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College life leaves Morris with no regrets

By Ben Roberts
tut untrue" mm

Randolph Morris doesn't have to be here.

The McDonald’s All-American and fresh-
man center could have easily followed his
friends Dwight Howard and Josh Smith to the
NBA, but he chose another path.

After months of deliberation on his future
and speculation by recruiters as to where he
would ultimately end up, Morris finally an-
nounced his decision to come to Lexington May
6. choosing UK over the pros and his hometown
university. Georgia Tech.

While many scouts were surprised Morris,
who was ranked among the top-10 players in the
nation, passed on the NBA for college. the UK
center said he knew he wasn't ready for basket-
ball as a full time job.

“Kentucky, Georgia Tech and the NBA were
all on an equal plain.” Morris said. “But I don’t
think I was ready for basketball as an occupa-
tion. So I made the decision to come to UK."

If the decision to forego the NBA was an
easy one for Morris, picking the right college
was not.

Georgia Tech was thought to be at the top of
the list, especially after its run to last season‘s
NCAA Championship game and the school‘s
proximity to Morris’ family

But the Atlanta native looked at other crite-
ria when making his final decision.

While he was participating in the McDon-
ald's All-American festivities last April, two UK
recruits, Rajon Rondo and Joe Crawford, spent
the weekend lobbying Morris to join them in

Rondo was Morris‘ roommate at the event
and assured the post player he would get plenty
of scoring opportunities if he came to UK.

“I wouldn't say I’m the reason he came,"
Rondo said. “I just tried to put a bug in his ear
and let him know that we’re going to be good,
that I love to pass the ball and that I led the na-
tion in assists last year.

“That's what every big guy wants to get
the ball."

Another key factor in Morris‘ decision was
the ability to play right away

With the departure of Erik Daniels and lim-
ited contributions from sophomore centers Sha-

gari Alleyne and Lukasz Obrzut. the door was
open for Morris to come in and make an instant

UK head coach Tubby Smith, who has been
reluctant to rely on freshman in the past, has al-
ready mentioned Morris when asked about pos
sible starting lineups.

“He’s a guy that we need a lot of minutes out
of." Smith said. “He’s an aggressive rebounder.
and I think he can be a great rebounder. As far
as running, jumping, competing fl he's very

But even with that endorsement from their
head coach, Morris’ teammates are making
sure to remind him he still has a lot to learn be-
fore he can contribute.

“He’s still a freshman." junior guard Ravi
Moss said. “You can’t just throw him out there
to the wolves. It’s going to be a tough transition.
but I think he’ll be able to handle it."

So far, Morris said the most challenging part
of college basketball is competing against big-
ger opponents.

In high school. the 6-foot-10 Morris grew ac~
customed to dominating his competition on
both sides of the court, but he hasn’t been able
to do that against the taller Alleyne and Obrzut.

“The toughest challenge so far has been ad-
justing to the size of post players,“ he said. "In
high school, a lot of those guys weren’t as tall as
I am, and they weren’t as strong as I am."

As Morris has progressed around the bas-
ket. some of his own skills have rubbed off on
his fellow centers.

“He’s very versatile." Alleyne said. “I’m glad
that he came here because he’s shown me a lot
of stuff that other big guys do. It's a beautiful

Morris’ teammates have no doubts the new-
comer will play a large role this season, and
Smith knows he won’t have to worry about Mor-
ris’ off the court behavior as he has for past

The center posted 23 points, 16 rebounds and
eight blocked shots per game in his senior year
at Landmark Christian High School, but it was
his work in the classroom that impressed UK‘s
coaches the most during the recruiting process.

Morris earned a 3.7 high school grade point
average, scored a 1270 on his SAT and was a
member of the National Beta Club.


He hopes to
continue his suc-
cess in the class-
room at UK but
gives no guaran»
tee that he’ll be
here long
enough to earn a

And while
Smith has al-
ways counseled
his players to
stay in school as
long as they can,
he understands
this freshmen
class, and Mor-
ris especially. is-
n't typical.

“You re-
alize they
have that
potential to
move to the
next level at an
earlier age than
some of the previous
players we’ve had."

Smith said. “But I con-

tend they’re better off stay~

ing and being more mature
players physically and emotionally.

“I think that was the key to (for.
mer UK players) Tayshaun (Prince) and
Keith (Bogans)."

But Morris has convinced his coach and
teammates he isn't letting all the hype go to his
head. and his concentration is centered solely
on making UK a better team.

And as Morris focuses on going to classes
and watching Howard and Smith play on televi-
sion this year. it may not be long before he joins
them at the next level.

