xt7xd21rjx7j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rjx7j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 2007 2007 2007-04-12 2020 true xt7xd21rjx7j section xt7xd21rjx7j SMALL TOWN, HIGH FASHION 11:2?“

\""‘.\\\\\ K1 leRNEl .(()M THURSDAY \1 R11 13 311117


13 CELEBRATING 31) YEARS ()1 1\1)11’1\1)1\(1



301111131131111311111'0111 11.111111 3G concerned

about faultV doc '13
By BlairThomas 1 111111311111\ \1'11.1to1 1:11-11 11'1“-
11111111 a. 1111.1 1’.11'::\h “It \1111 111111~1111 \111111!

111111;» 111.11 1111' 11111111'111.111'1I\
Stud-c111 (i11\'..'1111111'111 81:11 11111111111)1111.111-.1\1'.111'1111'11111113
1111' 1311\w11 11\ 1111.11 11'111111111111111 \1111'11' )1111 1.111 :1111111' 1111'
111C I\L'111. 11111'11‘11 1111\11L‘ 111 111 11111:.‘1N1 111111111111“
11111' ~1'11111111’~ 111111 11'111'1'11'11 1111 11111111011 .111'11x1'11 1111' 1111111'1'
1111' .111111111111x111111'11tx 111 1111~ 5111.111'11141111 11~ 1111111'11~ 1'.11'1\
_\1'.11\ .1111111111\11.1111111 .11 1.1x! :111111' «1111111 I\1'.11
1111:111'x 1111'1'11111: "1'111'11' 11 .11\\.1_\~ 1111~ wow
1111: \‘1'111111' 1111.11111111111x1) 1'11 1113:1111} uhcn :1 111mm to
1111~~1'11 .1 r1'm111111111 11'1.111'.1 11111111; 1111111.“ 1111111' \11111 5111
1111'1111111g1111' 11$ .1111111111x11.1111111 111'111 1111\1'1'111111'111f 11111111611
1111.11'1'\~ 1111' 1'11111'1'1'11~ 1'\1311'\\1'11 \11'111 “ 1111:11' 11 111'\1'1 14111111411
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o11111'111111111111'111111:1'.: '111'1-'.'1 11111 \11111. 1111' 11'“ _\1111
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1111 1111111 111'111\1 111111 1'.11'1'11‘111x 1'1111'11\:'11' \111111111'. 1»! Damn;
111 1111' 1K 1111\111'111 P111111 111'.: 51'1\111'~ 111111 \\o111-.'1'1\ 1’11111'.
\11111. \111111111'11'1'1121111'11 :11. 1111111 1.'\.11'.11,1111_~_' 111.' 1111;111'11/1111111
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5(111.11111111\111'1‘1.‘11 11‘ _'. ‘.12111-‘1111‘1111‘ " 1"‘1'11'1M :11
ED wvrurws "AFT 1'.1'1 111 11111 11.111.~111 :: E 1'1111'1-1 1 ' 1»: :11'.
. ' » ‘3111:1'1\..~ 1'x1211'11.'111'.1 . ‘: .1.:1'11.1.11' ‘.1- 1:.. 1.. \\.'

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V1.11'11‘1151',‘.."“ .1" '1 rm‘ '1. ; 11-1111'9. 1111111151111» '1..11 ~ 1111; \\1111'
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1’11.'\.111'111111.':1111111111331 .1'.. 111111» 1'.111’11\

\111-11\1:11.'111 ‘11 : \111111'1:1\

After 30 years, DeMoss 10 take b1? ak
from coaching to reevat 'uate 1111:3111:

By Traws Wa1dron
"111p 11111 1 . '- 1 ". \1. ,
1‘31. .

.\11U1' :1'1‘\1'1‘11111_\.\ 111“~\~ 1‘1‘1111'11‘111; \111‘ 1'1‘ 7‘ '7 ‘7 1 . 1 .. ’ .‘ "1 1? 1.111.11‘1
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\kotk 111.11 “1' “UK .11311' to 211111 11. 1111111111111
\.1111 "1111 1111111111111 1111 111'1'111111 111-1 1'11131‘1~ .1111! l
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Name: 1‘.1111:1<1131..'13.‘ {11"1‘18‘

Born: C111 3, 1911:)

Hometown: 691111 111

Education: 61:11 11113113111110.1111

1’1-11.1.11»: 1131:“. 111 19.717 111.111

1. .I1a1 11.12101'1‘ 1113111191: :11 '111'131-


Overall Record at UK:
r1612734 Sr11111113a<1€31r1 "7111.113

Overall Record

as a head
coach: 1.16 11 1266’

