xt7x69700d4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x69700d4x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-01-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1981 1981 1981-01-22 2020 true xt7x69700d4x section xt7x69700d4x ' VoI.LXXXIIl, N031 I r l L'niversity 0f Kentucky ‘ 1
Thursday, J‘IIIIII’Y 22. 19" an independent student newspaper Lexington, Kentucky -/.r .
H tag y pt b d th phy . fly '3
By The Associated Press victims. , tract information from him that his through in ever wa ,"she said. “The Mushroom Inn," where th ' tors ol him ‘ t hu ' .. ‘4 I l'

Stories of beatings and other Cannon said officials have mother had died. He didn’t learn Elizabeth Manage, who was were forbidden to talk and wet: $53 and tieddid “0511;988:333; “21] ' ’ '
physical and mental abuse by their “evidence of serious mistreatment that she was alive until he arrived among the 13 blacks and women allowed just 20 minutes of fresh air alive until he arrived in West Ger ‘ . 5- 2 52'
Iranian captors surfaced yesterday in a number of cases during the with the other freed hostages early released within a couple of weeks a week. many. ‘f 3 I" "
as the 52 emancipated American periodof the" captivity.I" . yesterday at a US. military after the storming of the embassy Most of the former captives rush- The families reported that most l-
hostages telephoned home t0 In phone calls to their relatives hospitalanlesbaden. on Nov. 4, 1W9, said in an interview ed to telephone loved ones in of the freed Americans said they '1- 'i" '» ' "
assure their relatives they are now 580k home in the Dre-dawn hours A colonel from Illinois said he Tuesday that the hostages suffered America, some of whom had no were “doing fine“ and there were i.
“doing fine.” yeStGl'dayi many Of the excaptives spent a month in 8 “dungeon" and mostly “mental abuse." word on their fate during their days happy family reunions Via long 'L t

The reports prompted US. of- didn’ttalkabout what had happen- that the Iranians ransacked his Montagne, who wouldn‘t talk of captivity they endured, distance telephone. Barbara ’
ficials to accuse the Iranian ed, somesussesting there wouldbe house in Tehran and took all his about her ordeal until theother cap- The family of Malcolm Kalp of Timm, in Oak Creek. Wis. said She

\ militants of “serious mistreat- moretotell later. possessions. tives were free, said the Iranian Brockton, Mass, said he reported had a ”very private very 5 i t.
ment" of some of the Americans Somedid. “Most of them lost everything," militants forced her to play Rus- he was beaten and placed in beautiful" talk with her son Kevin l '
during the 444 days they were held A Massachusetts man said he ex-hostage Richard Morefield, con- sian roulette in an effort to obtain solitary confinement for more than Hermening. ‘ i ',
hostage. was beaten and placed in solitary sul general at the US. Embassy in information. five months after he tried to Duane Gillette talked with his ;" 5 T

State Department spokesman confinement fora total 01' five mon- Tehran, tOld his wife in San Diego. Richard Queen, who was releas- escape. His family had not heard parents in Columbia Pa. and a '. ~
Jack Cannon said in Wiesbaden, ths for repeated attempts to “I walked out with my wedding edafter250days because of illness, from him since the US. Embassy family spokesman said ”his ma '52 .
West Germany, where the ex- escape. ring, andIhadtofightforthat." said in television interviews Tues- in Tehran was seized by young ment was at times disgusting 3...:
hostages are undergoing medical A young Marine sergeant from Morefield’s wife, Dorothea, said day and yesterday that he and Moslem militants on Nov.4. 1979. Spokesman Andrew Appel said "i " '
examinations, that evidence of the Texas, who had a tooth knocked out the Iranians “played unbelievably other hostages were held for nearly US. Marine Sgt. Johnny McKee] think President Reagan was polite .
mistreatment was gleaned from by an Iranian guard, said he was cruel games.” five months in a windowless Jr. told his family in Balch Springs, when he termed the Iranians bar- . I"
preliminary conversatiom with the told byan interrogater trying to ex- “His disgustforhis captors came warehouse basement they called Texas. that his Iranian inter- barians " .. ‘- '

‘ ’ OK \ ‘i' .
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a, . it a f . a; Feels caring on I_
a... b Q / "" V so ood' °
"I “s . as at s» . ~ 1
. Wt. a g . .. 3 g a hostage issue
III .. at ”I” a” ._ .. m n. I II . I .
one , If, '~ e ans were ungry , -'
- a II 5? i; .- 1* p, 7“ Hit in t‘ e/ * forakilland so were the A he By The Associated PT“ , ‘
‘3“ "1; “it it . I“; ‘ , it e\ ’ Cats as they devoured 7‘ . WASHINGTON .— Lhairmantle- ‘. it

9;; ~ ‘... W I .e h " his“ II . . .- the Gators 102-48 Brad I3 3 ment J Zablocki of the House .

