xt7xpn8xdg20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7xpn8xdg20/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-12-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1977 1977 1977-12-08 2020 true xt7xpn8xdg20 section xt7xpn8xdg20 Ea rlywinter

Coal reserves

should meet
state demands

1.\l'l — At least 29 county school
districts told their students to stay
borne yesterday as record low
temperatures kept many secondary
roads in Kentucky covered with the
snow arid ice that accummulated
earlier this week.

More snow was expected last night
and today‘s forecast calls for snow
possibly mixed with rain across the

Officials of utility companies
reported increased power demands
because of the cold weather. And
despite a nationwide strike by the
i‘nited Mine Workers union, which
entered its second day yesterday,

the officials said they believed they _

had sufficient coal reserves to meet
demand for several weeks.

“We think they icoal stockpiles)
are adequate at this time,” said
l.indwood Schradern, vice president
for marketing for Kentucky
i‘tilities, “it varies at each plant,
but we have about a 90»day supply.
We‘re at the upper limit. Generally,
that‘s considered to be a practical

”We have good stockpiles,“ he
said. "However. electric demand is
up right now It «the extremely cold
weatherI is earlier this year. Last
year. our periods of great demand
for electricity came later, in
January and February. This (the
early cold) could affect our supply."

The Louisville Gas & Electric Co.
has asked its customers to conserve
entrgy to minimize the possible
impact of an extended coal strike.





v—Jennm- Wehm-s
The Botanical Gardens are well-covered with winter snow and ice from the
early snowfall. Bad weather has caused school cancellations through much of
the state, and officials everywhere are checking fuel stockpiles to make sure
there's enough to outlast both winter and the coal miner's strike. L'K Physical
Plant Director James Wessels says there shouldn't be any problems at the
l‘niv ersity.

fuel oil may also be used if
meet campus needs.



Volume LXIX. Number 77

Thursday. December 8. 1977 an independent student n



The llriivtrsity should be adequately stocked
with coal for the entire season, said Wessels. He
said the United Mine Workers strike that began
this week will have no effect this year.

Although coal is the principal source of heat
for the University. some natural gas will be used
during the coldest part of winter, said Wessels.
“We expect a normal amount of (natural gas)

curtailment" for that fuel, he said, adding that

for us.“

"We‘re bearing up real well," said Wessels
yesterday. The early frigid weather has caused
no unexpected problems, he said, and supplies in
coal, road salt and cinders appear to be


Iitzes Kentucky

University has ample stores
to cope with strike, weather

The University is well-prepared for weather
problems this winter, according to James
Wessels, physical plant director.

Using snow—clearing machinery after a
summer of inactivity is usually difficult, said
Wessels. “The first snow is always kind of trying

Most of the physical plant road crews work
from 7:30 am. to 4:15 pm, said Wessels. An
early crew that begins around 5 am. clears the

entrances to the Medical Center and the

other sources can’t



emergency room, and at the entrances around
the Complex. There is also a two-man night crew
that clears the roads.

The road crews normally work regular areas

of campus, although they sometimes clear en-
trances to buildings and parking lots from city

streets. Perhaps the worst problem with fighting
winter weather is just the cold, Wessels said.
"When it gets as cold as it is now, you can’t keep
people out there for more than an hour or so," he

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Ky. road salt supply said adequate



'I‘III‘; LEASING OF PROPERTY BY STATE government is now con-
trolled f‘or the first time by written regulations, approved yesterday by
the administrative regulations review subcommittee.

The regulations were hammered out over the past year following
controversies over some state leases, including one for a Lexington
warehouse awarded without public bids or notice to some friends of the
(‘arroll administration.

The regulations require the state to advertise for bids on all space it
wants to rent, except in emergencies which must be authorized in writing
by the governor.


.IO.\\ LITTLE, ll IIO FLED A NORTH Carolina prison two years after
she persuaded a jury she had killed a jailer in self-defense, was captured
in New York yesterday after a highsspeed car chase prompted by a
boyfriend‘s tip to police.

