Alben W. Barkley and Barkley family moving image and audio recordings


The Alben W. Barkley and Barkley family moving image and audio recordings (dated 1940-1968; 0.67 cubic feet; 23 items) consist of seven reel-to-reel audio tapes and sixteen Super 8 (8mm) color film reels with no accompanying audio tracks featuring Vice President Alben W. Barkley of Paducah, Kentucky and his immediate family and descendents.

Descriptive Summary

Alben W. Barkley and Barkley family moving image and audio recordings
1940-1968 (inclusive)
Barkley, Alben William, 1877-1956
0.67 Cubic Feet
Finding Aid Author
Jason Flahardy
Preferred Citation
2016av003: Alben W. Barkley and Barkley family moving image and audio recordings, 1940-1968, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Vice-President and United States Senator from Kentucky, Alben W. Barkley was born in Graves County, Kentucky November 24, 1877. A graduate of Marvin College in Clinton, Kentucky, Barkley also attended Emory College in Oxford, Georgia, and the University of Virginia Law School. He was admitted to the bar in 1901 and began practice in Paducah, Kentucky. Barkley entered McCracken County, Kentucky politics, serving as county attorney and county judge successively. In 1913 he was elected to United States Congress. In 1923, Barkley made an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination for Kentucky. He was elected to the United States Senate in 1926 and became Democratic majority leader in 1937. When the Democrats lost control of the Senate in the 1946 elections, Barkley served as minority leader for two years. Nominated as Harry S. Truman's running mate, Barkley was elected Vice- President of the United States in 1948. He retired to Paducah, Kentucky after failing to receive the 1952 Democratic nomination for President. Barkley returned to public life two years later as he won election once again to the U.S. Senate. Barkley died suddenly while addressing a student group at Washington and Lee University on April 30, 1956.
David Murrell Barkley (1906-1983), son of Alben W. Barkley and Dorothy Bower Barkley, was born in 1906 and was the eldest of the three Barkley children. David Barkley served in the United States Air Force and was stationed Randolph Air Force Base, Universal City, Texas, during the latter years of World War II. David married Dorothy Graves (1911-2004) in 1933 and had two children, Dorothy (Dottie) Barkley and Alben Barkley II. Dottie Barkley married Jan Holloway and produced a daughter, Anne Holloway.
Scope and Content
The Alben W. Barkley and Barkley family moving image and audio recordings (dated 1940-1968; 0.67 cubic feet; 23 items) consist of seven reel-to-reel audio tapes and sixteen Super 8 (8mm) color film reels with no accompanying audio tracks featuring Vice President Alben W. Barkley of Paducah, Kentucky and his immediate family and descendents. These include his wife, Dorothy Bower Barkely, their son David Barkley, his spouse Dorothy Graves Barkley, and their children Dorothy (Dottie) Barkley Holloway, Alben Barkley II, and Dorothy (Dottie) Barkley Holloway's daughter, Anne Holloway.
Subjects include family vacations to Washington D.C. and Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, the family farms The Angles and Sunnybark, both located in Paducah, Kentucky; a visit to Kentucky Dam, located on the county line between Livingston and Marshall counties in Kentucky; a discussion of the layout and furnishings of The Angles; and the time David Barkley and Dorothy Graves Barkley spent living at Randolph Air Force Base, Universal City, Texas, while David served in the Air Force.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Dottie Barkley Holloway and Anne Holloway conversation; Anne Holloway singing as a child, undated

  • Box 1, item 1
Scope and Contents

Reel-to-reel audio tape; playing time: 00:21:45

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David Barkley and Dottie Barkley Holloway discussing family members and the impending arrival of Anne Holloway; noted on reel container: 195 feet - Dottie and Daddy talking about coming of baby. Sept 29, 1966, 1966 September 29

  • Box 1, item 2
Scope and Contents

Reel-to-reel audio tape; playing time: 00:11:31

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David Barkley and Dottie Barkley Holloway discussing history, architecture, layout, and furnishings of Barkley family home, The Angles, located in Paducah, Kentucky; noted on reel container: Description of Angles Furnishings - Tape No. 1 // My room. // Library // Drawing room // Music room, 1966 June 22

  • Box 1, item 3
Scope and Contents

Reel-to-reel audio tape; playing time: 01:02:36

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David Barkley relating the layout, features and furnishings of Barkley family home, The Angles, located in Paducah, Kentucky; noted on reel container: Description of Angles Furnishings - Tape No. 2. // Halls. // Alben's room // Dottie's room // Mom's room // Dining room // Kitchen // West Porch., 1966 July 14 - 1966 August 3

