xt7xd21rjz25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xd21rjz25/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1948 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.20 n.1, November-December, 1948 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.20 n.1, November-December, 1948 1948 1948 2020 true xt7xd21rjz25 section xt7xd21rjz25 11877 OFFIMAL 03mm V 6, "sea. eoucnnonAb < VOL. XX NOVEMBERJDECENEBER, 1948 1muHumI'mmumunImmuluuwuuumnmwe IllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIH|Illllllllll!IlllllllllEHHIHIHUMHEN "An Emu! Ednuflonll Opportunity for five?! Kentucky Child" lllllllllllllllllllllllllIHllllllllfllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIllIlllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllll!“lllilllllll The Kentucky State College ESTABLISHED 1886 Frankfort. Kentucky (Io-educational Class A College Degrees Offered In Arts and Sciences Home Economics —— Agriculture Business Administration Education Engineering -— Industrial Arts FOR INFORMATION WRITE THE REGISTRAR The K. N. E. A. Journal Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Education Association VOL. XX NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1948 No. l Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Association Editorial Office at 2230 West Chestnut Street Louisville 11, Kentucky W. H, Perry, .111, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge, President of K.N.E,A, PRICE ONE DOLLAR. PER YEAR, 03. 25 CENTS PER COPY Membership in the K.N.E.A. includes subscription to the Journal. Rates of advertising mailed on‘reques’c. TABLE OF CONTENTS K. N. E. A. Directors“ Editorial Comment. Announcements. Education in Kentucky, Whitney M. Young. The United Nations and Human Rights, Rayfol'd W. Logan... New President Honored, Mrs. Katherine E. Taylor.. fiepofl of Legislative Committee... Over the Editor’s Desk The Teacher is the Key, J. M. Tyding: Committees, 73rd Annual Convention Abstract of Financial Report of Sea-Tree Central High School Pupil Honored, Fred Coll. Louisvillian Made Assistant Supervisor.. Douglass School Dedicated. KiNJlA. OFFICERS FOR 1943-1949 Whitney M, Young, President .Lincoln Ridge W, B. Chenault, First Vice—President Stanford B, G, Patterson, Seccnd Vice—President eorgetown Frankfort Alice D, Samuels, Historian, w. H, Perry, Jr., Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS Whitney M,‘ Young, President, Lincoln Ridge Robert L, Bowery . , . . . Franklin C, so Nuckolls. .Ashiand Victor K. Perry Louisville E, w. Whiteside Paducah DEPARTMENT AND CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN Edward T. Buford, High School and College Department Bowling Green Mayme R. Morris, Elementary Education Department Louisville Emma E, Bennett, Rural School Depanment Louisville R. L. Carpenter, Music Department Louisville B. w. Browne, Vocational Education Departmen Padueah John v. Robinson, Principals’ Conference Elizabethiown Arline E, Allen, Primary Teschers‘ Depa e Louisville Hattie Figg Jackson, Art Treachers’ Conferenc Louisville G. w. Jackson, Social Science ,Teachers‘ Conierenee Louisville Gertrude Sledd, Science Teachers’ Conference. Danville Christine B. Redd, English Teachers‘ Conierence Louisville Catherine o. Vaughn, Librarians Conference .Louisville W, L. Kean, Physical Education Department. w, H. Craig, Guidance Workers’ Conference A, J. Richards, Foreign Language Teachers’ Conference William ’1‘. Davidson, Adult Education Conference,“ PRESIDENTS or KNEA, msmcr EDUCATION ASSOCIATIONS Bettie C, Cox, Paducah irst District Association Jacob Bronaugh, Hopkinsville econd District Association H, C, Mathis, Drakesboro Third District Association N. S. Thomas, Horse Cav ourth District Association Agnes G. Duncan, Louisville, .Filth District Association W, B. Chenault, Stanford. Blue Grass District Association H, R, Merry, Covington Northern District Assoication Karl Walker, Hazar Eastern District Association Esther R. Ball, Middles or pp timberland District Association KNEA DIRECTORS The directors of the Association have the responsibility of direct» ing the execution of its policies when the organization is not in session, and of deciding on plans of action when emergencies arise, These func. ticns have engaged the attention of the successive Boards, and each has attacked Wisely the problems presented to it, An evidence of confidence in their leadership was shown by the return to the Board, at the last election, of Messrs, C. B. Nnckuiis, Vicmr K. Perry and E, W, Whiteside. Mrl Robert L, Bowery, farm. erly first vice-president and active in state educational circles, was elected to the Board. Mr, Bowery sent the following Statement for publication: “I take this means of expressing my thanks to those per- sons who expressed their confidence in me by selecting me as one 01 the members of the Board of Directors, I realize the importance of this great responsibility, and shall strive to prove myselt worthy, Your counsel and suggestions for a greater K.N.E.A. will be appreciated by me." 2 BOARDTOF DIRECTORS C, B, NUCKOLLS, Principal VICTOR KENT PERRY, Teacher B. T. Washingtcn High School Central High School Ashland, Kentucky Louisville, Kentucky E‘ W. MHITESIDE, Principal ROBERT L. DOWERY, Principal Lincoln High School Lincoln High School Paducah, Kentucky