xt7xd21rjq6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rjq6n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 19890424 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Fifteenth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Biosensors" text Fifteenth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Biosensors" 1989 2017 true xt7xd21rjq6n section xt7xd21rjq6n W i— C U ' 1989 program 2 :2,_ g Fifteenth Annual . 0 w _ (a g.» a Symposrum on AM. I’M. ‘ 3 e. g . 9:00 Registration and Coffee—Room I31, Chemistry- [2:15 Lunch, Faculty Club E5 q (D . Physics Building (See enclosed card) 7: O a 9:30 Welcome by President David P. Roselle, University “15 R. Mark Wightman, ‘< ; O em] r at fidertucky, Room 139, Chemistry-Physics Indiana university g 9 an u n 3 “Detection of Neurotransmitters 8 Et- 3- 9:35 introductory Remarks with Voltammetry" O 0 (an 9‘40 Garry A' Rechnltz, Neurotransmitters are small molecules which are secreted 9g (7' University of Delaware by neurons to provide information to adjacent neurons. They 0 Pi- “Molecular Recognition Elements provide the major route of communication between neurons 0 Q for Blosensor Design" in the brain. Some of these neurotransmitters such as dopam— g The needs of biotechnology and biomedicine require ine. serotonin and norepinephrine are easily oxidized and thus improved measurement devices for purposes of analysis. can be detected byfvoltammetry. We have developed carbon monitoring, and control, with specific applications in fermen- fiber electrodes W {eh have a radius Of ~lohm Wh'eh can be tation. antibody production, drug testing. and patient mon- inserted into the brain for such measurements. Theielectrod'es itoring. Electrochemical biosensors provide a possible means are coated w'th polymer films to reject eiectroactive speCIes . of meeting such needs if the capabilities of such sensors can which are not neurotransmitters. In the brain of anesthetized be extended to a wider range of biomolecules and more rats dopamine has been detected atsubmicromolarlevels and complex matrices. Several recent initiatives suggest that some W'ih subsecond time resolution. The measurements are suf— new approaches to the development of potentiometric and ficiently fast that the kinetics and mechanism of the factors amperometric biosensors may be effective for this purpose. Wh'eh regulate dopamine concentration 'h the spaces Such initiatives for the development of novel biosensors between neurons can be determined. These techniques can require a synthesis of biological and analytical concepts. be used to unravel the “he“? Of various drugs on dopamine Possible strategies involve the use of chemoreceptor struc- heUTOtrahsm'SS'Oh' The technique can also be combined “Y'th tures. immunoagents, and cellular materials from plant or thoiselusted bly eieetrfi‘tf'ogogflse to correlate the chemical animal sources a” eec ”ca ac 'V'tyo e ”m established in the memory of '0'40 3m" 2‘15 Break Anna S. Naff 10:50 IEI‘OII'IE s_ schqu, 2:30 Lemuel B. Wlngard, . University of Pittsburgh University Of Pittsburgh ——.—————___ “Optical Fiber Blosensors" fyegiOEEhiime’r Structures A r rs Recent advances in biosensor development have been . . B 0' O 0 OS 0 EON Os 0 O OROS . made possible by utilizing optical wave guides which provide The development 0f biosensors that have unique advan- the potential for miniaturization of spectrophotometric ana- tages over alternative sensing schemes may require more ‘ ‘ ———-——— I Iytical methods for very small samples and for the monitoring innovative. approaches for the deSIgn and fabrication Of the of biochemical analytes on—line. There are some inherent blorecognihon—transduction Interface. Two such approaches advantages to spectrophotometry. fluorometry and light being Investigated in this laboratory and elsewhere are 1) the ( scattering for analytical purposes because of the higher incorporation of neuroreceptor elements as components of S P E A K E, R S information content of optical domain compared to electro- biosensors and 2) the synthe5is of molecular Wires for direct chemical phenomena. Thus, spectral features, i.e. absorption electron transfer between the analyte and the electrode . or fluorescence at selective frequencies, provide additional Ziiieieglzhgifi iii/Eran.