xt7xd21rgd3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rgd3w/data/mets.xml Kentucky -- Lexington University of Kentucky. Students Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky. Students 1899-02 volumes, illustrations, 23-25 cm. Call Number: LH1.K4 K44. The Kentuckian: A Monthly Magazine was published by the students of the State College of Kentucky. It was stated that "each month it will be one of the features of The Kentuckian to discuss one or more of the places of its characters. Every one should know his State and its people thoroughly. 'Tis better to know this than all the history ever written." The Kentuckian followed after the demise of The Cadet and it was felt that the Cadet was suggestive of only one department and that The Kentuckian would be a comprehensive and appropriate magazine that would be truly representative of K.S.C Volume numbering changed during 1899 from Volume 8 to Volume 2. Description based on Vol. 8, no. 2 (Nov. 1898) journals LH1.K4 K44 2011ua005 English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection The Kentuckian : a monthly magazine College students -- Kentucky -- Lexington -- Periodicals Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky -- Students -- Periodicals University of Kentucky -- Students -- Periodicals The Kentuckian: a Monthly Magazine, vol. 8 no. 5, February 1899 text The Kentuckian: a Monthly Magazine, vol. 8 no. 5, February 1899 1899 1899-02 2024 true xt7xd21rgd3w section xt7xd21rgd3w K 1 ,/V ‘ } ¤ I .
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_ 1’1‘:iu1ic:nl l)lllI1ll)ll1g. Steam Heating \\v1I1(`l Z\I1ll 'lzmlcs uml Pumps. V
Q l)llUll<.f goo. IS Nlilfliét Stfcul. F
Q , _ 0
Paints, ()il, Varnishcs, Window and Art Glass. Fresco Work..
listiinxnlvs l·`u1·11isl1<·4l. llvsl \\'m·lII1'& Nlinrr. · l’l1<»11<»525. ~ ·»
V ‘
I i Is required to succeed in any line.
Our steady aim is to suit our customers. \\'e will not bore
. you with a long advertisement. hut we want to impress the
llflllll Oll`C\’Cl’}` GHC, lllflt Oll1' ftllll to 1IlZ1l{€ €\'€l'}’ CUSIOHICY
" satisfied. "\\'e think every shoe in our stock is made of good,
i honest leather. lf‘you find any shoe you buy from us is
not as good as represented come right in and tell us all about »
it and we will make things satisfactory to you. \\»'e want
your trade, your good will.
The Great Samplashua Hausa,
N0. 4 West Main Street.
Drs. Salt 6: malls, t
Dentists. {
|9—} West Main Street, Over C. J Myers.
r " . y Filled and lifxtracted
I Certainly without Pain.
Old and broken down teeth made as good as new by our system of
No charge for examination.
rg 1~2 \`Vest A/Iain.
L U M B E R.
1All K.in
The Greatest Southern Systenq.
S()l\I]lUl`ll SIRIUS.
5* &.%‘?’£FJ¤‘駧%F%i’».f; $55322222: L<-vxington, Ky-E
.1. M. cum?. w. ix. TURK. wm. n. Tnvnop.
Traffic Mgr., G¤:n’l4 Pass. Agt., Ass’t. Gen']. PuSs.A8T··
“’\'lHhillg{Ull, D. C. \\’ne·hi11gt»0u. D. U. Louiwillu, K!
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I Z i“1»\!Qry purtuFtln~ l'. S. uml i'aumsi>i:uns, (Fuente 'l`wu·lwrs, l
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_ . Buygau of Clyll . 'l`ll]£ TEXAS ’1`1$ACH1£RS‘
Q . I U I I BURICAU has hznl ten years exper-
, ‘ V ‘ S ‘ ` f 0 , .
V X Gl` ILE H ‘ l L I 1* ience. lt is the oldest teachers’
_ IZ3 Filth Strcct N- h·· F agency in Texas. For futher par-
. WASHINGTON D- C- ticnlnrs send two-cent stamp to C.
Itismn·lmsinr—ss in the ' _ r '
gg Civil Scrvive llcpnrtnient wwli ymir. The n·;u· ·l¤-· . PCm1)`i)f1CliQI'. l)2\lQ5l1l1€, PCXHS.
.- ihanrls an i1n·rcn>¤ of7,¤¤05v111pl<.»yc¢·s in the Vivi} I _ l
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2 \ I)0n’t I£X]')Gl`i1]1€1'].t,
TH E Get The Best.