6 31:61


I ‘118191131111‘111111'
'.'1"111'11'1 11: 1111:1«3111111111'11 at

I 616 SEC 1301111'1 111 11111
11211 111.: voted 131‘ 11113
11111111133111111 11113113911111.111311

I 11p§81111£i11 No 1 11311
1188891.? 66163 last 913.111.9111: 101
UKS‘ first ever 1111:101V over a
‘011-1a11ker1 team

I ‘Nasan (1%.311111111111111
111 1311111351131: 1111 ‘18 9131111115
111111131Pa18111r11'11tt 11113 V01»
'1‘1101’118 1.11011 ‘§1X National
Mme 11113111

By .1111 Lastcv

\11111'1111'11111' 1‘4““ ‘1\\\‘\\ '1\‘11.'11' 1 '.\.1\1111~11\I1.111§\
"1 11M1111111111'11'11111} 1111111111 111 111111111111: 1:11.~1111.11\ \\|111 1 1.1-.111 111"
1)1'.\1o\~. \.1111 1 11111111 1111\111111} 1111111 111-1-11 111. [11.111111 ~1'.1\1='1~ .11 1 1\.'
(1111111111; or 1‘1'1'11 11111111111 .111111'111x. \1111 111111“ the
111'11111ndx that 1t t;1111'~ on \ot11 111111' 1 "11”.“



DcMoss leaves program in better shape


1‘ .11 . .o o ,1
\\ 111'11 MIL‘kIc 1)C1\11)\\ announccd her (0111111113; “1111' \11111 xhc :11xt t11'1'1lx .1 1111'111. \hc “.1111 1'1-111.1' 111 1111 1".\ 111'1‘ ~1'11‘ .11 3....Ei'1i1l111Kft‘. IHI‘II'IIIN‘LL
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1'h1' playsrx 10x1 :1 couple month 111' 111'1'11 wound} 11111111111; 1111111511 11» ~1111111 1111 111111 1.11 11 »-
1111'11tor'1m11 111111111, 1111' about \\ 11111 I \\.1\ 11111111; to 11o \\ 111'11 1111: «'.1 “111111111111: 111'“ 111 no 1111- 111.1 ['111 13111111:
program loxt 111 1111111111 s1111\\11~1-\1'r.11111 \1111'1'1' 1 \111'1111'11111'11" :11 11'1'11 1111111. " 11.111111111'1~111‘. 1 '.1'111. .' .11111 ~111‘ .. -. II II . . II . "1 : IIIIIII 1. "11 1 11:11:

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grmunL' \port .'\H(11hC \111'1'111\L'\111.11 1111111_\h1' 11 11'.1\1' t111111.'\ 111 1111'11 1111' I 111 '11"\ 11-1111-11111. 111 ‘ ». I '1 1“

1111: ”1111' Nutmn 1o~t 11111111 111'111'1‘ ~11.1111' 1111111 111m 1111- 111111111 1111111111111 11.1111 1111.11 ~‘-.»1 ‘ ~ .1

the chnrmmg. 1111“} thcm Morc on 111.11 111 .1 11111111112 hut 111~' \o 111' \1111. 1111 5313111111 ' '1 ' 1:13;}. ‘1 ‘1 K. -. 1 . . f .11
DELOTELL “(1111.111 “ho h11111ght 1111~ .-\thl1‘111' 1111111111 M13111 11.11'1111.11tII~11111 NH“. 11111 11111-11 111': '1."11111' 1 1. 1. .. '. 111
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hon 111111 turned 11 her 1111». 11111111111 1111\1' 111'1'11 11111'.1\3. 111'11 111 111111 \1'.11\. \hv 1111 1 K 111 111:1'1'
lou du'rugc program non for 1111' 1011111. 1'xpc'11.111_\ gncn th.1t :1 ~tr111ght poxt \1'.1wr1 1111111'11'11111 1'\ 111.1 1:111111:
Into 11 nut1onu11)’ com- took hcr nc.1rl_\ .1 month .111cr thc cnd 111 the 1m \('.1\.~\ lournntm'nt 11111 11'. 2111111 \‘111' N
pctutnc one. «mum to .mnrmncc It Hut .1~ \hc 13111141111} 1'n1111'11 “1'11 .11111 ~hri 11'.1\1.'\ 1111111111 .1 t1111'nt

1)C1\10\\ \11111 she made thc (1CL‘I\I(H] 1111 anchrcd qucxtIom .11 her 1.1r1'\\1'|1 nu“

tcr rccwluating her 1111' after .711) ycnrx 1n confcrcncc )cm'nhn. ”6an “m 1.111111. DeLotell

i\‘1‘11111'1r111111'1'1’11"'.'1\1111H? 12‘311I'311'111111.111;\1131111'1wn11
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1:11.11 ;11111 1 \1 1w
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Kernel 1111111 1~ 1111' \111' 1'11'\;111'1" 111 ' r 1' .‘111 1111111114'11111 .11111111
columnist 1'.'\1'.1r1h”11.111\'11\.1111 '1. 1.111'11'1\21\ 111111 11x11'x1'.1r1h
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6 1111 1111111'121.111'1111t1' 111x 1'\p1'r'. 111'1'11 11111111.: thtx 11110 .1 111111!