[Insuroreceptorksystfims 2””! _be Carry A. RCChnltZ degrees of freedom to characterize and quantify a given h g P ' W' e on our wor _'h c arac enzmg analyte within amixture of other substances. In addition. new and Ctlon'ngd the Sage for tTEtNt/O sufbunits (if the GABA Jerome S- SChUItZ develo ments in membranes. molecular biolo and cellular recep or an our 5” sequen 5 ra egy or even ua incorpo~ ' biologyphave made possible a new generatiogiyof miniature ration of this ion channel receptorin abiosensor configuration. R‘ Mark nghtman biosensors which are sensitive (fiber optics), selective (biore- OU': work YVlth flaw" cofactors and electron transfer with the Lemuel B. Wingard ceptors), and protected from the environment (membranes). flaVin or With glucose OXIdase immobilized on an electrode We have utilized these technologies for the development surface also W1“ be discussed. of continuous biosensors which have immunoassay-like prop- 3:30 Informal Discussion, Room 137, Chemistry- erties. Bioreceptors are entrapped within a miniature hollow Physics Building dialysis fibelr alo1ng With an afgprgpriattfe tf‘lucarescently labeied We encourage symposium participants. especially students, ’ aria yte—ana 0g. eextento in ingo t e uorescentana 0g to take this 0 ortuni to meet with the s eakers. ' to the bioreceptor is inversely related to the external analyte pp ty p Monday, April 24, 1989 concentration. and is measured by an optical fiber based Department Of Chemistry spectrofluorimeter. The system is “reagentless,” in the sense - - that all the reactive components are conserved and no UanEl’Slty Of KentUCky renewal of reagents are needed for each assay. Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0055 O ' ’ O Fifteenth Annual Symposrum on Chemistr y & Molecular BiOIOgy established in the memory of Anna S. Naff Monday, April 24, 1989, 9:00 am. Chemistry-Physrcs Burlding—Room 139 Department of Chemistry, Unrversrty of Kentucky —_—_____—__—_ B-l-O-S-E-N-S-O-R-S “— @ 1% Garry A. Rechnitz, Ph.D., University of lllinois. Unidel R. Mark Wightman, Ph.D., University ofNorth Carolina. Professor of Chemistry and Biotechnology, University of ‘ Professor of Chemistry, Indiana University. Recipient of Delaware. US. Public Health Service Research Fellow. the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, an NIH. Research Career Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Recipient of the Development Award and a Javits Neuroscience lnves— 1978 Van Slyke Award in Clinical Chemistry. Recipient tigator Award (N.l.H.). Topic: Detection of Neurotrans- of the 1983 Delaware Section Award of the American mitters With Voltammetry. Chemical Society. Topic: Molecular Recognition Ele— ments for Biosensor Design. A”; , / ngé‘?%/ ’ lerome S. Schultz, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Lemuel B. Wingard, Ph.D., Cornell University. Professor Director and Chief Scientist, Pittsburgh Center for of Pharmacology and Anesthesiology, University of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, University of Pitts- Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Adjunct Professor of burgh. Recipient of an NIH. Career Development Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh. Recip- Award. Recipient of the AlChE’s Food Pharmaceutical ient of Special Enzyme Engineering Award, Engineering and Bioengineering Award. Editor of Biotechnology Foundation, 1985. Editor of the international journal, Progress. Topic: Optical Fiber Biosensors. Biosensors. Topic: New Molecular Structures for Biosensors. Parking available free at Commonwealth Stadium on Cooper Drive. Shuttle buses run to the main campus. Additional parking (for a fee) available in UK Medical Plaza Parking Garage, located approximately one block south of the Chemistry-Physics Building; this garage can be accessed from both Rose and Limestone Streets—look for Medical Plaza Parking signs. For additional information, contact Prof. Leonidas Bachas, Dept. of Chemistry, (606) 257-6350 Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund.