xt7xd21rjw3n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rjw3n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-10-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1995 1995 1995-10-30 2020 true xt7xd21rjw3n section xt7xd21rjw3n KeNTuCKY BI‘II ESTABLISHED 1894 FIITIII‘BS COMMITTEE lacing critical ISSUES By Stephen Trimble Senior Staff” 'ritrr The 38-inember Futures Com— mission, a committee examining UK's Community College Sys- tem, won't make its recommenda- tions until at least _lanuary, offi— cials said Friday. That means the commission’s report could be delivered roughly when the 1996 General Assembly, which controls the system's hud- get, convenes in mid—January. The commission members, consisting of representatives from business, media, politics and edu— cation across Kentucky, met last Thursday and Friday to start working on the report. “I am delighted with this work session," said Ben Carr, chancellor of UKCCS and co-chair of the commission. The other co-chair is Lexington businessman \Villiani B. Sturgill, a former UK trustee. During closed meetings in Lex— ington’s Radisson Plaza Hotel and Conference Center on 'l‘hursday and Friday, the commission addressed critical issues facing higher education, Carr said, such as governance, access, involve~ ment with Kentucky’s Vocational- Technical institutions and state and private funding. “()ne of the most rewarding aspects ofour time spent together is that all the members feel the need to meet again," Carr said. “They want more time for study and discussion prior to making recommendations." The commission members also worked on preparing a draft vision statement for the community col~ leges, reaching past the year 2000, Carr said. During an evening presentation to the commission on Thursday, UK President Charles \Vething— ton said a shortage of ftinding for community colleges continues to hinder the progress of the state's H community colleges. Last ’l‘uesday, [’K’s Board of Trustees passed a resolution sup— porting the role ofthe community colleges and reaffirmed “its com— mitment to the Community Col- lege System." UK board Chairman former Gov. Edward T. “Ned" Breathitt, also affirmed UK's interest in what the commission proposes for the community colleges. “\Ve intend to listen and he guided by the work of this com— mission," Breathitt said during a news conference at the Radisson Friday morning. The commission last met in 198‘) and came up with l l recom— mendations for UK’s system. Nine ofthose were directed at the coin— niunity colleges and two recom- mendations were aimed at the General Assembly. . Students unite with kids to learn about ll. . MATT BARTON Knvirl riot] UNITE” STUDENTS Lea/J lWaxon, an education senior, play; a game Friday to teach third grader: about Tanzania. By Mary Dees Contributing lVritrr They sang “It’s a Small \Vorld After All.” They learned to spot Bosnia on the map and found out about traditional African dress. On Friday, over 800 students from elementary and display or perform some type of educational skit. Mark Griffith, a sixth—grader from Tates Creek Middle School in Lexin rton, was a narrator in a worldwide fashion show. “It was a lot of fun," Griffith said, “and I think everyone has learned something." middle schools throughout Fayette County and Eastern Kentucky gathered in Dickey Hall to learn about the finer points hi I’Ve’re exposing However, the younger students weren't the only ones who learned from the “U.N. at 50" day. Many of the UK of the United Nations “alien“ to education students and the nations it countries they also participated by serves. more tban performing skits and This was the llth likely wouldn’t using educational year this type of event know ,, crafts to teach the chil- as been sponsored by ‘ dren about the world. UK. V Cheri Canode and Usually it is held in Cheri Canode her roup — all UK the spring as an inter UKmdd/ncbool mitltiie education national fair, but this edm'ationmiior seniors —— taught year it was held in con- junction with the Unit- ed Nations’ 50th about Slovenia. Since Slovenia is a new country, they bor— anniversary. The students learned