xt7xpn8xdb5j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xpn8xdb5j/data/mets.xml Richmond, Virginia Historical Records Survey of Virginia 1941 Prepared by the Historical Survey of Virginia, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: Virginia Baptist Historical Society, Compiled under the supervision of Elizabeth Coalter and Neva Thompson; 2 volumes: Volume 1 A-L, Volume 2 M-Z, 28 cm; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:V 819c/3/suppl.2 books English Richmond, Virginia: Historical Records Survey of Virginia This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Virginia Works Progress Administration Publications Index to Marriage Notices in The Religious Herald Richmond, Virginia, 1828-1938, Volume 2 text Index to Marriage Notices in The Religious Herald Richmond, Virginia, 1828-1938, Volume 2 1941 1941 2015 true xt7xpn8xdb5j section xt7xpn8xdb5j ¤ ff l I! uN.vE¤sm¤FKEmm * * \lII\I|\\H\|IH\I\|\|l\lI\IU\|I\|l||l\ll\|\\I|\\|i!|\I\\|U|\|\¤|\\|1\||\ \ _ EI UHE5 LlI¤"Il¤BB"| L l ijJ._{{D!;}· 3. V· SL \ L Q : P y ” i& * I F6 ig i 1 lz! _;_‘ _ J INVENTORY OF CHURCH ARCHIVES » OF VIRGINIA Prepared by The Historical Records Su vey of Virginia Division of Community Service Programs Work Projects Administration Sponsored by The Virginia Conservation Commission GUIDE TO THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS OF THE VIRGINIA BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY, SUPPLEMENT NO, 2 INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, 1828-1958 Volume II M - Z Richmond, Virginia The Historical Records Survey of Virginia September 1941 } V ; _ I Q. ` l Historical Records Survey Projects l , n Sargent B. Child, Director C; Q Kathleen Bruce, State Supervisor °& A l Research and Records Programs l Harvey E. Becknell, Director ; Milton W. Blanton, Regional Supervisor g Jnmes A. McAleer, State Supervisor { l I { ? Division of Community Service Brogrnms m Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor Elle G. Agnew, Stste Director 1 i e E * WORK PROJECTS ADMIDISTRATION 1 l Hownrd O. Hunter, Commissioner A 1 Hoy Schroder, Regional Director l ? ¥mmmM.& &mmd,StmeAmdmsUwwr ~" PREFACE In January 1956, the Historical Records Survey, a nation-wide project of the`Works Progress Administration, now the Work Projects Administration, yy was organized nationally. Dr. Luther H. Evans was appointed National Director Qi of the Survey. In March 1956, the Survey began to function in Virginia as part I of the Federal Writers' Project, of which Dr. H. J. Eckenrode was State Director, and Dr. Lester J. Cappon of the University of Virginia part-time Technical Assistant. In Novadber 1956, when the Historical Records Survey be- came independent of the Federal Writers' Project, Dr. Cappon was appointed part- time State Director. At the same time Miss Elizabeth B. Parker, a fonner — supervisor of the Survey, was appointed Assistant State Director. When Dr. Cappon resigned in June 1957, hiss Parker succeeded hhn as State Director. On September 5, 1959, the Historical Records Survey of Virginia became a State- wide non-Federal project, with Miss Parker as State Supervisor. Likewise in January 1956 the Survey of Federal Archives, a nationewide project of the Works Progress Administration, now the Work Projects Administra- tion, was organized under the national directorship of Dr. Philip M. Hamer, an official of the National Archives, Washington, D. C. In February 1956, work was started in Virginia with Mr. T. C. Durham as Regional Director. In Septem- ber 1956, Dr. Kathleen Bruce was appointed Regional Director to succeed Mr. Durham. On August 1, 1957, the Survey of Federal Archives of Virginia became a State-wide non-Federal project, with Dr. Bruce as State Director, On January l, 19QO, the two projects, the Survey of Federal Archives and the Historical Records Survey of Virginia, were consolidated by the Work Projects Administration to constitute a new Historical Records Survey project. Dr. Bruce was appointed State Supervisor, and Miss Parker, Assistant State