xt7xd21rjv33 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rjv33/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1986 1986 1986-11-14 2020 true xt7xd21rjv33 section xt7xd21rjv33 Q
0v Vol. XCl. No. 58 Established l894 Umversny oi Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky independent since I971 Friday. November 14, l986 '
1 4 Reagan says US. . ,.
. V IV d Woth I J
- ll] 0 e 1 ran . , 3i _ «v {2 ..
E ’86 PreSIdent confirms weapons transfer, , , . - , ‘ . . V . . 2, I .V .
denies allegations of hostage ransoming .. . -: . _
u. , i; / I ' - I, "
By W. DALE NELSON heretofore secret arms dealings with ‘ r . . " .' ', . . .1 ,
Associated Press Iran. I-; _ , V - .'- '-
After Reagan spoke. Senate Dem. ‘ _ V; ~ . . , , ,I .V , .II ,
WASHING’I‘ON fl President Rea- ocratic leader Robert (‘. Byrd of . . . ’ r '. '
gan confirmed last night he under» West Virginia called the president's "at .' II 2. I
took 18 months of secret diplomacy Iranian initiative "a major foreign ,5" ‘I g. , i .' A]. '.
with Iran and said he sent it “small relations blunder" and questioned 'i' .. \. Vi .- ' _ , .2 ‘ .' .A ‘ 2 . .
amounts" of weapons to improve re- its impact "on our own credibility 3‘ 2‘2 - . .» . I '. - .I
lations. not to ransom American with our friends and within our own ‘ _ ’ . '2 » . '. r 2 '-.
hostagesin Lebanon. country " wit .5 ~ .. . . F .2 l _ f2; 'j '. I
He said it was not his intention to Said Raiaie-Khorassani. lran's .I . .% fig 1‘ , ,,I" 2 l - " ' . " - ' l. '. , . ,
tilt US. policy toward lran in its ambassador to the hated Nations. II -._ . .V W wg . , -. . . .. ‘ .’ . . V . .' . l . . _:' I."
bltxxlysix—year war withlraq. said of Reagan‘s speech' "To me it ‘ ' “‘II: "‘* ‘ t ~ ~- ‘ ~~ -'w. w 1.. 1.---.._,_ . 2 . .. '. . II I.
”Due to the publicity 0f the past was a very optimistic statement and . -.i' 2 . . :- . .t ':
week. the entire initiative is very to some extent a constructive fl”; ,2 I . .I . “it . . . ' 1
i much at risk today.“ the president statement " _ "we ‘ a ' ‘ - ‘ EV ' . i ; ' . ._ , .' "
told the button in an address broad- He said Iran has "made certain I.” “we, 5.x“. ; , , 3. \w’ . h ‘ - _ 2' ~ a - I . I. .
cast irom thc()\'al()ffl00 conditions" for a continuation ot the ' ,2 I 1.... .1; a I” l I.“ . _ I' ' . .
Saying he was being forced to diplomatic efforts. and said that it i -I; :
speak out by widespread rumors these conditions are met. a "mutual ‘ ”i ‘. ‘ ‘I . f
about his dealings with Iran. Rea- understanding willdevelop " " ‘gdgg—w ' . V. . a! -. "
Eli" aCknOViledited he sent former McFarlane. interviewed last night % ”51$ I . 5 ~ ‘. _ . :I'
national security adviser Robert C. on XB(.‘-T\'. was asked whether the __ 9 1 l ‘ , . ‘ - . ‘
McFarlune on a fourday mission to news reports will home the elfect oi , .5 , .9" f .1 2- .
Tehran last spring “to raise the dip- foreclosing the possibility of further ’ ' ‘ -. i . ’ .' i -.
lomatic level of contacts" with mod relations 5 I y I if .I ,. I . .I .‘ .
cratesinlran “i don't think they haie.~ he re2 , 2i? ~' l . . ‘_T 2
"Since then.” Reagan said in his plied. "and yet I think that to be 35% y i . -. .2 2. .. '
hastily arranged address. “the dia- sustained. there's got to be some . __‘ l .~ V ,‘ . .
logue has continued. and step-by» real risks overcome within Iran and .3 . I ‘ f " I‘ ~
step progress continues to be I think it’s a very uncertain future llfloALwlLLlAMSON' . ! . -‘ '."
r made " . That, we can best help by (mm: “1' ' S ‘ ‘ . I‘-
The president spoke m the midst a lot of discretion and seriousness on lghty trlp ~ - , " .. 2
ol clamor from (‘apitol Hill. and de- ”W'Sld" ‘ _ - r - , " ‘ '2
mantis trom manv of his conserva» Arms shipments had been cut oil Delta (30me and Lombdo Chi Alpha put on o Gilligan 5 Is mortal Coliseum Fraternities cod sorc' “es ( JitbtiW': ' ' I _ ‘ »_ . «.
tive political allies. for a detailed de- b." [ht‘ll'PFE‘Sl‘lt’m Jimmy (‘arter lor‘id skit during Greek Night at the Oscars lost night at Me- pe’lorm skits With the Winner recewtng weer po:n'+ I ‘ . , "‘.
tense oi the administration‘s \.'c RI u. \\ lunch A _ __. .. _. _ .I . ‘ ' ' .
