xt7xgx44v01j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xgx44v01j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1938 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1938 Vol.10 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, October 1938 Vol.10 No.4 1938 2019 true xt7xgx44v01j section xt7xgx44v01j 1938 0 ,, ! !!
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: V t? page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS OC‘Ober’ 1938
, J 3‘ . KPA l’l’fnler' Meeting To Be Held t 5'; ,
r‘: ' Community Newspapers Can Use In [mm/11mm) 26-28 ,, «rap
I J. . The dates of January 26-28 were selec. J; of (
W *J" ' 6 t Ad t “l ' r t1 vinter meetin ‘ , “
~ : :3 Local Plctures l o rea van age. [at to 1e» g 9f the m J .1
; 1 ‘ J; at the Brown Hotel, Loulsvrlle, by the pap'
" " J . Executive Committee which met t h -
JJ’ 4:; r . . 'r duced in our own lant. Man' . . a te 3P1)
ff J ‘ Bl GEORGE M' ‘VILSON bf“; PV 0 . . V t I: 1 b on: new student union burldrng on the Uni- of a
F: Irvmgton Herald 0 ”656 915911135 “‘3” SC.“ O 15 y versitv of Kentucky campus, October 15 that
' 1 it? readers. This was especially true at the 7 " . . . _' i
J . . . , . . V \rance Armentrout, LOUISVIIle Cour]. the
" r: i» In an age of radio, talking pictures, beginning, since we had no camera of V . _ t» .
J :31: . . . ‘ ‘ er-Journal, was appointed as chalrman ‘ darl
a r . televrsron and wrrephoto, the small our own. . .‘ V V V
. g1 . . . . . of the committee to hare charge of the ' Wt
- r ri-r newspaper, weekly as well as dally, must As we go along we see many other .- V . «
~_ | 1er . . . . . . meeting. He Will be assisted by C. A. , tant
I : , - provrde its communrty wrth better local things we can do and we expand in that .. .V _
. I . . ‘ . 7 Humurel, Jellersonran, Jeffersontown mg
. .: servrce. For several years we have felt direction. We needed a camera to take , g . . . . ’ ,
. a . _ . and “eslex E. Carter, Enterprise, Elrza- vanr
. J: : that there was a real need for a small our own prctures and have obtalned a I . ) .
. JV . _ V .- . 1 1 bethtown. together With lresrdent Brad- J rece
, ‘z . low—cost engravrng plant so that we Graflex that makes a picture 3 4X4 /4, , ‘ . ..
. V 1" . . . _ . ley and Secretary Alcock, ex~0fficro. ' r
~ 1‘ could make cuts to llven up our weekly In addrtron, to the camel a we purchased .
. J , . V d Among other busrness transacted was fact!
‘ newspaper. an rnexpensrve enlarger and now fin . . . V . .- . .
. . . . . V V the adoption of a resolution agamst the man
' ; r We believe that it is an acknowledged a ready sale for 8x10 reprints of many ) . a J
I J . . _ . latman bill and acceptance of the res- . .1 rr
. J tact with all newspaper men that pIC- pictures that we use rn the paper as well . . . . - ,
; 3 . . . rgnatron ol Harry Arrowwood, Parnts- man
2" tures are now a necessrty 1f the paper 15 as a few that are not used. a .- . , _ .
J , . , , vrlle, lorrrrer committee member, who g1car
to garn and hold reader-interest. TWO A glance at our books shows that the V . 7 V -. . r
J _ . . k . . has moved to New \ork Crtv. J men
3 objects have been standrng 1n the way cost of materials has been $47.68, or V . _ . V / .
; . . . . . Members present rncluded Pr‘esrdent the
' ‘ and preventlng the use of more pictures. slightly more than five cents per column V V ,
V 3 t . .. _ k . J LaMarr Bradley, Provrdence; Secre- papt
, l . One has been the almost prohrbrtrve cost inch. No account of labor was kept srnce ~ , « 7 _ -
, J . . . V . . . tary J. Curtis Alcock and X ernon RlCh- ' com:
. 1 ' and the other has been the poor servrce most of the cuts were produced in our . .
_ J . . ' . . . ardson. Dannlle; Gracean M. Pedley, llghl
-. v 7 avarlable, as it has been necessary to spare time—many at night. The same 1 . . .
‘ J ' , ‘ . . ' _ ‘ .. lzddyvrlle; Harry VVaterlreld, Clrnton; J. Fear
depend on engravers many mlles away cuts, at the lowest rate quoted to us by ,. . V. . _ , l
- J . 1 . . s . . l . Norris, Ashland, Thomas Under- 1
. p . - to do the work. an engravrng servrce, would have cost r V _
. . . p wood and \1ctor R. Portmann, Lexrng- (lont
Z J J In JUHE, 1937, after much rnvestrga- us approxrmately $230. We have sold V V . _ . . . J
. ,1 . . . , _ .- . ton; Vance Arrnentrout, Loursvrllc; Ty- 115115
.' t r ' tron, we finally bolstered up our courage $1805 worth of cuts Jo adveI‘LlSCI‘S, polr- . J ,
‘ j . _ . . . . . ler Munford, Morganfield; T. T. Wll- fmd]
and dec1ded 0t get started at once Wlth trcal candrdates, etc., thus bringing our _ . ‘ .