Supervisor. Miss Parker resigned from the historical Records Survey on April 29, 1940. By authority of the Presidential Letter, E-256, October 18, 1940, the Historical Records Survey is authorized to "conduct a survey and prepare for duplication inventories of all official records of the counties and of the Federal Government (except the Post Office) within the State; conduct a survey and prepare for duplication inventories of the records of the churches of all denominations within the State; and copy the imprints of all materials, print- ed before 1877 within the present boundaries of the United States, which are in the custody of all public, semi-public, and notable private libraries with- in the State." The ultimate objective is tc make contributions of public value. In confonuity with the authorization, the Historical Records Survey of Virginia has in progress for publication inventories of the archives of Virginia counties and churches, and of all Federal agencies within the State except the Post Office. It also has under way a survey of American hmprints prior to 1877. Under the direction of the Federal Government, the inventories are deposited with the appropriate agency. · The INDEX T0 DARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, 1828-1958, originated as Supplement To. 2 to a volume planned by Miss Parker on the manuscripts and the printed materials of the Virginia Baptist Historical Society. Supplement No. 1, the INDEX TO ODITUARE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, 1828-1958, originated in the same manner, and was completed in December 1940. Indexes such as these are not ordinarily under- taken by the Historical Records Survey Projects. The work was authorized in order to make available to the public the voluminous record of marriages and deaths that lies buried in the four almost complete files of the RELIGIOUS 1 ! L ii if 1 Q Preface l ` { HERALD, 1828-1958, in the custody of the Virginia Baptist Historical Society V at Richmond. _ ` During the colonial period an official register of marriages, births, Q I t and deaths was kept in every Virginia parish, and copies of each registra- Q { tion were returned to the county clerk by the parish vestry and the head 8 } of the family. The official registrations of births and deaths ceased with · the separation of Chu ch and State in Virginia not long after the establish- i ment of the Commonwealth, and were not resumed until after the middle of I the nineteenth century. The official registration of marriages, however, . never lapsed. This was because the Commonwealth made provision for main- I taining the same sort of paper record which had been required u der the E colonial government, apart from the official register of marriages kept by 1 the parish vestry. According to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics at l Richmond, hundreds of these scraps of papers which testify to marriages 1 celebrated in Virginia are still extant, but it has not been determined E whether they are the licenses that were required or a marriage bond, or a 1 combined license and marriage bond. ` Under the Code of 1849, the clerk of the county court and the clerk of 1 the corporation court were each required to register in a book to be kept ` for that purpose every marriage license which they issued. This book is known as the register of marriages. By an act of April ll, 1855, which be- E came effective July 1, 1855, the clerk of the county court and the clerk [ of the corporation cou t were each required to "transmit to the auditor of { public accounts a copy of his register of marriages during the preceding i year, and on or before the first day of March in each year." In 1855, 1 also, the General Assembly passed an act to take effect January 1, 1854, n which ordered every minister to record every marriage solemnized by him Q and to return the certificate to the clerk of the cou ty court or of the 1 corporation court of the city in which the marriage was solemnized. At | the same time, the clerk of the county court ind the clerk of