Franklin, Kentucky EDITORIAL COMMENT IS EQUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY POSSIBLE ON A SEGREGATED BASIS? Is it possible, under any condition, for equality of educational op— pnrtunity to be offered graduate students in Kentucky upon a segre— gated basis? This issue will he argued in the Federal Court at Lex— ington next January 4, when the suit of Lyman T. Johnson for ad< mission to the University of Kentucky comes to triali In Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas, similar, but less compreheih sive issues have been carried to the Supreme Court of the United States. In each instance the intrepl'eiation of. the Constitution gave a blow to segregation, None of the states responded by a complete re- moval of barriers; each developed a stratagem for maintaining some form of segregation within the new interpretation Hi the law. Ken- tucky, officially, is following this pattern through the Kentucky State -College~UniVetsity of Kentucky tie-up in an attempt ta defeat the Johnson suit, The attorney-general Cf the Cnmmonwealth not only interpretated the law; he put on his armor and wielded his sword vigorously in defense of the Day law. But many Kentuckians of both races are convinced that as long as the Day law is on the smtute books the facilities offered Negraes will be grossly inferior and inadequate. Further, the liberal sentiment develoging among leading newspapers, civic groups and students makes this an appropriate state for me test, The K.N,E.A. joins with other groups in supporting the Johnson suit to test the question on its merits. The decision in Kentucky will have national significance, Announcements The 1949 conventinn of the K.N,E.A. will be held in Louisville, Kentucky, April 20—22 A dance, complimentary to Associatiim members will be held on the opening evening, following the first general Session, Tickets at admission will be issued upon presentation of K.N.ElA‘ membership card. The annual musicale is set 101' Friday evening, April 22, Tentative plans provide that the program consist partly at numbers by an All- State Chorus, composed of pupils sent by schools of the state. Under the plan, pupils would be made familiar with the musical selections by their teachers as a part of their class mom Work. The blending of the groups into a chorus, to appear during the musicale, would be done by a director specially skilled in Lhis field. Final practices would he held' in Louisville on April 21 and 22, at such hours that teachers of the state may observe the techniques employed. Annual membership dues 0! three dallars should be sent to the secretary-treasurer now! The Annual Spelling Coniest will be held Friday Morning, April 22, 4 Education In Kentucky By Whitney M, Young, President, K.N.E.A. During the 1948 session or K,N.E.A., many important top. ics were discussed by men and \chen of wide experience end broad intelligence. Most of the advice was sound and delivered with earnestness. If the speeches and discus- sisns are indicative of What is to Come, the future is bright in. deed. Ha ing been elected without opposition to the highest office . within the gift of the Associa- tion I hereby pledge every once cf energy, courage and devotion at my command to the pupils, teachers, and iriends of education in Kentucky. I shall expect the full cooperation and advice of all to the end that Kentucky may have an educa- V tional system second to none and based upon the needs, interests, and opportunities of each of the 120 counties of the state. I shall oppose by voice and pen every make shift device and pro— - posal designed to stifle the rightful ambitions of every child regardless of race, creed, or color. I will work with honest man for an honest program that places the good 'of the community, the state, and the nation above all else YROGRAM OF ACTION The following broad program of action, based on first hand in— formation will serve as a guide: I, finalization of teachers, salaries, special service phase, 2. Expansion of agricultural andshop courses in high schools. 3‘ Complete reorganization of libraries, 4, Improvement of school buildings. : so Establishment or guidance programs in all high schools and and colleges, l7. Legal transportation for all students. Limit distance so it will seem reasonable, '1. Wider use of Negro books as reference material in all schools, 9. Equalization of education on graduate level, lo, Adequate programs in Health Education and Physical Education. '11. Expand college program to meet the practical and professional needs of the day. Greater emphasis on agriculture, engineering, business. 12. A csmpaignlto obtain funds to establish a research bureau to :5 s compile and disseminate information on the Negro, 13. Special assistants in Home Economics, Trades, Elementary Education and Library Division, lat Improved science laboratory for General Science, Biology, Chemisoy. ' ' 15. Special study oi veterans program in Kentucky. 16 Increased aid for 4-H Club work. 17. Greater cooperation in carrying out program for handicapped children. 