xt7x69700f29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x69700f29/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-02-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 24, 1986 1986 1986-02-24 2020 true xt7x69700f29 section xt7x69700f29 t t .‘ ‘ I

E B Vol. XC. No. N. Established l894 ‘ University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky ' Independent since 197! Monday, February 24, 1906

W -
Btaek leader’s talk ' Marcos denies r ort
stresses importance . 1 . . h . , , _. .

“’5 eWIIIeaV

. . . .. e coun ry . g
, 86 of renewed activ1sm .. i as . ,.
_, - . The ASSOCiatEd Press “They are completely without warrant for ('orazon Aqumo. the - . 1 ". '. .« .

By BRApCOOPER students today. I shudder," Chis- ' basis. They are intended to frighten leader of the opposition who claims 1. . '. I I .

Staff Writer holm told about 150 people in . ' __ . our people,“ he said. she won the Feb 7 presidential elecr .. ' . ' ‘- .

I . . Worsham Theater. K i» MANILA. Philippines — President He then ordered the armed forces lion. ,2 ‘ z . " " '

AS Shirley ChlShOlm. theI tll‘St Fighting back tears. Chisholm ' “ t EerdmandIE. Marcos appeared on a to “use all necessary force“ to de» Associated Press reporter Ruben .- "- A"
black woman to nm for president. said it is difficult for her to witness I ' a live teleVlSion broadcast today to de- fend their installations. (i Alabastro said rebel troops vi ere , . _- "v
looks at the United States Itoday and the wasting away of social im- ' clare a “state of emergency“ and He directed troopers to use small deployed around the Channel 4 . . '- .‘ .- j‘x TI];
compares it With the actmsm of the provements achieved in the '60s ’ 500“ at reports that he W35 prepar- arms to defend themselves. but said building. which is several miles '. I J j ‘ '. 1
WE, she sets a sleeping Rip Van “We are steadily seeing the ero- ingtoleavethecountry. large weapons like tanks and ar- from Marcos‘palace 9"" ‘ '. 'I.'.'
Winkle.I sion of the gains that people gave ‘ I Radio Veritas the Roman Catho- mored personnel carriers should not People at the scene told Alaliaslro '. '-," Q f .' 351;;

And if and when the US. wakes their lives for, and it‘s so hard for he church station, had PUt rebel mil- beemployed “as yet.” they had heard gunfire in the area. ;, 5" ;‘ 9:5:1',‘ :3,
up. it may be too late to stop the the people who gave so much to see SHIRLEY CHISHOLM ltflt‘y officials 0" the air to claim “I appeal to civilians to get out of and lie overheard one rebel soldier I ‘ '- ’1}-
erozlmg (t’l'i 500:] impigvemIents 3'"; “0.530" or these gains,“ Chis- “tyranny: hilthVIbeeh defeated in the the line of fire."Marcos said reporting to an officer that some of ‘* . '2": :39}:
ma e y ose w 0 gave eir ives omsal . .. . ~ . .. _ revo 388th arcos. I I “We are in a state of emergency his men had been wounded ', f '2
toIenIsure a higherIquallty 0" me’ she “And today in America, because 3:3:ESIIIYCSSCIPIGM 0f the govern A" announcer at the. station, “mm" and the government gives notice t0 Earlier. Radio Veritas had broad t. I: I": 5,. 3 ‘_I
saidinalecture Friday afternoon. of our incumbent president, we are “It‘s time to stand up and be has bee“ a Staunc" cm'c 0' Marcos, all White “times that the." can be cast announcements by cat-Meme . ' ‘ ."' 2

“I remember it as I stood on the seeing the erosion of those gains. We counted," said the former congress then said Marcos was leavmg the taken over by the government. This Minister Juan Ponce l-anile and for 1", .' a .
steps of the Capitol. Everybody was act like Rip Van Winkle fast asleep. woman from New York. c0untry.. . . ‘5 "01 mama] 1?“ ”“5 1“ 3“ emer' mer deputy armed forces chief Li 5 " ,‘ 'r 8"}!
involved in something: the V0tih8 . . . And if you don‘t wake up soon “You have to forget the conventio Marcos. questioned by foreign and gencysnuation tien Fidel \’ Ramos announcing . . ' ‘.
rights movement, the CW“ rights you will find yourself where you nalities and the traditions when the local reporters m h's palace. sa'd he The government‘s (‘hannel '1 “'1‘" ”the real bttlr.‘ 0f the sweet-Hut Wt" .' 1 ' 7 _.’..‘ 5‘ a
movement and the environmentalist were25yeais ago." ' legislators are no longer the an- Plimedtto 3° aheadf Wlth hishinauqu- Vision station went off the air in the oluiion " , ‘ . I. .
movement,“Chisholm said. ChiShOIm said a lot of changes swers to the problems we are grap- £233" :flingzrow or anot er 5” middle 0'. Marcos broadcast at 9152 Ramos and Enrile resigned from I ' l . f! ' -I "

Yet a decade 0f activism in the have occurred since the '60s but plingwith. ' “Don't believe anv of these sto- :IanMIBQIpIIm, It"? téblgIdd-l' Marcos" government Saturday and . ‘ ; " .'
'605 has turned intoa decade 0t 393- since the mid '70s something has “When (black peoPle‘ have the l‘ieS " said Marcos 'calling the re» 'n e'tiu‘ “(as aIrupt. d5 “drab “d” “'9 """um'mg 'h‘“ h“ ”“4“ “”‘t '~ . ' ‘ " f
thy in the ‘80s “Whenlsee lethargy happened to the spirit of America. it “dam” the “e"e- the courage and Ports “Propaganda lies they are ped- ' $65351; cut off \larcos den 'u'""""'"p"“e""'Mum" 9 t" " '
and indifference present in college has become apathetic and a willing Scc ACTIVISM. PageS dling through the airwaves." led reports m. "had lssoéd an arrest \ecMARt‘os, l’agc < I " '- '. " "’

