xt7x3f4kq37z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x3f4kq37z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1960 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1960 Vol.26 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, January 1960 Vol.26 No.4 1960 2019 true xt7x3f4kq37z section xt7x3f4kq37z ‘ ‘ z
, ‘ E "‘ E
‘ en suc   ress
January, I 960 l
: Published in the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers
W- l;
11‘; ‘ . , l 3le
C071 vemzzm Issue * E
I a University Egrggllts'rcky i E El
1: Lexington f? E
1i“ 0 . . , l
E: : VOLUME TWENTY-SIX Nmety-flrst Annual E E ,
E2; NUMBER FOUR Mid-Winter Meeting ‘ pi
E Brown Hotel, Louisville E
IY * January 2,8-30,1960 :5:
Official Publication Kentucky Press Association ll ,

 .1": 11"'l1"1_’11§1111‘1‘l' '1
11 1
1 11111511111 II I .. . . . UARY
1| 1111 ‘1‘ | le itiinatc ubhc 0)1nion advertii JAN '
1 A w s It g ,1 1
1 1 1‘ i The Kentuck Press ‘i' S e ee + Other industry groups also have register
1 i 3 11 1 1 objections to the rule, claiming it W111 11-1
11 1 11 I 26 N b 3 llie Internal Revenue 1 Servrco 1 has much of their effort to keep the PUblic11.
‘ 11 ‘ ‘i V0 ume r um er adopted a proposed rule which makes 1ex— formed on 111211-01. issues. 9 $1.
11111 1 Official Publication penditurcs for lobbying,"politicalcampaign An IRS spokesman said that “1111111111
1: 11‘ 1 Kentuck Press Association, Inc. and other propaganda advertising non— ments rclatin to labor dis )utes u
1 1 y . . . g l are ml
1 1 31 Kentucky Press SerVice, Inc. deductible from gross income for tax pur— .111)“. $1111 going to be deductible u
1 , 1 1 11 fl , 1 ) _1 11 _, 1 .
1 1 1 Victor R. Portmann, Editor poses, states The 1hditor and lubhslicr. As part of its 11110 order, the IRS 11111111 5101
1 1 1 Perry J. Ashley, Associate Editor 11101 T1116, Pitt 11m) full _f0rCC and died restrictions on the dcductibility of 11111 '1
1 :1 Member followmg a series of hearings last month, 1 union and trade association dues 1111121111111 Registratiorll, 111622
1 1 Kentucky Chamber of Commerce now reads as follows: 1 income. 5'0
111 11 Newspaper Managers Association l:.xpenditures for lobbying purposes, for 11 111 11 111 Ladies’ get-togeth‘
111 1 1 Sustaining Member the promotion or defeat of legislation, for 5:59
111 1 National Editorial Association political campaign purposes (including the Goya-1101- Patterson, Alabama, 1111,1111 KPA Executive C1
111' Associate Member _ 1 support of or opposition to any candidate the new statute that required all retort~ 7.29
111 1 National l‘lewspaper Promotion Assoc1ation for PUbHC office), or for CHTTF'ng 011 PFOP’J‘ should he open to the public, when he ‘11, . r 1111
111‘ 1 Printed by The Kernel Press ganda (including advertising) related to posed a 30—dav suspension of pay 0111111: Bugegsque ’
1" , . . 2 ‘ , for oin 3 r)o.c. are not (10— ' ~ '1 11 ‘ . ‘ , . 1_ ° mamaccori
11 The Kentucky Press Association recognizes the 1113 ,Of the Cg 1 =3 1“ 11 S S mer dud auditor 0f th‘v btatc ngllllt Refreshments c1
1111 1‘ ' 1 fundamental importance of the implied trust (lllCtllflc from gross 111C0mC- 1 1 Department, for failure t0 glVC out can:
1 1 1 1 imposed on newspapers and dissemination of l‘or example, the cost of advertismg to information as to CKpCIlSC accounts 11111
11 11 w 1 Public information It stands f0r truth: fafmm’ promote or defeat legislation or to influence Staff reporter of the Birmingham N0115111~1
11 1 ”“umcy’ a”? ‘1“?"611 mat/re prisintat107.1;f thC PUbliC With respect to the desirability can applaud the Alabama governor for 111 8:01
‘1 11 news, as set art: in te anons o ournats . .. 1 . 1 . . 1 1 1 u
11 1 It advocates strict ethical standards in its adver- or undulrablhti Of proposed leg151‘1t10n1 IS 21(l1111111‘21lDlC (lCClleD i0 m‘fl‘c the OPCPI“ Registration, Foye
1 111 tising column. It opposes the publication of “Qt dCdUCtlblc as 3113115111653 631361156: CV6“ ords law effectual and operative. Tillsall 8:16
1 ‘11 1 ' 11 propaganda under the guise of news. It affirms though the legislation may directly affect emphasizes the need of a similar statuteii B kf t Roof C
‘1 11 1 '1 the obligation of a newspapento frank, honest the taxpayer’s business. Kentucky—a llCCd which we hope 10111 rea 35116
1 ‘ ‘ 11 and [fade/55 6440"“! fem”??? f“ ”we?“ On the other hand, expenditures for in- this 1Cgis‘1fltivc session, 9'
‘ 11‘ 1‘ 1 ‘ equa it): o optnzon anc tze rtgt 0 every m- 1 - - 1 u 1- n 11 - - - 1 1 1 Invocation, Dr.