_ . . . . J ‘ ‘ son. Cynthrana; R. L. Elkrn, Lancaster; Plan
, “1 engravmg 1’1“” NOW’ “‘3‘ one Veal “Ct m“ [0 $29” and D01 )h Cre'rl Hod ‘enville Joe Lo- -' r 1
.J ‘ I later. “'6 \A’Ollld no more think Of pare VVe now have about 35]}200 invested ‘ l ‘ ’ g ' r 0 C
V . ,J ; J , . . k , . . vett, Murray, was a guest. clerk
Er : mg With our plant than we would thrn 1n the plant, camera, cleveloprng and a V V V VV 1' l L V .
Jr . . ‘ 0f ‘ivin no the t )e—settinrr machine, )rintin a ui )ment and su )plies 1 he commrttce was guests 0. tre ex- bus“
J? i : ' l'g 1 1g ress 01 eds/fine boxb J g J J I ' ington Herald—Leader at a luncheon at l spen
. :7 ‘ )‘ . , ‘ t . m ,
' . A . (ycrpce 11 nt was installbed in one room _ . the Lalayette Hotel, and afterward at J” cost
J 3 ‘2 j' [ ur 111) fine or: June 10 1937 and on fiEZJ‘IIIVCgEdDHV Ad Ruling the Vanderbilt-Kentucky football game J intri
- ' 1 only 01 : r f).€( y zetzmtm . ., :. - ,
. . . - as arrests of the Unrversrt . . form
1 j June 18 the first local prcture made in . . V . . b y J rccor
l s ’ J our own plant appeared on the front VActrng Crrcult Judge chhard Pr1est V _ V d h V JV
J J . .. page of. our paper. It was a three column VDretVzman upheld recently enacted leg- It you have . recently rncrease t e t VVnu<
J ( - ‘ cut of an auto crash and could not have rsVlatron prohlbrtlng advethrsrng of cre- subscription prrce of your newspaper, J eep
J r ‘; possibly been used had it been neces— (lit by dentists. The rullng was on a you might follow up the announcemenJ Jr Pay}
1 : . sary to send to the nearest engraver to be suit fichd by F. F. Reynolds, dentrst, olV tlrc rVncrtasc urth thc announcemen I h
JI ' made. We were very well pleased that Immedrately answered by a good cost of a PHIC contest for the best letter on J ave
} ( we had been able to produce a cut with- The plaintrff contended the legisla- “Why my home town newspaper rs worth J! creat
J J i . in the first week that the plant was in- tion was in violation of constitutional $2.09 (or $2.50) a yearV to me.” The J VN<
J. . stalled since we had never so much as rights and deprrved hrm of hrs Income, testrmomals you’ll get In these letters J Ulltl
at c _ S V' seen the inside of an engraving plant but Judge Dictzman ruled that under will be worth many times the amount of N6
J E I , and knew nothing of the principle of cut the police power: othhe State, the Legis- money yVou’ll give for first, second and perly
J" . J mqking lature was wrthrn 11s power In forb1d~ [llll‘d prizes. p ’11 a.
J t ( t , _ . V - V . :7 on
1 JJ 1 After the paper had been mailed out (lang the attempt to influence the publlc m J Elissi
J It JJ and we were admiring our work we dis- 1T1 ItVS selection 0f V3 dentist through the Beauty Parlor Advertising _Fa5hion J; differ
O r J covered that we had stripped the nega- medium of advertisement. decrees the latest style in hair dress is up. {3 book
J 1' V‘ ‘:V . rive on the glass “wrong side out” and Members Of the Board Of Pent“ Ex Beauty parlors are plentiful, and must M
t :1 , - ‘. the numbers on the license tag appeared ammers named as defendants 1n the su1t tell all women who would be beautlhll sim V
J a , J 4 in reverse. Our readers, however, were are R0136” L- Sprau, Q P- Mayhall, R- P- about the newest in hair-do’s. Call on 1%, mull:
. a ;_ loud in their praises and if they ever Thomas and Hugh M' McElrath. ‘ all the local beauticians now, SO they J Your
r, V}; ‘ V . were aware of our mistake they have kept ——‘~——*— can reserve space in your next issue. {A J partr
r: l ., it a secret. To be sure, automatic machinery ac- feature comparing present day half the (
U Since that first picture appeared, just complishes much; but the old system of styles with those of the previous century ‘VV piece
J 2 one year ago, we have used over 800 applying foot power to a devil’s anatomy might create added interest, and a few V Arr
J J y ' inches of engravings, all of which have had its advantages—Inland Printer. pictures Of them might help. Gt
1 n , ‘,’,‘5.
J ’ J . ft
L 4 , . 'V ,e‘ Nth: ..
- l \ 7] V Vr . V V V . ,, V 7 VV \ V VV V . V VVV: (pith-231’. m n15»:

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~ iii ‘ H H:
2r, 1938 . til I I: it .q‘
I: I; October, 1938 THE KENTUCKY PRESS \ Page Three I’I I II;I; . .
t, 1.. 2 : . .
’eld \ 4; - if; {I a II : I .'
