xt7x959c8j2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x959c8j2s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1996 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1996 Vol.67 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, August 1996 Vol.67 No.8 1996 2019 true xt7x959c8j2s section xt7x959c8j2s ' on the F (UK) SCF LEX 405
. . l t MARGARET I KING LIBRARY :‘gs Say August , 1996
, ‘ I LEXINGTON KY 40506 “s33." 53 a» ‘3‘, Volume 67, Number 8
__ _ 0 August 15 I «I w ,, ‘—____ I
:ctronic Ad Transfer Seminar I Ch‘i‘“ . ’ Th Off ' I P bI' t. I
-Irlizabethtown Community College ‘ ""‘I.l A e lCla U ICE! Ion '
l I , ‘ I I . E - r
I ., I “I of the Kent Press I
I . August 16 I S . ,
. :ctronic Ad Transfer Seminar I er lCe KING I, At?
_._, ’ " " "45>! lisonville Community College r ,r- w. n 1 I , I ,v . Y .
.__._..._‘I I ' ' 1“, 3m . September 26-27 I [HE R E4 N ,5 l’ (. h ‘1; e
‘ KPA/RPS Board of Directors I I AUG 2 I m
Fall Retreat, Opryland Hotel, I ‘ t
’ Nashville I PER") M S
- 0 October 7 I 'l'wspfifiegérmcno _
--— Deadline for entering KPA Fall ‘ ' ' TEXT
I Newspaper Contest I
0 January 23-24 I
‘ 1997 KPA Winter Convention I I , .,
» V : W, ,,__,__L WILLA/WWI, , fia‘ifiwafirm 3135::
' K t k t t 1.
- By LISA CARNAHAN I“, WfTW—WM * -* H“ 7 - ”L, ~—- LL, 7 fl W 77' , —» , I '_ I *~_L.__e_-- . m,
KPA News Bureau i I "" “ “ i
Kentucky newspapers are join— I mum I HERALD-LEADER ‘
ing the ranks of papers all across I I I
the US. that have jumped onto the Imam!” I I
information superhighway klf'fflfimmm ”V "m“m”—’L_——‘4 “IMIIIIIGIIIIII-lllilloIll-It" a. I
. The Lexington Herald-Leader "”MC‘W '“Mtg-LULETIIWIJQIUIQHI ' " ' __ _.._.__L,‘ I. I
was the state's first online newspa- :kfih‘E—I*- ' E m - ». . . I
per. The large metro was followed, f ‘J 4"“ ‘ I ’
not too far behind, by one of the 3’““H"“""‘_‘ " ""' " “I “1"." § : I I
state’s smaller dailies, the I mm W1.“ i=1 I‘uI’ILa‘susnmu-I , y , I .
Maysville Ledger-Independent. ‘ I wlk‘liiilfliiflmmvmllflfllg I}; I}I‘f'L,j_/$.§N I -‘ I I
. Lexington launched its online ser- I3; Seles out; best friends tace M90, U S ’ A ”I ' I . a... :
~ ‘ vice in “9.3 Um; ‘mbcr and I hnA——__—__;j' I ' I ‘ I
Maysville's home page was estab— IKE-72%;” I _ _, .- *~‘ «I '~ I =‘
lished about a month later. bsfltusirgennflLuhmahlsdedtr [dungeon-9' muuLngJ $511,131.11?” I I I
. Both papers followed two stu~ .. . . . . I ‘. I ’ WWW“”"'jWWW W '
‘ dent newspapers in the state how- ' ' ~ . Clean 3" DOI'CM "“9,“ ‘ I The Lex-Ington Herald-Leader
_ . ever, the University of Kentucky’s I ‘4‘,“ '3 - hurt state, analysns shows I'I‘II;I'._.\IIIIII.III.. began Its onlme servnce
-' The Kentucky Kernel, and Western _ . ’,'r‘:;‘;%'w PLUS: Dirty air may "i I Kentucky Connect, (left) In / ‘\