1 1. 11 1 dividual to participation in the Constitutional S_tltUt110n‘fl Or g100,d “11H £1d\fUt18111g “71111911 A bill to Insure the Ilgllt Of llCll‘Slllenlt Address of We]
1 W ‘ guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes I‘M-‘1)5 the taxpayer 3111311“: )C 91": th P1131C inspect records relating to welfare Spending W I
11 ‘, 1 ‘ in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic. are generally deductible as ordinary and nec— anywhere in the state was introduced 1-11 111 RGSPOHSE, -
1 1 economic, social, and cultural community de- C552“), business CXanSCS provided the CX— New York Legislature January 111 Tllebll 10:16
1 11 ”EIOII'W’” and i’mng- pcnditures are related to the patronage the would resolve an apparent conflict 11111111111 Business Session,
11 1 ‘ 1 Kentuck Press Association Inc taxpayer might reasonably CXPCCt 1n the the state social welfare law and the general PreSIdent Ada”
1 1 1 y I _ ’ future. _ 1 1 1 municipal law, and would be an amendmtil‘1 secretaW'Mana
‘i 1 1 1 1 Thomas L. Adams, P7851616“ 1 For example, a deduction Will ordinarily 10 the social welfare 12111111 v Appointment oi
‘ 1 i P 1 W t 1 1. 1,. Hgml‘ij‘efder’ Lexmgton be allowed for the cost of advertising which 1 Roundtable sessi(
1 an espieing, tce- resz en __ 111111 , 1 1 1 1 1 . < 1, ,1, ,1, . 1
111 1 1 Fulton County News, Fulton keeps the ttaxpcn crfls name before the ptu1l1)lic 111 (litertrlibers ofblthr
“ 1 Victor R. l’ortmann, Secretary-Manager lll COIlllCC 1011 WI 1 encouraging C011 r1)u— . . no on pro er
1‘1 University Of Kentucky, Lexington tions to such organizations as the Red Gu'ld Requ'rements 12:31
1 5‘1 '1 District Executive Committee Cross, the purchase of United States Sav— Purely for the mental lift it will gr: Luncheon, Roof (
‘1 11: '; Chairman, W. Foster Adams, Berea Citizen, Be- ings Bonds, or participation in similar publishers Who have so far escaped 13116.11 11111118551 Arthur 1
11 1 1 rea (Seventh); First, Ray Edwards, Messenge’: causes. In like fashion, expenditures for ad— contract negotiations, we report a feiv10! New York City
1: 1-9 1 1 Mayfield;1.8‘econd,1Larry Sf‘me’ Messenger-Argus, vertising which present views on economic, the demands that appear in a proposmot
.11 1'11 1 1 Central City; Third, BaSll Caummisar, Courter- fl 1 .11 .1] l 1 , f , 1 rbV 1111
1 1 1 ' ; Journal, Louisville; Fourth, John G. Gaines, “41104, 3°C”, “10““ “We“ 0 a gen' l>r€§cntcd1t0 1311 Indlana nC“Spflpe , 1 I
111. : . 1 11 11 Park City News, Bowling Green: Fifth, Frank G, cral nature but which do not involve any of Guild Editorial and Maintenance union. 2101'
1‘ Bell, Trimble Democrat, Bedford;_Sixth, George the activities specified in the first sentence If the publisher wishes to reduce the '
1 1 1 1 film}1153;317:7352”513323235133?icingeonlgri of this subparagraph are deductible if they number of employees for economic 161150111111 Angualdmeteténg
1 , y , r 1 - 1 11 ‘ 1 1 . ' ‘. 1‘851 en
11 1 i 1 1 W. Kinner, Licking Valley Courier, West Lib- otherwise meet the requirements Of the it must be proved by the pubhshcrtll1 2.3] eori
1 1,1 ‘ i 1 erty; Tenth, s. c. Van Curon, Enterprise, Har- regulatlons under Section 162. 1 dismissals for such reason are 11606531111111 .
