xt7xks6j494k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xks6j494k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1988 1988 1988-10-12 2020 true xt7xks6j494k section xt7xks6j494k  

KentuCky Kernel

Vol. X0“. No. 45

W 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1 971 Wednesday. October 1 2. 1988

Teachers, state workers vent their rage over new health plan

Associated Press

HAZARD. Ky. — About 1.000 teachers
and state employees. waving signs and
shouting slogans, took part in an outdoor
rally yesterday to show their displeasure
with both Gov. Wallace Wilkinson and a
new state health insurance plan.

The new Kentucky Kare insurance plan.
which generally covers less and is more
expensive. is scheduled to go into effect
Nov. 1. when the state‘s current insurance
contract with Blue (‘ross & Blue Shield of
Kentucky lnc. expires.

Teachers in six eastern Kentucky school
districts also took the day off yesterday for
the Kentucky Education Association's
“day of protest" over the plan. Employees
of nine school districts, state agencies and
school administrators were represented at

UK basketball player Eric Manuel waits for an elevator in
the Patterson Office Tower after yesterday's hearing C0”

the rally in an amphitheater beside Hazard
City Hall.

“You've got to ask does Kentucky care
when they use this type of health insur-
ance." KEA President David Allen told the
crowd. who responded by shouting. “No."

Allen said English teachers should use
the example of Kentucky Kare when they
teach the technique of irony in literature.

He and several other of the dozen speak~
ers at the rally demanded that the state
health insurance plan be put on the agenda
of a special legislative session Wilkinson is
expected to call in January. Allen said
KEA officials had contacted about 70 per—
cent of state lawmakers and had received
overwhelming support

Rep. Jim Maggard. D-Jackson. received
a standing ovation at the conclusion of an
emotional speech when he called Kentucky

Kare "a health insurance policy that‘s not
worth the paper it's written on.“

Maggard denounced Wilkinson t'or refus-
ing to raise additional tax money by con—
forming state income tax laws to recent
changes at the tederal level. He said the
move could raise an additional $153 million

“Wally. Wally he‘s our man." the
crowd chanted at the outset of the rally
"If he can‘t break us nobody can "

Most people in the crowd also carried
signs, some of which read "In Wally's
World East Ky. [)oesn't Exist." "No
(‘hoice No Voice No Insurance.” and "An
Apple A Day Had Hctter Keep the Doctor

Allen said that under the new plan. de
ductibles would double and workers" inaXi-
mum outfit-pocket health expenses would
jump from $1,500 per year to $1,500 He

DAVID srentmcmmwi Stat‘

cerning his eligibility to play this season Manuel's attorneys
met with a University committee for more than an hour


Staff Writer

If you tune your radio to WKQQ's
morning show next week. you may hear
some pretty strange commentary by
disc jockey Dave Krusenklaus

"tHet will be drinking Bloody Marys
for three hours during the show." said
Amy Butz. cochair of Committee on Al-
coholic Responsibility and Education
"He will have a bartender from Breed-
ings and a policeman is going to be
there to monitor his blood alcohol

The radio show. sponsored by the UK
Student Government Association and
WKQQ. is one of the many events
planned for Alcohol Awareness Week
which runs from Oct. 16 through Oct.
22. The radio program will air on Knis~
er and Kelley's Morning Show at 7 am .
Oct. 19,

Alcohol Awareness Week is an annual
event at UK and is sponsored this year
by Boosting Alcohol Consciousness Con-
cerning the Health of University Stu-
dents. Campus Recreation, Residence
Hall Life. SGA. Student Wellness, medi-
cal students. Students Against Driving
Drunk. and lnterfraternity and Panhel-
lenic Councils, This year‘s theme is
“Celebrate Sobriety: lt's A Class Act.“

The events planned for the week are:

