xt7x3f4kq84z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x3f4kq84z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-11-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 2002 2002 2002-11-20 2020 true xt7x3f4kq84z section xt7x3f4kq84z SUBLIME

Ill Subliminal
and jazz.
See Scene

| 8

’5 3..

. t i;

this week KEG

http: wwaiyiierneLco

Friends remember student, 56 says events

set up fund for his children Pr9|310te}lnitVt
critics disagree

Connecting: 86 says social events build campus bonds;

and night to check the noise
level, worried that his family
would he tinable to sleep and
study in a noisy environ

In memory: Manukyan, Ph.D. student from Armenia, fillimfilmfl‘
moved family to U.S. to improve daughters' education 1 ‘ ‘

was search
ing for an

Nov. ti. They shared stories apartment

By Jennifer Mueller

More than 00 friends.
family and colleagues of
Tigron {\Ianukyan. an agri-
cultural economics Phi). stu
dent. met at an Episcopalian
church in Lexington. days af-
ter .\lanukyan's death on

amid the flickering of can-
dles lit in his remembrance.

"Everyone who knew
Tigron knew him as a man
very devoted to his family."
said Murali Kanakasabai.
one of Manukyan's col-

Kanakasabai told of the

suitable for
his wife and

rival in the
United States


ar- Manukyan


would visit each location at
different times of the day

“’l‘igron wanted to make

sure the place was absolutely
quiet for his kids to sleep."
Kanakasabai said.

Manukyaii was that kind

of man. said Nancy lietts.
host mother and friend of

an Armenian
See DEATH on 3

LCC gains students
9 lack of funding ?


Shortage: State funding
for LCC is lowest in Ky.;
new building is needed

By Autumn Foushee

it's lunch hour and the
line into the food court at
l.(‘(‘ stretches down the hall
as people wait to buy their

Meanwhile. buckets
spread around the building
catch rain as it (trips from
the leaking roof. The buckets
are the best affordable solu-
tion to the leaks. L(.‘(.‘ admin-
istrators say.

l.(‘(.‘ administrators are
dealing with a complex equa»
tion this year: what to do
when a tighter than usual
budget is added to the fact
that 4.000 more students are
enrolled than the school ‘was
made to fit.

“We are bursting out at
the seams here at LCC. with-
out question." said LCC Pres
ident .Iiin Kerley.

According to a LCC
spokesman. full-time enroll-
ment at [IT has increased
by :36 percent over the last
five years. A report by (‘om-
munity (‘ollege Week shows
that L(.‘(‘ is the fifth fastest
growing two-year college in
the nation.

However. state funding
for l.(‘(‘ is the lowest of all of
Kentucky's higher education
institutions. the spokesman
said. "(‘oinpared to our 18
benchmarks. we are (lead
last as funding." Kerley said.

Though L(‘(‘ is associat-
ed with lfK. it is funded sepa-
rately and competes with UK
for state appropriations.

Lt‘("s benchmark insti-
tutions have an average bud-
get of $6.818 per full time stit-
dent. while l.(‘(‘ has a budget
of $3.679 per full time stu-
dent. Baltimore (‘ominunity
College. a l.(,‘(‘ benchmark
institution. budgets more
than $12000 per full time stit-

See LCC on 3

Campus Chris



UK's (‘hristian campus
ministries will come together
tonight for the first time ever
to promote unity among the

The ministries will Join
for The One. a night of all-
campus praise and worship.
starting at 6:30 pm. The ser»
vice will he held in the Stu-
dent (‘enter ballroom to ac-




Growing pains

JOHN WAMPLER I xterm sun

Tyler Branham, a pro-radiography freshman, and Madeline O'Nan, a physical therapy freshman, walk

by the Moloney building, one of two buildings on LCC's main campus.

commodate students front
many campus ministries.