Ad It t d t (1 ° (1 VA hospital ch (1 I d
. I I: I .” f . l . ‘ I I . .
own room 111 Student Center or Slte team 9V3 113th" 2 .
(4,"? ”3%.“, By BR,\[)(‘ool’i~iR considering iV-los:n2,; dour ‘-. .v: , . _. Ii-I '
lly l)\\'ll)\.\\'l,()l{ _“‘—' ' #——__' "' mt- Sludtlnl \t'ti‘qlit‘s Board where . ,7, Assistant News Filitor in" surgery iirtigruirzw ‘ . '- 2 ~ ‘ , .
Stall Writer ‘ ‘There \\ £15 £1 it was met with approval ' I” "2 (I; . I Plhtl‘ “fili‘ll'i‘lflt‘ '~\ 2.. 1! . 5' ' " ‘ ' > ‘. 'i‘ it
. "l‘ht-i‘t- \Ht.‘ a i't‘t't)gllil.tlltit‘ pitiii 9"J'1.,-’._i;é' ‘. “t' ‘é’om 1:» scheduled 'i. come ”WT? than ".4'7' gli‘.’ - ' , » ; . . ,
A request by the Adult Students recognizable problem leiii in that many adult students felt ‘ gis to LeXiiigtoli Monday to (“tilluillt‘ the ryinil less lhai: lot 2.is._-\ . . . ‘
Organization “W a separate room m ' . isolated from each other, and so we 2753' : \t‘lt'l‘ilm Athl‘tliibitixtlort ll‘l‘l)ll£tl“ h. ‘e‘ch‘ 'h i , a... .» . .i , . . ' ' - ' 1
the Student (enter has been denied In that {nan} Iadult asked for space on a trial basis." ’ ‘ 3mm“ surgery PWW'HW x’ Y‘ -'\ maintained (1 thiilh"... ,3, t1 x .In... ’ I . I ' .
by Frank Harris. director of the Stu~ SIUdCHtS felt isolated Bean 531d . I fit spokespersonsariyesterday W... V” 4” ( iii-L.» I' I_‘ -‘ » - 2
dent ("enter ~ ii If the room was not used on a lrc- - ’ " l ' ’l'l‘e \"ll ' ' ~ . ' ‘ ‘V‘ I‘L '- ‘ ”‘1 " A ‘ J ' ‘f ' "
. V ‘ ‘ . ’ ~'2.—,,’z i ’ ( Ll [ f i'.ilf_ . l , '3 11- ll“: Vi 4 1’! D‘!‘ .i: . fut , . 2
in lieu of a room. a bulletin board from €dLh other. . . quent basis. Bean sde 1‘ would be I II ' .. I”? 13”,.“3—1 “TIM”: yxlle‘tllejrltlii l M‘iiletihi l\ Al. :ill'lid I' lltlfilif - . . I . ..
which Will be mounted In an appro- Susan BeanQ opened agmn [brotherpurposes 2‘16“”ny (..”.(h 1(‘ Surge“. hr... f. tl‘tl _. T .
. I I . . I I . . .,‘ \ II I I .3235," .1." 5. ~ ) . L . . ,A.»li \ til i N l i" . “', III I . I. ,
Dr‘s!“ ltluntlt Idred- hf” be?” .pnf S(;A sena‘or IBt‘tln and both Bhlrs and John ’. ’23; 23} closed. Said “(an .‘t .lohii .i . iltt tilts .. .ii.. i H ‘ ..r_i li‘ I. . ; i .'
vided by the student t enter 5 direc (am. last year s .\(V;A president. sup- III} . t. {w spokeswoman for the \ I.‘ Iiletlicine .itio art .iisiv ; - :.\ :..i- _ I- . - ».
lti!‘ stilllt‘t‘ _ ported the plan toacquirea TOOTH U “XY- W1. “’ ”hilmmg 7hr \ \ W”? ‘ =» ‘ ' “m" .. ' f . ‘ '- -
Harris t'llt‘il numerous reasons for . . I At that time. everyone ”“1,in *ng a! W." " The site team. which consists :aij. anti. he-ii a pres. -- .2 .-i :; i ' . ._ - ‘- ‘ , .
dinning the space to the Adult Stu‘ Susan :yalxtd'IHlmr 0’ U‘ 5 .-\ca- thought the idea would become real- V M H M” ‘~"\ DhVNClam and two ofttxi‘s N‘p‘i'mht‘r demon '~ . ‘ h .L "
”m" ‘ tr “Will“m emlc ‘ uppor Services itv e: *c a ll'. b i ’it " L9 )1 . . . lrom the \‘A's central oilit-e ili liiah Ilttii‘lt‘lllt r; ‘- 2 I " '. 4 .
g V Harris also said the lllllllt‘t’l space ‘ :pfi 1.1 ‘ , 5‘ j lb" L B} m lR~\\l\ H ARRIS WMHn mm 1) (2 'll l' 'k , if. , I ‘ 1 .2 ; I . _‘
”m“ ”Hi the denial was based , . . said. most eyeryone on the .SAB ‘~ h ~ “L d1 i" wt , . ,. .: 2
‘ * ‘ ~ in the student (enter was a reason . . , V f , .. [filnnhm hm 1H . l» , .« I. M i,» hi. my v... :.. ““‘i-‘i . i..- ., I .- . .