, -j' Evil”! Tells Need rates or prices are sensibly and profitably Arne G. Rae Elected II“: l‘ :"II II : I :j
4 0f Casi Accounting fixed. Secretary of N. E. A. III I _-I C III I ‘2:
Iere 33130 if; ' . l‘V/mt It Tells iii if i hi
the KPA I {Every year the publishing of news— (I . l d '1 11 . Arne G. Rae, field manager of the I; I; II: I '4.‘
e, by the ‘, papers, regardless of size or circulation, ”Oh Imow e ge WI 1 te you. h Oregon State Editorial association for I; ‘I ‘I IiI' v 1
LEE at then: approaches more closely the operations . I‘IW rat {It COStS to prepare or gat er the 135t 10 years and HEWIY elected PréSi- :,;g I; I; AI"?
the Uni- of a manufacturing plant—for in truth ‘1 C90 urrIn O Eews' . _ . (lent of Newspaper Association Mana- III; . IIIII
:tober 15; that is exactly what the work involves— I. “ rat t c composrtion cost 18 per gers. Inc., is the new executive secretary I:I:‘_; I I I; ;
le Couri-L the manufacturing of a newspaper— CO uninhor pi: page; 1 . . 0f the National Editorial Association. I I} l; ‘I .'
Chairman 1 daily, weekly, tri-weekly or what notj’ . 3 l at; tf 6; to”: half? Ci)“ ‘5 m He was chosen at a meeting of the N. E. II; I III II"; *
ge of the I W Clement Moore, cost and tax consul— your pflanIt 0% Ieacr ”1C ’ C0 umn, or A. board of directors held here this week If» f I‘ III I I;" . _
‘ ' - 1 0“ ( '.‘ . - - -, . , I;.-‘. ,1 4 5. s; :I .
by C. A. " taut, told weekly publishers at a meet- in? {IIIKIVSHISIIIIHS mat eh be h in connection wrth aIconference of state IIIII: IIIIIgIIII; .
‘sontown, ing of Districst l and 2 of the Pennsyl— . 'f Ia 116' ( ll lehfh 15 ctweenrt e press assocration officrals to draft a pro- . IIIIII; IIIIIIIE .
se, Eliza- vania Newspaper Publishers' Association :05} 0 him; (inf mac lme composrtion gram to make the N~ 13- A- more FBPre- III! l‘I,I;:I .j
int Brad- I recently. or news an( 3‘ matter. . sentative of and more responsive to the I: 5 {II IIIIV
icio ' “And since it is true that few manu- 3' 2241:” your suIJscriptionl costs are. needs of the non-metropolitan publish- III III IlI'IIE'I
' ‘ .‘ - .r‘rat ‘ ( t ‘ a .ts 1.3 w‘;t‘&;
.cted was I facturing plants are able to survive the 'n burn to 312130131; dpver 16 C09 crs of the country. if: III I III ‘I
ainst the management demands of today without “ ii WI 1 . y' t t . . . Mr. Rae, who is also a member of the I I‘Ij KI ;' I .
. the res- I a reasonably thorough knowledge of I. hiat yfiurldirlijestmen re urn 15 Journalism faculty at the Universrty of I; I u; I I
. " . - anc v a it u . . . - ; A - - TE‘ ‘1 I. . ~’
, Paints manufacturing costs—hence it seems 10- Oil t_ sho . .611 d d f th r Oregon in Eugene, wrll remain there . :‘II I: .ililkil‘r
)eh who gical to assume that newspaper manage- . 1 course t ere are un re 5 (1"1 0 e(1 until January 1, when he Will take over .I I II .;;:I I
‘ i ‘ ‘ - - :: , Ir“ .I‘
i ment today must also know and follow flu-1 Imanlagement (1255:0115 reac ldy an his new duties at N. E. A. headquarters 1;; , I I III III
President {the cost of producing not only news- icIntrguatey answere Y a goo CO“ in Chicago. If? IIIII
e; Secre- . papers, but other products that might Sis; ml-f 11 d l Revrsron of the N. E. A. constitution li'l III II}
on Rich- I come from its presses as well.” High- ‘ nc ”,m y un er present aWs, a COSt in accordance With recommendations, . 'III '
Pedle)‘: lights of Mr. Moore’s address follow: system; Will Pihwfdel tile ‘rlght alilsviers t1: made by the national advisory council rifi ’ l ill;
inton‘] I Fear of Dplai] ’ SH‘IC trousancs O F0 ars wort O wor (composed of. representatives of state ' II I: IIIII‘ ‘I
’ ' _ a ' _ _ ant worrv man ' times a rear. . . « _ - . I: ’;
Under- ’ I believe there is one thing that has ’ l l 25:23::10320Ii: tll'iet Wliilde sulphég . . III III III; II;
chmg- done more to prevent newspaper pub- ‘l a" _ g ‘5 Ju ’ 050131 ll'; ilI‘EWlls.
' ' ~ - . ~ ‘ v‘ I: : : I * .