The One was organized
to promote unity between the
various ministries on cant-
pus and to raise awareness
about the range of (‘hristian
organizations at UK. said its
coordinators. it is the first
worship service sponsored by
a number of UK's campus

“it's never been done be-
fore." said Emily Bowman. a

TheStudent Nwspaper at the University 0 he

psychology senior. Bowman
represents the Baptist Stit-
dent Union in the group of
students organizing the ser
vice. The entire service has
been planned by students
representing the ministries
that are sponsoring the ser-

Wake. a local (‘hristian
band featuring student musi-
cians from UK and Asbury
College. will kick off the ser
vice. Free pizza and drinks


will be available. Wes ()lts. a
local pastor. will be speaking
about unity and the biblical
niorlel of unity given to

“We wanted this event to
bring everyone together to
worship God and have a good
time so that they will realize
we are all under one God.”
said Kerri Thompson. a New
man (‘enter representative
“Each ministry is working to
ward the same goals and we

others say 56 should focus on more important issues

By Paul Leightty


l7l\' Student (ioyei’iiliietit
should do more to collaborate
with other student groups in
the planning of events and at
location of its funds. some
students said 'l‘uesday in a
discussion led by S6 and the
Black Student l'nion.

About 30 people gathered
in the Student (‘enter to dis»
cuss what students can do to
promote unity on campus.
.\lany couldn't agree on
whether S(i's use of funds for
three major parties and con»
certs this semester was appro

"The parties are not to
get the country folks out for
country music. the black folks
out for Black (‘offey or the
headbangers oitt for Voodoo
Symphony." said Tim Robin
son. the St} president.

Robinson said the events
have enabled people to “forget
about their comfort zones”
and mingle in interracial and
interethnic groups.

St} has hosted three par
ties this semester. A street
party was held in September
with rock group \‘oodoo Syniv
phony. a Halloween party was
held with RM”) group Black

(‘offey and a concert heari-
liiied by country group Mont
goniery tlentry was held in

One student who attend»
ed suggested that 805 event
planning and coordination on
campus is misguided.

“We shouldn‘t be in there
talking about parties." said
.lohii Padron. an education se—
nior, after the meeting. 805
function should instead be “to
provide the best opportunity
for students to make the most
out of college. and to inspire
responsibility" in service-ori-
ented ways. Padron said.

While the conversation
was loosely intended to be a
discussion of unity and race
relations on campus. some
were still concerned that the
focus would be too limited if
it addressed only black and
white relations.

“There are other part-
ners in diversity on this
campus.” said Rosalind
Welch. a political science
freshman. before the

“We've got to have a
way to get all these people
together." Robinson said of
all the various groups that

See 56 on 3

‘Axis of Evil' policy
flawed, UK prof says

Foreign relations: Patterson School director says
US. should focus on war on terrorism, not Iraq

By Steve lvey

The l'nited States should
abandon its policy of attack»
ing President liusli's”;\x1sol
Evil." and local business
owners should devise their
own plans for homeland so
curity. Patterson School in
rector .iohn Stempel said

“The ;\.\'1s of Evil speech
was one of the dumbest for
eign policy statements by
any l'S president." he said

in a presentation to
members of the (ireater l.e\
ington (‘baniber of com-
iiierce. he said a war with
Iraq would also divert .itten
tion from capturing .r\l (Jae
da operatives

“(The w :tr on terrorism)
isn't over.” he said "y'e'i'e
standing down way

Steinpel said it the i‘S.
was able to defeat Saddam
Hussein's regime. it would
take nearly $23 billion a war
for 10 years to btiild a state


should support one another”

Though the students or
ganizing Wednesday nights
service do not know how
many will attend the st'l‘\'it‘t‘.
they s;i\ they hope to fill the
Student (enter ballroom

"We want a packed house
on Wednesday night,”
Thompson said

The students organi/ing
The tine einplitsi/e the tin
portaiice of the unit\ tbeine
as their resiwrtive ministries

ntuclty, Lexington

that has virtually no extstmg

He also said defeating
lratt would leave lran as the
maior power in the Middle
i-last. Stempel. who served 22’)
years in the l'S Foreign Ser-
vice. said the l’S. is no
longer seen as a balanced ar-
biter in the region after its
history of support for lsrael.

