xt7xpn8xbr79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xpn8xbr79/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1958 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 2, Autumn 1958 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 2, Autumn 1958 1958 2014 true xt7xpn8xbr79 section xt7xpn8xbr79 Jfmntnzr jmnrsmg ézrhnnz
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And we shall have snow . . .
Old Nursery Rhyme
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All those taking part in it are children
For these and other children we print "A Song of Sz1ints" on page 2
Our cover picture came to us on zi. foreign Christinns card I
with nothing to indicate its source. ,
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Lexington, Ky.
Subscription Price $1.00 a, Year '
Edit01·’s Office: \Vend0ver, Kentucky
"Entered us second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office ut Lexington, Ky., } `
under Act of March 3, 1S79."
Copyright. 1958, Frontier Nursing Service. Inc. ?
A Song of Saints Lesbia Scott 2
American Association of Nurse-
Midwives Helen E. Browne 12
` Beyond the Mountains 37
3 Editor’s Own Page 36 '
Field Notes 41
In Memoriam 13
Mrs. Sylvania Burkhart Duff A Photograph Inside back
My Christmas Babies Gertrude Bluemel 9
Old Courier News 19
I Old Staff News 29
I Operation Santa Claus at Hyden
in 1957 Noel Smith 25
Sons of Their Fathers W. B. R. Beasley, M.D. 3
I "Ye Give. That We Might Give Also" Grace A. Terrill 7
i .
I Agnes Cornett A Photograph 11
Ars Longa, Vita Brevis Harper’s Magazine 35
T Dreamland (Verse) 18
2 From Before the Sunset Fa-des Marchioness of Bath 46
How to Blush O. Henry 34
In Queen Elizabeth Park, Uganda ORYX 35
Just Jokes 6
' Moulting James Lane Allen 8
{ Watford Garden Party Midwives Chronicle &
‘ Nursing Notes 28
i ` White Elephant 40
= Yesterday, Upon the Stair (Verse) Forward 24
l on A s__ so V G. ..
2 FRoNT1ER Nuasme smavxcm _
I sing a song ot the saints ot God
Patient and brave and true,
Who IoiIed and Tought and Iived and died
For the Lord they Ioved and I Probably some of you are more facile than I at such crossings
` but it was most impressive to sit in the snubnosed bow and to
be paddled up stream beneath the trailing branches of trees
l by a man who never found it necessary to change his paddle to
the other side of the boat, even while crossing the current, and
again continuing upward on the far side of the river.
W Maxine, wife of one of the sons, met us at the door with a
Y; telling jibe about my heavy corduroy coat, with hood laced
j E tightly under the chin, and lined gloves. As I come from the
if Delta area of Tennessee I iind the brisk chill of the wind off a
SJ winter stream requires all one can find in the way of wrapping,
}‘ and I really was sorry not to have had a lap rug. This delicate
1 aspect of my nature provokes intense amusement from both the
* , nurses and the mountain people. Maxine had been in the Hyden
v Hospital the year before and we are quite friends.
ih She led us inside the house to the bedside of Uncle Joe. His
4 Faoiwima Nunsmo snnvicm »
four sons were there, one having recently returned from Cin- .
cirmati because of his father’s illness——that same son who had
brought us across the Middle Fork. A special single bed had
been arranged in front of the fire for Uncle Joe’s comfort in
this particularly cheerful room. Uncle Joe had been cared for i`
by Maxine for quite some time, but recently he had developed
an enormous abscess, requiring immediate drainage. (
Because of the necessary careful post-drainage care, the all
increasingly difficult road and river situation, I felt it best if the V4
patient could be transferred to our Hyden Hospital. With this
Miss Bunce concurred and the sons immediately began to lay A*
plans for their father’s removal. They considered it quite a good
turn of fortune that a station wagon was that day available at
the Nursing Center and offered to take the old man with dis-
patch thereto. How was this to be done, thought I, over such a -
rough road. Foolish concern, for the boys and Maxine forthwith ,
set about to rewrap him in heavy quilts, woolen blankets, and an
imitation fur coat, with innumerable jars filled with hot water ·
scattered throughout the layers. A canvas wrapper (old awning)
was placed on top of it all, and the sons then carried patient,
mattress, springs, and all down to the river to that same small
snubnosed boat and floated him 14 miles down stream to the "
landing closest to the Center. _
At the far end of the journey the travelers assured us the {
only difficulty had been when the wind was against them and
slowed them down a bit. Brother No. 3 gathered a goodly num- V
ber of men from a nearby store and they transported Uncle Joe, ,
still comfortably sconced abed, to the rear of the station wagon. .
