University Architect - Main / Administration Building Renovation Artifacts Collection, circa 1882 - 2002

Descriptive Summary

University Architect - Main / Administration Building Renovation Artifacts Collection, circa 1882 - 2002
University of Kentucky
29 Boxes, 27.23 cubic feet
Finding Aid Author
Processed by Eric Weig; Machine-readable finding aid created by Eric Weig.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Scope and Content
This collection consists of paper materials, digital photographs, photographic prints, plans, diagrams, and artifacts pertaining to the Main/Administration Building of the University of Kentucky. The Main / Administration Building was built in 1882 making it the oldest building on campus. It has undergone many changes in function as well as appearance over the years. On May 15, 2001 a major fire destroyed the roof and top two floor of the building and the bottom floors were severely water damaged. In response to the fire, the building was gutted with the exterior walls remaining in tact. A preservation project was begun to document the rebuilding of the interior and gather architecturally significant artifacts. This collection is divided into twelve series and fifty-one sub-series. The series in this collection are: artifacts; budget; correspondence; facsimiles; history; meeting minutes; miscellaneous; notes; photographic print; plans; wallpaper; and woodwork. The facsimile series is divided into forty-eight sub-series: exterior east; exterior north; exterior south; exterior west; interior room 0 number 1; interior room 0 number 2; interior room 0 number 3; interior room 0 number 4; interior room 0 number 5; interior room 0 number 6; interior room 0 number 7; interior room 0 number 8; interior room 0 number 9A; interior room 0 number 9B, and interior room 0 number 9C; interior room 1 number 1; interior room 1 number 2; interior room 1 number 3; interior room 1 number 4; interior room 1 number 5; interior room 1 number 6; interior room 1 number 7; interior room 1 number 8; interior room 1 number 9A; interior room 1 number 9B, and interior room 1 number 9C; interior room 2 number 1; interior room 2 number 2; interior room 2 number 3; interior room 2 number 4; interior room 2 number 5; interior room 2 number 6; interior room 2 number 7; interior room 2 number 8; interior room 2 number 9A; interior room 2 number 9B, and interior room 2 number 9C; interior room 3 number 1; interior room 3 number 2; interior room 3 number 3; interior room 3 number 4; interior room 3 number 5; interior room 3 number 6; interior room 3 number 7; interior room 3 number 8; interior room 3 number 9A; interior room 3 number 9B, and interior room 3 number 9C. The meeting minutes series is divided into two sub-series: Board of Trustees; progress meeting. The plans series has one sub-series: file legend. The date span of this collection is 1882 - 2002. Approximate dates are denoted by square brackets, and items not dated are marked "n.d." Artifact creation dates are unknown and they are marked by the approximate date of removal.

Contents of the Collection


51 items. The artifact series contains architecturally significant items that were removed from the Main / Administration Building in 2002. The items in this series are plaster: architrave and plinth sample, wall samples, ceiling samples, cornice sample, and necking; wooden: stair bracket sample, door frame samples, window frame samples, floor samples, sub-floor samples, baseboard samples, and wall veneer; metal: square headed nail, cornice bracket, and stamped brass gaslight collar; ceiling tile samples; wallpaper samples; paint samples; a brick; quoin samples. Items are described by their physical dimensions and appearance, material, location, and additional information gathered from notes written by the preservationist. The items are in many different pieces and samples that appear different but are from the same room number are denoted by letters. Many of the materials in this series probably date back to the 1882 construction of the Main / Administration Building. Many of the plaster samples have horse hair visible. The pieces in this series are not easily handled. Many pieces are fire or water damaged and paint is peeling off. The plaster is fragile, crumbling and breaking easily. There are also rusted nails in many of the wooden samples. The actual date that the samples contained in this collection were created is unknown so they are labeled by the approximate date of removal which was 2002.