Steinpel said any unilat—
eral military action against
irao would only exacerbate
the unstable region and put
westerners in danger of ter-
rorist attacks. He said local
business owners were ideal
for implementing homeland
sei‘llt‘lH measures in the
event ot a terrorist attack

"We \\lll get hit again."
he said "it may not be one
big attatk but rather three or
four smaller ones. but it will
happen "

Stempei said large com
panics. such those that
deal w lib. dangerous chemi
cals should have immediate
liir’i\(lll\\ll capabilities and

See POLICY on 3


tian groups gather to worship, celebrate unity

,ioin together for the service

"The central theme of
this event is ‘uiiity' so all the
ministries on t‘K's campus
have come together to be
'(inef‘ said Thoni Wilson. a
sltillclit organizer and repre
sentative of ['K Fellowship of
(‘hristian Athletes “it‘s not
about Ft‘.\. or (‘ampus‘ (‘ru
s'ide oi BSIV or (‘SF it‘s
about coming together as one
body in the name of Jesus
l‘hrist "




’ ' "”3“" “Mme- @002] ,ewcnfifiiéi







stage for the biggest government
reshuffling in a half-century as a way
to thwart and respond to terrorist at‘
tacks. The final vote was 909. belying
bitter clashes that pitted Congress
against the White House and the two
parties against each other and that pro-
longed work on the legislation for near-

LaTanya Able. “A car jumped the curb.
and hit some kids waiting for their par-
ents to pick them up." said Teresa
Taylor, watch commander for the
Memphis Fire Department. An elderly
woman driving a Ford Crown Victoria
struck the children as they walked at
the rear of the school. The Commercial




The Low-down

Pledge to fast; help God's Pantry charity



. Appeal newspaper reported. One 5-year- 1y a year. The new Cabinet-level agency
. x _ , r l ') . ' . . . .

_A PM a Thgp “in b: 2:31:13?) ‘1 to Grammy winner old boy and one 5-year-old girl were in James Coburn. Will merge 22 agencies w1th combined
entpuragt 139”}. f” ”11d? FF? , ‘h ‘t ”"000” 9“ I critical condition. Three 9-year-old girls whose 40"“? budgets of about $40 billion and em-
‘m‘ mpt to (“St or one “‘3‘ Wed" 5 u- '3" “l“ °' ”9' were in serious condition. comer playing ploy 170.000 workers the most
dent that pledges to fast. a various local W spray when movie tough grandiose federal reorganization since
business sponsor will donate $1 or more he allegedly guys was capped the DefenseDepartment's birth in 1947
to (iod's Pantry. a local emergency food struggled on with a 1998 Even so it will take months for the '
provider The event is focused on Monday with 90' Oscar for his role ' ~ -

new agency to get fully off the ground.
And a budget stalemate continues to
block most of the extra money for do-
nlestic security enhancements both
sides want for the federal fiscal year
that began Oct. 1.

‘Kosher' oyster seller learns true definition as Nick Nolte's

Ramadan, a holy month for Muslims. who “69 "“9 came
‘ abusive dad in

,- .. - tohlshomeina _
spent the day light hour s of the month _ HOUMA, La. _. At age 70' oyster dis- " "
fasting. Already. 130 pledges have joined. suburb 0' Rich Affliction. died

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ g, l \h B' 1' ll -. . mood. Va., to ar- tributor Leroy Ohauvrn has learned “0M 0' a
'Ililllilli (“Illttlt [1‘ d f 3 ill Illl ( UM at rest him on n". something new. It 5 never kosher to sell heart attack.
ss iat r a ukyzet it.

cos misdemeanor “kosher oysters.“ Chauvin is proud of a Reuters reports.
as some- charges stemming process he developed to purify his oys- The 74-year-old

_ Memorial service for soldiers killed by tank from a traffic ters. He knew a kosher diet was consid- actor had been
thing else. I confrontation. the ered pure and clean. and he believed the "MW at his

