xt7x69700d7p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x69700d7p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1982 1982 1982-09-24 2020 true xt7x69700d7p section xt7x69700d7p V0| E 2
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12:: cyéié 1:135 bemwncefifla new Syn Mammalm w° Benjy in a 5.. w9 and pr|ed ”"SUc' RIN'C I97th CW1: Of the "the sch°°|re
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fig“ :35“ 2122‘ the he; in my . ’33 ° 3 W0 "‘9 vhe2°Fhing Ea aded de,'de“* JImregreIIOE'S of
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“The .c'ary. Store fo'rsl‘mfic’aat . -.I,-_~,I 1e AndI thelhtyI from ons I "one", Presid Cargo 0, fh 3
"War "319m“ this count . Vel has a] federal . maknig‘ Co I: commeI en, Rea after a :3 throme
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cases time calep (m:l Ithat ‘. I Befor- Oafede of PO l'Iopomo r- b s'rike I prim s. LOCO alkom stonI S
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19‘31 sajudicial “W m” Péndi 3 \ :Ppportixlllés dismi“ lect‘ur 5‘5 K WAmtro n°'"‘°| nock '° 'ifned f'33igh ngineers :00
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H 8mm ._‘ am“ on (hid In W'l _, ‘ 1,3: ‘1 Volim "18(th the 2 th Is. then .neSSy Ck in'o eweek 501d 5e .ected b
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vgold -K°ntu¢ '" the ' in "“mbemmth "Om; my." (‘3 Stud’ '"Cludi tmg s~ abid ”eren. engin °rges, _9 Am "3 Said
gffiee insmce Juciy ha. Eastern centhe state r off an“, T ”mu/x Unrcus angmsI ang 5°0in Stu. ebVom 3'0] Pay eers, Wh r°"r00d ’rok SI . a hep
juydzt, givenlgm’" e MnTgéipli“ timt‘vsiince 193,7“, mama‘s] ju‘uoldI'u Ke GVnQIS'e" 0f o£a$5tfibuljx cxlpmen-i (If!- Undo'e frznd 'he H 0 walkedcen'ErI a'lon in 5:1
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“Rio-Frau fi 153;“ finer": 9'95"“ hem: "'"amls b°und 1031' mm ‘° 3:33:15 1 refine" 5' 6‘ 5°‘d the di‘PUte
per Judge Mun-e: gIVeer the "muse: 81111531 textim firm istgeigicmate don-‘28:: like a 00' deeegegéng y WOuld
fade!- mt 6 0' f in- to d1 add“ a! that Pat . ee . num 8-
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Illl “oldon Androw W John W Moron I. W Uni I. lodobo J... Von“... I. w ‘
Editor-in-Chloi News Editor Arts Editor Sports (dltor Spocioi 'roiocts Editor Photo Editor Graphics “not
”Id-inflow“ Cindyoodlor ”Olaf-“Ibo Mum loohlofllmou IonVonNool MM
Monoglngiditor Ednonnliditor Atliilizmgh AssistanlSpomEdltor Speciotrvoieans-istom ChieiPhotong Cow DukChiei
l l I
or 9 non eace remains ever 9 uswe .
I t
The tragedy of Lebanon seems unending. loyal to Gemayel, were seeking revenge for
Just two weeks ago, peace at last ap- the death of their leader. ::
peared imminent in that land of perpetual The ingredients for atrocity were there. NOW JUST "W D'D r?"