18. Special attention to problems of one room schools, No community, no individual, and no group will be denied a hear- ing. We shall strive to have an association of the teachers by the teachers and (or the teachers. We eamestly seek the help and council 0! every Organization and. individual from the humblest citizen to the greatest, With firm faith in the right as God gives us wisdom to see the right we shall move forward to higher goals, In]lWIIIIImnullllnlllilllllflimlmllllllllllilillIIllIUIlllllillIiIKlililnInlIluIIllllIlllInumlllllllnlllillllilllnllllllllllllnlllmg Scholarships For Teachers 1r * Community Financial Service, Inc., announces with pleasure that it offers ten scholarships of $l00 each to individuals in the teaching profession who desire to attend summer school in l949. These aids will be given on the mnnmnInImln|lmummuan"Inmlnmmnnnumnmnmnllnmmmmmmnm basis of need, character, promise as educational leaders, 3 and scholarship. Applications from teachers, librarians and E other school people, ages Zl to 35, who have completed 3 at least two years of college will be welcomed. A Com- g mirtee of outstanding Kentucky educators will make the § awards. If interested, request scholarship application E form of: 3 COMMUNITY FINANCIAL SERVICE, INC. E 2‘0 Citizens Bank Building g I’. O. Box 856 Lexington, Kentucky E EWIllllIlfllmWilliamnuIulIIlnmnlwmnuuluuululllrllllllllDillIlll|Ill|Dfl|Ill|lllIlnflluuuulnllnllluulmulnunlluflllflgé 6 Summary of Address "The United Nations and Human Rights" By anford W. Logan Head, Department of History, Howard University, Washington, D.C; Member, I! 5, National Com- mission for UNESCO. (The address was delivered during the 1948 Convention of the K.N.E.A.) The United Nations and‘ the United Nations Educational, Seien- tific and Cultural Organization have practically no legal power to establish international peace and security or “respect for human rights and the fundamental free- dams for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.” Their resolutions may, however, have a salutary effect in helping to achieve these ubjectives. Standing in the Way of promot- ing human rights within nations is Article 2, paragraph 7 of the Charter of the United Nations which stipulates: “Nothing con— tained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentialb’ within the domestic jurisdiction of any state, . 3’ Each nation has the right to determine for itself whether the matter is Within its domestic jurisdiction. The action of the United Nations with respect to laws segre- gating and discriminating against Indians in the Union of South Africa makes abundantly clear the lack of coercive power of the United Nations, It should be noted, first, that the issue was raised by Madam Pandit, the sister of- Nehru and an official delegate of India to the 'General Assembly of the United Nations This fact is important be- cause it reminds us that individuals in their private capacity have no right to protest to the United Nations against injustices from which they suffer In other words, the injustices inflicted upon Negroes in the United States can come before the United Nations only if an official delegate of some nation should make a plea in their behalf It is al- most inconceivable that a delegate of the United States will make this plea. Perhaps Haiti, now that the Republic is free from financial con- trol by American bondholders, will raise the issuer Little can be ex- pected from Liberia since that Republic is still “Firestone‘s spare tire.” NOW that Ethopia has regained her independence she is likely to te— turn to her former position of denying identification with Negroes. 'With the exception of Haiti no Latin American nation is likely to criticize at the United Nations the treatment of Negroes in the United States. , Even more important than the necessity for an official delegate to ,pnaent the problem of maltreatment of minorities is the fact that, it '1 the nation in question declares that the issue is ”Within its domestic jurisdiction," the United Nations can not intervene, Prime Minister Smuts of the Union of South Africa, one of the most vicious race- baiters on earth if Hitler is really dead, declared that the treatment of Indians in the Union of South Africa was a “domestic" question. The General Assembly thereupon adopted a resolution urging India and the Union cf South Africa to compose their differences This resolution is typical of the policy at the League at Nations, a policy which i have characterized as one of “survival by postponement and evasion.” In. brief, the Union of South Africa has continued its policy of segregating and discriminating against Indians. UNESCO has a provision in its Constitution quite similar to that in the Charter of the United Nations and hence it can legally do noth- ing to correct inequalities or teachers salaries in Kentucky or in any other state. One illustration of the possible moral value of the United Nations is seen in the proposed International Declaration of Human Rights and the proposed Convention on Human Rights, The Declaration could have no binding effect but it might, like the Declaration of Indepen— dence, proclaim a set of principles that would at least furnish a yard— stick for departure from those principles and a guide to uneasy can— sciences. We should, therefore, join other organizations in seeking to obtain a strong International Declaration of Human Rights and the ratification of a forthright Convention on Human Rights If the Senate should ratify the Convention, it like