I’ll take the
’kosher’ off,
and certify
the oysters

Oil tanker breaks apart, sinks near Spain


just don’t FORT CAMPBELL A memorial . . . . . M" Hllls

know what st't'Vlt‘l‘ will lit‘ held this week for two ,A:;o°:ti:t§dmprm Sgsizggfig Sésé’gitgvrzr‘igifficfisln home,'yllstenlng to MADRID. Spain ,, An oil tanker
the new soldiers from the 1015! Airborne Divi- Chesterfield. Va., \‘hgllfish with g1 $1 . . the g ere music with his carrying 20 million gallons of fuel oil

word is yet. sion killed Thursday during a train- police added mis- ‘b‘C ‘ "f” d K ‘hg 3 1:83:18?) y wh wife, when he broke in two and sank Tuesday in the
The Lord lllg (‘Xi‘l‘t‘lSl‘ Ell l“()l'l l’lllk. ltd. Cpl. .lil- demeanor counts .' eltll 18 as her. h 11 auvrn ~a5 suffered MS fatal Atlantic Ocean. threatening a splll

hasn’t sent son I). Fisher. 27, of Thousand Oaks. 0' '95“th 3"?“ since elarne t at t e “3”.“ means coronary. ”5 nearly twice as big as the Exxon

that to me (‘alif.. and I’l‘c. Joseph P. Favorito III. and disorderly something more. He read m the newspa- business manag- Valdez's and an environmental cata-

conduct to the per that a Jewish woman found his er. Hillard Elkins, ‘ . . . , , . _ . , .
charges. Accord- signs offensive. He is fixing them by told Reuters. "He $10th along d scenic Spanish coast-
lflll *0 “TV. the covering up the offending word. “It died MPH" ‘1.“9‘ The hope “.5 that the 011 would
28-year-old hurts people‘s feelings, and that was not Elklns “M "‘9 bmk ‘19“ harden m waters more ”‘3?
““9" (real name: my intention " he said. While an Army Nebraska-born two “1.1195 (1.991) hm It has already soiled
Michael Eugene cook in the 15,505 Chauvin a Catholic actor's lanky 125 miles of Spanish coastline. and its
Archer) was the ‘ . ‘ . d h k h , ' frame and deep. highly viscous and toxic load is far big-
sublect of a com- 9‘5de h‘S,Je“.‘Sh ”1‘?“ w , at 05 9‘ . barking voice get‘ than the 10.92 million gallons
meant. His friend said: “It s food that s '

plant by an un- ,, . . . . . , made him a “a" d d {r A "k b
named woman pure. The definition stuck in Chauvrn s ural in action-ori- V2335: 11:)lgsqlaitigath:tt::kE:)i30r:stige

that he allegedly mind. “I‘m claiming a sand— and grit- ented Westerns. .
cut her off in free oyster with a natural, pure taste of war movies, and sank, It leaked between 800000 to 1‘02


Yet-H 20. of Higgins Lake. Mich. were run
over by a (iii-ton tank while partici~
paling ill urban assault exercises at

LuoyChauvin. the Army's .loliit Readiness Training
Who mended“ (‘enteii Both served earlier this year
Jbeflsatlliiig'liiasn ill Afghanistan. The service is‘at 10
oysters mosh": a.m. (‘ST Friday at the post s Sol»

All shellfish are dier's (‘liapel It is not open to the
off-“mus for public. The accident reillains under
thosewhoiollow investigation. The 101st Airborne is a
a kosher diet.


rapid deployment. air assault divi-
sion trained to go anywhere in the
V\'Hl'l(l in :30 hours. About 4.000 sole
titers from the 187th Regiment fought
iii Afghanistan. The division‘s tour
ended in August.

Car strikes group of children outside school
MEMPHIS Eight children were
injured. including l\\'(i critically. when a

car ran into a group of students as
their elementary school was dismissing
classes Tuesday. officials said. Tile inci-

traffic on Sunday
while changing
lanes back and
forth in his SUV.
The woman, who
apparently nei-
ther knew nor
recognized the
R88 star. told po-
lice she followed
him to a gas sta-
tion and con-
fronted him. and
he allegedly spat
on her and cursed
at her.

the sea." he said. But all shellfish are
off-limits for those who follow a kosher
diet. Rabbis who heard about Chauvin‘s
signs weren't offended .--_ just amused
Chauvin said he‘s planning to replace
"kosher” on his signs with another
word. “I’ll take the word ’kosher' off,
and certify the oysters as something
else.“ he said. “I just don‘t know what
the new word is yet. The Lord hasn't

sent that tome yet."