1116? Ty- lishers from installing adequate cost Padurah Sim—Democrat most 01 the time of the confeiees 116.16 III I;‘i;I§I III
T- Wil‘ finding and accounting systems in their P777715 Special Audit Edition thls week. The revrsed COhStlmthh W111 - III ’I: I Hi I I J
I I . ~ . . III ‘I:I,II;t I .
ancaster; plants than anvthiiro' else—is the fear be put into final form by a committee, It'll” iii I “I 1 I
L- -' : A ,- _ . ’ D . ,, . . ,. The Paducah Sun-Democrat recently headed by Past-President Will W. Loo- i’il ll 5 I: -:‘
Joe 0 ol dctail, extra work, extra cost, extra . , l : 8 bl 'd . . h' h _ III; :tIe.» “I
clerks etc The belief in general among issue( an page ta 01 section m W m mis, passed upon by the N' E' A‘ board i'Il ill; I I: “I
the Lex- business men that ’1 cost( system means was printed the most recent audit Of Of directors and then submitted to the ' ii :EIIIi I ”ll
.‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ the cit of Paducah. The section also i « ~ ' . v‘ Ti . I
31160“ at I Spending large sums of money—that all . Y . .- . . N' E‘ A' membership for a referendum h." ' : I I; 3:: :
. ft _ ‘ ‘ . . contained several stories explaining the . vote :a 1:: :2‘ I; . I
ward at cost systems are (llfl‘lClllt, complicated, , l" l l . I, In . 1 Th ‘ It .l: :2: I
111 game I intricate methods with 1 multiplicitv of M“ It anc tie at} S inanCIa status. e Pres. l LaMarr Bradley attended the III iii 3 i it . I
‘ . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ , _‘ :.I. ir"-r l ' v ' ‘ ' ' :3: f 3’ ‘
.I forms, books and records—that expert 31211;? VII/flit: is itter )y City Editor meeting as officral representative of the III III I; I I; I
' accountants must be called upon con— .y . ‘ ' .7 . . Kentucky ht-‘WSPRPCTS- I It I “I
~ « . . Printing of the City audit in the ofli— . M I; | :; I; I. ~ I
tSCd the tinuously and that high priced book- i l evba er f tle c't . re nired . it II‘J'.‘ I
wspaper, ‘r keepers must be added to the regular C a n i 51 -p O 1 I y 15 q . KWIWW Edl’m‘s "I I W . ' I
‘r . under the City manacrer act, under which : 3 : ; : :
neement payroll. P l l t Th' _ t t On. ACPA Program .I I it I :
. . a( near 0 era es. is om was s res- .. ;‘ It; a , ;
ncemeiit ‘: Professronal accountants themselves I) P - ‘ A h ‘ h ‘ I it I- :
tt ion .' have in the at b ‘bl f ’ sed by the Court of Appeals in a recent ‘ inong t e newspaper men In t e I {lit _
- 1‘ t. ‘ . . . . ' ‘ ‘ ' . .:: ‘1‘ =i I
e e 1 I 0- . . p s , een responsr e or decrsion on a test suit filed by Paducah state scheduled to participate in a forum . I I III; I
13 WOT“ I :3?th Sttth ideas Newspapers Inc publishers of The sessron at the annual District 6 meeting ,.~ I I I, : .
»_” The : othin~ c 11 « « ~ ‘ ‘ ’ " . , , .- -- _ . Ii?
. I trrth g or d be further from the Sun-Democrat. That suit sought to have of the American College Publicrty Asso I I II; III I
3 letters i 1 ' the city print an itemized account of re “anon on the UniverSity 0f Kentucky I .3’ ’
rount of I Newspaper cost accounting when pro— ceipts and diSbursements for the year campus November 28 are: II‘III ; I
)nd and I perly understood and properly installed instead of the audit Thomas R. Underwood, Editor, Lex- .j I; I I
1 In an' lant i t ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . . ' . ‘_ ‘I wt“; '
I Glorifihdpbut sirii 3: [Egg Enrrgre ghanda The court held that second class Cities ington Herald, Seymour Goodman, Edl 1.13;} III ‘, I
I Elissificationsioflacciun: 'uCCt)r lsivllrltl1 operating under the city manager act t0IllLanlgf'mcr cem'lzil' Reccird, 13: 'M- "i IUII i i i
' (.. .r c . . 7 ~ ~ ~~ :» 2.: ‘ t
Fashion I; differ f~ J S S g Y_ need only publish the audit report. PC( e}, irector, Divrs10n o Pu iCity, , '3 III II I
55 is up. 1‘ b ent rom your 01d doubleentry Kentucky State Department of Conser- _ ii m5; ; I :
id must ‘ 00k5~ vation; Neil Dalton, Managing Editor, , II : : .
eautiful I IAfter that It 15 0111y a matter 0f the Special Page—The schedule of your Louisville Courier-Journal; .l' L. Brad- III Hiii ‘I . .