“I‘ll step back and assess my situation at
the end of this season." he said. “It will come
based on how far we go in the tournament,
and I want to stay until I get a national cham-
pionship. But I like where I am right now.“

“I don't think I was ready

for basketball as an occu-

pation. So I made the deci-
sion to come to UK."

Randolph Morris

UK freshman center


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1 1/08/04
I MON. 1

Sparks, a first team All
SHC selection as a sopho-
more. averaged 136 points
per game and led the SBC iii
assists at 5.9 while helping
then-head coach Dennis Fel‘
ton and the Hilltoppers to tWo
NCAA tournament appear-

After Sparks‘ sophomore
year. Felton accepted the job
at Georgia. where former
head coach Jim Harrick and
NCAA sanctions had devas
tated the program.

Sparks said he seriously
entertained ideas of follow-
ing Felton to Athens. Ga.

"It was definitely some-
thing I thought about."
Sparks said. "There was defi-
nitely was a recruiting
process. but in the end. I felt
like this is where I needed to

He also said the similari-
ties between Smith and Fel-
ton have steadied the transi-

“Their philosophies on
the game of basketball have a
lot of the same ideas." Sparks
said. “Their defensive and of-
fensive philosophies are very

Sparks. nevertheless. ad-
mits it wasn't easy sitting out
but says he's moved on.

"It was real tough."
Sparks said. "It is something
you don't know how tough it
is until you experience it. But
now I'm not thinking about
that anymore. I’m thinking
about what I can do to help
the team. I'm expecting to
have a lot of fun and I'm look-
ing forward to it."

Senior forward (‘huck
Hayes knows how important
the addition of Sparks was to
the team. and said his hard-
nosed play is contagious.

“Sparks is a huge addition
for us." Hayes said. “He's a
scrappy player and a real stu-
dent of the game. We are go-
ing to really depend on hiiti to
knock down shots.

"You never know what he
is going to do offensively or
defensively. He gives his all
on the court. and that makes
me give mine."

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UK head coach Tubby Smith enters his eighth year as head coach with a 191-52 record with the Cats.
Smith's overall record is 315-114 in 13 seasons as a college coach.

mm run l mu



Success hinges on Hayes

keeps Chuck
Hayes out of
the starting

For 76
games. the
senior for. .
ward has -
been a foe T'm
ture in the Wiseman

Not even
Matt Heissenbuttel on Senior
Day could get Hayes out of
the lineup.

Hayes is UK basketball.
He belongs on the floor.

If UK head coach Tubby
Smith designed his ideal play-
er. it would be Hayes.

On defense. Hayes always
wants the toughest assign-
ment. Most of the time. he
gets it. whether it‘s a speedy
guard or a big-bodied post

And almost every time. he
rises to the challenge.

On offense. Hayes' un-
selfish play keys the Cats. His
offensive numbers are not
gaudy (he has averaged 8.1
points per game over his
three-year career). but he
makes up for them in clutch
offensive rebounds. bone-jar-
ring screens and deft passes.

For the last three seasons.
Hayes has been the hardest
working Cat.

This season. UK may need
even more from him.

On opening day. Smith
will have one of his thinnest
(and youngest) front lines in
recent memory.

Sophomore forward Sher-
ay Thomas is still recovering
from offseason surgery and
looks like he will not be ready
for game action for quite a
while. Sophomore centers
Shagari Alleyne and Lukasz
Orbzut have yet to prove

they‘re ready for prime time.
Freshman center Randolph
Morris may have trouble liv~
ing up to the immense hype
created since he signed.

And so. as always. it
comes down to Hayes. This
year. the Cats will go as far as
Hayes can carry them.

In UK's five losses last sea-
son. opponents held Hayes
under 10 points four times.
And he failed to reach a dou-
ble—double in points and re-
bounds in all of those losses.

As Hayes goes. so go the

Every time. he had more
than 10 points and more than
10 rebounds. UK pulled out
the victory

UK's young guards may
have attracted all the atten-
tion in the preseason. but
UK‘s recipe for success still

revolves around Hayes.

He is what UK basketball
should always be about «-
hard work. respect and

He will never be the
biggest player on the court.
He will never be the flashiest.
He will never provide the
most highlights for Sports

But he‘ll come to work
every day for the Cats. He‘ll
do his job the right way and
with a smile on his face.

He'll clock in every night
for UK.

If he can pass his work
ethic on to the rest of the
Cats. he may get the chance to
work overtime ~ long into
March and April.

ticiseman u lodernelcom

UK forward Chuck
Hayes has started
76 straight games
for the Cats.

The senior leader
has averaged 8.1
points per game in
his career.
Although he isn't a
prominent scorer,
Hayes' rebounding
ability and passing
skills will be a
valuable asset to
the Cats.