Little. 2:1, was arrested around 2 am. on a fugitive warrant stemming
from her prison escape Oct. 15. Lawyer William Kunstler said he would

oppose extradition because, “she doesn‘t stand a chance“ if returned to
North (‘arolina

imprisonment will end after 112 years, the third longest stretch for
anyone caught up in the scandal that ended Richard Nixon’s presidency.

The US Parole Commission set April 27, 1978. as the release date for
Ehrlichman. once No.2 man on the Nixon White Iiouse staff.

Edgar Hoover was convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald had killed Ken-
nedy but he wondered whether Oswald had help from secret conspirators
in Cuba. according to FBI files released yesterday.

The documents show Hoover had concluded within hours of Kennedy’s
death that Oswald fired the fatal bullets. But the agency later obtained
letters written to Oswald from Cuba, and those messages raised the
perplexing conspiracy questions which linger to this day.

The material may be of greatest value for what it shows about the in-
side operations of the FBI as the bureau handled one of its most im-

portant missions ever. It is a picture that has emerged only in vague.
outline until now.

continued federal assistance for tobacco growers despite govemment
concern over the health hazards associated with cigarette smoking, Sen.
Walter lluddieston tD~KYl reported.

After meeting with the president and Agriculture Secretary Bob
Bergland to discuss continuation of the price support program, Hud-
dleston said the assistance program has Carter’s “full support."

THE NATION‘S PRODUCERS 0F SOFT coal want a one-month strike
to drive up prices and weaken the United Mine Workers union, but they
may get one of three to four months instead, UMW President Arnold
Miller said yesterday.

Bargaining with the Bituminous Coal Operators Association is
scheduled to resume today in Washington. D.C., but Miller was not op-
timistic. “There‘s some doubt there will be anything to talk about," he
said. “They think that if we have a month-long strike we‘ll take anything
they give us, and they want to drive up themarket price of‘ coal.


European countries to close their consulates and cultural centers outside
Cairo, saying Communist agents were trying to loment opposition to
President Anwar Sadat‘s peace initiatives with Israel.

The decision by the Egyptian cabinet stopped short of a diplomatic
break with the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary
and Poland and consulates and cultural centers in the capital were not

af‘féacted. Bulgaria, Romania and Yugoslavia were excluded from the
or er.


(‘I.OL’DY TODAY WITH A GOOD CHANCE of snow in the morning.
possibly accumulating one to two inches. The snow should change to rain
by afternoon and back to snow showers late tonight. Highs should reach
the mid 303 with lows in the mid 203.

(‘om piled from Associated Press dispatches



._..,.... ..,.

FRANKFURT l.\l’l Despite
delayed deliveries of salt for melting
snow and ice on the state‘s roads.
there appears to be anadequate
supply, the maintenance director of
the state llurcau of Highways said

“It looks like we‘re in pretty good
shape, because they tthe district
engineersw haven't bothered me,“
George Asbury said in a telephone

Asbury said engineers began
contacting the Frankfort office only
when it appears there‘s going to be a
shortage of materials or some other

problem. Otherwise, each of the 12
offices operates on its own.

The state experienced late
delivery of sale because of the
tongshoreman‘s strike. and Asbury
said it had been “touch and go“ as to
whether the needed stocks would be
in before the first snowfall.

It's difficult to stockpile the
sodium chloride vrlargc grains of
table salt became it‘s susceptible
to moisture and humidity during the

Last winter's unusually heavy
snowfall and cold temperatures
resulted in a plan to build six large

Hanging in there

storage facilities for salt, but con
struction has been delayed.

Asbury said only three would be
read y for use this winter—in Floyd,
Rockcastle and Kenton counties.
Priority was given to the storage
areas in eastern Kentucky, where
most restocking problems occur,
Asbury said.

Other facilities are planned for
I’aducah, Owensboro and Louisville
but won't be completed until
February, he said.

Each district was stocked at
normal levels by mid-November,
and Asbury said he believes stocks

,2 r-vrc »


4n“!!! Wellnes I

The Student (‘enter Christmas tree was adorned her. reaches new heights by ladder to hang an or-

yesterday with holiday trimmings. Political science


senior Davy (bombs, a Student Center Board mem-

Former UK student denies
FBi’s dangerous activist label

A former lTK student whose
statements in class were reported to
the FBI in 1970 said yesterday that
those comments were not unUsual at
the time. and were not dangerous
enough to merit FBI attention.