  • Box 1, item 4
Scope and Contents

Reel-to-reel audio tape; playing time: 00:54:07

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David Barkley, Dottie Barkley Holloway and Anne Holloway discussing family, Dottie Holloway reads to Anne Holloway; noted on reel container: Ap. 23 1968 Annie, Dottie + DMB in Angles Bedroom / [to indicte recorded on same date as first line] Dottie's message for Annie when she went to N.Y. // July 30, 1963 Annie, Dottie + DMB talking in Granddaddy's bedroom (415 ft) // Oct. 16, 1968 Annie Holloway + DMB --, 1968 April 23 - 1968 October 16

  • Box 1, item 5
Scope and Contents

Reel-to-reel audio tape; playing time: 00:29:20

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Re-recording from a wire recording: Raymond Schultz and spouse in conversation with David Barkley and Dorothy Graves Barkley; David Holloway, Dottie Barkley Holloway and Alben Barkley II in conversation at their farm Sunnybark located in Paducah, Kentucky; noted on reel container: 1951 - Mr. + Mrs. Raymond Schultz visiting David + Dorothy Barkley (end of wire recording // Mar. 4 1958 - David, Dottie (age 15), and Alben Barkley II (age 13) conversing at their Paducah home, Sunnybark, 1951 - 1958 March 4

  • Box 1, item 6
Scope and Contents

Reel-to-reel audio tape; playing time: 00:32:31

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Jan Holloway, Dottie Barkley Holloway and Anne Holloway in conversation; noted on reel container: Side 1 only // Jan. 1, 1968 // Mr. ______ Holloway, Anne Brower Holloway, Dottie Barkley Holloway // New Year's Eve Party - Paducah, 1968 January 1

  • Box 1, item 7
Scope and Contents

Reel-to-reel audio tape; playing time: 00:31:40

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Barkley family members at The Angles in Paducah, Kentucky; noted on reel container: Reels, 1, 2, 3 + 4 // 1 Early pix of Angles // 2 Mom took pix of Ann // 3 Mom took Oro attend Will Coleman, [illegible] at Angles // 4 Mom took Angles snowstorm, undated

  • Box 1, item 8
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:17:48

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Alben W. Barkley and other members of the Barkley family at farm, an unidentified baseball game; noted on reel container: Reel 1A 2A 3A + 4A // 1A. Dad, Dot, Bud [illegible] // 2A. Bud + Dot on Honeymoon, 3A. Bud + Dot leaving for Randolph Feb 1941 // 4A. Mom took scenes of Dad, 1941 February

  • Box 1, item 9
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:18:12

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Child playing in field, infant in stroller, city and environs of Budapest, landscapes of Haiti; noted on reel container: Reels 1B 2B 3B + 4B // 1B Dottie Dot + Bud, Randolph // 2B Bud, Dottie Ann, Mom 1943 // 3B Mom took pix in Budapest // 4B Mom took pix in Haiti., 1943 October 31

  • Box 1, item 10
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:17:52; date accurate for first sequence only, other scenes undated

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Child playing in snow, Alben W. Barkley on porch, Dorothy Bower Barkley, man and woman conversing briefly in American Sign Language,panning for gold, children riding horse, funeral and condolence flowers, presumably from the service for Alben W. Barkley; noted on reel container: Reels 1C, 2C, 3C + 4C // 1C Mom Dad + Bud, Max Washburn, Pete, Lulu, Doug // 2C Dottie [illegible] September // 3C panning gold, Hannibal, Mo, end of winter trip // 4C Kids on Laddie (1956), 1953 April - 1956

  • Box 1, item 11
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:18:46

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Horse riding, marching band and football game, Alben Barkley II with friends; noted on reel container: Reel 1 + 2 // Great Smokies, kids with horse and checkers // [illegible] - Mayfield game 1958 Dottie in Drill Corp // Reel 3. Murray - Lib Ebenezer scrimmage 1961 // Dottie and Daddy in chicken yard. // Alben, Vichi, Denny, Jimmy, and Bill Ed 1963, 1958-1963