1'111'1' 1n .1 much 111 111'111~ 11 1'\.11111n 1111311111111mahamu"

First issue iron. Subsequent issues 25 cents. Newsroom: 251‘ 1915, Advertising: 2572872





































































PAGE 21 Thursday, April 12, 2007"


your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun kernel ‘ a.







i~-~~—~——~ ~~—— ' a

1- 698






By Linda C Black
To get the advantage check the

days rating 70 /S the easiest tlai. 0

the most challenging

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Today IS a 7 Assain duties as you
see (it to allow yourselt more timti
tor coriteiripiitioii Think a'iout what
has been acconipiishod and where
changes mod to he made

Taurus (April 20-May 20) To
toy is an 8 No need to ttiil
everybody N) iat yi) iii't ti llll":lslllg tll'
iess they asit Slit iti: iiti your iiittiii
lions through your attions :s a ltit
more lleGSSth‘:

Gemini (May 21-June 21) lo
day is an 8 tisti what you
learned recently to advance your
own agenda Wit; ha ti ii (litil‘i ‘ it
success or you sh l’t‘itt‘ll iii
Don't have a plan vtit“ Hartiii'i



learned anything recently7 Get on it'
Cancer (June 22-July 22)

day is an 9 You're good at malty
ing the most of iti.iliatti,i.ier you ha .iti
This is a titiiiiti you can Wll) and
you're t:.st.it';tiialliy tititid at it now
Bud dtine .tliiltll security for yourself
and your (annly
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) , Today is
.t 7 Continue to dismiss tilijeci
tivtis litit don t not ttiti tll’V’frtllV {it}
a nut ho )W iii iiiti this Wlll cost. and
when: ytii ll (tiit tlit iiiti ii'cy
Virgo (Aug 23- -Sept. 22) ltl‘tlri‘y’
is t 7 ”ii to iit till 'itii- tilt" ti’i‘i in‘
t-iiiisiti t‘ Witt n i (ltld‘Ily yii . it’
iihit tiin Besidtis ttitliiiittti l‘t‘ilé :t
ti. it y it. riavt it tliti' hit. (it;
i i i or i tiltitit; “t‘i n iittit;atiii“
Libra (Sept 23- Oct. 22) ”with
Iii . iiiiii‘titi;i. a it’ h. 'i‘iitiii.‘
t‘it; tiniti ii is slititit idt i itji, “i 'i“
in iittiiitis'. ii tltiitt‘iiiiti ii) iii brittt'ii
itetl )ii’ i itityiii‘i ’ily‘.
Scorpio (.Oct 23- Nov 21) in

itizy i t. 'itit“yl33i\t.i

, ,.
tV tlii

titi iiiitiiii' yiitii tiiii ii’ i




you're not careful Evert if you are
careful, the money's tight Watch
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ~
liiday is a 6 What you're doing
won't bring iii a super lot 01 money
but it could save you a bundle
Mdkt,‘ what you need from what you
Capricorn (Dec. ZZ-Jan. 19)
Today is an 8 . There’s not much
tiziiti, lot goofing off, but that should
not he a piohleiii You really love
your wont now and just about
titiiii. it ed iiiiiig no it) you En toy
Aquarius (Jan. 20— Feb. 18) To-
lltl‘y‘ ii 6 Amid shopping alto?
ttti tiii l iii i live tiii ieseii'es you've
i.t:tl ti llat’tint saved tip pinyi-
sizin: ) iiii inirti Biiniiriiir
Pisceleeb.19-March20) , lo-
tltiy is i 7 You ti netting inipa
titiiit aIi t:i;t.iti tttiti iilitason This
igiiiiltt had to ioiiilitits and artiu
littii'llS Make surety to hate the net.
t ii, lists and or ijiii tits
t; by.

wt w: M



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Restaurant .iiid I tiuntzti



810 Euclid Aw.






The Kernel is
printed on
recycled paper.

