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-‘ ‘iii-i; 3*“ y
tr} mm The GLSO NEWS
Rig? Services J 1 2006
urganization ll y
A Publication of the Lexington gun and L‘esbian Services fll'r-mnization
. Volume 21 Number7
Community Forum . ,
Calling all community members: Do
you want to make a difference? We want to 5, i
hear your ideas. The GLSO is holding a . ._' x
Community Forum on Saturday, July 8 from " . .
, 12-2pm at the Maxwell St. Presbyterian ‘
Church located at 180 E. Maxwell St. They Harlem Show .flumafly all“ "us“;
have a good sized parking lot. _
This forum is a way for community On Monday,July3at8 pm therewrllbe
members to voice their opinions on the a Benefit show at Comedy Off Broadway.
services offered by their community Comedian Bernie Lubbers; Cincinnati drag
cente(T he Pride CenteronWallerAvenue)r. queen Hurricaln Summers; and Rhythm
existing services, ideas for new activities, performing for yourenjoyment. Admissmn
and any other thoughts you would like to the Pride Center. Tickets available online at
share to improve the safety of our www.ComedyOffBroadway.com or at the
community. door. Due to the cancellation of this year's
We are interested in building and Volunteer Awards Banquet this evenings'
organizing our volunteer base. The GLSO event will also host the presentation of the
Newslettercould use volunteer editors (see 2005 Wasson and Rainbow Community
page 17). We would also love to have Servuce Awards. Congratulations to
volunteers keep the pride Center open WassonAward winner, Jim Dickinson,and
between5and7several nights ofthe week. t°_ the men's choral QrOUP Another Note,
These are some of the ideas we have, what ”“3 year s RCSAwinner. ““3 '3 sure t? be
doyouthinkweshould bedoing? a great evening 0f outstanding
The forum will be structured in a entertainment so please come and join the
manner that will allow participants to fun.
brainstorm together and write down their
suggestions. When we had a forum of this
type over ten years ago, the local Fairness i shuns”. 0| llll mum“
group was started! A free lunch Will be » - !
sewed! Bring yourideas andafriend! I! LYEN S L
Fairness Alliance 5% -. , 51
Look for the Ky Fairness Alliance on , é Gig a
Diversity Day, July 1" in front of the a Elan" % E .
courthouse and in the 4‘" of July parade. § N ~ R '
You are welcome to walk with us. We will ; L E V I
be lining up along Midland Ave. about an 1
hour before the parade is scheduled to