war. The Marines were pulling out following Immediately after Gemayel’s death, Israe- THAT Li 'L DEV”, (“ET I
the relatively smooth evacuation of thou- 1i Defense Munster Ariel Sharon met several OU-r OF H is LEASH ’3 t
sands of Palestine Liberation Organization times with members of the Christian militia. . t
guerillas. A new president was to assume What was discussed in those meetings may . i
power. And Beirut, a city once so beautiful it never be known for sure, unless outraged Is- . . -
had been dubbed the “Paris of the Middle raeli citizens force an investigation, but Sha- . \ I
East,” was rebuilding. ron has admitted the roundup and slaughter # E c
Althoushbonsedw assenmmm on 1 2
be a threat, Lebanon’s capital was display- never disc 1 ’ ’ I I 5" I. 9
mg a Phoenix-like quality — a nation was It is increasingly obviousheis lying. “g / '14 3/ ‘
being reborn from its ashes. . . ; a 6 .: /
On Thursday, Israeli troops surrounded j i 5 .5 , /
Then, as suddenly as they had departed, . If. x a; '3' /
. two refugee camps where it was suspected , ( a, a . é / / .
the forces of destruction returned. On Sept. . . . . ‘ ,. . . - . ,
- - - PLO troops were hiding. They let in contm- up. fl ; «. .fl _; .,
, 14, an officer of the Israeli occupation force ts f the Christian militia and then sealed I : f /, Ii- Ia 4 _ .
found the new president, Bashir Gemayel, gantheoentrances I «,3 .5, 4b 51 $7,,
. . . . _ . E .— , 2 . _.:,,_ _ _
. '. dead m the rubble Of a burning building. He What took place next was a scene out of i 1 ( E 2 /~ #5 .5 9. .
was the Victim of a bomb beheved to have - - g f a, - l , ,
the deepest reaches of Nam Germany and ,- 1g. ., , .4 V, , , rm
been planted by Moslem Lebanese or PLO k 5N //. [9 l . / .. , d
remnants opposed to his Israeli-backed gov- hell. Reporters who entered the_camps Sat- I ’ "I L {a ‘ 2 i i n/ ’4 ti
ernment urday saw rows of bodies — not Just therod- , h) . r ‘ filig-fi'é‘, "/. 1 7 II
' ' ies of men indistinguishable from_civilians, 25:, _=__, ; I ‘( 'I gf 77:57" r. . (4,. . F
. _ The suspicion that PLO fighters remained but the corpses of women and cluldren ap- :g,‘ M r. I- (,1 “lg , j’ g 3 0
hidden in West Beirut upset the Israelis al- parently lined up and shot down by the d02- glg . _ I 11“,“ ,7 .71 .5.- 'g 1,? -. .
most as much as the chaos following Gem- ens. 3.7—3”) {I (If; I _'\-. "a“: g. I - . i». . :
ayel’s death. The goal of their invasion had Exactly how many people were slaugh- 7 ,'.II gi- I.g§~I\ti\'le ,' - g; (g y" . ;~ a
been to rid themselves of the PLO forces tered may never be known, because the Is- I. all . ‘ ~ /, .7 . .f /4- : - I
headquartered there. Apparently, the U.S.- raeli armed forces bulldozed much of the ev- 5% .14.; J «2;: ;~ I , r '4. 1...; s.
backed diaspora of the Palestinians had not idence. But the knowledge and participation ~ : with r? , . a... /I/ > / "('6 >fifi. I to.
been altogether successful. of Israel’s leaders in the planmng of this un- ,, ~ _ . = / ‘7' z! , . \ ,1 ,' 1b; 1' fi
Israel worried that even a small remnant forgivable act is undemable. _ . “- QT: . '_ I, 2" I‘m-d c
could carry on the fight for a Palestinian That our government continues its support - A 7’ , , _ n
homeland, threatening its new-found lock on of Israel With no more than a slap on the , —- I? . -0. d
the all-important West Bank. It would settle hand is equally unforgivable. The Reagan ,7 / -‘ - -2 “U65: c AM 3 . ’ Y
for no less than a totally PLO-free Lebanon. administration’s weak-kneed wrist-slapping 2“: _ J _ 2
At the same time, Phalangist militiamen, policies can no longerbecountenanced. ; n
members of the right-wing Christian forces And Lebanon 15 at war again.
a - . ‘\ _
. .7.” —/ r r a: -- l I l l
“2' 0' “W \r‘ “3” . 000 b II b db f s
1 . . VOW so}; nes ury w: e misse y an
' ‘1 1N .: ",""/%:_
l ‘ {OR YOUR , Fri: 2 WASHINGTON —— It’s like losing and school in the 1960s into the whol- Yale Daily News office in New “Garry has been a spokesman for
' rLACiiERI. i I. \ your favorite teacher. Come next ly different world of the Reagan era, Haven, Conn., with a proposal to the children of the 'ilOs and done a
fi- ‘ , , year, millions of faithful Doonesbury noting and illuminating our every drawastrip called “Bull Tales." great deal to politicize kids in the .