11 1111 1 Ian: State-At-Large, Fred J. Burkhard, Casey Expenditures for the promotion or the insure the survival of the paper and 311 Tenth annual me
1111. . County News, Igberty; ZSvtate-A(tJ-L1;zlrge, LIandon defeat of legislation include, but shall not other means of economy have been ti President, presi
.1 311*: 1 Wills, McLean ounty ews, a oun; mme- . . 11 1 - 1 1 1 11 1 1 11111 A
11 111111 . diate Past President, Martin Dy che, Semi“, be lll]llt(,(l1t0, expenditures for the purpose hausted. Next, the Guild demandsd 1111 Rnnualreport1(
1 3 1 '1 Echo, London. 0f attempting tO— paid holidays 21 year, compensated at 0'11 oundtable dis
1‘ . . . ‘ . ’1. 1 . . . 111 .
1‘ 1 ' Kentucky Press Serv1ce, Inc. (1) Influence members 0f 3 11095131“: b0d5 time if worked, instead of the prese1nt11111 2-31
1. . 3 James M. Willis, President d‘TCCtlY or 111(111r0Ct13’r by urging or eneour— holidays compensated at time and a 1:1 1 Roundtable—Prob
1 1 Messenger, Brandenburg aging the public to contact such members work-ed. 1 cu,0n and 10h.
.‘ 11 James G. Wilson, First VicIe-Preéidbent C h' for the purpose of proposmg, supporting, or The the Guild wants an agency 51101113111 4:01
1'12 1 ' 1 og ‘1 "1’ 1"“ ”ma 0 osin le islation, or . 1 1 . - Mat 1
11 1 George M. Wilson, Second Vice-President pp? g g bl. V1510“ by Wthh the PUthher wou (£111 Annual meeting,
11 1 ‘ ' Breckinridge County Herald«News,Hardinsburg (-1 1111111611“?th pm 10 to 31311)¥()1VC1 Or to deduct from the wages of non'dtf‘ 4:0]
1 ‘ Victor R. Portmann, Secretary-Manager reiect a measure in a referendum, initiative, members an amount equivalent to the U11» Nominatin C
University of Kentucky, Lexington vote on a constitutional amendment, or thev would pay if they were members11 515% 0m]
Board Of Directors similar procedure. the union. And the Guild wants a tel11r1f1' C M l-
:11 * ~ . . , . 1 OC ' 1
1' -‘ 1 1 Ch””"‘“"1 “emu?“ Road,” 5’“?sz News, She‘bY‘ The American Newspaper Publishers As— merit pension plan to which the P11111111“ ingtad IEIW’ R1
1 ' 3 1 1 “"6: Rumsey F" Garrison’ Anderson News’ sociation has formally protested the rule as would contribute $2 per week per Clllp0-1 ’1 Wald--
. 1 11 1 r Lawrenceburg: Enos Swain. Advocate-Messenger, t't , 1 tl . t f 1 1 lit] 11 l G 1111 , f ll c0rltl’01 overlh‘ 7:16
i‘, . 1 1 Danville; Niles Dillingham, Progress. Dawson C0“? 1 utIng governincn a 1“ er ercnccui 1 Wltl he 111C lang U Annu 1 B
, 111 1 Springs; Officers Ex-Olficio. busmcss rights and, in eiieet, censorship Of fund—Nebraska Press. a anquet,
11111 111,1ll1l '
‘ 1|

 I III‘ I .
, ,III. I II I —-
[\IertiSilig. , JANUARY, 1960 THE KENTUCKY PRESS use ONE 1" I
have logisteIfiI I I“. . I
mg 1i will SIIII I' I I‘ I
' the DublicI 1 'I' M“ W’ 1' P I I“; I I I .