other treaties would become the law of the land. Both the Declaration and the Convention were drafted by 3 Com— mission on Human ’Rights of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, The United Nations can not compel any nation to ap- prove the Declaration or ratify the Convention. But it is hoped that agreement upon these basic principles ’of Human Rights by representa— tives of most of the nations of the world will facilitate approval of the Declaration and ratification of the Convention by the United States and other nations, The United States National Commission for UNESCO, on which I have the honor to represent the American Teachers Association re- cently took action which illustrates the moral influence of the ideals of UNESCO, I pointed out that it was well night impossible to teach the ideals of UNESCO in a segregated school system. After considerable discussion the United States National Commission for UNESCO adopted the following resolution: “Resolved, that the National Commission urge that members organizations of the National Commission in conducting meetings where the subject of msco is discussed, invite people to part ipate without racial or religious discrimination.” On Monday, April 19, a meeting at some white and colored teachers will be held in Washington in accordance with this resolution Since these teachers meet separately in their education organizations just as they do in Kansas, the significance of this step is evident I hope that some one connected ith the United States National Commission for UNESCO will be suffi enfly interested to accomplish a similar meeting in Kentucky, The “cold war" between the United States and the Soviet Union has convinced many American statemen of the vulnerability of the United States as far as her treatment of minorities especially Negroes, is concerned For this reason many proposals that were hardly given 8 a hearing a few years or even months ago are now sympathetically considered. Typical of the new attitude is the strong support now given to Fundamental Education, a term used to describe an attack upon lack of educational opportunities in dependent territories, backward nations and even in the United States. But again it should be remembered that each nation member of UNESCO determines for itself the extent to which it‘ will implement the resolutions of UNESCO. The existing friction between the United States and the Soviet Union may well serve to accelerate action on the resolutions of UNESCO as Well as on reiorms begun by Americans before the birth of UNESCO. One of my graduate students recently dug up a newspaper report of a meeting at Liederkranz Hall in Louisville on October 15, 1833 of Negro representatives from twenty-seven states to a conference on education. This conference, which elected Frederick Douglass pre- manent chairman, passed a resolution in favor of zederal aid to public education. it also expressed criticism of segregated school systems, Today we are still engaged in the struggle to obtain these objectives. Because of the international situation the chances for success are better than they have been before, “The Time is nowi" New President Honored BY Mrs, Katherine E. Taylor Mr, Whitney M. Young, the newly elected president of the K.N.EiAi was honored with a special program by the Lincoln Institute Family, at Lincoln Ridge, Kentucky. The “family“ recently selected Mr. Young as “Man of the Year” at Lincoln because of the outstanding contribu- tions he has made to the educational program at the institution. The many achievements of this dynamic leader were brought to the attention or the Large and appreciative audience by a verse speak- ing choir composed of ten young ladies from the student body. Glowing tributes Were paid Mr. Young by students, faculty mem- bers, and friends. Dr. R. B Atwood President cf Kentucky State College, Dr C_ L Thomas Mr. Willian'i H. Perry, Jr and Mrs. Patrick Hill, Louisville, Kentucky, were among the out of town speakers who extolled the work of this great man and made everyone aware of the admiration and respect in which he is held by fellow Kentuckians of both races. Mrs. Minnie J. Hitch, President of the State P.T.A., spoke highly of Mrs. Young and. the two charming and talented daughters, as Well as of the successful son, Whitney Jr, Mrs, Hitch did not fail to state that Mr. Young’s success had been due in a large measure to the cour— age, stamina and faith exhibited by his good wife. Many eyes were filled with tears as Mrs. Arnita Young Farrow told, in a pleasing manner, how “Daddy”, the “Man of the Year“, had always found time to pal with his children and to share with them their ambitions joys and disappointments. A beautiful engraved cup expressed in a tangible way the deep love and affection these children have for their father Special music for the occasion was rendered by the Lincoln In- stitute Chorus, under the direction of Miss Lydia Ann Chenault and the Strains .of Harmony, a musical group from The Seventh Day Adventist 9 Temple, Louisville, Kentucky, under the direction of Mrs. Tacoma Maupin. Useful and beautiful gifts were presented ”The Youngs" by two faculty representatives, Miss Helen Rankin and Mr. A, J. Pinkney. Miss Helen Pinkney, a directed teacher at Lincoln Institute served as mis» tress of