xt7xks6j4b44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xks6j4b44/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-10-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1998 1998 1998-10-21 2020 true xt7xks6j4b44 section xt7xks6j4b44 .r

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‘~-_ - ."..m.-.~s~-M ..'. 'm - I ,.".
A must see D1amond
Dallas Page
Men's soccer COUld w1n
tonight! t1tle l 6

UK msts the N0. 2 . I I ' . . a _— i i

team in the nation at the ‘h‘

Ull Soccer Complex at

7:30 pm. The game,


Hoosiers, continues the ri-

valry dominated by the

Hoosiers over the last ii . . .

Indiana leads the se- - -
ries iO-l-O against UK and
has outscored the Cats
63-7. This year, they have
been ranked No. i for sev- . , . . . . . . . . .

f ~ - pr0x1mately one block ()ldhain Ave. and went dia relations for UK football. said
tefi‘eosetahseoSPT'htelletiexrgl'l T'qht end S run In WIth polite adds anather to “St away from where the sub- inside the residence. An Coach Hal Mumme has not made
record stands at 14,243 of UK athletes who are havmq trouble Wlth law ject reported it stolen. unknown subject then any announcements regarding
They have allowed only. The report stated that moved the Jeep approxir possible disciplinary measures.
four goals in ,4 games and . the owner of the Jeep was mately one block away. "I don‘t know if Coach
their goals against aver: 3V JISSICI “Y the misdemeanor. _ told by Haley that the Jeep The report stated “Mr. Mumme knows anything about
age isa staggering 0 28 NEWS EDITOR According to a police ”39°F? had been stolen. Haley appeared intoxicat- the charges. but I didn't. Nobody
goals per game ‘ l' J H on Thursday, OCt- 1 at approxr But the report states ed. but due to the length has said anything to me about

The Wildcats have a 7_ UK football P aygr allies 3‘ mately. 12 am. Officers responded further investigation re— of time. (between the ac this." Neely said
7-0 record a rid have lost liynzlllhfgegrfgdggemgrrlkiilitgatlhe Ht) 181 dlspagl‘lied C311 I'eligrtmg a vealed Haley had taken the HALEY cideni and the arrest) When contacted for comment

« . s 0 en car. cers were en con- ' ‘ ‘ ‘z. " - ' ' ' z ) ‘ ’5. "' I
the last two games after a fifth time this year a high‘profile tacted by the owner of a vehicle. Jeep With permissmn from w is not cite d for a Dbl ibout the chai ges Rena Vicini

assistant athletics director for
media relations. also said she
knew nothing.

“This is the first I‘ve heard of
this." Vicini said.

But Vicini said that if need-

Lynagh‘s Irish Bar and Grill.
Upon questioning. Haley ad-
mitted to driving the vehicle and
to striking the other vehicle.
which was parked on the corner
of Oldham at Columbia avenues.

James Lowry. Haley's attor-
ney, had no comment on the case.
Lowry was also the attorney
for UK liastketball player Wayne
Turner. who plead guilty to hit-
and-run charges in April. but had

seven-game winning
streak. Perhaps the only
point in UK's favor is the
team has won every home
game this season.

UK athlete has had a main with
the law.

At the arraignment. Haley. a
junior tight-end for the UK foot~
ball team. will be advised of the

parked on the same street, which
was involved in a hit—and-run.
The vehicle that left the
scene of the hit-and-run, a 1995
green Jeep Sahara. matched the






Funny thoughts

state mottos

At least we're not

".623 Eskimos can't
be wrong!


Litterasy ain't every-

Se habla lngles.

It you don't ski, don't


Like Massachusetts,
only dirtier with less

Home of Tupperware

The Gunshine State


We put the "fun" in
Fundamentalist Extrem-


Haka Tiki Mou Sha'a~
mi Leeki Toru. (Death to
mainland scum, but
leave your money.)