.maa . § _ Commons dance-a-thon ..- . . - .g
. - . raises un s or c arity .- . - .
1 512' fiféwvtj I '. , J _ , BNJ-‘tNETBIXII-ER Ilunior. won third place The} re- ,- ~ ‘ 1 .‘

S . fifuzgxfgmé ' :3: \ ' ' l I, l ' 1 comrlbuung Writer celVGd portable stereos for collect- . ' . '
“Ni: w- '1‘“: . IiI ‘-. :x « . ’ ‘ I IIM Couples danced all day Saturday Couples danced throughout the .i .I ., .

" ”h r * ‘\ I . . We . ...;‘.;"*-* ~ ~th at the Klrwan/Blanding Complex day With 10-minute breaks every , - _ ' » .

——-" ”x M‘ " g V" ~‘ Lounge to benefit the March of hour , ‘ .,

- f . .t :. _. W‘ .- - Dimes. "The trick of it l> to not wear . ’. _
(".I “wees-u r fi ' V M ltéfi . I“ W”WWW‘W w I . , I I I yourself out." said Ford. "The third . I ' .- ‘

,M, . . - . ; . ”5" g ' “- ' .,~_I...r-‘.‘I.« ~ _. . _ The fifth annual dancc:a-th0n. hour took a lot out of Us I think wt- ‘

”‘ " 1 fi _, ' . v "1 ' - ’ X‘WWWW ' _ ‘ .iessww Wh‘Ch ran from 9 a}?- to " pm. were conservative the first two ' . 1
.1 may: " V I 4 "» \ ‘ '\ rev ’. was sponsored by “PMLFM radio hours so bvthcthii‘d we cut loose ‘ . . ~
.; . .‘ '» r . . I~ - 25‘." 53;” . ..' I I I - _ and the ['K residence halls. A total ‘ ' . .

.. _ w \I I :' ‘ " ~ ‘ ' '7‘ "M. ‘N ‘ 3’ " 'f‘httfik' 1" of $2.550 was raised. Last yEar $3.300 Local celebrities Kenny ltici- of I .
‘* . t\ ~ H I ‘ " > * was donated to the organization. WTVQ-TV ‘(‘hannel .iti . Shawn ' , . '~ .

. .‘.I._ . I." .i/ a t . , x f ~“‘"“ I . I . Tate» III “fa“ . . Smith of \t'KYT-TV (’hanncl ‘37 , V ' .
72% w..- A A". "'- . but“ ‘ .i .. ' ' .. *_ ~I -' .."'-"" ‘NH-‘l" A togt 0t 54 area merchants (10' and ('ouncllwoman at large Pain ' W ‘ '
”4:" -.. V V“ - " * \ _ ._ I ~ "t " I "t "a: ks: ‘.'-. ._- nated gift certificates t0 all the par- Miller handed out some of the door , . ' ‘
{rests-3f .. " t. ‘ T51 . "' . ticipants. Three couples who col- pmes ' . I
"$71,! - , - t A __I:,__‘I - " ‘ »- * ‘ * «.3, s. 1 lected the most pledge money also .I .

l - .~ - ‘ .... I.“ _____.____",_ '2‘»... “ received prizes donated by the resi- Rice said he was very impressed I ..
;: ’ . . W” ‘ dence balls. with the professionality of the ex ent . . I
, . ".1; . The first place winners were \‘al~ ”“5 it C””“““”‘9”t ‘" wmt‘ “U‘ . " . "

slows-ma.» . ‘W‘ .I II_ I“ ,I , _ -.‘."‘ . Imus erie Ford. a nursing senior. and and dance from 9 to i). he said. . ;" .
:2" "fig”?! LI - * "' . ‘ 3‘“)? r". _' _. .. A" Greg Wilburn. a psychology senior. "They Ircsidcnce ““115” have ' ~‘ ' -- '
"Pi-c." 5;; ~~ I. If“ 'I' -I ytm‘; -; — ‘ufi ; 15', .‘e‘km-v -. -,. _ .2. "‘3.‘ A». . I; ”if: I'ngIfi g-Ic I for raising $684 They received a worked withitand planned itout 'I ' . ' ~ .
13%.":{1’QVS‘EQ 2 ;’§7-': -v a; ; ."- x J‘W "a“ k ' 1" -~‘~“"" spring break \I'Iagt'on to South John L Dietz Jr. Director of the ' _ ' - .
”*kzegggfi. I55: ' ‘Q‘ZW” , " Ct? m" ‘1‘ m . I Padre Island,Tcxas Bluegrass Chapter of the March of 4 ' ’ I ,.