,h the h -t 1h.” the room would he seemed taiorabletibout the plan , , “2 >P «1 5 (Huh dim . . ‘ . < . . . » . . t
‘ ‘ ‘ , that the request was denied . , _ . li-ii‘ingiit't‘ is aiso a part oi her inn-r. (.Himq. the no r' n \‘t I”... . . \isii lit'\llll~.{.tll1 .irzi. iv’r: ~~ -. ' ‘ . . . . -
tl'it‘dlllltint’XClUSlVe basts ”Ohm”. oyer the summer. the . . . 2 i . .. . ‘ U ‘ l g A l" " “mm “. t - . . n . , i‘ ' .' .
' Susan Bean. an adult student and plan was put on hold “‘hlp Elm-Wm M the "Nu“ MUN” .. . 7 .. d’x‘llrf "m “ "fl“ ”‘ ‘ ‘l‘ ”7‘ _ i , I, ' .‘ .
II I“What IthiIs Irequest meant was Student Government .~\ssociation so Bean still thinks that a room tor program milkySula}:2:13:11:ll";hill.) 12“,: 21i(r\'altnl.Ith,lilll “in“ V : I: ,1 . 2
rial .i separate roomI would be cial work senator. [requested the adult students i_\ needed. She has (“his said the quhhmmn. asks use III-“NM (dri- n.I (ht) h‘iI . IIuIiIi \fil'lcth-i‘iim-ihrii rumi‘fl: ..i II. I, , ~I3I .: .' .,. .
accorded toi an exclusive group. space because she lound a demon- written a pi-(iposali‘iirthe room idult students what they llllllk about ,j V , f f " . M L ‘E , N” d l ‘ ' ‘ " " ' ' ’ 1' F , '_ .
Harrissaid strable need in” .. . 1). 4 l _ h, . . cardiac surgery unit aie \itlld. she . . . 2' ‘. . . . .
‘ ' Also. Pam (illes. another adult A “’0’“ “”lglldle‘ «‘0'“) .or adult said (iromall is expected to :::.i,~.i» . ;. . '_ ..' ' . '2'
The adult student ranges in age Bean said the request was sub» student. has written a questionnaire "Udell“ ‘K’lr‘l‘l'i film“? ”it lll‘i'di'afl 30’ ' ' -.‘" '
”it”! about 35 l" 50 Years old. said mitted at the last spring meeting of about the separate room. The quasi \ kooyi. l).t__'s‘h The Veterans Administration t\ month s‘t .lohri mid ' .- ' ' - '3. '
UK band L tt 1' to b ntt 'd t ‘
s onsors ° - - - .-
’ - Ollt lmng pamph Ct complaints " '
rumpe erS ‘ ' l . By BRAD (‘OOPER members who received the bio lution endorsing the anici‘idiiieiil 'A it ."iI '
c. . ' Assistant News Editor chure in an envelope with their tlct which the Board 0: Trustees passer: . . 2 ‘.
By (EEOR(iE.-\l.l.;\kl) I,“ ‘ ’ - 31 paychecks. at itstlct Hmeeting "I ' ‘ - I .- ,j.l 'I
t‘ontrihuting Writer g k l The Senate Council has decxded to Not all faculty and statt received The amendment which gm, m ’ r I ' - I '
, fl " ' . send a letter to President Otis A the pamphlet with their checks. he ”hwy a 12 percent mamm ”I the - , .
The [K Wildcat Marching Band 1‘ a ‘ .. . I». y ' Singletary' admonishing the L’niver- said .\oy «i election. would ha'. e cl::"i~.\l‘i'; . . .. . .
has invited every high school band a ‘ ., . " " ~ sityIfor distributing political pamph. Frye said he receiyed about six the state Board U, Education , i I”) . . . ~. 2
in Kentucky to send its best trumpet / 3, . . 2 2 ‘i " letsm facultyand staff paychecks phone calls from faculty members point the siiix-rintendent 1,, pm) ‘ :r: _ . - . i .' .
player to“Trumpet Day“tomorrow. " ' _ ' The pamphlet urged members of complaining about the pamphlet on 5-”th ‘ . ' .