One son crawled in the back to accompany his elderly father to
the Hospital. Seeing him comfortably settled there, he gave F
place to the Cincinnati son (who had ridden in front with me)
for the drainage of the abscess. It was necessary to use a local
anesthetic for the drainage. The abscesses proved extensive and I A
evacuation of them was considerably facilitated by the presence
of Simey, the paddler, at his father’s head throughout the all-
procedure. li
It is a pleasure to serve the elderly courageous people of this I
area, particularly so as they are so generally supported by
devoted sons as was this man.
i l
This tale brings to my mind another of this past winter-
that of an old man who lived alone in the hollow above one of
his sons. This story began really when grandfather lent an axe
1 to a grandson down the creek and was expecting its return in
I time to break wood for the morrow. At the edge of dark there
came a knock at the door, to which the old gentleman readily
all responded in expectation of his tool. To his sudden amazement "
ix he was forced backward by a small group of robbers, who thor-
il oughly clubbed him, broke his arm, and yet, despite 18 scalp
* lacerations, failed to knock him out. He was robbed when help-
less of his $10.00 bill, a fifty-cent piece, two dimes and a quarter,
and left for dead.
Subsequently he roused himself and was able to drag him-
‘ self in his semiconscious condition down the hollow to a son’s
. home. Here he was greeted by the son who was just returning
from a local mine, having himself received a cut in a mine acci-
A dent. Speedily he brought his father to Hyden Hospital, and
soon there followed what is to me an unforgettable scene.
The shocked old man was left on the low hospital stretcher
I while receiving his initial treatment. It became most convenient
for me to sit on the iioor at his head while sewing up his shredded
, scalp, and this gave me a view of the sons as they came in one
0 by one to offer their father their service in this crisis.
One particularly comes to mind—Gerty, who had been
V summoned by the neighboring son. With his hat on his head
i and hands in pockets, he gently leaned over the semiconscious
· father and patiently, persistently, inquired detail after detail
_ of the accident—the appearance of the robbers, did he know
` them, had he seen them before, what time they came, what they
used to club him with, did they say where they were going, how
. p did they find the money? After gleaning information that would
, have done credit to a Sherlock Holmes, Gerty peered over his
*2* father’s head at me, and in that same gentle matter-of-fact tone,
{ asked, "Doctor, do you know where I can End the nearest
1 blood hounds ?"
. I The conclusion of that tale is again a credit to the persistent
- devotion of those sons. The robbers were found, brought to
. court, and sentenced to 21 years’ imprisonment. Our The Thou-
svmdsticks carried a report of the cases judged at that court, I
which included a murder charge for which the guilty received, g
I believe a 3-year sentence. When I naively expressed amazement {
at the contrast of the two judgments, one of my friends gently ‘
explained that the robbery and assault of a helpless old man
was a far more serious crime than a simple man-killing. "After ,
al1," said he, "there is no excuse for assault on the helpless, but l,
you do have to kill somebody now and then." (M
Pageant Magazine tells about a seven-year—old daughter of
a famous judge who always introduced herself as "Judge Clarke’s
daughter" instead of plain "Betty Clarke." One day her mother
corrected her rather firmly about this.
"That’s not the right thing to say, dear, it sounds snobbish.
So after this just say you’re Betty Clarke."
A few days later someone asked the little girl if she were I
Judge Clarke’s daughter. "I thought I was," answered the
child, "but mother says not." ‘
In Mary’s Christmas drawing, two of the camels were
approaching the inn, over which was pictured a huge star. The
third camel and its rider were going directly away from it. "Why ;
is the third man going in a different direction ‘?" her mother asked.
Mary replied, "Oh, he’s looking for a place to park."