9 5 Id In er rogram, January 28-30
“I“ ”New Th d Af I ' I I
ale. , urs ay ternoon Saturday Morning I I I I 1» I
the IRS DIHIII 5.01 I 1 I I‘ I II
bility of III . ', . . . . 8‘31 I I a I
clues and 0,, Registration, mezzanine floor, Miss Florida Garrison Breakfast, Roof Garden I I I ,. I, I
5:01 9:16 I I y |
Ladies get-together and reception Business Session, President Thomas L. Adams, presiding II I I I
bI ‘ 5:59 Address, President Ed Schergens, National Editorial Association I I I
(111121, lm'OII. KPA Executive Committee meets in the KPA suite Report, James M- WilliS, NEA State Chairman I I I I I
rcd all retort 1:29 9:46 I I I ; . ,
2, when heI . . . . IIII II ' I
)f pay on A1, Buffet supper, music, smgmgi South Room, Jim Sheehy, M, 0., Rene Proposed Clipping Service, Paul Westphaling and Perry I. Ashley I I I I , I
State High“; Holfman, accordianist and pianist, Mark Ethridge, song leader Report of summer seminars, Dr. L. Niel Plummer, Director, U_ of K. I I, ,, , > ,
five out Certif: Refreshments courtesy Kentucky D1V151on, U.S. Brewers Foundation 3011001 0f Journalism I-.., III II “ I
accounts mj . . Address, Freedom of Information, James L. Pope, Louisville Courier— I I i III ,,
l'lm NCWS “3 Frlddy Mornlng Journal, chairman, national committee I I I .,I. ,1 I
overnor 5,th 8'01 Reports of standing committees II ‘III
the H II ' Legislative committee report ‘I I II : II
' opcn II“ Registration, Foyer Roof Garden, Miss Garrison Old business I IIII III II II
Itivc. FlnsaIII 8'16 N b - II IIJIIII I II
nilar Statute]? ' eW usmess _ , ,, , i , ,, ,_
re 110),, , IIII Breakfast, Roof Garden Election 0f officers II IIII II II I
0f “0““,ch Invocation, Dr. Chauncey Daley, Editor, The Western Recorder Luncheon, ROOf Garden IIIII III IIIII II
learc sandinzI Address of Welcome, Mayor Bruce Hoblitzell, Louisville Presentation of Award to the KPA Outstanding Kentuckian of the Year, I IIIII II II IIIIjIIlII
:rO ducc d in M Response, W. Foster Adams, Chairman, Executive Committee AdChairman Fred 13' Wachs, Kentuckian Committee, presiding IIIII I ‘I,IIIIII ;
ry 11. ThebIII 10:16 ]0uI;I!333t I II IIIII
)nfiict mm,“ Business Session, President Thomas L. Adams, Presiding ' I II IIIII III
,nd the generII President Adams, annual address Reception for members of the Kentucky Press Association by Governor I III II III; ,I
an amendmeni‘; Secretary-Manager Victor R. Portmann, annual report and Mrs. Bert Combs, Exewtive Mansion, Frankfort I III II III IIII III
I Appointment of convention committees I ‘II II III II III '
. I' ROundtable sessions—three tables for weeklies, one table for dailies. Program Notes: COHSUI’C Bulletin Board, hotel lObbY; for room assign- II II I IIIII
I, Members of the executive committee as moderators. Bring your pro- ments II I III I II
‘ ductlilozn grloblems for open discussion Ladies are invited to attend any WHAS radio presentation or WHAS-TV §,I IIIIgI I II
. ; show. Ask for information at the registration desk. I II I‘ I III II '
ft 1t “IIIIlgII: Luncheon, Roof Car den Hospitality rooms will not be open during business sessions, I II, I, III I II
escaped II, Address, Arthur H. “Re d” Motley, President Parade Publications Inc W. Foster Adams is our official sergeant-at—arms—please obey his mod- I III I' III? I I _
port a ICIIIIIII New York City ’ ’ I’ est requests. I ‘II III; I III 3.
a 1)rop051t10I, You are invited to inspect the new Scan-O-Graver Illustrator model Which I I I I 1 ’ ,‘EI I I I
vspapcr III III; Friday Afternoon will be in operation in the Derby Room. I III f IIIII ,’
.ance IIIIIOIIII A press committee, Perry J. Ashley, Ray Hornback, Jerry Miller, and I 'III II I I
to reduce II, 2:01 Bob Cochran, will be on hand to serve you in any capacity. Photog— . ‘I II ' "I II, III I:
nomiC reaSOlIII Annual meeting, School of Journalism Foundation of Kentucky, Inc., raphers will be present to snap convention pictures and will furnish , . ,‘ IIIIIIIII ,
publishCI IIII President George Joplin III, presiding you cuts to take home for your next issue. Press kits will also be fur- I II 1 II,III 5
_€ neceSSflII'III 2:31 nished. Ask for yours. . . ,I ‘ I Mi, :
13136 and ,, Tenth annual meeting, Kentucky Press Service, Inc., James M. Willis, Door prizes at all sessrons except the banquet. You must be present to I ,I , II,” .-
iave bgeII'IIII President, presiding HIV“: l't f , t I ‘I ,IIII,II I
deman s elgf, Annual report of the S c t —M ospi a i y rooms or your enjoymen . I . f‘ I I, :I III III. 3
:21th at dOIIIJIII Roundtable discussion 6 re ary anager Please purchase banquet tickets before 4:00 p.m., Friday. No banquet I. II’ I II I III.
