xt7x959c8m19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7x959c8m19/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-11-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1976 1976 1976-11-18 2020 true xt7x959c8m19 section xt7x959c8m19 Vol. LXVIII, Number 69

Thursday, November 18, 1976



faith in US.

Editorial Editor

Anextrordinary joumalisturged a
renewal of individual faith in
America last night before a
delighted crowd of about 3,000 at
Memorial Coliseum.

Bill Moyers, press secretary in the
Johnson administration and
currently a broadcaster with CBS
television, said “events of the past 10
years have done something to our
sense of commonwealth. (But) I
gamble with my life and faith that
the decay can be arrested”.

The pevailing mood that
“everything that was tied down is
coming louse, that idealism is lost,
that we‘ve lost control of our
destiny, that important things are
superceded and the individual is
superfluous” can be reversed
through personal “sense of worth,
without which the individual is the
tool of the universe,” Moyers said.

He cited a presence of defeatism
in America. “We are paralyzed with
self doubt and drowned by self-pity.
We, ourselves, have lost political
power." Moyers said.

Alienation and self-doubt, said
Moyers, are a result of political
revelations in recent years. “We
have watched government conduct
public policy in secret, and often in
deception. We see politics in TV—


Plaque program provides restoration advice for historic homes

Kernel Reporter

(Editor‘s Note: this is the second
article in a three-part series on the
Blue Grass hust.)

One (1 the major concerns of
organizations such as Lexington’s
Blue Grass Trust for Historic
Preservation (BGT) is getting their
name, and more importantly the
work they do, into the public eye.
For the BGT, a major source of this
recognition stems from the plaque

Through this program, buildings
that meet special criteria are
marked with a plaque bearing the
BGT‘s logo. The buildings may
qualify in either of two categories; if
the structure is over 100 years old or
if the structure is of historical or
architectural importance. Since the
program began two years ago, some

we’re urged to vote for a president
over the same medium we’re urged
to buy soap.

But, Moyers expressed optimism
in the country‘s future. “We are not
living in the worst of times,” he
stressed, citing the Centennial
celebration 100 years ago when the
Grant administration had ended in
corruption and the country “was in
the midst of its deepest depression.

“The ideab of self-government,
the system that nourishes us, can be
saved by “self-propriety." “We are
a young country. We must be
committed to the idea that men and
women can govern themselves. My
being is equal to your being—self-
propriety—we the people.”

Moyers cited history and quoted a
wide range of people, from
Margaret Meade to Napolean to a
Russian political prisoner, with
incredible ease and frequency. His
unique background in the print and
broadcast media lent credibility to
his thoughts. which were articulated
in a soft Texas drawl.

He indicated a personal
preference for journalism over
government, joking about his tenure
as Press Secretary. “Our credibility
was so bad, we didn’t trust our own
leaks; " and “When I said ‘Good
morning’ to the press, Dan Rather
would rush out and check it with the
Weather Bureau.”

250 plaques have been placed on
area homes, businesses, churches
and other buildings.

“Currently, we have only been
able to plaque buildings in Fayette
County," said BGT Executive
Director Carol Mayfield. “However,
someday we hope to expand the
program into the entire bluegrass

Before a house is marked, it is
researched by a BGT volunteer. “If
someone feels that a house qualifies
to be marked, we’ll do the necessary
research and purchase the plaque if
the homeowner cannot afford it,"
said Mayfield. The marker, which
costs $23, is usually placed on one of
the front corners of the building.

As a result of this research, the
BGT is able to provide a history of
the budding to the owner and an
architectural description of how it
originally looked. “It is our hope
that by marking the houses, people

KMGA announces plan

for marijuana production

Kernel Staff Writer

After charging the government
with “lying to the American people
about marijuana," Gatewood
Galbraith, third year law student
and President of the Kentucky
Marijauna Growers Association
(KMGA ), outlined in detail his plans
for implementing state-wide interest
in marijuana production at a press
conference yestersday.

Addresing a group of about 50
students, Galbraith said the
“government has lied to the
American people" about the effects
of marijiana, and cited literature
publidied this year by the US.
Department of Justice National
Training institute for Drug En-

forcement. The selected passages
describe the “delirious and
kaleidoscopic" effects that
marijuana smokers experience, and
warn of violent rages they may be
subject to.