Call on .simpleSt klhd of addition, subtl‘aCthtl’ football team, possibly a picture of the ley, President, Kentucky Press Associa- ' I I iii}: :
so they I lhl‘h‘l’hcatlon and divrs1on—and presto, team and coaching staff, and thumbnail tion; W. H. Logan, Kentucky Editor, ' .’l JI‘I :j
ssue. A )0?! C0“ 0E dmhg 13115111655 1“ any de— sketches of the players or a story Of the iCncinnati Enquirer; and Gleen Ram- . f I ':Ih ,I "
1y hair I Iilltment 0“ any 101): by the hour, by team’s record offers opportunity for a sey, Manager, Kentucky Bureau, Asso- III; .3 II
' . . . . . ' : - ‘. ,: :
century } )Ie day or by the thousand COPIES 01‘ I tie-up wrth merchant advertisers. A elated Press. '. I: Iii. I I
:1 a few Iieces Is there for your guidance. . page of this sort instills pep in the play- “Do We Want the News the Presi— 7 I I I: ;:II i‘ I ,
And What a safe guide it 15! ' ers and arouses interest in followers of dents Want to_Send Us" is the topic to _' I I I I . ‘ I '
Gu‘ess work is eliminated and your the game. be discussed by the editors. , . ‘ I‘ I II I :‘ I
' I‘ ‘IIII ' . II‘ l .i II II: ,‘
. . . .1 . :: l y .3 I
. 2‘5; ' . :4 ‘ » ‘ ~ ’ ; I l‘ I i. i. .-
I ., .l - . - -: ': 51.:

 3i ' i «.3 11;? iii}. . .-'3 ‘31:.
2 , W1 3:;3 ' ~11}:
' :3 '_ 3 ,
' 33 Page Four ‘I‘HE KENTUCKY PRESS ' October, 1938
;j - *3
5 papers in many cities will be brought to during the holiday season. But, break": 33 Te
j _, '_ I 56’ ‘ light as soon as the partisan, biased, po— it down into weeks—only 8 of them-
.. 3 ,3, , as? ., . . . . . , ._ 3 l
, 3 33 33:333.»;- 3% 3 .3 3 33 3 ’ fi litical newspaper wends its way into and it doesn t seem so long. (‘0
I ' 33 ‘ 3 3.3:, F 3’ 38 near-future oblivion. Most cities, small \Ve were reminded of that fact by all _'
3: , 33 or large, have as much need for two (or item in this week’s budget of “Gossip".fil m
- A 3i 3’ ' ‘ . . .'
.- 2 ”—‘“—_—‘ more) newspapers as a man has need for which told how one publisher, who had ;- to
‘j 3 Ofiicial Publication 03.3 the Kentucky seven fingers on each hand. laid in his stock of Christmas cards, was ‘ “5‘
33 3;- Press Assoc1ation ._ . tht
3. L ; —————- already busy With his plans for their.
_. ,3 _ , ,
‘23 3: - l, , , )- - 3 ' ~. ' ' l f S
3 33 3, Victor E. Poi-tmann, E ditor-Publisher Acwspapms Favored Two To One sale]. This suggestion) that :lts not too 3 bpy:
, 3, y . . ear \' even now to eUin om :
i 3 ,3 ' ' " Of 3,000 persons interwewed by For— ilannin for Chl‘iStlTl': busineg 5013163 on
. 3 3 3‘ Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington tun, 4352 Per cent rely on the newspaper l_ ‘ g 3 - h _ 3 88 was 3 or
3 :_ . . 3, lurther confirmed bv a clipping from a ‘
3; 33 ‘ 3 3 for most of their daily news, 23:.) per state we“ bulletin' ’ 3 ,3 _
,' 3 3 Press Assomnon Office” cent depend on the radio, and 28.2 per 3 . 1 ” ' ‘. lec
‘ 3 3 J. LaMarr Bradley, Pres, Enterprise, Providence . It may $66111 11 13” early [0 Start PTO'
j :1 , Thomas R. Underwood, V. Pres, Herald, Lexington cent use both. This sample, Fortune . 3 Cl 1 i . . . pe:
. ’ | J. Curtis Alcoek, Sec.-Tres., Messenger, Danville _, .. , ‘ , - ”10L1ng 11153111335 5“ V€1t151ng3 bUt ll
3 says, has been pioved sufliaent for ac— _3 133 3 q 3 d 3 . 5,11
33 3 3 Execmm Committee curacy s lou ( )c icinem )ere t lat such things let
I , ‘ , l , id, Edd ‘11 , Ch ' ; 3 ,, ' . as s'u'in ‘s club ideas makin ifts b
, 3 @3336ng Piggigl’iielliieraoazette“Hinton a‘r'irmigr News a)€I‘S remain a nearl two-to- ‘ g_ . ’ . g g y Tl
Ha. y e 3 3 i Y P I Y 11' 3 1, . . . .
3 . _ . . .ln(. (lying away a pait oi: the weeklv .