. g; v, II M . ”I , ‘f‘. .,. ' r it “I .4 5.” Kell a business ad- ~~ Foreign Affairs Committee said - Z
,I I . . .~ . . - . x .,I 'L [I xi V 4"“ a e: minl’s'tration junior, a“ ' yesterday the panel plans hearings ‘5;

' “ " .,‘ ignite" = , . II ' . " {I I I‘,‘ ,2 ' t spurs on the team after 5 fl :fiiétisrgflthowzi:fialrrsgltigfi? ’ ‘ :~

.' ‘ 'I j-.i!',., at“ - ' . 5 h m ‘ ~. \ «‘3, , ' Sun?“ Tfizwacictsctf'? u 2%. A volvgg US. dislomatlc personnel E i. I
e" ”CW via "4 '3' a ‘ . ' ' can prevent . 3 1. I ‘
.. . N ,r W“ a A [f " t( , ‘t which brokeatwo-game g i Zablockl, D-Wls., said the com- .
”MM§§ . ,' ‘K ,2; h ., losmg streak, had the of i . , 'tt . f tf di ff t .I II I .
\o . “wt“ ' J" ’ fans waltzing in the » to * ml. ee 5 ac m ng e or 1“ (n. .'
. . ,r it ’t I '
3:". 2?. fl. aisles. . I a tatlvely scheduled m the latter hall ~ I
\ \t a» t . ._ . y is...
of“ fills; a a ' “i. - a" ‘. \ “We wouldn't want to ,
If I' . ’ WW , « F V characterize it as an investiga I".
5* . ‘ . . ' .ka ' ' \ e ‘es’ lion." he said. suggesting that the -f"
‘ I. . a. I . panel was not bent primarily on " ’I
’ - a, ‘ '~ ‘ . assigning credit or blame for the ‘.
By DAVID COYLE/Kernel Staff By Jll" VAN MOOSE Carter administration's handling of I . '
Of Lexington b m Ii ' the aims. 3,3;
a 0 on 0 me The chairman said the hearings '5'
will be held “to get facts and infor- 2 -’ ’
0 O ‘ 0 e ’ mation on the situation in Tehran.
z t 0 16 war m to ma 6 u 16 aware bee
see how we could prevent a recur» ‘
rence in the future.“ I ‘- 7
By JOHN HARDIN who operates four other clinics in man. DrI Thomas JarboeI president of Lynn McCoySimantle, director Zablocki declined comment on '12,"
Senior Staff Writer thesoutheastern United States. Robinson was out of town and the Fayette County Medical Socie- of the National Organization for remarks by a State Department f

The anti—abortion 81‘0“? Right To Robinson operates his clinic could notbereached for comment. ty, said he was unaware of any at- Women in Lexington, said she was Smkesma“ that the Reagan ad' '14 "'1’
Life Of Lexington is continuing its without the blessings of Flamed Albert J. Schwendeman,adirec- tempt by Robinson to join the unfamiliar with the controversy mlmStrath“ “would “0‘ want ‘0 5
efforts to rally public Opinion Parenthood, according toJan Har- torofRight To LifeofCentral Ken- organization of practitioners but Surr0undjhg Robinson‘s abortion commit itself to following through“ II_ .
against the Robinson Medical moo. executive director of that tucky. said his group’s efforts to that not being a member is not a clinic before it has ““9me “we" the " L75
Clinic, Ilexington’s newest abortion agency.“He’s not a member of the present its views tothe public have rarity, “NOW‘s position is that we‘re U.S.—lranian accords signed by f. j. '
clinic. Fayette County Medical Society,” been successful. Although saying, “There's a significant number of pro—choice," she said. “Abortion is former "widen! Jimmy toffee the

“The reason that we are disturb- she said. “To our knowledge he “we’re still working to make the people not in the society," Jarboe achoice thata woman hasa right to hOStaEeS ,1 . ’
ed about this particular clinic is does not have hospital privilegesin public aware" of the Robinson said. “Never, “Ithink most physi- make." The Wisconsin Democrat said he -'
that this is the first time we have Lexington. clinic’s existence, he declined to cians like to be members of the McCoy-Simantle added that she preferred to Mid commenting on v; “‘23"
had a facility in Lexington devoted “We’re also concerned about the disclose any of the group’s plans, society. Membership implies you interprets the recent conservative til an offiCial report detailing the I.
501d)? t0 the destruction 0‘ human decision-making counseling,” She sal'lnsthesewouldbeannouncedat have been accepted“ by fellow doc- landslide as a signal 0f trouble for accords has been Smei‘ted to C0” .' v‘y
life,” said Eleanor Hayden. added. In Robinson’s clinic, a pa- afuturepresscmference. tors. abortion advocates. gross - ,_ ’,;
spokesman forthegroup. tient’s pregnancy test and pregnan- ‘. ,