“Seconds become minutes, and
hours seem like days,” the
publication reads, stating that those
people under the influence of
marijuam are unable to determine

“That's pure bullshit," Gailbraith
said. “The credibility of government
agencies has gone down the drain.”

John Willard, UK law student,
blamed the mislabeling of
marijiam in the 1930's, as well as
pressure from the alcohol industry.
for keeping the drug from being



an independent student newspaper

will not only have more knowledge
about the area where they live, but
also more pride," Mayfield said.

“The BGT plaque does not carry
any power or restrictions nor does
the Trust own or control the building
on which the plaque is placed,"
continued Mayfield. “It simply
identifies that this house, office or
whatever is an important part of

Many times the owners of older
houses decide to try and restore
their home so that it resembles the
original house. The BGT has set up
an advisory service for these people.
Through this service, homeowners
may receive descriptions of the
styles used during the architectural
period in which their home was
built. suggestions on both interior
and exterior remodeling, and in-
formation on how to rebuild such
things as plumbing and wiring.

“More and more, people are

...planning for the future

“it’s beyond dispute that
marijuana has been used
therapeutically for centuries,”
Willard said, "for such things as the
treatment of glaucoma. epilepsy and

(‘oiitiiiiicd on back page


NOV181976 I

University of Kentuck,

Southbound bones

The trombones were out in force yesterday as the UK band practiced
for its show at the UK-Tennessee football game Saturday. From left to

asking us about older houses. They
have begun to realize that these
homes are better economic values
than building new homes in the
suburbs," said Mayfield. ‘ ‘We aren’t
real estate brokers, but we do know
of houses that are available."

The plaque program is
representative of the role that the
BGT plays in Lexington. “The BGT
plays a passive role," said John
Barrow, president of the Trust. “We
don’t receive any money from the
city and we don’t spend a whole lot.
A lot of our work is with interior
organizations, like Urban County
Council (UCC) and Lexington
Center Corporation (LCC) com-
mittees, that are outside the public's
vision. We feel that the BGT is a
community involvement-minded

However, both Barrow and
Mayfield admit that the BGT
“mised the boat" on the South Hill.

J -Board


University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky

Siva Seminar

right are sophomores Charlie Vittitow and Dudley Hanks, and fresh-

men Keith Dale and Jeff Singer.

Lexington Center controversy. Last
spring the proposed construction of
a parking lot for the Lexington Civic
Center threatened approximately
l30 houses in the South Hill area with
destruction. Several citizen groups
protested the plan and demonstrated
against it. The BGT was not one of
the groups.

“The whole community missed
the boat with with South Hill,” said
Mayfield. “it was simply a case of
not enough community planning. it
would have been better if the idea
had been discussed earlier. As it was
nobody has come out ahead."

“We felt that the BGT would have
been too late to do anything about
the situation except throw itself in
front of a bulldozer.“ said Barrow.
“We had to write off that part of
South Hill, which was bad for the

“We are now trying to work with
the UCC and LCC to try and spot

future problems and keep anymore
unfortunate controversies from
developing like we had last spring.

“The BGT has thrown itself in
front of bulldozers too many times.
We‘ve always come into an issue too
late. We have bettered our position
to contact and correct problems like
South Hill before they advance too
far and get away from us and the



Well it won‘t be quite that warm,
but almost. Today should be
sunny and warm with a high near
60 and a low tonight in the mid
40's. Tomorrow will be partly
cloudy and, beleive it or not,
warmer with a high in the mid



Final selections named under new process

Kernel Staff Writer

The creation of a new Student Government tSG)
Judicial Board (J-Board) reached its final phase
yesterday with the appointment of the two members
needed to make the body complete.

Mike McLaughlin, SG president, announced late
yesterday afternoon that he has appointed Robert
Henry, biology junior and Greg Burris, accounting
senior. to the posts of associate justices on the J-
Board. The Student Senate had appointed Elizabeth
Noyes, political science senior, and Judith Kline.
sociology jinior, to the board during its meeting on

Nov. 15.

The SC J-Board was established to deal with all
constitutional or election disputes that arise con

cerning SG.