3 Muntord, Advocate, Morgantjeld. Vance Armen e fa ’Orlte 0 er the 1‘3.le as the source 3 3
3 trout, Courier-Journal, Louisville; Joe Richard- on ‘ V 3 ),3. check 01‘ ,1 Christmas bu in fund N {113
l 3 3 son, T1m_eS, Glasgow; Dolph ‘Creal, Herald-News, of the nation’s news 3, the magazine says. 1 ‘ 3 3 '_ 3 ‘ _ ‘ Y g 3 33333
3 3 , HOdg?“V“183. “7- Vernon Rlchardsm‘: Advocate! , . " l)ll\‘lllU‘ O‘ilts on the installment plan and
f l Danylne; V1030? RuPONman“: Kem‘WkY PFGSSI "But two to one is a small lead for an '. h h ., . . ’ '
3 3 , Lexmgton: T. T. Wilson, Log, Cabin. Cynthlana: . . . . . . . . buying gills far ahead of time so that
3 , 3 Henry Arrowood, Herald, Paintsvflle; James T. institution whose lunction is pl‘llnai‘llV '3 ‘ .3 . . 3 seV
, 3 > Norrls, Independent, Ashland; Russell Dyche, . . J lll€\ Will be ready to ship to distant 3 _
3 : Sentinel-Echo, London; Robert L. Elkin, Lan— news, compared With one that is pri- .' - 3m
- 3 caster, Honorary. . 3 . paints, must be started by the end of
3 3 3 niarily devoted 1'0 entertainment. October or the first week in November lar
‘ 'l ' 'tt i. ~ ’ “ . ' - -
3 ‘ 3 Leg” an“ 00mm 99 . Who are the people who get their . . Tl
.- 3 3 Thomas R. Underwood, Herald, Lexington, Chalr— . . Better do these things now: 3
-. 3, 3 3 ' man; Cecil Williams, Journal, Somerset; Tyler news by listening rather than by read- , 3 . . 3116
3 3‘ Munlord, Advocate, Morganfield; George A. Joplin, . _ . . . l. See what advertising cuts and mats
' 3 ‘ ‘ 3 ‘ Jr" comm-”"weauh‘ somerset-3 van“ “men" mgr They are variously distributed you have on hand from last year that 10“
3 3 3 3 “ML Courier-Journal. Louisvflle. through the nation by age and sex and item not used ind mi ht be useable this3 1)
. ‘ 3 . . . _ _ k _ . 33' -‘ " “ I , “
, 3 3 Adv”“““ C‘"“““"“ income, by geography and Size of com— ‘3 n g ,
- l 33 3 ' Shelton M. Saufley, Register, Richmond, Chairman; - - - , . . :2 ‘.
'. 3 3 3 3 ' Jody P. Gozder, News-Journal, Campbellsville; Immlty- They IHCIUde 51* p61“ C€Ilt HIGH? 9 5 )0t a“ t( V Sh) ) and stores that i
' 3 Thomas T. Wilson, Log Cabin, Cynthiana: W. L. ()f the 301111 and six 61‘ CCl’lt more 0f -- l )1 (35 ‘ _ ‘
3 . Dawsofi' Oldham Em’ La Grange; A' S' Wathen, ) g p. . are going to handle gifts for children. for
, Kentuc y Standard, Bardstown. the women than of their respective eld— , ‘ ‘ ‘ . -
3 3 .. . . . 3. Contact stores for advertismg of ,_ m3;
, 33 , 1 ' Newspaper Exhibit Committee ers and lords. News by radio is welcomed H , F , . . . ,3
' 3 3 '3 Victor B. Portmann, Kentucky Press, Lexington, l) twice as 111.31.“, 01: the )001. ’18 0f the BU‘X If NO“‘3 GIVE It at ChrlStmaS Al]
3 J 3 Chairman; W. C. Caywood, Jr., Sun, Winchester; y ‘ ‘ l l ‘ llltfl‘CllleldlSC. ‘ km
‘3 _, . 3 Denny B. Spragens, Marion Falcon, Lebanon, prosperous, of who)“ only 14.3 1361‘ cent ) _ , f
. , . “33361 IiSLenin 1]. 1 Ian a series of ads for all types 0 3 no
‘ , '_——“—‘.'—— ) ~ 3 . ii '
' 3 ,, g . . stores on the Buy Your Expenswe 3 ma
, 3 .‘ 3 l Housekeepers (who like to listen , . . . _ . 33, _ 33
‘ ;' Mk 1 .1 l . ‘k 3 . . d th Christmas Gifts the Inexpenswe Way 3 ..
3 I _3 ‘3' MEMBER 3632333333 :Vnn E Libehtlvihnk lligeciiilgiis’nagt th: idea——installments. “. .
3 ‘ ""0 3 ' 1 ‘ ' V - ~ ,
l 3 3 , W U p Y . l O 1 . 0 5. Go through your Image records of'
‘ * . ‘ head of radio news fans, while 60.2 per ‘ . ‘ -
3 l K .3 TUCKY PRES . . , . last year. Make a list of your advertisers 33 0f
‘ 3 3. 3, cent of the nations executives say they ' ‘ 3 3'
3 ( . :3 3 ct theii news from the )1 eis ( Ins and the space they used, and from tie: [w(
3, 1‘) i " ' ‘ ' ’ 1. M . . . " ,
3 3 ‘1 ‘3 w ASSOCIATION 5 t , I , p P list map your selling campaign for this l n F
3‘ . , i , 25.2 per cent who say both). 4 ‘
3 1 oxaamzzn JAAUARY.1859 ‘ Y 1 d. 3 l ' 1 year. ,3
3 ‘ 3 ‘ n rura istricts, Wiere it’s a on . .