"Why are you sobbing, my little man ?" O`,
"My pa’s a millionaire philanthropist."
"Well, well! That’s nothing to cry about, is it?"
"It ain’t, ain’t it? He’s just promised to give me five dollars
to spend, provided I raise an equal amount!" i
. by
Quarterly Bulletin and Donor Secretary
There is one department in the Administration Ofrices at
ll i‘ Wendover, Kentucky, that could easily be recognized as holding “
I in its hands the very heart and soul of the Frontier Nursing
y Service. It is the steady, constant pulse that keeps alive the
faith, hope and love that constitutes the very foundation of our
V work among our mountain neighbors. I speak of the contribu-
tors' card files, donors—you, and you, and you. From every
corner of the world, your gifts come pouring in. You are the
I Frontier Nursing Service, for without your gifts there could be
no such organization.
"Ye give, that we might give also." Year in and year out, in
` times of adversity, war, depression, flood and high water with
its resultant storm damages, your response to our needs has
` been miraculous. In times of anxiety, when we reached out into
Q the darkness and put our hand in the hand of God, somehow, it
? seemed as if you, out there, were holding fast to His other hand,
realizing our needs and in giving, strengthened the faith that
binds friend to friend. Your gifts have come in constantly, year
A in and year out, ever since our Service first began more than
thirty years ago. It is said, "to have one friend, a man is rich,
indeed." Think then how truly enriched is our Service with so
many, many friends like you.
J You might be interested in reading some of the lovely
expressions that accompany your contributions—they mean so
‘ much to us for they give us a glimpse into the loving heart of
{ the giver.
ni "I’m sorry to be late but we have been abroad for a while."
iy "Again it is my pleasure to send my check to help carry on
{ the marvelous work of the Frontier Nursing Service."
pj "I’m sorry my check is smaller than the last, but we have
.g had serious and expensive illness in the family."
` "To cover your Urgent Need for three baby cribs and mat-
8 Fnoiwima Nunsma smavicm ,
tresses, given in memory of my dear mother. It is just Q
such a gift she would have chosen."
"In appreciation for the wonderful care given our son at ,
Hyden Hospital." g
"My wife has been very seriously ill. This is our ‘Thank
offering’ for her recovery." (ji
"I am going into Hospital next week for a serious operation. li
We do not know what the outcome will be, but I want to l
send you this check to be used for the furtherance of your ;
wonderful work." 1.
"My annual contribution and best wishes for continued I
success." “
"My mother passed away several years ago. Today is her
birthday and I know of no other way that would please her I
more, than to again send you this little gift in her memory." j
"On my eightieth birthday I must send you a few extra pen- f
nies, not only in appreciation of the many kindnesses that I
have been shown to me, but in deep appreciation of your ,
own splendid work in Kentucky. I am grateful for the
privilege of having this small part in it." I
These are just a few of your expressions, but can you wonder I
that we love you and place our implicit confidence in your help
to carry on the work of the Frontier Nursing Service '? I
"Ye give, that we might give a1so."
That God may richly bless the lives of each one of you and j
make you ever cognizant of His every good and perfect gift is A
the earnest prayer of everyone at the Frontier Nursing Service.
The birds are moulting. If man could only moult also——his ,_
mind once a year its errors, his heart once a year its useless Q
passions! How iine we should all look if every August the old {
A plumage of our natures would drop out and be blown away, and _
fresh quills take the vacant places! Y
A Kentucky Cardinal, by James Lane Allen _
. by
Christmas babies are different! Scientific research may not
(I1 bear me out but I think they are more beautiful, sweeter,
i 1 stronger than babies born at other times of the year. They seem .
M to bring with them a special joy and blessing for only the most
1 hardened soul can look upon them without remembering another
V Christmas Baby-—One born in a stable two thousand years ago!
When I was a nurse student at the Frontier Graduate School
` of Midwifery, I was assigned to the Beech Fork Nursing Center
I for district experience in midwifery and mother and baby care
, for three weeks before Christmas in 1957. Three babies were
1 due and everyone hoped they would arrive before Christmas,
t especially I, because I was to finish my assignment at Beech
— Fork on December 24!
