were gomg to make this High School aka Ky. Female Orphan . . . . . basket it was gomg to have to be perfectly School in Midway, Ky. | hadnt been at the . . placed. No back board for this shot. Then i school very long before l discovered the ,, . . . asked her, A dooboo on the lips if I make gym. Beforelgotto know people or iflwas h' 7,, A d h . d ., ,, . especially feeling lonely I'd go shoot t '8 ShOt' n S e sai ’. Yes again. She threw me a good ball. ldribbled it tvwce and baskets. . ,, . , let go of the ball. It was nothing but string It wasnt more than a month that I got . ,. . . . . . mUSlC. The rest IS herstory. in too much trouble making norse during study hall. So I started going to the library. . So did the cutest girl in the class. Her name Great Quotation _ was PEGGY short for Margaret. l used to From the Unitarian Universalist web Site just look at her lips and think they were so Jamie Raskin, Professor of Law at ' soft. American University, was asked to testify J It wasn't long before Peggy started on a proposed constitutional amendment sitting with me in the library. ltfelt irrelevant to prohibit gay marriage. At the end of his ‘ to study in the library so we started writing testimony, Maryland Republican Senator 1 notes to each other. The purpose of those Nancy Jacobs asked: "Mr. Raskin, my ‘ notes were to make the other one laugh so Bible says marriage is only between a man ' we'd get kicked out of the library. She was and a woman. What do you have to say j so funny but then I had my moments too. about that?” ‘ The notes then turned to sex. The Professor Raskin replied: "Senator, I purpose of those notes was to gross each when you took your oath of office you 1 other out. But we couldn't write names of placed your hand on the Bible and t anatomy or an activity because if the note swore to uphold the Constitution. You ’ gotconfiscatedwewould bein big trouble. did not place your hand on the ‘ The more I hung out with Peggy the Constitution and swear to uphold the ( more I knew what it felt like to "fall in love." Bible.” ‘ She was absolutely gorgeous. A tall Citizens have every right to live their r blonde. What more could I want except to lives by their interpretation of the Bible, but f kiss her. Herlips were so red and moistand they do not have the right to require other 1 I'd watch them while she was returning my people to do so. r note. Everyday we were inseparable. V She'd look for me and | her until we locked Deadline for Newsletter is E Sides atbreakfast. . always the 15th of the month. Our code .Word for a kiss was The August newsletter will be a dooboo. Where in the hell that came from I put together between the h don't know but I sure knew what it meant . 15th and the 20th of July. c and I wanted to do it to her 3000 bad. _ So be on time or be left out! it Page 14 ' Gay Marriage Reframing the Gay Marriage Issue in early June, efforts to ban gay How can we help people understand marriage by amending the Constitution that the Republican attention to gay failed badly in Senate. Not only did they not marriage is mainly a political game? Here have enough votes, but they also lost two are some questions that might make the senators that had previously voted for the pointand encourage a chuckle. amendment-Wasthis simply an attempt by Is gay marriage making gas more Bush to remind the religious right that the expensive? Republican Party deserv