0 Sunday. Oct. 16: BACCHUS and
Campus Recreation will sponsor an ac-
tiVities day in the Seaton Center from
noon to 5 pm. Jeanie The and Bridgette
Chandler will hold an aerobics class. A
weight training clinic will be held from
12:30 to 1:30 pm. An obstacle course

Alcohol Awareness Week to ,.
kick off at UK on Monday ;

featuring two people from \arious orga-
nizations will be held from 2 to 4 pm.
Prizes will be awarded to the winners

0 Monday. Oct. 17' An alcohol infor-
mation table will be set up in front of
the arcade in the Student Center from
11am, tome

“We will be showing alcoholtrelated
topic Videos." said Lisa Stofer. ot‘
SWELL "We also will have representa~
tives from different student organiza-
tions to talk with students.“

The movie “The Morning After." fea~
turing Jane Fonda and Jeff Bridges.
will be shown in Worsham Theatre at it
pm, Admission is free

- Tuesday. Oct 18: The ReSIdence
Halls' Presidents‘ (‘ouncil will sponsor
a mocktail contest and reception from
4:30 to 6:30 pm. in the entrance areas
of Blazer. Commons and Donovan t‘at’e-
terias. The deadline to enter the contest
is 5'30p.m

“All entries must have one quart of
the mixed drink. a recipe card and a
name.” said (‘harloite ltasche. asms~
tant director of residence hall life "The
entries will be judged on appearance.
taste and the name. by the 19 presi—
dent's of the resident balls."

The movie “Bright Lights. Big City.“
featuring Michael J. Fox. is showing in
Worsham Theatre at 8 pm. Admission

0 Wednesday. Oct. 19: The SGA
CARE committee is co—sponsoring a

program with the Lexington Police De- ‘

partment. on DUI and the law. alcohol
and its effects. The program also will
have a breathalyzer demonstration
from 5 to 7 pm. in 230 Student Center,

(itt'icer \litchell
Smith \HH be the
teatured speaker.
Norrie Wake STOFER
Fayette i'oiinty Attorney ‘md reeor
ering alcoholic. and a \ictim irom an
.‘ilcoholrelated accident .\lH also be
speaking. ltiit/ \111d

0 'l'hursday. Oct 31) ,\ presentation
on Fetal \lcohol Syndrome will be
given in Robert Hratton .iiid \cott
Black. both third-year medical \ltlv
dents. at noon lll room an; ot the (ban
dler Medical t'enter

"These two medical students worked
under a [K‘dlillt‘lt‘li’ln about birth detects
and they became interested so they did
research on tetal alcohol syndrome]
said (‘arol Elam. with the Ulilt't‘ oi edu-
cation at the \ledical (‘enter

0 Friday. Oct 21' The lnterfraternity
and l’anhellenic t‘ouncils are sponsor
ing a non—alcoholic mixer \\'llh tree tood
and drinks from t to 7 pm til the tra
ternity row parking lot

The best non—alcoholic party contest
is sponsored by SWELL and will be field
after the mixer The winning party will
receive a It~hour show provided by too
FM Outrageous Music Milt‘hlnt'.

- Saturday. Hct 32: SADI) is sponsor
ing a five-mile walkathoii to raise
money for substance abuse prevention
at 9 am. The walk will begin on cam
pus and end at the New Student t'enter

A candlelight service in dedication to
those haying been touched by
alcoholism. drinking and drivmg will be
at 11:30 am .it the Student t'enter




said the insurance costs would turn a 2 min t‘aziiptiell and other speakers said
percent pay raise teachers i'et-eiwd this health insurance has become perhaps the
yearintoanet loss xvil‘st exiiiupii oi stair {it‘Lit'cl toward cdu

The KEA has planned other rallies on t‘i’fltll
Oct. 17 in the Paducah area and (let lit in Lari". liit-iioid fill'i‘t'llil' ot the REA said
Paris. Allen said The group had not decid '=t‘ttilll insurance represented a $32 million
ed whether those rallies would be held durr iollar pllrllltli ot Sim llllii.tlli Vtilkmson .md
ing the day to coincidi- with sinivtar tear." .‘.-»'tlll(tkt‘t“ n.i\i- tarieti to pl'thllli' t-‘Jl mi
er walkouts. he said ;.'Vll.:ltt.'li\ lt'iait‘if win: .154.