.1” ’ Q? I . ; readers will have to look somewhere move. . Before long, Trudeau was winning 1970s," said Joe Wheeiwright, the
.31; $.- ’ else for wisdom each morning. At peers’ accolades for his caricatures cartoonist‘s roommate at Yale.
I ‘~' 59‘ i i I 34, cartoonist Garry Trudeau is tak- —— of such stereotypes as football play- “He's also introduced the latter
{flIIt-j’go f d . . - ingamuch-deserved sabbatical. GI. EN ers, radicals and social dilettantes, group to some of the world’s harder
1%‘7'73'1’7. , ‘_ \ H‘ Yet as much as we’ll miss 'Iru- following them later in “Doones- realities."
nrnisjflji’, \ C Go" deau’s work, 20 months of freedom and bury” though work, Vietnam and, of Moreover, Trudeau has sought to '
3 44:3” =1 , . )1, _ ’ ' may produce something more re- SHEARER course, love. provide explanations of a much di-
. , a ', file if: V'. -. .= 7 markable than Doonesbury itself. “He really had our number,” rem- vided age group and to broach is-
. . . , ‘ ‘ 41“ b J 7 r V l 7 Besides, even sages need an oppor- _________.______ inisced Mark Zanger, the Yale stu- sues that, until even recently, were
1 T '. q , It . I” a g l tunitytoputthingsinperspective. dent leader who was the prototype considered taboo. Only three weeks
— ’ ’r \ ~- 2 , 9.. i ’ i i ‘ . Trudeau has undoubtedly been the It all began 15 years ago, when, for Megaphone Mark, “particularly ago, for- example, he gracefully con-
1“, " ' . ‘Inn in! ‘~ [g “”‘ leading chronicler of the Baby Boom with the encouragement of a sports when he wrote that ‘even revolution- fronted the emergence of gays as a
~/,.‘ . ~ - ‘» , _ generation. He’s shepherdedus from editor, the lanky sophomore from aries enjoyed chocolate-chip coo- political forceinthe United states.
\‘ u-sf W1 the early confronatations at home Saranac Lake, N.Y., walked into the kiss.’ " That Trudeau will step aside in
\\ at UW While he soon began to tackle big- January hasn’t surprised his
ald Ford and Jimmy Carter, among year contract with the Universal
others — Trudeau never lost sight of Press Syndicate would expire in
B the rest of us and how we managed three months, allowing his charac-
theebbandflow of each year. ters, as Trudeau explained it, the
Perhaps no character better per- chancetoadapttoanewera.
Em sonifies this universal ordeal than ndeed, to a large degree, catch-
Joanie Caucus, the unhappy wife of ing up is what Trudeau has planned
Support needed ven by the negligence 0‘ any fmh' where jObS have been scarce for a palachia are concerned. However, in an inveterate bowler. Initially, “Ms. for himself. Unfettered by a daily
man who did not attend “Welcome long time. this case we may have an exception, Caucus" leaves her husband, goes to dealine, he’ll be able to free his en-
, to UK" I believe that 9'1me The official unemployment rate is one that under-states what surely Walden Puddle and takes a job at a ergies for the substantial demands
We “’0‘“ like ‘0 thank Ann Mur- everyoneof m- based on 8 survey 0f the number of must rate, along with the unemploy- local day-care center where she con- of screenwriting,whichheadores.