4 inches long. Nail from an unknown location in the Main / Administration Building. Appears to be iron and has rusted in places. Nail has a square head. It is believed to have been used in the original construction. [1882]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:4:0:1:0
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8 inches by 5 inches. depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster sample from above the blackboard in room 0 number 3. Sample broken into three pieces and other pieces are flaking or crumbling off. Sample is brown, yellow / cream, and white. Sample is charred. There is horsehair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 3 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:4:0:2:0
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8 1 / 3 inches by 5 1 / 3 inches. depth = 1 1 / 2 inches. Plaster sample taken from above blackboard in room 0 number 3. Sample has one piece broken off and other pieces are flaking or crumbling off. Sample is white, pink, and yellow / cream. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 3 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:4:0:2A:0
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8 inches by 6 1 / 2 inches. Depth ranges from 1 inch to 2 inches. Plaster sample taken from below blackboard in room 0 number 3. Sample has pieces broken off and other pieces are flaking or crumbling off. Sample is white, pink, brown, and yellow / cream. Sample is mildewed. There is horsehair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 3 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:4A:0:3:0
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8 inches by 5 1 / 2 inches. Depth ranges from 1 / 2 inch to 1 1 / 4 inches. Plaster sample taken from above blackboard in room 0 number 3. Sample has pieces broken off and other pieces are flaking or crumbling off. Sample is white and yellow / cream, parts appear brown. Sample is charred. There is horsehair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 3 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:4A:0:3A:0
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6 inches by 6 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inches. Plaster sample taken from above blackboard in room 0 number 5. Sample has pieces flaking off. Sample is white and gray. Sample is charred. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 5 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:5:0:4:0
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6 3 / 4 inches by 6 3 / 4 inches. Depth ranges from 3 / 4 inch to 1 1 / 2 inch. Plaster sample taken from blackboard and below in room 0 number 5. Sample has pieces flaking and peeling off. Sample is white and gray. Sample is charred. There is horsehair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 5 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:5A:0:5:0
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17 inches by 12 1 / 2 inches. Depth ranges from 1 / 2 inch to 1 inch. Plaster sample taken from closer to the door in room 0 number 6. Sample is in three large pieces and has pieces flaking and crumbling off. Sample is yellow / cream, and has a stripe of green, light green, red, and gray. One strip of the sample is charred. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 6 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:6:0:6:0
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15 inches by 7 1 / 2 inches, the shape is irregular so the measurements are at the widest and longest points. Depth ranges from 1 / 2 inch to 3 / 4 inch. Plaster sample taken from the west wall above blackboard in room 0 number 6. Sample is in six pieces and has pieces flaking and crumbling off. Sample is yellow / cream. The sample is charred. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 6 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:6A:0:7:0
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9 1 / 2 inches by 7 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Plaster sample taken from the south wall above base in room 0 number 6. Sample is in three pieces and has pieces flaking and crumbling off. Sample is light green, red, and yellow / cream. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 6 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:6B:0:8:0
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15 inches by 10 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster sample taken from the south wall in room 0 number 6. Sample is in five pieces and has pieces flaking and crumbling off. Sample is green, light green, red, and brown. There is horse hair in the sample. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 6 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:6C:0:9:0
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Sample is in 3 pieces. Piece on = 8 inches by 4 inches Depth = 1 3 / 4 inch. Piece is triangular. Piece 2 = 7 inches by 7 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Piece is a right triangle. Piece 3 = 4 inches by 3 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster sample taken from behind the furring in room 0 number 6. Sample gray. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 6 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:6D:0:10:0
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9 1 / 3 inches by 6 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster sample taken from below blackboard in room 0 number 7. Sample is in four pieces and has pieces crumbling off. Sample is brown and charred. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 7 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:7:0:11:0
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9 inches by 8 inches. Depth ranges from 1 / 2 inch to 1 1 / 2 inches. Plaster sample taken from below blackboard in room 0 number 7. Sample is in four large pieces and numerous small pieces. It has pieces crumbling off. Sample is white and gray. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 7 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:7:0:11A:0
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12 inches by 7 1 / 2 inches. Depth ranges from 1 inch to 1 1 / 2 inches. Plaster sample taken from below blackboard in room 0 number 7. Sample is in three large pieces. It has pieces crumbling off. Sample is white. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 7 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:7A:0:12:0
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6 1 / 2 inches by 5 inches. Depth = 1 1 / 2. Plaster sample taken from below blackboard in room 0 number 7. Sample is irregularly shaped. It has pieces crumbling off. Sample is white, brown, and has some charring. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 7 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:7A:0:12A:0
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9 3 / 4 inches by 3 inches. Depth = 1 1/ 3 inches. Plaster door architrave and plinth sample taken from room 0 number 9C. Sample is from the door to room 0 number 5, the north most door, south jamb. Sample is painted light green on one side and is dark brown and white on the other. It has pieces crumbling off. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 9C that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:8:0:13:0
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4 1 / 2 inches by 3 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Plaster door architrave and plinth sample taken from room 0 number 9C. Sample is from the door to room 0 number 3. Sample is painted light green on one side and is dark brown and gray on the other. It also has white on it. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 9C that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:8:0:13A:0
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8 1 / 3 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Plaster door architrave and plinth sample taken from room 0 number 9C. Sample is from the door to room 0 number 2. Sample is painted light green on one side and is white under the paint. The other side white and gray. It is rounded. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 0 number 9C that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:8:0:13B:0
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10 3 / 4 inches by 2 / 3 inch. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Appears to be wooden trim from room 1 number 2. There are two rusted nails still in the trim. Sample is brown. Date of trim is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 2 (President's office) that has the location of the sample marked. There is also an elevations plan for room 1 number 2 (President's office) included. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:9:0:14:0
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14 1 / 2 inches by 2 / 3 inch. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Appears to be wooden trim from room 1 number 2. Sample is brown. Date of trim is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 2 (President's Office) that has the location of the sample marked. There is also an elevations plan for room 1 number 2 (President's Office) included. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:9:0:14A:0
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5 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster sample taken from room 1 number 2 (President's Office). Sample is painted light green. Believed to be from above the fireplace on the south wall. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 2 (President's Office) that has the location of the sample marked. There is also an elevations plan included. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:9:0:14B:0
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8 inches by 6 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster sample taken from room 1 number 2 (President's Office) . Sample is painted light green. Believed to be from above the fireplace on the south wall. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 2 (President's Office) that has the location of the sample marked. There is also an elevations plan included. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:9:0:14C:0
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15 inches by 8 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is irregularly shaped and was measured at the longest and widest points. Plaster sample taken from room 1 number 3. Sample is painted green. Sample is from above the first period wall and ceiling. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 3 that has the location of the sample marked. There is also an elevations plan included. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:10:0:15:0
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Sample is in two pieces. First piece is 4 1 / 3 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Piece is triangular in shape. Second piece is 5 1 / 3 inches by 3 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inches. Sample is irregularly shaped and was measured at the longest and widest points. Plaster sample taken from room 1 number 3. Sample is white. Sample is from above the first period wall and ceiling. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 3 that has the location of the sample marked. There is also an elevations plan included. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:10:0:15A:0
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12 inches by 12 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is broken into three pieces. Ceiling tile sample taken from room 1 number 4. Sample is decorative acoustic with bas relief "Spanish serpentine." Sample has four raised circles attached to one side. The tile is gray and two of the circles are brown and the other two are yellow / cream. Date of tile is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. There is also an elevations plan for the room included. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11:0:16:0
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7 inches by 5 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is approximately 1 / 4 of a ceiling tile. Ceiling tile sample taken from room 1 number 4. Sample is decorative acoustic with bas relief "Spanish serpentine." Sample has 1 / 2 raised circle attached to one side. The tile is gray and the circle is brown. The tile is damaged and parts appear to be crumbling. The inside of the tile is slightly exposed. Date of tile is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. There is also an elevations plan for the room included. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11:0:16A:0
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12 inches by 11 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 2 / 3 inch. Ceiling tile sample taken from room 1 number 4. Sample is decorative acoustic with bas relief "Spanish serpentine." The tile is white. Date of tile is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. There is also an elevations plan for the room included. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11:0:16B:0
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15 1 / 2 inches by 13 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster sample from the west wall of room 1 number 4. Sample is in 10 pieces. Sample taken from the southern ridge 5 feet 11 inches from the corner. Sample is painted brown. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. There is also an elevations plan for the room included. The box that contained the sample had the following note written on the outside: Blackboard to the north of north ridge above three feet two inches from original floor. Not south of south wall. Feature covered by ca 1920 cabinet painted inside cabinet. Last exposed blackboard covered by cabinet. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11A:0:17:0
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5 1 / 2 inches by 4 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster sample taken from the north wall of room 1 number 4. It was taken from behind the east partition and is probably the original plaster. It was between the blackboard and the base. Sample is in several pieces and is crumbling. Sample is gray. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11B:0:18:0
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9 inches by 5 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster sample taken from the north wall of room 1 number 4. It was taken from behind the east partition. Sample is in four pieces. Sample is green, light green, and black. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11B:0:18A:0
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9 1 / 2 inches by 6 inches. Depth = 1 1 / 4 inch. Plaster sample taken from the north wall of room 1 number 4. It was taken from behind the east partition. Sample is in two pieces. Sample black with green flakes on it. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11B:0:18B:0
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Several slivers of wallpaper. One piece appears to be thicker and have a stone appearance. The thicker piece is 3 3 / 4 inches long by 1 / 2 inch. The piece is gray. The other piece is a curl of wallpaper that is brown and 2 1 / 2 inches by 1 / 4 inch. There are several smaller pieces. Wallpaper sample taken from room 1 number 4. It was taken from behind the door trim edge on the door that leads to room 1 number 5, below the blackboard. Date of wallpaper is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11C:0:19:0
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3 1 / 4 inches by 3 / 4 inch. A brown piece of wallpaper. Wallpaper sample taken from room 1 number 4. It was taken from behind the door trim edge on the door that leads to room 1 number 5, above the blackboard. Date of wallpaper is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11C:0:19A:0
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Sample consists of three pieces of wallpaper. First piece is 2 1 / 2 inches by 1 inch. Second piece is 1 3 / 4 inches by 1 / 2 inch. Third piece is 1 1 / 2 inches by 1 / 2 inch. Sample is brown. Wallpaper from the side of the door trim in room 1 number 4. From the door leading to room 1 number 5. From the east jamb above the height of the blackboard. The larger piece was left in place for photographic documentation. Date of wallpaper is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11C:0:19B:0
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17 1 / 2 inches by 2 inches. Depth ranges from 3 / 4 inch to 1 1 / 4 inches. Baseboard fragments including shoe sample taken from room 1 number 4. Sample brown and has a rusted nail sticking out of it. Date of wood is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11D:0:20:0
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12 1 / 2 inches by 6 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Baseboard fragments including shoe sample taken from room 1 number 4. Sample brown and has a rusted nail sticking out of it. Date of wood is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11D:0:20A:0
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The sample is in three pieces. The first piece is 19 inches by 8 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 1 / 4 inch. Second piece is 8 1 / 2 inches by 2 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Third piece is 8 1 / 2 inches by 3 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Original baseboard sample taken from room 1 number 4. Sample brown and appears to have been stained. One end was painted a brownish lavender and the other side was panted white. Date of wood is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. There was also a diagram of the Original Base Board included in the box. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11E:0:21:0
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The sample is in two pieces. The first piece is 16 1 / 4 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Second piece is 2 3 / 4 inches by 3 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Appears to be window or door trim and is curved. Sample is brown and appears to have been stained. Sample taken from 1 number 4. Date of wood is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. There was also a diagram of the Original Base Board included in the box. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:11E:0:21A:0
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12 1 / 4 inches by 9 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is in two pieces. Sample is plaster from the east wall, south partition of room 1 number 5. Sample has brown, black, and white paint. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 5 that has the location of the sample marked. Another plan with no key or legend was also included in the box. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:12:0:22:0
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The sample is in four irregular pieces. The measurements were taken at the longest and widest points. The first piece is 7 inches by 3 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Second piece is 3 1 / 4 by 3 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The third piece is 2 1 / 4 inches by 1 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The fourth piece is 2 1 / 2 inches by 1 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Pieces three and four appear to have been one piece and fit together. All pieces are crumbling. Sample is plaster from the west wall, north partition of room 1 number 5. Sample is gray and there are horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 5 that has the location of the sample marked. Another plan with no key or legend was also included in the box. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:12A:0:23:0
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9 inches by 1 inch. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Window sill fragment taken from the northwest window sill in room 1 number 6. Sample was found loose. Sample is wooden and one side is painted white. Date of wood is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 6 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:13:0:24:0
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11 1 / 4 inches by 12 inches. Wall veneer sample from room 1 number 6. Sample has thin strips of wood on one side that has been stained and shellacked. The piece is irregularly shaped and torn in places. Strips of wood are peeling off. Date of veneer is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 6 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:13:0:24A:0
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Sample is in four irregular pieces. The first piece is 8 inches by 5 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Second piece is 7 1 / 2 inches by 5 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The third piece is 6 1 / 2 inches by 5 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The fourth piece is 4 1 / 2 inches by 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Sample is plaster from the ceiling of the northwest quad of room 1 number 6. Sample has been painted yellow and there is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 6 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:13:0:24B:0
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Sample is in six pieces. The first piece is 9 1 / 2 inches by 4 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Second piece is 7 inches by 4 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The third piece is 5 1 / 2 inches by 4 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The fourth piece is 3 3 / 4 inches by 2 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The fifth piece is 3 1 / 2 inches by 1 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The sixth piece is 2 3 / 4 inches by 1 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Sample is plaster from the west wall of room 1 number 6. Sample has been painted light green on top of black paint and there is horse hair in the plaster. The green paint is flaking off. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 6 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:13A:0:25:0
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7 inches by 3 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is a ceiling tile fragment from room 1 number 7. This type of tile was also present in room 1 number 8. Sample is white. Date of the ceiling tile is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 7 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:14:0:26:0
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Sample is in four irregular pieces. The first piece is 6 1 / 2 inches by 4 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Second piece is 3 3 / 4 inches by 3 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The third piece is 3 1 / 2 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The fourth piece is 3 inches by 1 inch. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is plaster from the east wall of room 1 number 7. Sample has been painted a bluish white. A note stated, "transition from buff finish to white." Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 7 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:14:0:26A:0
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13 3 / 4 inches by 7 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Sample is plaster from the north wall of room 1 number 8. Sample has been painted white. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 8 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:15:0:27:0
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7 1 / 2 inches by 5 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Sample is plaster from the ceiling of room 1 number 8. Sample has been painted white. A thin circular item appears to have fallen off of the sample. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 8 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:15:0:27A:0
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Sample is in nine pieces. The first piece is 4 1 / 2 inches by 3 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 4 inch. Second piece is 1 3 / 4 inches by 3 / 4 inch. Depth = 1 / 4 inch. The third piece is 2 3 / 4 inches by 2 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 4 inch. The fourth piece is 5 inches by 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 4 inch. The fifth piece is 12 3 / 4 inches by 1 inch. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The sixth piece is 7 1 / 4 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 4 inch. The seventh piece is 5 1 / 2 inches by 1 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 4 inch. The eighth piece is 12 1 / 4 inches by 2 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 4 inch. The ninth piece is 13 1 / 2 inches by 1 inch. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Sample is a wooden stair bracket from room 1 number 9A. There are several rusted nails exposed. Some of the pieces have been cut to have curves. Some pieces were painted light green and others brown. The wood has been damaged by fire and water. Paint is flaking off and there is ashy residue on the wood. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed…