We do our part.
Now do yours.


one l7i$H

8y Joey Bartolomeo

thn Rccsc Witherspoon
strolled into The Clay Pit. an In
dian restaurant iii the Brcntwood
neighborhood of Los Angclcs. to
pick up a takeout order on
March 30. she barcly turned
heads. "No one bothered hcr.”
diner Rachel Sounhcin tclls L’s
of the actress. who lives near thc
eatery. "The waitcrs sccmcd likc
it was nothing special." Had the
stall. been as obscryant as Soun-
hcim. howcvcr. thcy might have
realized why on this Friday
night the ncwly singlc ruotti was
picking up -curry it'l‘ two while
wearing a -tlattcring denim pen—
ctl skirt and bcigc high hccls:
Outside. a titan waited for hcr in
thc driycrs scat ot a charcoal—
gray —Toyota ('amry. "l iccogt-
iii/.cd instantly that it was .lakc
(iyllctiltaal.” Sounlicm says or
thc actor. who mdccd drisics a
gray ('amry. "\Vltcn she came
back out to thc car. hc got out
and opciictl thc door tor hcr and
was shtclding his tacc so tio one
would stic him."

lich months altcr hcr -sc\
cn-ycar marriage to Ryan
l’hiliippc. ‘1. ctidcd. Withcr

spoon. 3i. appctirs to bc »disv
crcctly movmg on. with (iyllcn
haal. In. her costar lll thc up-
coming drama chdition ililnt-
trig wrappcd in March). “Rctisc
is rcady t'or somconc shc can
trust." a closc tricnd ot \Vithcr~
spoon tclls Li's. "Jake is an actor.
is stalilc. has a succcsslul carccr
and wouldn‘t want hcr moiicy. so
shc can trust him.’

.\ccordmg to a (iyllcnhaal

source. the pair - who w crc spot»
tcd (separately) lcaymg a Ncw
York ( ity apartment building in
early March - have been dating
for about two months. They may
cycn already have a regular liri~
day datc spot. Though Thc (‘lay
Pit would not conlimi a prcyious
dine—in rendezvous. Wither»
spoon had dinner with a man
matching (’iyllcnhaal's dcscrip-
tion March 23. "They arc as cute
as can bc.' says the close With‘
crspoon pal. who adds that it's
no rebound. "They are quietly
trying to lind their way. which to
me is the rcal deal.”

The Ex Factor

()nc connection. howcicr.
may be holding her back. AL"
cording to a Witherspoon pal.
the actress. who has two chils
drcn (Ara. 7. and Deacon. 3)
With her ex. is having a dit‘ticult
time getting over the split ~
which came after Phillippc spcnt
quality time with his Stop Loss
costar Abbie Cornish. 24. iii
Austin. Tcxas. last summcr.
"Rccsc is still in lch with
Ryan." says thc insider. "lt's
killing hcr rcading about him
hooking up and going out all the
timc," (Sincc thc split. the actor
has been hnkcd to Ashlcc Simp«
son and. most rcccntly. Lindsay
Lohan tscc box. page (38). But in
allowmg a handsomc youngcr
man to woo hcr. Witherspoon is
bouncing back with a littlc of
hcr own adyicc. When pal Scl~
ma Blair was tccling low after
her dtyot‘cc. she told Harper‘s
Bazaar in April. —"[Rccsc) camc
oycr to my housc trying to get


Witherspoon cozy
with costar Gyllenhaal

me out of my mourning frock. . .
. She said. 'Sclma. wc hinc got
to gct you a rcd lipstick and a
\hnn dress.' "

(iyllcnhaal, who hasn't been
111 a public rclattonship sincc his
twwycar romancc with Kirstcii
Dunst cndcd in 2004 tthcy wcrc
on—and-ott the following ytiar).
sccms like thc pctt'cct antidotc to
Phillippc. "She is what he w as
looking for. She wasn't rcady.
but it just dcvclopcd and hap-
pcncd." says a l'ricnd ot‘ the ac

The two share common low»

key intcrcsts: running. cooking
qurct nights in - a wiclcomc
changc trom waiting for

Phillippc to conic home from his
boys' nights out. More impori
tant. Withcrspootts closc l‘rtcnd
tclls Us that (iyllcnhaal wouldn‘t
bc scarcd ott' by thherspoon‘s
mom stattis ”Jake is thc kind ol
guy who would be cool dating a
woman with kids." says the int

What's Next?

After years ol' try ing to turn
a t‘rog titto a princc. thhcrspoon
might hnally get that tarry talc
she was attcr. "He's so (hurls
mattc that l cant imagmc Rctisti
hasn't lallcii tor him.’ says tlic
Witherspoon pal. Just dont c\
pcct a ~comingiout tlm»ncr at
Thc l\y' tor thosc two " l‘hcy arc
taking it slow." says a (iyllcni
haal sourcc. "It is ncw ttir botli
ol thcni. Bttt thcy arc sccing
each other and sccing whcrc it
EJocs, This is lot i'cai.

