xt7xd21rgb99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rgb99/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19480316 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1948-03-mar16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1948-03-mar16-ec. 1948 2011 true xt7xd21rgb99 section xt7xd21rgb99 Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, IMarch 16, 1948. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Universi- ty of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, March 16, 1948. The following members were present: R. P. Hobson, Harper Gatton, and J. C. Everett. Absent: Judge Richard C. Stoll and Thomas Cutler. Vice President Chamberlain and Secretary Peter- son met with the Committee. A. Temporary Chairman Appointed. Members of the Executive Committee took note of the absence of Judge Richard C. Stoll, Chairman of the Executive Committee, due to illness, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Robert P. Hobson was appointed temporary chairman. B. Minutes Approved. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Executive Committee of January 9, 1948, were approved as published. C. Report of the Comptroller, The Comptroller read a summary analysis of general and plant fund operations. 1M1arch 10, 1948 Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, Vice President University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky My dear Doctor Chamberlain: I submit hereto attached the operating report of the University of Kentucky for the period of eight months ended February 29, 1948. The following statement is a summary analysis of gen- eral and plant fund operations: 2 General Plant Per Fund Fund Total Cent Estimated Income $6,026,187.42 $ 722,145.00 $6,748,332.42 Realized Income 5,544, 33.99 7221145.00 6,266,498.99 100% Unrealized Income 481833.43 i 491 833.43 Per Cent Realized 92.0Q7o l00.0 9 2,9f Appropriations $6,124,084.94 $2,880,156.06 $9,004,241.00 Charges thereto 3,615 154.91 2,513,385.30 6 128,540.21 97.8% Appropriation Bal. $2,508,930.03 $ 36,6770.76 .2 875 700.79 Per Cent Charged 59.0b ,______68.l__ Excess of Realized In- come over Charges $1a929,19,9.OQ 5 1.,91240.30*$ 137 958.78 2.2% *Negative Number. During the period covered by the report, 92.!%of the total es- timate of income had been realized. The General fund had realized 92.0% of the general fund estimate. The Plant fund estimate had been realized in full, Charges for expenditures and encumbrances were 68.1% of Gen- eral and Plant fund appropriations. The charges wvere 59.0% of Gen- eral fund appropriations and 87.3% of Plant fund appropriations. Expenditures and encumbrances charged during the period covered by the report were 97.8% of the income realized during the same period. Restricted fund balances on February 29, 1948, were $1,222,304.58. Restricted fund investments were $608,744.05. The report contains a summary of the loan, endowment and agency fund transactions that occurred during the period covered by the report. Unexpendable funds amounted to ;A'249,731.13, consisting of the principal balance of the loan and endowment funds. Unexpendable funds invested on February 29, 1948, amounted to $243,081.96. The balance uninvested amounted to $6,649.17. Respectfully submitted, Frank D. Peterson Comptroll er. 3 A balance sheet as of February 29, 1948, was also submitted. The Operating Statement was examined in detail by the members of the Committee. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the summary analysis of general and plant fund operations and the balance sheet were order- ed accepted and filed with the Secretary. D. Budget Changes and Increase in Estimate of Income. Doctor Chamberlain read letters detailing budget changes request- ed and a recommendation for increase in estimated income for the cur- rent fiscal year. liIarch 11, 1948 Dr. Leo 1K. Chamberlain Vice President University of Kentucty Dear Dr. Chamberlain: Listed below are budget changes and which I recommend be authorized: Budget Unit Administrative and General: Dean of the University Arts and Sciences: Anthropology and Archaeology Engineering: Mdechanical Engineering Commerce: Bureau of Business Research Law: Instruction Education: Agricultural Education Distributive Occupations Home Economics Education Industrial Eduoation Maintenance and Operations: Operation of Physical Plant Plant Fund: P.WJ.A,-Second Bond Issue Dairy Center which seem desirable Account Increase 50-1 330-4 615-1 720-1 910-1 960-1 990-1 1060-1 1100-1 1480-A 7002 7020-A Total $ 166.66 2,003.41 1,815.00 346.67 800.00 423.35 66.68 119.99 166.66 25,000,00 12.51 5,000.00 4351920.93 4 The increase in the special maintenance appropriation is necessary to provide funds to furnish the new F.W.A. class room buildings for the Botany, Geography and Sociol- ogy Departments, and to set up shops and storeroom facili- ties in the new F. YJ.A. Shop Building and other special restoration projectsi The increases in the plant funds are to provide for bank charges in connection with payment of principal and interest on the second P.Wi.A. bond issue and for an increase in the contract price of the new Dairy Center. It has been recommended and requested that the Music Department receive an increase of five hundred dollars to its capital outlay account, 460-4, to replace music equip- ment lost in the fire of the Art Center. I also recommend that the budget estimate of income from student fees be increased by the amount of A,2550J0OO00. Very truly yoursj (Signed) Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller. IMlarch 5, 1948 To: lMr. Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller University of Kentucky Through: Dean M. White College of Arts and Sciences Dear Mr. Peterson: You will probably recall that during the beginning of this school year, you r.