A. The weather was bitterly cold on December 13 when we
received the first call. The roads were covered with ice and snow
A and travelling was hazardous. Peggy Kemner, the senior nurse-
· midwife at BeechFork and my supervisor, and I had just finished
a day on the districtjland were barely beginning to thaw out.
1 Supper, we thought hopefully, would warm us up. "It’s Ellie,
j she’s bad off," said a messenger at the door so we forgot our
supper, wrapped up warmly, grabbed our midwifery bags, and
g jumped into the jeep which had not cooled off completely and
_ started at once. It was not yet six o’clock, but already quite
dark. Driving gingerly over slippery roads, we arrived at the
home without mishap. _ _
We found Ellie sitting as close as possible to the fireplace
— where a roaring fire managed to keep only a small portion of the
1 room comfortably warm. The house was far from air-tight and
~ icy blasts seeped in everywhere. The two little girls in the family
‘¤ had been persuaded to go to bed in another room with promises
J that perhaps tonight the nurses would bring them a baby sister.
Throughout the night, the father valiantly piled coal on the fire,
-.1 but most of the room remained chilly. Outside, the cow rubbed
‘ against the side of the house trying to appropriate a little of its
A warmth, while her bell tinkled mournfully.
iu FRoN·1·1ER NURSING smavrcm ~
Just before dawn, a new baby girl arrived. As she made
her debut; into a rather cold world, warm steaming vapor envel- ,
oped her pink, round body and she looked for all the world like -
a little Christmas angel. Now the cow bell tinkled gaily. The
two little girls awakened and demanded to see the sister the
nurses had brought them in time for Christmas. Suddenly, the _
room seemed bright and warm. ,`
A few days later, the snow and ice having turned to slush A ’
and mud, our second call came. I had just retired, but soon Peg 'T
and I were on our way. A rough and rugged jeep ride took us ·
over a winding narrow dirt road which was muddy and full of 3
boulders and ruts and barely wide enough for the jeep. When
we had driven as far as we could, a young man met us and led
us through a chicken yard, a hog lot, through a creek-bed, some
underbrush and up a steep hill to the house. The room we T
entered contained a bed, a small laundry stove, a little home- ,
made stand and one chair. During the all-night vigil, this one X
chair was at a premium! The young mother was thin and pale
but most patient.
Toward morning, grandma came over to prepare breakfast. I
But just as she called, "All right, breakfast is ready," we realized "
that so was the baby. He turned out to be a big, fine boy, blond -1
and pink and strong. He had more pep than all the rest of us *
rolled into one. Breakfast was cold when Iinally we had a chance ‘
to eat it, but I’ve never eaten a meal that tasted better. From Nl
the breakfast nook, we could see grandma, in that one chair,
admiring her new grandson who had arrived just in time for ,
At eleven o’clock the very next evening came the third call.
A sixteen-year-old girl was soon to have her first baby. Outside, l
it was pouring rain and the narrow road was a sea of mud. The _
rocks in the mountainside seemed to have turned to liquid and
were pouring their contents into little waterfalls and rushing I
streams all over the road. Only by throwing the jeep into .·
tractor gear were we able to keep moving. We were thankful to
arrive at our destination, a small cabin. Simple Christmas deco- Ii
rations were up at the windows, giving a gala appearance to
the one room which contained all the necessities for housekeep-
ing except a private corner for the shy, young husband to sit a;
3 and wait. Although he soon found shelter at a neighbor’s, he
4 apparently felt his responsibility for shortly before daybreak,
._ just at the moment when the baby arrived, he tapped on the
., door and called, "Is there anything you all need'?" When Peg
, opened the door, she was able to announce, "We need a father
for a little girl, one-half minute old. Come see the Christmas
,` present you’ve just received!"