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:16:0:28:0
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21 inches by 3 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Sample is in three pieces. Plaster necking sample taken from the south end of the west wall in room 1 number 9C. Sample is painted a dingy cream. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 9C that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:17:0:29:0
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Sample is in five pieces. The first piece is 6 3 / 4 inches by 3 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Second piece is 6 1 / 2 inches by 3 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The third piece is 4 inches by 1 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The fourth piece is 3 1 / 2 inches by 3 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The fifth piece is 2 inches by 1 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster necking sample taken from the south end of the west wall in room 1 number 9C. Sample is painted a dingy cream. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 9C that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:17:0:29A:0
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Sample is in five pieces. The first piece is 6 3 / 4 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Second piece is 4 1 / 2 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 1 / 4 inches. The third piece is 2 1 / 2 inches by 1 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 3 / 4 inches. The fourth piece is 1 3 / 4 inches by 1 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The fifth piece is 1 1 / 4 inches by 1 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Plaster wall sample A taken from the wall directly below the cornice sample in room 1 number 9C. Sample is painted gray. There are horse hairs in the sample. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 9C that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:17A:0:30:0
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Sample is in three pieces. The first piece is 6 inches by 5 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Second piece is 2 3 / 4 inches by 1 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 inches. The third piece is 2 inches by 1 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 inches. Plaster wall sample B from the wall directly below the cornice in room 1 number 9C. Sample is painted gray with a light pink paint underneath. The sample is crumbling into many pieces. There are horse hairs in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 9C that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:17A:0:30A:0
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Sample is in nine irregular pieces. The first piece is 6 3 / 4 inches by 5 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Second piece is 3 1 / 2 inches by 2 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The third piece is 5 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The fourth piece is 4 1 / 2 inches by 3 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The fifth piece is 2 1 / 2 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The sixth piece is 3 3 / 4 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The seventh piece is 5 1 / 4 inches by 4 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The eighth piece is 3 1 / 4 inches by 3 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The ninth piece is 2 inches by 1 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster wall sample taken from room 1 number 9C. Sample is painted a yellowish white with blue paint underneath. There are horse hairs in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 9C that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:17A:0:30B:0
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3 1 / 2 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is an irregular fragment. Appears to be a plaster necking sample taken from room 1 number 9C. Sample is painted a dingy cream. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 9C that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:17A:0:30C:0
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17 1/ 2 inches by 13 inches. Depth = 3 1 / 2 inches. Plaster cornice sample taken from room 1 number 9C. Sample is painted a cream, blue green, and white. The underside of the sample has a metal mesh frame. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 9C that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:17B:0:31:0
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Sample is in six irregular pieces. The first piece is 5 1 / 2 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 1 / 4 inch. Second piece is 3 1 / 4 inches by 2 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The third piece is 3 3 / 4 inches by 1 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The fourth piece is 4 inches by 2 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The fifth piece is 10 1 / 2 inches by 3 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 1/ 4 inch. The sixth piece is 9 3 / 4 inches by 6 inches. Depth = 1 inch. There are numerous smaller pieces that have broken off. Plaster wall sample taken from the east wall in room 2 number 1 (the chapel). The sample was taken from between the north window and the next window south. Sample is painted gray with some pieces showing black and white paint as well. Underneath the gray paint there appears to be beige paint. There are horse hairs in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 1 (the chapel) that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:18:0:32:0
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Sample is in eight irregular pieces. The first piece is 6 inches by 3 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Second piece is 5 3 / 4 inches by 4 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The third piece is 2 1 / 2 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The fourth piece is 3 3 / 4 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The fifth piece is 3 3 / 4 inches by 2 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The sixth piece is 3 1 / 2 inches by 1 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The seventh piece is 4 inches by 2 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The eight piece is 3 1 / 2 inches by 2 1/ 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. There are numerous smaller pieces that have broken off. Much of the sample has crumbled. Plaster wall sample taken from the west wall in room 2 number 1 (the chapel). The sample is from the north end of the dais where it overlaps the wainscot and the first partitions to disrupt space. The sample is painted white, tan, and black. There are horse hairs in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown…