Homeland Security Dept. will be created

big break came
with a nearly
silent role as a
mercenary in
1960's "The
Magnificent Sev-
en." "I had 11
lines. That was
it," he recalled

spy thrillers. His million gallons of oil. according to gov-
ernment estimates. Portugal said it
was monitoring a slick 22 miles by one-
third of a mile. Shut out of Spanish
and Portuguese ports after its hull split
in a storm six days ago. the tanker was
towed some 150 miles out to sea off the
coast of Spain's Galicia region. When
it finally capsized and sank crews were
already cleaning up Galicia's coast.

in a 200‘ Enter- where an estimated 800.000 gallons of

tainment weekly oil has contaminated fisheries. black-
interview. "But it ened beaches and killed wildlife.

was all action. It
doesn't matter

how many lines
WASHINGTON w The Senate voted you've got: It's
decisively Tuesday to create a Home- how you perform.

land Security Department, setting the what Performance
you put forward."


dent happened at about 3:30 pin. out-
side (‘hiliineyrock Elementary School
ill the (‘ordoya neighborhood. accord-
ing to Memphis Police spokeswoman

Compiled from staff and wire reports.




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New eye implant

gives gift of sight
to diabetes patients

Breakthrough: Implant surgery allows doctors
to correct blurred vision caused by diabetes

By Ellnbetll Vail Kersen
srArr weirtn

Sandra Sparkman, of Pippa Passes. Ky. was once un-
able to see the numbers on the oven dial. She was unable to
successfully look up names and numbers in the phone
book, and she could not enjoy watching TV because the

screen was blurry

“My vision was completely blurred."

said Sparkman.

who was diagnosed five years ago with Type II Diabetes.
Now. Sparkman is able to drive. watch TV and read 30
more letters on the eye chart used in a standard visual acu-

ity test without any problems.

The improvement is thanks to the Diabetic Eye Study.
conducted by the UK Department of Ophthalmology. Re.
searchers working with the study announced results that
offer hope to those suffering from blurry vision or blind-
ness, both side effects of diabetes. during a conference on


P. Andrew Pearson. an associate professor and chair-
person of the Department of Ophthalmology. and his col-
leagues at Envision TD have developed and been investi-
gating the safety and effectiveness of an ophthalmic im-
plant for the treatment of diabetic macular edema (DME).
DME is a condition that occurs when damaged blood ves-
sels in the eye leak and cause blurring of central vision.

“This is an ongoing study here at UK.“ Pearson said.
“Diabetes is very prevalent in Kentucky. and it is one of
the leading causes of blindness.“

The implant, which is 2.5 millimeters in diameter, is
surgically implanted in the back of the eye and stays for
the rest of the patient‘s life. The surgery takes about 30
minutes. and the patient is put under local anesthetic. The
implant is a drug reservoir that releases drugs and main-
tains consistent levels of drugs to the affected area of the
eye for 1.000 days. The implant. referred to as a pellet. is
not refillable and does not erode. It can be replaced by a
new implant if needed. The implant is patented and FDA


The study took 80 patients and randomized them to re-
ceive either a cur rent treatment or the drug implant The
80 patients were divided among six centers _ two in Ken-
tucky and four in other states After six months of treat-
ment. the patients were evaluated for changes in DME. The
results were that patients who had the implant showed a
statistically significant improvement in DME and the loss
of vision was less compared to those who received current

treatments, Pearson said.

Current treatments. including the use of lasers. only
slow the progression of the blindness from diabetes. The
implant would help to stop DME.

The implant

“shows the potential for drug treat-
Pearson said. “But it‘s always important to have

hope for better treatments down the road. This treatment

shows promise."