'116 presenl II, 2:31 tickets Will be sold at the door. , . f : "I . II III;
a and a haIIII R d All times indicated are Central Standard Time. I I, II II ‘III II 5
r , 0:“ table—Problems of the Small Dailies, Derby Room, S. C. Van II I II I:.IIIII i i
mound . . . I II MI: E
encyshOPPII’, 4,01 JOhn 13' Games: moderators Outstanding Kentucklan Awards I; I I : :IIIIIII}
. . I .I .1 ‘1 :IIII '
2r would 39“ Annual . 1948 Vic P 'd I I I I I ‘I IIII I
,1, me t1 . e re51 ent Alben W. Barkley 1 I , II,
0f “OH'GUII' 4.0-]e ng, Kentucky Assocrated Press, Derby Room 1949 Senator John Sherman Cooper I ' I 2 TI I‘IIIII I I
ill to the (IIIII' N . I. 1950 Paul Bryant, U. of K. Coach I II I . II III II 3,
6 members I Omlnatmg Committee, Past Presidents, KPA Suite 1951 Thomas Poe COOPer’ D ean’ College Of Agriculture I I ‘ III I IIII I
“mm a reIIII'I 5:59 113% IIII/IISI Mary (Brackinridge, Frontier Nursing Service I . I, I;,II'.I III, I
t ., . enry ar , onservationist I, I I,» III” _ ,
the PUbIIIIIII; COFktall Party, Roof Garden, Louisville Courier—Journal and Times, Lex- 1954 Paul G. Blazer, Industrialist I I I‘IIIIIII 5
per cmplOII‘II lngton Herald-Leader, and KPA, hosts 1955 Albert B. Chandler, Governor -‘ I I jII III I I I
mu 0] oveIIII 7:16 1956 Jesse Stuart, Writer and Poet I ‘ II II. I1 I 1
Annual Ban 1957 Ed Diddle, Western College Coach I ' I II
quet, Crystal Ballroom—Floor show and dance 1958 Robert M- Watt, Industnahst I . ’ , I I I
: " I ‘ i? I
. ‘3 I
I I ‘ ;: y
. I ,II

 _e. '_ a.“ IIIQITIIIIV : I
I I: ,
‘ II

? I I .
. ‘ . Iniormailon From COSI SIUd '95 I Pu ‘5
.‘ - I at the NEA meetmé’ at Hot Spt‘mgS- 11‘ w 3M~ , most helpful pa
I . notices ShOuld be strengthened and mam pertinent and timely, and points the way to— \l , a er COS
II 3 . 3 new ones created. ward the publishers’ responsibilities in present- I I CIIISP P ived
I 3 I From the standpoint of a State legislator tag this tune at tenement newe- Especially eh.“ I“ - H
II and I believe most of the Bar and many of today, when KPA faces attaCkS 0" 01" Whlica- I mg 111 he 61g 1
III: 1 I - -, , .’ , 1 t t tl e 1 utter is a tian law in the legislature, this paints the way egos Next most 11
I “.6 CW0?“ 1“ 0““ S a 6’ I I“ when we may forestall continuing attacks tn as; . lisllers is “adj
I 5119“” ‘I‘He‘mt 0“"3' . the future and will tndtcate the newspaper’s t ' ~ ialvsis of e:
I These groups frequently feel that Pubh- continual effort to uphold the people’s right to m kn
II cation laws are sufficient if not already over— know.) ..‘,;.I?E;I§;.IE§:II3..III : i..I-:=I'I" groulp ' If”: 11!:
II . done. They do not particularly Worry abOut _—_————— ' ,, emP OI’CCSen‘I‘lO
II I ‘ enfomng them because they really feel that duty and responsibility of, not only the ., i IIIIIIIZIICIheI: £05
5. I I the enforcement must lie with those primar— newspaper, its organized associations and e. . h >_ I). 1 Iblishers
I fly affected, particularly publishers 0f DCWS‘ groups, but the public as well to see that it Arthur 1]. “Re d” Motley, President of IIIBpeIdause only
II . : papers. . _ . ls enforced or removed from the statutes. Parade Publications, will be the featured of the participz
II I 3 If newspaper pllthhers and the“ aSSOCI' A frequent CW C011195 from 13001' 017 bank— speaker at the Friday luncheon. He is noted illCV found the
I I f ; ations do not demand that these laws be rupt counties and communities that they as one of the best publlC speakers in ’ Ihel ful th<