phy and Elizabeth Hayan and people who are working and the ment of black teenagers, as a na- verts many of the girls, including Trudeau has already finished one
countless others for their continued Andrea Hudson number of people who are unem- tional scandal. star pupil Ellie,tofeminism. film comedy about the national
support of the football program. We Comp. sci. freshman played but seeking jobs. The mom Subsequently, Joanie goes on to press corps and is now considering a
Eren’t sup-tergiIumgns and ngfedK all ployed when kiiggded to thosethepegiflie Eldon D. Smith law school and falls in love with a collaboration with friends on a musi-
e suppo e niversi y en- - - - who are wor , make up - Ag.econ. professor Washington Post reporter named cal version of Doonesbury. The the-
tuckyrea? offenu'léhis incfludlis vocaé OPINION Pallcy cial “labor force.” Redfern. Today, both pegnant and star might tap a potential Trudeau
suppo mm st ents, ac ty an However, in areas like Appalachia - . - a full-time campaign manager, Joa- has possessed since, as a teenager,
staff. Rood-:3 of the Kentucky Koml where jobs have been chronically Likes G reenfleld nie is worried about her age and the hefirst putonplays at home.
Our goal. since Aug. 14, has been “I" '" “II":III” I'I‘V’” ' ' scarce, thousands have ceased try- need for amniocentesis. Most of all, the husband of NBC’s
to restore a winning tradition for " :"'I°"' ' In": ”'II‘I' b I ing to find jobs and are no longer With all the deaths and crime that If the strip adds up to anything, Jane Pauley wants a child. His clos-
Kentucky football. Although there " "‘ ‘z‘; Tum. JII " counted as part of the “labor force” newspapers are obligated to report, its probably that “the personal is est friends are crossing their fingers
have been some setbacks, that goal m7 ° ""“I” ° II °' because they no longer actively seek we can all enjoy and appreciate a political.” That is. concern about that his sabbatical will turn into a
hasremained. ”not '°' " I"°“"‘°II"" work. Many, if not most of these, columnist with a witty perspective our own lives should foster-a similar paternity leave. To become a par-
We owe it to ourselves, UK, and "‘ "' — ”K' ‘13:: II V' are willing towork and desire to get andagoodsenseofhumor. concern about those of .others. The cut, more than anything else, could
the state of Hentucky to never give I‘I°.:I°‘;‘°°;:I'I“"°':I. I a; jobs but have none. They are what Please, give in more Jeff Green- presence — or absence — of this guarantee Trudeau the lifelong role
up and continue fighting each and I I ° MIST. II °I'I.:‘I‘ 050 some people call the “hidden unem- field and Bloom County, and less homespun philosophy permeates asageneration’s chronicler. ,7:
every opponent. You owe yourself, °""II'°"'I "' ° ployed.” Star Trek and Barbara Sallee’s every character in the strip, from ©1982, Field Enterprises, Inc. '3
UK. ,and the state of Kentucky the “'°' I: “"I .4 9. W Dr. John Stoll, a graduate student whiningletters home. Michael Doonesbury on down. In an
backing the football team requires n '° I II‘°"' “'I I” I' ’1‘; “d at the University of Kentucky in the apolitical age, Trudeau’s is a badly- Maxwell Glen and Cody Shearer are
to restore a wmmns tradition. with- ‘3“ ' '1‘": II V I“; mid 1970; estimated the number of John E. Yurko Jr. needed contribution to the con- Pulitzer prize-winning national col-
Wt each other, nothing Will be ac- "W ' ' '" "m “hidden unemployed” for all Ken- Second yr. architecture scienceofageneration. umniats. 1‘
complished. sludo tholr nomos. oddroseos. tucky counties based on data from . .
Seeyou tomorrow at the same! """‘°"' "”“5'” '"‘ '“'" "'°' the 1970 United States Population DRABBLE ‘9 by Kevm Fagan
Ion, classifications or sonnostlon Census.