Kentucky University’s College ; V i 3 med 5‘1“! “000'“? V mlcll-Defeember. The tservIce not
- a - a ‘ , wox‘w: on o ers an e ec romc ver-
HelggltflsieHrefgdgtucky newspapers ' I—t _..._.__ TOday s Head-Leads Iiiiii.".‘;II‘.’,,,'::§,‘,”‘ sior‘: of the newspaper, (pic-
online include the Elizabethtown I ' fiugf :urtta: abrv:)lbut alsotaccests
, , News-Enterprise, Bowling Green I Western invader rips Saatoga'field ,LIT,;;1':'.Z;'.I‘I.L‘..J" “fork ngntzuca c821 pu er f? e -
Daily News, and the Danville l 5,, I l_‘ m Interhet a c ky Epigo ers
. Advocate-Messenger. The Louisville I KY HOOFS WWI vi de d thrcfu efis'nvm'; Ias'gliroit
- Courier-Journal is also online and I , 1 I + I Imflmmml venture got Landmark I I
- ;,;"I’ I 0:2 I 0 :5“! mm ‘3 m" 0 ‘IaUSCI {mu-51mm
I 1012: been fm‘fing ltatsly 1%“ file 2G3 I ' V k I 19%”. Communications and Knight- .
‘ Cl 1mm“ ‘P a a a 3 ° - KY Hoops Itrgm‘::z;:£." Ridder Inc., the Herald-
" u ' I I. W.) Leader’s parent company.
See ONLINE, page 4 ' I “MM
h H L. mm‘____v_~—Z;—=m;tm_ .I...;:=,_.I_.: 271:; m I: - , __,_ I .
I Use of recycled Vlce-preSIdent I , IN SID E
, , DCWSI ,I II It In State . . People, papers in the news ————_——— I '
.. e n J o y e
i P6316395 Percent sought by KPA WW
‘ More than 95 percent of the newspapers doing. It's a fit .
' ,I newsprint “99d by Kentucky news- Nominations and letters of pg. 5 huge loss for . 7" I J; ~
papers in 1995 contained some application are being accepted Check courtroom policy before Ke n t u c ky " / a, \I. ’9
. . level 0f recycled fiber, according to until Sept. 9 for the office of v1ce- taking along your camera 'ournalism u :m
a report presented July 10 to the president of the Kentucky Press pg 6 J ‘ ' I ’ "5““
.‘ '- Kentucky Cabinet for Natural Association for 1997, I ' _. Steve Lowery, Kentucky
Resources and Environmental Any KPA member may nomi- I0ver half the state’s papers Standard
‘ Protection. ' _ nate any indiwdual who meets the join Legal Defense Fund . -
The report 18 required by KRS criteria set forth in the KPA by- 'pg, 7 A tnbute ‘0 Russ Metz
.. 224 and is filed annually by the laws for that position. pg. 10, 11
i Kentucky Press Association on Additionally, individuals interest- Secrets to successful . ' ‘
~ I behalf of Kentucky's newspapers. ed in holding office in the :ad sales revealed ertlf‘g coach says readers
v In 1995, Kentucky printing Kentucky Press Association may ng. 8 hatiiumps
‘ , See NEWSPRINT, page 18 See NOMINATIONS, page 18 I~__ ”W“ ~ _ _ U pg-
"'. | ,Awu- . V ‘ . ‘ ‘ "I'M 504“": “’i""“"‘"" . a! I. __ .- , ‘_ . . . . ' e
.»;{’r" \ ' ‘~ ' .\ , I ' ' ‘ ' . ,
"H, . VA.» ' ' A I ' ‘ i ‘ 'I ' _ I ‘_ " I, ~ . V 4 .

Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, August, 1996 I
K t k 1 ' th l
c ’ ' c c l " award as recognition for being ofThe Spencer Magnet. started work at the New Era in
BUICher JOINS Std“ selected a five—time winner of the Dewig replaces Mark Cooper 1983 as national advertising man—
at News-DelTlOCI'ilt President's Ring for outstanding who left the newspaper to accept a ager. From 1990 until now she has ‘ ‘
Dib . B t'h- l‘ . . . *-l tl ‘ performance by a newspaper chief reporter's position at the served as the co—op advertising i .
‘ . “1‘ fr,“ l [.1 (“It r111; Wing: ,1} executive. The ring for publishers ()wensboro Messenger-Inquirer. He coordinator. . . l
_ 3:} f)‘ {it , dry-hit?“ “1 in“! n is given to the top 10 chief execu- Will assume the duties until a Pm“ thk 33‘ Clarksi'ille, ‘5 2,1150 a .
. (”mi ”I, In A“ M Hr hm‘“ Mi 1 " ll\'i‘.\‘ in the llt‘WsziDt‘r division of inanent replacement in" COOP?" l3 graduate “1 AUStm PW‘Y and J‘nm’d '
"' “wriiwnfklhgui , } \~ the company named, which is expected to he tht‘ Stu” ”f ”10 FUN Campbell
.. [l BUM iimc: “imp-In if.) I Hi i MT” Manassi‘ih is :l 24-year veteran “”11"“an this month. ("ourier in 1986' During the past 10
i, til” i ‘c‘ic illuil. \th .m” \c h ‘ ,Hi lit the tiliniieti (‘li lie-came to the “(Wig-“i newspaper “XerlwlCV ‘VHH‘S‘ Si“) has “TV”! a“ “was (if.
“1“"; ili‘i‘l llil‘t\li ”1:le ”Him“! "I t‘oill'ier-Jollrnal in Willi In ‘ltltll- includes “'PUHW' l"’5iti“ll-‘ at 1““ (‘larksi'ille ”5 ‘1 5“!” representge
.li.i‘ecl l‘l .rl-sox- " ‘ ' “ - . , ,w
A “in”: H? ('oi'lniz‘twll. ”Huh”. tion to \\'llllllll}l live President's ff"""“)§“(‘kifi PM” ( ("UHU 53‘” m “H'
niwiw m (“4”th Rings. he has (\Vlt't' been named If“ ("15V ln‘d..jtlie SUUth (”bwm . .
one of the eoiiipziliys top editors, Stair‘rinwspfi: I”)? Branch}; Ind, C‘J C311()Onlst Haynle
‘. . . ”I - .‘l l glil‘t) f” >\'*zir. am tie l e ,oun y ress—
C —J s Manassah ”“ “‘ ”‘ “ ‘r" “ ‘ Dispatch in Petersburg, Ind. honored by SF] chapter
honored b r G'lnnett ,' 7 . ' ' . . _ ‘ .. .Longtime.Courier-Journal edi—
(c . J y l ( ‘d t d 21er% ngmed Intigm BCCk JOlnS SpOrtS Stall tonal cartoonist Hugh Haynie, who '
_”llrl£‘{‘v ourna PW“ en. an 6 itor at ncer a net . retired last fall after 37 years at i
Subllh‘ht’r Eddvtilrid EhM'an(15321thas Rob Dewi phBas been namged as at BOWhng Green the Louisville newspaper, was hon-
bketlh:“(§':niiett Co“. gerzlaarlncjd thi the interim regnerail mana er/editor Jason I“ BQCk has joined the ored recently by the LouiSVIIle
y L I ' E’ g staff of the Bowling Green Daily chapter Of the . SOC‘ety 0f
News as a sports reporter. Professmnal Journalists.