I I enforced, then many citizens, the Bar and “cannot afiord” to observe publication re— America. 1““? tliJat inan
I I . the average legislator isn’t too concerned quirements. You can put teeth in laws by —-————-O———-—— sItCaIned how to u
I» :- I . either. Spelling out that “shall” and “will” means Classified Pays Off advantage
I I I believe too many newspapers have a “must” and “mandatory.” ' ' ' . u , . -
1; I . fundamental weakness in the way they run But newspapers, particularly, must go A Virgnna newspaper tried a Cuarn- hct s’illustratt
a legal notices. Frequently we are inclined to farther than simply yelling about publica— teed Results \Veeh wrth classrfied advei- scuber figures
I 3 crowd legals down into small type so tiny tion laws which are not observed. Such laws tlsmg and found it a guaranteed success, advantage. Sup
I I I I it is difficult to read and then jam them are either good or bad. If they are bad they One purpose of the promot10n was to prove Circulation of 2,.
I back into some part of the newspaper piled should be stricken from the statutes as un— that clasnficd advertising could -sell any- one of the 34 p:
3 I over with ads and other material. needed. If they are good and serve a useful thing. And thats ]ust the way it worked Four (2,001 to
I . . ' All of which make legal uninviting to the purpose, then they must be observed and out. The newspaper announced that for one study of 1958 b
I ..; I ‘ reader. We should bring these legal notices they must be diligently enforced. week, any famlly listed in the local teltL III of £116 Cost .
I . I out of “junk pages” and give them the best Press associations and newspapers should phone dlrectory' could place a familthanj tlaé t e aherage
I ' II I POSSibIC display, promote their importance be quick to file complaints with the county ad to SC“ anything, and Palm“ fort II; III rouif) 0;“ I
II I I to our readers, and keep pointing out how attorney and other enforcement officials would bC reourred only If the adverhu unhme OI tlat
‘ ' these notices may affect their lives, their from their counties or parishes, even up in— item SOld- I Famlly W35 §PCCIfied I0 “I , our elrcu'at
I , , ' businesses and, indeed their property. to the state’s attorney general and other en— regular advertisers from taking advantages] Ag: paper 1n I]?
It i . NCWSPQPCTS ShOUId carry on a continual forccmcnt agencies on publication laws the SECCI‘III promot10n.) During III? ”:10?- OII 10\1v 1111:1101]
II I ’ I promotion 0t reading legal notices in order which are not observed or respected. You in WhICh the promotion ran, classhfie I: flip: SIOU i
I 'I E j to protect individual citizens. Some news— can say the same about any other kind of age “67“” dOIIbIed' .Transrent a 5 I310” WI he Emil p. .
I I papers With 3 great deal 0f leadership and law which is on our statute books. than trlpICd‘ The daily average more :1 an 11 {heat
I I ‘ initiative, prominently carry on page one or The most important thing newspapers doubled._ And there was over a 101? p311?“ III 61:? or IC
II . . within the first few pages a synopsis of the and newspaper associations can do to im— rhcrease in total ,ads fol: the; moptth familII “Erie girousrup):
I I; I , important legal notices contained in the prove the respect for published legal notice t c guaranteed wee ., 7 9 0 e esstsI VOurtolf'l' .