CENTURW m’~`?”"`F1eub\e Feed Fountain Pen*”““`”
6 P E N ` Ce-nturv - 1*6***- ·
if / . \ _\\]>ty]q·s;1\1<“ 1`*“’· F-;_;. __;;.;_` `
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`A .253 Perry St., '1`renl0n. N- J- ?'i;:;tE ·_ - ·
Ky. i Q3*1}¤_K~E,T-=€Q`$F1§§§1liNT`R_Hf§_N\X' HUTEL ..
l"l‘a\l1k \\`.ll\‘5 il F}»¤“·‘l:\ll}‘.
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Y k -
été #
Offers to young ladies and gentlemen who desire a thorough,
practical, up—t0—date course of business training, advantages not to be
had elsewhere.
The most elegantly furnished rooms of any Commercial School in
the South.
All students in the Commercial Department are individually
instructed by Prof. VV. A. Hart. who is recognized as one of the best
and most successful Commercial teachers in the country, and the P
thousands of students, who have been instructed by him, all unite in
saying he has few equals aud11o superior in his li11e of work.
The course of study is unexcelled and embraces
— Book·keeping, Business Arithmetic,
Commercial Law, Practical Penmanship,
Spelling, Correspondence, Banking,
and Actual Business Practice.
The Shorthand and Typewriting Department is elegantly furnished E
and is supplied with splendid new typewriters of the most modern and Q
improved makes.
Persons who contemplate taking a Commercial 01 Shorthand course lt l
should not fail to investigate the superior advantages of this school. . .
For circulars giving full information, address.
‘ • • ’
W A H t
Lexington, Ky.
li ‘
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% . I ~=·Tl“l B-e- .
I Of Kentucky ,
‘ I wu nivwc.
‘~ ¤ "a
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> _ sltftax y-
in VTQ
(mers to the public the following Courses, viz;
uy Agricultural, Mechanical, Engineering, Civil Engineering, Classical,
` Normal School and three Scientific Courses, each of which covers four
Est- years in the College proper and leads to a degree, li
the L Its faculty contains twenty-nine professors. Its gronds, buildings _
r ill and equipments represent $450,000 in value. Its laboratories, Chemical,
·’—l { Physical. Biol0g'cal, Botanical, Geological, Physiological, Mechanical,
and Electrical are the largest and best in Kentucky.
Each Legislative District is entitled by law a free tuition, room
rent, fuel and lights for four properly prepared students in the college
proper, and to an equal number in the Normal Department, Alumni of
other colleges in Kentucky are entered in post-graduate courses. For
catalouge and other information apply t’o];\11r·:s K. PATTERsoN, Ph. i
D_, L. L. D., President ofthe College,. Loxington, Ky. ,
..-._.. ___........ 1
i `i-‘; MISS NllLLlKAN’S
shed I *
and Q
C 00 0 Oi'I0gi'3p y.
urse ti p
L_ 121 East Main Street,
uml her Department of l’liouograpliy in connection with the State Col-
iii lege of Kentucky. Most tlioroiigli, reliable and liiglily-recoup
i _ mended school of Sliortlizind in Lexington.
rlillllglll il. l)l`1l()Ll(jlll ¢f<)lll'l. l'-¤ --—~»··----— "
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~?$€‘i'?’E;i;§·EYf· i_ l.egisl:nui·e. July lan!. ég ..-
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6‘· i g 'l`o attend it Business College for
-,_t the mr iose of uct niriiw a ractical
,, . ‘ ··—-··-L-·-é·a=·‘··=-r»~ .. ~—§ » agi`; 1: :2/£·i· 1 1 l °" P Qi —
ctlucutiou thut will yield A vosimox 1
tln·oue_·h which von cnn earn Z1 liv- I'
~~·~< aw i· >* ·zE!: ·¤ ti . . " ' . . ·· ..