Continued from page 1

student who died from a
heart attack. He was 42.

“He was very much a
family man." she said. “The
year he was here without his
family. it was very hard for

He is survived by his
wife Alla and two children.
Armine. 11. and Narine. 13.
all of whom returned to Ar-
menia on Nov. 13.

Manukyan was going to
school in the United States
so that his children could
come and attend school. but
since his death. many won-
der how his children will

achieve the education
Manukyan dreamed for

As a solution. an educa~
tional fund for the girls has
been set up at the Member‘s
Heritage Federal Credit
Union in Lexington.

The money raised so far
— around $2.000 -— has come
mostly from the agricultural
economics department and
those who knew Manukyan.
Betts said. All donations are
welcome. and the money
will be put towards the girls‘
college education. she said.

The first $3,800 will be
used to pay back Betts. who
paid for plane tickets to send
Manukyan‘s family home.

Manukyan stressed the
importance of education to
his daughters at a young
age. said Betts.

“They caught their fa—
ther's dream.‘ she said. “He
had laid the foundation for
his daughters by instilling
in them the importance of

According to others who
worked in Armenia with
Manukyan. school supplies
were often scarce. “People
told me that after the
breakup of the Soviet
Union. there were very few
resources for schools in Ar-
menia.“ said Jason Hartell.
an agricultural economics
PhD. student.

Bringing his children to
study in the United States
was a way to insure their ed-
ucational futures. he said.

Manukyan came to the
United States in August 2000.

fueled by the desire to begin

a second career and give his
children the chance for a
better education. He had
been working in Armenia as
a programmer and made
connections to UK while
working on a US. Dept. of
Agriculture program de-
signed to provide support to

Armenian farmers and
His death came as a


Hartell said Manukyan
had complained of chest
pains the week before he
died but otherwise gave no
indications of illness. “It
was quite a shock.“ he said.

According to Betts.
Manukyan‘s wife was
crushed by his death. “After
his death. Alla told me ‘He‘s
my best friend and I don‘t
know how to live without
him.“‘ said Betts.

Betts tried to take Alla
to an Orthodox Church to
light a candle. as is the tradi-
tion in Armenia. “In Arme-
nia. the churches are open
all the time. day and night.
Here. the church was closed.
I think it made it even more
difficult for her.“ Betts or-
chestrated the candle light-
ing at her church to respect
the Armenian tradition.

Manukyan is remem-
bered as dedicated and intel-

“If you needed help
with something. Tigron was
always helpful." Hartell said.
“One of the other students
christened him ‘The Master
of Doctors‘ because if we
had a problem we could al-
ways ask him. He had a good
mind for mathematics. He
wasn‘t a boastful guy. He did-
n't complain and he worked

Manukyan‘s friends
hope that the fund for his
children will grow so they
can go to college in the Unit-
ed States. “It‘s a matter of
his dream living on for
them.“ Betts said.

An educational fund for liar-
lne and Amine Manukyan
has been set up at the
Member's heritage Federal
Credit Union at 440 Park
Place in lexlngton.






Continued from page i

dent. These budgets are fund-
ed exclusively by state appro-

“We are getting the short
end of the stick,“ said
Charles McGrew, a LCC plan-
ning coordinator. “They‘re
(other Kentucky community
colleges) providing the same
thing we are.“

State funding per full-
time LCC student has de-
creased 12 percent in the last
four years. LCC receives 40
percent of its budget from
state appropriations. “We
just had our first tuition
raise in 12 years,“ McGrew
said. “More burdens are be-
ing placed on the students
because the state isn‘t com-
ing through with the funds."

Full-time tuition in-
creased from $978 to $1,123
per semester for in-state stu-
dents. LCC tuition is the
highest of any 2-year school
in Kentucky.

Funds are not the only
thing decreasing at LCC —
so is space. “Our common ar-
eas are just too small,” said
Rebecca Glasscock. a LCC ge-
ography professor. “In terms
of collegiality, people are just
crammed over each other. We
need another building.“

With 8,291 students en~
rolled this semester, the
school's facilities have
reached their capacity. adv
ministrators say.