500“ Robey "'m' "K‘ His statistical estimates were
Head {when manage, lndividuols submitting com- based on avenge U_S_ rates of labor NORMANpioU (,(In A LmeR 5m WWI/I; UL W cam
monts In ponon should bring UK force participation for groups of ROM GRMM- “Nauru/u, L‘OTL . 10L W we
Andy Mons lbs or drlvors' llaonaos with thorn. similar age, education, and county m M W. 1!
Football team captain 7’" ""‘my °' "m“ m ”“d wage rates and for similar race and a? (OW/L) U
lotion by mo" will b. vorlflod sex proportions L. _--___$\? ._.A<_,_ . _ j i;
l . Moro publication. . .' ll . ti " I ’9: .___ (_________.. ‘.
FreShman Nights, tho Kornol rosonros the right c032: 3332:]; “waftgm f ‘8 Egg 3') , /' gg, ‘1 E:
i l I , a ‘ .
I t thl to to edit for grammar, clarity and the proportion d unemployed would ‘ 0» r | . .. I Z [ 9‘ i ( I
am Wl'i W '8 in mpme length and to eliminate llholous u - J 1' / 1 . . k a ’ . a ' . - l
the “1mm” (ll ”Ffllhmln Nights” "0."... more than’double if the hidden un - E --— ' _—_ ii
in the Sept 7 issue lam not provid- "“9““ W" cm”- C°"‘P“'" ' V . | ..
ingexcmesbtitfacts. sons for the three counties men- "_..__-____1 ‘4 £ , .. «I .
“kc the m 7.“ {mm m Uf‘e'T‘ploymer‘t nonwbycalflium: L,” _ ' ©l902umloafealue$ymale Int)“ _ .' I ' ll
campm, I did not attaid the “Wel- Knott Count — off' a] unem- , , 17
come to UK" event. With the initial Harry Caudill is a man With con- played, 5.3 pya‘cent; ugli- “hid- l HEARD THAT ‘iOU GOT OH,TH£ UfiUAL...SH£5 AND 6M€6 SEEN BAKINQ OH,1EM...6H£ ALSO i
shock of campus life. I believe F10- troversial ideas and one who has den unemployed,” 55percent. A LETTER mom GRANOMA, MN WORKING N THE A LOT OF COOKIE6.TMT SCORW [06,000 FONTS l
rities for a majority of the newcom- been accused on occasion of exag- Letcher County ._ official un- NORMAN. WAT GARDEN... GRANDPA l5 RBOUT IT.1WICAL OM "5TAR6HIP -
erslieinthe”extra”social affairs. gerating the problems of the Ken- employed, 37 Wt; plil DlO Silt HAVE affix WELNG GRANWM 6T0“. - INVROLRS." ' I
For some the planned activity oc- tuckyCoalregion. “hidden unemployed," 52 ”It. To 5M 7 / 7/7. uiELL... ram ’ ;\
curred at a time of ire-occupation But, in his Sept. l6 column "Boom cent. f ____ s
with “extra” social affairs. For oth- or bust plagues coal regions," he is "”1” County _ officm unem- My . ‘ 7 . " I ., I a W 'I/
era, the activity possibly came at probably unwittingly guiltyof an un- played, 19;, W3 plu ”bid 4? 2:» l 5 "i ll .sH ' (JG-A ”" ’
morepsrsonalre—adjmtmuit times. dentatement. It is an understand den unemployed,"48percent. ‘ ) —- M -‘ I
The activity was planned to ease able one because the US. Depart- . . a; \ I _ - j . if .
some of the insecurity at this large ment of Labor data on Many will say Harry 0mm '1. W Q . J ”(j . I“, . -'.':'-"-'.'J w . 9“ ..
