LOUISVIIE V   V ‘ " _/·_}.UR `
Saturday, june 7, 194ir r , — ,.
- Kentucky’s Medical Men
Are Nationally Known
Kentuckians have needed no outsid·
telling as to e high standards of thei
profession 1 ‘ but the National recogl
nition w ich e____past few_ years ha
brought t th» excellence of her physi
cians and surgeons cannot fail to be grati
fying. _
It is just two years since Louisville.
Dr. Irvin Abell served with distinction {
President of the American Medical Assc
ciation. Now a Lexingtonian, Dr. Fre
W. Rankin, has been chosen Presiden"
elect of the samevbody, to serve in 1942.
The A.M.A. is to be congratulated up·¤‘
its second Kentuckian—President. A  
tuckian by adoption, Dr. RANKIN 
· born in the neighboring Southern St.
of North Carolina, but he has lived
Lexington for almost twenty years. '1
A Medical School of University of LoL
ville is to be congratulated upon its fo
sight in acquiring Dr. RANKIN as p
fessor of clinical surgery nist a mot,.
before he acquired a merited Naticr
distinction, V