the corporation t 1 court were each required to record in a separate volume a note of the ? licenses which they issxwd, and to report to the commonwea1th's attorney for prosecution any minister who failed to return the licenses. Finally in 1919 the marriage certificates and licenses were combined. Since then , “ the note of licenses issued has been recorded in the marriage register, l as is also the detailed information that is given in the combined marriage Q ` certificates and licenses. This information constitutes the permanent ‘ record of marriages. ‘ Under the act effective July 1, 1855, whicn ordered the clerk of the K county court and the clerk of the corporation court to send annually to the auditor of public accounts a copy of the register of marriages, the first ~ concentration of marriage records was brought about in Virginia. An act , l of 19183 approved March 9, 1918, required the auditor of public accounts to { turn over to the newly created State Bureau of Vital Statistics all copies p of the register of marriages which had been filed with him. Thereafter 1 * the clerk of the county and the clerk of the corporation court were required ! to send the copies of the register of marriages direct to the State Bureau , E of Vital Statistics on or before March first in each year. An act of 1958, { ~ approved March 10, 1938, required that a duplicate of each combined license f and certificate instead of a copy of each register of marriages be sent 4 c to the State Bureau of Vital Statistics. In this bureau are now concentrated the records of marriages celebrated in Virginia since June 50, 1855, although t Q 1 111 Preface I on account of inadequate storage, theft, fire, and other calamities which o occured before the State Bureau of Vital Statistics was created, a number V of these official records of marriages are missing. There is now being Y constructed under the sponsorship of the State Bureau of Vital Statistics an index to the marriage records dating from l870 which are in its custody. In due course the index will probably also be extended back to 1855. The • Historical Records Survey has no part in this index, which is not being con- structed for publication but for use in the office of the State Bureau of Vital Statistics. The INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD ... points directly to marriage records of some 20,000 persons, the great majority . of whom were either members of or connected with the Baptist Churches in Virginia. It makes mnends in part for the lack of concentration of official records of marriages in Virginia between l827 and 1855. It may also point to the only records obtainable for any marriages celebrated in 1828-1852 in those eastern counties whese records were removed to the courthouse at . Richmond during the War for Southern Independence and destroyed when the courthouse was burned in the evacuation fire. And it is possible that it may open the way to substitute records for some of those early official marriage records which are missing in the files dating frmu 1855 which are ' in the custody of the State Bureau of Vital Statistics. When Miss Elizabeth Coalter joined the staff of the Historical Records Survey in April 1939 as supervisor of the Survey of Church Archives, the field work on the INDEX TO MARRIAGE NOTICES ... had been started, The greater part of the work was checked, edited, and compiled under Miss Coalter's supervision in 1941. Since Miss Coalter left the project on JUHG 28, 1941, Volumes I and II have been completed under the supervision of Mrs. Neva Thompson. _ As in the INDEX T0 OBITUARY NOTICES ... published in December 1940, some LDH departures have been made from the original procedure first established for this index. For instance, page numbers have been deleted from the references. This has been done inasmuch as all issues of the RELIGIOUS HERALD do not have numbered pages, and confusion resulted when it was attempted to number them consecutively. In some years the issues were paged consecutively through the year; in other