Famous potatoes
and neo-nazis








Bottle doesn’t lie

The Student Nwspaper at the University of Kentucky,

2 nastiohztl‘lyurafizdttrairig. charges tagainstl him and will en description 0f the 5‘01“] VthCIQ- According to the police re- those charges later dismissed. ed. there will be a response from
"We've got nothing to tel a plea ofgui Q or “Qt g1“ Q to Officers observed Ih“ Jeep ap- port. Haley left the vehicle at 424 Tony Neely. director of me» Mumme after the hearing today.

lose," said coach Ian



being good
being dry

UK officials say alcohol policy has

not forced dangerous partying


Students are finally getting used to the dry
campus policy.

At least to one l'K official.

()flicaiiipiis parties are calming down. and
(in-campus violations have leveled out to relative—
ly the same numbers as they have been in previ—
ous years. says Sheryl Tuitle. lTK director of the
Health Education program.

The bt-giiining-of-tlie-yoar celebrations and
friendly reunions seems to have caused so much
off—campus partying early in the semester. not the
dry campus policy. she said.

The policy ”hasn’t changed drinking positive-
ly or negatively." Tuttle said. "We‘ve always had
a dry campus with the exception of fraternity
houses." The same problems that occurred before
the policy was instituted still occur and in similar
numbers. she added.

The (‘hoice‘s Program. a counseling session
for alcohol policy violators. still has generally the
same attendance as it did last year. said Dean of
Students \‘ictor Hazard.

l'K Police Department Lt. Henry Huff said
the policy has the [K police “doing what we‘ve al-

See DRY on 2 i’ "


Illinois: . . , ,.. , . . r—z“ ACADEMICS
Gatewayioiowa Program to focus on truth behind college but nggndggcionhgagg.“Effects WWWJEW.
. ' ' mean other people are incon~ 4
Indiana. _ students and alcohol, dispelling myths venimd by the use of 31m 7%. BO’ l ‘ Creates
2 billion years tidal hol b '(th ) .. p 'h . t b L
wave free _ , . 3 ’ "'5 5‘“ as ”0 L Percentage of college
3y may." T. pm... director of health education mg able to sleep. damaged 5mm; nationwide
Iowa: Will—— programs at UK. buildings and unsanitary ele- whodidnot missa ne ‘ N7 SC 00
Land of James T. Kirk . “There ‘5. a. lot or hype “it”? are real on 0.” catn- class because of drink-
Porget the Hype? Trust the amount of drinking that goes pus. Stockham said, It 509W year. . . t .
More tomorrow! Truth? . . _ on because it's good press." wouldn‘t be'fair to say that College of Medlcme Improved With
That 5 the theme Of ”Us Tuttle said. “Because as a cul this school is worse. or that a , _ ,
”lip“ nitrates-rinse; 1*: first Wm health schOO' '" state
- ) -”- coee. u ereaiVista ec.‘ ' ' .
August/Sifteraer issue Th“ program. now in "5 studtgnts in college drink less matter at that point." :33? ‘1;ng By James Ritchie
o m “an“ 15th year. was created by a than some perceive. Dr. Greg Smith. an associ- whodidgda e tgggusfi‘lm;
coalition 0f 20 associations 8‘ “Students in college are ate professor of psychology COM)! mthile ‘ _ . ..
m universities across the coun more health conscious than who has been researching mp :hikm tV The llx Board of lrustees votcd yesterday
try that hEIPS combat alcohol others." Tuttle said. “Our cam~ negative effects of alcohol for "‘9' to establish a School of Public Health Within its
abuse. These groups constitute pus has taken a lot of heat late- 10 years. said one of the goals ("HOW Qf Mt‘dli‘m‘f .

. the lnter‘Association Task lv because of the dry campus of his research is to identify 98 ”if It will he the mist such school in the state
Tomorrow 5 Force on Alcohol and ()ther liiilicy. but UK has always the factors that cause alcohol ' s and will serve students in several surrounding
weather Substance Abuse issues. been basically dry." addictions and develop adolcs- NEW of 5“,. states that lack programs in public health.