. ill' Ji: ·: a,!·it tig.; t = iiiériw nw? Mnnv Business Sclioolslinve ;;
__ Z, e -,» ~i W., tr- . . _ · 3
1 { Q, ,1%]* but oxic oi:ji·:e’r, that object being , . \
U l1etl1o1‘tmg‘ll l)l“C])11l'(ltl()l1 of their
pupils to net ns llool;»l{eepei·s, Stenogrnpliers, etc. 'l`his is good ms far if
. . . , D
' LlS lt goes, lull, lt tlrws not gol;1r&1lljlCC'l` school, ’l`lll·] l’ll, being the securing of good po-
. . . . . . csi l
sitions lor those who pzitronixe it. It has tor over io years been the
leading llnsiness St·l1lol` the South, It is nt the present time the only ifi
School in Keiitiiekv o >ei·;nin··· nu liin ilovnient llnrezui tor the inrnose 1
. l s l . l l F _
of securing positions lor its gmtliizites. z" —·
Send foronr "l{;\’l`—.—\-l,<>(l" zunl specinl circnlnrs explaining how
you can be lielpetl to zi good l)t1Sl'l`I(lX by attending this School. E
.»\l)l)llooded stock.
Mannfuctories and industries ol every kind. I · H °i
l’opul:1tion as taken hy last census
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I LP1il1:Ii0¤l. K3'. nw Seuoiulxrlass muil innuur.
__· VOL. 8. FEBRUARY 1899. N0. 5. *
Where may the weary eye repose
When gazing on the great;
Where neither guilty glory glows,
Nor despicable state?
I g ~ Yes—one—the firstwthe last—the best-
The Cincinnatus of the West,
Whom Envy dared not hate,
it if Bequeathed the name of Washington
° To make men blush there was but one!
me .
· |L`Z
Abraham Linc0ln’s Birthday.
By Richard H. Stoddard
` Fronn the New York ·‘)[ai1;uitl I5:?([)l`é$5,U Ft*iJl'l\Ell'}` 12 NHS
Chosen for large designs, he had the art
Of winning with his humor, and he went
Straight to his mark, which was the lnnnan heart ;
· \Vise, too, for what he could not break he bent.
Upon his back a more than Atlas—load-—
The burden of the Connnonwealth was laid ; -
He stooped, and rose up to it, though the road
Shot suddenly downwards, not a whit dismayed.
Hold. warriors, counselors, kings I All now give place
To this dear benefactor of the race.
` I
The Vernal Touch. i
STERN \Vinter meets his annual \\'aterloo the fourteenth of
i February, and St. Valentine is the victor who bows t11e
I hoary helmet of the Sovereign of the the Snows. For, what-
ever the proclamation of the ground-hog and the goose·bone,
it is then that Nature stirs from her slumbers and pushes back
tl1e fringe of frost and whispers to the waiting soul a prophecy I
I of spring. The season has a softness in harmony with its sen-
j timent, and the day of dainty favors comes not in vain either V
to the birds or to those not less callow though nnfeathered
creatures whom we know as boys and girls. ’l`he projected I `
influence of the spring turns backward, as it were. and fills .
their blood with an anticipated warmth that has not yet come
to vegetation; for the unmistakable thrill that pervades the
earth when the old world turns over on his axis and begins
his fresh dreams has not yet made the ground fecund or
coaxed the shrubs and vines to let their little buds venture
· forth in unequal battle with the nipping air. '
And while the birds are mating and Nature murmurs her
desires, tl1e boys and girls seein to know, sonnehow, that the
period of sweet passion is upon ns: for they feel tl1e spring-
tide dwelling in their veins before the vine’s vegetation dares
to give visible sign of the snnnner’s coming. lt happens that
ii` my domicile is directly on the line which these young things
V l1lll$l l[‘U.\`(fl-SC Ul] LllCll. \\'tl}' l.t>1lIlh, sweet youth E oh. sbring time of lite F with all
YOU]- LlllC()Il$L`lUll?i llllilkiy yilil l1u\'Cl` lllU$C yllllli Clllllllll \v<)llI`
sunshine breaks into a smile as it splinters itself against the
frosty past.
1 love to see these young spoonbills so lull of vernal sus-
ceptibility and so unconscious of their outward manifestations
of it. In good sooth, their love will not amount to much, and
their gentle dalliauce is, in the main, but harmless by-play.
,.I~ W4- _ E
Yet their love is real love while it lasts ; and when it has ·
fi passed and both of them have learned to smile at tl1e folly of
it, they can look back upon it without a pang ; and the quiet
laugh that comes to their hearts because of it is not unaccom-
panied with a sigh—a sigh not of sorrow. with not one grain
of bitterness in it, but merely the natural regret for days that
i have gone which while they lasted were full of sweetness and
when they died left roses of remembrance to make their graves
fragrant. Now alone of all times in their lives can these
young students love without suspicion, and trust without the ‘
shadow of a doubt, and caress without tl1e intention to betray.