' 7‘ . a ‘.:~ , A": J- ". . " . -- . *8 d‘F‘Q-‘f-s' _ . = ‘ h " ~ as, Second place winners Mary Laf- Dimes. >ald the money that was .- I II

. anew-u KornolSto“ ser. a nursing senior. and Don 8”” raised will be presented atIIthe II I .'. .
Flre d0wn beIOW mons. a computer science senior. “L NlarchIofI [limes telethon June -8-29 .- . - - . . . ‘ - II
celvcd two 13-inch color television on WHEN“ (hannell81, 'I i , 2 'I - "4'

David Latterty of ARK Engineering I9ets a light from co-worker Biological Sciences building to install a computer system for the sew for raising $500 ,H'TI-Veryth'ng we d“ h We" for ',m" ' i ' ~. ". -.

Gary Croblll. The men were working behind the Funkhouser Computing Center ploving the outcome of Weilhdh- i r , .'-. I; . " 1 ._

' Joy Van Dyke. a computer science cies." he said. "We work on preyeii f‘ ' SI . -

senior. and Steve Grubbs. a business him of birthdcfects " I .' s" . .1 . I -,'

Chapman Speaker to discuss Iran’s prospects ' *
- ,j Il’fl-J'

Stars over ‘ '~ """‘"‘~ ’ t I» »” i- BD'SEAS ANDERSON he believes the US. can do to help of political prisoners and an end to . , . “.3 III.‘ IIg-I.’II
l‘“ 31" I » Stafferter the Iranians restore democratic torture; restoration of deiiioci'atic j i"? ,7 ",';“f1-

\&y ‘7'." ’ , ‘ ' 9", . I . .. principles to theircountry. rights. guaranteeing Iranians the - ., I‘_;,'I'«'t"'iI' .' 2' .

H Cl \ “'0” "l .I‘ “Is the Iranian Revolution Over? Following the speech Robert ability to decide their fate without .- , _‘. :,‘.‘.
enry ay ‘ ~ . O J' ' AR. Faraz will attempt to answer Olson. professor history, will com- foreign intervention. and an end to .11. ’ .- “5:". :3.

-— ‘ ... C ‘ . 1 ' that question tonight in a lecture at ment He said there will be a ques» the Iran-Iraq \iar -~ ' :' ii '~‘ ‘ -" it it.

' 3' Sin theStudentCenter. tlonand nswer r‘ -' ., . .. -. “ H “'..‘

ByWILLlEHIATT . , :f . . Farazawiu 1'79 'fijftérMEd" 1 ...'f“,'5 ”ml '2'." '."‘\' pm". '7 "'j' 5; ~‘ 7': "1“
Sports Editor .. “a“... ... 9". t , ”Mu—~w-» Faraz, national executive secre- d" .- a so Iea an in orma LlrJI. le salt t ( (onimlttec L()ll.\l(I: . _ II. I; '..‘I I.
0 ¢ — \.\ tary of the Committee in Solidarity IlIsIcusIslon on [Iranian—American re- ersI the conflict a senseless war _. .-,' .II. IinI LXI

UK basketball signee Rex Chap with the People of Iran, is an Irani- tid'om‘ fromstllddo am. to 1:30 pm. which has so far cost both Icounti-ies .1 I , . I~Ii..II_I
man was the worst-kept secret in an now living in the United States. aylnlla u enttenter. oycra halfmillion casualties . I. II I I.
Lexingtonyester day. .3 He will discuss the effects of the Erik Lewis. chairman of the Ken- The speech is also sponsored by " . ; , . ' -"

So it only followed that he would I revolution on the people of Iran and tucky chapter of (‘ISPL said the the Democratic Socialists of :\ln€l‘l ‘ _ .
take the shot. Henry Clay coach Al . what it means for Iran and the rest committee has four goals concern- ca and the Office of Minority Stu» ' 3 I . if
Prewitt knew it. The nearcapacity , ' of the world. He will also tell what ing Iran. They include: the release dent Affairs ~ 'I - ~. _
c;owd IknewuiIta It wasIIl'ust a matter \ g t . . . . .. ' ‘ .- .
ohow ewo getito. - . ‘ ‘ ..‘ '

With 12secondsleft, Chapman got ‘ t». HlStOl'lan WIII dlSCllSS mos ' ‘ ' '
the ball on the wing, spun and nailed . I"? ”K it?” . . . ’ “ ‘ ' ~
a iii-footer to give the Apollo Eagles . > 0 . o e ' ‘ .
a 68-67 win over the Henry Clay Blue 3 ., ’ . bl k l '
Devils at Memorial Coliseum yester- ’ ” .I I_-I.,,-. .0, ac [.0 es 1“ selence "I. Wlldeon defeated ' , . ‘
day ‘ . ; . .4, r ’ By ANNE GALLOWAY read his book. which was excellent M“, 5””de night, to '
. "we would rather him have taken ’4‘ Staff Writer andlcan't praiseitenough.“ clinch their 36th Southeast- - -

“5 apollo coach John WhitImIer ' 0m Conference title For

said. ‘But to give absolute. definite D 5- \ Pfizer award-winning historian of He is featured in the visiting histo- more .”m P ' 3 .
play you “'0‘“de up throwmg the 4 / science Kenneth Manning will pre» ry of science society program. ' ' ago '
ball away. He s a money player. sent a lecture on blacks' roles in sci- which is co-sponsoring his lecture at

"e 50'0“ “several “me , ~ entific advances. UK. W01 known

Chapman, the 6-foot-5 high school rm \ tlutlst Joan-Pierre Rompol '
All-American guard who signed with 't . Manning‘s lecture will be at 3 pm. Although Manning's lecture has “ I W .
the Wildcats during the early sign- ‘ in the Student Center's Worsham been promoted by several history W a cut night ‘
"18 period. was a money player in a . ’ Theater. He will be available for department professors and the UK °' 9°” °t the University m
number 0t ways. 4 questions beforehand at 3:30 pm. on black studies program, most of the t“ 50ft”. For 0 review. no