Ciitivritiht 2007 its ‘v/oekiv




Party Pics...
We're Covering You!





At the Pinewood Mo el we foature:

At t
llttll GEMS iitstiiis i ll
Taillllflt wKitAWli ltSll

millllMAflr‘suliH ml

iiiiiiilit tIth

Free Movies

A Staff That’s Up To Snuff


llBllll WAN

llll SIAHBNYMKN lilltl‘ilai NIMRflfl ANlA lM.

PlNli itiiiiiciitiii
“M llll HlSllll





April 12,




April is National Kite Month and to celebrate,
Jacobson Park is hosting a Kite Fest Kite making,
giant bubbles and soecral entertainment along w'ith
kite flying Will fill this day-long event The event will
take place from 12 to 4 p m. Saturday, and admission
is free. For more information, call 859-233-4226.


-_ W.



UK graduate fulfills dream of owning high-fashion boutique


teatures@kykernel com

Steel rat'ters‘ big city lights and
sls') scrapers cm er the landscape. The
skyline is lit up b) a beautiful sunset.

What appears in he a scene straight
Ulll of the center at New York (at) is

actuall} thc decnrutise inside one til

l.e\ington‘s netsest boutique. Mod,

Heather Morris. 24‘ a 2005 L'K
graduate and sell—proclaimed fashion
addict. is the creator and muter of this
hig~cit} escape.

Moms said
she drew
how her
growing up
in a small
town and her
travel to start
Mod, a new
With a locus
on big Clly

Mums enriihined a tnr'
st_\ie_ tr'axel and people \\llll her win
munication and marketing skills
learned at [K and started the boutique
tn shim Lexington a dillerent side tit

“W hen l trawled. l “mild sa} lex—
ingtnn doesn't hme a clue uhat lll isi
missing." she said.

Modern industrial design and flat
screen ’I’V's displa_\in:_v the latest run,
\\a_\ trends lend to the ultraschie al-
nmsphere nt' Mod The dressing mums
are inlaid \\1Il‘. murals tll \ets \iirls


(‘1!) and l.as \e_~'.:s and exiilse .i lire
eit} mindset

Mrii'i'is eaine In l K alter study in;
lashirin rnerehandising in lllrniiis. her
home state She \\Ull\k‘tl her
through school. and. alter eiadnairne
“llll a haehcliii‘K degree in inteeraterf
strategic ennnnunieatmns. lieean xi‘l'
siderine ideas tru' her imn lwiirititiir;

Marketing: and ad\ertisin;; \i.t~\\ s
at l'ls' helped \llirris prepare tin her
dream Juli. she said

"I al\\a_\s “anted lU he al‘le te- 'alse


care nil in} sell.” she said "(Mitre 't

stlaw elli~l ‘l'7t~l?'i'i“ s l
dei‘it 'r= s'art sii'i‘a tltiii.’ 'iic '3'-


[liisrteus Interiiatmriai lite

~\~Ill\ill3 in ”mail 'Tll‘r

l. i,..

ire r
r3‘lll‘tie irer irria.‘

iii; a ‘zmiriiirlie

i)lll:lr‘f a 'rii‘ 2.; the ( in»: l
V ’\\ii\ li‘ ”

FA l'l‘. illt‘

l‘ill- tll‘ i‘ ”HY, 'ltilllllii \lrutzs i‘. s.

cred .li: .i»_-r‘ 's'iii'eiinii' \j
ii L‘l‘. \' l ‘iw ?:

ears at i\"'lt‘ti\'ii.i_
.rial nitiaeeriirs expenses mun sir"-

:nin sh»
rs _ \ en

aiir: ;\_:‘.'liirn lei" Vila”

ll H'slie'

fls‘e as lli le'lri‘rle" 'rl' ‘ie




’a ‘J title.
'- ll ‘ ‘lllltills
‘irri'it' (
‘llritii tinsii iii lrli

high tasliiun


"rar se he lptii

'l lllL’~.

‘(ltl l lltlflki: .
imam l‘llt' ..
‘ «r is.“ i
”-g.i‘i llie izripni and ii iii Ir, _,
'riisllrt‘ll lr' I

'(itriJ, li‘.’