Gatewood Galbraith, UK law
school graduate. said he 'never
advocated or encouraged Violence
during discussions at a weekly
political science seminar that an
informant reported to the FBI.

Galbraith‘s comments were in
response to a story yesterday about
FBI files on the newspaper recently
released at the Kernel‘s request,
through the Freedom of Information
Act. The files were part of an effort
to keep track of supposedly

.g,,.._... -o«un

dangerous dissidents. Galbraith
could not be reached for comment

"What happened during those
years was that a lot of young people
were paranoid," said Galbraith.
“We talked «in the class) about
taking to the streets and about
demonstrations and tactics in
fighting the government," which he
said were a viable alternative.

Any discussion on those methods,
said Galbraith, dealt with peaceful
means. “i never advocated or err
couraged violence," he said.
Galbraith said he was proud to have
been comidcred dangerous by the
lt‘ltl for hp statements.

The reports the FBI received

described Galbraith as being
“mentally deranged and capable of
violence“ and believing that a
campus building would be

Now president of the Kentucky
Marijuana Feasibility Study, a
project which advocates the growing
of marijuana as a cash crop,
Galbraith said he was aware of the
lr‘itl‘s scrutiny in 1970. The agency
also had access to UK records about
him, he added.

Because of the FBI's interest,
Galbraith said it was likely that
opposition still existed from “other
parts of the federal bureaucracy
who oppose (my) work dealing with

were replenished after the state’s
first snowstorm Nov. 27.

A series of snowstorms, such as
those predicted this week, can cause
problems if there’s not enough time
to restock, or if the slick roads slow
deliveries. Asbury said that when
salt supplies dwindle, they are
mixed with fine rock, Cinders, sand
or other abrasives to provide

An inventory is taken every two
weeks to assess how supplies are
holding up, Asbury said.

The highway bureau purchased
some additional snow removal
equipment after last winter, but
“not enough to routinely take care of
another winter like last winter,"
Asbury said.

The top priority roads are in-
terstates, interstate access roads
and other well-traveled highways.
However, there's generally not
enough equipment to take care of all
priority roads at the same time,
Asbury said.

The bureau has estimated it will
cost about $2.5 million to keep the
state’s roads free of snow and ice
this year, Asbury said.

offers pay
to workers

The Student Government (SG)
Used Book Exchange will be staffed
with salaried personnel instead of
volunteers this year.

The change was made because of
“the lack of interest shown by the
students“ according to a Student
Services Committee spokesman.

The Student Senate voted to
continue the service Tuesday after
an ilth-hour appeal for volunteers
brought a small response. The ex-
change was approved (with $1050 in
funtk) after exteded debate over
whether there were enough people to
operate it and whether it could fail

In using the exchange, students
drop off books timing the last weeks
of the semester, asking a certain
price, and buy used books at the
beginning of next semester.

According to Mark Benson,
student services committee
chairman, the operation will be
streamlined this year, with com-
puters doing much of the work.

“Sims we have not received the
volunteers needed to run the ex-
change; we have decided to simply
employ students to get the necessary
work done on time," said the
committee spokesman.

Employees for the project will be
paid $2 an hour, with onehour slots
available. the exchmge will operate
from Monday, Dec. 19, to Wed-
nesday, Dec. 21, from 9 am. to 4
pm. each day.




editorials 8: comments

W hell“

out Photon-phat
San Halli-u: Stun» Duhun mi mt ch “M
iii-ugh; uiur Ila-aim m a...“ In... 1'3... m“...
M Glhrlol Marlo litcholl my” mung W Pam
mini uim sun Ania m u... M Rum.
Joe Kemp William Fill-to Mu Clark

New- Editor



Italy article ”draws differing view

If} \llt lll"l.l‘2 l’.\\'i)\

It is a real misfortune that the only
information about foreign countries
'lldl many .\ini-ricans receive is
thorough .irticles llkt‘ 'Fear and
loathing in Home." by John H inn
Miller Kernel. Dec, ii».