-note me a letter in which you indi- cated that you would be willing to increase the non-personal budget of the Music Department at a later date during the present fiscal year, to compensate for the extra expenses incurred in the replacement and the repair of materials and equipment su'ffered by the Music Department through fire loss of the Art Center, and for whion the University received a check for over three thousand dollars from the Insurance Company. 5 For instance, we had the following such expenses: Q275 for repair of the Steinway grand injured by its hasty removal from the building- 4405 for purchase of the Harvard Classics for Lien's Glee Club, as a partial replacement of the $900 University Men's Glee Club library destroyed completely by the fire- @78 for repair to stringed instruments, in- Jured by hasty and excessive handling during and after the fire- 1My record of expenditures as of this date, discloses that we will be in deficit of approximately "Y;50 when all present requisitions are processed, on our non-personal funds. There will be other necessary requisitions before the close of the school year. Hay I recommend that a sum of $500 be added to the Music Department fund #460, Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Alexander Capurso Head, Department of Music, The recommendations were discussed and, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the budget increases were authorized, and the estimated income for the fiscal year 1947-48 from student fees was ordered increased in the amount of Q250,000.00. E.o Construction--',Vestern Kentucky Substation. Doctor Chamberlain submitted plans and specifications for a ma- chinery building at Western Kentucky Substation, and recommended that same be approved, with such modifications in specifications as might be necessary to secure competitive bids. The building was estimated to cost about 48,000.00. Members of the Committee examined the plans, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, approved the recommendation of the Vioe President, and authorized the Comptroller to secure bids for the con- struction of the machinery building. 6 F. Application of Lexington Water Company for Special Connection Approved. Doctor Chamberlain submitted a letter from the Comptroller ac- companying application for special connection from the Lexington WVater Company. March 1, 1948 Dr, L. M. Chamberlain, Acting President University of Kentucky Dear Dr. Chamberlain: I transmit hereto attached application for special connection from the Lexington C'ater Company. I have had this application checked by Professor Frank Murray. It is in the regular form for such applications and provides for the placing of a fire hydrant near the Dairy Barn, which will furnish water and fire protection to the Combined Shops, the Maintenance storage building and the Dairy Barn, The application is in good form and is permitted by the Universi- ty. I recommend that same be submitted to the Executive Committee for consideration. Sincerely yours, (Signed) Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONNECTION This application made and entered into this day of h 1948, by and between the LEXINGTON WATER COIPANY, hereinafter called the "'TWATER CO1LPANY" and the UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, hereinafter called BUTHE APPLICANTS. THE APPLICANT, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, hereby applies to the !AlTER CO.1PANY for one (1) standard fire hydrant to be installed approximately 1,000 feet east of the intersection of Rose Street and South Lime- stone Street and connected to the WATER COIPlANTY main. FIRST: That the extent of the rights of THE APPLICANT under this application is to take, but only at tilmes of fire, svuch supply of water as shall then be available through APPLICANTIS hose or through public fire fighting equipment. That THE APPLICANT agrees the WATER CO.2ANY shall not be considered in any manner an insurer of property or persons, 7 or to have undertaken to extinguish fire or to protect any persons or property against loss or damage by fire, or other- wise, and that it shall be free and exempt from any and all claims for damages on account of any injury to property or persons by reason of fire, water failure to supply w,,ater or pressure, or for any other cause whatsoever. SECOIN'D: That the rights of THE APPLICANT hereunder shall be further subject at all times to the rates, rules and regulations of the WATER CO11PANY now existing or which may hereafter be lawfully adopted, and THE APPLICANT agrees to pay or cause to be paid to the W.7ATER COMPANY any and all sums of money that may become due and payable to the WATER COIUJPANY by THE APPLICANT pursuant to this contract under the aforesaid rates, rules and regulations, and to pay or cause to be paid any and all such sums of money at the times and in the manner contemplated or provided in the aforesaid rates, rules and regulations, THIRD: That the WATER COMPANY has the right to discon- tinue or disconnect said hydrant and hydrant branches and terminate this contract thirty days after APPLICANT had been notified, for failure to pay any bill when due or for any violation of any of the terms and conditions of same, or for any violation of its rules, and also has the right to shut off all or any part of its plant and dis oRntinue the service -hen deemed necessary by the WATER COMPANY, for the purpose of making any repairs, alterations or additions, and such right may be exercised without any abatement of charge agreed herein to be paid by THE APPLICANT. FOURTH; The acceptance of this application by the WATER CO11PANY must be executed by its Manager and President or Vice President before same becomes effective. IN WITNTESS '.HEREOF the WATER COMPANY hereby accepts the foregoing application this day of_ 1948. ,'IJITNZSS: LEXINGTON WATER COMPANY B Lianager WITNESS: By_ __ ____________ Vice President WITNE9S: UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY By 8 The members being familiar with the contents of the application, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the application was ordered executed by the Comptroller on behalf of the University. G. Purchase of Equipment from Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, Doctor Chamberlain submitted a letter from Dean D. V. Terrell, recommending the purchase of equipment,instruments, new spare parts and gasoline from Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. A letter from Professor A. J. Ileyer, Director of the Aeronauti- cal Research Laboratory, detailing the equipment, instruments, etc., to be purchased was also presented. March Thirteen 1 9 4 8 Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain Vice President of the University Campus I:;y dear Dr. Chamberlain; I am enclosing herewith a report from Professor A. J. IAeyer, Director of the Aeronautical Research Laboratory, which covers an inventory of all equipment, instruments, new spare parts, and some 24,000 gallons of gasoline owned by Pratt and 'Whitney Aircraft. The enclosed let- ter from Professor hieyer is self-explanatory, Since there are sufficient funds in the laboratory's account and since the price does not represent more than five cents on the dollar depreciated value, and since the equipment will be needed by the laboratory for future re- search projects, it is my recommendation that authority be given to purchase the property as set out in the at- tached report. I also wish to recommend that the disposal of the gasoline be authorized and that the funds realized by the sale be applied to the overall purchase price agreed upon and estimated to be V4,600.00. Yours very truly, (Signed) D. V. Terrell, Dean. 9 March 12, 1948 Dean D. V. Terrell College of Engineering University of Kentucky Campus Dear Dean: I. Attached is an inventory of all equipment, in- struments, and new spare parts owned by Pratt and W.Thitney Aircraft, and installed or stored in the Aeronautical Re- search L4aboratory. In addition, they own 8,000 gallons of gasoline, stored in our tanks, plus 293 barrels con- taining a total of about 16,000 gallons of high grade aviation fuel of 100 Octane or better rating. The equipment represents an ornginal investment of over $62,000. In the column marked 'Depreciated Price", we have listed either a heavily depreciated value, or for some expendable items, our replacement cost. This col- umn totals in excess of v327,000, and is considered under- rated, in case we can use the set-up, as is, for other -ork. The large amount of work to install and develop the installation has not been evaluated. The tanked fuel can only be used as automotive gaso- line after mixing it with a volume of standard gasoline at least ten times as large. T-he barrelled fuel will improve any gasoline it is mixed with, or it can be used straight. Federal taxes have only been paid on the barrelled fuel. State taxes have not been, paid on any of it. II. 'Je have negotiated a settlement with Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, which will enable us to keep the set-up intact. In their letter dated October 22, 1947, copy of' which is attached, they offer us their entire interest for the depreciated book value of the durable goods in- volved. In the attached telegram, this value is estimated at; %'.4,600 as of 11arch 31st, 1948. III, In order to determine whether or not our set-up, as is, can still serve a useful purpose, wie have conducted a survey by sending a form letter and descriptive report, a sample of which is attached, to a total of fourteen large corporations. The reaction received is as follows: 4 have expressed no interest. 2 have not answered. 5 have expressed interest and their intention to consider our facilities in future programs. 1 is interested, but still investigating. 2 are serious prospects. The serious prospects are: a. Standard Oil Development Company, Elizabeth, N.J. b. The Ethyl Corporation, Detroit, Mich. Both companies have sent representatives for inspection and further discussion. Standard Oil Development is con- sidering a six year, long range program of research on air- craft lubricants, and Ethyl Corporation wants to continue the work on lead scavengers that wie did for Pratt and --7hit- ney, and which attracted nation-wide attention. We further have under consideration an extensive pro- gram of research to be sponsored by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), Washington, D.C. A copy of a recent letter is also attached. IV. Finallywe want to bring to your attention that the balance sheets of the Laboratory, as of February 1. 1948, show Receivables to be in excess of Payables by about Q25,000, after profits of approximately ti,9,000 by the Ken- tuoky Research Foundation have been allowed for. The Cash Balance, as of February 1, 1948, was Q$3,500. It is much better now. V. From the above information, we conclude: 1. That the prospects for additional sponsored research, using our test facilities, plus those now orned by Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, are good. 2. That the investment required to take over Pratt and ihitneyts property, after the remaining gasoline has been sold, will be very small. 3. That the Laboratory has accumulated enough funds to pay for the investment. For these reasons, vre recommend that the Pratt and Whitney inventory be purchased for the amount of their de- preciated book-value, or approximately, @4,600. Sincerely yours, (Signed) A. J. 1Meyer, Director Aeronautical Research Laboratory w w w w w m \ MN N ) N) NM N H H H H H H H I H H Z w " H 0 \0 00 -l ON \,A C - w) N) H C \O O O C\ On @ w N H 0 \o M -) a, u P M H U)U C o) oD o p0 0 0 CD0 O C+ tH. : 0't' 00CD ' 4 IdmC I C ) 0 C D 0b 1 O .oqd o o O 0~~~ 0 0 CD H CD 10( H o o ite C D CD oq CD CD I-O O C+O$ I I CD bC t~ I I H Ft t:2 'JOc+0 0 ~ ~ O \W ON0 0 0 N I 0 zC)C^ C)),1 tD CDCD c DOCD D CD C+ C) 104 --X o I Fc e *( Ol 0 31V g U)U)C )U)Cl0'.t-' A) +tC bc C + C.. 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