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:18A:0:33:0
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8 inches by 6 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Plaster sample taken from the north wall in room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) The sample was taken from the left of the door to room 2 number 9A. Sample is painted tan, gray, and white. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 1(the chapel) that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:18B:0:34:0
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The sample is in two pieces. The first piece is 18 1 / 2 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 1 1 / 4 inches. The second piece is 18 3 / 4 inches by 9 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 2 inches. Wooden door trim sample taken from room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) Sample appears to be stained and has white and brown paint on it. The sample is fire and water damaged. Date of wood is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 1 (the chapel) that has the location of the sample marked. There is a note included with this sample that states "Door Trim Note: Standard for all oversized doors." [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:18C:0:35:0
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The sample is in three pieces. The first piece is 2 1 / 2 inches by 2 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The second piece is 23 inches by 4 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The third piece is 10 inches by 3 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The sample has rusted nails sticking out of it as well as two staples. Wooden subfloor sample taken from room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) Sample appears to be stained and has cream and brown paint on it. Date of wood is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 1 (the chapel) that has the location of the sample marked. There is a note included with this sample that states "Note: Possibly ceiling used as subfloor. Cut (fragment included) to retain dimensions of painted and unpainted surfaces." [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:18D:0:36:0
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3 1 / 4 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 4 inch. The sample is in two pieces and has many pieces that have broken off. Plaster sample taken from the south wall in room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) The sample was taken from next to the door to room 2 number 9B. Sample is painted blue gray and has some black and tan paint exposed. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 1(the chapel) that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:18E:0:37:0
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The sample is in four pieces. The first piece is 18 inches by 6 inches. Depth ranges from 1 / 4 inch to 2 1 / 4 inches. The second piece is 6 inches by 4 1 / 4 inches. Depth ranges from 1 / 4 inch to 2 1 / 4 inches. The third piece is 10 inches by 1 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 2 1 / 4 inch. The fourth piece is 10 inches by 5 inches. Depth ranges from 1 / 4 inch to 1 3 / 4 inches. Wooden window trim sample taken from the west wall of room 2 number 3. Sample is painted white. There are rusted nails in the wood. Date of wood is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 3 that has the location of the sample marked. There is a note included that states "Note: Generic window trim same as standard door trim." [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:19:0:38:0
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12 inches by 11 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is plaster taken from the south wall of room 2 number 6A. Sample is painted light green and dark gray. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 6A that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

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Circular. Diameter = 4 inches. Sample is a stamped brass gas light collar from the center of the ceiling in room 2 number 6A. The brass appears to be corroding. Date of the stamped brass gas light collar is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 6A that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:20:0:39A:0
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The sample has broken into five large pieces with numerous smaller pieces. The first piece is 5 1 / 4 inches by 5 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The second piece is 4 3 / 4 inches by 3 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The third piece is 4 1 / 2 inches by 3 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The fourth piece is 5 inches by 3 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The fifth piece is 7 1 / 2 inches by 4 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Sample is plaster from the south wall of room 2 number 6B. The sample appears to have been painted cream on top of a light green paint. There is also a small bit of brown and white paint showing. Most of the cream paint has flaked off into large pieces. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of the plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 6B that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:21:0:40:0
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14 1 / 2 inches by 7 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is in six pieces. Sample is plaster taken from the east wall of room 2 number 7. Sample is painted white. There is black and tan paint exposed beneath the white paint. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 7 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:22:0:41:0
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12 3 / 4 inches by 12 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is in four pieces. Sample is plaster taken from the west wall, between the south window and corner of room 2 number 7. Sample is painted white. There is tan paint exposed beneath the white paint. Part of the sample is black but it is unclear whether or not it was painted. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 7 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:22A:0:42:0
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2 1 / 4 inches by 11 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Sample is plaster taken from the north wall above the blackboard of room 3 number 3. Sample is painted tan. There is cream paint exposed beneath the white paint. There appears to be horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 3 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:23:0:43:0
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Sample is in six pieces. The first piece is 3 1 / 2 inches by 2 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The second piece is 2 3 / 4 inches by 1 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The third piece is 2 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The fourth piece is 1 3 / 4 inches by 1 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The fifth piece is 1 3 / 4 inches by 1 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The sixth piece is 1 inch by 1 inch. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is plaster taken from the north wall of room 3 number 3. Sample is black. It may be charred or be a part of the blackboard. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 3 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:23:0:43A:0
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Sample is in six pieces. The first piece is 4 inches by 3 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The second piece is 4 1 / 4 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The third piece is 3 1 / 4 inches by 1 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The fourth piece is 2 inches by 1 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The fifth piece is 1 1 / 4 inches by 1 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The sixth piece is 1 inch by 1 inch. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. Sample is plaster taken from the north wall of room 3 number 3. Sample is painted tan and white. There appears to be soot from the fire and smoke on the sample. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 3 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:23:0:43B:0
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8 inches by 5 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is plaster taken from the west wall at the bottom of the blackboard of room 3 number 4. Sample is painted tan and red. There appears to be soot from the fire and smoke on the sample. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:24:0:44:0
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6 3 / 4 inches by 6 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 1 / 2 inches. Sample is plaster taken from the west wall at the bottom of the blackboard of room 3 number 4. Sample is black and gray. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:24:0:44A:0
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Sample is in 2 pieces. The first piece is 10 1 / 4 inches by 6 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The second piece is 4 inches by 3 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. There are several smaller pieces that have broken off of the sample. Sample is plaster taken from the west wall at the top of the blackboard of room 3 number 4. Sample is painted tan and gray. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:24A:0:45:0
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Sample is in numerous broken pieces with only one that is easily measurable. It is 4 inches by 2 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 3 / 4 inches. Sample is plaster taken from the west wall at the top of the blackboard of room 3 number 4. Sample is black and gray. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 4 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:24A:0:45A:0
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The sample is in 3 pieces. The first piece is 8 1 / 2 inches by 6 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The second piece is 6 1 / 2 inches by 3 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The third piece is 2 3 / 4 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. There are smaller pieces breaking and crumbling off of the sample. Sample is plaster taken from the south wall of room 3 number 6. Sample is black and and white with remnants of bluish gray and green paint. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 6 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:25:0:46:0
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5 1 / 2 inches by 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. There are smaller pieces breaking and crumbling off of the sample. Sample is plaster taken from the south wall of room 3 number 6. Sample is grayish white covered with peeling tan paint. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 6 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:25:0:46A:0
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4 inches by 2 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is plaster taken from the south wall within the partition line, above the blackboard, of room 3 number 7. Sample is painted brown on top of white. The brown paint appears to be water damaged and is flaking off. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 7 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:26:0:47:0
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Sample is in two pieces. The first piece is 9 inches by 8 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 inch. The second piece is 7 inches by 5 3 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Sample is plaster taken from the south wall of room 3 number 7. Sample is appears to be blackboard partially covered with white paint. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 7 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:26:0:47A:0
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Sample is in ten pieces. The first piece is 4 inches by 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The second piece is 5 1 / 4 inches by 3 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The third piece is 3 3 / 4 inches by 2 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The fourth piece is 2 1 / 2 inches by 1 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The fifth piece is 6 inches by 4 1 / 2 inches. The sixth piece is 3 3 / 4 inches by 2 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 2 inch. The seventh piece is 5 1 / 4 inches by 3 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The eighth piece is 2 inches by 1 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The ninth piece is 2 1 / 4 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. The tenth piece is 2 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. There are several smaller pieces and the sample appears to be crumbling. Sample is plaster taken from the south wall of room 3 number 7. The sample appears to be cream and brown with a few bits of black. The brown paint appears water or fire damaged. There is horse hair in the plaster. Date of plaster is…