Th e art icle. more than providing a
realistic picture of Rome and the
iiuhan sittrition. shows the in-
capacity of its writer to understand
what is going on around him. It
would be an easy matter to point out
the stereotypes contained in the
toilllllli. or argue about the
description of an Italian meal and
the tact that Rome is a dead city
becattse bars close at midnight
.iistead of one o‘clock «they are
tibst‘d all days on Sundays bereft

l'iitoi'tuiiateiy',. there are many
more serious maceuracres in the
.irticle The statement " . all the
newspapers are owned by political
parties” IS .i patent falsehood.

‘iiliat is true is that ofI'iCial
newspapers of leftist parties and
movements representing about 50
permit oi the ltalian population;
hart» established themselves as an
important source of alternative
int‘ornmtion in contrast to the so»
called “independent” press
dominated by powerful economic
group» in the same manner that the

free press in the American
style" is
tint- month ago the news was

Iiiibiisiicd that the i‘orriere della

.\l.\i iiiitlx— t hristina Pratt. a
sparrow in an iron world. waited at
the door for the matron to press a
buzzer that would open it. t'hristina
is is. but she looks more like it}. She
isi toot ‘i 1. \yeiglistlti pounds and has
.-lli.~i‘i. straight red hair and a pale
hit-e covered with freckles When the
door lock snappu’i loudly. ('hristina
pit-,li-i’t through ard bounced along
lb: i“- isozi hallway Sometimes. they
make tuir wa'k in leg irons with
charm IlillltillL’, up from the irons to
the handcuffs.

In the \ isiting l ooin. she started to
talk about trouble she has been
having at the state woman‘s prison
lli lledtord Ilills‘ "There was this
one across from Ill". thi- one next to
the grid she liked hit. but she be
kt-pt iii Lock. and this one across
non; Ili'. she said that she wanted
Ill" to cite llt‘i sex oil-ii told her. no
t wasnt men to do that The
one next to me .n’llfl he was goin'
.tl‘iil; It") ass \yiitn she got out ‘

"bristina nas t‘sx'dpt-tl three times
{rem lit-dford llvlis lli't‘iilltvt‘ of the

\‘t {I .

Sera. the most Widely-circulated
Italian newspaper. has been bought
by German money through the
direct intervention of Franz Josef
Strauss ttheleader of the C.S.U.). It
may be of some. interest to notice
that official newspapers of non-
leftist parties have a negligible
circulation. includiing that of the
t‘hristian Democratic Party.

Mr. Miller tells us that he is
nenous because “...the radicals in
Italy don't like journalists." There is
no easy identification distinquishing
radicals from any Italian
movement. but the author is trying
to convey the impression to the
reader that the whole Italian left
doesn't like journalists.

The same. message is behind the
expression “...Left—wing Red
brigades." This terroristic group
has been operating in Italy since the
early i970‘s.

Their systematic appearance in
the news at the “right moment,”
such as before political elections or
what popular indignation is ex-
ploding after a criminal fascist
action. the surprising impunity they
have. enjoyed for some time (their
leader. Renato Curcio literally
walked out of the prison in which he
was supposed to bet clearly says
that they have been used to balance,
for the benefit of public opinion, the
terrorism of neo~fascist groups with

a ipaintedt Red violence, and that
they can count on thinly veiled
support within the delicate ap-

older. larger inmates demanding
that she have sex with them. On her
last escape from Iicdford Hills, she
placed in the Westchester
('ounty Jail in Valhalla. Im-
mediately, she escaped from that
jail. Yesterday. she was back in the
\cstments of the Valhalla jail: red
polo shirt and jeans. The West-
chcstcr (‘ounty district attorney.
t’arl Vergari. says he is satisfied
that (‘hristina‘s escapes have all
been promoted by sexual assaults.

She has a four-year sentence for
murder. In 1975, when she was 16
and a sophomore at Jamestown
iN.Y. > High School. she shot the 30-
yearrold husband of her cousin after
he had raped her. She says she had
been raped by other members of her
family. the firs‘ act occurring when
she was about to. Authorities
familiar with the private records on
her case agree that all evidence
shows that (‘hristina was assaulted
several times by members of her

The judge who sentenced her, lice


paratus of the State, for example,
the secret agencies.