The announcement of the appointments marks the
final action needed'to complete a process which SG
started in early October. The action began when the

which provided for a new method of selection of the J-
Board, which at the time was selected randomly by


Random selection was replaced in the amendment
by a process in which two members of the J-Board
would be selected by a majority vote of the Student

Senate and two members would be appointed by the

SG president. The chief justice of the J -Board was to
be selected by mutual agreement of the SG president
and the Student Senate.

Positions on the J~Board were to be held for the
duration of the justice‘s student life at UK.

After the senate approved the amendment, a
deadline was established for the acceptance of ap-

plications for the five J -Board positions. The deadline

was then extended because some SG members
protested that the vacancies had not been given

enough publicity. A further delay was encountered at


senate first considered a constitutional amendment

the next 86 meeting because some senators felt that
they had not been given enough time to study the it

Continued on back page





editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Editor-ind hie!
Ginny Edwin rds

Editorial Editor
Walter Hitsim

Man-(in; Editor
John Minn Milli-r

Letters and comments should be addressed to the Editorial 0
spaced and signed with name. our": u‘ tow numb"


insist-at Mun-gin. Editors
Mi '(e Mouser
Dick Gabriel

Arts Editor
Mike Stun"

(‘opy Editors
Suzanne 1)"th
Dick [)owney
sieve Bailing"

Sports Editor
Joe Kemp

Chief Photographer
Stew-rt Bowman

altar Room I“. Journalism Inildin‘ 'l'lcy nut be in... triple-
Lotte" cannot cum I“ um and comment: In would“ to 7|.

“qu In.“
Alon m

Production In...
Leslie Crutc her


Rupp Arena parking:

continued inadequacies

A trip to the amusement park to practice on
the bumper cars might be in order before the
first basketball game scheduled at Rupp Arena
Nov. 27.

Persons driving to home basketball games will
have to compete for the 900 available parking
places at the new $42 million Lexington Center
(LC). But the problem becomes clouded when
additional condideration is given to the poten-
tially disasterous traffic situation.

Student parking will be reserved behind
Memorial Coliseum approximately 200 spaces)
and Blazer Hall (approximately 500 slotS). Off-
campus students should consider making the
mile trek from the parking lots in lieu of hassling
with limited downtown parking and traffic.

The University Traffic Committee. charged
with formulating plans for student tran-
sportation and parking for basketball games.
has said its plans are not permanent. Realizing
that the University is dealing with "a lot of
unknowns," the committee should be prepared
to increase available parking spaces for students
on campus if the need arises.

For students and the general public who plan
to battle the traffic and compete for parking
spaces. no relief to the present inadequate
situation is evident.

Additional parking spaces wrll eventually be
constructed on the land after the land is stolen
from ‘26 families remaining in the South Hill
historic district. They are waiting to see if their
relocation needs are going to be met. as the
Urban government promised.

It has been said that the parking lot proposed
in South Hill would provide slightly less than the
minimum necessary for the financial success of
the shopping mall and hotel located at the center.

In addition. a new bond issue. which cannot be
floated until two law suits over the site are
settled. will be needed to finance the remainder
of the parking lot.

Letters" W


from the

Thoughtful UK

responsible should be thanked for
this great convenienccf

Yet another parking lot project, announced by
Gov. Julian Carroll last month, doesn‘t help
clear the situation, either. Carroll proposed
construction of a 1,500-space parking lot situated
on land owned by the Louisville and Nashville

Indications are that Carroll probably
suggested the parking lot because it could be
integrated into the state’s plan to connect
Newtown Pike and Euclid Avenue. The Newtown
Pike extension has been viewed as a way to ease
the traffic around the Lexington Center and the

One state finance offical doesn't buy Carroll’s
estimate of 1,500 new spaces, saying the new lot
would actually only provide about a 1,000 spots.
This discrepancy is a minor point when com-
pared with the overwhelming consideration of
Carroll’s parking proposal.

As with the controversial South Hill project,
Carroll‘s proposal involves razing homes—this
time in the Irishtown and Davistown neigh-
borhoods, just west of the LC. And in Lexington,
relocation means throwing people into the
alreadycrowded housing market.

For that reason, Carroll‘s proposal should be
shelved. City officials haven’t found relocation
for the South Hill residents, and there’s no
reason to expect more success in the areas af-
fected by Carroll's proposed lot. And even if
relocation wasn’t a critical problem, there is no
sense in bulldozing more Lexington residents to
make more parking room for a facility that may
not even be successful.