  • Box 1, item 12
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:13:03

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Dorothy Bower Barkley and David Barkley, boat scene, beach scenes, visiting The Angles in Paducah, Kentucky, playing with dogs; note included in film can: Dot before we married. U. Va. Skyline Drive. On Henry Walkin's boat. Honeymoon at Angles. Dot in wedding dress. 3102 with Paul and Fritz. Getting ready for Randolph, 1940 - 1941

  • Box 1, item 13
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:18:17

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David Barkley and Dorothy Bower Holloway in Los Angeles and Randolph Air Force Base, Universal City, Texas, David Barkley in uniform, air review; note included in film can: Los Angeles with Air Corps [illegible]. Our original Randolph House. My first Ford. Parade + review Air review. Davenport ranch. Friends and planes. Randolph Eights. [illegible]. Sheering sheep. Bud Carson at Randolph. Dot pregnant with Dottie., 1941-1942

  • Box 1, item 14
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:19:07

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Dorothy Bower Barkley, David Barkley, Dorothy Graves Barkley and Dottie Barkley Holloway, Alben W. Barkley with Dottie Barkley Holloway; note included in film can: Mom, Sis and Dottie at Randolph // Dottie at Davenports // Dottie at Angles // My grandmother Barkley // Me and Mom - Angles // Dad at Randolph // Davenports "tour" // New Mexico with gunnel // Dad at Randolph // Mom at Randolph, 1942 - 1943

  • Box 1, item 15
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:17:40

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Dottie Barkley Holloway, Dorothy Graves Barkley, and David Barkley, various scenes, 1943-1944 June

  • Box 1, item 16
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:16:29

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Dorothy Bower Barkley, David Barkley, Dorothy Graves Barkley and Dottie Barkley Holloway, Alben W. Barkley with Dottie Barkley Holloway; note included in film can: Paducah sights. Houses where I [illegible] lived. Grandma Barkley. Dad, Linda, at hand, Dottie at Angles. // Back at Randolph, 1944 June to 1944 October

  • Box 1, item 17
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:12:52

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David Barkley, Dorothy Graves Barkley, Dottie Barkley Holloway, Alben Barkley II, ; note included in film can: Dot, Dottie, Baby Alben + baby Biddy at Randolph // Parade +Re view at Randolph // etc., 1944 October to 1941 April 1

  • Box 1, item 18
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:17:36

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Dottie Barkley Holloway, Alben Barkley II, Dorothy Graves Barkley, David Barkley scenes, President Harry S. Truman and Vice President Alben W. Barkley at Kentucky Dam; note included in film can: Dottie and Alben at Randolph and Wash. D.C. // Carl, Fritz + Biddy. Port Aransas beach + cottages // Alben leaving to work Angles. President Truman and Dad at Kentucky Dam + Angles, 1945 April 1 - 1945 October

  • Box 1, item 19
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:13:54

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David Barkley, Dorothy Graves Barkley, and Dottie Barkley Holloway at Randolph Air Force Base, Universal City, Texas; note included in film can: Dottie at Randolph // Snow! at Randolph / Dot 4 + 5 months pregnant with Alben, 1945 October - 1946 Late September

  • Box 1, item 20
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:17:19

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David Barkley, Dorothy Graves Barkley, Dottie Barkley Holloway in Washington, D.C. and The Angles, Paducah, Kentucky, Alben W. Barkley at The Angles; note included in film can: Kids in Wash, D.C. Capitol. Marian's boat, U. V.. Hermitage, Dad speaking at Fulton. Kids in costumes. Dad at birthplace. Biddy with pups. Horse farm labor. [illegible] mule cart. Dottie [illegible], Dad, Kids, original [illegible] at Angles., 1946 September - 1948 May

  • Box 1, item 21
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:17:58

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Alben W. Barkley at The Angles, Paducah, Kentucky, pets and livestock, logging, Sunnybark, Paducah, Kentucky; note included in film can: Dad, Carsons, [illegible] at Angles. // Cutting down Angles trees. // Cattle at Angles. Linda on felled trees. Death of Carl + Fritz, dachshunds. Trigger: the [illegible]. // Dad's V.P. signs. // Digging Sunnybark well. // Dad at airport. // Kids on ponies and horses. // Ice storm, Angles., 1948

  • Box 1, item 22
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:17:56

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Barkley family vacation, scenes in unknown mountainous location, feeding deer and prairie dogs, visit to Mount Rushmore, Keystone, South Dakota, undated

  • Box 1, item 23
Scope and Contents

Super 8 (8mm) color film, no audio; playing time: 00:17:50

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