ceremonies and her mother, Mrs. A. J. Pinkney was faculty hostess for, the reception which followed, The Lincoln Institute Family feels that it made wise choice in choosing Mr. Young, “Man of the Year" for truly he is worthy of the crown. He is optimistic, understanding, sincere, patient, persistant and kind and endeavors to lift others as he climbs. Report of Legislative Committee, K.N.E.A. This report, adopted unanimously by the Association at its con- vention last April, is a statement of objectives to be sought during the year. 1. The Kentucky Negro Education-Association voices the senti— ment of its constituency in expressing appreciation of Governor Earl Clements and members of the 1948 Legislature for the advances Which they made possible through increased appropriations and several other favorable measures for the improvement of public education for all citizens in the State. We mention especially the fairness shown in the distribution of funds to the three state schools for higher secondary and vocational education of Negroes, namely, the Kentucky S ate Cnege, Lincoln Institute, and West Kentucky Vocational Trai ing School. . 2. Nothwithstanding the favorable official consideration just me tioned, we are not unmindful of many inequalities in education far: ties and administration which remain to be remedied. of first impor- tance is the great disparity between file building and general physical plants of schools for Negroes and the other state supported schools. These differences have accumulated over the years until the inferiority of the plants of the institution for Negroes is readily obvious. 1n the same category is the salary situation between the races in many local systems, despite legislation and general public sentiment to the contrary. Certain systems persist in practicing the “Special Service" technique in such a Way as to discriminate among teachers of the same rank and Work in white and colored schools. We recommend that the Board of Directors of K. N. E. A. and other properly constituted committees make a continuous fallow~thraugb on these inequalities until equality in facilities and salaries becomes an actual reality. 3. Due to recent legislation which has placed the matter of erect- ing‘ public buildings in the hands of the newly created Kentucky Build. ing Commission, we strongly recommend that the three State Schools for Negroes prepare a long range, over-all forecast of building needs for their campuses and present same to the said commission, And further, that the K.N.E.A. render every possible cooperation with the heads of these schools in their efforts to Secure needed buildings. 4. The Day Law. The Association take a degree of satisfaction in the fact that a 10 slight breach in the state‘s discriminatory laws was scored in the pass- ing of an act granting conditional entrance of Negro students into institutions for education in health services, It is therefore recommended that the KN‘EA. join with the South- ern Regional Council, the Blue-Grass Medical Association, and bodim with similar objectives to secure the implementation of this law. It is recommended, further, that the campaign for the end of the Day Law be constant and vigorous until it is finally stricken from the State’s legal code, 5. To deal with the many and many»sided problems which exist along the racial Iil'leY it is recommended that K.N.E.A. request the Governor to appoint a State—Wide Committee for the study of civic and educational problems that have special reference to Negroes and general interest to the whole people of the State. G. The Anderson— Mayer Lew. While the K.N.E.A. views the Anderson—Mayer Law as a temporary device to bridge the gap between the present status of Negro education and the eventual liberalization of educational policy and laws in Ken— tucky, it must insist upon the liberalization of that Law, in the mean- time, to cover a large area of out-oi-state studies under its authority. Several fields of higher and professional education yet remain to be included as proper functions of that law. 7. The Kentucky State College. The call for stronger Land Grant phases of the Kentucky State College has been insistent for many years. Yet, but little in that direction has been accomplished, It is only just and equitable that much greater support be given by the State and Federal governments to the development of stronger departments of Agriculture, Home Eco- numics, and Industrial Arts, and that a unit of the Reserve Officers Training Corps be installed at the College, The Kentucky State College has on file an application for the R. 0T.C unit and has taken advance steps to secure approval for same from the controlling officers of the government It is therefore recommended that the K.N,E.A. give its full coop— eration to the President of the Kentucky State College in this Worthy objective 8. State Council on Higher Education. The School Code of 1934 created the State Council on Higher Edu- cation and gave it Considerable power in setting policies, shaping cur. ricula, and otherwise influencing the administration of education in all the State colleges and universities. singularly, this law omitted the president of the Kentucky State College from the list of State College heads, which arrangement. has resulted in many awkward situations at Kentucky State College, be- cause of regulations to which it must conform, and in some cases of which he was informed only through the public pressl This is mani- festly an unjust and impracticable discrimination which should be removed Therefore we recommend that the Association through its regular or specially Set»up machinery seek relief from this law in the next meeting of the Legislature. 