xt7x69700f3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x69700f3w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-12-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 05, 1988 1988 1988-12-05 2020 true xt7x69700f3w section xt7x69700f3w  





Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunnv






Irish, Ellery pound the
boards and the Cats;
Cardinals defeat IU.




Jane's Addiction uses
Show to gain audience.







Vol. XCll, No. 80

Wilkinson’s refusal to accept advice costly

Associated Press

FRANKFURT. Ky. ~~~ Shortly after the
gavel fell to open the special session of the
General Assembly last week. Tom Dorman
was roaming the floor of the House with a
mission in mind and a bill in hand.

Dorman. Gov. Wallace Wilkinson's chief
legislative liaison. was looking for a legis.
lator willing to sponsor a bill.



Established 1894



Nothing extraordinary there. that‘s what
legislative liaison’s do.

But the timing was curious

Wilkinson had only three bills to propose
during this special session, And finding a
sponsor was the kind of groundwork that

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

should have been laid well below the ses
sion actually began.

But the small scene was typical in many
ways of the Wilkinson administration's ap
proach to this session. an approach that
many believe was ill-conceived. ill-pre
pared and costly to the glitt‘l'lttll“s‘ my!)
ideas fora lottery

House Speaker Don Blandtord said last
week he tried to warn Wilkinson oi the

independent since 1 971

December 5. 1988 J

dangers ot rushing into what in, i . . ..
' hectic. (‘Xllf‘li\»l‘.t' .l'llllt‘ii'i' ri- '
session H

The result last week a.“ ti...‘ as.
litilltlllll oi legislator litiii i.o'....'it
and nowhere to go The llidl‘i' \ .i': r .
crnnient ('oniniittec llt‘lil but;
day. but the other so l't‘plt’\i‘ti'til

only sit bi and want t w i * “‘i-V ;I~



.1 NJ. principal


Summers gets

about the past

This is the first in ii weehlong series of
articles about some of UK's' more inter
esting tltld popular professors

Senior Staff Writer

lt takes two minutes to dash down the
steps of 17 floors of Patterson Office
Tower Mark Summers. a [K associate
professor of history. has it timed

Summers avoids racing down the
steps to make it to his lectures on time.
but if that‘s what it takes. he does it

It is only one example of the enthu-
siasm of the man who many students.
professors and administrators consider
to be one of the top professors at UK.

"He has a dynamic personality.” said
Dayid Hamilton. assistant professor of
history "He's an exuberant fellow. He‘s
always on "

Summers‘s History 108 course. the
first half of survey of American Histo-
ry. has 450 students and had to be put in
Memorial Hall to fit everybody. lts size.
however. is due to the history depart-
ment being shorthanded. Summers
said He's never had such a large class

"But that doesn‘t matter." Summers
said. shrugging "The bigger the audi-
ence is. the happier l am except
when it comes to grading "

His :\ge of Andrewi Jackson course
has 4:3 to So people. “which is enor-
mous" for an upper-level history class.
he said

"It's more than l'm supposed to have.
but somehow they just sort of trickle

Summers also teaches a graduate-
level course that covers the same time

"He loves to teach." Hamilton said
“He can‘t stand the thought of not tea-
ching "

Summers‘s popularity stems from his:
unique style of teaching. which com~
bines‘ enthusiasm. scholarship and triv-

For example, Summers is famous tor
playing period music before class to
help students get a grasp oi the subject
under discussion.

He credits the idea of playing music.
as well as displaying outlines for the


students to think


Mark Summers, a UK associate professor of history. is

known for his dynamic personality and

class. to an English class he had .is an
undergraduate at Yale l'ni\ ersity

He also is fond of using slides to help
students Visualize the people he talks
about in his lectures

“It‘s the only sensible way ot doing ll.
because then you see ‘hat these people
are alive and that this kind ot thing had
resonance." said Summers. speaking

"People cared about the ideals we
talk about in the course They .iii i.‘ :or
these ideals. and this kind iii stutl
should never really be ioigotien or
else. history has. in some iii-en

Keith Sparks and .lctl ll‘.t\t'll.\ 'yyii
freshmen who took History lot; to tiiltili
a lfniversity' requirement. said they
enjoy going to Summers s i-lass

“He's real energetic]


\(llil \lmlha.


unorthodox ways to
who said History tilt; ;~ its :ziiirt‘ic
class. “He communicates ii at west with
the class. '