II I I newspaper and where they appear in that is to demand respect for these statutes and ads brought in a long IISt 0f sales succld a if I a moon
IiIII I issue. full compliance with their intent and pur— Amonlg Ellen} were a womzin WIIII; Sim paIgzuI 1p apoe; III;
'I I Of course, this takes additional space but pose. This may mean hiring a lawyer if the h/éyna If] IIEI’ tanld a 21:33:: OwgiianglikedI total incoIine to
I I it is a necessary public service and ought. to county attorney will not act: ._ fligrisdealio fiiuecliIIsIhe placed 19 ads on no expense. By nn
I I ' r. be performed by every newspaper accepting Certainy it means mformmg the pubhc phone call. ! the percentage
I _; I legal notlces. that something must be wrong or might be . I have average fig
II . I The only real and justified reason for wrong in these departments of government A resourceful man isn’t necessarily IIIIIIIII CirCulation. Cc
I I : publication law at all is to provide a super— or elsewhere who won’t inform the public of means. ures foi each 2“
II I iOI form 0f HOtiCC than that Of posting upon on matters they handle as required by law. ———_—_———’I Copy of your re

‘ . a telephone pole or some obscure bulletin We must educate the public that these a public trust and it is a compliment to HUIt tell where your
I board in the courthouse. I’ve already men— notices are published for. the public’s pro- publication choice for such notice. ADI" the average,
. tioncd What I feel newspapers must do as teetion and as a report to taxpayers on their newspaper carrying public notices has IIII Using the “it
I , a public responsibility towards better notice, affairs from those who are entrusted with responsibility of carrying them in sushil in the above m
I: 1 I I by the publication of legal notices carried in the stewardship and management of the manner that they inform the public as the? II sible to Compar
II- I I their newspaper. PubliC’s business. are intended to do and at the same IIIIIII age paper in yo
I “ I I If there is a publication law which is not The legal notice is more than just a keep ever-diligent and bring to correction PIObably prefer
I I I I being enforced, or observed, then it is the means of revenue for the newspaper. It is any side—stepping of these laws.
. I | I I III .
r |

 . I I .1' .
a: 3.22 -
'Ill j-i ,
I‘ ; I v,‘ C i
- h ' l d Mailing Faults l j ‘g 3
I P Ublls er S Pay tht e H ee These are the most common faults found 9H: l I I
. . . by postal employees in sorting and routing I I I
To Legal Ad vertrsrng P romotron PW . . i‘ r ~
l. Insuflicrent ink used on addressing =1I ' I, 3’ ;_
B CARL C WEBB IN I G Ic W b: : m1 v. z .:
v . ' t 0 e: or . e , assis ant r0 essor o - . : - 532‘ -.: if .
3% “Ycarlv tfends in total income” is the journalism at the UniDeTSItU 0f 07'9ggnfie Che"): ZI Poor quality wrapping used, srngle III II I'
:83} I ' : . - . man of the Weekly Newspaper Cost Study com- wraps spht under pressure. ; . ‘v I I 3' t
most helpful Part Of the thlenal Weekly mime of NE A and New 0 e, Association a W t» .1 d , t 1 1 't : I I a t
I NCWSlmpeI‘ C0513 StUdiCSy according to the Managers Inc, Secreta Posftgann is a mem- . DI, ' Ia crcc (”In P35 e'or g ue 0868 l S III II I I
. -: f blishers artici at— b h'I .fi ”1 adhesron when dry, causrng wrappers to [III I g .;
replies received rom pu p p er of IS comm 86') come loose and address labels to fall off. I I I l .
r ing in the elghth 311111131 study. W _ :LI 1.: E :
if cht most helpful information to pub— of total income for each classification of in— ,4 Papers bundled together before glue III I I I
I . , fishers is “adjusted net income" with come and expense for your own newspaper dries StICk together and addresses are Ob‘ I I E
“analysis of expenditures by circulation and then comparing the percentages with lrterated when torn apart. III I I r
group” ranking third; “average number of the group average in the cost study. 5- Addresses improperly placed. They I .
:. employees” came in fourth; and “total in- As a result of action taken at the joint ShOUId be m fibOUt the mlddle Of the wrap- II . I
come per employee”placing fifth in the poll meeting of the NEA—NAM Cost Study com— per and hOtlZOhtal t0 the length Of the I I It: i
of how the cost—study information is used mittee at the fall meeting of NEA in Chi— paper. : I: I
' 'I I I” = by publishers. cago, the study will again be conducted next 6' Papers improperly bundled. All copies II i III .I
President of Because only slightly more than one—half Spring and based on 1959 calendar—year for the same town ShOUId be wrapped tO‘ III I. II
the featured of the Participants in the cost study said business. gether and all those for the same state ISI III II I
'He “mid they found the “revenue per subscriber” Forms for participating in the ninth an- Shetlld be bundled 0t sacked together. IEII IgIIII iI I -
Speakm III very helpful, the Cost Study committee be— nual study will be mailed to all weekly news- Bundles and sacks should be plainly labeled. : :II I I III Ill I :
lieves that many publishers do not under— papers about March 15 by the cooperating Thls 13“th to mind a suggestion made by l I: : :I b II l
_ stand how to use these figures to the best state associations and/or NEA. Ed Arnold: Send yourself 3 COPY 0t your ::I II III II .