The clinic is operated by Dr. cy termination are performed on . . I. II I
Ralph Robinson, a gynecologist the same day, according to Har- GTE hearing Emotlonal mwtlng 7,»,1‘..II..

l" t.‘ i. i; 1
Ted Joan Kenned set for toda .
’ y y Carter flies to Germany, greets hostages :
. . ‘. ‘I I.
deCIde to end marrlage at law school By STEPHEN H. MILLER “were mistreated much worse than US. Embassy when it was seized I‘ I .‘-I
Associated Press Writer has been previously revealed. The In his statement at the Frankfurt r. I.
‘ WIESBADEN, West Germany — acts of barbarism which were airport after meeting the fermer .'. "
- - - . Jimmy Carter held an emotional perpetrated 0" our people by Iran hosta es, Carter said the takeover .

Yfiimgmm “a: sntIEd‘ 3:33;: figmdedm‘gmgagfim Apublic hearing will beheld at5 meeting yesterday with the 52 can neverbecondoned. of thegUS. Embassy 0,, No, 4. 197,, II n r,
wa n :'E new“ am e as; - te H . 48 d he .8 pm. today on campus concerning Americans held hostage by Iran for “()iminal acts ought to be con— and the holding of the hostages until ".
3mg“ “my; my of :ma e 3‘5 rsdegree. els an 3 Is General Telephone and Electric’s 14»: months and then denounced demned by all law loving. decent their release on mesday “was a ' ._ f 'I
that were pl y at times b hgr ' . 38 percent rate increase request. the Iranian government‘s people of the world. It‘s been in criminal act that should be con. :I'.

. drinkirg ml 81m and r Eta of In May 1%. McCall’s magazine The hearing, whichwill beheld in “despicable act of savagery." abominable circumstances that demned by all law-loving people of II‘ I. .I"
his relations“ with ommm quoted her {is saying that her hus- themain courtroom ofthe College Before departing for the us, he will neverbeforgotten.“ the world," . I f
ps ' band’s presidential campaign had of Law, is open to all members of added, “Our Americans in Iran Some former hostages gathered He described his meeting mth 1. .‘

The divorce plans were announc- helped their marriage and had been thecampus community. were mistreated much worse than on a balcony outside their hospital them as “the most moving and . , -
ed less than six montlu after the “wonderful for me, thebest thingin If the full request is granted by previously revealed." rooms, waving and clapping as gratifying act“ in hislife. ;-;. .‘ ».
end of Kennedy's unsuccessful at- theworld, next togetting sober thestate Utility Regulatory Com- The former president's descrip- Carter‘s limousine drove up. Other American dignitaries who I . ' ,
tempt to win the Democratic Ina ”,8 interview with McCall’s mission, customer's bills will in- tionof acts of “barbarism" leading Several of them, including Marine made the pre-dawn night to Ger— ~. I~ :
presidential nomination - a cam- she said she became an alcoholic crease between $60 and 370 next to “abominable circumstances" for guards,wore only light T-shirts and many included former Vice Presi— . “ ~'
paigninwhichhiswifeparticlpated because she could no longer cope ear. thefreed captives followed reports blue pajama bottoms in the sub- dent Walter Mondale, former II . I.
partly in an effort to quell rumors with mom of her man“ rem ——————————— from hostages families and the freezing night air. The Marines ap- Secretaries of State Cyrus Vance . '
ofti-oubleintheirrnarrlase. tionships with otherwomen Inside State Department that the peared to have new haircuts. and Edmund Muskie, former - . ‘

' _._._.______._.--a Americans suffered physical and ACarter aide said the private,80- neasu Secreta a, William . .