Also, Harlan (‘ounty school teachers wttt
stage a march Friday at noon from the t'a
wood High School parking lot to the county
courthouse to protest the plan. The mart-ti
\H“ coincide with a teachers" insertin-
day. when sttident~ .irv =iv.‘ si‘iit‘tlilli'ii‘ '

('harles ('ampbeii ii member oi ilit‘
l’erry ('ounty school board s‘dltl ill‘ board
and the Kentucky School Boards *\.\"N'|tt I . : rig iiiwiiiii-iii nit: » pai .
tion supported the call to placi- the ticalft. xvi. Initcei iirobmii. tin: \ going u
care plan on the apt-ml. 1w it» it“ :1 - ‘ ' ,, ‘

Manuel 'will not
practice until tes
controversy ends

li) Jl.\l\\ll|'lil.
.\\\tk'z.:li' l‘liiti:

Din-tu-ild l ted lill‘ state ‘ idllill'l‘ ‘4: pin
tic \iim pi't'liil‘niistii'e tmiitiw‘s lot “-11- .'.
"i'\r1,\il.tt1 been pruiiiisi‘d :aiiiiri- to to .3
» boot it" til: pi'ogiiniis the 'ieiii-i i. \\
~v-iiit ;. .ippi‘otivt llltl.tlL tic. 'il;:'tii.i
1..:'\i'it' ' wills Yt'l‘ti tiritt itit .isi' 11] Hints".

."lllI 'in ‘ . ‘ sin:-


lK imskt‘itidz. 'pinxi't
\oluntei‘t‘ed to itiliold ‘
iii't‘ titlti t‘titt._tit"'.?.iit i."
t-i-i'niiig lil.‘ ,\lf2l‘l‘t.t’
limi- been i‘i-sv»lx« d
Manuel‘s lil't i-xi ._
in a llll'xt‘l'fli‘.
llt‘Lil'ittL‘. at i:
met with .1 l'”
l il>>lti>t'iii;lltii
the l‘ii'nl'tti; - W“
an opportunttj~
Hurt-h. liiixeru’
sicallj. with "»
neys. say i-Ii}.'lili_’
provide .imthinc hr .it‘e~ “"2 t"
ltt‘pt)t‘ts t}..i' Mum/H. v.3» ;
'.ikeii iri l.c\ :ir'oi '
spurredal i: \"t‘\ '_ .
\lthoiigh ! K t .1.
iong \laniiel ~ "
last stiilkt‘SttM“
\Ianiiel twiild “
\ladness” i r '1. _‘
ball tiniml t::*~-' ..
lieirle would "w' ».i'.
:r, l K's 92rd : llY‘Lt‘ .,
thkt-on\o\ ‘».

ii, I; snippusu .. .,. .. , ~ “H, ..

Protesters rally in defense
of federal civil rights case

itv 'l‘i)\.l \ \i II I
contributing \\ rite"

\iioiit tto people inr'“ 'ILi-va ‘
.iidc i.iiidieiitziit xiii-i J t it”:
i.i\'oroi a pendingczit t';;1lll.\i .wi- .. ..: . l!i\ti!. -.\ is .. :1
the gathering held womwt ~ . ' .. . x . -*
the Federal i titlr'ilttl]\t' ‘m . x , . . '15:
sponsored ti; ‘he i l\ Hunter " v .t i- ,g .i, , do...