‘lle makes it entertaining.
said He sings and dances arid this

The mUsic ”kind or you ii:
mood.‘ ('ravens said ' l' lti‘lps mii iiri
dcrstand ithe subject . a lilllt‘ inoi e

Many students \\llt) land in summer
s‘s big lecture classes by chance or lt't'
onimcndation coine i.él\t'
upper—level courses

'l‘raiy :\ l‘Tkl/lt‘l‘. .i .Il year old t.:stii
ry senior, has had three iii Suninii-is s
courses .\ge ot Jackson. i‘iyii “at and
Reconstruction. and Modern '\iltt‘liiitli
History "Hes iiiic ot the most niteris:
my, teachers you can hay e.' his said

When Frazier had his tirs? stininicis
class, he \\il.\ lt‘.\.\ than eniliiisiastii and

‘ ltl\t‘ll\



back :.. ri-s

Clark to speak
Tuesday night

i l ""‘



get students interested in history His Survey i worse * ,
several hundred students enrolled in it

utien skipped .2: s W:
~~tlllt'lll.llL‘. change-i h:
an pulled into it
\‘lllllllt‘l'.\ s (‘.t\st'>
"til liiitix .i' limliiiy .
lt a
‘Iien ‘
\iiti‘iiiict‘s saiii

l'tt‘lli ii7lil "‘

Mun iiei‘ tat. cw
l'iitii» ,l‘i‘
l'l‘ii/‘it‘l'sti .;

i‘. s . a.

on arboretum

to begin soon

students to it out a

”ten ozyii

llitlll.ili'l_\ .v :»
‘iieni to be iltlllKll;;.( ii
~; some iia;
. \llidll'lllllt‘ l‘ a'
'rici- teeling .i' The


I.“ t

l]; ..»


iizit .irti: Vi .



Students win scholarships to study in Germany

Contributing Writer

Imagine going to Germany to study at a
university that was founded in 1386

In addition to studying. there would be
opportunities to learn the language. re-
ceive a better understanding of German
culture and the ability to enhance one‘s
personal experiences For two UK students
that dream has come true.

Tony Krupp. a psychology and (‘rernian
junior. and Jack Kemp. a secondiyear ge-
ology gradute student. have received
scholarships to studv at the l'niversity of

Heidelberg In the Federal Republic ot tier

The scholarships were awarded by l K s
Department of Germanic languages and
Literatures and the ()lllt't‘ of International

“I started hyperventdating.~ said Krupp
about learning that he had been accepted

Kemp. who had applied l\\lt‘t‘ betorc and
was not accepted. said he was pleased to
finally be accepted He said. however. he
was excited about going because. "(icrr
man culture is proenvironnicntal."

Both recipients said that learning about

the Herman culture was going 'o be a tug
part of their stay in Germany

“(ierniany has land :., pollute
Kemp said “They deal with problems and
takca grip ‘

'It should he a cultural shock. but l
don't think it “I” take long to adapt
Krupp said.

As for Krupp and Kemp. the transition
trom the 1K to the l‘niyerity =it Heidelberg
shouldn‘t take very long

"I'm starting to think in

“I‘m excited about getting o\ei' there
and meeting the people and seeing what


t airman.

"it‘ll tiffitiiiii~saw lit-'2',

Moth Kemp
..ii to llcidclbetg .ittei ~»i:“::. “
Hons 'otheittin-i at [m

t-liil lxiiigj

'l‘heodori‘ l’ii-illei‘. .l pt‘iili'sw.
littl'tllt‘lll iit lit‘l‘tilt‘il.t~
”reasons lot
many In addition
h.i\e l'I'lt'l't‘llt"\ .iizl
\Et‘\\ \pplitants .lls‘
‘lt‘ltl and at li'tis' .4 stipl‘nllft c'i '

wanting _
it". Wynn”. ..,
t .

\j 1...


mus' tr

biedler said students atlit ava.

time txioyears iii (iernta:

West Virginia station to televise Boyd County’s history

Associated Press

ASHLAND. Ky A West Virginia tele-
vision station will air nearly 200 years of
Boyd County history in an hour~long.
prime-time program this month.