L's'l \ \s .ls'sl ll‘ i‘rg' llrc T.l’sl '.r V

use it a neit lln'llti. she sits“
\lllll'w lik'\e'i|ll\‘si .i \i'r

2e tn slitieeil criil\ int n in;

r/r'd slie \‘as the t‘lll\ l‘lii

r‘mii' 1\ here


. Int: '

slre sa‘il \l‘li iliiiirse \niri thirty-"i


pm in: Ml

tuiitiiiiiirr: liaid :xnri

\llx‘ lskllllltkl llt i\ flr‘l‘r


,i\ rl‘

' v r s r'll slie



din lrurss iriti
‘r a-u’t's 3| i‘re ll
lH Mitre-
sl‘re‘ salt?

ill charge

‘ tiriii‘;
ll‘\"‘l;‘ i" .li llie‘
\llL‘ lil\
Res and nest
4“” I.” \Hwkt


lrei stir;

- t :t :ie te‘eltrities
-l‘ l'alis ll iliili

\ .' '
\lr-!' ~ \ sli .l\l-‘l‘i

.‘l \i'
g It
ve utter stem-wire visi
ir‘l.‘ \‘lli r .tlr \lr‘ 'l
.‘lii‘rk “was. aeah l
_'\'l [\sr'i't‘
rt “Lets ia'ili wit'
\l xiii lir‘es T'rrt‘ll s l'lsi
:r s w'irr l; as 't'ii
:\ sinus and

mi indireai

s, k

wr'aill '? lZl: it \ ill

"lr' i 1.1“ i



grin-I915 (mm

Br“ 6




Wake? ?Mr;3eZ§ & 7,? 1 Beer!


7:05 pm vs. Hagerstown

KY Lmymllsrvmuumv - 31 sound Papa
com ENWIANCE NIGHT! College students can test in?
endurance in the lst Base Lawn. The wrnner gets 22 tickets»!
Legends Luxury Suhe on Thursday, April 19! Limited number of I) Papsi
Party Deck tickets amiable with College ID. Ticket discount for gaps d
20ormoreCollegesmdems! Mustsign upattablebythefrorugacby‘lpm

- a




 PAGE 4 | lhtttStldy Apnl 12', 200/

WEEK rte

i: 1* l g: l

1. Walk for Literacy

L'K'x llonur l’mgram Student ('uunetl.
Juhn'x Run Walk Shnp and l'K‘x Student
(imernntent are hmttng a 5K Walk Saturday
it)! the (‘at‘negte (‘enter lttt latetxte) and
Learning Students are \xelennte tn pttt‘IlL‘l'
pale and men bring thett dugx nut lot the
walk l’rt/ex tor the ttltt\I ntttne) Itlht'tl and
random dour pit/LN \\ Ill be a\\atdetl [U par
llL‘lptllllx, Regtxttattun emls SIS and t\ taktng
place but“ een mm and the da} til the race
The “alk “Ill be at the ('uldstreatn Research
(‘antpttx l‘Ul tltttlL' tnt'tu'ntatton. eall 859*
35-14 I 7%

2. Market season

l‘he lttt‘rttet'x‘ Matket on \‘tne Street opens
th season Satutda) and \\ lll ennttntte through
Nmemher. Sprtttg products such as lt'L‘\lll_\
eut tltmers. hedtltng: plant». hetlu. ~pteex
hone). heennn eandlex. bod} (are Pl’tltlllclM
organte exp and organte nteat \Hll he atatlr
able tor sale h) ltteal pmdueerx lt \tartx at
7 ant. tcgardlew ul tatn and ettnttnuex unttl
pt‘utlut'tx are gene l‘he l‘at'ttterx~ Market alw
takex plate on ’I tlt'\tltt)\ and 'l'hursdah at the
0mm at South Rmadna) and Manwll and
Sunday on ‘ttlllllltllltl Dme and at llattt
but}v l‘tll ntnte llllttl'lllttllttll. eall NS‘l-(tllx'

3. "You Can't Fix Stupid"

Run \Vhtte \\tll he at Rupp Arena Saturtlat
night pet‘t‘ot‘nnng lll\ \lltl“ "You ('an't l“t\
Stupid " \Vhtte t\ hest l\ll(l\\ll tut llh pan tn
the Blue (‘nllar ('unted) l'uttt l‘tekeh are
$1055 and are a\atlahle at \\\\\\.ttel\etttta\
terennt and uthet l'telxettttaxtet ltteattttnx lint
more tntnt'tttatmn. (all N5" IE] («4+

0 N


Buttettnny w/ Michelle Malone Band
9 {v m five {It/rte Peters ms! 37

Man Man
930nm PteSnttmgttte House TH‘kEt’StTtlh‘l

ltte Garets w learn Stray, lltue Alttanee
anti ltgtttv Sn ed
/p In ltte Mtt; Hatter ltt‘lets (est Sh”