years each issue was paged independently of all other issues. The printed notice sometimes but not invariably gives the name of the place where the marriage was celebrated and also the domicile before marriage of the husband and that of the wife. The index does not include place names unless a name is so incorporated in a notice that it 9 can not well be omitted. A case in point is the notice of the marriage of SALE, E. B. (Miss), formerly of the Baptist Mission, and Rev. G. W} Marshall, of American Presbyterian Mission, married in Canton, China, by Rev. H. V. 0 Noyes, D.D., assisted by Rev. G. W. Greene, Aug. 24, 1899, recorded on page 15, column 2. The symbol * is used to point out anything in the entry so unusual : that it might appear to be an error of the copyist, the typist, or the editor, ed No attempt has been made to correct any name, spelling, or statement. Names, . dates, and statements are reproduced exactly as they are printed in the ·, V RELIGIOUS HERALD. In connection with this it should be noted that the le earlier use of ecclesiastical titles by the Baptists within their denomination differed in some respects from their use of titles today; according to Dr. .ted · Garnett Ryland who is in charge of the manuscript and printed collections ·Ugh of thc Virginia Baptist Historical Society, Richmond, Virginia,"as used by the Baptists of an earlier day Elder is the same as Minister or Reverend, ! “ ; L iv g 5 2 Preface _ - Bishop the same as Pastor." For clarity a double entry is given in the € index for every marriage notice, one under the name of the husband, the Q other under the maiden nmne of the wife. Since there are approximately { A 10,000 notices and announcements requiring some 20,000`separate entries, " Q it was found to be absolutely necessary to publish the index in two i 1 volumes. Volume I or THE GUIDE TO THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS OF THE k VIRGINIA BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY, SUP}’LE`.HENT NO. 2, INDEX TO MARRIAGE x NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD, RICliI.·iOE·ED, VIRGINIA, 1828-1958, started » with A and ran through L. The present volume completes the alphabetical ? list. Also as an appendix for Volume II there have been included all \ the "announcements of approaching marriages" which were printed in the A RELIGIOUS HERALD, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, 1828-1958. A Kathleen Bruce 2 State Supervisor 1 Historical Records Survey K Richmond, Virginia _ _ _ . 1 September 16, 1941 » . Q _ L. 1 { 1 l { K 1 1. { %¤ 1 E I ABBREVIATIONS Capt. .... .... .................................... Captain Col. ... ...... .............. .... .... ..... ........ Colonel Com. .... .... . ........ ........ .... ... ...... ...... Commodore Con. Sol. .. ...................... ... ............... Confederate Soldier d. of ............................... ..... . ..... .. daughter of Esq. ..................... ....... ..... .... ....... Esquire Gen. ...... ..... .................. ..... ..... .... . General gr.d. ....................... ..... ... ....... ...... granddaughter gr.s. ..... . ........... . ............. . ............ grandson Hon. ............ ...... ................. ...... ... Honorable _ Lt. .............. .... ........... ...... . ....... . Lieutenant Maj. ............................................ Major Prof. ........................... .......... . ...... Professor s. of ... ....... . ................................. son of Sgt; ................................... ..... .... Sergeant w. of ........................... .... ... ....... ... widow of v W. ·· [\ tl ·- § MABANN by Elder Nathan Healy, Nov. James W., and Mrs. Sarah A. 21, 1859 Baber, by Elder Wm. A. McCANN Crandol, Feb. 17, 1859 Gideon, and Mary Willie McALISTER Walker, by Elder James H. Wm. T., and Mrs. Lucie A., d. Barnes, Jan. 15, 1881 of A. P. Mayo, by Rev. W. McCARGO S. Briggs, May 9, 1867 Fannie W., and Patrick H. McALLISTER McCargo, by Elder R. Arthur, and Sarah E. Jones, Burton, July 10, 1856 by Elder Thomas W. Lewis, Patrick H., and Fannie W. Feb. 24, 1848 McCargo, by Elder R. Polly, d. of Benjamin Burton, July 10, 1856 McAllister, and John McCARTHY ‘ Walker, by Rev. Valentine William H., and M. Lou y M. Mason, July 25, 1828 Holladay, by Elder L. A. V McARDLE Cutter, Nov. 9, 1871 as H. A. (Pwr.), and Isis Mccmmt gp Dunnington, by William Elizabeth, and William Q, Carey Crane, May 16, 1872 Hazlewood, by Elder 1 McBRIDE · Thomas S. Morris, Feb. ‘ Lilbon, and Nancie Farmer, 25, 1845 by Elder J. L. Brockman, Madison P., and Olivia Ann, .