The city erred from the start with poor plan-
ning and consideration of parking, traffic and the
historic area they destroyed. A high rise parking
facility would have made infinitely more sense.
As it is now, surface parking lots are Lexington‘s
inadequate answer.


all those going to such lengths to please us—
why ifit were to discourage even one

studentfrom attending a game, they

Hurray for the 'i‘rafiic Committee
for their wonderful plans to get us to
ltupp Arena? I'm sure the campus
police had to be called in to quiet the
exuberant residents of Homes and
Blazer when they found out that they
could park in their very own spaces
behind the ('oliseum. a more x miles

any immPRAA/NU —- I

Problem of what to do if there was
a previous lack of interest in a
shuttle bus‘.’ That's simple—make
people pay a quarter. That way you
should have them begging to get on,
as any student in Econ 26() will tell

Everyone can see why they are

would have no choice but to sell his
ticketfor severaldollars to some fan
and we all know how they would hate
that. Especially when theyonly have
the students interests at heart.

(lailen Bridges
A818 junior

(4 "W 55‘


from I it one HIM A F/mk FEW re.”

Dick Downey

Guarding humanness 1n the sea of competition

Events during the past week take
me back to the days when law school
used to really freak me out. That
was during the first year or so of my
legal edumtion, when law school
“scares you to death." as the adage

The second and third years
haven‘t been as bad, at least not for
me. The old saying goes that those
are the years when law school
“works you to death" and “bores
you to death.”

There‘s a lot of truth in this cliche,
but I feel constrained to say that
practicing lawyers are the only ones
who’ll admit it to you--l've never
heard a professor of mine talk about
law school that way. save a few
notable exceptions.

The main problem with our
mentors not admitting this age-old
maxim isn’t so much that they don't
do it in public-after all, teachers

shouldn‘t be expected to admit that _

their instruction bores people. The
problem is that the adage really
explains how people can go to school
and work at the same time (at least
during the “boring" third year)
without hurting themselves
academically; and as a realistic
proposition, the Bar and law school
administrations should recognize
this neverending law school truth as
being the norm. not the exception.

The plain truth is.that after a
while, you can learn to learn the law
by applying an analytical process of
a sort that is repeated over and over
again in different classes. The main
objective of a legal education is
teaching us how to “think like
lawyers." After we get a handle on
that concept. the rest comes a lot
easier than it did at the beginning.
And that's how some folks manage
to work a lot outside of school and
still learn some law in the process.

Leaming to “think like a lawyer“
has its own problems as well as
rewards That‘s the subject of the
following reprinted in part from a
column that I wrote for thelx Kernel
last year:

Imagine, ifyou will, that you area
student in a post-graduate
professional school, and that being
enrolled there means that a great
deal of your life is intertwined with
the process of getting through it
successfully. Most of your external
energies and a good deal of your
internal ones are riveted on
mastering much complicated

The completion of your study, the
piece de resistance, means the
strong possibility of an affluent
future mode of existence, replete
with some of the trappings of suc-
cess in America~—~status, position.
recognizance in the community, and

Attaining those means of living,
however, means that you must
sacrifice some things. A few
sacrifices. like giving up a great
deal of spare time, can be made
without much chagrin. But there are
offshoots— -for example, you stand
the chance ofreaching the Top of the
Heap but at the same time take the
risk of leaving behind a wake of
enjoyable former non~professional
pursuits and relationships in the
swirling dust of past life-styles.

You can even get to the point of
feeling guilty whenever you aren’t
studying (i .e. working) and the fun
is thus taken out of the spicier parts
of life Variety is destroyed. The
work-or-feel-guilty ethic is firmly
established. Some people just plain
forget how to have fun, and folks,
that is a sad situation.

We sometimes get uptight. And we
spend a lot of time burying ourselves
in the professional posture of our
discipline; we come to put a lot of
emphasis on achieving. doing,
competing. winning!

Winning. Oh Lord, there is so
much competition in the higher
stages of learning and in the
professional world. There is an
unhealthy degree of it here at UK,
and at some of the powerhouse law
schools. the rivalry is simply vicious
at times. Reports proliferate of
"lost" and subsequently burned
class notebooks. ripped-off court
decision report volumes, and
maniacal facial expressions among
some students during exams. (See
Paper Chase.) Some of this goes on
at UK now, too.