Former ABC sportscaster Dave Diles
narrates “The History of Boyd County.“
which is scheduled for showing at 8 pm.
Dec. 17 on WOWK-TV in Huntington

The show traces the history of (‘atletts-

burg and Ashland from their settlement at
the turn of the 18th century to present day

The program. which includes interviews
wit three local historians. features 350 pho-
tographs from a collection of thousands
owned by Arnold Hanners. a longtime Ash
land resident and historian Also included
is footage of the two Cities and the sur
rounding area from today

The film. sponsored by Third National
Bank in Ashland. was produced by David

B ('arter lnc . at, Ashland

Carter. who owns the company. said he
got the idea to do the film after visiting Sa
vannah. Ga . where he discovered that
sixth-grade students take a year long
course on the history of their city

“We just felt that the history of the area
is so important to all of us that it needs to
be preserved in some form." said Ron
Dixon, a vice president at Third National

arty ertising

Alter the show is aired. l'li.:.:
\\lll remove its comincrci.‘ils .m ;_ 'it
copy of the film to each \ehool .. in :_
(‘ounty. Dixon said The batik
give a copy to the Boyd t‘oiinty l‘ulilii l.i
brary and the library at .\shl.ind ('onin i:
nity (‘ollege

. ‘l
tl.\i “it.

. . i"H*.i"l
'l‘ilt'i'i .tl" ‘H‘.

,"i'i‘li'sY '

The show begins \\llll the ioundnig iii
(‘atlettshurg and l’oages settlement
which later became :\.shland

sini'. tit

._ 1lll:lt‘l\'ii"illlli.l


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Nondey.Deeernber8. 1888



Information on this calendar at events is collected and coordinated through the
Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The

Information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with editorial privi-
lege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organizations or Uni-
versitydepartmentstarnakeentrtesonthecaiendar, aOampusCatendartorm
must be filled out and retuned to the Student Activities Office.

DEADLINE: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the

publication date.




00ther (through 12/9): Student Devel-
opment Council's Graduate Challenge;
: Free; Campus; Cali 7-3911
E 0 Movies: Animal House: $1.95 or $1 with
i can good; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 and
} 10:30p.m.;Caii7-8867
; 00ther; SAB presents Finals Fest; Stu-

dent Center; call 7-8867

oConcerts; Charles Davai. guest trum-
pet recital; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 12:30
p.m.; Call 7-4900

oSports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Day-
ton; Free with UKID; Memorial Coliseum:
7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-3838

~Seminars: Dr. Daniel Storm. University
of Washington. "Regulation at Animal
Cells by Caimodulin"; Free; MN 463; 4



-Movies (through 12/9): Animal House;
$1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 8 10 p.m.;

oSports: Wildcat Basketball vs. North-

. western State. Lauisiana; Free with UKID;
' RuppArena;Caii7-3838

0Concerts: University Artist Series: Vien-
na Choir Boys; $16 public. 89 students
and senior citizens; SCFA Concert Hall; 8
pm. Call 7-4929

oSeminars: Computational Sciences
Seminar: "High-Temperature Supercon-
ductors"; Free; Mining 8: Minerals Room
102; 4 p.m.; CO" 7-8737

oLectures: New Directions in interdisci-
plinary Clinical Geriatrics Assessment;
Free; HSLC Room 205; Noon; Call 233-

-Concerts: Lecture/Recital by David
Cooper; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; Noon;

oReiigious: Feast of the immaculate
Conception (Holy Day of Obligation);
Newman Center; 5:15 pm.

oLectures: Art at Lunch series; Free; UK
Art Museum; Noon; Call 7-5716

0 Religious; Feast of the immaculate
Conception (Holy Day of Obligation);
Newman Center; 12:10. 5:15. 7 pm.


special events





- Academics - 12/12-12/16: Final Examinations

OOther - 12/5-12/9: Student Development Coun-
cli's Gradrate Challenge: Free; Campus; Call 7-3911

tother — 12/5: SAB presents Finals Fest; Student
Center: call 7-8867

oOther - 12/9: Gallery Series: “Appalachian Writ-
ers Read from their Fiction”; Free; Peal Gallery:
Noon. Cali 7-8634

OReIgious — 12/7: Feast oi the immaculate Con
ception (Holy Day at Obligation); Newman Center;

-Relgious - 12/8: Feast of the Immaculate Con-
ception (Holy Day of Obligation); Newman Center:
12:10. 5.15. 7 pm.

oReiigious - 12/11: Spanish/English Mass for the
Feast of our Lady at Guadeloupe; Newman Center;
5 pm.