advantage. The “typical” weekly newspaper, as con— paper through the marl. That’s the 9le II I, II
(1 a “Cuarar- Lct’s illustrate how the “revenue per sub- sidered by the COSt StUdY committee is; A way you can really see 130W yoursubscribers III . III; III I
Iassified adver- scriber” figures can be used to the fullest single newspaper owned by a “working” see your newspaper. Its one :thlhg to read IIII II 3 E
nteed success. advantage. Suppose your newspaper has a publisher, partner, or corporation official; a a paper fresh Off the press; :qurte another to IIII :: II I :
n was to prove circulation of 2,575 copies and you were on newspaper having paid circulation, its own Phh 1t OUt 0f the 111311 box. 7 III ‘ :sIIEI I I
)uld sell any one of the 34 papers participating in Group printing plant, doing some c0mmerc1al Ever “II, to read a paper thats beeg -I III I '
.vay it worked Four (2,001 to 3,000 circulation) in the printing, and selling some miscellaneous wrapped like an old—time corse: Slneaile ll l
:d that fororre study of 1958 business. By turning to page items such as office supplies. _ and worn 1“ the marl and strc toget er III II I
the local telo ll of the Cost Study report you would find A “not typical” newspaper situation, 111' With excess paste. III IIIIL I ‘
a family want that the average circulation of the 34 papers sofar as the Weekly Newspaper Cost Study _.___ III I III I
.ent for IIIIII in Group Four was 2’366 and that the total IS concerned, includes: Ownership bl, pon— An Ontario publisher has found that it III tIIII II I-
thc advertised income for thataverage paper was $66,789. working publisher, estates:,k. corptélia ions pays to check names in the newspaper III :‘II‘IIII r:
ecified to keep Your circulation is more than the aver- paying salaries to non-“170i mg 0 0:5(1; against the subscription list and send III I, I 3_
3; advantageol age paper In your group, SO you want to find etc.; one: havrng free C1101; atron, Sue whrc marked copies to those mentioned who are III E : II I :1
mg the NIH] (“It how “mob busrness V01ume your news- 1,5 ”Qt pmlted m “.5 own I.) and; an one Iw— not subscribers. In many cases this Practice I I III I I
classified In paper should have handled if it was average mg a mayor portion of its income coming leads to a subscription . :II 1:, III :
ent ads more for the group. On page 6 of the Cost Study from commercial printing or office supply ' iII III I I
1ge more than 3011 find that the “incoine per subscriber" store. SLICh unusual SltllathDS COUId very ——-—-————-— I I III I I
a 100 per cenl average for Group Four was $27.10. Mul— easily distort the averages computed for the kind is it possible to compute average in- I II ’III I :
ronth. Duringr tiplying your circulation (2,575) by the “in— cost study. ' come per column inch for each. With this 1:I : IIIIII I :
of the famill Come per subscriber” ($27.10) you find COSt StUdY participants Shhmltted a num— information a publisher is in a much better I: l . IIIIIIII I .
sales successes. Your total income should have been $69,782 ber of suggestions, including a “salary and position to determine rate adjustments and " I : III III II .
1 who soldi if your paper was average. Turning back to wage study” and “time studies.” These to make some comparison of production II .‘lliI .
[0 sold garagtI page 11 You find the average per cent of recommendations were passed along: to costs with income for each kind of “1%pr ‘vIIIIIl {
woman likedI total income for each kind of income and NBA because the Cost Study committee tising. 3 3 :;:I IIIIIII'I .'
19 ads on anti: eXpense. By multiplying $69,782 by each of feels these inquiries are beyond the SCOPe The value of the Cost Study increases II III :IiI :'
I the percentage figures expressed you now of the annual cost study. each year because more publishers are sub— III I I IIIIIII I ':
—- , I have average figures for a paper With your The COSt Study committee strongly mitting “perfect” reports with figures sup- III :I' I IIIlIII e:
essarrly a min: circulation. Comparing these average fig— recommends that individual—newspaper pub— plied for each of the classifications listed on I IE : IIIIII : .2
ures for each account classification on your liShers, who are not doing so now, take im— the reporting form. No change in the classi— : f I 3 I III I
__._—-’I copy of your reporting form, you can easily mediate steps to segregate their advertising fication of accounts is planned and any pub— l :~ I I'III I ’
)limenttoflfllI tell where your paper was above or below income into the four kinds of advertising— lisher wanting to modify his bookkeeping ‘ III ::,:II It I .,
notice. All" the average. local, national, classified, and legal—33 well SYStem before the next reporting form is III III III III
)tices has lltI Using the “income per subscr