Drew Hunter. secretary of Last year. Tuttlg 5W1~ 22] cent and treatment programs Msflmmw. lniversity officials said hcntucky students.
the task force. said each cam- UK students attended the alco» that will lessen the. problems notsentencedto an Particularly iioii'ti‘iidlimml students who work
pus develops their own pro- hol disciplinary program last of alcohol abuse. alcohol discblinary llllhl‘éllth departments. have a difficult time oh-
gram. based U90“ what em- year for violating the alcohol Smith teaches undergrad- classlastyear. taming ii DUNN m‘élhh degree .

63 4o phasis the campus wishes to policy. uaip and graduate mumps The closest schools of public health are at
a . promote. The task force sends "[n a university (,f this (OllP seminar on addictions . Ohio State and ihl‘ l nlYl‘rSli)‘ ()l Mirth (.al‘Oll-
~ H' L0 out a programming manual slzu that's a really 10“ mm that focuses primarily on alco- 83 liizlsgig’lfilaines llolsingcr. chancellorof the Med-

s'e‘ Partly sunnvtodavmd and comes up with a theme. her." she said. "This week is hol) at UK. He said he has seen “I « “l“ .

- ‘» tomorrow. “Alcohol abuse is a stu- for students to organize and the problems of alcohol in his tgwmzlnmm Several new schools of‘lil'lhllt‘ ht‘flllh have
—- dent leadership issue, so stu- develop programs. I‘m not try own classrooms. Coil“)! students “m beenvcreated ”1 I‘H‘i‘iii M’dlj f15‘d‘refult 0f the
Kentucky dents and their culture need (0 mg 10 run the show." "There have been (‘ilSt‘S ”Ms M m m RIOWth ()f managed (~‘illt‘. I]E‘\l\‘ llllllltlndllllll tCCl].
Kernel decide what role they wish to Dean of Students David where students bomb tests be latethealcohol Wilt "NORY in health t‘.’lli‘ :inda renewed emphaSis

take." Hunter said. Stockham said he thinks the cause they were out partying y. 0" health l""’m"‘l”" "”‘l (“”35“ prevention. ,

VOLITOA '55”: ”040 There is no unified effort program's emphasis on ml and drinking the night he- -Source‘lilliiealth . ”Olsmgol(‘Stlm‘m'd ”1‘" ”10"“ “'0 nearly “0

_—*_"_ to promote the week. but stu- lege drinking can only be past fore." Smith said. “l‘m not it cm” WC" 59'1”?“ "l the “film” ) -. _

'"DEPENOE'" SINCE 197‘ through the residence hall pros “It's apprOpriaio for em- merit against them. but it PM! make UK 0"“ ”' only 1” academic health C9”

m— grams or sororities and frater- phasis to be placed for college makes things harder on the

News tips? nities. said Cheryl Tuttle. the students, not only on campus student." See ”T on 2 >>>

Call: 2574915 or write:






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WM" "' ”leaflet.“ ye’ I. ‘.~. V. "i. 3“ ,'_'.'. - ‘ .‘ ‘."
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I l mum-annual wan