·B,.§$§· "· 1855 $.;.33 tméiiiianby ‘ MK} Q I , l Belle, and L. B. Blanks, by Feb. 18, 1858 my Rev. G. T, Watkins, May 15, McCAUL § 1897 » Ann, and Elias Jackson, by Q McBROOM Rev. John Kerr, Sept. 25, Q M.FuzmdM.N.J.Ymm& l&9 § by Rev. J. B. Soloman, Dec. McCHESNEY ?, 22, 1859 Louise S., d. of M. P. W M'CABE McChesney, and James T. .§ John C., and Emily A., d, of Crowder, by Rev. J. D. l’ Dr. Hardaway, by Rev. Brown, leb. 14, 1884 iv William Hammett, Mar. 25, McCHORD Q 1851 Anne, d. of William C. E McCALL · McChord, and Rev. M. 5 Jno. W., and Virginia A. Harrison Williams, Sept. Q Hawkins, by Elder J. H. 29, 1910 Q} Gillespie, Sept. 20, 1885 McCLAIN ’ M McCALLISTER _ John, and Jane Curd, by Rev. Q Mahala, and William Liggan, John Kirkpatrick, May {W by Rev. Philip Courtney, 27, 1856 1‘‘‘ f July 10, 1829 McCLANAHAN ,,.` F McCANCE Blanche W., d. of Col. James RQ Eliza, and Elder Lovel Marders, McClanahan, and Rev. Thomas M I ‘ * I ‘ A -· 2 - I MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION I E fg I W. Sydnor, by Rev. George 1855 If I Wilmer, Dec. 25, 1845 McCOKKLE gi I Wm. S., and Lucy Jones, by Jos. S., and Nonah E. Mitchel, 1I* I gigder R. W. Cole, Mar. 10, by Rev. G. M. Hutton, Jan. g 55 21, 1886 I I McCLANDISH McCOMACK I ' William, and Mrs. Rosina Samuel, and Virginia Ann » i I Kennedy, by Rev. James D. Phelps, by Elder William I I M CIAB§own, Feb. 14, 1884 M Cgmgoiner, May 21, 1857 I 1.c » ii c I I Mary A., and Herod Anderson, James, and Janet B. Hughes, I by Elder William A. Hill, by Elder C. Wingfield, Mar. ‘ Mar. 29, 1866 15, 1859 I McCLELLAND I McCONCHIE I W. H., and Mary J. A. Binford, George W., and Mary Bray, by I by the groom'! father Rev. Elder A. H. Spilman, Jan. I Jno. McClelland, Feb.’14, 19, 1854 I 1878 M~CON1C0 I McCLENNY Carrie F. (Mrs.), and Ezekiel I Martha Ann, d. of Wm. D. - Fox, by Rev. J. G. Bailey, I McClenny, and Menalcus Jan. 25, 1875 I Lankford, by Rev. William M. McCONNELL we I Young, Mar. 17, 1855 Katie, d. of W. A. McConnell, It I McCLESKEY and Rev. H. C. Townsend, by V} I Laurence A. (Dr.), and Emily I Rev. W. D. Thomas, June 5, It A., d. of Charles P. Lee, 1889 ·W” I by Rev. R. B. C. Howell, Lucius Willingham, s. of Dr. F. §“ - I N CLE%?r. 8, 1855 - C. M;C§nnel1, andlCéarafEr§a, II I uC . d. o hrs. ausse raw or Q» I 1wmxtSU mm1%t®eB.Wim, WhMhd1,Lme50,lND V by Rev. George B. Eager, Nov. McCORMACK *I 50, 1876 Frances (Mrs.), and Leroy W I McCLOUD Wooldridge, by Elder Thomas IW I Richard A., and Maria Louisa, Legrand, Apr. 5, 1859 2 I d. of Capt. John Day, by Rev. Lucy Ann, and Philip Carrol, I I M CLUWm. R. Powell, Nov. 16, 1845 by Elder T. N. Johnson, I I c LE Feb. 25 1858 J I Mary E., and Benjamin G. McCORMICK , I I Jackson, by Rev. J. M. Florence, d. of Mrs. Wihelmina I I Pilcher, May A, 1876 McCormick, and Wm. Thomas I I MCCLUNG Davis, by Rev. J. M. Farrar, I John H., and Martha F. Booton, Feb. 12, 1880 I I by Rev. Stephen H. Mirick, Nancy, and James Williamson, I I Oct. 5, 1850 by Rev. Gabriel Walker, Jan. ” I John H., and Bettie Lipscomb, 22, 1852 II I by Rev. S. P. Huff, Sept. McCOWN · vg I 20, 1866 Jno. N. (Rev.), and Elisa C. I McCLURE Johnson, by Elder John B. dg Peggy, and John Kidd, by Elder Hardwick, Oct. 22, 1857 I Charles Wingfield, Mar. 20, McCOY I IA I — 3 - NHRRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION § Mattie K., and W. C. Craig, McCULLOH by Rev. Mr. Machatt, June Caroline A. (Mrs.), and `$ 28, 1888 Griffin L. Payne, by Rev. i M'COY Dr. Duval, Dec. 30, 1841 Sarah E., and Virgil H. l&CULLOUGH Dunford, by