In a game billed as “Basketball ’ . the 17th floor of the Patterson Office lecture funding is from the History mm, Page 6,

Showcase '86." Chapman scored 37 . . Tower. in the history department of scieneoIebSOEIiIetyIiIi Wh'c'E'Jd'n torn isI

. _ - ‘ con erence room, supmrt y e Xxon uca tom 5% IIIIII \WW I; §;\
$3,:de lggotgndshogéngneaagg “mm... ..,,,,.,.,,. . I II Foundation and the Ford Founda- 5mm"? %"
filled Memorial Coliseum and was UK signee Rex Chapman skies for an OHOHSlVO VCbOUDd in A |_ . HIS egture' .The ROIe 0‘ BlaCks “on. fimék”;rwk \fixswavfitxmfivcci ‘3‘"; i-
one good reason the game was tele- [0,: 68.67 win over H or Cl tM I I |' PO in amerlcan Science and Technolo I . I
vised locallyonWKYT-TV 9 Y °Y ° ""0"“? C0 'Seum YOSte'dOY- 8% In conjunction With Black Hls- After recelvmg his doctorate from W II M

' tory Month, will include discussmn Harvard in 1974. Manning wrote ' MI“. W. "9 ' ”*

”We knew Chapman could shoot," Eddie Sutton, who leads the Blue think that had a lot to do with the of his scholary interests. Manning Black Apollo of Science: the Llf’of Wt m. 0' tw
Prewitt said. “He shoots from 35 DeV'tS Witha t9'P0tht average. way lplayed.“ has done extensive research on the Ernest Everett Just, which won the am, ending in the .0-
feet and there‘s nothing we can do After Chapman‘s basket Sutton In contrast to the fluid Chapman history of mathematics and the his- Pfizer award. the International His- m. M will In In Q.
aboutit-He‘snosecret." dribbledthelength ofthe court and Sutton is a scrappy, hard-nosed “Pry °t.b“‘°."s "‘ Ameri°.al‘.mef‘" my 0‘ .Sdm" sways “‘8’“ um 30-- ToMeM wfll by

his shot in the lane bounced off the point guard who contributes as cute, said “he. Tan' a V‘s'tmg m" scholarship honor. NIH"! j... M "

The game featured two of the best I . . . . . . structor m the history department. . C A.

teams in the state in H Cl (22- rontofthe rim as time ran out. much in leadership as in pomt Ipro- .. - - ~ Tm w! h “Q

My eyI . I duction He scored only five pomts People who are interested in sei- _ . . .. .. I . .
4) and Apollo (23-4.) An additional “I ve never been in a game with but he was able to find the seams h; "Manning is one of is noted histo ence, medicine, math and engi- .m w ”I h ‘ '"
(towing card was 6-1 junior guard so much hype,“ Sutton said. “i was rians of science from a very select neering would be interested in com- “- g1"?
Sean Sutton, the 30“ 0‘ UK COICh t°° hyped “P for the game and l SccCHAPMAN.Pue3 group of pimple." Taub said. “I've ingtothelecture."Taubsaid. ’ ’ ' ‘ ' “"3";