about dif- ferent countries through stories, dis lays, puppet shows, dancin antrtither skits performed by botS fellow grade—schoolers and UK students. “This da is used to show that the United . ations is not only an organization of peace, but is also involved in different fields of help- ing people,” said Mary Anne Far— ley, one of the event’s coordina- tors. For a chance to participate in the U.N. day, the grade—school students either had to submit a rowed their folklore from Germany and other sur- rounding countries. Canode and her roup used a version of the chi dren's story “Hansel and Gretel" to teach the children about the brand new country. “VVe‘re exposing students to countries they more than likely wouldn’t know," Canode said. “We ourselves learned not only about Slovenia, but that kids love to learn. “We need to bring in novel information into the classroom to help kids learn." end it! Cage lite/d. Sec .s‘ro/‘v, page i. WEATHER Cloudy today, [rig/J in tlie mid—60x,- rain li/t'cly [tot/2 tonight and tomorrow, big/tr around 6!). [MW CHAMPS UK} women} .torrcr team 22‘!!!) their own tournament tliir tree/w MON October 30, I 995 l o (..m/;r/l~ 2 I)Il't’l'.\lllll.\’ 8 1 (flu \ \t/n ill 7 S/iortt 3 l ( Vim/t 5 l Vlcfii‘pollll 6 INDEPENDENT SINCE 1971 POLITICAL PABTY'NG (SK College of Rt’ft/tl'llt’dtlfi‘. College l)cmm7'at.v and miniature um lam (fur/n I tltc Political ()lym try. s . Mud-slinging starts early PHOTOS BY SAM HAVERSTICK Kmn. .mfi .\‘c:‘cml ot/it'r ram/7m ot‘gl/tlisutiouy l sin/[7m irxtrt‘dav /oi'/imgg1ng rig/Iii and By Jennifer Fleming Sniff“ il‘llt’l' The Democrats and Republi cans met yesterday to compete against each other in the Political ()lympics. UK‘s National Organization for “’oiiien and Student Governv ment Association hosted the first— tiine event at a muddy Seaton Field. The activities included .t horseshoe throw, frisbee distance throw, wheelbarrow races and potato sack races. President of [K .\'( )\\' Laurie \Varnecke invited the College Republicans, the College Democrats and several otht r stu— dent organizations to participate in the event, hoping to raise catn— pus awareness about the upcom» ing state elections on Nov. 7. “Student votes are very impor— tant, especially in an election that will be this close,” \Varnccke said. “The student votes may deter mine the outcome of this elecr tion.u .\lthough the turnout for the friendly competition was small, the political spirit of the day ran high. Before the competition start— ed, Chairman of the College Republicans David Samford was very optimistic about Republican participation when he said, “l think it's gonna be like the elec— tions ~—a (K )P landslide." lnvob ed in this year's Political ()lympics were the College Democrats and Democratic stip— porters oftbc Lambda organiza— tion and the College Republicans. The first part of the day con— sisted of preliminary events. The winners earned a trip to the finals. During the finals, fifth—year architect major and Lambda member ’l‘homas ()wens won the horseshoe event. “I feel grcatl l feel like a Democrat . .1 winner." ()wens said. .-\lthougb the Democrats won the first event, the Republicans were not ready to back down. Les johns, a political science junior, lost the horseshoe throw said, “The competition was tough, hilt we will prevail over all." The contest continued with the frisbce throw. in which Republican _lim l’annin bested Democrat .\lorgain Sprague. The potato sack race followed the frisbce competition. Republi~ cati and finance Itllilttt‘ltilln Davis took the event over Lambda member and fourth-year .ircbi~ tecture niaiorlohn Day is. lambda members and Detnocrats David \Vaggoner and Thomas ()wens won against the Republicans during the w hcclhar— row race. :\t the end of the finals. the score was tied, 3. 3. The tie break er was a game oftug—oflw .ir. The playoff ended in .i Repub- lican victory. The Political ()lympics were over, and as the Republicans cheered. one Republican yelled, “This ls .l prelude to Nov. _ " \\'inncrs of the individual events were awarded miniature pumpkins. 