.. She was treated several years . . . . . . , ry ry. . ‘ - ,

With regret, yet with respect f al I l ndhadbeen psychological abme during their minute meeting was “emotional to Miller and Carter aides Hamilton . ‘
and caisideration for each other, :go or “MINAM 89' See e 5 for mor 'nf . mdaysincaptivity. the point of awkwardness" — so Jordan and Jody Powell.
we have agreed to terminate our 3'2; m “3 nymous m on mpgmu es :dl Aim”? The State Department issued a moving that a photographer was It was Carter‘s first day as a g .
marriage. We have reached this on. reactiontotheirgho a . ericas statement here saying, “0n the asked to stop taking pictures. private citizen and he arrived in - '
decision together, with the Kennedy andhiswife. theformer mecommg. basis of what we have learned so Carter spokesman Jody Powell Frankfurt aboard the former Air ’
understanding of our children, and Joan Bennett. were married in far, we have further evidence of said that as the former president Force One, looking worn from the . . ‘ -
after pastoral counseling," the 158- The couple, both Catholic, ______.____ serious mistreatment in a number shook hands with each freed cap- final hectic days of negotiations to . ‘
Kennedy: saidina brief joint state- have three children, Kara, 20, Ed- outs'de of cases during the period of their tive, “tears were welling in free the hostages, the ceremonies ‘ . '
mentissuedbyhlsSenateofflee. ward M. Jr. 19, and Patrick, 13- __,_ - _,___a_,, captivity." It didnotelaborate. everybody‘s eyes, the hostages transferring power to Reagan and ‘ .' .

The statement said Mrs. Ken- Carter, who turned over the and Carter‘s." the long flight.

"Appropriate legal proceeding; nedy intends to continue living in Look for clearing skies today, presidency to Ronald Reason on Former Secretary of State Ed- Carter, dressed in a light gray I

will be canmencod in due com-so, Boom and hope to complete re- wlthahighinthelow lb. Tuesday: W38 denied the chance 0t mund MUSltle said Carter and ms coat. waved at a crowd of several . ~ ~.

and we intuid to resolve as friends quirements for . m in Educa- announcing the hostagea’ freedom party receivedI“a very warm, very hundred, some of them bearing I

on matters relating to the dissolu- tion at Lesley College. The outlook for the weekaid can. while still in office.Ibutu Reagan's friendly reception? . . signs reading: “We Still Love You _ I, . .

tion of MW-" “”3“”th also restated Ken- fa- more WWW in the 4th special envoyhesaidhewas ableto As Carter leftIthe hospital after Jimmy." His plane touched down -
“We“! beat llVlnC .m nedy'a intention 0‘ seeking . new m the thy. with little or no ‘express the thanks of a grateful anhourandI20mlnutes,heembrIac- at 2:30 pm. EST. and «he was

for nearly ttu'eeyears, Kermedy In term in the Senate from precipitation expected. laws at nation tothebrave muses. ed Bruce LaingIt-n. the charge d af- greeted by West German ‘-

their suburban Virginia home and Massachusetts in 1982. nightwillbelntheah. Carter sold “Words they faires and semor diplomat in the Chancellor Helmut Schmidt