The role of the Red Brigade (and
other “red" terroristic groups often
infiltrated by fascists and secret
services) has been denounced by
leftist parties and other democratic
movements and it is now clear to the
majority of the Italian people.

Anyone who has followed the
development of the so-called
“tension-strategy” in Italy since
I969 can easily recognize in the
shooting of journalists and jurists
and in the setting fire to factories a
direct attack on the labor
movement, one of the most mature
and advanced in the world.
(Workers have organized a volun-
teer service to guard factories at
night where the Red Brigades are

All of this shows how irresponsible
it is to write sentences like those
mentioned above. lrresponsibility
applies also to Mr. Miller's attempt
to make one believe that violence is
dominating the scenario in Italy.
The statistical fact is that in Italy, as

cell as in any other Westem
European country, there is much
less crime than in the United States.

The main difference is that Italy
has a lot of political violence tends to
be confined to certain neigh-
borhoods, in particular, slums.

Finally, I find it very bad taste. to
say the least. for Mr. Miller to cite
Mussolini as he did. He probably is
not aware of the fact that. among

’l‘own Adams of the Chautauqua
('ounty (Tourt, says: “She had a sad
life for a little girl. _I sent that poor
kid away a year and a half ago. Her
story was. and it was believed. that
she was raped. I gave her youthful

other inequities and atrocities
perpetuated by Mussolini and the
fascists, is the throwing out of the
poor people from the center of
Rome, so that visitors can only see
the clean face of the “Eternal City,”

and confining them to the notorious
slums of Rome; it is estimated that 1
million people live in barracks.

In conclusion, it seems to me that
the article was manufactured like a
lollipop ready to be “consumed" by
readers unfamiliar with the Italian

This is even more upsetting if we
consider the fact, magnified in the
article, that Mr. Miller was the
managing editor of the Kernel and
that this article was published in the

A student newspaper can be ex-
pccted to do a much better job of
trying to overcome old in—

com prch ensions between the United

States and other cuntries, and to
met the vital need for true, not
manipulated by the “free
'press,"information about the rest of
the world. Just think of what is going
on these days in Latin America,
Africa, Germany, Iran, the Middle

I wish that Mr. Miller, since he

lives in Trastevere of which he

recognizes the “picturesqueness'
and “chic" face, would get to know
the popular face of that quarter and
learn from the people what is not


understand life around oneself.

Without that understanding it is
easy to forecast that his newspaper,
“...obviously liberal since they are

social events. no matter how large a
staff or how large a staff or how
much money it possesses, no matter
how “arty, classy" might become.

taught in graduate “how but is all young” Will, in fact, remain Michele I’avon isagraduate student
deemed 50 important In order ‘0 unable to grasp thedcep meaning of in mathematics.

’Treatment’ prompts escape from jail

Then. when I got home. I got
Daniel Miller. she says. was

supposed to be taking her hunting on
the (lay the. shooting occurred. “1
was playing with my little brother





offender (treatment). Thetrouble is,
the only place in the state where you
can send a girl of any age away is to
licdford Iiills. And they have all
these tough older women there."
The man ('hristina shot was
named Daniel Miller. “I sort of got
tired of a lot of things happening to
me.“ ('hristina was saying
yesterday. “I just didn't want to
keep goin‘ on and on. Once. after I
was raped when I was in my own
bed, I said something about it in
school and they sent me to a social
worker and she called my mother up
to see. her. They talked about it.

and my mother asked if I wanted to
go huntin' with Dan. I wanted to
bring my brother with me. but they
told me no. We drove out to this
place to go for rabbits and we‘re just
there hunting and Dan jumped on
me. What it was over. he be walkin‘
away and I just couldn‘t let this keep
going on and on.“ She shot him in the
back with a .22 rifle.

Ilcr court-appointed lawyer ad-
vised her to plead guilty and hope for
probation. Judge lice Town Adams
recalled yesterday that he could not
bring himself to do this. “It was
after they had finished and dressed







‘lll‘li'...C‘tleN,GUYS...'llAVA NAGILAHLALL “MEIER Now. are lT!...‘llli/i Willi HA!”






‘_._ ..- r.-

..»o.-..... .‘a.