0......C.0..0I.O..00....CDC.O.C.IO.II0.0.I....0..0.0IOOOOOCOCOOCOOOUIOOOIU.0.00'DOIOOOCOIOOOOOIOOCOIOI Hazing violations cause move By Brenna Reilly Nrwt Editor A social fraternity with a ‘)-lryear histor ry at the University has been forced off campus for three years following hazing violations. Dean of Students David Stockham confirmed that a disciplinary action was taken against Kappa Sigma. but Stockham would not comment on the details investi~ gation or the decision. “The investigation was for hazing," said Todd Fisher, Inter—fraternity Council president, who confirmed that the frater- nity would be removed from the campus. Fisher said IFC was not involved in the investigation because hazing is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, so the investigation was handled by the Dean of Student's office. A fraternity has 30 days to appeal the ruling. Fraternities maintain their on- campus status until the appeals process is complete, Stockham said. “\Vhenever an action is under appeal the action is suspended until the fortnal appeal is finished,“ Stockham said. Kappa Sigma President Matt Maullcr would not comment on the sanctions. “\‘."e are looking into our options as to what has happened," .\lauller said. ;\ fraternity has 30 days to appeal the decision to the Vice Chancellor for Stu~ dent .‘\ffairs_lames Kuder, Stockham said Ktider could make a iudgment and sus» taiti the action or amend the sanctions, Stockham said. The decision by Ktider could be appealed to the University Appeals Board, which is made up of facul~ ty, staff and students. After hearing the case, the Appeals Board makes a recommendation to Chan— cellor for the Lexin rton Campus Elisa- beth Zinser, who makes the final decision regarding disciplinary sanctions. ' Kappa Sigma has been in its house in the six~pack on South Campus since the mid-1950s and has 80 members, Mauller said. Spring registration kicks off this week By Gary Wull " Staff W’ritrr Though it may seem like classes started only a couple of weeks ago, it is time to register for the next semester. Today, the first of the primary win- dows for registration open. All currently enrolled students who plan to attend the 1996 Spring semester should register today - Nov. 1 5. UK VIP priority registration is based on three-day primary windows that open and close based on student classification, earned hours and the last digit of social security or student identification number. UK VIP is available from 8 aim. to 8 pm. on weekdays and 8 a.m. to 5 pm. on Saturdays. “Most people usually don't have trou— ble getting through late in the evening or Saturday," Collins said. “Saturday is a good, stress—free day to register." After registering for classes, students can go to room 10 or 6 of the Funkhouser Building to get a print—out oftheir sched— ule. To confirm their registration, students need to pay $50 by Dec. 6. However, before registering for classes, undergraduates must receive academic advising. Undergraduates cannot register See REGISTRATION on 5 NEWSlJytes NAtIoN Senators urge more budget discussion \\i.\Sl ll\(i'l ( )N Senators should avoid the political sniping between tht \Vhitc House and Congress and open bipartisin talks on how to bal— ance the budget. Scnatc Budget Committee Chair- man Pete Domciuti proposed yesterday. “Pete. I‘m willing to dcal." responded Sen. Bob Kerrcy. D \eh , w ho .tppcarcd with the New .\lex— ico Republication .\'B( L's “.\lcct the Press." “I )on‘t negotiate \\ itb the president at the moment," Kerry said. “Negotiate w ith congres- sional Democrats w ho haic already demonstrated a willingness to vote for thc \crv things \ou say need to occur." But the senators .ilso made clear they share the same divisions that haw led to President Clinton promising to veto the ( it )P proposal to balance the bud ret over seven years by reducing the pace of Medicare and Medicaid spending while affecting a $34; billion tax cut. The House and Senate last week both passed their huge packages of tax and spending cuts and are to begin talks this week on working otit differ~ eiices. Clinton says he will veto the bill because of cuts in education and health care, and stressed Sat- urday that until the Republicans comprotnise. NAMEdropping Bush '9‘ own scum» 0' lovcrlllltcllt COLLEGE S’I‘A'I‘IUN, Texas ~ University regents voted to name Texas ASIM's school ofgov- ernment after former President Bush, whose presi- dential library is under constniction at the school. The George Bush School of Government and Public Service will be housed at the presidential library, set to open in two years. The school will prepare students for government careers, including local, state, federal and international positions. Compiled from wire "pom. .» .. ,,‘r-..