—' l 'he Kentucky Press —- Bccc cccccccl Ecccc Emmy, ., Hams man the chapter's l
. . . who is now a copy desk editor at "The FlI‘St' award in recognition of ;
TheKenmcg PgestshaSKSN-OOf-Ofl‘thspub- District-‘13 . the Daily News. extraordinary contributions to
idiedntignn/Kymym: mmltsevamim Inc Glenn (.ray,ManchesterEnterpnse A native of Pennsylvania, Beck furthering the First Amendment
Periodical—class postazeispaid at 121,3“ka District 14 worked for five years as editorial and freedom 0f the press. He 'yvas
KY.40601.Subscfiptionpriceis$8peryear. Stu ”5- pumk-W k assistant and sport editor for a bOth praised and harpooned by
‘ 3 “PW“, ‘ 99 - about 170 people that included
PosMasterSenddxangeofaddresstoThe weekly newspaper in Maumee, J ff C l‘ , 1f
Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer Lane, District 15-A Ohio, and was a contributing sports :degsllglw 0:11;: If; It?” lime:
Frankfort, KY ' 40601'(502) 223* 8821' Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader writer for the Cincinnati Post for a e ca 9 S to m a ros
the past year. the country. Haynie continues as a
OfficersandDirectors District 15-8 part~time contributor to the C-J's ‘
KentuckyPiasAssociafim . o ' '
r M ,Stanf rdI te al leon Pages.
,th °"‘ °°“’ ° “ “mm“ Newspaper honored ,
IohnDelSanto,AshlandDaily lndepaident :figol‘fergemm Daily Ind dent by Berea (my OfflClalS Collins JOlnS advemsmg
PresidentElect , , Berea Mayor Clifford Kerby staff at Daily News
GeneClabesRecorderNewspapers EdmeylowmbomMemge’Inqmer declared July 3 as "The Berea Trev r 0011‘ F kf t
_ . . Citizen Day" in the city in recogni- . o . . 1113, a ran or
PastPresident Chip Hutcheson,Pnnceton Times Leader tion of the news . native, has JOlned the staff 0f the
paper s recent . .
DmothyAbei-nafliy,0!dham Era awards in the Kentuck Press Bowling Green Daily News as clas-
. . Merv Aubespin,LouisvilleCoui-ierlournal Association Better Nevgys a er sified advertising manager.
VlCePl‘GSIdenl' .. . ~ _ . .. Contest p p Collins, a 1991 graduate of ,
GuyHatfield,Cluzlen Vmceand Times Assoc1ates DWISJOII Kerb noted the Berea 3 er Western. Kentucky University, held
Barbara MCDameerOYO'a Motor y p p two pos1tions in Nashville before
Tm . Manufacturing had been awarded first, second and coming to the Daily News He was .
MartyBackus,AppalachianNewsEXPress third place honors in the most recently advertising‘and mar- i
. . Advertising Division Community Service category in its - - -
District] . . . keting director for Nashv111e
William Mitchell. Fulton Leader Teresa Revlett,McLean County News dwlsmn' Business in Review. He also i
. . News Editorial Division worked as an account representa- ,
01$de . - New Era ad re s tive for the Shelb ville Sentinel
I ed . , Dawson’S .gsp John Nelson, Pulaski Week . p News. . y i
District3 rCCCIVC promOthHS
Terafia Revlett,McLemC0untyNews gurgansx‘ [lifduéiiton K tu k Janet Goad Hall, advertising Thomas named to board
’ . U 1 0“. 0 e, em 6“ C y manager for the Fort Campbell
DI; my; ath ll‘ Fave-ire mversity Courier, has been promoted to gen— Of KentUCky N CW Era
GeneralCo l eral sales manager for the Walker Wood Thomas, a
Districts Jon FleischakerandKimGreene,Wyatt. Kentucky New Era and Courier. Hopkinsville businessman and
DavidglwcfilizabeflitownNews TarrantandCombs Mary 888 Chambers was member of the family which has
Enterprise named retail advertising manager owned the Kentucky New Era for
D' I . 6 Emmiy Press Waggf for thle Nelw Era. Karint’thif’ ‘1’: over 100 years, has been named to
. en Y ““5 53"”09 WOUS y 33 es represen a we 0" e the news a er's board of directors.
DaveEldndge,HemyCmmtylocal DavidT.1hornpson,ExecutiveDirector Courier, will continue in that “0,535 will be replacing his
. . . Bonnie Howard, Business Manager 't d 1 t -1 . . .
District? Gloria Davis Advertisin om capaCi y an a SO 38W?“ re 31 mother, Nita Wood Shriver, who Is
KelleyWamick, CallatinCountyNews U“ Cam News Bug'eau Director 3.3195. manager for the military PUb‘ retiring from the board.
RebaLewis,Rsearldi , Coordinator lication. The New Era has a con-
fish-id“ ' 8-9 SueCammack m‘l Hg tract with the Department of KentUCk En Hirer
Ken Metz,BadiCmmtyNewsOutlook BuffySams Mmsmt Defense to print the weekly Fort y q
Diancno-ii mflarpamaugg Assistant Camgzfi“ 3‘13;- Clarksvme mi expands coverage area
MlflyBaCk ,A WM“ hiccalterth Director 1 ) n r .
us PP EXP,” Linda Slemp,Clipping Assistant dent and graduate of Austin Peay. The Kentucky Emu”?
Dbtrktlz CarolPa , ' ' Assistant She started workin full-time at announced ‘n mld July It “”11
yton g .
mmmeacksmrimes/Beanyvine HollyStigexs, 5”” practically WI'ltCS Itself 55
process, particularly by using the tion factoids sprinkled throughout. " bl' _ 5 ..
newspaper. Naturally, "Election '96: The guide was printed in late 5 9 \ . .J ries‘iliffhfiirajbfueseuntslsiii 22:10:03,152: 55 / '
Expressing Democracy: will focus July, to make it as up-to-date as f (‘33? ty/ copy them into a separate file
on the presidential election but will possible while allowing for distribu— ’ a ’ Come late December or January 5!
also heighten students' awareness tion to teachers for the beginning of l - you'll have material already gathered to 55 l
oflocal, state and school elections. the school year. Of course, some produce a "Year in Review" special sec— 5?
Primarily, the guide will target newspapers develop election guides l - - ll
. . . . . 5 tion. Gather generously and then edit .
Junior-high classes (Sixth through through their own NIE depart- 5 quickly until you get the material need- 5
eighth grades), however, it will also merits and they should feel free to 5 ed ,
be designed forflexibility so that incorporate all or parts of the ; ' (This good idea came from the
clearly defin'}. m5.-les may be Foundatnonsgmdeasdesu‘ed. . ; Minnesota Newspaper Association and
adapted for _ - elem .5, ,ry grades To order your copy of Elections 4 was re ~ (1 - h P - - ;
_ .. , .. M." . 5 . H 5 prznte in t e PNNA ( aufzc 5
or hlgh'SCh9O. ‘ .".;>‘-,-,,,.ie - 96' Expressmg Democracy ’ send $25 3 Northwest Newspaper Association) ‘
In addition tq = { r._ound for to NAA at: Newspaper Association of 5 Bulletin 5‘
teachers, discussiprt :' ‘ tions and America Foundation, The Newspaper E ' '
reproducible student; 1: heets, the Center, 11600 Sunrise Valley Drive, 5 _ _ “
guide will be action 0 raw-ted —urg- Reston, Va., 22091-1412; or fax the 5 _ Fax: "502'875‘2624. 5 l.deasdwb'l“":d w'" I?“ placed 53'
ing students to practice‘democracy request to 1-703-620—1265. Include ‘ Ma'lf Kentuch’fress osmium??? mitenrgziingdzi'i: pilitellg‘IR'le 5
through their school and local races. your name, newspaper affiliation, ? 101 (’"nsum" mi PM“ or" gWiiiier Cinvemifim hm“
The guide Will once again feature address, phone number and fax 5 Min. Lisa (‘arnahan m5“ ynur than“ to win!
the umque stamp of Bill Zimmerman number. 'fl __________ __ ::_ ‘
f a y I
5 w ,, .