’ 3 I ”3 ' ' __ 1 c g 6. See what the opening date of 30)’ , Br]
] , road between R. F. D. postboxes, the and Gift sho )9 was last 'ear and try 30 ,. lou
. ‘ ' . . . i i i c i . 3 (
; 3 3 Foaly-one Dazlzes Suspend radio is more J-avored than elsewhere, ell iiieichanlts on tlie idea of ballyhool “D
t , 3 Publlmtlon m 15 Months but only 3.1 per cent more than in Cities . . - '3: l,
3 3 3 over 1000 000 ‘\nd unacc untalll 3363036 the "333w“ Opemng‘ “
3 l : 33 Suspension of three daily newspapers 1 it .’ 3 ‘ tr b it ‘ .0 1 )5 _.______- .3 ma
3 t - a - 3 . 1 i ' . .
3 c 3 in the last several weeks, one each in un ess .5 (ue 0 e er regiona news 3 3 , , 3 . cur” lar-
3 ~ ‘31 - . - broadcasting or worse newspapers—the 1‘30 “1211101 how other adveitismg
3 '3 Massachusetts, Ohio, and California, has . . ' , 3 , , .11 1 _ fi 1 thedassi- 3 the
3 3 3 b r ouO‘ht the total u to fort -one such PaCIfiC Coast excluswely favors the loud- ‘05 “MY 535% you a ways nc d33 (3 I)
I I l sus )ebnsions since lurIIJC 1937 ySix a ers speaker more than any other part Of the He'd linage record maintained by the 01 I, w
l 33 , l3 3 3- 31 , _ , ‘ ’ . 3 ‘ P P 3 country and class or condition of Ameri- reliable second—hand baby carriage.
3 t in this total have enteied the weekly 34 3 t f't 1 th . Advertising A363" the
l , . . : .4 i .. “A , ‘
3 3 g 3 1.3 field and are not a total loss. Higher can .1316 r pen 0th 513.601): $633 {611‘ "’ ma
2 - : ' . ir. ‘ . _.__________ .
3 t T3 production costs, paper costs, and the illews mag: Y rc1)rn [ e fl th Sn eff: ing ‘ Wll
’ ‘ 3 3 ~ - . 1 so are e r 1 ‘rom e u i,
3 v 33 recessmn are blamed for the mortality. ‘ h 10 9 ep est . d th 0 t 3653’ The average country newspaper costsi
. l - ‘ w ere . er cen S'il e o ieir . , . . 3
3 g 3, We believe the truth to be found, how- 3 ii 'th ,,,‘ y g twelve cents apiece to print. The pub 33 the
33 3 3 _ . . . . news :r 1 I”. ‘
3 p .3 3 ever, in the overcrowded competition in s om C e ‘ lishers get three cents a copy from news-33- the
3 g 3 . such fields that could not, or should not, 0 l 1" t f D stands, four cents a copy from subscrib-3' “
3 . : ,3 ' ~ 12 *z - 126 a s ‘ . .
3 ‘ t‘ 4 support excess newspapers. A much low- U [3.)] thy. 3, g erg. The people who have ‘given Amerig as
l . 3 , ' . . . . n '7 . .17 1.. 3 ' ' '
n ’ er mortality is found in the community- 5 77" g _ a} ica its finest papers and magazines ar€3 HO
3 ,l 3 WCCle field, however desirable, COHSOIi- Its only 55 days until Christmas and _ the advertisers. They are the backbone , .1
3 0 dations, 01” even SUSPCHSIOHS, may be. that seems like a comfortable margin of of American prosperity. Whenthey 5309: 3:13 CESI
3 n 3 ‘ The doubtful neces51ty of multiple news- time for making plans for extra business progress stops.—Smithtown Messenger'; 3 .car
3 'i‘ ‘ ' .’=.{'7<‘:—'.
l . 3 ,, 3 ,3 , ,~~73"’:3=i‘3'...,-e.;33
*3 ' . . 3 , ‘ 3- ’ 31s 3 3:5,;
3 ' . -‘ 3,- mast:

 -- in, 4,333»; . . : . . . , 'I‘IIII ..-'
. . ' : ' . a ' U I : II! III
‘ ' ”11561” t ‘ :l
' :-., ‘ ‘ . I I r: I
at: ' - .: II ; P.“ l
‘ .1: .. . , .; . :
'zé’fi‘ ,. - . . ' .. I I h. ~.
er, 1938. October, 1938 1 HI: kENI UCKY PRESS Page Five .3; :II ;; I; g;
II I: J V : ‘ .
’I’ I '1. III I I. I II
:ut, break 9“ Tested Trick Letters One of' these, headed “Figure It Out,” portant matter—it’$ nece$$ary in our 7 I I II III I 3‘
_ '1 , had the fol o r' ' : A‘.“ ’ ' ". ‘ W 'W. I Z~
of them ;_ Condensed from PRINTERS INK “ lMing message huIIthIPIP-l We don t like to $peak about I I II, I ; I
. . A owed B ten dollars Ipuch remi$$ne$$. .- III; ‘.; : ..;
- :1 In any group or letters, the so-called :: I ‘II' I
.act by an. , . . . ; B owed C ten dollars Very truly yourIE: t . ; :» 3‘ I
i. . _- trick message 15 likely to be dangerous . ; 'I‘ I I ..