ofl‘ers a masters degree in pub-














































W can hm cm. W "m 3‘ fl. lic health, which is awarded to
. .. -_ l C ti uedi about 20_ students each year.
‘. ' , x.- ST. PAUL, Minn. — An attorney for Paula on n mm M" Along “”31 thls expanSion 0t I
g ,- ‘ ‘ - Jones argued for reinstatement of her sexual ha~ . public he 3.1 education at UK l
. vi. rassment lawsuit yesterday. telling a panel of ap— ters 1n the country (out of 125) the University hopes to add a
~ _ . a, peals court judges that President Clinton created composed of all Slit schools of public health doctoral program.
t: .~‘ 1‘ a hostile work environment for Jones after she the health. professions: medi- In egthfir news. the board
.; in", ‘ . ; refused his sexual advance. cmendentlstry. allied health. accept t tl: interim finanCial
‘ . . Clinton. Hussein push Mideast peace not A lower court judge “simply igniriid critical gurglgfihpharmacy and Duh 333nm gegrgg "mm Pe-
.- ‘ : . . mum "I! evidence and facts" when she ruler t at Jones to “e - . , . -. -
v, .s. i ., QUEENSTOWN, Md. — Jordan’s ailing King mommy had failed to prove she suffered harm to her ca- It puts us Into a veryln- . The UnweI‘SltY had real- i
f ~. = Hussein. who made peace with Israel after losing Vidal“ loader reer, lawyer Jim Fisher argued. teresting category of mm“ ized "1.00mi? °f$2993531mQ rep .
' ‘ '3’ at war. joined President Clinton at the Mideast 5'...“- “This record has more than enough evidence "0115. “01511139? 53“? resentmg 29 percent ofthe 19% i
‘- . 2 summit 'esterda as the talks between Israel and to establish the existence of a hostile work envi- The school is being creat- 99 estimate of31m2m2.000. Ex- i
' the Palgstiniansy entered a “hard bargaining" Milomlc " ronment " Fisher said ed through a budget “car VB‘ penditures totaled $254,341.“)
" ' . m t.“ 'V ' ' out" rocess officials Say or 24 percent of the approved
., -. stage. NATO s p ’ - ' f
. ~ . . “Th t'll ‘ . 'fi t on State loader - where resources are being budget of
‘ .. Departnfefitasrgoltesngzgstmggsl Pézlllubinessaid. that be Is not M extends rally for “fill SW m culled from various areas of "‘The finanClal state of the l
'2 *7 Clinton canceled a two-day political trip to complying m . the medical school. UniverSIty 15 ObVIOUSIY 1“ ex- l
t‘ ' California to devote a fifth day to Mideast sum- measures our .NEW YORK ‘ Blue-chlp stocks extended “We‘re taking the pieces cellent shape.” 'said former E ,
' mitry He and Hussein arrived separately at the “"9th the” wmnlng streak to a fifth-straight sessxon from across the University GOV- Ned Breathltt. chairman *
secluded Chesapeake Bay summit site where 15- ”Hag? if) "1‘0: 9 casgigenh fighting for ha" and pulling them into a single 0; theffboardf- “hWe appreciate i
. . . . . ' _ gains er e a e sum 1‘ 59 ' - entit Holsin er said. . t e e ort o t e a ministra‘ l
. r3111 fand .PaéeStllila’.‘ netgotlatolis has $21212: The Dow Jones industrial average ended up The medicagl school already tion and staff in that area." i
. _ e d or 51" ays rying 0 reac a s a 39.40 points at 8,505.85. boosting to nearly 570 l
‘ cor ‘ points its rally over the last five trading sessions.
_ In the broader market. advances beat de— - .
.. I House moves toward passmg budget clines 2,127 to 995 on heavy volumehof 947 million I 3
am shares on the New York Stock Exc ange. ;l
famousj WASHINGTON — The House ignored year- The technology-laced NASDAQ composite in- down significantly_ if
am damn long partisan rifts yesterday and moved toward dex took a break as it closed down 9.54 pOlnts at DR! “Parties are getting to be ;'
‘ ‘ ' passing a colossal $520 billion spending bill pump 1,639.19. . smaller, and we‘re having few-
W. auto ing cash to farmers. teachers and the Pentagon. It c°“t'"“°d from 939° 1 er violations," said Ken Hall. as-
some would let lawmakers of all stripes cap reelection ' “I9 sistant chief in charge of patrol
. use my campaigniwithbsometlflirig to take home. k NATO cm“ warns 05'“ leader ways done." for Lexington Police.b“'l‘he situ-
* ‘ fame DOS- e S eer 111k 0 t e compromise. struc - _ . - - The biggest problem for po- ation is improving. ut I don’t