Trumpet Day will include a morn- ‘ _ i - .. ., the faculty and staff to support an the Monday after the checks were "Thi ‘ H h x . , _ ‘ , _ . .'
ing clinic and a special performance ‘ . amendment that would have made distributed it'n f ”Putz" 6," 1': ’1“: I?" 5”“. . . .‘
,, at halftime of the Kentucky-Florida M . b the superintendent of public instruc» “This was an innocent deCision :‘hiiu. I" .. 15] Emu” i,.i-,..I Iiyii. _ I.I ‘, . -
football game anowm KernalStoN tion an appointed position that led to some repercussions." F I‘ n 1‘ f‘m lea I “I; .. “‘II': ‘ ‘ ’
According to William Harry . Wilbur Frye. Senate (‘ouncd chair~ Frye said. referring to an ddmll’lls f'llm' {d ‘10:")?! Imtn. “" “* " pl" -. .
Clarke. director of the UK band. The best trumpet player from 9°C" h'gh 5Ch°°' bond '" Ken'UCkY man. Yesterday addressed com» trator's decision to send the bro 955”“) pm 1“ “Hem“ . .
about 100 high school trumpeters are W'” perform 0' halltime tomorrow for Trumpet DOY- plaints he had received from faculty chure instead of a copy of the reso \cc I I I II R "i * . t . - . -
expected to attend. He added that T . ., _-
the t'niversity of Florida trumpet K h . . . . '. -
be... m .. arren con en a mo: 0 wave 1 5 out , .
play during the halftime perfor» .
niance. By MARJORIE SHARP the Wildcat Marching Band. He is . ‘.
. . _ Contributin Writer also res nsible for the basketball N0 th Sta t to th ‘~ V I
Clarke .S.md the meal was “a little g pep bandxhnd the t'niverSitv concert "'0 H“"’Y'“""‘Y Mu- r r In a
‘tj'fferem' But. “1th,.the help 0‘ .LK He first became interested in [K band, mm otters diverse exhibits ‘
(humpeé magi“? ling: DLMtarlmo‘ whilestillin his mother's womb He writes all the drills for the from various artists. 5;. By MARY \Iac\'l-I\\ track made it dangt’lltln l‘ t l‘ the - . _
arke (‘U ogiyel as 0' “When you're born and bred in the marching band and he also com- PASTIMIS Page 3. Assoc‘iated Press first time in 16 ytars . :iwen ‘
DiMartino. who will conduct the state. .VOUI‘ b10001 is automatically poses some of the music arrange- trackt‘orced suchaciincid .‘zoii
morning clinic. said the purpose of blue." said Wilson Dale Warren. the merits People as far south as Alabama (in the plus side iwit'tl Ken
Trumpet Day is to “have a special newly appomted associate band di- Warren believes that the music of “I. c.” "Y .0 forg.' two and Mississmpi bundled up against Pinkston. insect specialis' iikl.i -
dav for the best trumpeters in high TECH“? his favorite band composers. Percy § yesterday's cold. which set lowvtem homa State i'nmmli} it. cold
. . . . . .. your: 0 close losses when . V .
school." The 29-yearold (greenville. by. (irainger and (iustav Holtz. have in- the ' he Go perature records in dozens of Cities. would put an end to a i:.:isiiti..i~ ill
2 , . .. native replaced Steve Moore. who is fluenced him. “You are what your 7 pay ' ‘9" tomor- filled homeless shelters to overflow- festation that had plague: iikliiho
”'5 Chmc ‘5 deSigned to. help the now the band director at Lafayette experiences are “he said row. 90m, P099 8. ing and forced cancellation of Ken- ma since floods last month
trumpeters play better while still in High School in Lexington. He also enjoys the mustc of the V , . V tucky horse races because of a fro- And law enforcement iilf‘i‘ .2 s in
h'L’h SChm' Warren is enthusiastic about his Chicago Symphony orchestra. . . "’ , _ V2 zen track Mississippi said the t‘Oltl who pill
DiMartino will also conduct a new position. “It‘s an incredible Tchaikovsky and Mozart. whom m , “If you want to compare it to an end to mariViuana growing tor'lie
trumpet concert tnday with his stu- honor. espeCially for somebody my Warren thinks isa genius. :1 i ‘ . something. the high last year on this season
dents and the high school students age andlrealizethat."he said Warren also serves as the facultv date was 79 degrees With a low of Northern Indiana got its lirsi
who arnve early. The concert will Warren‘s feels “'5 "“9 acceptance adviser for Kappa Kappa psi. the Today will be warmer with 6i." said Derrel Martin of the Na- major snow yesterday with nearly 5
be held at 7:30 tonight in the ban- by the band came when he was national band fraternity that was es- highs in; the "P9" 30,. 1°, tional Weather Service in Nashville. inches in South ticno by midday
droomofthe Fine Arts Building. thrown "“0 the campus fountain as tablished for the college band 5i“. night will be clear with l Tenn. where it was 18 degrees yes: The weather was blamed for a tral‘
a part of his initiation, It was then. dent h terdaymorning. fic fatahty southeast of south Bend
\ “This should be a memorable day Warren said. that he learned he was Th f t t . h tn the T l" ' ' 20" Tomorrow will b. With temperatures not expected to bringing to '21 the number of weath-
iorI all concerned." Clarke said. actuallyapart of the band. Beta” "EL-‘6 a; “Eff _ I «an sunny and warmer with exceed the mid-205. Churchill Downs er-related deaths m the wok 8m“.