n “T— __.__________._____ ” .--___._____.___.__ ””WM‘"__~
ed Ito r' a I s & 22:23:] All! (ll-l6 Jol- Uay 10-Hou-
W Mob-lid Spam Editor ham Edie!
WW". Skuluwllcr
i I I II I I J Scotllofllwn Don-lewd"!
: CO e nts fixatimlfduo, Editoriolb'duw Aguilanmwrlitduun 22:55.43;qu
‘ ‘ . CM“ C “
It [Ilia
! rho k‘mlucal Aflflll int-iconic: alllruen and oumum [cult-rs and opinion aloeldhclypcd. triple- Junk“ Victim foo-.m- Enlzrlammrmtdim/
‘ I spaced and mum nmc. raids-nu and proper .Jcnlllluuun Illdlldll. [A II) [or “I‘dtlls and l’K Day 5d,"), Aswan: Du,» hm“, Joh Little Lh- I“: D-CIfluI
. l ”on“. lulm m be “mud to 200 winds and opinion! and mu lo m «one. "S“I 4m3lanltnrr'lumrnrnlfdllal Sta/[Aunt
. _ i __ _.,, fl ,,,,,_..___,,. _.. m >__ __‘_‘~_ » ,,,--.____l WSIQ/IWWM
* ’ ’ ' GTE hearing co ld b m t 'gnif‘ nt local event of the week
. f j ‘ There are few good reasons for missing support one of the things that makes them What is more, the hearing will be an op- chosen field, it is certain that it is intertwin-
.. ._ . tomght’s public hearing on General proud to say they are from KENTUCKY. portunity to experience first hand the world ed with politics in some way.
~ . Telephone's proposed rate increase. There are no tickets available for of decision making UK students will inherit . .
. h ' " ‘ ‘ tonight’s hearing; seating is available to upon graduation. For the political science SO set aside a few hours tomght t? at-
‘ Sure, the bars W1“ be Offel‘lng happy - 1 d‘ to . - - tend the hearing and make your feelings
. hours, itw111bedinnertime and there willbe those Who arrive ear y, stan lng room major, the hearings “”11. be a model of about the proposed rate increase known If
. ' ‘ the 1 M' A ‘S‘H t 1 - - those who arrive later. democracy the likes of which we rarely ex- '.
_ usua reruns on eeViswn. Wh th t tand or it in kes lit- . . da fd 1 t' enough people show up and the rate in-
‘ . -' Quite Simply it will be easier and warmer 9 er you mus s . S . a perlence m these ys 0 e 933 ingevery i eventuall denied or even trimm-
' . - - ‘ ' th tant d ' ‘ t lled ts d It "9358 S y , . .
. to av01d the crowds and stay home and the tie difference, however,_smce e impor eClSlon oso-ca exper an p01 iCians. d d n ou’ll know on had a rt m it
. ' - ‘- beam is sure to be ’ ,3, thing is that the public make clear that Hopefully, thehearing will be closer to the e W 'Y . Y Pa ,
= . 8 recapped on e 11 - 1 1 h be - - and that alone give you another reason to be
fi . . o’ clock news. . granting Genera Te ep one a ra increase New England town-meetings our d fbe'n fro KENTUCKY .
- ' ‘ at this time would be politically unWise. And forefathers held to poll the populace. PTOU . 0 l S !h . /
" " ,' It is also more convenient to watch the the number of geople who take the time to _ . . _ Incidentally , the money you may save
' ' g . Cats on the tube, too, but let’s face it, that’s attend and, per aps, voice their opinion, no h For the??? :mntel‘eSteiltlh POhthS. l'the will buy 14 UKgame tickets.
- 3 an excuse reserved for those without matter how brief, will say more than any at- earmg W1_ 5 owcase P01 lelahS 81‘ 399 mg . .
‘ tickets. When it comes to something impor- tomey or economist ever could about _Wlth technical (“105th that UK engineer- t'lt‘hle whilfiwégftfiggflsiflhfilggfi'
. f. ; tant, like Kentucky basketball, everyone in whether GenTel has earned the right to ask mg graduates and others WIll be CXPected to g hf g '
' i the Bluegrass wants to be there in person to for higher rates help resolve "1 the future. N0 matter your e ere.
' ’ I I hid t ' tak ‘
‘ - i e
. . on y es pas mls cs 95.))» {r , ‘ .
’.,l -u~5 V3,} . «(€43
' 1 . ’ ‘ .i |
-’ "For the first time in history, ‘ k (r '0‘" f I“ _ fi
, _ , y we have made a superpower like fi"; (E / fll a) f 'n \ c: ‘s 3
' I ', the United States confess to its in- “‘ b \ lh (Q . ll. 4 [I 1. ‘ ' , V
.’ . terference in another country’s af- _ a - 9,"... . . , t ' ‘9‘ .f , . l‘. '4,
' fairs. We have broken the myth of bl" " w ”A ‘ ”l” s" - I}. 2. «f: 31‘
, this superpower, which claimed to ,/ 0)’ I -; e: \ I { / it )h
I. . respect international rules and , 2‘ qé/I, , O o ' y . l . , , .
' , human rights." Slelden V I”. "i‘l’l (Nu/1A ‘3 I h“ I @‘t\ / \j ‘
_‘ . — Behzad Nabavi, Iranian chief ‘ £95,)”; XIX ’ ». , i t; ‘\ , .
7 . ‘fin‘l i «'l . \ . . d ,Iw -
, . hostage negotiator. A .5 tlEj. / . \\\ \ ,\\ p (5'- \
. .. . 4 It “ ’ .- 9 Mil ‘ rah-'5 0‘ (l t"
_ _ . . V t l /‘1 laid“ ’V/ -
., " At first reading, NabaVi's ’I‘uee- . ’I ‘ ' " l
i 1' ' day night victory cry on Iranian }‘ I ll/ , , , \ \/
- , , television may seem like another M\ '_\ / d, ' ' a /
., . blast of hot air from our pesky little . ll' th ted ' ‘ L ' 3' o - I l ,
‘ . - foe, but the meaning of his message ruler and reinsta ing e ous '7 * ‘ ‘\ ~ 7.