Seventlttst w Red, Dtecast antt lnvtttn

fruit Boga/ts ltt‘ltetsenstfil». I/lJt/l/d/tt‘c’
and $25 a! the new

FRIDAY, April 13

Banger and Heattthmb wt Vttttnlas and Be
My anttleganget
9pm, The [lame Ut‘kets CUSIS5

Ctttsrvt Wltettle' wv Kenny Whtte
8p m The Sttzttltgtate House ltrlets that

Out 0‘ lxtie w’ lite Ratnheatlx
8 it The L/tttfettttettnt/ Tie/tots ms“: 5/

ltte litttttt Strtttut‘ w Stash, llttt, l\t1_\ltt'l
KIN/S tlllll lbtiW
b‘tt't' Mat/awn llteate/ Ft‘ketxe‘mtSY

SATURDAY, April 14

D l 'tttttk S'tttet Hagan Dialect-rs thtlt
sttet‘al Btntexttte s’ttwt amt Dtl Bitttllt
”e 5‘ NW" 7m W (ext 38

.4 n m

~ [ w l’y Sputltadzt Httax‘e Frtez‘etnst


For the week of

ttyleat WK Sktllet‘ ldtl to Mttlltttttt (llttl Atnnr
tcan Hardcore

7 [7 m Banana ftt‘kets (Test 5 lb‘ 50 Ml
tit/lance and 3 l9 at the new

SUNDAY, Aprtl t5

less lalk Mute. Ruck A Concert lUl ken
tttt‘ky'a ltttttte w‘ \ltlt‘tilllttltt Miliet w" Stlas
House ltte, Mtwes and Cttttie Fe llllt
7pm [lit’ [la/re Drum (05!?)

Katt thltarns and Fttends
8;) nt, ltttttswlle Pc'l/titft’ l/t‘ketx text 54/ in)

Band Vannerveltte and the Moenstattne
Hense Bar‘s/t1 w Htcé’tartt Swttt and the Sam
n? National lreednnt

9 p m, ltte Stir/t/tgttte Home Ferrets l‘tlm'

MONDAY, April 16

MtllltenlillltjtdttS wt Malacttta
9pm Titttflttt'e thlrhuhtSfi

tn la Tettqn w lines New thtng
Quin, lite Sttsttitttatt' HUUSP Ttt‘kets Fast

TUESDAY, April 17
lee Haw Parnell 'w’. tlnl‘tt Buy Alldfll‘»
8 p tn, ll‘e [lame ltt‘kets ens! SlX


ltte Swefls ~ My Ame [law and ”am
Day l/‘l ant?

81’ In The [lit/PW ltt‘xt’fs {05155

at) they & MeltH st llat‘kvant ltte l’ttt‘
H "'7 l’te 8‘1“}; Ift' Hurt/x“ Mtg/3:; (‘38?

, t




HalleBerry's Academy Award
has made all the difference

V‘ll :1” H,

By Steven Rea

”H a ,A ; t:tt‘

.tllt'l "M at

\‘llt'll l
ttmttt \\ttl‘

lin'tt \ .t ht:

l’llll \lll l l‘lll \
tle'ttattatztxn ltn_ t‘lll't'llL' 'lnuttglt

is‘ett‘ ~ ltlz’ Hutwte l lxtat ant:

lltt‘te \\.l\ a lllllt' lu‘httt' ‘ twat

tun lttttl haw ctm‘ u' in tht
\tlu» any
lltq \«ttttlt

\xlttt l1 \‘tt

tettazn tlttettutx ' um tlu tltllk“\\
ltt-t .\t.l‘.lklll\ \uattl tn SHUT, iv:
eta Yttetl ‘\lntt\’t't \ liat‘. at
l' attul a lltatl‘t Rtm ‘llt‘
llillt tttt allatt \\ ttl‘t lltt
Hue lltntntut‘
\tm ltett‘.
tt‘nue rtttt‘n 'l‘..ttl lttv' lean \\ tilt 'l‘tt‘ l‘.tll ln
‘l’et'tt‘tt \ttant't‘t a «latl ttnl.\
tt|\'ltttt.i l lltl.t\. sh: :‘etx lltl 'tatne alum 'ht
lttttte \\Ill|\l. t~
tuntet ltmkttt: lt' equiv; an .nl‘ etttan,’ "
tuwtt'x .ttlllllt‘lttll\_ and «nuts l‘t‘\~ll‘l‘. 'ttttr