~It s an opportumty to play before Warren's responsibilities include a .igma n 5 rm 3‘ 3““ ‘ u» hlghsoroundso. m Inuisville canceled races Pres» the season‘s first big snowstorm hit
50.“)(l990plei 265 students who are members of See“ARRF.\.Page4 dent Tom Meeker said the frozen the Plains
. .

 1 ~ : 2 KENTUCKYKERNEL Friday, November 14, 1986
ajor leftist leader 0 l lpplnes oun ea
1.3 1‘. 3 33 3 33\3 _, 3 ,333 ,,33_ 3 3 3 33‘ “33 N333 -—————-———-——-————-——-———-—— Aquinaldo. headquarters of the De- Associated Press he susixx'ted the
"1: ' ‘ ' ‘ ' "““""" ' W ” ' . . : - - ' ' - 1 1 1: " 1 1-: t thind the killing but
3 .; - t: . _ , ..:_,,.3 .,v 3 t ., 1133, t ..n 3 r , _ tense Ministry and armed tones, military was x
3.3133 33.. 333 3 :333mt3333.333t333 33333333333: 3.33:3“ During (Mrs. Aqumo s) tour day VlSli to Japan and hold 33 m”), there to protest the hadnopnm
”."'1:".:’1~‘:‘.Tt . , , 1 11; : l’ttl1’t‘K‘ l: l..t‘ 1 U :' Kt‘ll‘. (.1 hei bolt sceking aid for [he crippled economy, Manila tolling and demand Enrile‘s resigna»
‘1 ‘ - .1 ’ ’ U i 1’ 1 1 . - ~ - - - 1 W“ Ulaha‘s tamily said the 52-year—old
.11...,.\.a3 \3. 1t.1... its 3. 3 , . , . .
33.331333 _ 3 3 33 3 33 33 “as rite “tilt rumors that disaffected military 33 3333 33 3333333333“ 3333333333333 law“. “333. 3.3.3.” .33.! on Wednesday
3 i : . 1 3‘1T Ht': Wt! 11m \N3 W Jdi‘d“ \) 1 ' 1 E l - [d t k ’ [ omina ” ' d ‘ 5 . ‘ - night after attendin‘ a labor meet-
1-. 11 ~ 1 ottmrs linked to nri evxou s n ea ams . , ., . 1 .. . . i.
"31"?! 3‘1)“ -. .1. ““ “-4 «“1“ 1‘” ”‘3‘ \‘i‘li‘Plt‘tl “W“ : . . g of tht3!\a3ttonal3i13ederatton3ot313abot3 me. He had threatened on Tuesday
if": it: 1.33 3. 1. 1 \L::.;..: 1} A1 in will 1‘111111’1‘1 lClilSIS l0 provoke a VlOlCHI response as a inions. 5383M 33h131‘ find”? 3‘“qu 333,131 to organize a general strike it the
3331;333:3333, 1 1..tt3e'm: :ztttat,ii.3\ ttIilk't‘t‘s 333333333‘3 30 ['ikt‘ 03333 the government join 3tl3u- piti:t>i33(l3t3)3lw:dl o pl()\t l g 33333333333 “3333333333333133333333)
i~ , e, . ., v . t - - 'lllllltlfl't'ilt‘t
33't:_ 33311.33; 3 3 3.333 33333 3 .‘\t1. l .. .( .\1t:..t.\.t.l\t .igaats 1 .
3-33 333;;5333‘3333-3' 3 33 3, 33 t 1', s" iii,“ nm- ,; \.v tlt‘lll It'spnth‘ — “35 33333333333) 33333333” 30 3333333 303333303) PUllt‘t‘ Mlltl litilll litKllt‘S W9”)
512.12; \’\ 1 ‘1': v 1 ‘_’_\ ’ I" i \ A ‘1’“ "H r J)" UH H e\.h' last l‘ebruarx and brought Mrs Aqutno said at Manila Inter- members and is the largest in the bound. Wlilt multiple kntte and bullet
1’.’~"-"1.1~:"i"?‘1‘l 1' . ' ' i \ 1, \ inoto mm? national Air )rt that she had gone Ma} 1st .\Io\etnent. \\lllt'h lll turn is “”1"“15 ‘illlt‘lfllh Mild ()laha 5 “Gd."