Rev. R. W. George Washington (Rev.), ` Cridlin, Apr. 4, 1872 and Anna Newman, d. of MbCRACKEN John Mason, by Rev. C. H. Rosa Lee, and Asa Payne, by Ryland, Oct. 23, 1873 Rev. R. Ryland, Jan. 30, M. Salome, and Wm. A. 1879 Garnett, by Rev. G. F`. MbCRARY Williams, Oct. 31, 1867 Andrew W., and Sarah Witt, by MbCULLY Elder C. Wingfield, Nov. Francis E., and Laura A. 8, 1833 Moulton, by Rev. Wm. C. McCRAVY Ehll, Oct. 22, 1868 Frank E., and Mrs. Pearl McCUNE Robinson Blades, by Rev. W. Louisa H., d. of Robert A. Ayers, June 24, 1920 MbCune, and Hezekiah MbGRAW Puryear, by Elder F. G. Jennie B., and Rev. W. B. Snellings, Dec. 3, 1840 Williams, by Rev. J. E. NBCURTY y Gates, Mar. 23, 1882 Elmo E., and Maggie J. . Nary Ella, d. of Col. John A. Tolley, by Rev. George It _ McGraw, and Charles Selden Braxton Taylor, Feb. 1, Gates, by Rev. G. W. Beale, 1906 ” Doc. 15, 1881 McDANIEL 1 S. Alice, d. of Col. John A. Ambrose R., and Polly, d. McGraw, and Thomas B. of Capt. Charles Jones, Penick, by Rev. J. H. Lacy, by Rev. William Duncan, _ Jan. 4, 1877 Apr. 25, 1828 g Thomas E., and Annie B., d. John {Elder), and Mary A. j of James H. Carter, Aug. Duval, by Elder Joseph Q 8, 1878 _ A. Billingsley, Jan. 10, { Woodson A., and Winnie, d. of 1850 1 John Goodwin, by Rev. W. R. C., and Maggie, d. of Carey Crane, D,D., ec. 5, Dr. Geo. W. Thornhill, V 1867 Nov. 20, 1884 _ NbCRERY Rosa Lee, d. of Joseph S. y Caroline E., d. of Wm. McCrery, McDaniel, Esq., and { and Adolphus Morris, by John West Lindenborger, z Rev. James Henshall, Aug. by Rev. T. W. Sydnor, Jan. Q 15, 1844 17, 1884 Q McCULLOCK Samuel, and Jane, d. of YA Nhrtha J., and Wm. G. M staino, William Doughty, by Rov. Y€ by Rev. J. B. Hardwick, Feb. Emmett T. Nason, Apr. 23, g a, iese ieev Q Willia Ann, and James H rris, McDEARMON j by Rev. E. W. Roach, Nov. Mary, and Archer Ponton, i 3, 1853 by Elder E. W. Roach, 1 · 4 - 1 . 1 MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERADL WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION ` 1 1 Feb. 16, 1838 McEVOY A MoDERhLED James, and Nannie Sowers, by 1 Edward, and Bettie B., d. of Rev. J. L. Carroll and Rev. 11, 1 Rev. A. Anthony, by Rev. H. H.1Wyer, Dec. 25, 1873 1 A. Anthony, Dec. 10, 1868 John, andtMb.rtha*F. Talley 1 1 McDERMOTT by Rev. Dr. Hatcher, Nov. 1 William, and Mary V. Brehan, 2, 1882 1 by Rev. J. B. Taylor, Nov. McFADDEN 1 11, 1841 Jno., and Fannie E. Woody, by 1 1 McDONALD Rev. James A. Mundy, Jan. 1 John, and Frances Berry, by 19, 1860 Elder H. J. Chandler, Oct. McFARLAN 15, 1840 James J., and Mary F., d. of 1 Maggie, d. of Rev. Dr. the late S. M. Dandridge, by 1 McDonald, and M. M. Welch, Rev. J. L. Burrows, assisted 1 by Rev. Henry McDonald, Jan. by J. B. Jeter, July 8, 1869 1 26, 1882 McFARLAND ` · 1 Wm. R. (Elder), and Virginia Y. James, and Lucy W., d. of 1 Graves, by. Elder Samuel G. Dr. Jas. Greenhow, by Rev. 1 Mason, Jan. 28, 1864 Bishop Moore, Mar. 14, ” McDONNELL 1828 1 1 Geo. W. R., and Addie E. Robert Alfred (Rev.), and 1 Crismond, by Rev. H. Hatcher, Lula Mae, d. of Mrs. 111 Q Jan. 7, 1869 Anne Drusilla Bass, June 1*1 ’ IJPDOWELL 18, 1903 · 1 J—·‘ 1 Jae. 1::. (Lt.), or Edgar's Means 1 Battalion, and Susan P. Garrett, and Mrs. Georgiana ; 1 Robinson, by Rev. Wm. Harris, by Rev. L. J. I Fisher, Apr. 16, 1863 Haley, Nar. 26, 1863 J I 1 Nhry Ann, and Madison IJcGARVEY · 1 Long, by Rev. Mr. Edward, and Martha Gay, by {11 . Keeling, Aug. 24, 1832 Rev. Andrew Broaddue, Jr., YJ 1 NeDOWELL Mar. 3, 1892 1 Ann, d. of Hon. J. A. McGARY McDowell, and John Winston Eliza Ann, d. of Iws. Lucinda 1 Price, Dec. 19, 1828 McGa1·y, and Alfred Brooks, 1 James, and Mrs. Thalia A. by Rev. Wm. R. Powell, Jan. 1 Terry, by Rev. Reuben 6, 1848 Rucker, Nov. 25, 1858 Mary, and John-S. Atkisson, F James H., and Lucy C. by Rev. 0. W. Hughart, 1 Hudson, by Elder James my El, 1874 · 1 Garnett, Dec. 29, 1853 I‘/}ZLI‘:y’ J. (Eire.), and John 1 Wm., and Frances Ann Lynch, Tierny, by Elder Jos. 1 by Rev. M. T. Sumner, Rook, har. 29, 1839 1 Nov. 9, 1843 MGAVOCK 1 MACE Rosa, and George B. Exe.11, 1 Geo. M., and Julia A., d. by Rev. C. C. Chaplin and of S. G. Waldrop, by Rev. Rev. G. G. EJG2.11, Nev. J. S. Walthall, Nov. 3, 27, 1873 1`` 7 ieee neces ( . 