, r
Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, August, 1996 [-
KPA announces plans What It takes to set on the Net
ByLlBACARNAHAN gottohavetogetmline:
KPANewanreau OAwmputm'wiflratleastlfimg ‘
t0 aunc O[[|e page You'veheaidaieaayiagwhere ofRAM.(Heusedwhathedescribed l
there's a will there's a way.‘ Well, as an "older Macintosh") The hard
The Kentucky Press Association is in the process of developing its Wt.smmemefinm drive dom't mm that much rfyou ‘ l
Internet presence, in hopes oflaunching a home page in October. lookmgto explore the world ofcyber— purchase an mmal tape d11ve‘for
. a . - d develo an online 1133- stmagesuchasSyQuest orerDnve. 4
A committee was formed in early summer to establish the goals of 2;” an p p (Ma ,swst $200)
wa“:zga:.::r.:;d:.'225?:h::assassin:KP mwewemem ’-”‘A“'”28.seodeme,w ~'
reached when the home page debuts. 320's $3” 1:810ng a ' “It's mvfiqxgztmfofit Provid t' .
An intern through the Kentucky Journalism Foundation, Western as as: ' . rne ce . er 2
K t k U ‘ ‘t ‘enior Jon Grant is workin with KPA to develo Matt Stahl, news editor at the (ISP).'1‘hereamusuaIlyseveralman
9“ '.'C y "'VeIS' y b ‘ . . ’ , g p Maysvrlle ledger-Independent, said area You're renting spacefmm them
the srte. Grant IS the online editor for WKUs student newspaper and . .
. . hrsnewspapei’shomepagewascre toplaoeyourfileMebpage)mtheu
recently completed a summer internship at the Wall Street Journal. tedona‘low-end"system server The ISP then sets 11 a file -
The six priorities established by the Internet Committee include: a - i ' - - p
. . . . "We didn't want to spend a lot of that usually contains their name
1) Marketing information for members (regional, county papers) may because this was basically an first, followed by the newspaper's .
2) KPA membership servrces expefimmtfiruaandwedidn‘t want name. =
3) Siatew‘de Class‘fied,s to spend $20,000-to $80,000andthen 0 An Internet Am Provider.
4) FF“ Amendment lera’fy two or three years down the road So you can-dial into the Internet.
5) Links to others papers/Sites whom’nhew. . my WM“ m m fin‘ a
6) Jobs Bank Here's what sear says you've earniemmerueageeaehmem 5 f
——_——————-———_-_—— l
° sit down and start building the site. per, which of course carries the look approached by a group proposing to g
onllne We formed a committee that would and feel of that individual newspaper, place the newspaper on a site with the t
, get together about once a week and not the AP. And the look and feel of local chamber of commerce. She said i
COMM“ "0'" Page 1 ask 'Where are we? What do we need members' Web sites will carry through that idea was still being explored. 5

At least eight other papers are in to do next?‘ " into The Wire on the Internet. In other The Elizabethtown News- l
the planning stages of developing an Stahl said three employees words, the emphasis will be on the Enterprise has been online for about 5
Internet presence. focused on framework, content and members' Web sites and its total con- two months, according to the paper's i

Nearly everyone agreed online graphics and then "meshed" their tent, not on theAPitself." editor David Greer.
development is important, but man- thoughts to create the Web site. Staats said The Wire will operate "1 think we learned through
power and costs pose problems some "It's really not as difficult to get much on the same principle as the researchthat the online product doesn't
newspapers haven‘t conquered. finding started and build a site as you might traditional AP service. necessarily have to mirror the daily
revenue sources on the Net is currently think. And now there's all kinds of "In simple terms, we will not be newspaper andperhaps it shouldn‘t"

' _——-——__—————-———__———— ' l ‘
mgfihmfidm among “1 think we learned through research that the online product doesn't wngflemizxsfgtgmuglih:

Matt Stahl, news editor at the necessarily have to mirror the daily newspaper and perhaps newspaper.s marketing department. :
Ledger—Independent, said his paper's it shouldn't.’ "The site right now is basically our ‘, 2‘
Internet effort was totally handled in- __ newspaper," said Kathy Helm, Director
house. "Maysville Online" includles David Greer of New Media. "We do plan to change
local news, which is updated dai y, . . . that within the next month to have a 3
along with information about the area. editor, The Elizabethtown News-Enterpnse two-fold site, one basically news and
It features a virtual tour of Maysville's the other communi oriented with fea—
most interesting and historic sites. 3035me out there that makes it even putting “P AP PFOdUCtS to stand tum. It will be motile of an interactive
The paper is currently experimenting easier," he said. . alone. You'll have to go through a site instead ofjust static mfmnafim."