. .' goes far dee r Pahlav1 regime. The people of Iran ________§ ' ’1' *
7 _ , h lie h had been effectively denied the Wfi l J! "‘ ‘-N~M‘
. ' T e rea "Y is, owever right to choose their own govern- — —l - - .1 -~ - __,
: if distasteful his ethics,that‘Nabavi is ment by a nation that, as Nabavi ‘1. .9. fi— , a? t ‘- - E
- essentially correct. This t"he there said, “claimed to respect interna- *
. , , was no quick, neat retaliation from tional rules and human rights." I * J. \
,, t the mighty Marines, as with the -
.3 .' ' Mayaguez incident in 1975. Instead, Because of this, a great diver— m
a poorly planned, mechanically sification of opinion existed (and “WM
- " bungled rescue attempt ended in exists) in this countryas concerned
. . . . . . \
, the wasting of eight young lives. 3:; (Ell/if: £21333 ththe "hastilg: \,..OK Ronnie ,"Now 8E3 UPTo "RE WOM MGCDDIWD.” W I WM“ Ydfla al& YdR
I g . Asa result, the United States had hismhms have expounded for RiGl-lT HAW AND PUl' YOKR LfiFT HAND ON THE Elem... YOUR LEFT HAND... LmKlN'Gw
. -,- gmmggocggfl; giggetoolrjlggfge years— that the United States has QWeeTHeARr... Now LCOK THeCHleF dus‘rlc: IN The eYe AND CLeAR YoUR when,
' tions‘ and economic sanctions (with fififilsogfihethysogzdgdzfigm (23' wNIV/it-H MFECT, TMTfS' IT,u CUT...QK. BEWKfi} lN The MWNHH "
‘ ., :7. halting cooperation from its sud- onies since World War II . ' '
t .g, . . . —galned in, .‘___,._..77 . ,_ 7 _%
. , -.,_ 29mg faiihweather allies), ending anew vogue. In short, America was
. ; ina y l“, ran-“1°"? payments and recognized as an imperialistpower, . . .
_ .' " an imphCit admissmn of fault to a m ch 1 th 1. that . ,
-' i backward fanatical regime. u a ong e same ”“5 as “national interest" (read
.1. _ . from which itwas birthed in revolt. “economic gain"). 1 en S l e
~ ‘ ’ »~ In the meantime. Ir nhas a'ned . . . .
zi; .5 shims as a leader if thegtllird Hypocrisy is always difficult to ASJustlflcatlon, they speak of the
" world, following the lead of the admit 1" oneself, but it *5 Perhaps “rad hemmed by the USSR
3* 5‘, pm. which recognizes terrorism the most profitable hurdle to be paintingimages oftheRusky bear,
' .1: ‘V simply as a justifiable means to jumped in the pr ocess 0f enlighten- sheicurely Iprepareg dt: pounce “hi?"
' ' _. -.- 1: 'h t - ~ - - ment. Now, chastened by its ex- t S continent an VOW ll w e ; ' ‘ ' '
3-; . r a ever ends may suit Its lnten perience in Iran, this country has at the first slip. They conveniently i110“ Iris p articular. lc olumn over his head, ”ed at the “601K Wlth
, ; ions. , , _ . the , , pc supw ere Mr. Owens ast one twme. Ans was standing next to
l .i, 3 an opportumty to better realize its ignore RhSSleh S 0W" preoc- left on when he moved into Lex- him blowin some kind of
, , Thus no matter how the identity and future. It can now be CUPeUONS. WhICh include a war 1“ in ' d. k id ofto ' g '
. . ' . . ‘ ed tr Afghanistan trouble in Poland 3‘0“ 5 4” er 5 e wn... _ 3C0“ ceremomal smoke lntoasmall hole
'- I hostage S'tuauon is “mm ' .‘e recognized that maintainence of bo d ki ‘ - h 'th China ' Some People have crying babies Q ~ in the bag. Hater learned this was
A ’. United States came outaloser—in . r er 5 "“15 es W1 . an for neighbors. Some 1e have ,, . ,, . .
. .» . . . . superpower status is a matter of nrul M 1 ul t‘ _ peop , called a bag hlt, interesting
' ’ . ‘ a blg way ——andits standing I" the ~ ~ u y 05 em pop 8 ion, ram 'ackasses who have the nerve to
, ,. . ., id in , beth m chowe, and that the desire to pant inflation and countless shor- J , . owens bunchofguys.
. .’ wor w1 never esa 9' dominate requires the kind of tagesofmaterial goods complain about the stereobeing - Uncle Ned, whoisabout 35, wasa
c '5‘ Like Hamlet in his trial of in decir underhanded coercionafree people ‘ cranked at three ‘h the {“0va promising young neurosurgeon at
EEK} . '_. sion this country suffers from a' should find most distasteful. These individuals and not the and some PeoPle have weirdos for LA. Countyhospital. his specialty ,
.= . . . . ed “weakling” left pose the neighbors —» like mine. Their form was frontal lobotomies, but when
., 5 ,. - hamartia that Will never again SUPP“ _ has do btedl ~ ted
. , . - . - greatest threat totheUmted State’s un u y never was hefound out they were outlawed he
' . allow it to dominate the world in . . . n h r . el‘e 'n the ' M . ’
., , . . However, a werful movement nation 1 t Ir th 3 yw e 1 5 ' universe. y found a new call , Not to the
- ‘ good consc1ence Born in the con- p0 a secun y. an ‘5 h°t e - . . . m8
E~ tit t‘ n d ' 1' ed d . th is in the offing which would deny first or last of the third world's he'ghho“ {re the RoaCh Bmthers Pel‘SCl'lPtlonS- ”The ““198 M“ “W cloth, but to the Right-Way