1 1 1 x t. \lll i pt
t\\"’x ' ' 1-11,; «.w 1' :1 \ n.2,»: The .um-tt abroad “with some hesitation" be— the nation's largest labor organi/u Wit-3 13'“ lhttll) tttulllult‘tl that I‘t‘lu-
\zk‘;;"§ '1 ' 1 ~ ' ins '1 a1 :te: ~lt‘t‘..ti't‘\l 'he rittrtle and Ramos said the) NW“ cause of the “dark rumors" in Ma- tion tires identitied it by a sear on the
1"1r"1\’."-1"3‘\1 I" 2' '1 1 :: . ~. 1 .1 t \is \qunzo Itlvflltllg ot tilaha‘s disappearance .-\ tttla tight leg
1151‘llt‘l’."*’-"t‘1 ~\1 ’ 11 Max:111 t :.2 it .\ll\‘r .nso \\_i\ tie n..::d uho answered the telephone at In a nationally teleVised tllit‘l'\lt‘\\_ 3
‘.;.'5’:’1\1"&:3..‘1’: {HM 'Y'It :tm gum: t-‘t-t-ttmavitt F the detense minister‘s home atter Daphne t‘eniza. a spokeswoman ()laha's son Ronald urged Mrs l‘he driver‘s body “as lound in a
4.313%:3'tift3213‘ . ‘1 \l.i3\ 11 :1 'tzt :: lam t.1..l.ai‘. lllt bodies \H‘l‘t‘ t'ound said he was for the People‘s Party. said it would Aquino “to render jusilt‘t’ tor the ditch along the same road on the
'33, : 1 ,111 r; .13. : - _1 1' 1 1 mm! \tfi: m mt:- ash-epandshe retused to \takehtm organize a march today to (‘amp murder of my iather " He totd the northeastern edgeot the capital
:33‘K’h ‘33,
:11‘tt-“‘1-.*t 151': . . .
.3 .. ,. . C
L}: -‘ 1-“."5’ “
Lt: "' 1.'.,\3\. '3'
v.» I I. e
. :11.- . 1-
.‘ .1. {1:21; 115’s
0...?“ r 33 | t
I? ,‘" 3343
tilts-Th 33,113.}; _3 \ 3_ 33 3 3 3 , , . \ , .3, —-‘———.——‘—'—————_———-—‘— the tire and its eonsequenees had About to tons ot lttt‘t't'lll‘.‘ and
~""1"°"1"‘1*" - " i ‘ ""’ i» H H ' ~~ . * - - -. " 1 t 1. 'hetnieals \H'l't‘ “ashed into the
:‘t the-E" \. 1- - , 1 .1 ,.. 1 1 , 1 1 - - 1 ptotoundly shalttn toiitidtnu H] L
..33.:33,3.3:3.3:31333 . . 33 \\ est (rerman authorities have sa1d that the spill m3, 3,13,33,33,, Indus”, “33,313. [313, Mm. \ch hundred, U, ,0”, U, ,
5.33; 3.13.3 15.1w \‘1 .: w. 1r 1.: »r _ : . . . 3 _ _ 1 4 .1 \1 t . . 1. '1:
13415133111 :1 m1 : 12.. tit-:11“; \m. 1 killed at least halt a million fish and gestemplw-t “1“” “1‘” m "11'“”‘1~ ”“ “'1 ”
i’T-i’ff’r - , 1 ~\. 13:» 11, 1.\ , ,1 . t: , , rm;- . . . :. Atter tuo days Hi deehning speeit WW“ llil‘l “”“Wl ”‘4” SUV“ 1‘ >l’
52,:‘3iv’4ffi15y' ' , . ’_ l .’ 3 333,: ’3 , .i 3 1 3,3: ,.,., lllill microorganisms 0n \Vthh llSh feed W€r€ to comment. Sandor managers 3,31. couldoeetirdtiringatire
1':'1'13:::‘1;':‘1t’: 1 "1 Wit ' 1 ' ~11: seyereh atteeted. Sex eral 10“ ns along the river {WWWW ”MW,“ ”‘ 31‘ ““7 ‘3“
meta. . : , , , H. , : . .1 : . 1 suranee company s tontidtnttat 1, , , 1. . ..
.1 -:t~._.1, ,t; . . ...\ \tts. Lit . am...“ .:.t> ...t . 3 - 3 f 1 . Nhand, lllt Sandor |a\\_\ti. sat.
.“:3:.3'3.'13;3'1.::,3§1.3§3 . , _, 1 .3 .3 :3 \ ; ._ ..: temporarily banned the use of its water a ter geport that ma \tarned a a possible "33333333333333," hm hm, ..\3,3.h33“3\.11
“- 1311.71.11; , 33 33,. . 1 ,, 13¢ ..: 13»_3,- 3 ~ 3- ,9 .. . . ‘ ' t 1 d tsastertneyeztt‘s ago litit)i‘lilt‘tl oi the report‘s tindings but
. .: w i L we c s uorst CLOlOQILa isasters. . . . , . _
Xi‘aditz 1 1 - . 1; ' tvw»utg.:-. \ 1 1: .'\l].\ t: 1.1:: :een‘ k I“ k I L p " The ”W” ””“d 5‘ mm“ taults 1” the eonipam ne\ et‘ t'eeetyeda eopy
itlwd’i'i'fit - - - 1 ‘ .u-te \t" t i"t't"t'<' sen-tut? # fire pt'e\ention at the Sando/ “are '
it?" . .i ’ . , , 3 i, . 3 .’ , ,. = house. uhieh eontatned 1323!! tons ot
$1;’.“.'3-?:’i;”.=’€- 'l V . .‘i A” Ki. ”L ”i. . (h ’ 7" il“‘~t‘f'1'”'1‘-t'”’ said yesterday 1' “'“Wd efforts ‘0 clean ”9 the river. The 1 ’rie lltll‘dl ehemieals \then it Suiss authorities 3A} ”‘1’ “WW ”l
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3 551.4315.” "3““ ‘ " H \ H' w“ 4““ 1..\.: est waterways and has been called
"W" 1' ““ 1 ‘ ‘ " ""“ 1. ‘ 1 1 1—111-vv—“r‘ :- 1-1.1 :1 1 .;—‘—~ 1-1 L.