Let‘s face it~~~such an unhealthy
degree of competition has to have
sideeffects. In fact, the law school
experience has been compared to a
submission to some sort of weird
moral lobotomy wherein openness,
compassion. and sometimes
scruples are sacrificed in return for
a full-thrust power drive to suc-
cess --~American style.

Our most famous subjects of this
process of late have been the
members of Nixm‘s main gang,


most of whom were lawyers and
advertising men. This group lost all
vestiges of human compassion; they
were totally absorbed in winning at
any cmt, morality and the Con-
stitution be damned.

I think a professional education
can be achieved, despite these
problems, without incurring such
personal loss. The student can make
the rise to self-fulfillment in this
area without forgetting that there
are other objects of living that
require more sensitivity than does
the mastery of a subject involving
complicated reasoning or
technologiml expertise or intimate
knowledge of the human biological
and chemical systems. But he has to
do it on his own, as he should.

The student cannot expect the
school to do the job for him, because
they simply do not. Here at UK, first
year students (and many second
year ones) are scheduled so that
classes are spread out over the
entire day, thus insuring that they
stay around the school and that they
don‘t have a chance to do much else
(like work, much less play). There
are heavy overtones of in-
doctrination as to what a lawyer
should perceive his role to be; in-
novation of this role is not en-
courgaged, but intense competition
is promoted (it makes better

The final thought here is the one
most worthy of note. Those who do
best at high-level legal learning and
practice are those who swim with
this current of philosophy. Those
who buck it can do it, but with added
mental hardships; it takes an
inordinate amount of mental and
emotional strength and strain to
stay in close touch with black-letter
law, hopeless professional ambition,
and one's sensitivities all at the
same time.

Nixon, Mitchell, and Erlichmann
couldn‘t do it. Ford was terminally
compromised by it. A lot of lawyers
have become alcoholics because of
it—-—in fact. alcoholism is a ram—
pant lawyer‘s affliction.

There is no solution to the
situation; life is tough. But if we
guard our humanness. we'll be
better people for it.


Dick Downey is a third-year law
student. His column appears on

UK Ulcer Factory brings recollections of the freshman year

li_\ "Hill .I. l’lVlll \Y
Well. the l'K ulccr factory has
finally gotten to no- this semester
I‘m sure ('Ulllllli'.\\ others feel the
same. as llllill\ ncai‘ and vimons of
(liristrniis break dance through our


heads Thcold "l'll rust lay , hcrc-
fiyc - more minutes ' syndrome
before getting up ll‘ thc niorning is
setting in And the term paper blues
are turning my cy es red

liut through ll .‘ill I always seem to
find a small amount of rchcf in my

memories Remember the good old
freshman days when everything was
new. exciting and . . , scary as hell',’
'lhc Institution was too big. the
tropic too passive. and the classes
were too damn hard? Well, I‘ve dug
up a part of my freshman year
journal which offers a little hope and
a little inspiration to keep on
studying Perhaps it'll help a few
others too llt'rc il is,

Entering the l'nivcrsity on that
first day of my first year. a profound
sense of detachment overcame me.
'lhc leap from high school. where l
once rcigucd king. had dumbfound»

ed me into a severe state of
"freshmanitis." ch, that old famili-
ar feeling of high school freshman
days was somehow rejuvenated. To
me. my every action seemed to
radiate the message. “Look at me.
I‘m frosh!"

()ne couldn't help noticing the
distinction between my flittering
unsure eyes and those comfortably
determined eyes of the obvious
upper classmen. Even in my walk-
ing movements, I felt set apart from
my peers. I no longer retained the
poised, cocksure stroll l employed so
effortlessly as a high schooler In

school circles. I had experienced a
complete reversal in rank and roles

After half a day on unrneshing
gears. [stood back and examined by
foolish behavior l abruptly decided
to mend my ways and concentrate
my efforts on mastering some
mllege social graces. Alas. I tried
too hard. During my last class
sophomorechemistry [finally built
up the courage to attempt what all
incoming freshmen experience and
fear: to openly ask a question'