T \\/ith a beautiful ignorance which is tl1e highest innocence do
f they bare their transparent bosoms to the eye of every passer- l
by, so that he who runs may count their heart·throbs as he
l passes them upon tl1e street, and the secret that they think
_ hidden in the sanctuary of their souls becomes tl1e property of
every one who wills to read it. Unknown microcosms of
Nature tl1ey are, and one with the April shower and the open—
ing rose of May;
This thing of love is a mystery anyhow——the sweetest
g and the strangest of all mysteries--:-ind in its very likeness
the nearest to the heart of Nature. The man whoiseeks so
_ ardently possession of the maiden whom he loves; and who
trembles with delightat the touch of her finger—tips ; and who
__ would prefer the deep stake-pierced grave of the suicide to the
’ loss of her, in a little while after she has yielded l1er sweetness
` to him bruises her cheek with his cruel blows and ` drives her ‘
· crying, from his sight as he spurns her loathed `preseuce from
him. And the woman wl1o to-day would give her heart‘sbl00d
Y to ease the smallest pain that racks her lover‘s nerves, to—n10r-
` row turns away from him, tl1ough he encompass her with all
l the rich passion of an ardent and faithful heart, and waste her
V worship on some worthless rival who has bought her with a
f , bauble and would sell her for a song. So stern Nature, fickle
and unrelenting turn from us when we love her most; and
` when she gives promise of most blithesorne sunshine hurls the
Sharp sleet into our faces, When we seek her she avoids us,
i , and when we would fly from her she environs us wish charms.
V /, ° ""· --r»r,.. » M __,_ _`
' To the man who waits for llCl' blessings they never come, and `
, upon hin1 wl1o can comniand them they are showered.
It is the province of us old chaps who lI£1\’€ passed our ,
l day of action to sit back and moralize over tl1ese things, 2llI(l >
I they do afford us Zll1ll)lC food for thought. The philosopher 5
at best is but an anatomist who disseets the frame which has
‘ been tl1e l1on1e of life without {lPpl'Cl'l€l\(`llllg the suitable ez<·
istence which eludes l1i111. He can not lay bare his own being. ?
with the sealpel, and the nerves and muscles which he traces.
` connect not with the impulses of his own intelligence. He
can only know what is—-—the why and wherefore flee at his ap·
proaeh, and leave him in tl1e midst of speculation,
So he sees that the young men and maidens give premoniy
tion of the spring before the spring has eome——they thrill with
_ the impulses of tl1e world-soul before the sun has kissed the
earth to sweet awakening from its slumbers. »\\·’hy is it and
wherefore he can l]Ot know; he only knows it is, and knowing
tl1at rejoices because the life he has felt and can feel no more `
does not die because his blood is cold. I mind me, too, that
with all his wise philosophy he is not insensible to the coming
I of the vernal sun. The antie of these youngsters strangely
interest him. and at times he almost wishes he were young I
again and ganiboling among them. It takes a long time for
the heart to die, and oftentimes when it seems dead there
comes to it an unexpected waking. Then as the sun warms
the chilled marrow in his old bones he is tempted to ery out:
"And tl1e world-soul dare not harm me, , Z
For a heaven-soul is 11lll`1CQ
And my blood in its flaccid vessels
Iioams like tl1e yeasty wine.
Yea. the winter of death but brings me
Into a blithcr spring,
Where the dcwy stars are pansies I
V In my garden blossoming." é·
As I write these lines the storm howls outside my door
and rain patters down froin a welkin of unrifted cloud. Yet
can I enter fully inter the feeling which prompted the111 ? There
is some suggestion of thunder amid the roar of the rushing
-$ 5
- _ THE r<12NTuc1<1AN. its
if wind, and a faint flash of sheet lightning quivers with blue
phosphorescence through the closed shutters of 1ny window.
.— I hear the clown-pour from tl1e gutters tinkle on the tin con-
’ duits which relieve the roof above me from its load of mois-
ture. and the dull monotony of sound would lull me to a slum-
berous night of dreams were it not that tl1e innnortal mind is
busy, pondering upon the universe and seeking some new ap-
i plication of its treasure to the cravings of mankind. The
thunder rolls more distinctly, spectres of the lightning dart
uf Htfully through the crevices of my window blinds. There '
seems little under the firmament to be desired, or to be exp