1 'A‘ - 5 1 A MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION VE Alice S., and Geo. E. Leavitt, Nhry H., d. of Francis A by Elder J. D. Leachman, MbGehee, and James E Dec. 1, 1870 Lobbin, Esq., by Rev._ PQ Ella J., and S. W. Fuqua, by Isaac S. Tinsley, Jan. Rev. R. W. Cridlin, Jan. 27, 1842 26, 1871 Pattie J., and F. C. Nary Henrietta, d. of John S. Eudailey, by Rev. Daniel McGee, and F. G. Pease, by Witt, Feb. 3, 1870 Elder J. D. Leachman, Dec. Susan Ann, and George L. 1, 1870 Hillman, by Rev. L. J. P. Victoria, d. of G. W. Imley, Feb. 27, 1873 MbGee, and William C. William A., and Clara S. Jackson, by Rev. M. MbGee, Parish, by Rev. I. N. June 11, 1874 Nay, Jan. 18, 1877 Peter, and Diana, d. of WhGEORGE Nathaniel Wicker, by Elder Evelyn, and Munroe Dunstan, Joseph Starke, Jan. 14, by Rev. J. O. Turpin, 1847 Feb. 21, 1867 Reuben, Jr., and Ihrie A. John F., and Maria R. Lee, Lewis, by Rev. Melzi S. _ by Elder Holland Walker, I Chancellor, Sept. 29, 1859 Sept. 27, 1855 f Sarah A., and Wm. Leib, by John F., and Virginia A. {{ Rev. J. F. Deans, Nar. 30, Rebman, by Rev. S. H. yy 1871 Greene, Aug. 4, 1881 I McGEHEE Lary Ann, and James C. 1 George G., and Helen M. Bibb, Ellet, by Elder George I by Rev. I. N. May, June 25, W. Trice, Jan. 2, 1840 1885 - Richard L., and Lelia T. George W., and Sarah E., d. Powell, by Rev. A. W. y of John M. Jordan, by Graves and Rev. John O. ly Stephen Eastin, Feb. 2, Turpin, Feb. 23, 1882 § 1854 Wiley R., and Sarah Ann A J. O., and Annie R. Duncanson, Clarkson, by Elder Andrew 2 adopted d. of Capt. William Broaddus, M r. 20, 1835 g J. Harper, by Rev. T. W. MbGHEE f Sydnor, Why 22, 1873 James Y., and Mary A. R. g Jacob Owen, and Annie Rebecca Noel, by Elder A. Eubank, Q Duncanson, by Rev. T.`W. Mar. 27, 1856 é Sydnor, Nar. 27, 1873 Joseph F., and Elmira E. y James, and Amanda Gooch, by Jarvis, by Rev. J. Starke, 1 Rev. L. Fox, Dec. 31, 1840 Nar. 14, 1850 A Lucy T., and James E. Clarke, Sallie, d. of Foster NbGhee, { by Rev. John R. Bagby, Dec. and Walter Gathright, by ,§ 20, 1877 Rev. J. T. Parkinson, Jan. mria L•’ and Ch0.S• R• 18, A Thompson, by Elder L. J. Sallie A., and Andrew N. Q' Haley, Apr. 23, 1863 Gathright, by Rev. Janes f Nhry B., and John T. Brown, F. Parkinson, Feb. 11, 1869 E4 by Rev. L. J. Haley, Apr. Samuel H., and Sallie C. A 18, 1867 Msador, by Elder A. Eubank, P tai A — 3 - Q§ g { NMRRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION J; { Jan. 6, 1859 Hill, by Elder Samuel [QL i McGILL Sumner, Nov. 18, 1841 jg y Anna B., and G. A. Penick, Ann E., and Edwin Wortham, VQV E by Rev. W. S. Penick, Nar. by Rev. Jas. Henshall, fg A 8, 1866 Apr. 24, 1845 LE g Jno. D., and Mrs. Louisa Indiana M. J., and Wm. J I Ashton, by Elder Thos. Robinson, Jr., by Rev. E y Hume, Apr. 3, 1845 Samuel Taylor, July 7, ,,_ f y hbGINNIS 1853 3 Q Adelaide Stuart, d. of Mrs. Lewis, and Elizabeth body, j ? James McGinnis, and Rev. by Elder James B. Taylor, ‘ Perry Franklin Davis, Jan. Nov. 25, 1836 y 20, 1916 Lula E. H., and Leslie T. . A MbGINNISS Hardy, by Rev. Samuel A A C. E., and Nasmi C. Fitzhugh, Taylor, Feb. 28, 1855 = t by Rev. J. O. Kirk, Oct. Martha, and Richard Cogbill, y 5 21, 1886 by Elder Joseph S. \ McGLAMRE Walthall, hr. 10, 1842 ; I Mary A., and Joseph T. Powell, Nanie J., and David H. Q Q by Elder J. C. Bailey, May Bright, by Rev. J. B. LQ i 25, 1848 Taylor, Dec. 20, 1849 M _ Mccxwm s. s. (mss), and w. J. Q Cornelia O., and James N. Camack, by Rev. W. S. E i Strobhar, by Rev. George T. Bland, Apr. 2, 1874 g Gresham, Oct. 18, 1877 Zechariah, and Sarah A., d. F 2 John, and Nancy H. Singleton, of Benj. Burton, by Elder ;* A by Elder J. H. Fox, Sept. J. Martin, Nar. 13, 1845 { [ 24, 1846 McILHENNY McGRAW Sarah E. (M s.), d. of Col. » I John, and Nba. Elizabeth Thomas Cowan, and Elder A. A ,i». Rogers, by Elder H. Keeling, P. Repiton, pastor of N Jan. 18, 1839 M Wilmington Baptist Church, QL John P., and Elizabeth Mason, by