 t ' ’ l i
Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
, ‘ publication date.
‘ 0 Meetings: Feminist Alliance Meeting: Discussion Topic- 0 Meetings: SAB Public Relations Committee meeting; fl
- Marital Rape Legislation; “9 SC: 8~9:30p.m., Call 266-165l IIS SC; 4 p.m.. 7-8867 _ _ .
0 Movies: Terminator SI.75. Worsham Theatre: 7:30 ' Meetings: UK Waterski Club meeting: Everyone wel- 2/24: Movoes: Terminator; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 2/26: Movtes: The Two Mrs. Carrolls; SI.75; Worsham
. p.m. Call 7~I287 come. Please stop by.: 205 SC: 7 p.m.; Call 277-06IB P-"‘~" C°” 74287 . . _ ""0"“ 7:” p.m.: Call 74287
. , 2' ,. 0 Religious Worship Service at United Methodist Student 0 Movies: Terminator: $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 2/25: Movies: Terminator: SI.75: Worsham Theatre. 7.30 3/]. Movies: The Two Mrs. Carrolls; $1.75; Worsham
- Center 508Columbio Ave“ 8pm. p.m.:CalI7rl287 p.m.:Coll7-l287 Theatre: 7:30p.m.;ciitl 7-1287
. 1 . D Discussions 'The Color Purple' panel discussion- at 0 Other: Brown Bag Supper Break: 'Breaking the Stress 2/26: Movies: Terminator: SI.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 3/3: Movies: The Two Mrs. Carrolls; $I.75; Worsham
' . : Arts Place Performance Hall, IbI North Mill: 7:30-I0:30 Cycle' by Toni Reiss. M.S.: II3 SC: 5:30-6:25 p.m.: Call 7- p.m.;Call 7-1287 Theatre; 7:30 p.m.:Call 7-1287
1 ' , p m 3295 2/27: Movies: Terminator; $I.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 , . . . . . . .
e Discussions lTOI’IIOflAAmeHCOn Solidarity: Why and o Recitals: Faculty Recital: Hunter Hensley, tenor: Phyllis p.m.; Call 7.1237 film-'33:" mzmlggosisl‘lairt’Prgzlhal/m'393rrdmr67:25;
' :. ,, : , How" discussion with A R Faraz Free: III! SC. ”.30 Jenness, control 8. Lucien Stark, piano; Free: Center for 2/27. Movies: An informa| evening Wm. 'The Blues Broth- thfitreTSO m '
‘ :. O m :l 309 m- Call7~7052 "‘9 Arts:8p.m.;Ca|l7-3145 ers' (the film); $4 with refreshments provided; Kentucky ' ' p. '
. ~ : ' i. e Other Is the Iranian Revolution Over? Forum with 0 Religious: Baptist Student Union- TNT: Tuesday Nite Theatre:9:30p.m.:ColI7-42IO
/ ' _ A R Fatal Robert Olson Free: 228 SC: 8pm.: Call7-7052 Together; Free: Baptist Student Center; 7:30 p.m.: Call 7- 2/27: Movies: ‘Malcolm x' film; Free; SC Theatre: Noon 8
, , . . I 3989 7:30p.m.;Call7-5641
.- , ' ' Seminars: ’Eukaryotic Initiation Factors Which Bind
~: “v .' . ‘ mRNA' by Dr. William C. Merrick; Rm. MN463; Med. Ctr.: 4
. . . - y .m
~ ‘ . p 0 Other: Bridin Ashe, 'The Phillippines: What Next?': ARTS & CONCERTS
. -" ‘i' V ‘ - Free; ll7SC,‘7p.m.;Coll7-7052
. , ; ' . 2/28: Concerts: Lexington Philharmonic Concert: Center for
: '3’ ‘ .- , the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 233-4226
.' ‘ ', . ' ' ‘ . 2/28: Plays: UK Theatre Production: Black Coffee (Mystery)
* " by Agatha Christie: $5-pub., $4-stu.; Guignol Theatre; 8
l I " . . ‘ 2/25: Recitals: Faculty Recital: Hunter Hensley, tenor: Phyl- p.m.: Call7-I385
. lis Jenness, control & Lucien Stork, piano; Free: Center for 2/28: Exhibitions: ‘Remember Malcolm' Malcolm x Exhibit;
' . . ’ theArts:80.m.:Call7-3145 Free:245 sc; 100."...4 p,m_;Call7-564]
2/26: Concerts: Spotlight Jazz presents Lionel Hampton 8 3/]: Plays: Kentucky State Drama Festival; Free; Center
His Orchestra: Sit-individual ticket; Memorial Hall: 8 p.m.; for the Arts: a°_m_.5 p.m_; Call 7.3145
. I I C°ll7"378 3/2: Concerts: Center Sundays Series: Central Kentucky
'1 . 2/27: Plays: UK Theatre Production: Black Coffee (Mystery) you", Concert Orchestra: Free; Center for the Arts; 3
~ , by Agatha Christie; SS-pub., S4-stu.; Guignol Theatre; 8 p.m.;Call7-3l45
, ' p.m.: Call 7'1385 , . . 3/2: Plays: UK Theatre Production: ’Black Coffee' by Aga-
, ' , 2/273 E‘hlbi'bm: 'Remember Malcolm Malcolm X EXh'b": tho Christie: SS-pub., $4-stu.: Guignol Theatre: 3 p.m.: Call
" ' 26 EDNESDAY 27 THURSDAY “’5“
__ ‘ w
I I , U Concerts Spotlight Ja:z presents Lionel Hampton 8 His 0 Meetings: Regular meeting of UK Fencing Club- free “\ixs‘: SPORTS
_ Orchestra Sll-individuol ticket Memorial Hall 8 p.m.: instruction equipment provided: Alumni Gym: 7:30 p.m.; '7;