T I think Christmas babies are wonderful, don’t you ? ‘
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The thirty-first annual meeting of the American Association
of Nurse-Midwives was held at Wendover, Kentucky, on Satur- `
day, October 11. The guest speaker, who honored the Associa-
tion this year, was Dr. Lewis C. Scheffey, President of the Ameri-
can Gynecological Society, and Professor Emeritus of Jefferson
Medical College, Philadelphia. Dr. Scheffey’s address entitled,
"Population Pressures and Global Tensions," brought the mem-
bers much food for thought. The discussion following Dr. Schef- I
fey’s address was led by Miss Margaret Turner, the newly
appointed Matron of Simpson’s Memorial Maternity Pavilion, `
Edinburgh, Scotland. Miss Turner was brought to Kentucky
for the meeting by a group of members from Maternity Center
Association of New York, and the Frontier Nursing Service was I
honored to have them as overnight guests at Wendover. Miss
Turner, with her many years of experience as a nurse-midwife
in the Old Country, added much to the discussion on world popu- l
lations and the part the nurse-midwife has to play. ;
Dr. and Mrs. Scheffey were FNS guests for the week-end, i
and we wished they could have stayed longer, so that we could
show them more of our work in which they expressed a deep A
interest. We hope for a return visit in the future.
The meeting was well attended with out-of-state members i
coming from New York, Illinois, West Virginia and Tennessee; < J
and we were glad to have several public health nurses as guests ‘
together with the students from the Frontier Graduate School ’
of Midwifery. ”
HELEN E. BROWNE, Secretary
Madison, Wisconsin Rochester, New York
i Died in August, 1958 Died in July, 1958
Hyden, Kentucky Rochester, New York
; Died in July, 1958 Died in October, 1958 ·
·l Hal’s Fork, Kentucky Patterson, New Jersey
Died in July, 1958 Died in July, 1958
DUFF New Haven, Connecticut
Hyden, Kentucky Died in June, 1958
. Died in June, 1958
Rochester, New York Died in September, 1958
Died in October, 1958
MISS LUCY FURMAN Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Cranford, New Jersey Died in August, 1958
Died in September, 1958
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Boyce, Virginia
Died in June, 1958 Died in Jime, 1958
, We thank thee. O Father. tor all who hallow suttering. For
those who in their thoughts tor others leave no room tor pity
tor themselves. For those whose patience inspires others to hold
on. And grant, O loving Father, to all who are bound in the
A mysterious tellowship ot suttering the sense ot comradeship
Y with others and the knowledge ot Thy love. and give them Thy
‘ peace which passes all understanding. Amen.
Forward 1948
Many old friends have left us during the summer and early
r autumn months. Among them are two distinguished physicians
I who honored us by serving on our National Medical Council. Dr.
T Q Maurice Vaux, in failing health, had given up his membership on
_ our Council after he retired as Professor of Obstetrics and Gyne-
, cology at the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. Although
he relinquished the obligations he had carried superbly he never
lost interest in old ties and old friends. One of these wrote of
14 FRoN·1·1ER NURSING snnvicm
him, at the time of his death, "As you well know, he was a won- ,
derful gentleman? We extend our deep sympathy to the wife _
who meant so much to him. In Dr. Robert M. Lewis of New I
Haven, Connecticut, we had not only a member of our Council I
for nearly a quarter century but a medical friend who collabo- i
rated on some of our early studies of maternity in the mountains, ri
one who came down to see us some eighteen years ago with Mrs.
Lewis. Their daughter Louise (Mrs. Osgood Bradley Wood) was — J
a courier of ours in the summer of 1941. Their younger daughter, I
Helen, came to see us only a few months ago with her husband,
Dr. Hugo D. Smith of the Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati. It
will be seen that our ties with the whole family are warm and ·
deep. We shall miss Dr. Lewis always. Even during his months
of illness he wrote us in his old charming vein. The life that
follows this one is richer because he has entered upon it.
When Mrs. Frank B. Gordon died we lost one of the early h
members of our Pittsburgh Committee. For twenty-two years —
she had supported and loved the Frontier Nursing Service. She l
came down to the Kentucky mountains to visit us, she gave us `
her daughter, Mary, (Mrs. John F. Kraft, Jr.) as a courier. To _
this daughter we send our loving sympathy in the loss of such
a mother. It is hard to remember a time when Mrs. William Hol- »
land Wilmer was not a friend of the Frontier Nursing Service.