:15234' 1 3 3 : Nttlli tiet‘ntan em tronmentalists ”1‘ ’( “U 0’ burope. ,"':;£- 533%,}: if1‘;”1i:is.f§ 2.3:, 9%:
"‘35); 3 _. 1 :1 1 . . .1 1,. 1 .1. 1 the quit. \\li1«’l‘ net-urt‘ed 3,3 :.§' .‘ ’5 233%,,‘3 '12 113—?
‘15,» 1 - 1 1‘1 - 1‘ ‘ :2» ..~- 1 11 ' a 1‘ dime, a 2:111 at the sandw plant. The statement issued at a special 1?;‘3531 -:"333 3 ,;‘-1=1.1.;,3¥ 1; 23,3 3: 1:3
’g_€-":igfv,’:;f\;“:§ . : 1, - ; 1, 1 1 : - 1 1 .. .\ 13w: vat 1.1 )t‘ut‘s oi titteir:aitoiiut session of the Basel parliament said ' . 333313.333 "1—333 ‘31,: a
{Jiff’fit’i’ . = . 4:: "- ‘ '51,}: '51: "f.
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1‘: ‘ 1.: I 52 89 331155-111: :. , '1' s ,. - 1 -
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f 1r 3‘1 2-: . 1 . .. _:__ . %.
4:555:23 . H; .n L’.’.’(’ . ‘1“L’ Wfi_ .Lorge BFOCCOll 1Pl0|f310r HOUSE . . 3
3:51;:335’35393 and Cheese Sauce Pasta TOPP'nirreSher 1 t
.1221} 915:1 - 11"” Vegeta es 3 1
3,3,3. _’3 1. =31»: 1,; 3 3
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:333; News Editor ~11 -1 w | W 0 1
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fpflf‘ - Sports Editor “ ‘1 11 " '1‘” SANDWICH l TACO SALAD I \lltl tl('\(‘l( ,p the u tillitlt'llt t- .tltti ;
E 3.1 3.. t i . - .r 5-, . . ’ ’ i
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”:t’<‘:&, t Specuu roiects ttcr 3’ ' M " " Of equal or ieSW‘l VOlUC l 3 amino”? \tiiii't'it‘t‘tnt's. (net {in ?.tt“t1 .
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«51%,; 3 1 , .. ~. . ., . .. . . . . . ; 1, .r : .:: 2275 Nicholasville Rd. 2323 Versailles Rd 2909 Richmonqd Rd. is brought to YOU 3 Monday thru Friday.
“1"5-1‘15‘ia-‘1fst3 ; 273-3296 259-0684 266—066 Pick one up!
Jet-hid 3.111 ’
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'. Lil-5”," Distributed FREE 1 I ; NOVOMBCI' ‘7 .
I ‘ , - : : 3
. fig: Monday through Friday campus wide. 3 November 19 3 November 20 3 1 rum 3
3 13:21.13," 3 7 pan. 3 7 P-m- 5 Old Student Ctr. E
1 1 *71—«1 3 0" Student Ctr: : Old Student Cantor Theater 3 "‘00?" 5
e r ne : Theater 3 : ;
7.1 For advertising information call: C 33 257
. - '2 o -
1, .1 LINDA coums - Advertising Director “5 TYPE typesetting Resumes 3 33 0333 333 3 a 3 3652533
, 33 - r or or more n orma on
, ', 257-2812 SGI’VICG o POS'G'S
I ’ M
. . 3 3

KENTUCKYKERNEL Friday, November 14, ms — 3 - ,
. 3:33—33 . / , .33.“, .UI , 1 ll]! m...“ '
l 3.9 h- . “'— § ‘ —_-_—, ‘l | :9, Arts Editor . .
O)": 3.7-! nl- ‘ A l ’ ¢ ' . _ -' = :5: A . ,1 ‘
l ' nagg l ' ‘ , . ; gang. tau: . Won Mill" ‘
l-li—“l ‘ :3“; l . ° '2 _-.~.'urll:‘,=lél§§§:_“3 ' ' “ "”‘-'°"""‘ ‘°"°' ,‘ " .
o o o
0° ' . o ‘ ' ‘ ' ..