"ION WY 0'
om: com

Cats' leftovers are appealing

They say. “you don't know
what you‘ve got ‘til it's gone."
and for the last half of the
2003—04 season and this year.
the loss of Jenny Pfeitfer will
be an obstacle for UK
w o m e n ' s
to over-

here come
the fresh-
men. and
for some
it’s love at
firs‘As‘g‘l“. Derek

though . P00“
P fe i ffe r Rift—Lemming
was a solid
starter. aV»
eraging nearly 12 points and
30 minutes per game before
she became ill with mononu-
cleosis and missed the nest of
the season. She played in only
four Southeastern (‘onfer
ence games.
Well hang on a minute. As
a prolific 3-point shooter.
Pfeiffer was an experienced
asset to the team. UK’s record
could have been different if
Pfeifl'er hadn‘t suffered the

what about the

unfortunate luck of being on
the bench for health reasons
her second straight year.

Pfeill‘er's freshman season
suffered a similar fate. when
a broken hand kept her side-

But none of this matters
anymore as Pfeiffer left the
team this summer and went
to LouisVille at the beginning
of the semester to play for the
Cardinals. Two weeks and
one team picture later. Pfeif-
fer left louisville as well.

Hey. just bring on the

I‘m getting iht‘l‘t‘. lTK's in»
coming class is impressive.
but ITK coach Mickie DeMoss
will rely on many options to
fill the gap Pfeil'fer left

“We played 13 games with
out her" Iii-Moss said “So
we've had a lot of time to fig
ure it out."

lleMoss also had guard
Danielle Payne. who as a in
MM scored 18 points in her
first start against South (‘ar-
olina and dropped a career
high 20 on Arkansas

“Payne stepped in last
year and did a nice iob,"
DeMoss said. “And then this
year with our recruiting class
We have a lot of options "

Now that recruiting
class ranked as high as sev-
enth in the nation will
most likely be the biggest
wild card for UK this season.

Freshman guard Sade
(pronounced SHAR-day) Bu<
ley has the ability to fill many
positions on the team. includ-
ing at guard and small for-
ward. Buley could be what
UK is looking for as an imme
diate spark.

If Buley can impress
DeMoss on the court like
sophomore guard Angela
Phillips did last year. Buley
could fill a scorer's role as a
shooting guard.

But the Wildcats should-
n't fall back on freshman tale
ent iust yet, Senior forward
Keiko Tate streaked off the
bench last season and was
l'K's best spark for much of
the season.

(‘onsistently a post scorer
and rebounding threat. she
averaged more than 20 min»
utes a game last year.

Tate will most likely start
this year. and expectations
should be high.

Well UK may be deeper
than it appears at first sight.



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 PAGE4AI Thursday, Oct 28, 2004


By Ben Roberts

in: kzkiuckv krona

Nobody in Decatur. Ala.
believed Eric Allen when he
first told them the news.

The freshman guard had
been working out with the
UK basketball team since the
beginning of classes. but he
knew he was no lock to make
the roster. Those back home
were pessimistic of his

"People close to me really
were surprised. and I don't
think a lot of them back
home still believe I‘m on the
team." Allen said.

It wasn‘t until the week
leading up to Big Blue Mad-
ness that Allen himself
found out he had made the
squad as a walk-on. Head
coach Tubby Smith. ima
pressed with Allen’s work
ethic. notified the lifelong UK
basketball fan he was a part
of the team just before the
start of official practices.

Allen met Smith over the
summer after participating
in a basketball cainp in Lex-
ington. but the UK head
coach was no stranger to
Allen‘s family.

Allen's father. Billy.
played for Smith when he
was the coach of Great Mills
High School in Maryland.
Billy Allen told his son he
would have to compete as
hard as he could to make the
team. but it would be worth
it for the chance to play for

Now that he's overcome
the first hurdle by making
the UK roster. Allen‘s fellow
walk-011s say he can't let up
on the court.

"He just needs to go out
there and play his hardest at
all times.” said junior guard
Preston LeMaster "Do what
ever he can to make this
team better."