-~e1<‘>‘ . v if; it, . M. eat—«mg! 2 2 Monday, ()nonr 30, 199)., Kriltutify Kernel - i- ilalloween not just tor kids By Stacy Schilling Mai} II Tim .\.s the leaves begin to change tolors and the temperature dips below the (illklegree mark, many people Iind themselves becoming tillilcl‘cnt people for one night in October. “llalloueen is the one night you get to be whatever you want to be," said office administration and law enforcement freshman Chastity Sharp. "It gives you a chalice to let offa little steam and become a kid again." F—-_-----—-—_—-—_—-_--_-—1 'l‘ates Creek Center 272—4540 245 29‘): (across liom Movies 8) Palomar Center The Market Place 224—4242 2.11.5855 (Dowtown) 50¢ OFF 6" $1.00 OFF F ootlong i ; more ‘ nun-au- Buy one 6" BLIMPIF. Sub Sandwich 8; Get one FREE with purchase of 22 oz. drink Allin-pm For fresh-Sliced Subs. ' o... UK Campus 231-9499 (Corner Rosc & Euclid) Lexington Green ALLIANCE WORKING TO ACHIEVE RACIAL EQUALITY MONDAY, OCT. 30TH . 7:00 206 STUDENT CENTER fi—————-——— 'l‘hese days it isn’t the kids running to the stores at the last minute for the perfect costume, but the adults, said Shane Hin- kle, assistant manager at llal- loween l‘ixpress in Fayette Mall. “Halloween has grown to be a major holiday and it is the sec— ond—biggest holiday next to Christmas,” Hinkle said. “This year there are more parties going on and adults are waiting until the last minute to get a cos— tume." Many UK students who are into the spirit of Halloween head to costume stores like Off Broadway Costutnes located on Southland Drive to transform themselves into another person. Some of the costumes that have been popular with UK stu- dents have been flappers or gangsters, a pig farmer, a beer can, storybook characters, pirates, Raggedy Ann and Andy, medieval characters and the Three Musketeers, said seam- stress Amy Berry for Off Broad— way Costumes. Aside from renting costumes, students and adults have been able to purchase make-up kits and accessories to add the final touches to their new look. Dressing up, going to parties, watching scary movies and pass— ing out candy are some of the ways that students spend their holiday since they’re too old to trick or treat. Since Halloween has become a little unsafe for kids to trick— or—treat door-to-door outside, Blanding IV has come tip with a safe way to allow kids to still trick—or—treat and not feel left out ofthe holiday spirit. “Last year we had a large turnout of kids who were ecstat— ic about being able to trick-or— treat," said education senior Beth Moore. “The program was set up by Big Brothers and Big Sisters and allowed the kids a very safe way to trick—or—trcat and the parents to enjoy themselves," Moore said. Moore said that this will be the second year Blanding [V will be having kids trick—or—treat in the building. SAM HAVERSTICK Knm/ rmff “~an A “MD Undecided fleshman Shane Harlor takes a root as a donation from Lexington resident Start Lakex. The drive rominues this week. Fiji looking for Winter coats Fraternity needs more donations By Aaron 0. Hall Staff ll 'rirrr Lexington kids will have warm winter wear this winter thanks to a UK social fraternity. Members of Phi Gamma Delta spent Saturday and Sunday at three Lexington Kroger stores collectinrr coats for kids. The fraternity collected about 300 coats. Eighty were donated at the Kroger sites. Last week, Maxwell Elementary donated 186 coats. “Coats for Kids" project Chair— man Brad Blakeman was “a little disappointed" with the amount of coats collected at the Kroger stores, but he was happy overall. “\Ve're pleased with