' . . If last week between the White House and congres- chiegghihhgfiuzgflgilg:ideillglngdgrlllllllg lice last year wasn't alcohol. think all the neighborhoods feel l
“New sional leaders spoke for itself. It was about 4.000 sevic yesterday that he still has not met terms of but traffic violations, he said. it's where it should be." i
[save pages, weighed 40 pounds and St00d 15 inches an agreement to avert airstrikes. All the categories of alcohol vi- Police issued 57 citations l
oneper- tall. And most legislators. aides and 10bby1§t5 Kosovo's rebels meanwhile demanded all olations (minor in possession. last weekend alone. Although it
son’s life couldlonly. guess at what Items had been squlr- government troops leave the pr'ovmce or they alcoholic intoxication and DUI) is better than it was, it’s still
just by ' reled into .n' will continue their independence struggle. totaled 379 km year. (.537 fewer not acceptable, Hufl‘ said. Many
, But Wlth mOSt lawmakers weary 0f the 1998 Gen Wesley Clark delivered the message to than the total tralfic Violations. off-campus c1tations have been
aware- budget fight and eager to get home for the NOV- 3 Milosevic late Tuesday in the capital Belgrade as Though the UK Police d0 issued for minor in possession.
ness I’m elections, the House was ready to vote ltS ap- AMBASSADOR . .- - not have definite numbers for noise ordinance and public in- 1,
, . . . . . . a new surge of V lolence raised fears about the Oct. . , . . . . . .
. proval and end ltS leglslatite work for the year. SPICE: Ell-Spica . ~ - this semester 5 alcohol Viola tox1catlon Violations. Hall said. i
89mm The Senate planned to vote on the measure and G'rl Geri 12 agreement Wlth U'S' envoy Richard Holbrooke. tions Hut? said “I personally “We're not down there to 3'
damn leave on Wednesday. President Clinton was ll'alliwell, in her bin §éldergggfigl21ihgtsgllzlflstnllfdlulldl $3: $0 Elle think we have noticed a lot less harass students." he said.
Wndo paged to 51g“ the blu‘ first day on the Yugoslav leader “about his failure to comply ful- ofa problem. '. . “We re down there. because we E
t It.” Fl f "I d f II jobasqoodwill ly with the requirements of the international wergfrfi‘rcgtglfllhst ‘é‘gli‘ggngetglizt Egfimpgothl]: $315355 3:63:3‘ i
‘ M5 me ousan S rom ome ambassador tor community." . . ~ .. .. .
f the year have calmed ty compliant.
the us. “mg 0
'* Mm HOUSTON — Thousands of people in south Population II. I'd f 11' D l settl h' 't
' .. “S” Texas fled from their homes yesterday as deadly FUND, o 0 e ance es IS SI" Mi
~.. “To“; ail/tassttaltllrtlght‘lggdcslalmed at least 15 lives caused :nnounce: m LONDON _, Michael “T1313 Lgdu ofl the . E
_ _ I." I. . ' . . ollrolno a Dance" Flatley settledamulti-m' ion 0 ar egal I
' ' J; ‘ ”Hannah!” The torrential rainfall. Whmh has soaked‘the women's health. battle with his manager in London’s High Court commons
'» the area Since the weekend. appeared to be easmg. a o-clloice Tuesday Neither side is revealing any details
‘ .4. ' “to but swollen rivers flooded Cities and farmland :rtion but F'latlev’s lawyer said the deal was “satisfacto A story in the Oct. 16 issue of the Kernel should have listed
“a" Months and destroyed houses 35 the waters raced GOWh' a and rv to all concerned .. Flatley who revolutionized the title of the University Press is the University Press of Ken-
‘ mt“ stream. campaign. 2 . . ' . .. - ' .. u tucky. Ken Cherry is its director.
. mm “Th - b - in to run out but sate sex m the Irish dancmg Wlth his Riverdance and Lord
- m , , e_ r mm are eglnn g , . Tlird World. of the Dance" spectaculars. had accused his man- . . . ,
we ve Stlll got water cresting and 0f Dal thUlal‘ ager John Reid of neglecting him while handling A headline in a story about the College of Agriculture 5 Ca- i ‘1
. concderln to us right nan} i: ll“? 31:? Zldiig the; the affairs of rock legend Elton John reer Fair should have said the fair was today. *2
Q . Gua a upe River," sai o .c wei ar . 055 o ' 1
, the Texas DWISIO“ Of Emergency Management. Compiled from wire reports. To report an error call The Kentucky Kernel at 257-1915. g
University of Kentucky
Dunn BUN College Of Law
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liatt llay, Aaron Sanderlord
Sportsiiaily Editors
Phone: 251-1915 | E-mail; mimovOOooo.ukv.edu.saMerlord0hotuuiLcom