in placing advertising on the Web site The Frankfort State Journal Will member's location to access The Wire Helm said news on their home
and is hosting seminars along with the be online in approximater a month, just like you do now in the newspa- page is updated at least three ma 3
local school system to acquaint area according to 3553th publisher Troy Peri" he explained. week and includes stories from the '
residents with the Internet. Dix, as part of a large Web site for AP Louisville News Editor Steve newspaper's local news, opinion, ,

Stahl said the paper is also several newspapers in their chain. Robrahn is 3130 designing an Internet sports and feature pages. Basic infor- '
exploring the possibility of "providing The Web site will feature all Web site for the Kentucky AP Editors mation about Hardin County, such as
home page development" for others. seven of the chain's daily newspapers Association which is expected to be historical data and tourism informa- ,

"We're proud of our site," said along With several weeklies. Within launched in a few weeks. tion is also accessible from the site.

Stahl. "We did it from scratch, with six months to a year, television and Staats said he would like to see "It's exciting because it changes '
our own graphics and design people." radio stations that are also part of the . more Kentucky newspapers develop daily," said Helm. "The only frustrat-

In Bowling Green, the Daily chain Will be added, according to Dix. an Internet presence. ing thing is trying to define your mar-

News established its home page In addition to the State Journal, "It's just too important “Qt to play ket and where you're headed with the
about a month and a half ago and the information about Frankfort, with, that's what I think," he said. product. There is no more yearly mar-
site is still evolving. Franklin County and the entire state Gina Hancock, managing editor keting plan and trudging along for a
"We plan to expand as we keep can be accessed from the one site. at the Murray Ledger & Times, said year. You're constantly reviewing and
going" said David Bauer managing The Associated Press is prepar— while she recognized the importance, you've got to be prepared to change -
editor' of the Daily News. 'lRight now ing to launch a new online service she wasn't sure how feasible 3 project direction frequently."
there's no news content but we do early next year called "The Wire." it was for her newspaper because Of Russ Powell editor of the
have our classified ads aid 3 sort of The result 0f hundreds ofhours Of manpower and equipment. Ashland Daily Ind’ependent said his
resource guide. We're pretty pleased development by AP stafi" and consul- "We've looked at 't and talked newspaper would probably be online
with it so far and have recorded a tants, The Wire will provide to AP about it," she said. "We're a small by the middle ofnext year
good number of hits each day .. members everything that AP distrib- office and we've got to find out what it "We've got a lot of careful thought
’ Danville has tw0 Web sites one for utes - news, photos, graphics, audio takes to maintain a Web page. We've and planning to do before we go into
the Advocate—Messenger and 'one for and video. It will be packaged in also got to '00k at the bottom line. it " he said "You first have to decide
the Great American Brass Band ”compelling multimedia presenta- How can we make money and what on a ener'al direction and then we
Festival The festival site waslaunched tions" and placed on the World Wide does this do for our future?" need i bod to devote to it I feel it's
'n/‘Ma and the news ,1 er's home Web, but only be available through Hancock said Murray/s rural-based . yt t th t the. t l t
bage deiit/ed about a mtiiith ago 1 member Web sites. population was another omtsideration. :friihihmffgs'h :riid livaely 50:1: rbaccrlli-
Planning is a key element, to "What it does is extend the tradi— "I've got a computer at home. but ground information can stay the
going online. according to Stahl. tional AP relationship into this new I'm not on the Net yet," she said. "1 same but your home page must be a
"You need someone with thctech- online era." said AP Louisville have to wonder how many people in place of pretty lively exchange so
mcal background and the desire," h(’ BUH‘HU (‘hlpf Ed Staats. "AP copy IS :1 our area are," users never knuvv what to expect. It
said "Then just giw them the time to fundamental part of the daily nt-wspa- Hancock said hpr paper had been should bpjazzy and irreverent."