the suc- cess," Blakeman said. “\Ve antici- pated getting 200." Phi (iamma Delta member john Carpenter, who worked at the Kroger on Alexandria Drive, also was disappointed with the collection. After spending almost three hours in the back of a pick— up truck on Sunday, the only donation he receiver was a five- dollar bill. “Publicity wasn’t what we thought it would be,” Carpenter said of the public service announcements. For next year, he said that fra— ternity may choose to work only in conjunction with schools. Last week, the Phi for distribution. Major core commanding offi— cer of Lexington’s Salvation Anny Philip DeMichael said coats are available to everyone. “\Ve want to see that everyone gets a coat,” DeMichael said. He encourages anyone who needs a coat to come by the Salva- tion Army. (iamma Deltas held a competition at Maxwell Elementary. The homeroom that donated the most coats received a pizza party. “In four days, we col— lected 186 coats," said if WE want to see that everyone gets a coat. ” “No names are taken. No money is taken." Last year, DeMichael said that 2,000 coats were dis— tributed in Kentucky. “\Ve had a num- ber of missions to Carpenter, a business V come down to dis- junior. Philip DeMichael tribute (coats) to If the fraternity tar— Salvation/17m): Appalachian and gets only schools next officer Eastern Kentucky,” year, Carpenter thinks it the commanding “may easily get 1,000 coats.“ To show their appreciation to Maxwell, Fiji members worked stands at Maxwell’s carnival Fri- day. Once all the coats are collected, they are taken to a dry cleaner and then given to the Salvation Army officer said. Even though donations at Kroger locations were not as suc- cessful as anticipated, Fiji Matt Gatts said, “At least we're getting the name out for next year.” Those still wanting to donate coats can drop them off at the Fiji house at 653 Maxwelton Court. vw‘.”v>-u_. a... . “*CC _. (nmPllS __ (QIENDII The Campus Calendar appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organiza- tions wishing to publish meetings. lectures, special events and sporting events. must have all information to Student Actiwties room 203 or call 257-8867 1 week prior to Publication. IIIUNDIIII Ill/30 anS f. mIIUILS EXHIBIT "A Tribute to Marvm Breckinridge Patterson," King Library NOJIQLIDILLQQLL_L __.___,._- m- ,-._ ml I HNGS f. ”(IURI 5 Human Resource Course Customer Sen/ice. CALL 2579555 ext 183 to reg- 1.519;. . V .L. . . AWARE Meeting 7 ()(Iprri 306 Student C". «3235993, , .L. _...,..__ . SPI (lnl [UI'NTS UK VIP Priority Registration for the 1996 Spring Semester begins (thru I 17 1 71' RI (anTlDN Aikido class, 8:30pm. Alumni Gym Lott, 2694305. iiiiSiiii iii/31 anS f. mllUII S EXHIBIT “A Tribute to Clitlord Arnyx and Raymond Barnharl." Universny Art Museum limo USL ., ,. -_~- EXHIBIT “The Electronic Presence of Nam June Paik." Universny Art Museum (thru 12/10) VSAB FREE MOVIE'“ “Aliens.' 7 00pm. StudentCtr Center Theater’ -.-..-,. - rm I HNGS f. II:(TUR[ S Human Resource Course Customer Servnce CALL 257.9555. ext 183 to req- QLQL _-_ .-_ , _ Human Resource Course Accounts Payable. CALL 257-9555, ext 183 to £991.53 92. ._ -Ctr. for Computational Sciences Brown Bag Seminar Series presents Zheriming Wang. 'ernd Motion Simulation in Jackson Purchase Area, Kentucky." 12:00 ‘ - 257-873_7__ -Planning Ideas tor Business Owners and Professionals, 2:004:30pm, Lax. Cnt ILira ‘ 7-7 7 Donovan Scholars presents the Donovan Radio Drama Group. '"t he Ghost of Benjamin Sweet," 4:00-5:00pm. gatifiludent Ctr. Tues. Night Writers‘ Workshop: "I can‘t ’I‘lllk of anything to write about" 7:00- .‘ 45pm, 105 Ml King Library South; 257— i356 SPECIQI TUENTS Baptist Student Union TNT Weekly Worship Servrce. Fall Retreat Sign-ups due, 7:30pm, Baptist Student Ctr; 257- .’3_989 RI (RERTIUN UK Ballroom Dance Society Lessons- Laiin 8. Ballroom Social Dances-Partner not required, but helpiul,7:00-8:00pm Beginners. 