'ioni'il l..iw \‘er‘ s I tiltil}
.‘ (itii'lt'tli‘ ts

l'he itrouii izeid "it‘ 1 m ‘:!l‘. , ‘ii"-"
changing the landmark 1 Co 1 \ \ lld'i"? t‘
court decision. tziiimizi tict I't'.ll\
which .\.1Iti .i iit‘uiite \‘i‘ttllt's . »'i:s:it
admit .i black \Tlltii'tit ‘ i‘lziii‘it ‘ ~ 1 \

in April with, "re Snort-incl tt"| . t i’
terson \ \icLean t redit two.“ it"t'i-ii'il :.

l’attt't‘siin is about .. aiiiiaiii '.":l'
discriminated tsgams' 'id trust
work. \Jltl .hilie l’itl't her it un‘dmati»:

ltutchei said that t’il\ tlt‘t t\.4-l\. is
«ant because it has teen l.‘\l‘ti .:
dent torothercn ii rights t'.i\t'\

. '-'tt l"(.tl\t l ' 4.«.i\- 'Hv'il't‘il

‘Since ”176‘. itiimoii x tli‘t ti'.tl’\ t\ mm M, ‘. rm.“ y . r ‘ w: My,“ .. I».
been used to decide 1.1505 ttunwn .tiiil\\\ km: _ 2M um.” ‘. H k ”W WNW:
.1 person to tile will '1 .i ‘ederai i‘lltll ”M ,‘ “I. \ l.” w. . WW ...\ \ H
against another person or ontit\ ~llt" 1...”. | , chis
said. “It a court decides to vwerrute mm
Runyon \ \lct'reary be possible i'nplica pm” “.le 4.10”.” “HI“..{HHH mm m
“0" " that people “I“ '1" longer M‘ "M" "' 'rii- Nipreme t oiirt t-i-i times l'ittl’t‘ i ‘llst‘l’
bring suit against .inothei tor discrimiiia pm, ‘ \m..L,h,_\“mh..x,“.di(.m.d

t‘ m t 7‘“ in: r i' t tt’k

this decision is Ulll\ one small part ii' .i

\fter an invocation 1_‘t\'t‘ll by Stew l‘;i_\ ~~t‘llt'.\ oi dei isioiis i' l\tl.\il becomes piesi

lor. the associate minister at ‘he \lain item be \\lll haw the position ti- make the

Street Baptist (lunch and an explanation . ourt more ( onserx itiw, he s.iid if this

of the gathering by Butcher. everyone happens. .i.i tuisic i-chts totiid be 'ilkt‘ll
huddled together against the wind singing .iwa\





Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunny but cool








Ken Willis is kicking his way out of the ‘Bear’s Wax’ record store is still
shadows and between the uprights. thrivinq after 10 years at UK.

See Page 6

See Page 2






 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. Octobor 12. 1988



Camper Van Beethoven deliver varied set

ting in to see the band. the
CONCERT group stopped the music about


Staff Writer
half an hour into the concert to

apologize. Segal was joined by
other members in saying that
they didn't know about the poli-
cy and regretted that some of
their fans were not allowed in

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Camper
Van Beethoven pulled out all the
stops in concert Sunday night to
exhibit the wide range of musi-
cal styles which have made
them popular.

The band started ol'l its show
at Phoenix llill Tavern with one
of their many instrumentals
“Payed Vacation Greece." This
selection from their first album,
Telephone Free Landslide
Victory was dominated by the
high pitches of Jonathan Segal‘s
energetic violin playing ~ vrr-
tually a Camper Van Beethoven

The pace of the first
gave way to vocalist and
rhythm guitarist David Sundays concert covered all
Lowery's soulful rendition of an ol their albums but coriceri
old Bluegrass folk song, “0 trated on selections from their
Death" and then to the Eastern first and last
European influences ot Although the concert was ad
“Tania." vertised as open to anyone lit or
l The violin was traded for an over. at the door ll)s were
other guitar on “Eye ol checked to ensure that everyone
Fatima." This song from their wasat leastzrt
latest album Our Beloved Rem As this kept many ol (‘amper
lutionary Sweetheart is the Van Beethoven's tans lrorn get

band‘s latest single and is their
first song to make an appear
ance on MTV

Throughout the concert (‘anip
er Van played their high-inten
sity brand of music and still dis
played the variety of influences
which have been partly respon»
sible for their success. The ilddl'
tion of the violin to their cover
ol "Wasted" gave the song a
distinctive sound not present in
Black Flag's original version