“It‘s (the enrollment in-
crease has) put stress on our
current facilities. which are
only designed for approxi-
mately 4,000 students," Ker-
ley said. “Every classroom is
filled day and night, and
there is no room for students
to congregate."

Kerley said that more
students have been coming
to the school since it separat-
ed from other community
colleges as the lone institu-
tion associated with UK. The
other community colleges
formed the Kentucky Com-
munity and Technical Col-
lege System.

“Students from across
the state have flocked to LCC
because of our association
with UK." he said.

Compared to other Ken-
tucky community colleges.
LCC has the fewest square
feet per student, according to
statistics gathered by LCC
public relations. Community
colleges around the state av-
erage 6.7 square feet per stu-
dent while LCC has 4 square
feet per student.

“There is not a lot of
room here," said Ross Gam-
ble. a geography sophomore.
“It is really hard to get a
class into special facilities
like a computer lab.“

Kerley hopes the next
legislative session will appro-
priate money to repair the
leaking roof and possibly to
construct a new building at
LCC. “LCC has been desig-
nated as having the greatest
need for space of any institu-
tion in Kentucky,“ he said.

Despite the crunch on
money and space. the focus
remains on quality educa-
tion at LCC. Kerley said.



LCC students use computers in
Lee's overcrowded library 'liies-
day. Every computer was in use.

“You can tell there are more
people. Classes are full and
as a student. I like it.“ said
Bruce McDonald. a mechani-
cal engineering freshman.

In a survey of alumni
from all of Kentucky‘s col-
leges and universities. the
Council for Post Secondary
Education reported LCC as
having the highest satisfac—
tion rating of any institution
in the state.

“Our focus is on quality."
Kerley said. “Even though
we have tremendous growth
with no increase in funding.
the quality of education will
not slip."

To offset the pressure on
their current facilities. LCC
has opened a south campus
off Regency Road as well as
another building in Winches-
ter. Currently. 1.000 students
participate in distance learn-
ing programs in addition to
taking classes on campus.
Night classes have also
helped accommodate the en-
rollment growth. said Kerley

LCC is predicted to have
an enrollment of 10.000 or
more by 2006. Administra-
tors say the increasing
growth will not cause them
to close doors on those seek-
ing a college education.

“The Governor has said
that 80,000 more Kentuckians
should be in college by 2020.
We can‘t do that if we have to
close our doors.” Kerley said.
“There is a great need for
college education in Ken-
tucky. We cannot close our



Percentage the LCC enrollment
has increased in the past five

Percentage LCC's state funding

has decreased in be last four


Average budget per full time
student at LCC's benchmark


Budget per full time student at




Continued from page i


exclude each other on cam-
pus. from members of
Greek organizations to in-
ternational students.
Robinson said after the
meeting one thing he had
heard was that 86 needs “to
get a better way of identifying

entertainment that is more
universally popular" and ap-
peals to people across the

Holly Sanders. an an-
thropology senior. ques-
tioned SG's representation of
the student body. and Robin-
son’s contention that post-
graduate students aren‘t as
active on campus.

“[Robinson] keeps ta1k<
ing about unifying the cam-
pus, but within five minutes
he had narrowed the cam-
pus down to 18.000 people."
she said.




Continued from page i


law, fire and medical person-
nel have to cooperate for ef-
fective first response.

Stempel said Kentucky is
better prepared for emer-
gency prevention and re-
sponse than many other

Mayorelect Teresa Isaac
attended the breakfast meet-
ing at the Lexington Hyatt.
She said that. as mayor. she


plans to use resources like
Stempel and UK‘s Patterson

“He always has good per-
spective on what we‘re doing
well and what we can im-
prove on." she said.

Greater Lexington Cham-
ber of Commerce President
Robert Quick said Stempel
was the first speaker audi-
ence members had interacted
with and requested a return

“He has information that
is vital for local businesspeo—
ple to know about.“ Quick
said. “He‘s a source we can
trust for information about
worldwide impacts on local



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