This friendship began in the twenties when she iirst learned
about our work. After her marriage in 1921 she had made her
home in Washington with her distinguished husband. She went
to Baltimore with him when he became director of The Wilmer
Ophthalmological Institute, connected with the Johns Hopkins
Hospital. After his retirement they returned to Washington. A V
Mississippian by birth, Mrs. Wilmer was educated in Virginia A
and died at her Ryton Farm at Boyce, Virginia. Her body has
been laid by that of her husband in Washington Cathedral. A
life so full as hers had many interests. We are grateful to have ,
been cherished among them by this gentlewoman out of the I
fullness of her heart. Our deep sympathy goes out to her daugh- A
ter and her two sons. The descendents of Dr. and Mrs. William {
Holland Wilmer have an inheritance that nothing can ever take A:
away from them. {
We have lost three old friends in Rochester during the last ,
, few months. Two sisters who cared very much about us have
V died within a short time of each other-—Miss Anna D. Hubbell
¢ in July and Miss Bertha D. Hubbell in October. For a long span
I of years they have been our friends. In Miss Margaret Ellwanger
i we lost another dear Rochester friend in the fall of the year.
ri Our tenderest sympathy goes out to her sister, Miss Helen C.
` J Although Miss Lucy Furman died in Cranford, New Jersey, `
she was a Kentuckian by birth, inheritance, and life long devo-
tion. Her work at the famous oid Hindman Settlement School in
, Knott County, and her books about this work—The Qaare
n Women, The Glass Window, Mothering on Perilons——were what
first brought her to the attention of a large and admiring public.
As a worker for children at Hindman, as an author, Lucy Fur-
man embarked on the first phase of her distinguished career. The
` second phase, her campaign against the cruel steel trap, lasted
3 until near the end of her life. It was in Knott County that she
became familiar with injured wild animals, some of whom died
` in the steel traps and some of whom gnawed off their legs to
_ escape. Chiefiy through her efforts a law was finally passed in
Kentucky substituting a humane form of trap for the steel trap.
. Lucy Furman has been called a Kentucky Franciscan. In
dwelling on our memories of her these lines of Laurence Hous-
man come to mind. They are from his A Prayer for the Healing
of the Wounds of Christ.
While to i·iis Feet
The timid, sweet
V Four—tooteci ones ot eerth sheii come end iay.
. Forever by, the sadness ot their oieyz
One of the best of men, and one of the finest, was Mr.
Charles J. Lynn of Indianapolis. We don’t know what first
awakened his interest in the Frontier Nursing Service about a
‘ quarter century ago but we do know that he carried us gener-
A ously among his charities over the long years, wrote delightful
, notes in sending his checks, and gave us a feeling of personal
' warmth every time we heard from him. Although Mr. Lynn had
i retired as vice-president of Eli Lilly and Company he seemed in
“ excellent health until his swift passing over to the other side
. of death. One part of his public career we should like to mention
is Fnowrxmn Nunsme smzvicn l
here. He was a member of the national board of directors of the <
English-Speaking Union and president of its Indianapolis branch.
In November 1957 he was awarded the Order of the British - `
Empire by the British Consul General in Chicago. The Anglo- l
American staff of the Frontier Nursing Service held his abiding
interest. Our hearts go out in deepest measure to Mr. Lynn’s _ at
wife in her loneliness and grief.
In the death of Mrs. Walter Raymond Agard we have lost li,
one whose love for us began when we began and never slackened
for a day in all of our thirty-three years. About mid-way in
this span of time Elizabeth Agard became a trustee of ours for
several years. Always she carried a sense of trusteeship in her
heart. In the great University of Wisconsin where her husband
was Professor of Classics, Elizabeth Agard won many friends
for the Frontier Nursing Service and gave a number of parties
in our behalf. How she loved giving parties! We never knew
anyone with a stronger social sense for people from the top
down to the freshman students and, beyond the University for
"all sorts and conditions of men."
Often when I write of the friends of the Frontier Nursing
Service I do it with a sense of poignant personal loss. Elizabeth
Agard was my first cousin and I have known and loved her
from her infancy. Although she was much younger than I, we ~
were immensely congenial. She was vivid, wise, lovely, generous, .
and true. In the home she and her husband created at Madison, 1
where I often stayed, everything bespoke her exquisite taste and