The alread} crowded dance
floor becairie packed when the
group launched irito the lust sin
gle of their career “Take the
Skinheads Bowling "

In this song. ('ariiper \‘ari ri
vals the roaster of relevant l)
rics. ltthfs Michael Stipe.
with their own obscure mes
sages, “I had a drearii last night

I wanted to sleep next to plas
tic I had a dream last night I
wanted to lick your knees


Along with l,o\\crc_\ s vocals
Segal‘s mam talcrits detmed the
sound ot the concert From his
\‘lllllll on most ol the songs to his
ik'casional guitar or keyboard.
his musical contributions \\t'l't‘
the liiiishiiig touch on the al
read} toiiiidalioii ot his


izes in used records, tapes and compact dlSCS in
good condition at a reasonable price

Chris Buxton nicknamed "Bear," is the owner of
Bear .7 Was Rerord Exchange The store speCial'

Bear’s Wax home of vinyl values

burns. which ol'ten includes the l)
rics ol’ songs

Buxton's personal record collec
tion consists ol several thousand alr
burns He has a diverse musical
taste that reflects his exposure to
dil'lerent kinds ol music

"I am willing to pay good money
for a rare album in mint ('tmtllr WW /
tron." Buxton said 7 1 Car

()ne album Buxton is still looking , ‘ F
lor is this ltedding's first album. , ‘ . .i ' , {a
“Painin Mylleart “ , r . ’

All merchandise more than $1 30 - " V ' . " (‘1,
purchased at Bear's Wax Record . Mum“ y
Exchangers guaranteed arm l




The store has been at its

location on lrllllt‘hltllll‘ Stret-
door to. tutterii s tor ttlyears
The store has been a sort ol
meeting place tor music lovers
and a place to tiiid answers to rock
it Hill It l\ in rtut'sliolr

ll\t \ltlll \ \ I‘llltll


Val/7H. [m FK’OM 7H6 ,

by Berke Breathed


ll _‘~'l|A lliivt' t'\l‘l lit't-li ll) Hurt s
\Mu lti'i lir‘tl l‘nti'llartgu _\oti ;ir‘oli.i
Y't'x 'l.t'»l‘ Tllt‘l t'hris Hinton the
“AMP! and only l‘lllpltt\t't‘ i-t lllt
t\t‘tl rct orrl \ltll‘t

Hint: . Vtas iiaiiicd itti-i
Hinton ili recent-d thi- itiikname

li-iii Niall} yt‘at‘srigo

l '»\.tl‘ilt‘tl .i short c.ittlt_\ logo
ll'tllllt' would rt'lllt'lnlwl', Huston
,itlt t'icturi-s ot bears can be st‘l‘ll
‘tlrotrghoul the store


weer/ire m wow mo wrreiv meal/1r )
WU Wéféfl .4 4M! 67/ 56 WflKAW/r WM ‘v
CK/Mé MAM/w; at 1:70? W Ml-r WIT/Hiy‘
The store has musii ranging 4 u/Eélrfia/IVQ YHL' ~~ \\

troni classic rock to tan Although
most til the selection is lll the lorrri
ot albums there also are some cas»
and compact discs Each
pit-cc ol riiirsic is priced lower than
it would beat most stores



llustori said the disc

Hinton started his business with
i ooo l‘t‘t orrls be had purchased

llc choose lA-xmgtori tor a llK'.t
lllll‘ llt'litll\l‘ oi the lamb college

ri-iolution \Hll iii-\cr l'ully replace
albums because most people, like
hirrisclt criioy the packaging of al

lluxton is also willing to help peo
ple l'lntl certain things that “you
can‘t buy at the mall '