tttlt .\
He 9 hi",

tan L‘e? tn tltt

l"l:\llit "In,
All“ L‘MH
llttttt' lll\l


llllk' It‘vttlt a tattlnttl tr


\he tulltmed the \t‘t\ llulixmmd ”l’ct
tett \ttanget“ \\Illl the \t t\
“e l mt tn the l Its” an nttt nxe thatattet
\lll\l\ \ltllt‘tl lttl l.llt‘ '\t'.tl tx‘lt'JM' ,ttttl t Hal.”
ltll‘.’ llt‘tllt Itv llt‘l lltlt‘ lllt’
ttnttt \ttxanne lltt't the lltlllhll
nun’ttttatetl litl\ \eat hit an (in at tut
the “eddntu' lhe
tan Ht lttt‘t \ t‘lllttllttll.tll\ ’HtutltetV'
and Open lleatt\' lhe Hem tullalmtattun
Il‘..tl’l«\ liter \ l ltL'lt\ll language .lehut

”l lt‘ttL'ltl rea|l\ hard in he ttt that tnmte
antl \\l\rl\ \ch her.” ~a}~ ltertx. tllL'\\k'tl ttt
trtnt tttthtrtptw llltltllll‘.‘ tut‘tlt at the lttllt
Seamm llntel tetenth ‘l \\.t\ detetnnnetl
to ha\e that e\pertente. antl tt uax e\er\
lhli‘l"; | thnnyht tt umtltl he '
that Hem liHllIllL’ tut
unrlt h.“ it tn thme pre ()\( ar tl.l\\ l'lte tttxt


llltllt‘ llllllL'\

l‘tttu‘x' lt.t‘l\
.tttt'em l‘ .l pavtnnate


lt \thttl um

\ \lett tn ulttth \hek \ttttt‘tl up a\ the
lll\'l\t‘l“ll“:l\tlll\ tumetetl nt'ttattt \tntnt.
\\atten lteatn had \tl‘l llt‘t tll
ht~ l"t.‘\ll ;\«wl"tt.tl \attte. ”ltttluwttlt.” and
.tllll a ltt‘ll\
int t3.t~!tttt;_: llL'l l‘it’tl\l\ ttt llll,


lint the um. I :ne \ll\\ l \ \ and \lt\\
“min a \ll'll'xlll): :uuttan wt

\llfktlll \l'ltlltttl‘t and l l‘_L'll\ll ltL't'tlafgt‘ .het
tatltet \ ltltal,
w 'ttam llt‘l \ \l-nttl lu.lllltt‘\. nut ttzzll} tal

ltatt ttv'ttc tllll
littH Ltltiltlll :ttltx til Ilttlltt‘

tlllilt' \ttltt'l
he: ttatthet \ \\lntet. \\a\. tile

'll \\[jt'll\l\

"ltte .‘tt‘ 1' iltlltt' the that dues tut the

t\ ll .tlln\\~ tilt the meld [n he ill the t'HHttl
and haw .t meeting: and male t]t\ tans.”
\an lletrx. “hm keettx littlttt‘\ tn Ken \ntk
and \lalthtt ltet
Rex lttn \pttkt-xxt u ' \\ ltllli' .l‘ l tan (lt‘ that.
then I tt-el ttlxt‘ all l\ :tunl Hi the \Utlltl lie
tintxe the ttlnnnaler ahwlnteh hax the rruht
\«t. llalle t‘» all ututt': ' Hut kntm
tn}; that l haxe a \ltot at It. tt'~ all that I met
axked lHt \nd I get that thew day ”
\ltltnnch lietn. at Mt, t~ one til the le\\
\l.tl‘« out there \xho tluexn‘t “ant tn tltrett,
llt'l atnl‘tttun ha~ letl het tn talxe utttlt'ttl til
the lllttt\ ~ltt- .tttpeatx Hi and t‘llk‘\ \ht \
tlllt‘l't‘\lt"l tn \eetn}: men It there mt a [Mt‘l
tnt her I tttlet het txrmlnttmn ttnttpan) hatt
ltL‘l' llellah l Illlt\ ‘llalle ll hatlxnartlx.~
\he e\plattt\ Hem l\ dexeluptn}; " lttlta."
hawtl on the teal ltte e\ent~ \ttlt‘ttltlttlltt}: tlte
\\ runglul arrext ml 4!: Math m a le\a~ drugv
\ttng. "('laxx ,\tt." anuther l\.l\t'(l on a true
\tnn. lterne\ (‘ahtll. the \Je\atla
\thmtlteather “ltme \I\lll grade \tntlentx
helped her nm tut ( 'ungrexs. and Nelenttt
a hip budget eptt about the llth tenttttw
ll (‘ l minim queen tller "Munxter'x Ball"
tllrk‘klllrv Mart l urxtet. \\ tll steer her thruugh

.nnl t