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:26:0:47B:0
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Various samples of wallpaper from the southwest corner of room 3 number 7. The wallpaper is preserved in archival paper and appears to be fire damaged. Date of the wallpaper is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 3 number 7 that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:26A:0:48:0
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Sample is in three pieces. The first piece is 2 1 / 2 inches by 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 4 inch. The second piece is 2 inches by 1 inch. Depth = 1 / 8 inch. The third piece is 1 1 / 2 inches by 3 / 4 inch. Depth = 1 / 4 inch. The sample is quoin from the exterior of the Main / Administration Building. The sample was taken from the south side of the main entrance. The sample appears to be stone like and gray with a brick red color exposed. There was a note included with the sample that states "Shows buff mortar to match stone belt course." Date of the quoin is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:27:0:49:0
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8 1 / 2 inches by 4 1 / 2 inches. Depth = 1 / 4 inch. Sample is a metal cornice bracket that was found in room 2 number 9B but was most likely from the exterior of the building. The cornice is decorative. The metal is rusted and corroding in places. There was a note included with the sample that stated, "Found in room 2 number 9B, probably exterior." Date of the metal is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:27:0:49A:0
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8 inches by 4 inches. Depth = 3 inches. Sample is a wall brick and mortar is typical of the interior. The brick is dark and appears to be gray. There was a note with the sample that stated that it was "typical of the interior, found in room 1 number 5 from broken jamb of opening cut for elevator. Date of the brick is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:27:0:49B:0
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19 1 / 2 inches by 3 inches. Depth = 1 inch. Pine floor sample from room 1 number 2 (President's Office.) Sample appears to be painted brown on top of an orangish red paint. There was a note included with the sample that stated, "Pine sample from room 1 number 2, President's Office, is typical of original flooring with the exception tat this floor was painted red. Both pine samples had oak floor laid over them ca 1920 and only removed as part of the post fire demolition." Date of flooring is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 1 number 2 (the President's Office) that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:28:0:50:0
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19 inches by 3 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 1 1 / 4 inches. Pine floor sample from room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) Sample appears to be stained and has two rusted nails exposed. There was a note included with the sample that stated, "Pine sample from room 2 number 1, chapel, is typical original flooring. Both pine samples had oak floor laid over them ca 1920 and only removed as part of the post fire demolition." Date of flooring is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. Includes a room plan of room 2 number 1 (the chapel) that has the location of the sample marked. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:28:0:50A:0
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19 1 / 2 inches by 2 1 / 4 inches. Depth = 3 / 4 inch. Oak floor sample from room 2 number 4. Sample appears to be stained but its color has become grayish. There was a note included with the sample that stated, "Oak sample from room 2 number 4 is typical of the ca 1920 over flooring laid throughout, except basement." Date of flooring is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:28:0:50B:0
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Paint Samples taken from exterior: recessed area of panel on the front door, field of panel on the front door, rail on the front door; Northeast room of the basement: window jamb, paneled jamb on the new doorway; room 1 number 5: east far right window, east far right window, door jamb leading to room 1 number 6, door jamb leading to room 1 number 6; room 2 number 1 (the chapel): plaster side, plaster side, pedestal rail, pedestal rail, pedestal panel, pedestal panel, window panel field, window panel field, window panel rail. window panel rail, wainscot rail, wainscot rail; room 2 number 9A: door, door. Samples are in individual envelopes. Date of paint is unknown but it was removed in [2002]. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:29:0:51:0
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1 folder. The budget series contains the order forms for the preservation materials from the company Light Impressions. The materials ordered were the archival boxes for the preservation of the artifacts. The items were ordered on the Internet in 2002.

The order forms for preservation materials from the company Light Impressions. [2002]

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1 folder. The correspondence series consists of email correspondence. The correspondence pertains to the personnel for the preservation project and the history of the Main / Administration Building. The date span of this series is August 6, 2001 - July 2, 2002.

Includes three different sets of email correspondence. There is an email message sent from James Pott to Tonya Wright regarding the people to be contacted to work on the preservation project. There is also a series of email messages between James Potts and Paul Cable discussing the history of the University of Kentucky and the Main / Administration Building. There is also an email from Paul Doronila to Laura Philip confirming the order of preservation materials from Light Impressions. August 6, 2001 - July 2, 2002

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:1:2:0:0
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48 folders. The facsimile series contains scans, photocopies, and digital photographs for the exterior and each room of the Main / Administration building. The series is divided into forty-eight sub-series, each consisting of one folder. There are four sub-series pertaining to the exterior of the building: exterior east, exterior north, exterior south, and exterior west. There are forty-four sub-series pertaining to rooms within the Main / Administration Building. Each room is labeled according to a number assigned to its floor and room. The floor numbers are as follows: zero refers to the ground floor, one refers to the first floor, two refers to the second floor, and three refers to the third floor. The rooms on each floor are labeled by the numbers one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine A, nine B, and nine C. For example, the first room on the ground floor would be labeled as room 0 number 1. The labeling system was developed by the preservation team and there are floor plans which illustrate this labeling system in the series plans and sub-series file legend. The folders in this series contain photocopies of the floor plans for each room, plans of the exterior, diagrams of objects found in the rooms or the exterior, digital photos taken in the rooms or the exterior, photocopies of historical text as it relates to specific rooms or the exterior, and scans of photographic prints that relate to specific rooms or the exterior. Actual photographic prints from this collection have been removed and placed in the photographic print series. The date span of this series ranges from 1882 - 2001.

Exterior East Elevation

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining to the Main / Administration Building's exterior from the east elevation. There are two digital pictures, a historical timeline of the Main / Administration Building's construction, a scan showing the east and south facades of the building, and some information about the historical significance of the building which includes a picture of the east facade before 1897. There is also a scan which shows the Main / Administration Building's west elevation with a note stating, "note small steps to back door." [1882 - 2001]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:1:3:0:0
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Exterior North Elevation

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining to the Main / Administration Building's exterior from the north elevation. There is a historical timeline of the construction of the Main / Administration Building. There is also a scan of the first page of a newspaper article which shows some early pictures of the University of Kentucky that include the Main / Administration Building. There is also a scan showing pictures of the west and north facades of the building. There are two scans that show pictures of the Main / Administration building. One of the scans shows the clock tower cupola and the other shows the flat topped cupola. [1882 - 2001]

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Exterior South Elevation.

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining to the exterior of the Main / Administration Building from the south elevation. There is a historical timeline of the construction of the Main / Administration Building and a scan showing pictures of the east and south facades of the building. [1882 - 2001]

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Exterior West Elevation.