Clmptl. Priorities to re-adjmtment unemployment donot give a reliable seldom given to understatement ‘r' r - / . .13! ~t ’
on campi- are evident and thus iro- indication of conditiom in areas when the poblems of his native Air ‘ *7 ‘ ©‘WW"°'°"""S"‘°'°"' '”‘ \ j k ’ ""“

 ~ THE KENTUCKYKERNEL flit» W24, 1912 . 3
Bl k t ' d f d ' l
ac group 3 ressmg nee or aca emics, not ectures
______ ergoals.” _ students incapable of handlim aca- were enrolled, which was 3.3 percent son senator. Williams doe. not in- theorganiration last semester.
ByCHRISASH The economics senior addresses demicwork, _ _ . oftheUniversity's enrollment. ta-pret the perennial low numbers of “There are people who may be in-
CopyDeekChief one of those pals by working on an .He ls waiting fonthe admnnnstra- Another activity that emphasizes black representativesasaproblem. terested in one program, and then
academic excellence pogram‘rnow tnon t0 nnake definite proposals to academics is study groups. Last “Running for that type of office, there are those people who help,
————-—-— being planned, whlch he believes theBoard 0‘ Trmtees. _ year a walk-in tutoring program especially in this environment where serve is sporadically," Williams
, . will be one of the most unportant .Were not asamat selective ad- was offered. “The problem with that blacks are in a minority, it takes a said. “It’s not imperative that we
_When searching for an organiza- projects undertaken by the BSU "“5510“? 33 a Whey. he said. is that many students might just lotofeffortonthe partofablack.” have any major recruiting effort but
tion that concentrates on parliamen- sincehehas beenhere. f‘There 5 no doubt, With the scarcity have a question to ask. They may Blacks have been successful in re- that we make them aware of what’s
"“7 "Ml and social functions, few “It Will be a publicity-oriented In resources youre ltflt Beth! t0 notneedatutor. ceiving interim appointments irn stu- goingon.”
Md be tempted to ””9 at the type thins that Will have some small havetocut b?“ excess waste. “That’s me of the things of being dent government when they desired The group will meet less this year,
31“?“ Student Umon. , , scholarship incentives. . . Williams is concerned that the a minority: a lot of times you’re in a tlnem, Williams said. He said he and sessions will be more informa-
Likewnse, the 8’9“!” presndent “Far too often - - - academics Is a chances could continue a trend 0t class alone. You don't have the ad- foresees no problems in working tive, Williams said Committees con-
does not proyect tlne nrnage of a d'c' given, but it's not oftern stressed, A blacks concentrating on sports rath- vantage of having someone to study with current SGA officials. ducted most of the work, which
tatorial,office-boundleader. lot of other things are stressed be- er than academics. . with.” “I think that most student organi- made for boring meetings.
.3 cause you assume everyone is here “One of the potential problems 3— Being isolated because of the rela- zations, or the ones that are geared Williams’ interest in advocacy
1 for academic reasons. and l m not accusing the admnriis- tively small number of blacks on toward theentire campus, are really groups began several years ago. He
. CAMPUS LEADERS “_SO the Kernel goes °3tlt and re- tration 0t anything —3 15 that the campus isn’t a case of hostility from concerned that they get good rep- participated in a black student coun-
5. crults reporters, and were Ollt re- black student population may re- whits so much as a product of in- resentation." oil at Henry Clay High School in
cruitins people. but no pne's out say- mam constant. but in fact the ma- stinct, Williams said. Williams worked with the Office of Lexington that he described as in-
. _ . ins. ‘Hey. this is business priority Jority Of the students W1" be ath- “'lhere's just a natural tendency Minority Student Affairs in organiz- volved in political and social activ-
_’ Darrell Williams and his youp No.1.’_” 3 letes. , _ for people to group with people they ing a freshman orientation. The ities.
: concentrate instead on meeting what Williams said the program was Theres no problem With the ones have something in commorn with. If Aug. 31 program attracted more “I’ve always been pretty active in
they perceive as the needs 0fthe as needed because Of a need for aca- on the higher end Of the academic it was an all-black campus, you’d than 100 students, Williams said, civic affairs. When I got here, the
timated' 810 students at UK. and demic standards in general and be- spectrum: What 00““ happen, you see all the football