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och (ill)

iii 3

si‘ i

“S a


Flat) Football Super 20












aggag :


Cream it Chives
it. Harvesters of Sorrow
i9. Phi Sig "A"

20. 3rd Patterson



Bowl dreams fuel
UK’s homestretch

With a 5-2 record and three consecutive
home games, UK sets sights on bowl hopes

in Aarol squirm

Commonwealth Stadium
is the safe haven for Wildcat
football. a place where UK is
undefeated this season, and a
place where blue is big.

For the first time in recent
memory, the 55,380 souls who
endured endless years of tor-
ture have a job to do. If they
can help UK (5-2 overall, 2-2
Southeastern Conference) take
care of business during a
three-game homestretch that
starts Saturday against Geor-
gia (5-1 overall, 3-1 SEC), their
Wildcats could waltz their way
to New Year‘s Day.

“Last game, they weren’t
really too vocal. but seeing how
important these last three
games are. I think they're going
to have a lot more respect for
us at 5-2," junior fullback An-
thony White said. “They know
where we’re at in the bowl
hunt, and they know that we’re
going to need them to win.“

As for the players‘ motiva~
tion, look no further than
where UK sits. With home
games against division rival
Georgia, SEC West-leading
Mississippi State and lowly
Vanderbilt, the conference pic-
ture has yet to be painted.

“It’s wonderful; we could-
n’t be sitting in a better posi-
tion right now.“ senior defen-
sive tackle Marvin Major said.

“The coaching staff did a great
job scheduling these games.
and they did a great job of giv-
ing us a chance to win them."
The key to reaching a New
Year's Day bowl, Major said, is
to make sure the big picture
doesn‘t overpower each indi-
vidual step. Tapering off work-
outs. growing complacent in
practice and growing overcon-
fident could derail dreams two
seasons in the making. he said.

That said, Major and quar-
terback Tim Couch are two
among a host of Wildcats who
would rather be facing this
challenge at home.

“The crowd is on our side
here. It’s easier to audible. you
don't have a big, hostile crowd
every time you get the ball.“
Couch said. “It‘s just a mindset
that everyone‘s for you. out
there wearing the blue and
white, and playing in that sta-
dium, we just feel like we can't
be beat."

Defending that home is
paramount in conference play.
he said. because getting beat in
the SEC is rarely more than a
mistake away. Sometimes you
need the occasional break that
happens most often at home.

“It's very important,"
Couch said. “We’ve got a three-
game homestretch, and if we
take them one game at a time.
one play at a time and don‘t
look ahead, we have some




in .. 6
m emu
5-2 (2-2 SEC) 5-1 (35-1 SEC)



great possibilities."

That clarity comes with
experience. head coach Hal
Mumme said. Many teams lose
track by looking too far ahead
and forgetting what must be
done. It is the media‘s job to
speculate. he said. and it is his
job to focus on the Bulldog task
at hand.