' . \ .
\ ‘ l l
~ l
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g The Kentucky Press, August,1 996 - Page 5
' Computers can’t kill the new spaper
i l - - million com Juter buffs Nielson ;
' Circulation of weekly papers has more W W‘im “it
Internet regularly or daily.
than doubled over the past 20 years \pi mum in bi
7‘ the most affordable and portable ;
Cautious newspaper critics declined in the past 20 years. “9W5: information, entertain~ Da-r i Campus >
' are ringing the death knell again Their total combined circulation ment and Shilppmg SUUFCC- I 'es 5 160
' for what some disdainfully call has stayed relatively flat at plus Those Wh‘ch meet the chang- 181 3 4
. the old pencil press. or minus 60 million. ing wants and “geds of a neWs- ‘f‘ ’ -
' The latest nemesis: online But critics overlook this dra- hungry pUth W1“ thrive 1n the {M‘h’wmw‘
1 computer services. Fifty years matic circulation growth of other next century. . . a452,“,9,
ago, something new called televi- newspapers from 1975 to 1995: , Of course, online servrces J” Vimyw‘ai
i sion was predicted to send all Sunday - then 51 million - are hkdy WI“ grow. Bl.” computers Ti. :vfi":I.,:;j*’
: newspapers down the tube. now 62 million. Weeklies - then 36 lack the affordability, and espe- e:?:~!"rgi°i‘ig
- Seventy-five years ago, it was million - are now 80 million. Cially the portability, to make H‘i3Vfi'Qagfiihr3
radio. Compare those weekly, them a mass medium. ii?‘-’="?JE-,£;.¥-.'£$§$ -
. Newspaper doomsayers point Sunday and daily newspaper —from USA Toda U.S. newspapers on the Internet
l out that the number of dailies has reader numbers to the mere 6.8 y Editor and Publisher, Feb. 17, 1996
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; Internet marketmg workshop If content 18 unlque and
i f p p 0 17—18 d th '11
i 01' HCWS a 618 SCt Ct. gOO ’ 6y W1 come
‘ ‘ lent news 3 er Internet rod-
TWO-day semlnar W111 ucts. The Ieivgnt also includes a By KATHY SILVERBERG B“ the lnternetpublish-
culiminate with an luncheon briefing on new . Fm? a ”Chev .emP‘O-V g°°d Atlanta ““WS' ingisn'tso hard
. _ . _ Internet roducts and a re- Journalists to prov1de complete, papers are [.7
interactlve dlSCUSSlOII p . . p timely news, marshal financ1al domg much onceyou realuea
workshop briefing on the resources and commit to a goal of more on the fewthingS-'p1an
The International. Newspaper Internet, key terminology and building communities. net. One site carefidly what
1 Marketing Assocxation (INMA) basw issues. Sounds like a recipe for a good p r o v i d e s » r ‘
. . . . ..- _ . . ‘ you re going to do
,2 Will launch the newspaper indus- Billed as an ideas 'work- newspaper, but it may come as a insight mt” nd a'nta' th
. ' - try's first workshop dedicated shop, the INM'A event Will also surprise to many print journalists legislative a _m l m "
excluswely to marketing newspa- be an opportunity for newspaper that the same qualities make for a issues and quality Offhe one-
. per Internet product on Oct. 17- Internet marketers to bench- good Web site as well. another allows of-a-kmdmforma-
' 18 at the Sheraton Park Central mark themselves versus peers. Several journalists working read