'o—n..~a-- .,

and they were walking back to the
car when she did it." he explained.

In jail in Valhalla yesterday,
(‘hn’stina rcmcm bcrcd how she went
to the penitentiary. “The. judge said
something, andl didn‘t really know
what it is. and then when we were
goin‘ back down. the matrons and
officers were talkin‘ about it. They
said four years. The next day they
got me up and drove in."

Her lawyer, Robert I’oneini. said,
"She, has been in and out of
segregated cells there."

('hristina nodded. “The last time I
had 90 days, with a 30-day review.
it‘s in a little room with a metal sink
and toilet connected to each other, a
mirror and a bed bolted to the floor.
‘iou stay in there 24 hours a day.
After six days you get one hour of
recreation. G0 outside and sit down.
What do I do there? I read.
\i’hatcver's there. They let you have
five books. I remember once I read,
Day of the Jackal.

“What do you think about in
segregation?" she was asked.

“Sometimes I think of the kids I
went to high school with. There were
these two tall girls, I can picture
‘cm, Sandra and Becky. Played on
the basketball team with them. I
remember Becky got hit in the back
of the head once."

“Do they ever write to you?"

“One friend used to write to me.
but she moved out to Pennsylvania.
(lot pregnant or somethin‘. I don’t
hear from her anymore."

IIer first escape was in the
summer of I976. She played softball
and. after the. game. she lounged on
the grass and fell asleep. When she
woke up. it was dark, and she was
alone. She decided to climb the
fence. In town, she stole a car and
tried to drive home to Jamestown.
She wound up in Jersey. She became
frightcntd and turned herself in to
police. They luggod her back into
solitary in liedford Hills.

She escaped from Redford two
more times. Each time. she turned
herself in to town police. Sitting in
segregation. remembering the faces
of people she went to high school
with, was better than being prey for
the heavyweights in the general

The last time she escaped. she was
in the county jail in Valhalla. She
was being held there for a court
appearance on charges growing out
of the previous arrest. She and a girl
named Shorty found a door that
opened and they went over the fence.
'l‘h‘s time they got to New York City.

They hoppcd the turnstile and got
on a el train in the Bronx When
('hn‘stina looked down from the car

.Ow-osu. -..r» ..-...-..

window, shcbecame afraid. She was
certain the train was going to tip
over. She closed her eyes for the rest
of the trip. Her friend left her at a
park in the cast Village and gave her
fivcdollars. When the friend did not
return. (‘hristina walked the streets
until she came upon the 9th Precinct

She was saying yesterday, “Two
policeman were in the front and they
called me over ind asked me if that
crazy lady inside was my mother. I
said no. Then they said, well, is that
crazy man inside your father? I told
them no. They laughed and I walked
away. Then I walked back and went
inside and told them who I was. They
all laughed at me some more. They
thought I was joking. Then they
checked and found out I was tellin‘
the truth."

When she was taker back to
Westchcstcr, the court appointed
John llrcslin. no relation, as one of
her attorneys.

“I don‘t like runnin’ away," she
told him. “Why can‘t they just put
me someplace where they won‘t be
molcstin’ me?"

“What do you want to do if you
ever ga out?“ she was asked

“Finish school,“ she said.

“Write me something, so I can see
how far along you are," she was

She took a sheet of paper and
wrote something on it. She pitshed it
across the table. I lead, “Well, I
woke up and Ilad Breakfast. Then I
went liack to Iicd then got up and
went to Sewing Class."

She seemed to be another product
of the television cra: all over the
country, in jail or out of jail. the
cathode ray tube has destroyed the
ability to place a capital enter

”Do you watch much television?"
(‘hristina was asked.

“I he watchin' a lot of TV," she
smiled. ”I was watchin‘ Marcus
\i‘elhy yesterday. One of the doctors
worked too hard, got himself sick. I
believe that can happai don’t you?
Doctors can work too hard and get

lcl by Jimmy llrcslin.

Letters policy

All articles submitted should in-
clude the writer‘s name. address.
telephone number and classifica-
tion. Letters should be limited to 250
words: comments should be limited
to 750 words. All submissions should
betde and double spaced.