Gossrp’m .‘ . C owed D ten dollars One more example, used by the same .; ' “'5 ' v. , . -
' to handle. A direct—mail expert never » I I1; I .: ;
who had . . . D owed E ten dollars company that employed the rubber-band -: ; I... ‘j I
' uses trick messages of any kind, on the - . , , g; r. I I;
cards, was . . I: owed F ten dollars idea, makes effective use of a Simple of— :l’ Ir‘v'trt
. theory that occasmnally he may miss ‘5 II ll'.‘
for their . _ F owed G ten dollars fice accessory: ; II t I; -.
’1 spectacular results that can be gained ., E? II’ " -
s not t0021r~ _ C: owed H ten dollars ! ;.‘;; I; r. .
. I. by such letters, but that these are thor- Dear Mr. Doe :' :‘I' 1% .1 ~
'lng some . 'b l ; 1 b 1 h 11 . H owed I ten dollars . _ ':"I III ‘.i' I .
Iness was "ughlh' a 2:11.“: thytZ‘Zhl‘lgsfl te W0“ ( ln‘ I owed l ten dollars (Pm Int/mind: through letter here.) ‘ IIII'IIE § _ '
. ~4 rics a 21. ~ .. .ur . - . - -.
1g from a tin (ue to f h: d 1.; ., f . 1 .I owed A ten dollars . Htics a pin. Yepj it looks quite a I i: IIII: f.
: Because 0 L C 16 icate nattpc hkc‘)" ”The situation W“ stao'n'int A did bit like an ordinary pin, doesn’t it? But I:' IIIIII gH ,
' m)n1n',u ('triCSis ' ‘ ‘-"s‘ - . -. - ., I‘.:’n-;:';" -
start pro- lection cones] o (c ce se ) . ”m ”W B so he could not a C‘ and this pin isnt any common or garden Iii I;II:;I; _ ._
r but it perhaps even more dangerous than 1“ . . I . " .5. ‘ (1 RV ’ varietv. No sir. Not by a long shot. "‘5 .II T
,: - sales letters. Yet occasionally an unusual 5” It continue Oh down the hhe' She’s reall a ma ic in ’ ‘ 31‘ ';I H92.
[Ch things ' . . - “Finally A aid B ten dollars 'll’ld Y g P ' H rltzi
- letter Will pull where other types fail. ‘ p , ‘ “This )in will relieve u f 1 t 1;; HI; ;.:. ;
5 gifts by ~ - ~ B )aid off his debt to C with the same ‘ 1 yo 0 a 0 : ' i’I‘ '1'?
he weekly This article gives examples .Of tested : 1 1 11, Id C t D E' d of worry and me of a lot of bother. It I EI I :V '
- " trick letters that have pulled in monev ten (0 ars, an 0 t0 , an so Oh! will get you “"111“: with e a l h 1 W '2 .i.’ .: ‘
ing fund, " . - ’ until it reached I who )aid A This A ' - ’ 1 ‘ m ’ n( e p ‘I' II :Ii. .
Without creatinO' resentment. ' ‘ . l ' ' me st ti'n‘e 11‘1"le ‘tl th th f 11 : .."; ;i ;I
Plamnd » *’ had 1m own ten (101m bill back a air] ‘ 1 ‘ ’5 W1 1 e 0 Cr e 0W' I w t ;
6 so that The first example was sent to only ‘ 1 '1 ftl th ‘ _ 13h" She’s magic, all right—so be careful— '2 t I;' 5;); I
: , , . . , .. .. . am can 0 1e 0 er nine cance e is , ‘ __ ;. ; gm: :,
,0 distant ;’~ seventeen IthlUlhlht chCOUhlS- It went, debt and went 'rlon . ll’l il ' don t lose her. Better be sure ()l 1t and It III 'I.; :II
. ‘ ' , . , ' ’ ~‘ .,' . . r c c 7. . . . . . . . t j ;' 1' . .' ‘
[6 end OII‘ mudtntally, RIF 1112111: The Ule st d ”Kee )inr u ) the iircflhtihn of money play sale. lor this is the pm you Will I? II ‘I'ih II ,
lovember. ; large crayon SPOt deh'Oh the letter. will (101 nihrelto hel [maintain resent want to use to attach your check to this II I1 II ; II .
The location Of. the spot ‘5 lhdlchted by W l l .- . lpt' ( tlfi pal t letter in payment of the enclosed state- HI II I .
d the xxxxxxxx in the reproduction be- h)“ “”1”?” C011.“ ions lah mos mom. I !II I; ‘-'
an mats low any other single thing. “B . . I III II." ‘.
year that' Another successful card carried a car- '1 Cf‘me 1" ’return this Pm by return ' III I I. '
eable this "Dear Mr. Doe toon 01? a man stamping O.K. on a piece m‘uI' “Links: . 'th I'I ";{ '
”I’m in a spot . ‘ _ . . _ . . . . . xxxxxxxx of paper. Headed, ”VVe Want To Mark .\otc that in every case Cited there iI; it j If”: 1 '
[91‘65 that ”Please help me 01”. xvith your check ‘O.I{.y On X70111“ NEXE OT(l€l".” it read: “’85 I! ll‘le, but that 1116 message was In: I :I I :1;
nldren. for $100 (balance now due): "VG need “Cre