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining to the exterior of the Main / Administration Building from the south elevation. There is a historical timeline of the construction of the Main / Administration Building and a scan showing pictures of the west and north facades of the building. There are 15 digital photos of the exterior of the Main / Administration Building and many of the photographs include hand written notes. There is a copy of a letter written in 1948 about the donation of lights from the Phoenix Hotel to the University of Kentucky. The note is written by Thomas D. Boyd to Ezra Gillis. There is also a scan of the first page of a newspaper article which shows some early pictures of the University of Kentucky that include the Main / Administration Building. There is some copied information about the historical significance of the building which includes a picture of the west facade before 1897. There are several different scans and copies of photographs…

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Interior Room 0 number 1

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 0 number 1 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the ground / basement floor as well as a Room Plan and Reflected ceiling plan for room 0 number 1. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on certain parts of the plan. There are also two digital photographs from the room. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 0 number 2

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 0 number 2 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the ground / basement floor as well as a Room Plan and Reflected ceiling plan for room 0 number 2. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on certain parts of the plan. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 0 number 3

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 0 number 3 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the ground / basement floor as well as a Room Plan and Reflected ceiling plan for room 0 number 3. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on certain parts of the plan. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 0 number 4

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 0 number 4 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the ground / basement floor as well as a Room Plan and Reflected ceiling plan for room 0 number 4. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on certain parts of the plan. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 0 number 5

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 0 number 5 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the ground / basement floor as well as a Room Plan and Reflected ceiling plan for room 0 number 5. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on certain parts of the plan. There are also 16 digital photographs, some of which include hand written notes. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 0 number 6

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 0 number 6 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the ground / basement floor as well as a Room Plan and Reflected ceiling plan for room 0 number 6. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on certain parts of the plan. There are also 14 digital photographs, some of which include hand written notes. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 0 number 7

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 0 number 7 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the ground / basement floor as well as a Room Plan and Reflected ceiling plans for room 0 number 7. Both of the plans include hand written notes elaborating on certain parts of the plan. There are also 7 digital photographs. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 0 number 8

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 0 number 8 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the ground / basement floor as well as a Room Plan and Reflected ceiling plan for room 0 number 8. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on certain parts of the plan. There are also 3 digital photographs with hand written notes describing aspects of the picture. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 0 number 9A

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 0 number 9A of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the ground / basement floor as well as a Reflected ceiling plan, and two plans for the Original Sash for room 0 number 9A. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on certain parts of the plan. There are also two digital photographs with hand written notes. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 0 number 9B

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 0 number 9B of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the ground / basement floor as well as a Room plan for room 0 number 9B. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 0 number 9C

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 0 number 9C of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the ground / basement floor. There is also a Room and Reflected Ceiling plan for room 0 number 9C. The room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There is one digital photograph that includes a hand written note. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 1 number 1

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 1 number 1 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the first floor as well as a Room plan, a Reflected Ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 1 number 1. The room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are five digital photographs that include a hand written note. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 1 number 2

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 1 number 2 (they President's Office) of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the first floor as well as a Room plan, a Reflected Ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 1 number 2. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are five digital photographs. There are also two photocopies showing President James K. Patterson sitting at his desk in the President's Office. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 1 number 3

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 1 number 3 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the first floor as well as a Room plan, a Reflected Ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 1 number 3. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are 30 digital photographs, some with hand written notes. There is also a historical timeline of the building's construction. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 1 number 4

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 1 number 4 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the first floor as well as a Room plan, a Reflected Ceiling plan, an Elevations plan, and an Original Base Board plan for room 1 number 4. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are 24 digital photographs, some with hand written notes. There is also a page of notes and a historical timeline of the building's construction. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 1 number 5

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 1 number 5 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the first floor as well as a Room plan, a Reflected Ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 1 number 5. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are 10 digital photographs. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 1 number 6

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 1 number 6 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the first floor as well as a Room plan, a Reflected Ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 1 number 6. The Room plan includes handwritten notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are 12 digital photographs and a sheet of notes about the room. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 1 number 7

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 1 number 7 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the first floor as well as a Room plan, a Reflected Ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 1 number 7. The Room plan includes hand written notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are 5 digital photographs, some with handwritten descriptions. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 1 number 8

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 1 number 8 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the first floor as well as a Room plan, a Reflected Ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 1 number 8. The Room plan and Reflected ceiling plan include handwritten notes elaborating on parts of the plans. There are 3 digital photographs. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 1 number 9A

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 1 number 9A of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the first floor as well as a Room plan for room 1 number 9A. The Room plan includes handwritten notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are 12 digital photographs. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 1 number 9B

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 1 number 9B of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the first floor as well as a Room plan for room 1 number 9B. There is 1 digital photograph. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 1 number 9C

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 1 number 9C of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the first floor as well as a Reflected ceiling plan and Elevations plan for room 1 number 9C. The Reflected ceiling plan includes handwritten notes that elaborate on parts of the plan. There are 4 digital photographs, some with handwritten descriptions. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 2 number 1

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 2 number 1 (the chapel) of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the second floor as well as a Room plans, a Reflected Ceiling plans, and Elevations plans for room 2 number 1 (the chapel). The room plan include handwritten notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are diagrams of the chapel window and columns and a hand drawn diagram of the stage. There are also photocopies and scans of historical photographs of the chapel interior. There are 52 digital photographs, some of which include handwritten notes. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 2 number 2

Room 2 number 2 does not exist. See plan file legend. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 2 number 3

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 2 number 3 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the second floor as well as a Room plan, Reflected ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 2 number 3. The Room plan includes handwritten notes that elaborate on parts of the plan. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 2 number 4

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 2 number 4 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the second floor as well as a Room plan, Reflected ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 2 number 4. The Room plan includes handwritten notes that elaborate on parts of the plan. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 2 number 5

Room 2 number 5 does not exist. See plan file legend. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 2 number 6

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 2 number 6 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the second floor as well as a Room plan, Reflected ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 2 number 6. The Room plan includes handwritten notes that elaborate on parts of the plan. There are three digital photographs. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 2 number 7

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 2 number 7 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the second floor as well as a Room plan, Reflected ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 2 number 7. The Room plan includes handwritten notes that elaborate on parts of the plan. There are 8 digital photographs. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 2 number 8

Room 2 number 8 does not exist. See plan file legend. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 2 number 9A

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 2 number 9A and B of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the second floor as well as a Room plan for room 2 number 9A. There are three digital photographs. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 2 number 9B

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 2 number 9B of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the second floor. There are two digital photographs. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 2 number 9C

Room 2 number 9C does not exist. See plan file legend. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 3 number 1

Room 3 number 1 does not exist. See plan file legend. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 3 number 2

Room 3 number 2 does not exist. See plan file legend. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 3 number 3

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 3 number 3 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the third floor as well as a Room plan, Reflected ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 3 number 3. The Room plan includes handwritten notes elaborating on parts of the plan. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 3 number 4

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 3 number 4 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the third floor as well as a Room plan, Reflected ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 3 number 4. The Room plan includes handwritten notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are 24 digital photographs. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 3 number 5

Room 3 number 5 does not exist. See plan file legend. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 3 number 6

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 3 number 6 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the third floor as well as a Room plan, Reflected ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 3 number 6. The Room plan includes handwritten notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are two digital photographs. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 3 number 7

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 3 number 7 of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the third floor as well as a Room plan, Reflected ceiling plan, and an Elevations plan for room 3 number 7. The Room plan includes handwritten notes elaborating on parts of the plan. There are 12 digital photographs. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 3 number 8

Room 3 number 8 does not exist. See plan file legend. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 3 number 9A

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 3 number 9A of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the third floor as well as a Room plan for rooms 3 number 9A and B. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 3 number 9B

Includes scans, photocopies, and digital photographs pertaining the the interior room 3 number 9B of the Main / Administration Building. There are several copies of plans for the third floor as well as a Room plan for rooms 3 number 9A and B. [1882 - 2001]

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Interior Room 3 number 9C

Room 3 number 9C does not exist. See plan file legend. [1882 - 2001]

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1 folder. The history series contains photocopies of historical texts that refer to the Main / Administration Building and scans of photographic prints that show the building at various points in its history. In some cases there are many photocopies of the same text or photograph. Many of the photocopies are hard to view because they are either too dark or too light. The dates of the specific texts and photographs are not known but the date span of this series is based on the information concerning the Main / Administration Building from 1882 - 2001.

Includes historical information relating to the construction, use, and significance of the Main / Administration Building. Consists primarily of photocopies from various history texts. There are many photocopies of historical photographs as well. [1882 - 2001]

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Meeting Minutes

2 folders. The meeting minutes series consists of two sub-series. There is one folder in the Board of Trustees sub-series. The Board of Trustees sub-series contains photocopied excerpts from various University of Kentucky Board of Trustees meeting minutes that refer to the Main / Administration Building. The references generally refer to its construction, renovation, and function throughout history. The date span for the Board of Trustees sub-series is approximately 1880 - 2001. There is one folder in the progress meeting sub-series. The progress meeting sub-series contains photocopies of the minutes of the reconstruction progress meeting which was attended by Dennis Domer, Stephanie Letchert, Jack Blanton, Dan Rowland, Paul Cable, Ken Clevidence, Charles Phillips, John Kasperbaurer, and Jim Potts. The date of the reconstruction progress meeting was September 24, 2001. The date span of the meeting minutes series is approximately 1880 - 2001.