There I sat among learned college
fellows. trying dcsrwruicly to look
five years older. chal trickled

slowly down the ridge of my
backside. making me even more
uncomfortable and cautious. While
gnawing at my fingertips. my hair
seemed to stand on end. As I raised
my hand into the air. the murmur-
ings of nearby colleagues intensified
and reverberated in my eardrums.
All eyes turned on me. demanding
just reason for my inquiry. My
mouth instantly ran dry and with it,
my mind. l'd forgotten the question!
Breathless. I finally stammered
the cover-up question. “May I go to
the bathroom '.’” Horror of horrors. l
stood naked before the enemy:

untold humiliation dominated my
every cell. On my way out the door, I
dropped three pages of notes and
didn't even bother to pick them up.
In short, l‘d blown it. So much for
the “status quo." I thus resign from
the human race and their paltry
efforts to please one another. In-
stead, i find myself taking up the
subtle attitudes of individuality and
acceptance of myself . . . by myself.
I guess I was just a frosh out of
llugh J. Findlay is a journalism













with Democratic legislative leaders


With the Wind" was filmed.

executive and the Congress.

He said that “additional





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l I

l I

President-elect Jimmy
Carter, his vice president-
elect, and members of the
Democratic congressional
hierarchy gathered Wed-
nesday at a Southern plan-
tation house to talk about the
new administration and the
men who hold the key to its

Some Capitol Hill figures
have reputed that relations
between Carter. 3
Washingtm outsider, and the
congressimal establishment
had gotten off to a shaky
start, particularly as a result
of difficulties in dealing with
Frank Moore. Carter‘s liaison

“I think now that we have a
Democratic Congress and a
Democratic President that
there will be much more
harmony between the
executive and legislative
branch than we have ex-
perienced in the last eight
years" under Republican

funds could have been put to
effective use." Lipshutz met
with Carter on Tuesday.

The financial summary
said the campaign staff
totaled 1,544 persons just
before election day. It listed
media expenses of $10.5
million, with $7.8 million

legislative programs. with Congress. Moore at— presidents. spent on television ad-
The luncheon and business tended the meeting Wed- Carter‘s office issued a vertising.

meeting were the first face- nesday. report Wednesday that said

to-face sessions between Meanwhile, it was an- his presidential campaign

Carter and Sen. Walter F.
Mondale on the one hand, and
such influential legislators as
Sens. Hubert H. Humphrey of

nounced thatCarter will meet
with President Ford on
Monday afternoon at the
White House to discuss the

spent all d the $21.8 million
allotted to it from federal

“While the limitation on the

Carroll met
with Carter







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Minnesota, Edmund Muskie transition between ad- amount of funds available t
of Maine and Robert Byrd of ministrations. meant that many frills had to s a ers
West Virginia and Reps. Talmadge. before his beeliminated and some tough
Brock Adams of Oregon, Al guests arrived. stood in his decisions made .. .public FRANKFORT fAPl—Gov.
Ullmanof Oregon and George driveway wearing a green funding permitted the Julian Carroll talked about .
n Mahon of Texas on the other. flannel shirt and checked campaign to be run in a very energy and the environment
Themeeting washeld atthe trousers, and predicted in a businesslike fashion and Wednesday with members of
home of Sen. Herman' conversation with reporters eliminated the dependence on President-elect Jimmy a : -
s and Talmadge (D-Ga.) where. that despite such meetings large contributions,” cam- Carter’s tranisition staff,
stall Talrnadge said, the opening “there is always some fric- paign treasurer Robert (‘31‘1‘011'5 office announced. “h '1
;they scene from the movie “Gone tion between any chief Lipshutz said in a statement. Carroll met with Carter at you heat may Change you. 'I E!
in g at staff members in Atlanta as 1
Con- he returned from a Florida
F d vacation, said Jack Hall, an
cm 00 over education as. ,0 the WW Now APPEARING
these . . . . The meeting was intended til thy.
such Dispute over Thanksgrvmg hams, scholarships im°mffclatfopn “338mg“ “1::
make ."' ...‘.
this b a o o f S e E l l d Carter administration and 8‘”; a; W ”I; “E’!
mm rings resrgnatlon o cotla mp oyes ea er the nations 50 governm' -~a .J‘ .. .s.)
that according to a news release 'flr" ( w 'l f.“ 10
does OVEN FORK [AP] — Sco and federal governments. the “That money they would from John Nichols, Carroll‘s ,( "‘