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t’r-qrisiis twinge

For further info call (taunt) Concepts — i (8(1)) 843 ?D3O


Editor in Chiel
Executive Fditor
Assocmte t'ditor
Editorial Editor
Arts Editor
Sports Editor
Photo Fditor

Advertising Director

Jay Blanton
tliomas J Sullivan
Jim White

C A Duane Boriilor
Rob Song

Torn Spalding
Randal Williamson

Mike Agin
t irida Collins

Jetl Kilerzi
Scott Ward


Assistant Advertising Director
Production Manager

We Pay Cash for Clues from
Anonymous Citizens which lead
to arrests


0 UK and United Way!

As of
4, 1988
by United

The Kentucky Kernel IS published on rliirr. days dunno the '1" Home
year and weekly during the summer session

Third class postage paid at lexmrtton. KY Arnitt Matted §1)h‘~Fllpl'O'l
rates are $30 per year

The Kernel is printed at Standard l"ub|i« ltlllfl and thinner] 1» 1.4 Duck
man St . Shepherdsville. KY 40165

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel Room
0735 Journalism Budding, University at Kermit 'sy liocriritorx RY
40506 0042 Phone (606) 257 2871

33 37.800
32 75.000
32 50.000
S 50.000
8 l00.000
5 50.000





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 Mahoney poses no threat, his attorney says

Associated Press

CARROLLTUN, Ky. »— Larry
Mahoney poses no threat to society
and was rightfully released on
bond, his attorney said yesterday.

“Whatever happens to Larry,
he's going to have to live with this
the rest of his life. All he wants to
do is to get his affairs in order and
help prepare his defense," attorney
William Summers, of Cleveland,
Ohio, said.

Mahoney, charged with 27 counts
of murder for a May I4 drunken»
drivrng accident involving a church
bus, was released about 8 pm.
Monday after sixteen people put up
cash and property totaling $540,000
to free him

“He's just glad to be home.
We're just glad he‘s home," Judy
t)‘l)onovan, one of Mahoney‘s sis

New classification could ease prison

It) VIAItKIt. (‘IIFI I.“ Itl‘ N
Assoc iated l’ress

t‘ltANKFUIt'l‘, Ky. A new
classification for inmates on the
borderline between minimum- and
niediumisu'urity status could help
ease Kentucky's prison population
problem, state Sen Ed Ford said

Meanwhile, ('orrectrons Set-re»
tary John Wigginton told the (iov
ernor's Task Force on (‘orrections
that a major part of the cahinet's
plans for a temporary solution to
the backup of state prisoners in
local jails could be sidetracked.

Wiggmton said inadequate sew

ters, said yesterday. His family
would not say where he will stay.

Mahoney's father, John Noble
Mahoney, put up $9,100 in cash and
the rest was in debt-free property,
said (kirroll (‘ireut (‘lerk William

Mahoney's family had been solic»
iting help to raise his bond for
months. He had been held in the
()ldham County jail.

James Daugherty, a brotheran-
law of Mahoney‘s, said a family
friend recently gave a boost to
their efforts by pledging about
$154,000 in unencumbered property.

“And we had just been able over
the weekend to attain our last
amount of cash needed to go over
the hump," he said.

Defense attorney ltuss llaldani
described Mahoney, 35, of (Men
(Tounty, as “very quiet. He's very
happy to see his family and to be

age treatment facilities at the l.u
ther Luckett (‘orrectional (‘ornplex
in tildham (‘ounty make expansion
there unlikely lor at. least six

The problem of too many prison
ers and too few cells came to a
head last riioritli when the state So
preiiie t'ourt upheld eonteriipt lines
against the cabinet for holding
state prisoners too long in county
jails As a result, cabinet officials
are laced “Ill! linding space lit a
state facility lor some 0:30 inmates
now in local jails

Most of those inmates quality as
medium security and those cells


2A B & LN
Party at the
Parthenon for the
American Cancer

Friday, Oct~ l4


'l‘liurs‘day, Oct. 13


Kickoff Party: 'l‘wo Keys,

Volleyball & Basketball ’I‘oumey:




Science Education

Prepare for

13 pm.
TEB Auditorium



going home. He's not jubilant or
boisterous. lle's reserved."