Call 7 I378 2133:5201 , l~ _ $19 3 '1: Other: High School Rifle Match- seven local HS teams
' ' ‘ Meetings 5A8 COME" COmMil'ee meeting, 778 5C 5 . Other: KenkaY State Drama Festiva, Free, Center are scheduled to compete; Barker Hall basement: to a.m.;
p m Call 7-8867 for the Arts, Ba.m.~5 p.m.: Call 7-3I.45 . . I, Call 7_“77
. Movies Terminator $1.75, Worsham Theatre' 7.30 '0 Other. German Club Kaffeetisch- informal gathering at]: Other: High School Drill Competition. Six HS teams
p.m., C0” 7'237 wnh refreshments, everyone inVited; 57‘ Woodland Ave., 2/26: Sports: UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. University of De will compete in graded competition: UK Alumni Gym: l0
’ ' Other F°°d '0' Thought DESCUSSlO" Group: 'lnlemShlPS 56:” pm; Call 8'62” . trait; Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-6046 a.m.; Coll 7-4477
, Can Double Your Potential by Betty Gabehart. 119 SC: ' Plays: UK Theatre Production: Black Coffee (Mystery) 2/26'5 "5. UK Basketball vs Tennessee at Tenness , _ : . ‘ . . .
. by Agatha Christie: SS-pub., $4-stu:: Gutgnal Theatre: 8 , ' 9° ' ' _ g . : . _ ee 32. Sports. UK Badminton Club, Seaton Gym, 2.30-3.30
‘ . : N00" COM 3295 _ . m :Call7-I385 2/26: Sports: Aikido: Beginner Aikido Classes: Free: p.m.:CoIl278-7I38
. . -. Religious. Wednesday Night B‘bIe S'Udy by Great Com~ p‘t Religious: Student Luncheon- Baptist Student Union: Alumni CY”? 3330 pm: Call 2660102 3/2: Sports: 'Aikido': Beginner Aikido Classes: Free: Alum-
‘ , , "“5““ $'”d°"ls: 23' SC. 7 p'm‘: 0’” 2543997 , , - S d C , . 12.15 -C “7_3939 2/28: Sports: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey team vs. Dayton at n; Gym balcony: 1 pm; Call 266-0I02
, ‘ Seminars. Homeotic Gene Products as Growth Factors 51- Bapl'Sl l“ ent en er, ' p.m., ° . _ . home: Lexington Ice Center' Sit-pub $2.5m : 7.30 p m .
by Ms Yuan—Di Chang: Rm. MN463, Med. Ctr.: 4 p.m. . .Workshops: Career Workshop: in resume 7:""9'23' Call 256-8666 . I H . . H
I . .. Sports: UK Lady Km Basketball vs' University 0‘ De- 33:32:grgzchgizzefingoiflggc strategies, fee, 3/]: Sports: UK Basketball vs. LSU at home: RuPP Arena
- troit Memor'al COI'Seum 7.309 "‘7 Coll 7'60“ e R I: ' 7 B'bl . Sf d t United Methodist Student 3/1: Sports: UK Invitational Drill Meet: Free: Alumni Gym:
: 0 S orts' UK Basketball vs. Tennessee at Tennessee e igious. ' .e U Y a .
' p - - , - - ~ Center: 508 Columbia Ave.: 8 p.m. Bo.m.-IOP-m-i C0” 7'4474
, . 0 Sports Alkldo: Beginner Aikido Classes: Free; Alumni ' ; . . . . . h 3| 8 th ' '
. Gym: 830;: m. Call 266-0102 0 Mowes. An informal evening with T e ues ro ers
' ' Other Summer Job WorkshOp. Free: 205 SC, 4 pm : (T2116 “132054 wghlwm‘fereshments prowded; Kentucky
’ eotre; : p.m.: a -
' Calla-3:330“ Wednesday Evening Fellowship: Free food 0 Exhibitions: ’Remember Malcolm' Malcolm X Exhibit; MEETINGS & LECTURES
. fun 8 creative worship 'Tacky Porty' prizes for best (05- Free. 245 $0 IOa.m.-4 p.m.; Call7-5o4l .
tume K House, 6-8p,m.;Col|254-1881 0 Meetings: Khea Monthly Meeting- Osteoporosu; I28
. Reli . H l Comm ni 8 di i n r b C n» Erikson Hall:5p.m.:Cal|8-4080 _ _>
gious o v u on scuss o 9 cup y a , , . _ _ , h r
, terbury Fellowship St. Augustines Chapel, 5:30 pm: Call _. DiscuSSions: TOPS (Twenty~0ne Plus)- free dinner 8' I
' . 254 7236 d'SCUSS'm l°" °lde" students; K~House/4I2 R°53 5"? 5130 2/24: Meetings; Feminist Alliance Meeting: Discussion 2/27; Discussions: TOPs (Twenty-One PIus)- free dinner 8
: ° Other Chinese Tea Hour (for international students, p.m. Call254-IBBT , TOPlC‘MOTiTOI Rape Legislation; ”9 SC: 59:30 p.m.; C0” discussion for older students: K-House/4I2 Rose St.: 5:30
American friends,l King Library-North wing: 3-4z30 p.m.: . Other: Kappa Kappa Gamma 8 Kappa Alpha Spring 266465] p.m.;Call254-IBBI
, Call 7 66m Break 86. Fashion Show: Sl: Memorial “,0”: 7p.m. . , 2/245 0350590055 The C0")? Purple' panel dlSCUSSiO'V 0' 2/27: Seminars: One day seminar on ‘lnexpensive Justice'
0 Meetings Phi Beta Lambda Meeting: Interview and Re- ' Seminars: One day semmar on Inexpenswe Justice Arts Place, Performance H0": l6l N0"Th Ml”: 753040330 how to use the Small Claims Court; 540 reg. includes lunch