- Academics; End of class work

0 Academics: Deadline for applying for
admission or readmission to the Grad-
uate School tor the 1989 Spring Semester

~Sports: UK Women's Swim Team vs.
Vanderbilt University; Away; Cali 7-3838

- Seminars: Anthony Czarnik. Ohio State
University. “Cheiation-Enhanced Fluores-
cence Studies"; Free; Chemistry-Physics
Room 137; 4 p.m.; Cali 7-7060

oConcerts; Lexington Philharmonic:
Handel's Messiah: $7.50. $10. $12.50.
$15; SCFA Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-

oOiher; Gallery Series; "Appalachian
Writers Read from Their Fiction"; Free; Peal
Gallery; Noon; Call 7-8634

OLectures: “Evaluation of Kentucky's
Medicaid Waiver for Long-Term Care
Services"; Free; Sanders-Brown Room 112;
Noon; Cali 3-5471


OSports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Indi-
ana; Away; Time TBA; Call 7-3838

oSports; UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs.
Lexington AliStars; $3; Lexington ice Cen-
ter; Midnight; Call 269-4873

0 Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs. Western
Carolina; Free with UKID; Rupp Arena;
Cali 7-3838

oConcerts: Lexington Philharmonic:
Handel's Messiah; $7.50. $10. $12.50.
$15; SCFA Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-



sExhibits (through 2/26): The Art of the
Fan; Free; UK Art Museum; Noon-5 p.m.;
Cali 7-5716

oConcerts: Concord Trio; Free; SCFA
Concert Hall; 3 p.m.; Call 7-4900

0 Religious. Spanish/English Mass for the
, Feast at our Lady of Guadeloupe; New-
man Center; 5 pm


oAcademics (through 12/16): Final Ex-

0Concerts: Holiday Concert; Donovan
Music Group; Free; SCFA Recital Hall;
2:30 p.m.; CO" 74929

6 W“ 00
000 go?”
x16 a 9‘}
:1:- as




~Concerts - 12/5: Charles Davai. guest trumpet
recital; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 12:30 p.m.; Cali 7-

OConcerts — 12/7: University Artist Series; Vienna
Choir Boys: 516 public. 59 students and senior citi-
zens; SCFA Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4929

0Concerts - 12/7: Lecture/Recital by David Coo-
DOfrFree.SCFA Recital Hall; Noon; Call 7-4900

~Cancerts - 12/9; Lexington Philharmonic: Han
del's Messiah; $7.50. $10. $12.50. $15; SCFA Con-
cert Hdl; 8 p.m.; Call 74929

OConcerts - 12/10: Lexington Philharmonic: Han-
del's Messiah; $7.50. $10. $12.50. $15; SCFA Con-
OOTT Hdl: 8 p.m.; CO“ 74929

OConcerts - 12/11: Concord Trio; Free; SCFA Cm
0°" HUI; 3 p.m.; CO" 74900

~Concerts - 12/12: Holiday Concert: Donovan
Music Group. Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 2:30 p.m.; Cali

OEXNDHS — 12/11-2/26: The Art of the Fan; Free: UK
Art Museum; Noon-5 p.m.; Cali 7-5716

tMovles — 12/5: Animal House; $1.95 or $1 with
can good; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 and 10 p.m.;

-Movies - 12/7-12/9: Animal House: $1.95:
Worsham Theatre; 7:30 & 10 p.m.; Cali 7-8867







OSports — 12/6; Lady Kat Basketball vs. Dayton;
Free with HOD. Mernariai Coliseum; 7:30 p.m.; Call

sSports - 12/7; Wildcat Basketball vs. Northwest-
ern State. Louisiana; Free with UKiD. Rlipp Arena:
Call 7-3838

OSports - 12/9: lK Women's Mn Team vs. Van-
derbilt University: Away; Call 7-3838

omens - 12/10: Lady Kat Basketbdi vs. indlana;
Away; TirneTlA: Cal 7-3838

Oborts -12/10.il(CoolCats Icellockey vs. Lex-
ington AI-Staru $3; Lexdrtgton ice Center; Mdnight:

canons — 12/10: Wildcat Baskelbd vs. Western
CaroIna; FreewtthiKiD. iarppArena;Call 7-3838


weekly events

Due to Impending finals, events may change.
Contact sponsor.