“We have no reason at all to be
heve he's In any kind of danger. I
know he wants to go to work.
Whether that‘s on his dad's farm or
back to his job, we‘ll be figuring
that out in the next couple of (lays
ltight now, he just waan to be with
his family and with his son.“

John Way, personnel manager at
M&'l‘ Chemicals in (Tarrollton, said
yesterday that Mahoney has asked
for permission to return to work
The company wrll decide in a few
days whether to grant the request
he said.

The bond conditions imposed by
t‘arroll (‘ircuit Judge t‘harles s‘at
terwhile prohibit Mahoney from
drivmg. from drinking alcoholic
beverages and from leaiing the
state except to Visit lll.\ tilltlt‘tlt'ys'
ol'lices in (‘leveland

are already in the greatest di-

Ford, a (Tynthiaria lieniocrat,
said a new classification could help
resolve some ol the problem The
best of the current medium \t‘t‘lll'l
ty inmates could be held in what is
now a minimum security instilu
tron after additional security rnea
sures were constructed, such .is
iericing and guard towers

The displaced lllli‘ltlltlltl security
inmates could he housed under r-on
tract with a prnate company l1'ord
said t‘nder state law only lllltll
mum security inmates mm. be
housed in private prison;

The state has "3.00 such .nniatiu .it

Special prosecutor l’aul Klt'h'
walsky Jr. said he was “uhvruusly
not very pleased" With Mahoney's

ltichwalsky said he recognues
that the purpose of bond is not to
be punitive But, he said, "We just
feel the severity of this crime
would have justified further deteri
tioii. I'm fearful it adds to the traur
riia of the Victims and the li‘tllllllt’\

Parents of some of the teens
killed in the crash when Maho
ney's pickup, traveling the wrong
way on Interstate 71 near ('arrot
tton, hit the church bus head on
had mixed reactions to his release

“and Voglund, whose tztyeai
old daughter, Denise, died in in.-
wreck said, “Under our system of
laws, he's innocent until [it‘ot‘eti
gurlty and ll be can post a bowl in
should heout "


the Marion Adjustment (enter now
and recently let a contratt for t .\
t'orreclions t‘or‘p to house
;5..o male inmates at the
a-rnrnary lll Marront‘ountt.


the cabinet has tltitllt'tl Iaio
tli.tllt alternatites to
L‘am enough space to

pr: oriers lrorn the lttll t ell

llt‘hl llit'

’ioth ol thern~ lttWH‘H't, wriiild It
quire the housing ol additional .ii
mates at the Luckett prrwi. iii.
lack ot adequate scnaut' ‘ii .iYnier?
lacilitiem there would pr‘t writ. in“
additional population lur ;r4‘il: .p
year. \\ii1ginton sitltl





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Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, October 12. 1988 — 3





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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. October 12. tm


Voters send a clear
signal to campaign:
Get some substance

A story that appeared on the front page of The New
York Times yesterday said that a vast majority of the
American voters are “fed up" with the presidential cam~
paigns and the way the candidates are running for office.

According to the article, voters do not think three of the
candidates running for office are competent enough to lead
the nation. the candidates are not offering any new ideas
and are unwilling to face the important issues confronting
the nation, and the candidates are running a dirty cam~
paign and hurling too much mud at one another.

It has been more than one month since the presidential
campaign “officially“ got underway and voters know as
much about the candidates as they did before the party


Both Vice President George Bush and Massachusetts
Gov. Michael Dukakis have lobbed more insults at one an—
other than they have presented new, fresh ideas to Ameri—

can voters.