' ' sume Techniques 20l Classroom Bldg: 7:30 p.m.: Call 8- how to 5’"? the Small Claims Court; 540 reg. includes IUMh P-m- 8 materials; Carnahan Conference Center: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.:
. . 4l88 8 materials,- Carnahan Conference Center; IO a.m.-5 p.m.: 2/24: Discussions: Iranian-American Solidarity: Why and Call254-I060
» (‘3'!254'1060 HOW?’ diSCUSSiOH with A.R. FOI'OIJ “'99? ”3 5C3 ”:30 2/28: Meetings: UK Badminton Club: Seaton Gym; 8:30-
‘u a.m.-l:30 p.m.; Call 7-7052 10:30 p.m.; Call 278-7138
' 28 FRIDAY 1 SATURDAY 2/25: Meetings: 5A3 PUbliC Relations Committee meeting; 228: Discussions: Round Table Discussion: 'Cora Wilson
' ' . II5$C:4p.m.:7-8867 Stewart 8. the Moonlight Schools; Dept. of Soc. 8 Philo.
' . 2/25: Meetings: UK Waterski Club meeting; Everyone wel- Studies: 13] Taylor gd_ Bldg.; 3 p.m.; Call 7-2909
'- . , . ‘ come. Please stop by: 205 SC: 7 p.m.; Call 277-0618
, _ 0 Concerts Lexington Philharmonic Concert; Center for 0 Other: UK Theatre Production: 'Black Coffee’ by Aga- 2 25‘ Seminars: 'Eukar otic Initiation Factors Which Bind
‘ the Arts 8p m Call 233-4226 tho Christie; $5-pub., $4-stu.; Guignol Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call (RN-A' b D W'll' Cy M , k: R MN463 M d Ct _ ‘4
F . 0 MOvleS The Two Mrs. Corralls Sl:75; Worsham 7-1385 [Tm Y r. ' iam ' erric ' m. ’ e ' r.,
' -‘ _ ._ Theatre 7 30 p m., Call 7-I287 ' Sports: UK Basketball vs. LSU at home; Ru Arena '/ ' , . . ‘ .
' _' .. 0 Other Colloquim in Social Philosophical Studies in Ed» 0 Movies: The Two Mrs. Carrolls; 5:55; Worsham 2265 Meetings: 5A8 Concert Committee meeting, 228 SC'
. ' ucation isi Taylor Ed.8ldg. 3-5pm. Coll7-4795 Theatre:7:30p.m.'Call7—l287 5P~"‘*C°','7'33°_7
. ' Other Kentucky State Drama Festival Free. Center 0 Plays: Kentucky State Drama Festival; Free; Center for 206,: Seminars: Homeotic Gene Products as Growth Fac-
1“. . . y for the Arts 8 a.m.-5 pm, Call 7.3145 the Arts: 8 o.m.-5 p.m.: Call 7-3145 tors by Ms. Yuan-Di Chang; Rm. MN463, Med. Ctr.: 4 p.m.
’ - f} , , ' Sports UK Cool Cats lce Hockey team vs. Dayton at 0 Sports. UK Invitational Drill Meet; Free; Alumni Gym; ”26: Meetings: Phi Beta Lambda Meeting: Interview and
. ' . ‘ home Lexington Ice Center: $3~pub, $2«stu.. 7.30 pm, 8am AlOp.m.;Call7-4474 Resume Techniques; 201 Classroom Bldg.; 7:30 p.m.: Call
. ¥ ‘ Call 266-8666 0 Other: Women's History Month: Film presentation and 84'“ . . .
: ~- _' _ . ' s Meetings. UK Badminton Club: Seaton Gym 8.3040230 discussion on reproductive rights; 228 SC: 3pm. .207: MGE'MQE'RSQUIO" meeting 0' UK Fencmg ClUb' free
g 33 ' f p m Call 278—7I38 0 Religious: Evening Prayer with Canterbury Fellowship; ms"”‘"°"' equtpment provided; Alumni Gym; 730 p.m.;
. _ . 0 Plays UK Theatie Production- Black Coffee (Mystery) St.Augustine's Chapel:6p.m.:Call254-3726 22/32:;520' . . h . .
~ . . .‘ bv Agatha Christie SSrpubu $4-stuu Guignol Theatre 8 o Other: High School Rifle Motch- seven local HS teams 'k' Meetings. K ea ”‘0",th Meeting- Osteoporosis; ‘28
‘ I g ' . D m Call 74385 are scheduled to compete; Barker Hall basement: I0 a.m.; E" son Hall: 5 ' m . ' I ‘ "a
" , ' - ‘ . 0 Exhibitions Remember Malcolm' Malcolm X Exhibit Cal|74477
. . : , . . f : Free 245 5c, lOa.m ,4 p.m. CaII7-564! . Other: Hi h School Drill Corn etition- Six HS teams 593
_ . ; ' - r . ' '. 0 Other: 'The Legacy of Malcolm X'- lecture by Dr. Wil- will compete 31 graded competitior‘f; UK Alumni Gym; l0 SPECIAL EVENTS
_ p. . . liam Wiggins Free sc Theolre;7:30p.m.;Coll7-564l a.m,,Cal|7»4477 . . . . , . "i ;
—'— ‘ * . .~ - sc fit ii?:::.:::9:::::.i’z::r:.fists:3221:3323?“ ” °"
g. ‘ . -., u. . V, .i Ballroom: 9p m Coll 7440i , 2/24: Other: 'Is the lranian Revolution Over? Forum with 2,27; Workshops: Career Workshop: on resume writing,
. L '. . - Other High Schoci ROTC Day 86- approx. students A.¥‘..Faraz, Robert Olson; Free: 228 SC;8p.m.:Call 7-7052 immiewing techniques and iob search strategies; Free;
" '- ' ‘1' ‘ w'” '0‘" campus by The Nationa Guard 5 KY 5 100th D'V‘V 2/25: Other: Brown Bag Supper Break: 'Breaking the Stress 201 Mathews Bldg; 5-6 p.m.: COIN-3383