Should the Cats survive
this three-game stretch un-
scathed. Major wants a nick-
name for Commonwealth. Al-
though he said the team rarely
thinks about things like stadi-
um lore. the selfprofessed
wrestling buff approved of one
name: “The Steel Cage."

-Freshman safety David
Johnson aggravated a toe in-
jury and is doubtful for Satur~
day’s game.






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The Campus Calendar I5 nroduc ed weekly by the Office 0' Student ACNVIUQS.
Postings in the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and
UK Departments. Information can be submitted In Rm, 203. Student Center or
by (ampletlng a recurs! 'orm on "he at tam/www.cmmgnmnmr
Posting request-s are due ONF WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information Is to
appear in the calendar For more Information can 257~8867.




Health. Safety. and Wellness Committee Meeting. SGA. 6:30pm. Rm 119. Student

SAD Indoor Activities Committee meeting. 6:ISpm. 203 Stud. Ctr

SAD Spotlight Jazz Committee meeting. 7‘309m. 203 Stud. Ctr.

SAD Visual Arts Committee meeting. ilam. Rm. 203 Stud. Ctr.

Fellowship oi Christian Athletes meeting. 9:000m. (SF Building (corner- of Woodland I:
Columbia Ave.)

Cats For Christ meeting. 7:00pm. Rm 230 Student Center

Jewish Student Organization Hillel Foundation Weekly Dinner. 60m. Commons Market


At’ Al)! MM
LEAP. 203 Frazee Hail. sign up in advance. call 7-8703 for more into
in ineerlng Student Council Meeting. 50m. Rm. 323 CRMS

Movie: Out 0fSight. 7pm. Worsham Theatre. FREE
UK Octubaiest. apm. Slngletarv Center Recital Hall

UK Aikldo Club meeting 8—9:309m. Alumnl Gym Loft, for more into contact Chris Sweat
at 245-5887
3 on 3 Red Zone Challenge Tournament sign up deadline. 4pm Rm l45 Seaton Center

UK Men‘s Soccer vs indiana, 7:30pm. UK Soccer Stadium. Free with Student ID

Karaoke Night. Student (enter Gameroom. 8pm
TH URSDAY 1 0/22

I‘J Alli \‘m
Free Math Tutoring for Math 109 L i23. Room ZOI Frazee Hail. call 257-8703 ior times

UK Octubaiest Faculty Recital with Skip Gray. 8pm. Singietary Center Recital Hall

National Student Spear h Language a. Hearing Assoc. meeting. 5:!5 pm. Rm 1 l5 HSLC

Campus Crusade For Christ weekly meeting, 7:309m. Worsham Theatre

SAD Contemporary Ai'iairs (omrnlttee meeting. 4pm, King Cultural Ctr.

SAB Next Stage Committee meeting. 3:30pm. 203 Stud. Ctr.

Amnesty international meeting. 7:00pm. Room I l3 Student Center

UK Lambda meeting ior Lesbigaytrans people. 7:300m. Room 231 Student Center

Wesley Foundation Dinner and Prayer. 6pm. Wesley Foundation

Ihursday Night Live sponsored by Christian Student Fellowship. 7pm. 502 Columbia

mmml‘ostlvolsponmd momma-rm». m
«mm mmamzmmhmmn-n.’


FRIDAY 1 0/23


Vi l ' “M ‘5
SAD indoor Activities Committee meeting. mm. 203 Stud. Ctr.


Last Day to Withdraw from a Class or the University
Speaker". Dr. Steve Vickner “Error Components three—Stage
Least Squares Econometric Models". 3pm. AEN 34i


3 on 3 Red Zone Challenge tournament. winners advance to SEC Championship In
Atlanta, call Michael at 257 -289810r more inio

French Canadian Film Showing. Spm. Basement 0' Blending l
Guest Recital: Pa