Rev. James McDaniel, Y y by Rev. Nr. Keeling, June June 28, 1839 § I 12, 1835 McINNES · V | McGREGOR Julius, and Maude Lee, d. of Q Jno. W., and America Martin, Rev. J. H. Pearcy, by Rev. if ~ by Rev. J. B. T. Patterson, J. H. Pearcy, Aug. 5, 1915 it 5 Jan. 28, 1869 McINTIRE 5 McGRlGOR Mary W., and Dr. W. C. N. Q · Judith I., d. of John McGrigor, Randolph, Univ. of Va., ; ; Sr., and Richard I. Garner, by June 18, 1891 Q { Rev. R. D. Rucker, Mar. 13, McINTOSH J i 1856 E, F., and Mary E. Perry, F , McGRUDER by Rev. W. E. Robertson, jp i A. E., d. of Z. NbGruder, and Aug. 1, 1889 gg I J. R. Ferrell, by Rev. Samuel Elizabeth W. (Lbs.), and if Taylor, Oct. 28, 1858 matthew P. Drowry, by ;£ Angelina, d. of Zechariah Elder E. S. Amory, Jan. ih McGruder, and Capt. James 30, 1851 E 1} » lad — 7 - Q` A Q MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION 1; Mary E. (Mrs.), and Augustine William A., and Harriet A. oj Moore, by Elder J. L. Wandless, by Rev. A. W. yl Trueman, June 2, 1859 Graves, Apr. 17, 1884 .C Mary E., and Benj. Peters, MACKIE ,‘ by Elder J. L. Trueman, John, Jr., and Ann E. `Q Sept. 15, 1859 Wilkinson, by Rev. A. E. Samuel, and Mary A. E., d. Dickinson, July 8, 1889 — of John Wood, by Elder McKIEL ( E. S. Amory, Nov. 25, Mary E. (Mrs.), and Geo. N. 1 1846 Wilson, by Elder John A. 1 McINTYRE Dearborn, Mar. 5, 1870 Hugh C., Jr., and Anna D., McKIM d. of L. N. Halbert, by Margaret, and John Fisher, Rev. William Carey Crane, by Rev. R. Keeling, Oct. D.D., Apr. 24, 1875 24, 1828 MACK McKINNEY H. Judson, and Thomas America, and Rob't. Jackson, by Rev. Joseph Hazlewood, by Rev. V. , Walker, July 21, 1870 Vaiden, Ju e 19, 1890 McKAN Rosa M., and John W. Puckett, T, Virginia, and Dr. John W; by Rev. R. W. Cridlin, Jan. K Street, by Rev. Thomas 21, 1889 M B. Evans, Feb. 5, 1870 Wilson, and Sarah E., d. of M’ McKAY Merit R. Sadler, by Rev. l" A. C., and Cora C., d. of Wm. MI Rodgers} Mar.~28, Q7 Hon. W. H. Stewart, by 1889 A Rev. William 0. Bailey, McKLEROY 1 D.D., Mar. 5, 1881 Sallie S., and A. C. Couric, McKEE by Rev. M. B. Wharton, ` William, and Mary E. Jan. ll, 1872 y Coleman, by Elder T. W. McLANR1NE jg Roberts, Jan. 4, 1849 Milton, and Rosa Frank, d. ¥` McKENNY of Albert R. Frayser, by 1% Baldwin, and Jane Sutton, , Rev. James C. Reed, Jan. 9% by Elder N. Healy, Feb. 8, 1870 li 22, 1844 M'LAUGHLIN 1 Meredith C., and Josephine Harvey (Rev.), and Mrs. Q Farmer, by Rev. E. L. Nannie C. B. Bruce, by Q Magoon, Sept. 15, 1842 Rev. A. E. Dickinson, Apr. i McKENZIE 29, 1897 1 Jas., and Gurtie Leftwich, McLAUGHLIN Q by W. V. Macfee, Jan. 10, James T. (Elder), and Ann § 1889 B., d. of Samuel Miller, ry James M., and Siana F. Esq., by Elder Samuel B. M Pearson, by Rev. Mr. Rice, Oct. 17, 1844 l Harrald, Nov. 12, 1850 Joseph Marion, and Mary ;· MAGKEY cam-Ou, a. or Dr. Archibald Q; Harrison, and Mrs. Catharine Cunningham Cree, Oct. 25, EW Tankersley, by Elder G. W. 1925 it Trice, Mar. 24, 1855 Olive S., and Millard F. M * A ‘ 8 “ ‘_ »i·x L V Q MARRIAGE NOTICES IN THE RELIGIOUS HERALD WITH DATES OF PUBLICATION Q E ) Saunders, by Rev. T. W. T. by Rev. J. B. Boone, Jan. M ) Noland, July 1, 1886 10, 1878 .? 1 Sallie T., d. of Rev. J. T. McLEOD ,% 1 McLaughlin, and Dr. John W. John W., and Ellen C., d. of L3 i Moore, by Rev. J. W. Bozeman, Abner Hudson, by Rev. L. L. § . Dec. 25 1875 Fox, Jan. 25, 1845 ll ' William (Judge), and Mrs. McMAHON Q ) Fannie M. Coffman, Feb. 2, J. S. (Capt.), C. S. A., and t } 1888 Mary V. McRae, by Elder R. I McLAURINE W. East, Mar. 17, 1864 E A. J., and Wm. G. Hardman, McMANAWAY 1 by Rev. Samuel J. Atkins, Alexander G. (Rev.), and Dec. 22, 1855 Maria J., d. of F. H. 1 Edna Earle, d. of Milton Robertson, by Rev. J. M. g , McLaurine, and Thomas McManaway, May 18, 1878 _ Q Joseph Shepherd, Aug. 22, Ellen L., d. of Alexander G. lm 1 1907 McManaway, and Rev. James , 1 Ella J., d. of Lewis McLaurine, Gordon Harris, by Dr. J. ‘ I and Bernard F. Lipscomb, by M. McManaway and Dr. W. p 1 Rev. J. R. Bagby, Mar. 7, C. Taylor, Dec. 5, 1907 Q E 1872 " McMILLAN {W ( George, and Melissa E. Frayser,