- ’WA-i.‘ LM-wfi—m“ N-



 KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, December 8..1977~3







Good fence makes Solzhenitsyn

good neighbor in Vermont

AP Special Correspondent

Stopping by Solzhenitsyn‘s
fence on a snowy evening,
watching his woods fill up
with snow. brings further
refrains from the poet Robert
Frost, who also had a farm in

“Something there is that
doesn‘t want a wall, that
wants it down." Frost wrote,
after walking the line at
spring mending time with his
neighbor beyond the hill to
reset the stones knocked
down by hunters.

“Good fenoes make good
neighbors," the farmer
replied, quoting his father.
Like the typically laconic
Vermonter, he refused to be
drawn into the poet‘s fretting
over what they were “walling
in or walling out" or who
might take offense.

Local opinion in this small
southern Vermont town,
population 1,260, breaks down
pretty much that way over
the six-foot high steel fence,
with a television camera and
floodlights at the main gate,
that exiled Russian writer
Alexander Solzhenitsyn had
erected around his 51 acres
along Tracer Brook.

“The hunters are pretty
browned off, and that fence
doesn‘t set too well with the
cross-country skiers and the
snow scooter clubs," said the
town manager Quentin
Phelan. tilting back in his
captain's chair.

“But the majority don't pay
it no mind at all. People in
Vermont are famous for
minding their own bininess
and they leave _him.pretty
much alone We almost never

see him; the interpreter
comes down to get the mail."

Walking the line on a
darkening evening, with a
stabbing wind blowing snow
flurries out of the north. one
had to agree with Phelan that
the fence “never could keep
the KGB out...it couldn‘t even
keep the hunter’s out."

A child could easily climb
the mesh strands, and. near
the comer of the heavily
wooded property, a fallen
tree lay across the fence so
that any preying animal——
biped or quadruped-could
scamper across.

Only the roof of the house
could be seen from the dirt
road, through a clump of
birches just beyond a
waterfall that spilled into a

pretty pond.

From the chimney came
signs of life and, across the
road, a sign of 'death:

”Fortyone rods NE to the
grave beside the Crown Point
Road of a soldier of the
French and Indian War.”

Did former Captain of the
Artilery Alexander
Solzhenitsyn ever visit this
unknown soldier‘s grave on
his solitary strolls through
the woods'.’ It could have
meant going outside the
fence, putting the magnetized
card into the roadside box to
open the electronic gate.
looking cautiously about to
see if anyone was lurking for
an interview, an autograph or

“There have been threats
against him, at least three
that i know of," said Phelan.
“Someone climbed the pole
and left a note in Russian
attached to the lens of the TV



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“Whui he came to our town
meeting in March. we knew
weeks ahead he was coming.
llis movements were timed,
when he left the house, when
he got to the elementary
school, and there were 11
state troopers in plain
clothers spotted around the
hall. We didn‘t want another
Trotsky case here.“

That was when
Solzhenitsyn, the Nobel Prize
winner, humbly apologized to
his neighbors for putting up
that tenor, asking them to
understand how it was that
when an author‘s con-
centration is cut off. his chain
if thought broken, it
sometimes takes him days to
get back on the track.

They applauded him as a
great man and a good neigh-
bor, who paid his poll tax and
got the proper licenses from
the pound keeper for his four

Every Vermont town has
an (ffical called the “fence
viewer,“ either elected or
appointed by the selectman.
t‘avendish lists three fence
viewers. whose main job is to
settle boundery feuds bet-
ween neighbors to see whose
fault it is when the cows get
out on the road.

None of them was called in
to view Solzhenitsyn‘s famous
loner, “No boundary line was
in dispute." said Phelan.

There is no mail box at
Solzhenitsyn‘s gate, and he
himself never answers the
phone. The household, in
cluding the 58-year-old
author; his; wife, Natalaya:
their three children, aged 6, 4
audit: and his mother-in-Iaw;
is pretty self-contained.

Unannounced visitors who
drive up to Solzhenitsyn's

gate are met with a harsh
cry, in broken English, over
the inter com “Who are you'.’
What do you want'.’ (Io

This writer did not so in
irude on his privacy. The
good manners of his Vermont
neighbors w