Board of Trustees

Includes excerpts of various University of Kentucky Board of Trustees minutes that refer to the Main / Administration Building. [1880 - 2001]

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Progress Meeting

The meeting minutes for the Reconstruction progress meeting. Dennis Domer, Stephanie Letchert, Jack Blanton, Dan Rowland, Paul Cable, Ken Clevidence, Charles Phillips, John Kasperbaurer, and Jim Potts were present. 24-Sep-01

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1 folder. The miscellaneous series contains fourteen digital photographs. The digital photographs contained in this series are of subjects that do not fit into any of the other series. The subjects of these photographs include tools, artifacts being collected, plans spread out on tables, workstations for preservation of artifacts, a truck packed with supplies, and an unidentified person in the Main / Administration Building. The digital photographs in this series were all taken in 2002.

There are 14 digital photographs of various subjects. Subjects include people, tools, samples, work stations, and a vehicle. [2002]

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1 folder. The notes series contains a set of Main / Administration Building floor plans with many notations written on them and papers that have hand drawn diagrams and notes. These notes were written in 1999.

Includes a set of plans that are covered in notes and several sheets of paper with notes, diagrams, and tables. [1999]

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Photographic Print

32 images. The photographic print series contains photographic prints of the Main / Administration Building. The photographs in this series are either reprints of historical photographs or are photographs taken by the members of the preservation project. The photographs taken by the members of the preservation project are both original prints and digital photographs that have been printed on photographic paper. The images are described by their physical dimensions and their subject. The date span for this series is 1882 - 2002.

8 inches by 10 inches. Black and White Print. Shows the Main / Administration Building from the east elevation. Shows the back of the building including clock tower cupola. Reprint of original. Original in General Print File - 2001UA025, Box 2, Buildings and Grounds - Administration Building ( 1 ), Image 396. [1882 - 1890]

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8 inches by 10 inches. Black and White Print. Shows the front of the Main / Administration Building from the west elevation. Building has the clock tower cupola. Reprint of the original. Original in the General Print File - 2001UA025, Box 2, Buildings and Grounds - Administration Building ( 1 ), Image 395. [1890 - 1897]

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8 inches by 10 inches. Black and White Print. Shows the front of the Main / Administration Building from the west elevation. The building has the clock tower cupola. Reprint of the original. Original is in the General Print File - 2001UA025, Box 2, Buildings and Grounds - Administration Building ( 2 ), Image 399. [1890 - 1897]

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8 inches by 10 inches. Black and White Print. Shows President James K. Patterson at the lectern in room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) Reprint of the original. Original in Louis E. Nollau Photographic Print Collection - 1998UA001, Box 5A, Folder 97, Item 24. [1900]

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8 inches by 10 inches. Black and White Print. Cadets with rifles in front of the Main / Administration Building. Shows the front of the building from the west elevation. Reprint of the original. Location of the original unknown. [1901]

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8 inches by 10 inches. Black and White Print. Cadets with rifles in front of the Main / Administration Building. Cadets are in formation, facing left. Shows the front of the building from the west elevation. Reprint of the original. Original in the General Print File - 2001UA025, Military Department ( 2 ), Item and Box number are not yet assigned. [1901]

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8 inches by 10 inches. Black and White Print. Shows the front of the Main / Administration Building from a west elevation. The building has the flat roofed cupola and is covered in ivy. Reprint of the original. Original in the General Print File - 2001UA025, Buildings and Grounds - Administration Building ( 2 ), Image 401. [1905]

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8 inches by 10 inches. Black and White Print. Shows the front of the Main / Administration Building from the west elevation. Building has the flat roofed cupola and is covered in ivy. Reprint of the original. Original is in the General Print File - 2001UA025, Box 2, Buildings and Grounds - Administration Building ( 2 ), Image 402. [1905]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of a paint sample taken from room 0 number 5 (northeast room of the basement) from the doorway. Picture before sample was taken. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of the paint sample taken from room 0 number 5 (northeast room of the basement) from the new doorway. Picture after sample was taken. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of a paint sample taken from the right window in room 0 number 6 (northeast room of the basement.) [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of a paint sample taken from a window in room 0 number 6 (northeast room of the basement.) Picture after the samples were removed. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of a paint sample taken from room 0 number 6 (northeast room of the basement.) Picture before the sample was removed. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows front door paneling: rail and stile flush. Picture includes a ruler to show scale. From room 1 number 1. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of paint samples from the front door in room 1 number 1. Picture after the sample was removed. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the left part of the front door in room 1 number 1. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the right part of the front door in room 1 number 1. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of the paint samples taken from the front door in room 1 number 1. Picture before the samples were taken. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of the floor sample taken from room 1 number 2 (president's office.) [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of floor samples taken from room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) Picture taken before the samples were removed. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of floor samples taken from room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) Picture taken before the samples were removed. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of floor samples taken from room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) Picture taken before the samples were removed. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the chapel window in room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows ornamental metal work from room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows ornamental metal work from room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows ornamental metal work from room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) [2002]

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8 1 / 4 inches by 10 3 / 8 inches. Digital Photo. Color Print. Shows columns in room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) [2002]

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7 7 / 8 inches by 10 1 / 4. Digital Photo. Color Print. Shows columns in room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) [2002]

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7 7 / 8 inches by 10 1 / 2 inches. Digital Photo. Color Print. Shows a column in room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) [2002]

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7 7 / 8 inches by 10 1 / 2 inches. Digital Photo. Color Print. Shows the top of a column and an arch in room 2 number 1 (the chapel.) [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of the oak floor sample taken from room 2 number 4. Picture taken before the sample was removed. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows the location of the oak floor sample taken from room 2 number 4. Picture taken after the sample was removed. [2002]

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4 inches by 6 inches. Color Print. Shows a gas collar in room 2 number 6. [2002]

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4 folders, 16 items. The plans series contains floor plans, room plans, elevation plans, and diagrams of the Main / Administration Building. This series contains one sub-series. The file legend sub-series consists of one folder which contains floor plans that clarify the room labeling system that was developed by the preservation team. The other three folders in the plans series contain photocopies of original plans as well as a few smaller (8 1 / 2 inches by 11 inches) original plans. There are sixteen items in this series which are oversized floor plans that have been placed in the Oversized / Flat File Collection, 2001UA065. The items are assigned their number according to their location in the Oversized / Flat File collection. Many of the items have more than one page but are only assigned one item number. After the first page, Each page is denoted by a letter following the item number. The date span of this series is 1882 - 2002.