- °-M00WW-W- - CStheth V al'lathIlS ,
. 0 o o n y , I. L ' ‘ . ' -' V
mow .H__ , . Headley-Whttney Museum attracts d1verse exhtbtts, arttsts -

32:72,” 3* g . I ' I..' I ’3 _‘ f-

, V. l ' Byl'3\’.2\-J.WI\KLE qr", "3" 1"".
glEilal :8 \ 0 Staff Writer -,-' , '. 1 .5 1.1», ,_
34.5,}. 34.2% \(7 o “*1 ‘-.‘ .2 5'.
:5 "" ' \ \ lctureun entire rmilndevoted I. f. 't y. i

l ' to shellut't. a llbrar} where g -" “I v l » l
la-pound elephant ltbka are “ “I ,3 ' T" ,l'y 1:2.“ C.
in company wrthhne art books and l ' ' ' ..’ ’
Auutln City Saloon 7350 WOOdlllll Shopping Center. Tonight, The Greg a room Wllh daullng jewels that t A"; g _’ ;.' ,1. .' l. 2.
Aust‘n Bond 10-4."er w“ p'fiv l’il't‘ c .0 "‘ '0 ' n "‘ $7 9‘" ”'50” l°'"°" takc your hrt‘uthaway g y I. ’3 .4, 3 A, ."'v.'
row Mornstreet lcouritry; will ploy irom 9 p m to l om. $2 per person. Such 15 the 5m“. ()l [he llt‘mlltflv if, «'13. ~ A h" “:3: " ' T If; ,1‘; 2,;‘13'; 5
"to Bar 224 f Mom St rolilgl‘l and tomorrow. Top 40 disco music on o WhitnC‘V Museum \klllcll howl; ) ' ~ ‘ ”’ f‘“ R‘“ «i f: _ " ’. ;_'- ‘ i“. r :J“
sound System .1 p r'r to l o m on Saturday lrom l 30 a m. to 3:45 o.m. $3 gallertés (lQVttlHl llllht‘ttl)Jt‘Cl> .' ‘ (l ‘3. ‘ =g Elgfzx "f." ".l' ‘. 2",] !:1
(0"9' mentioned allow. in addllltm m , , if“? 'g‘l' l .5
Tho Boordod Scale 500 Euclid Ave Tonight and tomorrow. Jumpstreet will varying “(hm)” rdllglng ll‘um tulk ' ~ A; ’1‘ ,7 ’13. . [la-'3. ‘
ploy from 9 p tTl la; l am 52 Greg Maynard wrii play during happy hour both to Italian art ' 5 " :"l '25:"? ‘r. .1
°"°”‘°°"5 The museum was lounded lll twirl ‘ ~ . , ' ;' 33/ ?-';;- 2’. ,
“7'0!“ Line 35] W Short Sl lofllgl’tl ll‘tP. Shakers (rock) and TWO Small bV (;eorg(‘ ”0;.de . “11050 house ‘ é . [I 1‘ . {“2 l. .‘ £31 :1

I Bodies (rocir' Will ploy '10th 9 p.rr to l c.m.. Tomorrow |.S. wall play from 9 rémains next (loot: .‘\l()>l. ()llhc » . M i j"; , 1':
”’m' k‘ i a m 53 ” F‘l'rmr’ 55 ° “Up?" both ”gm" pleccb tn Lht' th‘t-t- l)Ull(llllg> tllut ’. 2"“ 3‘ ’lk'p‘ 5: 3.3;};
Brass A Saloon 290° Richlrnnfl Rood Tonight and tomorrow. Schmer (Top make up the lllllSl'Ulll an. trom h” . , m S l:";"':t",~‘..i~“'Til"
40 dance musw will play lrrtrr‘ 9 p 1V‘ to l 0.!“ S3cover. ('Ullt’CllOn .1 -.\ ~ :33“? 2’ ,v. ,- ".3 5,13}: ,'l.
”MM” 509 W MC” 5‘ lw'gh' ”d ’°m°"°W' The 8”"Ch (TOP 40 Thebmldtnghurvunfi Hull‘s \ “‘3.“ - i ,.~_;.‘13.¥;l’.-":e.:‘.7.
d‘m‘el Wl” PIOY “0”“ 9 9"” '0 ' °-”" $3 ”"9" graced with trees and plt'nlv tables \ » » « "' .;‘,‘.- 5'32; CC}

3 Bugattl's 5H3 Euclid Ave Tough? and tomorrow. Between The Two tomvoke the must “,ani I” _V ' «mum! is {'5 .I,
(rhythm 8 blues loo 40' “Jill ploy item 0 p m to l o m. 55 cover. atmospheres. Th0 ground “i” w... ~«~.~ ; . ~ . 3'35? .' (“.1 (”tr C"
Choopsido 'lJi Clleups-ue UfIVE. tonight Bruce Lawn. {i011} will play from purchased bt‘ lleudlm “lltll llt‘ q.” , 3 , at”: y,‘ f';."'.':.f' ::.i. 7"
9 pm. to 1 am. Tomorrow, Keith Hubbard and the Hubcops will play from 9 decided to build What-has become I 5...: “:5 ,9; z}.