PW: Am CID MOON; Ft”; W Gym; 5-6-30 p.m.; Cd 7-

oOther: ix cycling Club Ride; Free. Seaton Center - tront; 2:30

ergy: Free. 508 CoiumblaAverue. 7:30 pm; Can 254-3714







OOther. Campus Aerobics: Free; K-House: 4:305:30 pm. Call 254-

OOther: Aerobics. Free: Newman Center Rooms 1 8 2; 550-7 p.m.;
Cal 266-6920

I Other: Game Night. Free. Student Center Game Room; 7:30 p.m.;
Cal 7-6636

~01her: Bridge Lessons and Games: Free; Student Center Game
ROOF“: 7:30-10p.m.;Cail 7-6636

videa; Free. Alumni Gym; 7:30-9;30 p.m.; Cal 8-5564

~Meetlngs: UK (Ncilng Club Meeting; Free; Seaton Center Room
207; Bom.;Cail 233-7438

oMeetings: 5A8 indoor Recreation Committee Meeting. Free; Stu-
dentCenter GameRoom; 7-8 pm; C08 7-6636

-Religious: 1% Night Together - Baptist Student Union; Free;
429 Counbla Avenue: 7:30 pm. Call 7-3989

sileligious: Genesis It; Free; Newman Center Room 8. 7-9 pm. Call

-Religious: Rite of Christian Initiation at Adults (RCIA); Free New-
rnan Center Rooms 3 and 4. 7 30 p m.. Call 255-8566


~0ther: Aerobics. Free. Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2. 5:50-7
p.m.; Call 266-6920

OOthet mo Club Meeting; Free; Alumni Gym. 5-630 pm. Call 7-

-0ther ADAD; Free. New Student Center Room 205: 7 pm. Call 7-

-0ther: Call or Ctttuihu/Roie Playing; Free; New Student Center
Room 205; 9.1130 pm, Student Center Ga'ne Room; Cali 7-6636

- Other: ADID variants. Free; Student Center; 7 p.m.. Call 255-4267 ;

-Other~ Table Tennis Meeting. Free. Seaton Center 5000:“ Room. 2
730-1030 pm. Call 7-6636

'WOUF: Student Faith Sharing. Free- Newman Center Room 8. 9
Dm, Call 255-8566

~Religious; Hoty Eucharist. Free, St Augustine's Chapel. 5-30 pm,
Call 254-3726


sother: Aerobics Free. Newman Center Rooms 1 and 2. 550-7
p.m.. Call 266—6920

~0ther Campus Aerobics. Free. K—House. 4 30-5-30 pm. Call 254-

- Other Cornerstone Drama Practice: no talent required - lust in
terest. Free; 508 Columbia Avenue; 6:30 p.m.. Call 254-3714

-Other; UK Fencing Club — beginners welcome. equipment pro
vided; Free. Alumni Gym; 730-930 p.m.; Cali W

-Other ADAD Free. New Student Center Room 205. 7-1130 pm. 4

Cali 7-6636

0 Other: Chess Club. Free, Student Center Game Room. 7 30 pm.
Call 7-6636 .

-Other; Call at Cttruiu’Role Playing. Free. Student Center 7 pm.
Call 255-4267 ‘

OReilglous: Decision Point - Bible Study. Free. 508 Coiurnbla Ave I
nue: 8 p.m.; Call 254-3714 i

- Reiiglw: DAL Grill - Devotion and Lunch. 51 429 Columbia Ave
nue.12-15 pm. Call 73989

- Religious. Christian Student Fellowship Bible Study. Free 502 C0
iurnbla Avenue 7 p m Call 233-0313


~Other- UK ching Club Ride Free Seaton Center - tront. 230
pm. Call 233-7438

~0ther. Villains and Vigilantes. Free. Student Center 3 pm. Call

come; ADBLD Variants. Free. Student Center Game Room. 10
am. Call 255-4267

~0ther Twilight 2000M Playing. Free; Student Center 7 pm


~0ther A081) Variants. Free. Student Center Game Room. 10
a.m.-3prn. Call 76636

OOther Star Trek/Role Playing, Free; New Student Center Room
205. 7-11:3O pm. Call 7-6636

-Other Twilight 2000M Playing; Free; New Student Center
Room 205; 7-1130 pm. Call 7-6636

- Other: War Hammer; Free, Student Center. Call 255-4267

sReligious Sunday Obligation Masses. Free: Newman Center. 6
p.m.,Cail 2558566


IRellgtous. Sunday Obligation Masses: Free. Newman Center. 8. 9;30:Cail 2558566

oRellgious. Noty Euchanst. Free. St Augustine's Chapel: 10:30 am.
Call 254-3726

ORetlgious: Holy Eucharist; Free. St Augustine's Chapel. 5:30 pm.


sOther Cornerstone Music Practice: no talent required — lust en
ergy; Free; 508 Coiunbla Avenue. 7:30 pm.. Can 254-3714

r0ther UK Cycling Club Ride. Free; Seatan Center - tront. 2:30
pm. Call 233-7438

0 Other: UK Parents Networking (babysitting co-op). Call 271-5191

-Reilglous Worship Serviced causaltlmeotslngingand worship.
Free: 508 Columbia Avenue: 9 p m Call 254-3714






meetings/ lectures


~Lectures - 12/7: New Directions in lnterdlsciplir‘r
dry Clinical Geriatrics Assessment; Free; HSLC Room
205. Noon; Call 233-5156

~Lectures - 12/8: Art at Lunch series; Free; UK Art
mm: Noon; Cdi 76716

oLectures - 12/9: "Evaluation of Kentucky's Med
lcaid Waiver for Long-Term Care Services": Free.
Sanders-BrownRoomTlZ; Noon;Cail3-5471

OSerninars-12/6 Dr.DanleiStorrn.i.1niversityot

oSeminars -12/7:Computationd Sciences Semi-
nar: "Flatt-Temperature Superconductors": Free.

oSeminars -12/9:Anthorry Quill. Otso State
Urtiversity. "Cheiatian-Enhmced Fluorescence Stud-
ies"; Free. Chemistry-Physics Room 137; 4 p.m.; Cd







 Kentucky Kernel, Mondey. December 5,1988 — 3


Jane’s Addiction uses show
to create a few more addicts

ByNIH'HAEI.INJUNHS '(tl’hl howl \mai‘i‘o although he
Stuff (‘ritie CONCERT '.,.. put on it great shots

l)l"lllll:it'.’ ~\teplien l'erkins de-

The sold-out crowd HI Bogzii‘ts REVle \t-l'H‘x u Purple Heart tor “IN per-

Saturday night was treated to u ‘oi‘iniint-e He got it harder .mrkoti'
show that proved one thing' It 'ii‘i: iinmnt-intin-Mani

June's Addietion isn't \lllx‘klllfl, l'nt- niaior“. oi the mod ‘AJN

nothingix tune order tittieh i lll at: . n hid
Lead vocalist l’t‘l‘l'} Farrell the\ Am. the hottest tth u, Hm“. ttllit‘ uteri-wait; 'tlm m It bar

brought his bag ol ll'lt‘kx to ("int-inr “up”. L”, “myth, mi. ,, h ..‘., it l, \ attitlroite ..: i ‘ *

nati in .support oi the band‘s iirst [m-mmn- “Um llmt t: the '

major label release .\-t17}lt'l;"\ '1-i,(.,whtmm‘ii, {m e, no

5“”(‘kl'lk’ win: 'l‘ed..lii.\t \dimt l'
Farrell \Hllkt'tl on xtuiie nearing a“, it”.

u sleeteless satin litt‘kt‘t. unitut» it”. “We app-mi,

toned uhile >llll‘i towred with “ripped mm“ ,4} ,m l‘y\‘t”.’

orange polka dots. ilSllllt'i shirt. mt] ,4,“th I


'tiiothe' i. an no "
morecountesvorconsvsnocx “N 'l I” ("”11
New Grass Revival put some blues into their Rhinestones The concert was highlighted by

bluegrass music at their concert Friday night at inspired instrumentals.

‘0 Mill'i ‘1'“ iii”

il'i'tfll .llri .3

e 0 green and black >t)itlttlt-.\'. mirrored hm.“ u}, “b any: Mi; . V,

Group delivers their brand of bluegrass u t
loylmt "k-l' M
‘I\-‘ ll ”ii“ “it‘ll" >l‘tt‘ RIHE diilhhdllliit,jft‘n‘ttvinh riot/tint

ByJULlEROWLAND when he delved into some ~souls 1 1h f I my , "
(,ontributing( ritie CONCERT \vith lllS strong voice ”“uh ‘ ” ‘ ’ l‘ “ " fm- H Nit-L N t » t
tlt‘t'u(llttt‘K> ltttti'i I‘iilu-tl .itivt -"i I‘.r~v:
New Grass Revtv‘il 't lout'» REVIEW X9“ (”115‘ RHWHJ] (“WWII l‘ctl'l‘Cll Just stood iii the ieiitet oi two \ work”; \itt: w .1
‘ H ‘ ‘ ‘ concentrate much on their £1p- ihe >lgt ‘e dui'inl the iii-5i too nuni . e t i. . . i
man bluegrass hand IS not new H L L «1.. m u ., i. . _
' 7 peat‘unee lhev are there to do 'n -rs_ \\‘lllt‘ll were isu-hedelir tit )) . _ ,i . ,
todrawmg largeaudiences, . . j . , . t t . t Ht! t \ A it .4,
The h'ind which includes d 81R. ”0‘ d ldbhl‘)“ >310“ 1* tor the hand Neither oi ”hem ape two-W ii.» h . .'
‘ ‘ ‘ eliui‘ueteristu- about the hand l , , _ \1 iv

e i; ‘l . tle luiir S lii’xt xe'i :‘t‘ ‘d t-- ,, . u. t
John Cowan, Sam Bush. Put , M” ’1 l ‘, i ‘ “‘ '1‘ "i ’
Flynn and BN1 Fleck has hit m‘m ”"li'lx’ll’lti' All“? "i \ " ' llit',\ti’
e C . « a
the eountrv top 3” ”H“, “m“ \‘idually Bush and («man wot tutti:
‘ ' ‘ sounded the best when the)
.' "‘..' . " q "”1 'o i t ' 1‘ it it ’ ' ‘x’ .mr 1‘t-‘ if MW
\e“ Grass ltuixiil l\ mailed l iiitd lllllllfl tlt will}, H. U, the mum. trom their ”N “hon . l lt\ l \ i, tut t
ed as a eouiitn band, hut in loot ‘ . . , that
day m h[ i “hi” it)” ill .llltullt. Hold Uri In life Hutu": ,
A is ,5 . v H ‘ é . . \
' g d t (8' Q lhe onlv word that eat] de \\{t,\lttilfltillilt't‘pt‘llilltlh H“
band sounded ltii' ii'oin a ('oun ”Vi ‘ -_ l' . l ‘k, y '
in band Their lltlhlt' 'ont-nned M“ )e “H k 5 Mine p “L 'nt“ “k \lx‘ti the trim i doe\ not 'lxt' > e e e
~ ‘ ‘ . L. ‘ an awed ”Won Young Fleek 1‘ ‘ ' l" l ‘ l‘ d ‘ ’ ' '1 Q
certain bluesy. souldigging trait H eurrenth one ”1 the hext p11" uriininiei' when tx‘l'lltl’llllliL‘ ll\'t‘ equ‘ a mixes In 00 man‘ p 0 t emen .
that onl\ eould ll'i\(‘ been ' ' . - ’ ' ' t‘on‘iiiei'eia‘lv the\ do use it ”
bluegrass. ‘ ei\ oi the ‘ll‘t'hlllt‘ lllsil‘ulnt'lt‘ 'l'ti'ihtt r 1|)‘lll v tht ‘ .1 ( ll
i. ‘A it. ‘ a (t ". '(l‘i.\'
‘ . , ‘ l"\ ’l'lf ‘ ’ti ~i\
Bush and (mum have been Inispmi the groups mum t't't'ttt‘(l> I guess it , all lli the "I I HR!“ I’M“:
. . “timid; i"
With the hand the longest and mpnmt emphasis (‘omm t \tt ,\;i_\ oi making mom-1.. ltut the} ‘
play WV." “1‘“ lt’tlt‘lllt‘h While pale are not to he overlooks-ti \liould not t-onloriii their {dining pg tit:
Fleck und Flynn [)lii) more iiidi (‘owaii enlivened the (tthilt‘llt‘t' tux! lii\(‘ll iei-ortL

But as no one is perieel this Adi‘?‘

- ~ "i'rel .t:i=-.l\e u tli tn Il'
hund alw had it .\ il;l\\,\, boine h] ‘ ‘ “ H ‘ ‘ ' ‘L

'Uliiit tinii :v" .m

really .n‘. at Hot
wn‘t .i \“Kllll‘n lim- ~f if‘

not exartlx ti tiiutniu itiaiitt

time ‘.'lirtll;lt‘\ people! fie
Blew" COUNTY by Berke Breathed ti‘teiidships

l'etpiilzi \tltil‘ht’ ' i» ,zv» : ,,





\ , ”We \ all three- liztei‘tittr
IMME/t we a V

ERR/5L5 AEEPHEL [pay If m WYEH/QfF/C) ' lebmd-IWJ if! (ltittJ(ttlttt l: 71,: " 'il '

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driiii «butler it "ttt‘fl 'ww . \



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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. ”6".me 5. 1008

Israeli-Moscow ties have ‘new significance’

Associated Press

JERUSALEM Foreign Mine
ister Shimon Peres said yesterday
that the Soviet Union's enthusiastic
response to Israel's help in the re-
turn of four hijackers has given
"new significance“ to relations
wrth Moscow

Peres also noted in a radio inter-
v1ew that Israel agreed to the
speedy return of the hijackers to
the Soviet t'nion Saturday after re-

ceiving written assurances
wouldn’t face the death penalty.
“The Soviets promised us in writ-
ing that these people wouldn't be
executed and so there was no point
in delaying or complicating the
process." he said on Army radio.
The return of the hijackers ended
a drama that began Thursday,
when four armed Soviets seized a
busload of schoolchildren in south
ern Russia. then traded them for a
plane out of the country and a $3.3
million ransom The hijackers sure
rendered shortly after arriving in


Military commander
says force may be used

ASSIX'Idlt'tl l’ress

HUSH)“ The military come
mander ol Baku warned yesterday
that torce may be used to contain
unrest in the Azerbaijani capital,
where authorities have banned pros
tests and meetings in efforts to ”It

In another development a news—
paper said guards armed with sub
machine guns were protecting Ar
nienian and Azerbaijani refugees
as they stream across the border
dividing the hit, republics

Htticial news reports have placed
the total number ot refugees from
both sides a! about 130,000. and
said they are living in tents at sumr
iner resorts \acant apartments
and u 'tl‘ l‘t'iitl iyes and friends

The remgee problem is “stand—
mg llKI' .i black cloud over every-
body s head. said t'ol (ten 'I‘yagu-
no\ sarii ti”; a broadcast on Ilaku
radio \ow is not the time for
staging .iii‘. meetings

The tilllt‘t‘l’ s first name was not
given in the broadcast. which was
monitored in London by the British
Broadcasting t‘orp

"I request leaders of the meet-

ings and demonstrations on Lenin
Square and other people to abide
by Soviet laws unconditionally." he
said. “Force will be used in case of
any failure to abide by regulations
established by law "

The military law imposed on
Baku late last week prohibits meet»
ings and protests. but they have
continued in the Azerbaijani capi
tal Tyagunov‘s statement ap
peared to be a toughening ot au
thorities' efforts to impose order.

An Armenian activist in Vere»
van. Rafael Popoyan. said offiCials
in the Armenian capital had per-
mitted activists to hold a meeting
yesterday in Echmiadzm. 19 miles
west oi the Armenian capital

Popoyaii said actiyrists negotiated
with military authorities for two
days to receive permissmn for the
meeting. He said the strict controls
imposed under military rule pre~
vented Armenians from getting in
formation about their relatives still
in Azerbaijan

The official Tass news agency re
ported Saturday that 24-hour
guards had been ordered on key tar
cilities in Armenia and Azerbaijan.
where ethnic strife has resulted in
at least 28 deaths since mid-No»

Israel Friday evening.

Peres cited the reaction of Soviet
Foreign Minister Eduard Shevard-
nadze. who personally thanked the
chief of an Israeli consular dele-
gation in Moscow, Aryeh levine.
for Israel's help in the affair.

Shevardnadze was the highest
ranking Soviet official to meet Le»
vine since the Israeli delegates ar—
rived in Moscow in July.

Shevardnadze was quoted by
Foreign Ministry spokesman Alon
I.iel as expressing t0 Levine “the
thanks and deep appreciation of

the Soviet government and Soviet
people regarding the noble way the
government of Israel has dealt
with this barbaric act."

Peres said Shevardnadze‘s gos-
ture was “almost without prece-
dent in our relations with the Sovi-
et Union in recent years. I want to
hope this has a significance beyond
the event of the day."

“The representations in Israel
and Moscow now have a new sig-
nificance." Peres said. He referred
to the Israeli delegation in Moscow
and a Soviet consular delegation

that has been in Tel Aviv since
July 1987.

Levine said on the radio that in
his meeting with Shevardnadze. he
told the Soviet leader “we would be
very happy to have more or less
normal relations. Normal is a very
acceptable term in the Soviet
Union and I took advantage of this
opportunity to use it. "

The Soviet Union broke diplo
matic ties with Israel during the
1967 Middle East War. but has
gradually warmed relations over
the last two years, with the ex~

change of consular delegations and
a liberalization of Jewish emigra-
tion permits.

Israeli newspapers also echoed
Peres‘s hopes that the weekend hi-
jacking drama, which involved un-
usual diplomatic exchanges be-
tween the Israeli and Soviet
governments, would improve ties
with Moscow.

The daily Haaretz ran a f