8:00»9:00pm NOVIce, Buell Armory Dance Studio, FREE: CALL Beth 2572873 IUEDNESDIIY ll/I mrrrmcs f. [ECTURTS Weight Watcher. noon<1'00pm, MNI36 Madgeoteu323‘5fii?) _ _ _ . Radiation Salety Classes: PhYSlCS 8. DOSimetry/lnstrumentation, 2:00-4‘00pm, MESSMQLCENGLQZL-BZW. . -Ctr for Computational Scrances Seminar Series presents Dee Downs. "Supercomputing and Virtual Reality on the Desktop" 3‘30pm. 327 McVey Hall. Reception at 3:00pm; 257-8737 -DESIRE TO STOP DRINKING? Try A.A,- it worksl, Every Wed, 5:00pm, Rm. 4 Newman Ctr. -RHA Meeting, 8:00pm, 307 Commons; 323-1919 RECREQTIDN -Aikido class, 8:00pm, Alumni Gym Lott; 269—4305 lHllRSDII)I Il/Z mars f. mDUIES -SAB MOVIE: “Species," 7:30 8. 10:00pm, Student Ctr. Worsham Theatre; $2 ~Univer5ity Theatre: Pink Angels. 8:00pm, Gurqnol Theatre, S5—7 menmas f. LErllfli'l .. .i Ill» Niiliciiril F', i'lil'. Fr lIllt ll . ll jllltljiillll i'fllll l..' rl‘jw. i IlIIIllI ill w lHIllIIIiI lllIII‘IiI F'JH u..- . ...t.e..a._.,.,..., , , H si si .. «nu-n.” us- 3 Kentucky Kernel, Monday, and," 30, I995 8 P0 R T “WE "A” one trauma afier another (bar was P E P I . = e e e 7 W551 (.211le mp up V _ .. 4 N, _,,a.....i. i. .....,. . ,. l llllllA WHAT Ill fbotball player is the son of the Cincinnati Bengals’ all—time leading receiver? 111 min.) WI mum TEST TALK realm/lined. " Bill Curry, UK head (with afier [.715 team ’i‘ [on to .llm‘llrrippi State Mistakes costly tor football Bats lllt wins own tourney With pair 0T Victories ..,.....,....-__». L... _... _ ma-m—~_~ By Jason Dattilo Sports Editor The UK women’s soccer team closed out the regular season yes- terday with a 3-0 victory over Evansville at Cage Field. The win gave the Cats, who defeated Creighton 1-0 Saturday, the title in the UK Soccer Classic. The two weekend victo- ries raised the team's over- all record to 14-6, the best finish in the program’s five-year history. The Wildcats‘ next action comes Friday in the Southeastern Conference Landrum games. Several other Cats stood out in the weekend tournament. Freshman goalkeeper Carrie Kuhnell, who replaced Ashley Miller midway through the sea- son, recorded her fourth consecu— tive shutout and was named tour nament NIVP. “Every game I gain more confidence,” said Kuhnell, who has totaled six blanks on the year. “I can remember how I - played eight game ago. My confidence level is just totally different. I used to be so nervous that every corner kick my knees were Hopesfor bowl dimmed by loss . f.\‘.\‘l)t'lll it’d PITA} STARKVILLE, Miss. — UK head coach Bill Curry felt some confidence bringing his rejuve— nated \Vildcats to Mississippi State, which had struggled the past month and hadn’t won a Southeastern Conference game. UK (3-5, 2—4 in the SEC), which had bounced back from an 0-2 start, seemed on its way game. “\\’e stopped them when we needed to stop them and made things happen," said Bulldogs defensive lineman Larry \Villiams. Mississippi State tailback Kef— fer McGee rushed for 127 yards on 29 carries. His third TD, a 1- yard run with 4:51 left, broke a 32-52 tie and ended a 57—yard drive that began with his 40-yard run. The Bulldogs got some insur— ance when Brian Hazelwood kicked his second field goal, a 26-yarder with 2:26 remaining, after Dwayne Curry recovered a Tournament played in shaking." to h fiddl‘rfig \Vildcat fum— Auburn. While Kuhnell's play in the net am); Zr 7].“ _ ble. “W16 the winner of the SEC has been stellar of late, the UK nee 6 ”am-3 MOC tourney does not receive an auto- matic bid to the NCAA Tourna— ment, 3 conference title would boost the Cats’ chances of receiv— ing an automatic bid. “Something really clicked this weekend,” said UK striker Kim LaBelle, who scored a goal in the Evansville game and was named to the All-Tournament team. “Hopefully it’s going to keep clicking in the SECS.” LaBelle’s goal against the Aces moved her into first place on UK’s career points list. The freshman, who also had an assist in the Creighton game, now has 54 points in only 39 collegiate defense has been equally brilliant. The Cats back four allowed just eight shot in the two weekend games. “The people I have in front of me are great,” said Kuhnell, who only had to save five enemy shots on the weekend. Midfielder Carrie Landrum also had a big weekend. The junior scored UK’s only goal of the Creighton game before bang- ing in a shot at the 14:56 mark of the Evansville contest. In addition to LaBelle and Kuhnell, Landrum and junior Amy Buerkle were named to the All-Tournament team. HELENAHAU my; my flEccllI) BREAKER Uthriker Kim LaBelle broke the record/hr im‘eer .