At the presidential debate there were enough one—liners
for at least a week of sound bites for the television net—
works The vice presidential debate was not much better
either as Sens Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle repeatedly

insulted one another and


attacked their opponents‘

Bush has told us he wants a kind, gentler America, but
he has said very little on how he plans to achieve that. He
has not explicitly told us how he would reduce the budget.
which programs he would slash and which ones he would


Dukakis has a vision for a nation that has good jobs at
good wages, but he too has yet to explain how he would
reduce the federal debt. Furthermore. he has not explained
how our nation could afford to make severe cuts in our nu-
clear arsenal and substantially increase conventional mili-
tary forces while still offering domestic programs.

The American voters are not inherently ignorant. as the
candidates seem to think. They care about the nation’s fu~
ture and it is time for the candidates to explain how they

would lead us into it.

Night with a redneck
was full of surprises

It was half past 2 on a cold Octor
ber morning. I was riding around
the streets of Lexington with a per-
son l‘d met a few hours earlier at a
Best Western. He called himself
Jim Bob DiXie.

I don’t know if it was the sound
of his name as if rolled off my
drunken tongue, his cowboy boots.
or the half pint of Jim Beam I'd
just downed. but 1 suddenly real-
ized that Jim Bob Dixie was a Red

My first reaction was panic.
What was I (your average hand-
some black stud from an urban
cityl doing with one of the lesser
Sons of the Old South"

Pictures of bummg crosses.
white hoods and “Happy" Chandler
went through my head. Imagine
me trapped by promises of cheap
liquor. cheap food and even cheap
er women with names like Trixie
and Deanna

I turned down the Lynard Sky~
nard that blared from Jim Bob‘s
car speaker

“Jim Bob." I screamed. trying to
be heard over the mufflerless ‘68

"Yeah. 'ere partner. you want
some more Jim'.’ That's a poor
man's champagne," he said.

“No.‘ I answered “I was just
wondering if any of your pillow-
cases had eyeholes in them "

“One or two of them, but that‘s
just for show You know Thanks-
giving. family reunions that type
stuff Can‘t find a good lynching
anywhere Since the '6tb "

After seeing me grow pale he
quickly added. “But don't worry
about that, you‘re my drinking
buddy I wouldn't let anything hap—
pen to you 'Sides I don't see why
you guys are always harping on
lynchings. we forgave you for the
le War "

I laid my head back on his
cheaply Vinyled passenger's seat I
closed my eyes and tried to Wish
the whole thing away

“Look et that." Jim Bobsneered

I opened my eyes to see to guys
dressed totally in black. walking on
the street They were holding

“I hate those gays t'ain't natu-


This caused Jim Bob to fix me
wtth a rather nefarious look. I felt
the distinct tug of a rope around
my neck

“You ain't gay or you? The only

“No. No." I amwered. still feel-


“Well, I 10¢ at it like this Jim
Bob," I told him "Women out-



number men two—toone on this
planet. That's two girls for every
guy just like the Jan and Dean



Imagine me trapped by
promises of cheap

liquor, cheap food and
even cheaper women.


“Well. if two guys turn gay that
means four other guys can have
three girls. So they can do whatevv
er they want, its fine with me."

This made Jim Bob start to
think. Thinking for him was a long
and tedious process I decided to
get some sleep because Jim Bob
could take all night.

“You alright." Jim Bob asked
after nearly half an hour

“Yeah." I asked suspiciously
“Why shouldn't I be”"

“Well. you kept gomg ‘Kristine
what. Kristine what“ in your sleep.
Then you mumbled something
about Woody Allen and Kathleen
Turner "

"Forget it." I said

“Well, you know what you were
saying about gays." he asked

“Sure “

"Well, maybe they ain't all bad
They're kinda domg a serVice for
their fellow men "

“That's how I seeit. ‘ I said

“Me too, but I still hate those
damn communist Always talkin'
‘bout givmg everything to the gov-
ernor. A man wants what's his "

“You wou