, .4 f' 30,: "i. an tr: 12f th uring e the 1680" learned and return challenges, and the inevitably and Uncle Ned' , you back 50 you won'tfeel the Palm Greeting Card Company of
’i War: ‘42:,” ‘5 ° env'gtfim wholeheartedly to the old ways. It hypocritical and unfair foreign The “03°“ Bmfhm {"9“ tfeal‘y "‘8"- You know What I say. a lude a Frostbite Falls, Minnesota (the
" j: —~ the riglg‘lmlifl1 senseo alrpaty is a movement that calls for the policy they would pursue could only brothers at all. We J“st hfhd 0f day keeps reality away," Clyde famed home of Rocket J. Squirrel
.I' ._ freedom of choice every man 0 recognition 0‘ the rePFeSSlve die lead to further such incidents, d'scfiverefl eaCh other, man. They says. . and BullwinkletheMoose.)
, ". ,' 2- ' tatorship Of South Korea as a resulting in the stupidity of war and say man 81°“ ICOUIdh't help asking Clyde how Uncle Ned still works on a cor-
' ife ', in the case of Iran it became bosom friend, continued support of self-destruction. [hdlYlduallyv the Roach Brothers he and Axis managed to get iden- respondence basis, sending in two
.' ,' -! '. clear after th Sh h‘ the martial Marcos regime in the are qu1te different, as you W1" {Ind tical scars on their faces. “i got packages a month for a whopping
e a . was we" . . . . out. but they also share some com- mine fromahammerhead shark off $150, ms mammals work to date
<. ., ,, thrown that the American govern- Phllllplnes, strengthemng of the ch t 't' F - ta . . . , _ , ,
J! , , . . . . - - . mon arac ens 1‘5- 0? 1m. nce, Malibu, man, and AXlS got his from is the Patty Hearst wedding mvfla-
-, l, u. ment had Violated its own moral much-hated “Shim government "1 bothstand six feet tall, have beards a crazed Chinese laundryman in tions -
.' code in regards to that country dur- El Salvador, and, In general, lhe Bill Steiden is a senior staff and wear dark glassestheepitomy Frisco."Sounds logical to me. [asked Uncle Ned tocreate one
‘_ . , . mg the early 19505, overthrowing maintainence of any government writer. His column will appear f the' ' 'l ‘t ‘ that hha . - . . .
* ' (via the CIA) a ular reli ‘ous deemed friendly to this country‘s ever other Thursd 0 l-r smm an ”3- -eac sa Clyde smume'pam" Rmcmsm' °f “‘3 verses f“ ““3 ”lum' he
I V I .. .- WI) 81 y ay mg'mCh scar on m fight Cheek- AXlS, is a martial arts expert and came up with “fife is like a cam-
,J, Facml cheek. . he never lets you forget it. The first shaft" but after that first line, he
f '. , . - __ _“ Clyde and AXIS became known as time we met, hands weren‘t shaken put the has back over his head and
j" I’S‘r ‘ "—5—, \ ~~ theRoach Br°me”1),b°°‘mthey ——bowswereexchanged. didn‘tmovefortlu‘eehours.
2 '. ». 4 - / I JUST Low 1” Pllke. and 2) they re m so far Axis dedication to hlS art is amaz. 188k“ mm m “y W Umle
. I ' r \ . out into space, it would take an ing.Theonly clothingheowns is his Ned gothis name. “You see, man,
' - - 1 '. j I . , a I ”Wham ‘0 bust them. karate uniform, and he‘s mastered he just followed 1‘ home one day.
., 1 . f / {u _ . ‘ NICE I n“ Clyde, probablythemost affluent theartofbreaking anythingin two: Me and Axis figured he looks like
-,‘ ‘ ' Of this ghetto tnumwrate, IS a tables, chairs, shelves. cats. somebody’s Uncle Ned, 30 that's
, f , 1'. —~ 42% medical SChOOlIdFOP‘OUt- Whenask- goldfish, garbage trucks, whatwecall him.”Soundsgoodto
v' . '. , .1 . r . 74 e,» \ ' ed why he deeded to hang Up hrs highways, etc. Kincaid Towers of- me.
. '. -_.' 9 . .J -5 stethosccpe; Clyde replied “Well. I ficials are constantly on watch for My neighbor. may be weird, but
511,,- .' . 1‘ A K was really into scubadiving, man him. at least they don’t cry like babia,
,« - 5' E— \ and lustdldn’t have time to study Axis says very little and whenhe an]... met, mg. run. out, and
_. 7’ " 7: J those "Mal tlnm like mtomy doesspeak in his unknown tongue. they don't complain about the
, _,' " V " andchemlstry.lalmdymal0t C] u is '1‘ only me i’vho can SW w aw“. Mn
. . . y 118 . g:
..’ . , 0 0‘ em“ about pliamiacetiucal tramlate. Most of his comments maghtoshakethepluter off
, 1. things. know what i mean? Sure, turn out to be, “pm me the bong” walls. in“. my mum to rebuild
i , ,1 d Clyde. . _ . or “Can 1 break your TV set?“ downtown, moviiuintotheghetto,
, , . y , , Eve" “‘0“??? OWBMNY‘M Thimmre that. may be a little more interesting
- .j . . "Bimbo dmos klndofthlnsthe mustofuiistnoofroommates untamed,
' , . never forgot his extensive medical is Uncle Ned. He stands five feet
' - "”th Mention pain 0? ailment short with a tremendous beer gut. Scott Owens is a telecommunica-
. . 1x. and he has the them“ 0" the Thefirst timelsaw him.hewas sit- tlons sailor. m. column um."
- SW‘ Then 'Cly(k M" h" yw With ting in the nudile of their living from P.rt' unknown every
. Elem“ his famom eight-lude room floor with a paper bag pulled “w“,
I I ‘ ‘ ,