\'(‘()I‘- ing in flJL' Cats" 3-0 trill over Evansvilleyesterday. I.alielle [my stored 54 points in only 3 9 collegiate games. SPORTSbytes IIK drops fourth straight in SEC The UK volleyball team (8—12 overall, 5-5 Southeastern Confer— ence) lost its fourth straight SEC contest yesterday to Georgia (18— 5,11—1)in Athens, Ga.,15-8, 17‘ 19.13-15, 6—15. Men's soccer splits UK s lit a pair of 1—0 decisions this weekend, defeating Eastern Michigan and losing to the Van- derbilt Commodores. The Cats fell in Nashville yes— terday to Vanderbilt when the Commodore's Tony Kuhn scored in the 77th minute. Bill! team Will! The No. 2 UK rifle team defeated jacksonville St. (Ala.) Saturday in Lexington 6187-6140. The Cats took the smallbore com- petition 4,638-4,634 and the air rifle 1,549-l,506. UK’s Mike Boggs set a new school record in the kneeling smallbore with a 398 out of a pos- sible 400. Tennis lll action Ariel Gaitan, and the doubles tandem ofMarcus Fluitt and Dan Spaner won their flights at the VV.H.H. Downing Fall Tennis By Stephen Trimble Senior Staff Writer UK’s women Catfish over- came a small deficit midway through yesterday’s dual meet to pull away from the visiting South Carolina squad 166—132. The Gamecocks burst out early, leading 76-75, after eight of 16 events. South Carolina exploited UK’s lack of depth in the sprint races, winning the most points in all five events. But the Catfish made up for the Gamecocks advantage later in the meet during the distance categories, led by freshman Emily Glass and sophomore Leigh Dalton. Dalton, a U.S. Olympic trials qualifier, took first place in the 1,000-yard freestyle and the 500- yard freestyle, while Glass nearly set team records in the ZOO-yard breast stroke and 400-yard med— ley. “I wanted to do well,” Glass said, who finished just more than a second away from breaking UK's 400—yard medley record. “I didn‘t think I'd do that well.“ UK swimming coach Gary Conelly appreciated Glass' effort, but wasn't satisfied with the final score. “To be honest, I thought we’d Women Catfish take weekend pair beat them a little worse than this," Conelly said, shortly after the last event wrapped up UK’s third dual meet victory this sea— son, and second win of this week- end. UK (3—2) routed an inexperi- enced Louisville team 147-76 at UK's Harry C. Lancaster Aquat— ic Center Friday night. The Gamecocks put in a poor performance playing at Ten— nessee earlier this week, and Conelly figured the team would be in poorer spirits entering Lex- ington. “I think they figured we were the team they could beat in the Southeastern Conference." Conelly said. Meanwhile, UK's diving team dismantled the Gamecocks in both the one—meter and three- meter springboard events. Catfish sophomore Beth Leake beat her nearest competi— tor — Gamecock Michelle Suozzi — by more than 30 points on the one—meter dive. UK senior Tina Johnson beat her nearest competitor on the three— meter dive —— UK's Leake — by more than 51 points. “I think they’re headed for success," Conelly said. “The pressure kept coming on and they all stepped up to it." This weekend, the men's team is headed for competition at for any chance at a bowl invi— tation, runnin all over State’s defense and building a 25- 22 halftime lead. But a tougher State defense emerged after halftime, shut- ting down UK running back Moe Williams in a 42—32 victory Saturday that snapped a four-game losing streak. Curry said the \Vildcats “should have been in control of the game.” “In the second half, we simply didn't stop them and when we did get them stopped and get the ball, we didn't move the ball with consistency and score points," Curry said. The Cats also were plagued by a number of costly errors. PunterJimmy Carter had a kick blocked and returned for a touchdown in the first quarter. UK also missed two extra points and had a number of passes from quarterback Billy Jack Haskins dropped. “\Ve had