9. State Supervision n1 Vocational and Academic Education {or Negroes. We call attention to the urgent need of supervision in the field at 11 Negro Education. filly two part—time State Supervisors are now em» played in the five fields of operation that need supervision, These fields are those 0! (a) Home Economics, .17) Agriculture, (o) Industrial Arts, (d) Elementary Education, and (e) High School Education. It is recommended that the Board of Directors or a special com— mittee continue a beginning which they have made toward securing these needed Workersl It is suggested that such bodies discuss the whole supe‘rvisory setup and needs with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 10. Federal Aid, The K.N.E.A. reiterates its oft expressed approval and support of Federal Aid to Public education in the states. We appreciate the progress that has been made by the passage of 5.3. 439 through the Senate, We recommend that the Board of Directors write all Con~ gressional delegations from Kentucky urging their support of this bill in the House at Representatives. 11. Regional Colleges and Universities. The Kentucky Negro Education Association hereby expresses its opposition to the establishment of segregated Regional Colleges and Universities and other schools on all levels We recommend that the Board so notify the Senators and Representatives from Kentucky, 12. Strengthening K.N¢E.A. Procedures. It is recommended that the Board of Directors explore and inves- tigate the possibilities and methods of closer cooperation between K.N.E,A. and the K.E,A_ Standing Committee on cooperation has been suggested. It is further recommended that K.N.E.A. strengthen ifs Work in Public Relations by the creation of a public relations committee or a public relations representative that would function throughout the year, and that the necessary expenses of such committee or agent be provided for in the annual budget. A further recommendation is that KlN,E.A. cultivate Closer relat— ions with labor unions as a method of strengthening its influence and power in the attainment of some of its objectives. “Your Printer I — WHITE PRINTING CO. 927 West Chestnut WAbaslI 6977 Louisville, Ky. 12 Over The Editor’s Desk The Broadcaster, official Journal of the Tennessee Negro Education Association is a member of the Education Press Association cf America, Mr. Merl R. Eppse, noted historian, and Professor of History at Texas Al 8: 1, State College, is the newly elected president of the T,N.E.A_ A curriculum circular issued by the Louisville Public Schools calls attention to the that that Louisville courses of study are drawing nation—wide recognition. The National Council fai‘ the Social Studies praised the variety and quality of activities, the appendix material dealing with the class room as a social studies laboratory, the suggested audio-visual aids, and the departure from the traditi:nal chronological approach. It also puts great emphasis on human relations. Several of the new courses of study have been used in worshcps at Columbia University and the University cf Chicago. Copies of some courses have been purchased by schools in Cuba, Germany and Norway. The George Washington Carver Foundation is conducting a drive to raise $2,000,000 endowment. The Foundation, started by Carver himself during his lifetime, is dedicated “to the progress of humanity through the application of science to the problems of agriculture and industry”, It is also charged with the responsibility of training young people in the techniques of research, including the Carver approach, to the end that the problem of agriculture and industry, particularly as they relate to the South, may be solved, As a part of its program, the Foundation offers graduate research fellowships and assistantships to qualified Students to enable them to pursue Work toward the Master of Science degree. Jane Todd Crawford Day Will be celebrated in Kentucky on De- camber 13, 1948, This date is the 139th anniversary of her consenting to undergo, at the hands of her physician, Dr, Ephraim McDowell, in Danville, (he first ovariotomy ever performedi This operation, perform— ed without anaesthetic, revolulicnized the science of surgery. Accounts of it have been translated into many foreign languages, Governor Earle c, Clements has issued a proclamation, asking ob— servance of the day in schools, churches, clubs and other suitable places, with appropriate historical and memorial ceremonies. Teachers may secure a copy of The Story of Jane anlcl Crawford by the late George Madden Martin, author of Emmy Lou, by writing to Mrs. Jane T. Lane, American Red Cross Building, covington, Kentucky. 13 The'Teacher s The Key By J. Mal-sin Tydings, Chairman, Committee on More] and Spiritual Education A great many teachers, supervisors, superintendents, and not a few parents, are particularly concerned about character education for