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Thursday. January 22. 1981-3 .
_ _ _____- .
compiled from mpus cnm . '
news roundup op dispatches . . . .
___________________________‘__- TUE. JAN. ia—Astudent FR. my. to — A potted rested at the inwmum 9‘ . I
. . living at the Greg Page Yucca plant was taken from Rose Street and Euclid .
t Regulatory Commission said the con- Low water in the channel has been Apartments reported 3300 theCommerce Building. An Avenueon achargeofdnv- ' . .-
a e struction is necessary to meet the. de- causing serious problems forInver traf- worth of clothing taken employee reported her coat ing under theinf'luence. I. -
mand of the ill-member mama he. for the past month. The "V” fell ‘0 fromtheresidence. Apager and its contents, valued at MON. JAN. 19 —— Four , -
Folks in southeast 'n'lgg County at the which make up the WirichestE-based minis-7.3 feet at Memphis yesterday. valued at $30 was taken $420. being taken from the hundred candy bars, valued . .
edge 0‘ Lake Barkley are waiting for the electric generating and transmisston The normal winter readtng on the from the second floor of the Patterson Office Tower. at 3105. were taken from the . 4 . .
next snow to see if: ahem. “wa" utility. Mm river gauge ‘5 pits-five feet or Medical Center. No hun— There were two auto theft vending area at Pence Hall. . ' j -
shows upagain. East Kentucky reported a 6 percent more. . dred dollars worth of two- reports. A $160 cassette A toolbox containing tools . ,. I
Linton residents in Cadiz. Ky " haven’t load growth last year and was recently A Corps 0‘ Engineers dredge ‘5 work~ way radio equipment was deck was taken from a car was taken from a car park- '
seen Bigfoot. At least they aren't saying granted permission by the commission to ing near where the two tows are ground- taken from a state-owned parked in front of 0 ed in the Pie Pac parking ,I .
5° if they have. But they spotted, took build a "'7 billion generating plant m edtodeepenandwidenthechannelsothe car parked in the green building Cooperstown and lot. Thetools were valued at 'I .
pictures and even trailed large human- Clark County. . barges canbefreed. parking lot of Com- an Mrack tape player and $200. Computer manuals I I .. '
like tracks made by somebody (or If approved. the wholesale rate "h at de th in uard who monwealth Stadium. Police speakers were taken from a worth