Includes various floor plans and blueprints of the Main / Administration Building from its original construction to 1920. [1882 - 1920]

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Includes various floor plans of the Main / Administration Building from 1947. 1947

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: none; architectural project number: none; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: none; drawing number: A - 1. Ground / Basement floor plan: scale 3/16 inch = 1.0 foot. Note: Existing walls after fire. [2001]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:424:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: none; architectural project number: none; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: none; drawing number: A - 2. First floor plan: scale 3/16 inch = 1.0 foot. Note: Existing walls after fire. [2001]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:424A:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: none; architectural project number: none; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: none; drawing number: A - 3. Second floor plan: scale 3/16 inch = 1.0 foot. Note: Existing walls after fire. [2001]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:424B:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: none; architectural project number: none; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: none; drawing number: A - 4. Third floor plan: scale 3/16 inch = 1.0 foot. Note: Existing walls after fire. [2001]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:424C:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: 2018.0; architectural project number: 0107; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: Roof Plan; drawing number: A - 7. Roof plan: scale 3/16 inch = 1.0 foot. Note: Drawings represent general appearance and scope of work included contractor responsible for all dimensions, sizes shapes to be verified in field. [2001]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:424D:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: 2018.0; architectural project number: 0107; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: North and South Elevations; drawing number: A - 10. North Elevation: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1.0 foot. South Elevation: 1 / 8 inch = 1 foot. Note: none. [2001]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:424E:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: 2018.0; architectural project number: 0107; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: Rear Elevation; drawing number: A - 9. Rear Elevation: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1.0 foot. Note: none. [2001]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:424F:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: 2018.0; architectural project number: 0107; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: Front Elevation; drawing number: A - 8. Rear Elevation: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1.0 foot. Note: none. [2001]

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. No legend or other identifying text. [2001]

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. No legend or other identifying text. [2001]

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. No legend or other identifying text. [2001]

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Includes various floor plans of the Main / Administration Building from the reconstruction and preservation in 2001 and 2002. 2001 - 2002

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: none; architectural project number: none; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: none; drawing number: A - 1. Ground / basement floor plan: scale 3 / 16 inch = 1 foot. Note: Existing walls after fire. [2002]

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: none; architectural project number: none; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: none; drawing number: A - 2. First floor plan: scale 3 / 16 inch = 1 foot. Note: Existing walls after fire. [2002]

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: none; architectural project number: none; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: none; drawing number: A - 3. Second floor plan: scale 3 / 16 inch = 1 foot. Note: Existing walls after fire. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:425B:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: none; architectural project number: none; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: none; description: none; drawing number: A - 4. Third floor plan: scale 3 / 16 inch = 1 foot. Note: Existing walls after fire. [2002]

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. There is no information regarding architect but it can be assumed that the structural architects are James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. Second floor plan: scale not stated. Note: Existing walls after fire. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:426:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. There is no information regarding architect but it can be assumed that the structural architects are James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. Third floor plan: scale not stated. Note: Existing walls after fire. [2002]

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:426A:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 0 number 9 A and B. Reflected ceiling plan: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1.0 foot. Note: Modified from CADD files provided by James W. Potts. December, 2001

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 0 number 9 A and B. Room plan: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1.0 foot. Note: Modified from CADD files provided by James W. Potts. December, 2001

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:429A:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 0 number 9 C. Room plan: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1.0 foot. Note: Modified from CADD files provided by James W. Potts. December, 2001

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:430:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 1 number 2. Scale: not specified. December, 2001

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 1 number 2. Scale: not specified. December, 2001

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:431A:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 1 number 3. Scale: not specified. December, 2001

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 1 number 4. Scale: not specified. December, 2001

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 1 number 8. Scale: not specified. December, 2001

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 2 number 1. Elevations: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1 foot. December, 2001

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 2 number 1. Elevations: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1 foot. December, 2001

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 2 number 1. Reflected Ceiling Plan: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1 foot. Note: Modified from CADD files provided by James W. Potts. December, 2001

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:435B:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 2 number 1. Reflected Ceiling Plan: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1 foot. Note: Modified from CADD files provided by James W. Potts. December, 2001

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:435C:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 2 number 1. Room Plan: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1 foot. Note: Modified from CADD files provided by James W. Potts. December, 2001

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:435D:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 2 number 1. Room Plan: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1 foot. Note: Modified from CADD files provided by James W. Potts. December, 2001

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:435E:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 2 number 9 A and B. Room Plan: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1 foot. Note: Modified from CADD files provided by James W. Potts. December, 2001

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:436:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects Charles A. Phillips, AIA, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Job number: 01 - 18; drawn by: CAP; date: December, 2001; revised date: none; description: none; sheet number: 3 number 9 A and B. Room Plan: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1 foot. Note: Modified from CADD files provided by James W. Potts. December, 2001

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:437:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: none; architectural project number: 0105; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: July 16, 2001; description: none; drawing number: A - 12. Chapel reflected ceiling plan: scale 1 / 4 inch = 1.0 foot. Note: Refer to attached photocopies for additional details. 16-Jul-01

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:424H:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building) after Administration Building fire, May 15, 2001. Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects James W. Potts Architects, 431 South Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-2925. University of Kentucky project number: none; architectural project number: 0105; drawn by: staff; checked by: JWP; date: none; revised date: July 16, 2001; description: none; drawing number: A - 13. Chapel interior elevation: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1.0 foot. Partial Chapel plan: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1 foot. Decorative beam and bracket detail: scale 3 / 4 inch = 1 foot. Chapel reflected ceiling plan: scale 1 / 8 inch = 1 foot. Note: Refer to attached photocopies for additional details. 16-Jul-01

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:424I:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building). Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Historical floor plans combining 1882, 1920, and 1946. Ground / Basement floor plan: scale not stated. First floor plan: scale not stated. Note: Elements present first on the 1946 plan in blue. Elements present first on the 1920 plan in orange. n. d.

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building). Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Historical floor plans combining 1882, 1920, and 1946. Second floor plan: scale not stated. Third floor plan: scale not stated. Note: Elements present first on the 1946 plan in blue. Elements present first on the 1920 plan in orange. n. d.

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building). Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 11 inches by 8 1 /2 inches. Key to items 428B and 428C. Fields include Room Number, Description, Size, Ceiling Height, Square Feet Floor, Square Feet Walls, Square Feet Walls and Ceiling, and Cubic Feet. Types of rooms described: toilet, office, men's room, vault, storage, women's room, corridor, janitor's room, and hall. 24-Nov-47

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:428:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building). Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 11 inches by 8 1 /2 inches. Key to items 428B and 428C. Fields include Room Number, Description, Size, Ceiling Height, Square Feet Floor, Square Feet Walls, Square Feet Walls and Ceiling, Cubic Feet, and Remarks. Types of rooms described: geology room, office, hall, and classroom. 24-Nov-47

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 5:10:0:2:428A:0
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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building). Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects. Drawn by: H. J. F. and C. E. S.; approved by: JMF; date: March 8, 1946; revised date: November 24, 1947; description: Second and Third Floor; file number: A - 1 - 101; scale: 1 / 16 inch = 1 foot. 24-Nov-47

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Plans / Blueprints, Administration Building (Main Building). Received August 19, 2004 from the University Architect Office. Accession number 2004UA060. Measures 17 inches by 11 inches. Structural architects. While this map as no legend it can be assumed that it was drawn by: H. J. F. and C. E. S.; approved by: JMF; date: March 8, 1946; revised date: November 24, 1947; description: none; file number: none; scale: 1 / 16 inch = 1 foot. Includes plans of the second and third floors. Note: Wall, ceiling, and floor areas included in key under room 201. Partitions not included, partition height 10 feet, 2 inches. 24-Nov-47

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File Legend

Includes floor plans that are labeled to be used as a key. The labels show what rooms are to be referred to by what names. [2002]

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1 folder. The wallpaper series contains digital photographs of the wallpaper from the Main / Administration Building. There are twelve digital photographs in this series. The photographs were taken on October 24, 2002.

There are 12 digital photographs that show the wallpaper from the Main / Administration Building. 24-Oct-02

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1 folder. The woodwork series contains digital photographs of the woodwork from the Main / Administration Building. There are eleven digital photographs in this series. The photographs were taken on October 24, 2002.

There are 11 digital photographs that show the woodwork from the Main / Administration Building. 24-Oct-02

  • Case:drawer:box:folder:item:image 0:0:2:10:0:0
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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at

UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center is open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Appointments are encouraged but not required. Schedule an appointment here.

Researchers must have an SCRC Researcher Account to request materials. View account set-up and use instructions here.

Questions? Contact SCRC via our Contact Form.


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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at