Allen joins LeMaster and
junior guard Ravi Moss as
L'K‘s only walk-ons While he
said veteran guards .Iosh
Carrier and Patrick Sparks
have been supportive in help
ing him improve his game.
it’s from Moss that Allen has
learned the most

Ravi has been like my
bigger brother since I came

Inuv scam I surr

Freshman guard and walk-on Eric Allen (No. It) defends junior guard Patrick Sparks during practice last week at
Memorial Coliseum. Allen was placed on the roster in the week leading up to Big Blue Madness Oct. l5.

he said “He was a
walk-on too. and he's been
teaching me a lot of things. It
gives me a lot of.hope seeing

Moss. who joined the
Wildcats two years ago as a
little-publicized walkon. said
he sees the conditions Allen
is under as similar to his

"I just look out for him
and do everything I can for
him.” Moss said "He‘s com-
ing in the same way I came
in and I understand what
he's through right
now ”

And although Allen has
only ill-t'l‘. working with the
team for a few weeks. Moss
feels he'll be able to make a
considerable contribution to
the program as long as he



keeps up the hard work,

"I definitely think he can
contribute.“ he said. “He's
pretty athletic. and he‘s got a
lot of talent. I think he‘ll be
all right as long as he just
sticks with it."

Allen describes himself
as a good outside shooter
who loves to hustle and scrap
for loose balls. He also
promises I'K fans that he‘ll
play every minute with “a lot
of heart." regardless of how
much playing time he gets.

And though Allen speaks
with the utmost confidence
of his ability to compete with
Division I players. there is
one aspect to [K basketball
he admits he may have trou-
ble with the 24.000 scream
ing fans he‘ll encounter
when he first steps on the

Rupp Arena court.

"It will be something real
new." he said. “I know I'll be
really excited that first time.
I'll probably have to get out
there two or three times be-
fore I get used to it."

It may take the visual of
Allen standing on the Rupp
Arena flo01 for all of his
fi iends and family to believe
he s really a part of the l K
basketball program.

But until that moment
comes. Allen has a message
for all the naysayers back in

“I just want to tell them I
made the team so they can
all stop hatin' now."

Ema 1'1'
broherts it kyk ernel. com

Cats boast talented backcourt

In addition to Patrick
Sparks and Eric Allen. there
are other guards in I’K's
loaded backcourt

With the loss ot Herald
Fitch and (‘liff Hawkins. the
(‘ats will rely on several \etei‘
ans and three freshmen to till
the void

Rajon Rondo

Soiiie think Sparks will
move to the two-guard slot as
soon as Rondo is ready to take
the reins at the point

Rondo has an uncanny
ability to break down (it‘tt iitl
ers off the dribble and distrib
ute the ball. Rondo's long
arms make him a hawk on de
tense and allow him to finish
in traffic.

Rondo is as athletic as he
can be at li-foot-l. and he
showed that by winning the
dunk Contest at Big Blue Mad-

A very unselfish player. he
must brush up on his outside

shot e drivmg


Joe Crawford

imagine Keith Hogans‘
lillilt'. l ixiwt lord is an explo

He has the abilit\ to shoot
from :ht» outside and with an
e\plosi\c first step. he can get
to the basket and finish

lint-n though Smith will
look: o ill lit to: ‘tpi: itt stunt-(Ii
l i t ‘i s sc oi: ii_ ' pin it h be will
piti lzii‘lly stt it loll 1' tin two
giiitrd spo‘ t'.lli\ because of
his defense and pin s.t .‘lillk'.

Ramel Bradley

ilradlt-y's 1 vintage New
York l‘it\ point guard who
ran get to the bucket and tin
ish iii the lane

He has been somewhat
overlooked, but he looked so}
id in the IlliieWhiie scrim
mage even flashing a nice
shooting touch making six
of ll slit its from the field and

to open up tli

A voo



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scoring 19 points.

Stripping junior guard
Ravi Moss twice for easy
layups in the scrimmage.
Bradley has shown a big-play
ability defensively He is a
heady combo guard who can
play at the point or shooting
guard positions
Ravi Moss

Moss is not your average
walkon. As a sophomore last
season. be
nowhere and made big plays
in some big games

He's a tenacious defender
and solid rebouiider who
plays hard and can shoot the

Look for Moss to provide
experience in the backcourt
and he'll seriously contend
for playing time.

Brandon Stockton

The (ilasgow. Ky. guard
passed a kidney stone last
Wednesday night Although

stepped out of

he didn‘t play in the Blue-
White scrimmage. he will be
expected to provide depth at
the point guard position.

The streaky senior scored
eight points ag iinst
Louisville's spie ssuie defense
I ist season

He‘s a very solid shooter
from the outside and from the
fret-throw line Plus. he
knows Smith's system.

Josh Carrier

As one of only two so
niors. (‘arrier will be looked
to provide leadership on anti
oti~ the court.

He was labeled as an ex
cellent :ipoint marksman
coming otit of high school.
but so far he hasn't lived up to
tho billing

He hit three .‘l-iminters atitl
scored 13 points in the Illue
White scrimmage. If he gets
his confidence on the court.
watch out

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