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  x   ` THE Mmmcu. Scuoor. · `
_ X \ ‘ M1Nx1¢A1·01.1s 14 k ‘ »
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  J   Qcmber 3.3, 3*953 %
mmmimurorsumuz I
3r* Gwwn K» §¤¤g¤nsz$¢u
. 9:. Eraé Y. §&¤ki¤   I
419 $¢¢ur1hy Trust § 1l&ing ‘ €3 
Lexingzan, Kentucky -
H3 dwg: Frwd:  · ‘ A
ibn? a$dréss_&he vthax _ q¤L¤g was truly wandaxf lt 1% was w acaraa
¤£ rem; iuspivgtium I &¥v¤pr£mx¤ tv ali who h&d thu sviviisge and the
piamauwa af nnaring ymaf {fda ¤pp&:¢¤&1y hava tau gregt g$?t of giving
¤ spaeeh w&i¢h nat anlygxéxds wal} but is wumdxxfwl ta Listen ta &s well.  
  4 In.&¤¢¤r¤&¤c¢·w1th y ur a ggastian, I gm sanéing ymu hqrnwith & few ° ’
z¤§i¤s of th@ ?:¤p¤¤&1 H$£&;ing ta t&e §¢ae¤rch $¤h¤l¤zm&ips sf the » .
`   £§@§i¢&B Gollsgm af $urgw@nw» fhg $¤11eg¤ itaalf xxx  w»¤st$bl1sh%d
0mQ zuah Sahnlmrghip. It will bn s thrwe yamr &§§¤£¤t¤¤¤t, the  
&pp¤iut¢¢ to vséaiva $¥Q,D$Q éuring t¤¤v¤ threw y¤&rm. The plxn is tn
_ givg him $6,$QQ the first guar, $5,53Q th@ aamamé &¤§ $7,§$$ the t xré.
Tha ins%1@uti¤¤ ma which ha wnrkm pxauisoa to ¤b$mrh %1¤ &t t&¢ and of
that txwm, piaciag the Eahalav paruansutly an itg Qtaff.  
  It is &¤y@& zayx &&& mast ¤ut$t%¤%1n$·%n@ prumisfhé yuumg men in
aurgzry in xhis ¤¤un$ry viii epgly far thssv Rnsngrch $ch¤1%:ah;§n. ` A
. wg &r» h¢p¤§u1 th&@ ¤¤¤¤@&$¢ txe Smllega why be $@1e zo w¤@$¤rt N&B¥¥
uf th¤m» Eavncvar, ws are zxmguing anaugh to be31¤v&»%h@t, %hs
_ f&m1E1¢¤ af prominent surgeans cf tha p&st gmnmrwtimn, wha h¤d a hgné ·  
’ in ¤&¤ €¤uné1ng cf t&¤ Gulxsgs wm? wax; tu augpcrt sunk n &ch¤1&rah1?¢ . .
It wauld mcxt in tha &re& of $?G¤,0&$ tc undaw it in guryetuityy th¢_ 4  
» y¤&r&y casa af gugpgrt w¤u;d ba in tha gmmuut af $é,é66»6§· Hnwevér,  
wa wmulé like to bazivve shyt anmg f2m111$s might 11x¢ ¢ ¤arry·th¢ »  "
nnmuai ntipsnd fax  he suypvrt of auch x £¢¤a&rch 5¤h¤1&vshi$ éuring
Lhm y¤&r$ zhxt lia &h¢§&, m&h1ng prwviaian for tha émdqwmana téznugh »
zhu g$¤1gu¤¢mz af lifg insurxnas pulicims ar zwma osha? aasignwant which
vmuld augymrt t&¤ Eahnlxvship avanzuazlye  
Arte: gms h&v¢ xad iha aypustunatg gf discuaaing ®he mmttav with
Hr¤» B¢t#y Gu¤h1¤g @h£tnay, I woulé bm vgry p1¤&$e  ta go uva: txa matter
  with her if nhs m mifests x saxicua 1n2$r¤¤& in tha pr¤§¤s&1.
  in any ¢¤$¢, it §l¤&a@§ me v¤ry‘m ¤& th&@ ymu awa &mt¤r§sts@ an all this.
  &¤ything thxt y$u`¢$¤ éo tn hal? as gnz ¤n& s ch Eggs Raaaarah §ch¤1»r~ .
shi? ¤¤t&%1&¤b@@ wvulé hw ¤§py¤c1&L¤& vary much imdawé. it may intaymst
  gum tv @m¤w th¢&, I prcyasvd to the gran; &% R¤¢h¤st¢z %h¤& thxy :¤pp¤rt
  aus ai£h$r {cr Br. ¥i£1 maé Ghmrlis ar tn hancr ?r%nk M&nm.— Bath xug· »
_ g%sz1¤u$ ware 颤11n¤&. ‘ / _