. I- ’ . ‘ . ' Barker'Hall, .loo'm COIN-6865 . . . Cycle' by Toni Reiss, M.S.: 113 SC: 5:30-6:25 p.m.; Call 7- 2/27: Religious: Bible Study at United Methodist Student
. - . ; ' 0 Discussmns Round Table Discussmn: Cora Wilson _ . ,
. \ I . ..~ , , 3295 Center. 508Co|umbia Ave.. 8p.m.
; .. ‘y . . _ S'GWP" 8 "‘9 M°°""9h' SChOOlSI Dept. 0' 5°C 8 Ph"°- 2/25: Religious: Baptist Student Union- TNT: Tuesday Nite 2/27; Other: Kappa Kappa Gamma 8 Kappa Alpha Spring
‘1‘; .‘2 - ' »;' ' ; S’Ud'es' '3‘ TON” Ed: Bldg: 39"": C°"7‘2909 Together: Free; Baptist Student Center: 7:30 p.m.: Call 7- Break ‘86 Fashion Show; Sl: Memorial Hall: 7p.m.
.i‘ .» ‘l ‘ i ‘ ‘ ; 3989 2 : r . . . . . -
w . 2x25: Other: Bridin Ashe, 'The Phillippines: What Next?'; géigaigmefaicrchgus': éfdmg':flff’afirxflqgw'" '"
. , I. l a, . .'- Ff”; ”75C; 79"“: C°"7’7052 . , , 2/28: Other: Kentucky State Drama Festival; Free; Center
i‘ - . . . A, , 2/26: Other: Food for Thought Discussion Group: Inter- for the Arts;8a.m.-5 p.m.;Call 7-3l45
,‘ = _'.‘ ’4 nships Can Double Your Potential by Betty Gabehart: ”9 2/28: Other: 'The Legacy of Malcolm X'- lecture by Dr. Wil-
V‘ - - . ’r_. ‘ 5C5 N°°"5'C.°"7‘3295 , . liam Wiggins; Free: SC Theatre; 7:30 p.m.:CaIl 7-564I
; ! , :‘ : . j, J 2/26? Religious: Wednesday N'gh'_ Bible Study by Great 2/28: Other: Dance for North Campus Residents; SC Grand
* . 2 SUNDAY 3 MONDAY ”.3... °°
. fl. ,1 ‘ 2/26: Other: Summer Job Workshop; Free: 205 SC: 4 P~m-3 2/28: Other: High School ROTC Day '86: approx. students
, v : I _< C°”7'564'l' . ’ will tour campus by The Nationa Guard 8 Ky's 100th Div.:
, (I . , , . . 1., . 2/26: Religious: Wednesday Evening Fellowship: Free food, Barker Hall: 10a m -Ca|l 7-6665
. ' ' ' 2’, ‘ 0 Concerts Center Sundays Series- Central Kentucky ' o'he'? REQiS'rti'iO" dOOd'm. l°' “75 CW. 3'3".” fun & creative worship/ 'Tacky Party' prizes for best cos- ' ' " . -’Bl k C n . A _
‘. ~. , . : ' ,r Youth Concert Orchestra Free Center for the Arts; 3 Test. Forms available in 166 Taylor Ed. Bldg.:Call 7-279l tume; K-Hauso: 6.8 p.m.; Call 254-1881 3/1: 0'09“,“ Theatre Produgion. l 1:: "a. 3. :‘Y 3:"
‘ f 'u': om, CalI7-3i45 0 Movies: The Two Mrs. Carrolls; $1.75: Worsham 2/26: Religious: Holy Communion ‘ discussion group by ;hg3:;mstie, $5-pub., S4-stu., ui9"° '0 0i P~ ..
f . ' ' I Pia s: UK Theatre Production: Black Coffee' b A atho Theatre: 7:30pm.,- Coll7.1287 Canterbu Fellowshi : St. Au ustine’s Cha l; 5:30 .m.; ' . . , . . . .
' I ' (I ' . V Chrls'leyj $5.pub , $4.3m, Guignol Theatre: 3 me; call 7. 0 Other: Women’s History Month: Women in film: Retra- Call254-7r2Y36 P g pe p Eli/s: Otlg;r.::m2r;scl:iistoi;yhh:l:ri2t2hé chll-IT; prre‘sentation and
', ‘ . 1385 SPOC’WO 0’ the ”703 'The P'im. 0' Mi“ Brodie'; Old SC 2/26: Other: Chinese Tea Hour (for international students, 3/1.";2" izus: g”; :0)?“ Mm Canterbury Fellowship-
. e Religious Holy Communion with Canterbury theatre 7:30 p.m. American friends): King Library-North wing: 3-4:30 p.m.: St Au “gm," Cha '9“, m 'Call254-3725 .
. , 1. Fellowship St Augustine's Chapel I0:30 am. 8 5:30 pm, C°ll7‘“°' 3/2 gReli iour pt-tol Communion with Canterbu
. ‘ : Call254-3726 2/27: Other: Kentucky State Drama Festival; Free: Center F "‘0 sh“ .95. A “it." Cha l- 10-1!) 0 m ‘ 5'1!) m’Y
, - , ; . sporis- UK Badminton Club: Seaton Gym: 2:30.300 fortheArts;Ba.m.-5p.m.:Call7-3l45 h (36:45:26: “9” P" - ' : ' P: "
, ' D-m. C0” 778-7l33 2/27: Other: German Club Kaffeetisch- informal got ering ' . _ _
' ° Sports Aikido' Beginner Aikido Classes, Free: Alumni with refreshments, everyone invited: 57I Woodland Ave.: 3/3: Other: R”""r°,"°n drdlhngdgld NT: 33'3793‘0tt0ry
' 1 Gym balcony-Ip,m.-Coll266-0IO2 5-6:3)p.m.;CallB-6298 Test.FormsavailabeinI66 ay or . 9., a -
3/4: Farmt-fouse 0 Alpha Omicron Pi Dance Contest (Char-
ity for YWCA): $2.50: SC Grand Ballroom: 7 p.m.: Call 255-
3/4: UK Baseball vs. Kentucky State at home; Shively
Field; 3 p.m.: Call 7-8029
3/5-3/0: SEC Basketball Tournament; Rupp Arena
3/6: Last day to drop a course
3/6: Last day to w/draw from the University or reduce
course schedule and receive any refund